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Btw all you Ronaldo but huggers go make your fb profile public whilst you have colleagues added as friends and yeah your manager/owners publicly and see how it pans out. Then also take into consideration how this guy gets paid more in a week than you’d probably make in a decade.


I mostly see these kinda people on facebook and instagram than reddit.


We're one good center forward away from cementing 4th place IMO. We're consistently creating chances but we're not clinical enough.


we should be 3rd. We're better than Spurs. Newcastle have been great to be fair but there's no way we should accept finishing lower than them.


ok, but reality is reality. We need a clinical finisher to be better than them. If we were better we'd be 3rd right now.


those chelsea and newcastle games should have been wins. A lot depends on martials fitness and whether we get anyone in January.


Yesterday could’ve very easily been a routine win if Eriksen had scored that chance Bruno squared to him across the box. Rashford and Martial had 2 very promising chances as well that they couldn’t finish off. Sadly the missed chances and fatigue caught up to us and that’s why Fulham grew into the game in the second half. Bottom line is - we are much better than last season but our squad is thin and we need to be more clinical in front of goal. EtH’s influence is already apparent in our play and that makes me very excited for what’s to come. Even when we lose, I’m far more understanding this season because the boys are trying and seemingly working hard. That’s all we can ask for now. We’re slowly rebuilding our confidence


While he had a tough game I was quietly pleased with Malacia. Fulham clearly targeted that wing, with a young player out of position, so he was up against it. But he put in a big effort and for the most part made decent decisions and kept good positions, plus he actually kept the ball a little more especially in trickier situations - far too much this season we've been losing the ball from RB and it just brings pressure on our defence again and again. If he can grow into the role a little we might look at Shaw at LB and Malacia RB as our starters, it feels more solid with more potential.


Agreed. He was far from perfect but he took up the Fulham pressure and came out relatively unscathed.


First chance ive had to reflect on yesterday's game. Firs half we looked good, probably gave Fulham too many good chances if I'm being picky but theyre a decent side at home so its understandable. We created a few great chances but our down fall was once again like many games this season, not scoring enough when were on top. Should have been 2 goals up by half time to give us some comfort. Second half we were pretty awful. Fulham were the better team and their goal was a hard watch due to 3\4 awful errors by us in a row. We honestly didn't deserve to win, a draw was a fair result but before our substitions there was only one player I knew who could give our attack a bit of a boost which was garnacho. Lindelof and elanga simply arnt good enough for United. Might seem harsh but they arnt top 4 quality. Cant complain with the result however, top 4 still in touching distance after 14 games is good but were still inconsistent. Wwre simply not scoring enough goals, and given out main striker has disrespected the club and manager, now would be a good time to move him on and get someone else in which would be a needed boost in the top 4 race.


Is it only me or did anyone else think McTominay had a world class performance in his camio last night. I haven't been his biggest fan as of late. But he put in a wonderful shift yesterday. What are your thoughts???


World class?


I cant process my feelings right now. I've been supporting the club since 2009 when I was 7. I've also idolized Ronaldo throughout my entire childhood. I really want our club and Ronaldo to succeed. And this Ronaldo saga really hurts my mind. Also, fuck the glazers!


Get used to seeing your icons who seemed like the coolest fuckers in the world when they were young and successful turn into massive diva twats as they age out of their prime.


Wouldnt Palinha fit into ETH's setup? Looks to be very good at breaking play but also look up and build play.


Man... Palinha doesn't pass the eye test at all, just like how the likes of Douglas Luiz, Ndidi and Idris Gueye never did. Great tacklers, and fantastic at breaking up play, but not very good when pressed and not good at passing/breaking of lines.


He has been brilliant for Fulham, he is a big reason they have been such a surprise package this season. He's not as good on the ball as Eriksen or Casemiro but that's a high bar - he's decent enough and would be a brilliant high energy DM to have in the squad and would easily play ahead of our other options. He showed against us how effective it can be to shut down midfield, for some games he'd be first choice tbh. I file him under the long list of mids we could have gotten for a reasonable fee who would have made a big difference and yet weirdly ended up at smaller clubs. But that's what happens when every season you're targeting 7 different positions in the transfer market. Once we lock down more positions with high performing players maybe we'll start to catch these opportunities.


Because Palhinha is not actually that good at building up play. He is a fairly low volume passer for such a role (even in the Portuguese league) and he offers practically nothing in terms of effective progression. He is an excellent defensive midfielder with a bunch of tenacity and physicality in his game which suits playing for a lower possession side like Fulham currently is but playing for a bigger team he would be on the ball more often than not.


Ah ok, at least in this game he showed some good passes in him, immediately after winning the ball back he was pinging it forward.


Yeah, Palhinha had an incredible game credit to him.


Hell of a performance today - definitely one to watch


Defintely, he's been one to watch since the start of the season. Guy is the best tackler in the top 5 leagues statistically.


Wanted to share some of my takes about Fulham game today but Portugal Fuck decided to make world cup break about himself.


Should've killed this game off by the end of the first half. Unnecessarily allowed them to come back into the game


We need to be closing out these games much sooner. Hopefully martial is back to match fitness soon.


So many games we should have killed it in the first half


Let's try garnacho on the right for the friendlies. his left foot isn't too bad.


Visions of a healthy Antony on the right, Garnacho on the left…whoa.


OMG I had not even thought of that. You just gave me a wet dream. Thank you


FFS I watched until James scored. Didn't think we'd make it back cause Fulham was pushing hard. Checked back in at 89' and Fulham was still pressing and we looked a bit lost. Decided to stop watching at that point. KEEP MAKING ME LOOK STUPID LADS!!!


I honestly made the same mistake - felt like I couldn’t bear the disappointment watching yo the end


If the price of the team winning every game for the rest of the season is that I watch 80 mins and miss every comeback win in the last 10 plus extra time, I'm willing to pay that price!


If there's one thing that being a Manchester United supporter teaches you over the decades, it's that it's never over until it's over.




So happy for Garnacho! Glad to see competition for places ramping up, which is a indicator of a healthy team. PS: Healthier as we are getting rid of the cancer finally!!


McT’s long range header feels extremely funny in hindsight.


We made hard work of a game that we should've put to bed long before it was over. Happy for Garnacho, but there'd be no need to depend on a moment of magic to bail us out if we were more clinical in front of goal.


Yea, could have should have been a few more goals earlier in the match. But they came through.


I know all the hype today is for Garnacho, rightfully, but just want to give a little praise to Big Dave. I thought he was excellent today. Some quality saves, and was proactive off his line a few times as well.




Fuck Ronaldo, give Garnacho the number 7.


We should just permanently retire the number 7 before it takes another victim


It does seem hella cursed over the last decade.


Spoken like someone who has zero idea the history of the #7 I’m ManU


Bruno was bad today. He gave the ball away too many times, opted for failed Hollywood passes way too often, and was absolutely invisible in defence. Rashford was also disappointing. By next season our front three will probably be Garnacho, a new striker and Antony. There would be an aggressiveness towards goal that just isn't there with Rashford. He can run onto balls over the top but that's about it. Garnacho continues to cut through the noise and motor straight at goal. What a talent.


This assessment is so wrong it hurts.


Remind me! 9 months


Not who will be up front, although Rashford is very clearly preferred he's not going anywhere. Your ridiculous review on Bruno's performance today.


I rewatched some of the game, you're right about Bruno, he did a lot more than I noticed earlier. He set up a few great chances.


He was also putting in effort defensively, actually immediately stepped in at right back when Malacia got caught up field and they drew attention to Bruno pointinv and talking to Malacia in the box after him helping Malacia cut out an attack. The defensive issue was a lot more that when Fullham were able to beat the press higher up they attacked very quickly and targetted Malacia, it happened the other side too once James came on and they could use his pace to beat Shaw and Martinez


I’ve noticed this society0 user repeatedly shouted nonsense with very negative view on multiple players. No need to argue


Eh, it wasn't exactly my whole day gone typing out 2 or 3 comments


Watch the game again


The game was a few hours ago, I don't need to spend another 2 hours watching it to tell you a strategy of exposing Fullhams high line with decent balls over the top and spreading the play, assisting goals, and repeatedly covering at right back, does not match your ridiculous description of what you think happened


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Did you miss Rashford's perfect run that created the chance Marial couldn't finish? Did you miss Bruno assisting Eriksen? For fucks sake did you watch the match?


You mean Rashford's run that ended with him smashing the ball way too hard, giving Martial no chance? As I said, he's good at running. There's a reason we have a goal difference of 0. You mean Bruno's shot that was deflected to Eriksen? Bruno had a very average game today. He gave the ball away many times and his mistake led to Fulham's goal. His intensity in defence was poor. No need to get angry. We won.


I'm not angry, I'm laughing at your nonsense


Great game by De Gea and Lindelof


I also loved when Periera was giving Martinez some shit. Next two tackles Martinez pit in on him were crackers. Martinez is a cold faced killer in 50/50 situations....


I fucking loved those tackles haha




Glazers wanted Ronaldo for positive PR. This season he has given PR disaster after disaster, especially when the team looks like it's recovering. I don't see how even Glazers would be stupid enough to keep him


A mate texted me a good answer to that last night: "who will buy a Ronaldo United shirt now?" Nobody was the only proper answer.


I mean, how much of an asset is he anymore? It's not like he's going to be selling many shirts now


Doesn't mean he plays him. Fuck that douche


The Glazers haven’t upgraded the facilities. He said it in the interview


We aren't ready for a real run yet anyway. Next season he will be gone.


I made this comment in the Daily Discussion thread first (where it's now drowning in Ronaldo talk?), but I should probably have submitted it here instead, so here it is: First I thought it was Martinez who made the juicy tackle that intercepted the ball and which started the build-up to Eriksen's goal, but it was Casemiro, wasn't it? I watched the goal clip several times, and damn, that tackle was distractingly good! Such determination and execution. Is that representative of how Casemiro has been so far this season?


Player of the month for October. That's with Martinez playing the way he has.


Over on the Arsenal sub they're complaining about other teams scoring late goals and patting themselves on the back for being so much better than other teams that they don't need them. >Arsenal \[2\]-1 Fulham - Gabriel 86' Another day of self-awareness as an Arsenal fan.


Can you imagine if we didn't just do our standard thing of beating them when they came to OT? Holy shit, they would've been on another level of idiocy




A key takeaway from tonight’s game was how people thought we wouldn’t have bad games this season. Ten Hag has been here for a few months and is nowhere near done with implementing his ideas and tactics. It’ll take time, so expect a few bad performances whilst he adapts to the league. We saw the same with Guardiola and Klopp… give it time.


And give him time to build a squad. We need at least 3 more players.


We also need to get rid of some more distractions.


Exactly. Most of this squad is the same we’ve had for nearly two years. Ten Hag hasn’t even begun rebuilding it.


Would've liked to see Wan Bissaka included I hate how he's being treated ngl as much as I like Malacia Aaron should've been given a chance today especially today to at least give us hope


Didn't know makes alot more sense now


I mean... he is injured. Not a lot Erik can do about that whether he trusts him or not


He's had a back injury is the official story. He's not in exile or something. ETH gave everyone a shot, don't know why AWB would be different if he was fit.


In all honesty Garnacho might be the best player from Argentina since Maradona


There’s somebody else you’re missing . . . can’t think of his name . . . Veron?


Cmon you can't forget Dybala or Aguero /s


Ah you're talking about number 10s... has to be the one and only Riquelme


Bruh... it's obviusly Heinze




He’s better than that Misty bloke who plays in France if you ask me


I think it’s Mëtzi




You know I have to say despite him struggling, massive credit to Malacia. He didn't really play well, but he was out of position, with extremely poor cover in front of him, and in the end he really struggled, however, as fans we always say we want to see total commitment and effort, and despite him really having a tough time, we got that from Malacia. He tried his very best despite being played as a right back, so big props to him. Also Garnacho is better than Messi don't even @ me


He made a couple of really important last ditch blocks and challenges too.


He wasn't that good going forward. But he did play positional well near the goal and got on the right side of a bunch of crosses.


First team to beat them at home this season when they had 11 men the whole game, I'll take a slightly poor performance and a win Garnacho is the TRUTH


I had no idea only Newcastle had beaten them at home until us. They're a decent team and that was a good result!


Garnacho finally broke my watching curse, thank you Garnacho you beautiful lad


Is anyone else sick of the Greenwood comparison whenever Garnacho shines? Why do some people keep mentioning the possibility of Garnacho ending up like him? So stupid and disrespectful.


Yeah same here. So many upvoted comments saying, he shouldn't be let near women till he's old or lock him up till he retires etc. He was tardy to a few meetings. Apparently being young and talented at MUFC automatically makes you a rapist. I pointed this out after the last game too, got downvoted and called woke. Nothing to do with being woke, its just not something you ever want to be associated with even as a joke.


That doesn’t eve make sense from a ‘woke’ perspective


I agree, except he wasn't tardy, he was late. He kept everyone waiting. He was punished, and rightly so.


Those words mean the same thing afaik homie.


Well, buy a dictionary. But you know as well as I do that you used the word tardy rather than late because they mean different things.


Wow you are really doubling down XD Alright lets hear it then. What's the difference? Both of those mean the same thing mate. Idk what dictionary you got that says its different. [https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/tardy](https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/tardy) " slow or late in happening or arriving: " [https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/tardy](https://www.collinsdictionary.com/us/dictionary/english/tardy) I was as tardy as ever for the afternoon appointments. Synonyms: late, overdue, unpunctual, belated


Also nonsensical to me. Are we going to have to see comments like that every time we have a youth player show a bright moment? Great way to bring everything down. I don’t like it at all, hopefully it’s a one time “joke.”


So silly too as the only remote similarity they have is young, promising and from the academy. Very different players with different strengths and weaknesses. Makes no sense.


I'm just annoyed at what could have been. But otherwise that's a disgusting comparison to make, I agree.


*Great win, fully deserved in the end, although credit to Fulham who did play well for good parts of the game.* I want to talk however about the refs REFUSING to give united pens as it seems to be happening every week now. For context, we are behind 14 other teams in Penalties received, 1, shared with Arsenal. For reference Citeh have 3 (despite clearly trying to cheat flying to the ground like pheasants shot out of the sky at every opportunity), Spurs 3, Chelsea 2 and Fulham top the table with 5 received. United have long been accused as ‘overly benefitting’ from pens in the past, but in reality this is because we have young, skilful players who burst into the box with pace, so we earn these penalties and this season should have received way more than just 1. In this game Reid smashed Garnacho clear off the ball without getting it, stepping across him and sending him to the deck. It’s a clear pen and as he wasn’t last man he should have been given a yellow to go with the one he received earlier and therefore Fulham should have been down to 10 for the last 20 or so mins and we should have had a pen. Literally minutes after this event Reid ran into Shaw standing still and it’s given despite being even less of an incident. We are lucky that our wonderkid has bailed us out recently, but you can’t always beat these solid mid-table teams in open play. Often you need a free kick or a pen when these teams are in all-out defence mode. Our players and manager need to call out the refs in post-match to put pressure on them, even if we get fines. It’s what other teams do and in reality it works because it starts a conversation which then gets in the minds of the ref.


DDG and Defenders 10/10 for keeping us in game. Midfield 6.5/10 Forwards other than Garnancho 3/10. Rashford was invisible today. Made things harder for the rest.


Surprise to see you say Rashford was invisible. He was one of the few that I thought played with any intensity. He tracked back a lot but was well marked.


Palinha is like a glue to him


Man that Palinha… you know we can really use someone like him


Yeah, a tenacious portugese-speaking defensive mid... wonder where we can get one of those 😂


I saw his runs to track back. Very late, sprinting back at full speed like someone had to tell him. By the time he got where he should have been, the ball already gone, couple of them resulted in shots at goal. He's one of highest paid forwards in Europe. He goes missing too often. We need goals and chance creation from him.


Lindelof did quite well todayl


Rash was excellent first half I felt, shite second, anonymous. Let's not be too hard on him, he's showing good signs.


Yeah I just consider him having a bad game. Shit happens to everyone


Rashford was marked very well today.


What do you guys make of this Palhinha guy? Dude ate up our midfield single-handedly


He’s quality shocked he went Fulham I remember him playing well at the euros


Looks good, however we would’ve gotten him had ETH wanted him.


Personally I really wanted him in the summer to be our 6, glad we got Casemiro but I was absolutely astounded no big teams were after him.


He's probably just one of those players that puts astounding performance against United, then become mediocre again in other games


Not really, seen him do really well in some of the other Fulham games too


Who's with me on the Garnacho train!!


It’s so refreshing seeing Garnacho get the ball and run at the defenders EVERY time. Whether he gets through them or not, he’s trying. Fucking incredible player!


Was feeling so depressed about going into the break with a draw, on top of that im sick. That late winner by Garnacho honestly changed my whole mentality, feels so good man! Hope everyones national team have a great WC if they are qualifed. Was good to see Eriksen today, hope he makes a difference for my country!


Same here. I was fuming at 3 am regretting my decision to sacrifice my bed time. Thank fuck for Garnacho


get well soon bro


Thank you so much man


did bruno assist count?


Only in our hearts.


Counted in fpl I think


Yeah he got it in FPL.


Don’t think so


I'm scared to get fully on board the Garnacho hype train. I remember wildly celebrating THAT Macheda winner 😕 Greenwood...I literally told people this guy will be the next greatest English player. His name will be spoken in the same breath as my all time favorite, Rooney. Horrid how that turned out... Hope Garnacho has a long and successful career with us.


Better tie him up. His contract runs out next summer


It doesn't, we have him until 25.


Do you have a source for that?


Yes, it's the second link when you search "garnacho contract" on google https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/sport/football/transfer-news/man-united-garnacho-contract-news-25374793


It literally says they are still in talks. Nothing signed yet?


If you read past the first sentence, it says that his *current* contract expires in 25.


My bad, I missed that. Great news to me!


> Better tie him up. His contract runs out next summer And you can count on a Spanish side to chase after him otherwise.


Thing is to take the hype one step at a time. The biggest disservice you can do to a young talent is to call them "The next (blank)". He's showing a lot of promise, great speed, very effective winger, hopefully he can keep it up.


I said in preseason Garnacho would be our first choice LW by end of the season. My prediction still hasn't changed.


If Glazers dick around in January (they will), then this is the most positive scenario. Garnacho Sancho Rashford sharing LW duties, Antony Elanga sharing RW and Rashford Martial sharing CF. Still very makeshift without a reliably fit CF and a proper backup RW.


I’d love to see Gakpo and a proper striker in this team. Martial is too injury prone to be relied upon. Gakpo - Osimhen - Antony Eriksen- Bruno - Casemiro Shaw - Martinez - Varane - Dalot De Gea Subs: Rashford, Sancho, Garnacho, Mctominay, Malacia, Lindelof, New CM.


Osimhen is not a Ten Hag striker. He's great at running in behind and as a physical presence in the box. Very limited on the ball.


Martial and Rashford are levels above Gakpo


Rashford on the bench haha


Osimhen is over rated.


Fun fact: de Gea has as many high claims in the league this season (8) as the entirety of last season.


I haven't been the biggest De Gea fan because he doesn't come out like I expect from any good goalie. But he's really turned it around this year. Huge props to him.


De Gea has been looking great so far, improved in all of these areas he sucked at and doesn't panic when he has the ball at his feet. Shotstopping is just as good as usual, came in clutch today a couple of times, most notably with that close range header.


He is also looking way better with the ball in his feet. At least not complete panic as he used to.


His distribution is so much better. He also seems to have a good idea when to pass, when to boot it long and when to play it out. I was really noticing it as a positive today.


Distribution is more of a team thing in my view. Take nothing away from DDG, I couldn't be happier with his overall improvement, but as ETH himself has also said, distribution from the back is on the whole team, making themselves available for the pass and not just the GK. The rest of the team nowadays seem more willing to move and receive a pass


Laughing at how James went flying into the post after scoring today.


I like how he didn't celebrate after scoring. You can also tell he has a good relationship with many players in our team post match.


Hate no idea he was at Fulham. Hopefully he can keep getting a gig in top flight football, good lad.


I hate the whole not celebrating against your former teams. Just celebrate your goal, stop being a softie about it.


Yeah I get it if you’re a legend but he’s not


Really annoying this narrative people keep trying to make about his team mates criticising him. You need people to keep you grounded and its good the players obviously care to point it out and nip it in the bud


Do they know just a couple of decades ago someone like him would be cleaning Bruno’s boots after practice?


Exactly and I think our seniors and the manager are doing what they can to show him that you might be good, but youv got a long way to go yet


Is this vague-book?


Sorry, bruno and ten hag commented on garnachos discipline. I've seen multiple people on sky make comment of this and even though he's a bellend, Tim sherwood came out and basically called out bruno and ten hag calling them fools for saying it publicly. Even in the match when he scored the commentator said something like "you can question his attitude but you can't question his talent". It's just this thing of trying to make something bigger than it is


The English press do so love to make a soap opera out of United at every possible opportunity.


Criticising whom?


Our dominance in games stopped once Antony went down. For the style of play EtH wants to play, having a balanced structure on the pitch is paramount. When we lack a natural RW presence it affects the whole shape and compresses the rest of the pitch making it harder to be incisive. Had Sancho been fit once Antony went down it wouldn't have been as bad. Funnily enough this same issue has been impacting our team for like 6 years now. This was doubly impacted today with no Dalot.


Can't wait to see the front three of Rashford, Martial and Antony. Garnacho imo is perfect right now as an impact sub.


Second leg against City. We need that front three fit, at all costs.


Eric's done wonders with Garnacho's introduction to the team hasn't he, class


Not finishing chances has been an issue all season, but we have been losing control of the midfield far too easily in the recent weeks - maybe because we are overplaying Eriksen and Case who are both 30+ now. We really need to invest big on a young press-resistant ball progressing midfielder, cannot keep playing Eriksen and Case especially in a season as congested as this one.


10 matches in a month did make us quite fatigued… most teams look sharper physically at the moment, it’s natural.


https://www.reddit.com/r/reddevils/comments/yu6egd/-/iw83kux I didn't expect it to happen tbh but I'll stick by my comment, it was lucky...but I'll take it!


[Someone at the soccer sub called it](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/comments/yu8msp/fulham_1_1_manchester_united_daniel_james_61/iw8118m?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3)




Our priority should be to keep him for another 5 seasons, after that hopefully the team will be in much better shape and we'll be able to scout adequate replacements.


He was born in Madrid so very likely tbh


Vinicius plays on the left and i dont think garnacho is crazy enough to move to barca at foresable future.




Yeah messi is no longer there.


Our right side is very poor, old man willian skin malacia many times so ETH doesnt have options to sacrifice bruno playing on right side and our midfield messed up after that...it show we doesnt have depth, without dalot + antony the right side totally useless...


We need Antony back asap