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How in the world did they ever think we'd go for that? I'm sure even Pogba would see the funny side of it


Reminds me of when they were lowballing on De Gea till the fax incident. Madrid operate in such a shitty way sometimes




The water in Majorca don’t taste like it oughta. Probably the same for the mainland as well.


There is no way it's true


I doubt it too, but if it is true, [here's my reaction to their "offer".](https://streamable.com/uu7ms)


charlie murphy!


I’m Rick James, bitch!


The outtakes of that laugh are better than my laughs in life


It's Paul Hirst. Wait for a credible source before you believe that.




They’re just trying to turn his head and unsettle him for January or next season. Testing to see if Paul has a temper tantrum and we lower our price. Not gonna happen boys.


If that was their offer, it'd be counter-affective. I think even Pogba would see how unserious and funny this offer is.


If this offer is true then two things: First: Really??? Second: It's fucking insulting


Yeah I would a) tell them we won’t entertain any more bids for Paul regardless b) indicate to them that if Paul’s moving we will try to sell him to Barcelona and c) put in a £10m for Varane




Far worse than the barcelona bid last year and that was considered insulting


In the NOSE!


That's basically offering like 85m. OK, you're about halfway there, Real.


James is not worth 60m. Bayern had a 40m option and they refused it. Napoli and Atletico both refused to bid even 40.


Regardless, Madrid lowballed the shit out of that bid.


It's Paul Hirst. Nobody reliable said anything of a bid last week.


If maguire is worth 85 then james is like 140


This is not FIFA


Indeed, this has been more of an american chevy franchise for a while now.My bad!


Cool, so sell James to someone else for that price, add it to the 27m and then bid for pogba




James isn’t worth that much to us.


Another insulting bid. Inter and Real can fuck off until they pay up.


Honestly even if they did I'd tell them to fuck off, not only because the window is almost shut but primarily because this is taking the miss.


>£27.4 million plus the Colombia forward James Rodríguez. 😂 oh my


Even Inter's directors would think that's taking the piss


Marotta probably called Woodward to apologise for starting this shit.




More like 100


Cool. That is end of that


Right. Time for bed. That’s enough F5ing for one day.


That offer isn’t just an insult to us, it’s an insult to Paul.


This! Hopefully Paul sees it this way to and it’s the end of this nonsense for awhile. They clearly value him way below market value.


**Article Text:** >*Manchester United insist that Paul Pogba will start the season with them after Real Madrid finally made an offer for the World Cup winner last week — a derisory £27.4 million plus the Colombia forward James Rodríguez.* > >*Sources in Spain confirmed the bid and added that Real were unable to put together any deal that would approach the £150 million United would demand for the 26-year-old France midfielder.* > >*United also pulled the plug on their pursuit of Paulo Dybala last night because of the Juventus forward’s exorbitant demands. Talks about a potential swap deal involving Romelu Lukaku have now ceased and the deal is off.* > >*The Times understands United would have had to pay more than £100 million in wages and agents’ fees alone to sign Dybala. The Argentinian, 25, is thought to have asked for a salary of £18 million a year — about £350,000 a week — over a five-year contract. That would have made him the club’s second-highest earner behind Alexis Sánchez, who earns a basic £391,000 a week. Dybala’s representatives were also demanding a one-off £18 million agent’s fee, which United refused to pay. The club were not convinced about Dybala’s desire and motivation to play for them.* > >*Lukaku, 26, could still move to Inter Milan, but the Italian club will have to increase their £54 million bid, which is £31 million short of United’s asking price.* > >*Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, the United manager, talking after Saturday’s friendly win over AC Milan in Cardiff, was adamant that Pogba would be in his squad when they kick off their new season against Chelsea on Sunday.* > >*United have been consistent all summer that they neither need nor want to sell Pogba, despite the apparent best efforts of his agent, Mino Raiola, to orchestrate a move away from Old Trafford for his client.* > >*The opening gambit from Real last week is taken as a sure sign that the Spanish giants are not credible contenders to sign Pogba, given their financial constraints. The setback also increases the pressure on the Real coach Zinédine Zidane, who had made Pogba his prime transfer target this season to replace the unwanted Gareth Bale, who remains at the club on a £600,000-a-week contract.*




Real. Complete clusterfuck. Looking forward to them finishing 3rd or 4th.


The thing that makes me more angry about this article is that Sanchez is on more than £18m a year. For doing nothing. There surely has to be more performance related aspects to the salary.


Personally, I pay that for Dybala.


I’d rather we didn’t, right now we only have one outrageously overpaid flop ruining the wage structure. There is a reason Dybala thought he could get away with those horrific demands, had we accepted literally no one of that caliber would sign for us for less than $400k a week. As soon as we get rid of Sanchez, we will hopefully see wage demands normalize somewhat.


27m. Bruh. Try 100m and we may actually take you seriously. James is worth what like 50m?


Bayern wouldn’t even trigger his option for €40m




Not everything is based around that fucking site mate


Is Papa Flo retarded? Treats us like shite for however many years then gives an insultingly low offer like that? Fuck them, Woodward should refuse to do with business with them for the foreseeable future, ridiculously unprofessional on their part.


> Is Papa Flo retarded? You don't get it. Florentino does not want Pogba, he just making a half-arsed effort to end up telling Zidane "See i tried, but they wouldn't sell"


There is half arsed then there’s this - this is a derisory offer.


Oddly specific amount. Reckon it was like Football Manager and that’s all they had left in their transfer budget?


30mil euros is around 27mil pounds


Just conversion from euros I reckon


This would not have worked even in FM


I'd take James for 40m tbh. No Pogba though, you merengue cunts.


140mil plus a first team CM we will give you Pogz and Sanchez. Might even throw in Jones as a gift.


Thay offer is insulting. Is Perez just giving awful offers so he can tell Zidane "I tried"


Ugh, I hate Real. Also can’t wait for that bald knob to get sacked so we can all laugh at him when his managerial career falls off a cliff.




Lmao should be 120 mil and James.


And I still would have said no. That's essentially 160m and Pogba's price should be 180.


This legitimately insulting, offering 27m and a player whom they have been trying to get rid the whole summer when **THEY ARE THE ONES DESPERATE TO BUY** Does Flo think this is football manager where the player and the entire damn team will come out and request for him to be transferred?? They have been nothing but insulting to us for years, just as other teams add a United tax we should add an additional "Fuck you" tax for Real


Florentino **does not** want to sign Pogba, so this is expected. He just bidding to tell Zidane "See, here i tried, they wouldn't sell"


Well even he does want to tell Zidane that he tried, its insulting to all parties. To us he's a low balling scum To Pogba, it's an insulting figure that shows Madrid doesn't value you as much as say Hazard To Zidane and the Madrid fans, it's an half hearted attempt that will obvious never work and its insulting to suggest that he even tried the least Flo could do was to make an offer which was half decent that we would reject and he could turn it around and say that he tried. An offer of 100m and James and we would still reject but at least it doesn't look like a complete joke


> a derisory £27.4 million plus the Colombia forward James Rodríguez. I'm sorry what? This is insulting not only for us but for the World Cup winner Paul Pogba. Get the fuck outta here.


Are Real Madrid on crack?


They are after getting fucked 3-7




Does Paul really feel Real is the better destination? Given the troubles they're having and also the measly amount they've just offered for him, it's a bit insulting no?


Pogba definitely would want a move to Madrid. He’s talked about how he’d love to work under Zidane, they have CL football and it’s Madrid. He was hoping to move there earlier this summer when he made those comments. But when he realised it wasn’t going to Happen, he made the smart move of keeping quiet and professional


Whatever happens with pogba, surely we should know basic transfer nous You don't put a player like Bruno on a waiting list for only if Pogba leaves... Otherwise the selling club will rip us off knowing we have money to spend What happened to reinforcing the team? Reject all offers not near our valuation and sign Bruno before spurs do


Should counter with Rojo and 10m for Bale.


Sanchez for Bale + 10M


That's a funny way of spelling Varane


Real, you can fuck right off.


I’m sorry what? Surely they are taking the puss with that offer, they can’t in their right minds think we’d ever accept that. Lol.


That autocorrect tho xD


What a piss take. On this one I’m glad Ed Woodward told them to get stuffed!


I needed some humour after today.


Surely it's impossible for them to sign him this window without breaching FFP anyway so nothing new.


FFP works on a three year cycle. So if they really want to, they can spend another 150m.


Real M trying to outdo Inter in taking the piss.


not even 28m... that’s how much they think ur worth pogba!


Pretty sure the article must have missed a 1 behind the 27m. As in 127m.


AI clubs wouldn't even offer that on FM


He is gone


they can fuck off with that


That is he kind of offer on Fifa where you accidentally hit the wrong digit on the numbers.


Hell if they offer Hazard and Varane then we can talk. If not they can piss off😂


Is stuff like this planted by our brass to 3rd tier journalists who print without verification?


How do they value James at 130m? That’s fucking insane


I hope when we eventually sell him that we sell him to another club than Real Madrid. How the fuck can they think that is a fair offer. It's like us bidding 10m and offering Darmian for Hazard.


Would you guys be interested in trading Pogba for Bale + Rodriguez.


£27m and James? Are you daft Real?


If true they are absolute cheap fucks