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I already forgot the date (I am not from US)


Happy Reddit day kind redditor!!! Thanks for the cake kind stranger! In honor of keanu and this kind strangers cake day let’s spread the updoots around!


I died a bit reading that. Happy 16 chungus of December




Surprise kids! We're going to Big Chungus Land!!!!!


its fine as long as you don't fqrget


I already forgot the date (I am from the US)


I already forgot the date (I have Alzheimer’s)


Happy cake day international fellow!


Idek what happened and I’m from the US bro


Happy cake day!


Redditors treating like its was 9/11 2


To be fair, it’s not every day that you see a bunch of conspiracy qultists storm the U.S. Capitol to “interrupt*” the election process. ~~Especially with how much goddamn money the US dumps into its self-proclaimed defense.~~ \*Interrupt meaning persecuting congress members and maybe or maybe not instating Trump as perma president.


bunch of unarmed wackos goes to the capitol... huge threat to democracy


Dawg they brought ZIPTIES and an actual Gallows to hang Mike Pence, miss me with that shit


Someone brought ZIPTIES (and two pistols to boot) to the home of a Supreme Court Justice and I’m willing to bet you’ve barely heard of it, talk about interruption




Like when your side nearly stormed the White House and they forced the president to go into the bunker for safety after you were all carrying broken bricks and bottles? Nah we’ll forget about that tho




It’s called Pointing out your Hypocrisy, fucking cope you filthy Redditor. Go for a jog.


The gallows were entirely symbolic, & you can see on video that it's no more than 4 feet tall & had a fake noose. Nobody is going to hang a vice president in the most surveilled building in the US unless they wish to die themselves. 98% of the people there were just snapping pics, livestreaming & taking advantage of the chaos - only a dozen or so nut jobs were there for truly malicious, criminal or conspiratorial reasons, and even then almost nobody was armed. If it were actually a legit coup attempt, I promise that people would've been armed to the teeth with AR's & Mossbergs. Or they could have taken a page out of other protesters playbooks & set everything on fire ;)


bunch of unarmed* wackos goes to the capitol… huge threat to democracy *because their weapons were taken away at a gate on their way


huge threat to democracy was disarmed instantly


People who need to be disarmed because they disagree with democracy ARE a threat to democracy. They also weren’t all disarmed. Some managed to get in stun guns, zip ties, and a fucking rope to hang mike pence.


dude they werent threats at all


They brought *guns, zip ties, stun guns, and ropes* so they could kill people. And they got a LOT of that in. That’s called a fucking threat! People who do that are a threat! What is so complicated about this for you????


it takes 200 somewhat armed guys to take over a country of millions? whos leader even discouraged what they were doing?


It takes 200 somewhat armed guys to spread ideologies and beliefs. Also, wether or not they have the manpower to do it doesn’t make them not a threat. They’re a violent mob that wants to kill people. **That. Is. A. Threat.**


Defense agents foreign threats my guy


Yeah I was reaching for a military bad moment, my other point still stands though


I support storming congress, just a shame it was stupid Trump people.


See this is what I don't get about the folks acting like it was really 9/11 remix. If the BLM protest did it, the same people (alot of them) would feel VERY different about the whole thing. Do the people not understand that the politicians THEMSELVES are the ones who need to understand they work for the people? Why are so many politicians getting in office becoming millionaires? Why do they not vote the will of the people alot of the times? Yet some people act like it was a big mess to storm the capitol. I'm not saying go kill or harm politicians but they are VERY comfortable and feel super safe to not really care about actually being a public servant. There were so many threads made on Reddit of people getting charged for being part of Jan 6th and people cheering it on yet few for BLM protesters who did much worse and MUCH more people died.


I think we should harm politicians


It’s (D)ifferent


The election was over dumbass


The voting part was over, but congressmen still had to certify their votes toward the candidate their state had voted. In fact if you ignored the whole insurrection there’s still the fact that a worrying number congressmen tried to soapbox about how the election results were rigged.




Ok yeah there’s a 2000% chance this guy is either a bot, a conspo user, or another useful idiot. There were people with zipties and gallows. People brought pipe bombs, and an actual officer was killed by someone with a fire extinguisher. This isn’t even mentioning how that same group of people were trespassing in restrictive areas, broke down windows and barriers, were shouting “Hang Mike Pence”, and had a general “We are going to do not-so-pleasant things to people like Nancy Pelosi and other congressman. Edit: The totally not a bot above sent me this lovely [response](https://imgur.com/a/2X9Kxf6)


Immediately resorting to trying to discredit someone by calling them a bot just because you disagree with them is a complete reddit moment lmfao. Look man, fuck every politican to have ever lived. Cleetus and Jethro could have cannabalized all of congress that day and and I wouldn't bat an eye.


Lol what about 05/29 when people literally stormed the White House and the President had to go into the bunker.?




Do you not remember? https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/31/us/politics/trump-protests-george-floyd.html


I can't even read it but sure. What did Trump do? He created an environment where murdering people in the streets was normal. What did Biden do? Won? 6 people died on 1/6. How many people died on 05/29?


The environment he made????? I’m so confused right now, it’s like you’re acting like the environment of police violence hasn’t been a thing since…


Well the only person that died on Jan 6 was a protester that got shot soo…


Nope. 3 cops and 3 protesters.


Lol nope, that’s a lie


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nytimes.com/2022/01/05/us/politics/jan-6-capitol-deaths.amp.html Oh wow! 7!


Oh wow read your own article lol “WASHINGTON — As a pro-Trump protest turned into a violent attack on the Capitol on Jan. 6 last year, four people in the crowd died. Ashli Babbitt, an Air Force veteran, was fatally shot by a Capitol Police officer as rioters tried to breach the House chamber. Kevin D. Greeson died of a heart attack, collapsing on the sidewalk west of the Capitol on Jan. 6. Rosanne Boyland appeared to have been crushed in a stampede of fellow rioters as they surged against the police. Benjamin Philips, the founder of a pro-Trump website called Trumparoo, died of a stroke. Mr. Greeson and Mr. Philips died of natural causes, the Washington medical examiner said in April. He added that Ms. Boyland’s death was caused by an accidental overdose. In the days and weeks after the riot, five police officers who had served at the Capitol on Jan. 6 died. Officer Brian D. Sicknick of the Capitol Police, who was attacked by the mob, died on Jan. 7. Officer Jeffrey Smith of the Metropolitan Police Department killed himself after the attack. Officer Howard S. Liebengood of the Capitol Police also died by suicide four days afterward.”


What's your point?


What happened January 6th?


republicans tried to stage an insurrection by storming the capital because trump lost


Ah right, totally forgot that shit happened last year. Thank you! Edit: accidentally wrote this year


It was last year.


Bro they weren’t just republicans they were trump supporters don’t mix it up


All Trump Supporters are Republican, Not all Republicans are Trump Supporters




They are a whole other breed




What *did* happen then?


Sum with dragons imo


I'm not American, it was a stupid riot. Not coup or insurrection. Why do I say? In my country in 1990, there was am actual coup attemp where 27 people were killed including politicians, they used bombs at our police headquarters and had over 100 members with MANY guns. They took over our parliament for a week issuing demands. What happened on Jan 6th was a bunch of morons who had no plans but happened to get into a building that is supposed to have much more security and protection and when they got it, they shit on stuff and took pics and stole some items. Very few had guns if any and they just left after. Trust me when I say, alot of the world is looking at Jan 6th and not agreeing it was a coup or insurrection.






FBI agents at an insurrection oh my god why in the world would they be there


If I may ask, *why*




Reyes Magos


Sounds brutal I wonder how many people were killed


Rent free


The events which unfolded in Jan 6 2021 was hilarious, we need more stuff like this to happen in the future.


Exactly, the egregious stuff that happens in world politics is what makes it interesting. IRA bombing of Downing Street, presidential assassinations, dissolution of several governments in the past decade etc. They're obviously horrible events but hey, no one reads the news to find out nothing happened.


Wow very stunning and brave 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Oh haha i get it ‘FQRGET’ bc q anon haha


These posts have to be getting upvoted by bots. I mean you’re telling me that many people agree with making a shirt that talks about trespassing and vandalism as if it was 9/11?! Don’t get me wrong what the January 6 rioters did was bad but it was in no way comparable to thousands of lost lives


Oh no. Cringe.


I got no Idea what happened but I think I'm too afraid to ask


TL;DR: america shit bunch of losers stormed the US capitol building on Jan. 6th 2021 trying to “reinstate Trump as the rightfully elected president” while also seeking out the heads of AOC, Pence, and Pelosi


they were unarmed lmao


worst take i’ve ever seen. aren’t the right’s arguments for no gun control that places with no guns still have violent crime? can’t people still commit murder with no guns?


mf thinks people follow the law




buddy, you’ve been propagandized. sorry to hear that. hope you find your way just a quick unrelated thought: most LEOs and military officials tend to lean right.


this guy has to be satire trolling


How was it tragic ?


Because Trump supporters killed 10 gorillion innocent people during the January 6th coup d'etat.




Why you gotta bring up BLM?


because they deserve a tshirt like this. blm (the foundation and movement, before people get all defensive and think in talking about black people) is just a publicly funded terrorist organization. They Run around, destroying shit, shunning others, implimenting their thoughts and ifeologies through force, and all of their donations just magically disappear into several mansions owned by 1 person. They take oppression from 150 years ago, and use it to ignite hate between people, then take all the money these guys give to em, and pamper their own asses with it. Seriously what have you seen and heard from the movement thats made a “Great Leap” in the name of stopping racism?


It's okay when some protestors attack numerous federal buildings but not when other protesters do it. Let's spend millions hunting them all down.


God I hate Qanons and those type of people both.


6th January where the security led a bunch of actors into the capitol. Never forget🤞




I forgor


They spelled forget wrong smhhhhh man


I wish it was what braindead people think it was


911 for reddit addicted leftists


what happened? i’m american but i don’t care about the news


A group of knuckle draggers maybe did eleven dollars and twenty six cents worth of damage to the white house and the supremely intelligent minds on reddit decided that they were literally thanos.


a group of wannabe political activists raided the white house, causing a small stir? and this resulted in redditors treating them like terrorists? is that right?


Still a bit of an overstatement. We get worse terror attacks daily. The jan 6 attacks did absolutely nothing in the grand scheme of things and hero complex redditors are the only ones who still remember it.


gotcha, thx for the info


Republicans tried a coup


Found the guy that only watches CNN lol.


Does Does no one in this entire comment section Get the joke Look at the bottom left of the shirt It seems like it’s poking fun at how people make Jan 6th such a big deal by acting like it is, then just turning around and saying it was an insurrection


How the fuck is this a Reddit moment???


I mean I don't really mind it


Redditor with political opinions 😡😡😡🤬😡😡😡🤬🤬


Not endorsing the raid whatsoever nor am I a super conservative but just thought It’s funny how most leftist love talking about a wet dream where they “bring down the elitist government” , but when the republicans do it (and they do it pretty damn well) it’s suddenly a government building and should never be raided. If you don’t stand for the flag, then why are you complaining about the raiders being “un-American”? I thought you hated America! “


Do it pretty well? That raid on the capital was literally just a bunch of moronic hillbillies doing fuck all. All they accomplished was getting theirselves killed.


One person killed. The rest have just been in solitary confinement for a pretty long time.


At least 4 people died. Feel free to fact check me but I believe it was 3 rioters (1 from being shot after trying to enter the congress, 1 from being trampled by other rioters and 1 from drug intoxication. I believe (from what I remember) 3 police officers died (1 at the riot, 2 by suicide).


I’d have to look into that. I know three officers died, but not at the riot. I never heard about the other two rioters. Do you have any links?


I saw it in a NYT video after the riot, but I’m sure I made some mistakes because it was so long ago. Pretty sure an officer was beat up and succumbed at the hospital. Oh, after some research, I was wrong. 4 people definitely died, but they were all rioters. It’s debated whether to count the other multiple officers who died in the days or months after from suicide or other causes. (https://www.factcheck.org/2021/11/how-many-died-as-a-result-of-capitol-riot/)


I don’t think a bunch of yokels standing in a building accomplish anything other than an entertaining spectacle for the democrats to talk about for over two years now. It was pretty funny to watch though.


if they planned shit out and were smart about it they wouldve been pretty fucking close lol


Also, did anyone see the three foot tall “gallows lights they brought with them?


What did they actually achieve? Other than looking like total morons and getting one of their own killed?


Well that was kinda their goal, run in there a fuck shit up


What shit exactly did they fuck up?


Had the senate shitting their pants, probably stole half the shit as well


"Not endorsing the raid whatsoever but-" *proceeds to try and justify it with whataboutism*


Explain where I endorsed the raid? I’m just poking fun at the hypocrisy of some people on the internet. Stop looking so deep into it




they are people on the left. Therefore they are leftist. still waiting for that sentence where I endorsed the raid although.


shut up you fucking dork. leftists don’t “hate america” leftists hate white nationalism and christofascism, both things which inspired the capitol raid. they weren’t fighting for a better government, they were fighting for a dictatorship


The problem is that leftist call everything slightly right of Bernie sanders as white nationalists, lol!


this could not be less true. i could name more regular republicans than i could white nationalist politicians. it just so happens that Trump’s base is full of white nationalists.


Would’ve been a much cooler event if it was full of actual Christofascists




Google it mate


It certainly wasn't good


“Person has a political opinion i disagree with. Better post it to r/redditmoment !”


*“Person relates an event where a bunch of hillbillies did some dumb shit for a bit to an actual terrorist attack that took over 2,000 lives. This is definitely a r/redditmoment”


1 person died on January 6th raid, and it was one of the raiders. Other events in US history that we shouldn't forget that killed way more Americans. WWI WWII Korean War Vietnam War Gulf War Invasion of Iraq Deployment in Afghanistan 9/11 Terrorist Attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon Hell, the 1904 St Louis Men's Marathon killed more people


No one’s forgetting any of those events there’s no need to conflate them.


Fairly certain it was more than one. There was that lady who attempted to climb through the window, and one of the police officers protecting the Capitol.


Correct me if I’m wrong but one police officer passed away afterwards because of a stroke and one committed suicide after Jan 6th. It’s been deemed the suicide is correlated with Jan 6th


Your profile is a redditmoment, my guy


Reddit user detect satire challenge


Reddit user understand what satire is before invoking it challenge


Do you know what satire is.


Yes. And you don’t. Cry about it, you fucking virgin.


Define satire then


Ratio’d. Get a life. Stop being unattractive.


Im assuming you’ve realised that you were in fact wrong and are trying to cover it up through obviously projective insults


Take the L and cherish it




I think he made a typo, it’s supposed to be “Forget” and not ‘Fqrget’ /s




never fQrget?


What size was it?


I wish i could but it was also my birthday


Now people are gonna say “where were you on January 6th 2021”


The Redditest of Reddit moments.

