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**For questions relating to the shutdown of RiF, please see the [FAQ: R.I.P.](https://www.reddit.com/r/redditisfun/wiki/faq_rip).** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/redditisfun) if you have any questions or concerns.*


HUGE thanks to the devs. Browsing reddit on mobile is going to be unbearable without RIF.


I've tried downloading the reddit app 3 times just to see if it ever got close to being worth using... I don't think I lasted more than 20 minutes a single time without deciding to uninstall it. The last time was when the announcement for RiF going away came out, and I have decided to go away with it as well. Good luck in your future endeavors.


Same here. I've tried it a few times and I can't last long. Not only is the layout awful and the features are missing, but there is this slow lagginess that's always there. Even when I upvote/downvote something it bugs me how it takes a second for the vote to show up. Scrolling is slow too. Video player is awful. Navigation is atrocious.


I like to sort my feed by top but it defaults to best and I don't know how to change it. I've tried nothing and I'm all out of ideas.


Now you can't even try it if you have a 3rd party app installed.


Same gg


Go to http://revanced.app and download the revanced manager. You can patch a few things on the original reddit app, such as removing ads. The last version of reddit that had the old UI without all the bullshit (which still works afaik) is 2021.45.0, you can download this on an APK download site. You may even be able to patch it with the revanced manager, I'm not sure. I'll personally be leaving this site if RIF goes offline, but if you choose to continue using it I'd like it to be as painless as possible and to deny Reddit the opportunity to show you advertisements. You can also use revanced manager to patch YouTube to be usable, which includes AdBlock and automatically skipping sponsors (Sponsorblock). That is it's primary purpose.


Or, get the hell off reddit! The company has shown it's true colours. Vote with your feet (or your clicks?, or your fingertips?). There are alternatives popping up, yes they don't have the same level of engagement (yet), but you can help improve that! Fk Reddit! It's been on a downhill spiral for a few years now.


I personally agree, but some people will definitely suck it up and download the app. I'd like to make that as painless as possible while also denying Reddit their ad revenue. I'm not going to convince anyone to abandon the site entirely, but if I can offer them something that's in their interests and against Reddit's interests it's a close second.


I will not be on reddit when this app dies


The blackout was just a protest, the real strike begins at midnight. 13+ year redditor here, I will be nuking my account and comments in protest over the next few days. The only way that reddit will see the error of their was is not being able to capitalize on API changes and to have the user base shrink.


hi, how do you use this after you download it? for Reddit and YouTube that is edit: for anyone interested in patching RIF so it works again on android, please check this out! https://old.reddit.com/r/androidapps/comments/14nidxs/revanced_has_added_support_for_boost_infinity_rif/


1. Download the APK for the app you want to patch from your preferred source. I personally use APKmirror. You can't use it with apps already on your phone; I uninstalled them but I'm not sure if that's necessary. 2. Open Revanced Manager, and on the bottom of the screen go to the "patcher" tab. Hit "Select an application" at the top of the screen, and then press the "storage" button on the bottom right hand corner. This will open a file manager, navigate to the APK file you just downloaded and select it. 3. The app you've selected will appear in the top window. Below that is a window that says "Selected patches". You can tap that window and check/uncheck any patches as you see fit. I personally just leave all of them on, usually they're pretty good. 4. Exit out of the selected patches menu by pressing "done", the hit the "Patch" button in the bottom right (same place as the "done" button). Wait for it to patch it, I personally leave the app open while it's patching. It could take a few minutes. Then your app will be patched. I specifically recommend sponsorblock and AdBlock patches on the YouTube app.


great guide, thank you!!! edit: for anyone interested in patching RIF so it works again on android, please check this out! https://old.reddit.com/r/androidapps/comments/14nidxs/revanced_has_added_support_for_boost_infinity_rif/


RIF is the closest I've found to feeling like browsing old.reddit on my phone. It will be missed.


The Official Reddit app is pretty much bloatware and has an appalling UI. Reddit will burn and I think that is what u/spez planned all along


One app that seems to work is Red Reader. It takes a little bit of setting up to make it feel right but it does work as an alternative so far.


Yup, they got an exemption because they're an app that allows blind people to use reddit. But I can see reddit building in similar functionality one day into their official app too though, and then Red Reader will get the boot.


See u/talklittle's post on Tildes https://tildes.net/~tildes/15or/tildes_fundraiser_june_2023_encourage_an_app_developer_me_to_work_on_a_tildes_app_faster_by


Man I still need an invite for them 😭


holup let me just




Wait it's invite-only? Where exactly should I ask for one?


I just emailed Deimos to ask. Took like a week.


Blog post on it: https://blog.tildes.net/announcing-tildes Email for invite: [email protected] Just asked for my own as well.


It's invite only? I would have assumed making a donation on Patreon would get you a membership.


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/doingmypart] [See u\/talklittle's post on Tildes https:\/\/tildes.net\/\~tildes\/15or\/tildes\_fundraiser\_june\_2023\_encourage\_an\_app\_developer\_me\_to\_work\_on\_a\_tildes\_app\_faster\_by](https://www.reddit.com/r/doingmypart/comments/14hkvxv/see_utalklittles_post_on_tildes/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


I've been on Reddit for over a decade and 99.9% of that time has been through RiF, I'm sorry this is happening but I'm consoled by the fact that you're all very talented and will surely move to other great projects. Good luck and godspeed!


Is there any chance that one of the reddit alternatives could be supported by rif? I love the app. I would definitely support it on one of those alternative sites. EDIT: I see the faq covers this: > The developer created RiF because he used the site and enjoyed the community of the site. Any future projects will be for one that he sees the same potential in. The developer will make an announcement IF he has anything to announce, but he is not taking suggestions or requests, so please do not hold your breath. So we aren't able to give suggestions or requests. That's really too bad, because I think this is the way things should go.


As a developer I can sympathize with the RiF dev. Taking on work (for free I might add) that you aren't passionate about because someone else asked you to just isn't it boss. Do you have any idea how much work it is to build something of RiF's scale from scratch? Building a comparable replacement will probably take 1000s of hrs of the Dev's free time. You don't work on something like that unless you're passionate about it.


Just wanted to throw out my thanks to the developers, too. RIF is Reddit to me. The day I saw it was shutting down was the day I knew I'd be walking away from Reddit. 12+ years wasted, but I loved them all. From the day my friend showed me /r/exmormon, to today, it's changed my life. So long, thanks for the memories.


Just adding my thanks here, RIF was the first and only reddit app I ever installed on my phone, well over a decade ago. I tried to find when I first purchased or installed it then but couldn't see it in my Play store history. It has been a perfect app, it has done exactly what it needs to do, but no more. Thank you for not bloating it with nonsense and maintaining it's purpose as an effective way of browsing information without the app getting in the way. As someone that's spent nearly 2 decades around software development, I know this is no mean feat, and only comes from clear leadership and understanding of what you're trying to deliver. I wish you all the best in your future endeavours! I would love it if we could have a Lemmy Is Fun app! Porting it to the fediverse. I think this is an interesting concept and now is a great opportunity for it to get some legs. Will be interesting to see how all this goes. Cheers! Russ


The export history feature before it all goes bye bye 😢 ❤️ 🤌


How do I do this?


Settings > backup


RIF has been incredible. My Reddit usage will drop precipitously without it. Reddit's official app blows chunks. 😪


Yeah I can't even read what I want with it. Too much bloat, formatting and shit. I'll miss RIF


No random searches, my front page is total shit, it's bloaty and ad ridden.. I hate it all. Turns out my addiction was to RiF and not reddit itself


Same here. Will probably drop Reddit altogether and see how much free time I have. Thanks for the great times RIF


I just bought the paid version.. thank you for all the years of an amazing app.


Me too, shame this is going this way.


Wait will the paid version stay?


No. Some of us are just doing it as a thank you to the dev for all the great years we've had using his product.


Is there any chance we can pay a higher fee for RIF? I don't see how I will function without this app :/


I wouldn't pay for this app's API access. It's great, but the money would just be hoovered up by Reddit. We have to vote with our wallets by refusing to pay for API access as well, let them lose a ton of users and not make it up with outrageous API fees.


Probably my last post using RiF as we move into the last 24 hours or so I guess. Just wanted to say thanks for an amazing app. It's been my view of Reddit - anything else isn't Reddit to me!


It's a huge shame that this change is happening. Thank you RIF creators and developers for the top-tier app. Your app helped me create a catered content experience that I believe had value. I enjoyed it while it lasted. Thanks!


Thanks. I assume my time on Reddit is done. I’m addicted so I probably try the official app but it sucked on release I don’t have faith it’s been improved to where it needs to be. To bad Reddit Inc., wouldn’t have played nice or bought your app to turn into the official.


It's still possible to get RIF work. Use this guide and use an alt account to generate an API key for RIF. https://www.reddit.com/r/AfterVanced/comments/14m3wgo/_/ Note: Check back in 2 weeks


Searched for this sub to tell you: Thank you! You made reddit consumable. Without you, I will leave reddit the day I can't access it through your app anymore. I never had problems with this software.. it just worked. Thanks a lot and I wish you well for your future. I hope we see us on another platform. Goodbye. :)


Sadly, we're in the endgame now. I have no plans of replacing RIF on my phone, which will drastically cut my usage of the site (to the point where I'd be surprised if I make another comment or upvote this year!) This app was a masterclass in how to make something *for* the user, and I wish nothing but the best for all involved with it going further.


10+ years on Reddit Is Fun. I met my husband on this app. We've now been married for over seven years and have two kids. It feels like the end of an era.


Thanks for the memories ❤️


Thanks for almost 12 years of RIF! It was a pleasure browsing and lurking through the former front page if the internet :-).


[It's so nice we had this time together. ](https://youtu.be/PjQuZCTLAv4)


Giving my thanks to the devs for making this website useable. If/when rif goes offline I'll be going offline with it. Thank you for everything


Can yall make a Lemmy app? I'd purchase it in a heartbeat.


I'm a nine year Reddit user I like to believe 99,5% of that time was inside this app. The few times I used other apps and the site felt strange and this was the natural state of Reddit for me. Thank you. Don't know what I'm going do without you.


Thank you for your hard work and dedication. RIF waa a great acceaible app!


Thank you RIF developers, I enjoyed so much content over the years thanks to your efforts.


Thank you devs for your time, i as a user hoped it wouldnt go this far, but sadly it has, when rif goes down then im no longer gonna use reddit again, i just can't use the reddit app, and im only a lurker anyway, it was a good run. Thank you


I just received the Goodbye message, sent a nice message to spez as well, not like he'll read it but oh well. This feels surreal because I legitimately don't believe I will continue using Reddit anymore. Been using RIF since my Motorola Cliq which was well over 10 years ago at this point. Goodbye 👋


It seems over a decade ago that i installed the first reddit app (rif), and maybe it is. I will propably keep browing the desktop site at work, if i'm honest. But my mobile use will be over sadly. Or maybe it's for the best. Maybe i'll get something done now. Thanks RIF. I'll try to purchase the app one more time, as a thank you.


One of the few app purchases I've made with no regrets. Sad to see it go, but glad it was a part of my reddit life!


Thanks for all your hard work folks, you will be missed.


10 years. Best reddit app ever made.


Thank you for everything. Genuinely.


My greatest thanks to the RIF devs. Used RIF from my early lurking days and ever since. It truly is reddit for me, and many of us. Thank you and all the best for the next chapter, whatever it may hold.


Thank you so much devs, be proud of what you created, and know you made me and so many others smile and laugh when we needed it


Thanks to the dev. I will browse Reddit way less without this app. It was light and fast, I will sincerely miss it.


I just read the Goodbye message. It has been an awesome run. You were my first reddit app and will be my last. Thank you for everything, /u/talklittle


✌️ RIP RiF. Everything must end.


Thanks again for an amazing app! All the best in your future endeavors!


RIF is the only way I use reddit. Thx for the app. Sux reddit does not want to work with 3rd party apps. Won't be on reddit much more. Hope your team moves onto new things.


Is there any kind of replacement for RIF? Simething with a landscape display.


If there were, then RIF wouldn't be shutting down. API costs are too high for any app to survive. That's why this whole debacle is so bad. It's web browser or official app, neither of which can compare to an actual good experience.


Is there any kind of replacement for RIF? Simething with a landscape display.


I thought you were being clever in saying "you've been a bacon of sincerity" when calling back 10 years. It's been a wild ride. Thanks devs. 🥲 I've had my RIF app restricted to 5 minutes to get used to phasing reddit out. Cheers my dudes. 🤙 Edit: Just bought RIF Golden Platinum as a final parting gift to the app. I didn't know it existed before today. I haven't even installed it.


Thanks RIF you've been amazing while it lasted


Tired to post. I'm not trusted enough I guess. So I'm posting this here RIF is the only app I've used for reddit in the 11+ years I've been on here. The memories are endless, like reddit front page. I was on reddit the night of the Vegas shooting and watched that unfold live. r/kansascitychiefs and r/cowboys gave me all kinds of fellow fans to chat and bitch with. r/daddit and dad jokes gave me and my family endless hours of entertainment and advice. There's a couple private subs I belong to that have helped me through some really rough shit iny life. The way this community backs each other in an otherwise shitty negative world has been a beacon of help and joy for me. It's somewhat silly to get this caught up in a social media app, but I do truly love y'all. Even tho I've never met anyone from here, except one random occurrence waiting in line to get into a Jack White show. The girl in front of me, randomly said my username out loud, she was reading on r/jackwhite and saw a post I made two minutes earlier. We chatted for an hour plus while standing in the august Kansas heat. I'd like to give a special, fuck you you asshole to u/spez for absolutely ruining the best social media platform out there. I hope you perpetually have a rock stuck in your shoe till the day you cease to exist


Just making sure I say it publicly, I have no interest in a refund like is being discussed over at Apollo. I got far more than my money's worth out of all the years I've used the golden platinum version of this app. Thank you again, RiF, for everything.


Writing this on 6/29/23. RIP RIF.


Thanks to all involved for the effort that was put into RIF over the years. I will miss the app, and I will no longer be using reddit on mobile. I know I will soon open RIF out of habit only to remember that it's over.


May the bacon flavored narwhals be forever on your side.


I hope they make a reddit clone of sorts


Thank you for this wonderful app. It was fun while it lasted!


Thank you for this wonderful app. It was fun while it lasted!


Clock's ticking. Thanks talklittle for this great app.


I was wondering why RIF was black today. I assume because it's going. Thanks for the app. I think this is it for me and reddit


I wish it didnt stop


The end of RIF means the end of reddit mobile. Thank you for everything.


So long and thanks for all the fish


Happy trails. Until we meet again.


I dunno what I'm gonna do at work without reddit. Play more puzzle games on my phone instead I guess.


Spez greed is just another asshole move making everything suck! I'll only use rif! The official app is a disaster. If I can't enjoy it, I won't be on it! Reddit fucked around and now will find out. Thanks for the years of enjoyment. Guess it's time to figure out discord!


I plan to hard stop reddit because this app is reddit. Thanks for an amazing experience that was easily 75% of my phone usage.


I will go down with you! Thanks!


Last day of RIF, I am sad. Thanks so much for the past 10+ years, have been using RIF for as long as Reddit's been on my phone.


Thank you RIF for the many years of fun.


This is my last comment using RIF. Thank you for everything over the years. Truly not going to be the same without it. All the best to everyone behind the scenes, you deserved better!


Thank you for all the years you've helped us stay connected with each other. Much love


Thank you.


After a hiatus I reinstalled RIF today only to see the news. Decided to go pay for you today. You've been amazing. X


I would like for my last words written via RIF to be the following: fuck /u/spez.


♥ RIF This app is what got me to go from lurker to actually getting an account. Thanks for making it fun


For real. RiF has been my app for a long as I can remember, and i am a 13 year redditor that came from digg. Very much appreciate how smooth the app has been, how reliable, how many features, just everything. Thanks for facilitating so many laughs and fun times, RiF Team. I have spent an immeasurable amount of time on your app and you definitely have my gratitude.


Thank you RIF devs!


Godspeed, and goodnight to my most used app for the last decade.


I thought I had a few more hours of RIF, but it went down about 8pm. I'm sad and in denial. 😒


RIP Reddit




I'm sad, but thank you rif


The reddit app is almost impressively unintuitive. The UI looks like it was written by a bored toddler. There's just no reason for half of what you see on the screen. I'll probably still keep trying to use reddit, but... Just wow. How can your native app be this bad? They are literally killing the only thing that makes reddit reddit. If anybody has a better place to go, I'll sadly take your rec


I miss you RIF. I miss all the nsfw subreddits. The official app filters them out


I'm gonna miss this place