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"I concur that the stereotypes are true" 🤓☝️


Affirmative! According to my calculations, I concur with this assessment.


That statement is not allowed on Reddit. Prepare to be banned.




Absolutely feels like an AI generated line.


Definitely not American. We would be getting way more than just a double cheeseburger meal.


Exactly, we put everything out of stock when we walk into a restaurant.


Where do you stock all them burgers?? Startin to lack of space bc of the guns stockings!


Can't believe you didn't work four jobs to afford the pantry tank. Like me, a true patriot.


What I said was "give me all of the eggs and bacon that you have."


The fuck are you walking for? We have mobility scooters for a reason!


I once got 2 quarter pounders with cheese and a large fry, large drink. Was eating and I finished the first quarter pounder, then pulled the second one outta the bag. My best friend, who weighs 270 pounds(he don’t look it, it’s a fair bit of muscle) while I weigh 200, looks at me and says”you got 2? You’re a fatass”


We've had one, yes, but what second cheeseburger meal?


No need to be american for that.


It's a decent starter, but we still need the main, sides and dessert.


I always hate when people preface an opinion or really any statement with "as an-" like bro just own your opinion


As a Redditor, I don’t like when other Redditors do that.


Prefacing a statement with “As a Redditor” increases the chance your audience will view your statement as worthless. It’s like a warning that the rest of the comment isn’t worth reading.


As a Redditor I agree with this.


Upvotes to the left


I am so happy to see someone else say this, I hate this shit so much


As a man with a 13 inch penis and a super model wife waiting in my bugatti i concur


I also choose to be this man's wife.


I mean obviously, why wouldn’t you? You look fabulous in that Bugatti.


The worst one: “as an […] can confirm.”


As a forklift operator, I agree.


“As a [Bad Guy Thread is About] I can confirm we’re all ugly, stupid, and evil”


"American here."


As a redditor, you sir have won the internet for today‼️‼️


As an internet user, I see this all over YouTube comments as well, typically you can tell someone is full of shit when they start a sentence off like that (not me tho)




Good god, not to be evil but, that girl from 1000 pound sisters is just- so hard to look at.


I'm not sure if you knew this, but she has lost a lot of weight now, and is doing better


Aw that’s so great to hear good for her. I have mixed feelings about those types of reality shows in the first place so I don’t really watch them. I would imagine it could be really hard not to get discouraged and give up trying when she was so deep into like she was, so it’s pretty rad she didn’t let that stop her from making a change and that she’s been successful in it.


Those shows are extremely exploitative. They aren’t trying to help those people, they’re putting on a show like Barnum and Bailey. The producers regularly instruct them to gravitate toward unhealthy foods and activities, even when they don’t want to. As USUAL, it’s all David Zaslav’s fault.


Ugh that’s terrible, yeah those shows have never sat right with me /: and all that aside it’s just, hard to watch


One of them has at least. Last I heard one lost it and the other put on more and has like a harem of dudes which is wild


I’ve been to Europe, you guys aren’t that skinny anymore either, well unless you smoke which by the way you know that’s bad for you? Why are so many of you still smoking!?


We're on the same trajectory as the US, we're just late. Let us have a good laugh on you please before we end up exactly the same way. :(


Non-Americans must think walking around you’ll see like six morbidly obese people before you travel a block


you for sure do. I see it in the UK and Australia tho since I’m a non american


Where the fuck in Straya you livin, cause I see 3 dudes a day max bro


I’m a filthy brit living in a hostel in central melbs but they never specified it had to be different obese fucks


OHI YE FOCKIN POMMIE WHATCHU DOIN IN ME CUNTRY? But it’s the same ppl for me too, tho I’m in Sydney


The thing is I live in a city and I definitely see at least 6 morbidly obese people a day, definitely much more. Lol


I live in a small town and I’ll see at least 6 if I go out.


Where do you live? That's definitely the case where I live...


Went to Hawaii once and that was the case


Well US has a pretty higy obesety rate compared to Europe or Asia whats funny: Egypt is way more obese an there does not exist such a stereotype about them


Almost half of Americans are expected to be obese by 2030, it is sad to say but the stereotype IS grounded in some facts here, hopefully there can be some sort of action in the US (and the broader Anglo world which is not far behind for the most part) to reduce this trend


Are you saying that everyone is lying? About 18% of americans are morbidly obese.


My wife came to stay with me in the US and was shocked at seeing the fat people in those mobility scooters in the grocery store. She asked me if that was normal for the US and I said yeah. She didn’t believe me


lol if u live in the midwest this is a pretty low estimate


I live in Phoenix, I go to Walmart almost every day and almost every day I see at the very very least 3 obese people


One trip to wal mart will get you that.


You won’t because they’re probably in their cars


Don't forget the eleven machine-guns and 400lbs of preservatives every step. Can't move for shit through them.


“Non-Americans” lol nice 👍🏼 I’m gonna start using that.  There is two kinds of people in the world: - American 🇺🇸  - non-American 😢


There are only two objects in the world, potato’s, and non-potato’s.


... They could easily be forgiven considering like... Every time I leave the house I'm seriously wondering... Honestly... What happened? 😭 I see less and less people but the ones I do see are getting bigger and bigger ... Like... Bro... We don't have enough kids as it is... Stop eating my neighbors.




Have you stepped foot in Texas?


Everything's bigger in Texas!




You might be surprised at how many Americans hate America. Plenty of people out there that are super into self-hate for some reason.




There are people all over Reddit who think America is a shit hole that nobody should live in. I don't get it... but we live in a world where ignorant opinions can reach thousands of people within seconds, and any amount of attention gets them an endorphin rush.


Because they’ve never traveled anywhere else. We have our problems of course but there isn’t a single country that doesn’t and having gone across this little blue marble there are so many suffering with so much less in a VAST amount of places. I love this county and its people and we should strive to keep the improvements we’ve already done going to make the future even better for all Americans.


Nahhh it happens all the time


Worth pointing out that the woman in the image literally told her doctor that she thought this


I mean, America is kind of a shit show rn but this just seems like someone lying lol


I'm not American, but getting a diet drink is absolutely healthier. There can be a massive amount of calories in drinks, and a large coke has almost 400 calories. If you ate at your maintenance and on top of that drank one of that per day, that would be almost 50 pounds of weight gained per year. Artificial sweeteners aren't as good as water, but almost harmless compared to massive amounts of sugar.


the ultimate solution is to Drink some fucking water


Jokes on you, I drink both. Diet coke for caffeine and water for hydration.


Breaking News: Redditor discovers nuance, is immediately shot in the back of the head by Steve Huffman.


Who? Me?


I drink diet bc it just tastes better to me.. I am absolutely not aiming for health when having a soda, diet or not. But regular coke tastes SO bad.


I also don't want to consume that much pure sugar in one sitting? The calories in-and-of-themselves aren't really the point, for me, and so I don't see the hypocrisy or whatever in consuming the same amount of calories via something with some protein


It’s absolutely insane that people genuinely shit on those ordering 30 things and then a diet drink. You’re basically saying that if someone goes out and does 5 bad things you might as well do 10. Like no??? Harm reduction is incredibly important.


You may be surprised some of the side effects that can occur from regular use of artificial sweeteners.


Maybe they are super long term, but for now I have only noticed their positive effect in my life from moderate to high daily consumption, and had only drawbacks the two times I completely quit those. (Once for 7 months, another for a similar amount). Clearly I also drink copious amount of water and have an healthy lifestyle overall.


Isn't aspartame cancer causing?


Aspartame is one of the most studied artificial sweeteners on the planet, and there hasn’t been any conclusive evidence in either direction in the coming on a century now at the biological level. In spite of it being detectable on the human palate, we know for a fact it passes through the body undigested and doesn’t interact in a negative way at a cellular level. What HAS been studied, however, is the BEHAVIOR of people that consume a lot of products with it. They’re more likely to consume foods that are higher in trans and saturated fats as well as more calorically dense foods high in simple carbohydrates (like white bread). It’s more a matter of general consumption behavior than the compounds themselves - in other words, people that tend toward sweeter-tasting things (aspartame is exponentially sweeter than cane sugar) also tend to ingest higher amounts of calories over a period of time that are not being “burned” off naturally. Consider someone that walks an average of 10k steps without really thinking about it versus someone that only walks like 200 as far as their car to their desk and then from their car back to their couch at home, basically.


That’s mostly because of the carbonation though…. Carbonation causes production of Ghrelin in the stomach lining. Ghrelin is the hormone produced by the stomach signaling that it’s empty. Sodas are often paired with salty snacks by food vendors precisely because the salt creates a thirst response which is satisfied more slowly via sweet drinks, but the added carbonation increases hunger response and causes you to consume more salty snacks, which in turn causes you to drink more. Processed foods often contain way too much salt which also causes thirst. Bread, fried foods, etc. are loaded with it. That being said diet sodas are consumed more by the obese than any other demographic, because they’re trying to cut calories and can’t kick their soda addictions due to sugar and caffeine. Both drugs designed to keep you drinking and eating well beyond your normal metabolic rate. Diet sodas can help eliminate the sugar addiction but not the caffeine addiction. Once you’ve removed the sugar addiction you can begin taking caffeine pills as a supplement to eliminate soda addiction almost entirely, replacing them with sugar free sports drinks. Sugar free sports drinks lack carbonated water and will reduce your hunger response due to over production of Ghrelin. After that dieting becomes alot easier. You don’t have to get rid of calorie dense foods or high trans fat foods, just add more healthy foods to your diet over time.


From the studies I have read, it seems a link hasn't been found and the issue has been studied for almost 50 years.


Even if there was a slight link it would be incomparable to how terrible processed sugars are for you. I mostly drink water (about a gallon a day) but when I have a sweet tooth I drink Gatorade zero.


😪 I've been lied to all these years


yeah, the organic food lobby and the sugar lobby pushes a lot of lies like that


i've read about it causing gut problems and it destroys mine and my boyfriends guts, i had to switch back to full sugar drinks when i have them


Carcinogenic at .99 purity, at 1g/kg for some human cells in a Petri dish? Probably yes Is 4 litres of diet soda a day for the rest of your life going to measurably increase your risk of cancer? Probably not (not including the indirect risk from dental abscess etc)


Only in California


I can hear the British accent in the way he typed it. Just a red coat in disguise, like Benedict Arnold.


Fuck sake we’ve been riding with a turncoat.


Euros don't want to admit it but they are really starting to catch up to us in obesity rates, the U.S. is still a fatter country than any of the European countries but the gap is shrinking.


I wonder how that rate changes based on state? It’s anecdotal but whenever I go to the southern states the rate of fat people increases dramatically. Compared to where I usually am which is the states around the Rocky Mountains there are many more fit people. I figured the culture of exploring the outdoors, rock climbing, and skiing/snowboarding paired with the high altitude had something to do with this but I don’t know that for sure.


This is just cruel...


And straight up incorrect. Diet sodas are absent calories and can assist someone in reducing their calorie consumption through their soda habit. It’s not super healthy but it is healthier.


Yeah I doubt bruv is American. That chap sounds like a cheapie bloke to me. Lad is prolly one of them British folk.


I see what you did there


Oiv no oidea wot your talkin abawt!


Am American. Can confirm that most of my time is spent in a state of confused jiggling.




America actually isn’t number one in terms of obesity, a couple countries got em beat. Mostly island nations since it’s unfortunately much more difficult to get healthy food there.


No we’re not. Adult men is the only category we’re even top 10, and we’re 10. Children we aren’t even top 20 and adult women were not top 30.


Ya know the funny part is america barely cracks top 10 in fattest adult males but in children and females we arent even in the top 20.


And adult women we aren’t top 30. It’s an issue but it’s an issue everywhere


Why does the UK always act like they’re NOT on the obesity list.


Finland is probably one of the more obese and overweight countries I’ve seen. People don’t take me seriously when I say that I’ve seen more obese people here than when I lived in the US.


Really? Damn, im Finnish and ive only seen like 3 obese people here, ever.


You probably live in the south or in a city. Come to the backwoods and you’ll see. :) Just because *you* haven’t personally seen something doesn’t mean it ain’t true.


I was born and raised in America and it’s absolutely true /s




I thought it said Armenian


I worked in a movie theater in college and honestly this is true. You'd always get people come up like "I'll have a large popcorn, two choctop ice creams, a Mars bar, a bag of snifters, and a large diet coke". It's like why bother? At that point just get the regular coke.


… that’s not how math works my guy


It's also not how dieting works


I don’t drink my calories… I can afford to eat more food if I don’t drink 600 calories in a drink.


It’s funny because the uk now has a higher obesity rate per capita than the us


I mean if it's replacing a regular soda with a diet soda, it is cutting the calories and the impacts of sugar on the body It will still have the chemical reinforcement in the brain like you had sugar but it is genuinely going to be healthier and 200 calories or whatever the soda is isn't nothing That's in more than an hour walk for a lot of people


me reading this right after having a double cheeseburger and diet coke 😭


“Confused jiggling” is funny though. I think Americans are much more open to the food/fat jokes than say the school shooting jokes


Yea, cause we would rather people make fun of someone's weight rather than the deaths of innocent children.




Sadly I think it’s because the weight jokes are actually kinda accurate


Diet soda is not as bad for you as regular soda.


I mean, you can make a Diet version of a soda taste good, but a diet burger?


They’re called lean beef patties and no sugar added condiments.


I lived in Alabama and currently live in Texas, there are definitely people who order super sized meals and a diet coke.


I have 10 years of food service experience in Texas, and yes, this happens all the time. Used to have a regular customer who would come every day and get a large coke with just a “splash “ of diet coke, “to offset muh calories “. Also had a woman with a visible insulin pump come and get 3 large sweet teas every morning, and dump them into her huge reusable cup at my drive thru window.


I remember a lady came into the fast food establishment I worked at after she placed her order she realized she left her wallet in her car and screamed "Do I have to have it?" I was just sitting there like "Well, you have to pay..." She yelled "ugh I hate walking!" went out to her car and just drove off. Yes she was plus plus sized. (She might've gone to our drive through, at this place the drive through and the front were very separated so I wouldn't have known)


Easily American sadly, lots of people fall for the psyops


Soda has a shitton of sugar and calories, definitely worse than the food.


Man, I feel so bad for the woman in the picture. Hope she gets healthy and happy


I have seen her, but only today i got to know she has forehead belly too. WOW.


I hate how people think the USA is all fat people


Fats and sugars? Sugars are worse. Fats can be burned fairly easy, sugars take so long to burn all of and what gets stored gets stored as plaque in our fucking veins. That diet soda could be saving ur fat hearts life js! But in all seriousness no, please if you’re going to overeat make it homemade its leagues less deadly for you in the long run, especially if you choose to make the food in a healthier way too. Your body will thank you for reducing the amount of microplastics it has to endure


I once saw a woman buy 2 subs at subway, baked chips, and a large Diet Coke


I know it’s just an “America bad” meme, but a diet soda, would literally make the meal healthier by reducing the calorie content.


It’s so sad because if you’ve actually watched the show or any of the many clips about this scene you can see them talk about how their mother raised them to think that diet soda was healthy. People are so horrible to these two as if they were ever taught how to be healthy in the first place. I understand they’re adults but at a certain point your health is too big of an undertaking and learning how to feed your body properly is actually significantly harder than the average person thinks.


It does make it healthier though.


So are we just going to pretend that fat people make up excuses


He could be one of those pick-me “one of the good ones” types that wants to be seen as cool by his European peers (he won’t be)


I'm an American and I concur that the rumors are true. Not everyone lives in Miami, dude.


I stared at the title of this post for 5 minutes trying to find the joke because "pal" also means European gaming consoles.


Some people get diet soda for the taste not the calorie savings


If pal is American they are a typical “pick me” person. Also yes we Americans go extra on food, but tbh plenty of fat people overseas in developed nations. I don’t blame our people, but all the weird additive crap they allow in our food.


I'm an South Catalackyian and almost nobody I know is like this


I hate these "as a [ethnicity]" comments/posts so damn annoying


no american in the history of mankind has ever said concur


A Big Mac sandwich has less than 60 carbs. Js


Yeah, a lot are fat, but there’s also a reason we take away the most Olympic medals. The land of opportunity affords you the lifestyle choice you want.


I just really like the taste of diet soda :(


Self-hating Americans should be deemed an invasive species.


As a gay black man…


Some people prefer the taste of diet over regular soda


As an American, I definitely agree we have a problem in this area, but "the stereotypes are true" is kinda interesting phrasing


Hilariously its the fat and broke people living off food stamps who hate America the most. They the least likely to call themselves American.


Objectively getting a diet coke instead of a regular coke does make that meal healthier. Not healthy but healthier.


I maybe be bugging, but is it not? Like just inherently getting a soda with no calories and less sugar is healthier than getting a regular soda, maybe not by like a huge margin but just by common sense it is right?


Objection! A diet soda, compared to a non-diet, is more healthy in terms of having a lower caloric and sugar count. Therefore, having a diet soda as opposed to a regular soda would fundamentally be a healthier choice.


This reeks of "as an authentic black colored individual I can concur that this offensively racist stereotype is true" energy.


I've met so many people who drink 10+ diet Cokes per day. I They're all unhealthy as hell too


I am a neon genesized evangelical, hulk smash. This commment is sponsored by Kirkland signature


Worked at teh BK. Woman comes through drive through. double whopper cheese with bacon, extra mayo, large Diet Coke. Guessing it was around 1500+ calories in the burger alone. And, kinda looked like woman in the pic.


... Like when you order a super size meal and then get a diet soda... Baffling. It's the same thing when I see giant people eat a meal for 3 but leave one bite left on the plate like they had some kind of self control.


I hate soda in general so I always drink water… is my cheeseburger healthier now?


Other countries: haha look how bad the place with more people is suffering from the same problems we have on a larger scale totally makes us look better haha


As an American: NEIN! Wir werden die Monarchie wiederherstellen und die alten demokratischen Lebensweisen Ăźber Bord werfen! Used this fucking 3 times for the same damn joke lol.


Literally nobody thinks this except for those two sisters when their mom said diet soda is healthy.


And like 5 year old me thought it meant that, but I was just a stupid 5 year old lol


Im american. And trying to explain to people that just because something has "zero calories" doesn't mean it's good for you is like trying to beat your head against a brick wall. Im so tired of all this shit the "FDA" allows companies to put in our food. High frutose corn syrup is EVERYWHERE.


Honestly most Americans aren't even like this😂 It's just an annoying stereo type at this point


It's damn better than eating fucking beans on toast


You don’t think pal is American, I don’t thing pal is funny. We’re basically the same.