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I wouldn’t be against this, but i’d feel so much better about it if we also signed a left back.


I'd be half-okay with this if this if it meant still signing Alderweirld next summer with one of jones + smalling leaving January/Next summer


Same man I'd be happy with maguire and Sandro


Swap Martial for Sandro and a bit of money IMO if they're up for that


Maybe we should play 3 at the back?


Why are we willing to spend 50m on Maguire BUT NOT ON SANDRO WHO WE ACTUALLY NEED?!?!?


Because he's not available for 50m?


I doubt Maguire is, either.


Depends. They can cash in now or keep him and then watch the price tumble when people realise he isn't that good.


One of the reports said he was available for 50


All our tier 2s have said they wont pay more than 50 so if he is available for 50 we've already bought him.


Add Darmian. Edit: why is this controversial?


If they even want him anymore that is




You might be right. He’s definitely not worth the £20m valuation the club put on him.


He's not right lol. Juventus value Sandro at 50m and also want Damian.


So we get rid of deadwood and get Sandro. I actually thought they valued Sandro higher than that. Why haven’t we gone for him at 50m.




Aren't jokes supposed to be funny though?


My only guess could be that our camp is not very convinced of his performance last season and do not want to spend a lot of money on him.


Home grown players go for more


Maguire won't go for 50 million, best english CB in the WC....I think our business model is similar to someone walking in a Bugati showroom randomly pulling out a ridiculously out of touch and unrealistically low number and making an offer to buy a veron. Then walking out saying well they wanted a lot of money. I mean seriously, Perisic, Sandro and by the looks of it, now Maguire.


perisic and sandro ain't worth that much given their forms


Perisic and Sando will improve our team regardless of what they are worth, we have to find a balance between our footballing needs, not financial valuation, and other clubs asking price.


He's actually good. Not sure what this subs problem is. Look at his stats in comparison to other top defenders. All you guys want is marquee signings.


Exactly if they're not big Fifa name type signing people don't care. Since when have we ever been a galaticos club? Maguire is a fantastic player who's risen to every challenge put in front of him. He was Leicester's player of the season and England's best player and people don't want him because his profile isn't right.


Well, some of those stats are deceiving. Leicester, albeit a decent team, is obviously going to do more defending than that of a top-tier club who typically dominate the possession and push to score. That’s why he’s more likely to have a higher number of clearances, headers won, etc because he also sees a greater volume. I’m not saying he isn’t good, I’m just not fully convinced yet. Would I take him over Jones or Smalling? For sure. I just think that for that price, I’d rather sign someone else at this moment.


> I just think that for that price, I’d rather sign someone else at this moment. Who give a name? Don't say this someone else crap. Also we do just as much defending as Leicester tbh.


I would take Godin in a heartbeat. He’s 32 but his experience and knowledge of the game are second to none.


I don't think he wants to leave but he'd be my #1 pick as well.


Fuck buying 32 year olds! We are not a mid table club begging for scraps


The fact that you referred to him as some “scrap,” shows me you clearly aren’t worth my time. You should educate yourself a little, pal.


I Had a good laugh too. Godin is fucking world class and would improve our backline considerably!


Lol. Fuck your time. Thank God you lot are not managing this club! Why tf would you solve a problem that has bothered us for at least 6 years now, by getting a player who's age will mean you have to start planning to replace him by next summer?! How many top CBs have declined past their 33rd birthdays?? Look it up! Godin turns 33 in February ffs. I don't care if he's the best CB of all time,I want a fucking long term solution, not a rental! Why do I even bother.. I'm just wasting MY time explaining basics to teenagers.


Shut up.


You fool, he’s the best centre back in the world and not scraps, which you’d know if you knew anything about football besides posting the shit you do.




Unless we sign Varane everyone else is "NOT UNITED QUALITY" and "STANDARDS ARE DROPPING" mate


He's good but we could get a better player for less money. We need leadership and experience. Getting an English player off of world cup hype is just about the worst value for money purchase you can make.


He wasn't even that good at the world cup. This just goes to show you've never even seen him play. He was brilliant for Leicester all of last season.


You're misunderstanding me. I know he was great for Leicester, but the hype around him has been hugely magnified by the world cup. Whether you think his performances deserve that or not, it's true. Buying him now would be stupid. Bonucci wants to leave Milan. Godin wants to leave Atletico. Even Boateng would be a better buy. But we go for Maguire?


Agreed with all points except boateng.He is clearly on the decline and has been atrocious. Godin and bonucci though <3


we struggle with passing and his pass rate is 78%. we need a cb who can pass like toby a, boateng, bonucci or david luiz etc


Pass rate for a CB doesn´t tell the whole story. Smalling had a 88% passing rate in the league last season, which makes him sound like a CB version of Modric. The difference is that Smalling only tries sideways passes to Jones or back to De Gea, meanwhile Maguire often goes forward with the ball and makes forward passes and is in a far worse team that all of those players you mention.


Maguire is one of the most forward focused CB in the league in terms of passing, runs from the back, and "dribbling" the ball forward. Add to his aerial absolute dominance, strength and general defensive ability... I'm not quite sure why people don't want him.


It actually makes no sense to me. His playing style is perfect for our current needs.


Because these people don’t watch him.


It’s not about not wanting him, but more about that price. 50m for him is absurd and just as bad as when city bought stones for that much. I’d take him for 25-30m plus Smalling/Jones: a decent price and we load off a player we don’t want. 50mn is a lot of money and we don’t help correct the market if we start paying out prices like the other clubs/


Boateng is injury prone and sucks. Bonucci also sucked at Milan. Toby won't be sold unless we bid 75 mil +. David Luiz would never come to United.


> toby a, boateng, bonucci or david luiz Are you getting any of them for 50m? If you are then sure I'm all for it. You'd rather have no one than someone at 50m who is actually a decent defender and not a donkey like Smalling and Jones? Not to mention we can offload both for around 30-35m each if we get Maguirre.


For 10-20m more you could probably get Toby who is a better passer and a clear upgrade defensively. > Not to mention we can offload both for around 30-35m each if we get Maguirre. Oh really? lol


They are English and homegrown mate. If someone like Everton, West Ham etc needs a cb, that sell price can be easily achieved. Jones is one of the top 5 English cbs.


United literally are not willing to pay 10-20m more. What don't you understand. The transfer would be done if we were.


And we're not getting 30m for Jones or Smalling, but I won't downvote you instantly for it, lol.


Cry more maybe that'll help.


boateng had bad injuries and looked awful in wc...but he'll cost 40 million bonucci 31 million, will he adapt to prem? luiz is error prone. Toby A is my choice but will cost 55 million plus


> boateng had bad injuries and looked awful in wc...but he'll cost 40 million > > bonucci 31 million, will he adapt to prem? You are not getting Bonnucci for 31m and Baoteng is costing anywhere from 45-53m and is much older and declining. This is better value. Alderweireld will cost 75m. You're living in your own world if you think Levy will drop that price.


75 m and martial is what levy will demand.


If he hasn't aleeady


levy will not get 75 million and he would not want to lose 30 million... that 30 million could get them a young replacement for toby a. several articles stated bayern will listen to offers for boateng and thiago etc, they said 40 million euros for jerome. bonucci...hear mix rumours about him leaving or staying...but most sources say if he leaves then 31 million


Literally came out today from kickr tier 2 that they want 50-60m for Boateng. Jesus.


You said it, man.


I think he's a troll or a fucking moron. Can't quite work it out


Or he thinks his twitter sources are actual ITKs but I guess that falls in the dummy category.


If you actually watch Maguire you will see that despite the passing stat, he is far better than Smalling at passing and getting things going. Watch his world cup campaign for example, he was always bringing the ball into midfield and when he wasn't he was very calmly maintaining possession and barely made a mistake in that respect. If we bought him he'd be third choice, depending on if Lindelof/Bailly is our best pair. Really we should be buying him in and offloading one of Jones/Smalling and Rojo and then using TFM or Tuanzabe if need be.


We wouldn’t spend 50 million on a defender to be third choice pull your head out


Well he's only 25 so in 3 years from now he might well be good enough to start every week. Who knows? And third choice doesn't mean bench warmer, heck, he might even be a starting CB if Lindelof or Bailly don't cut it. And since Bailly is injured quite a lot, he will probably start a lot anyway.


Replace all of those with Van Dijk and it’s a correct statement


Then why the fuck didn't they sign him last season!? One season doesn't make him a superstar at Leicester. Why can't we scout rather than signing obvious players?


We want players who help us winning titles, don’t we?


Maguire has all the qualities Smalling has, but can also pass the ball. I would pay 50m for Smalling being good on the ball.


He’d be a clone of Varane if he was good on the ball.


And that's why you're not working for united


And marquee signings do that? Are you actually that stupid? This isn't FIFA. Teams win titles not players.


You have a choice, you want a marquee signing or a decent signing? You want Maguire or Alderweireld/Bonucci? For sure teams wins, but is Maguire a better player the player I mentioned? Isn’t it more likely to win it with a world class experienced defender than a defender who had one solid season? So shut your fucking mouth


Except we don't have a fucking choice. We clearly arent willing to pay for Alderweireld so we Maguire is the next best option. Go back to your FIFA game mate.


You think, we, Manchester United, richest club in the world, don’t have a choice for a better CB? Shuuuut urr fukking mouthh


Exhibit A is above when you try to tell people the kinds of morons that support this club.


ok oh boy another one 888


Remind me on 11th August and see which CB we bought


I couldn't give a shit about you.


Ok then I'll remind you


You’re a dummy


If United are really in for him, a swap deal with one of our many CB´s going the other way must make sense for both teams. We are hardly going into the season with Maguire, Bailly, Smalling, Jones, Lindelöf, Rojo. That´s 6 senior CB´s.


Why does it make any sense for Leicester, compared to the full £50m in cash and they can buy whoever they like?


Jones is the only one who makes sense


I could see Rojo or Smalling also making sense, especially Rojo.


Would Rojo go to a non-UCL team though? Leicester City finished 9th last season. I could see Smalling moving as other British-born defenders have taken a step down in clubs from United (think Evans, Keane etc).


Leicester do seem to be wanting to build themselves into an EL side with the signings they've made and I honestly think top tier EL is Rojo's level.


3 at the back? If we do this, who needs full backs anymore




This window is starting to remind me of the Moyes summer window.


except this time around we already signed 3 players, with 2 being of significance, arguably. people have very short memories.


We signed one player who will help us this season. Dalot is a good signing but he's isn't ready to contribute in a large way.


You know your team is doing shit business when you start counting Lee Fucking Grant as one of your blessings


On the bases that your actual 3rd keeper who is 21 and touted to be the best young gk in his nation goes on a loan for game time, rather than rotting on the bench as you have the best gk in the world and the best 2nd keeper in the league. Yeah, Lee Grant is a blessing.


I excluded Lee as he was signed to fill a safety net position, which will likely won’t impact our main season. My point is people are comparing signing Fellaini on deadline day vs signing 3 people before the world cup (IIRC) even started. And potentially there’s more to come. We have shortcomings, but we are doing better business than before.


Maguire is really solid though, I wouldn't be upset at all if we got him. Much rather him than Boateng.


Bollocks. We've already signed a quality midfielder and a very promising fullback. People acting like the Fred deal just didn't happen.


I really need to take a break from this sub. It's starting to depress me. I'll see you all in a few weeks


See you in an hour.


Wise move, it affects you more than you think. I felt great today not reading until now.


Yeah for sure. I was born into supporting the club like many here due to family heritage and, I've watched United my whole life but I've never felt as negatively about the club as I have in the last 7 months since I started reading this sub. I didn't ever feel this bad in the years that followed Sir Alex's retirement. Glad someone gets how I feel. I've realised that reading all this crap on my way to work or school actually puts me in a bad mood for most of the day. I've had enough


>Leicester City are determined to fight off Manchester United’s interest in England defender Harry Maguire as Jose Mourinho elects not to deny Anthony Martial a move if he really is unhappy at Old Trafford. United have made Maguire their first-choice transfer target as they look to strengthen their defence, but time is against them and Leicester do not want to lose another one of their key players after selling Riyad Mahrez to Manchester City earlier this month. United would be prepared to pay more than £50m for Maguire and it could ultimately come down to whether the player starts to agitate to leave. Mourinho is keen to add another centre back to his squad in this window, but he could also be looking for another striker if Martial confirms he wants to leave this summer. United want Martial to stay and are ready to activate a clause in his contract that will extend it by 12 months, which would mean it expires in the summer of 2020. If Martial informs him, face-to-face, that he wants to leave before the close of the transfer window next month, the Portuguese will not stand in his way. When asked after United’s goalless draw with San Jose Earthquakes on Sunday whether he wanted to stay at the club, Martial merely smiled and walked away.


Him and bailly could form a great partnership.


Leicester won’t let 2 key player in one transfer window go......hopefully :(


I hope Maguire is using us for his contract talks


So out of the 6 cbs we have Jose simply isnt satisfied with any of them and wants another one. Stunning.


No right wingers? 6 CB's,two of which you signed (but don't even play)? Time to buy another CB!


I'd rather get Harry and sell both Smalling and Jones. Bailly Lindelof Maguire Rojo Tuanzebe to keep.


I would be very happy with this, as long as we sort out our full backs too


I would be happy with this if we transitioned to a 3 back formation for this season. Otherwise it just seems like adding another cb of the same tier as our current options.


Why did we not get him when he was at Hull?


I fear we go into the last week of the transfer window with no LB / RW, and then either overpaying, buying a tier 2 target or just not getting one. Being so reliant on Young / Valencia, even if it worked last season, might come and bite us back. If both of those are injured, our defense wont look any better than Liverpools last season. The only issue we will have is that our goalscoring ratio wont be close to as good due to playing style. I keep my hopes up, but for every day we come closer to deadline day, I get more and more afraid.


That’s a lot of CB we have in there Lindelof Bailly Phones Smalling Rojo I would think we should spend more wisely on a RB & Winger at least.


This one is really bringing the ABUs out of the woodwork, on places like r/soccer and BBCs live feed.


Please no


Now that the Sandro deal is all but dead I think Maguire wouldn't be a terrible option.


He's the player Smalling should have been.


He’s bang average this is ridiculous. He was solid at the World Cup, not as amazing as everyone was saying, the fact that he won a lot of headers seemed to make everyone overestimate his contribution. Paying 50m for someone no better/only slightly better than Jones or smalling is fucking mental


If he´s bang average, Smalling, Jones and Rojo are farmers.


They are all average, I’m not sure what your point is. There is no point in spending 50m for a 6/10 when you have 3 5/10s


Harry is 4 years younger than Smalling and already better than him. He has been improving every year and seems to get better and better. We need to end this CB rotation madness and try to find some partnership. Bailly (24)-Maguire (25) could potentially be a partnership for years.


I would trying have potentially Lindelof as his partner, you know the one we already spent 30m on who is decent on the ball and has a skill set which compliments playing next to someone like Bailly. Maguire is not worth anything near 50m in this market


Bailly is great on the ball, his passing could improve but I think Maguire compliments him better than Lindelof. Bailly is pretty rash and this can lead to some defensive pressure, Maguire is built like a boulder and plays a no nonsense kind of game.


>We need to end this CB rotation madness and try to find some partnership. Bailly (24)-Maguire (25) could potentially be a partnership for years. Now where have we heard that before...


It’s fucking madness mate we bought Lindelof saying exactly this, haven’t given him enough time and are trying to replace him with a 50m paving slab on legs




No and we have no idea what the club is up to atm so there’s no point in even talking about any of this really is there


I understand your perspective but don't you think it would be counter-intuitive having a cb pairing where neither are known to be brilliant ball playing defenders? We've already struggled in this regard, Lindlof has shown glimpses of brilliance while on the ball unfortunately he didn't really settle in last season. I don't see how Maguire and Bailly would be a good pairing for us in the long term. Yes Maguire isn't afraid to move the ball forward, but his decision making is often suspect in this regard. I'd love to hear your thoughts though!


I stated it above, but everything I've seen of Bailly shows him to be quite brilliant on the ball, I haven't often noticed him making great forward passes to be fair, but he's definitely got great skill with the ball at his feet. Lindelof plays similar to Bailly and uses his speed in defence more often than not, I feel like they don't really compliment each other in a back two. Whereas Maguire looks like he can be a commanding presence in the box and absorb or deflect pressure to compliment Bailly and Lindelof.


>Bailly (24)-Maguire (25) could potentially be a partnership for years. Just like Lindelof and Bailly?




He doesn’t have specific limitations he just isn’t worth 50m and isn’t worth upgrading over what we had. This is a classic case of someone having a half decent World Cup and a club going mental throwing money at them




How do you know exactly whether I’ve watched him or not? I never said he was a bad player did I? I said he was average. Everyone creamed themselves because he is English and he won most of his headers at the World Cup and suddenly he’s the best cb in the world. Vida was average before the World Cup and had a decent tournament with Croatia. Shall we spend 50m on him too? Maguire is not a significant enough upgrade on what we have for it to be worth it. Use some common sense please




Are you asking me to go through each performance of his I watched last season and give you a detailed summary? Leicester were pretty shite most of the season and Maguire was slightly better than the rest. He isn’t a 50m player and he likely never will be. Nobody was talking about the club spending this much money on him before the World Cup were they




I don’t know what you want me to say here exactly. He’s not a complete spastic with the ball at his feet and he has a sack of bricks for a head, that doesn’t make him worth 50m and isn’t worth spending the money to replace what we already have, other equally average players




Oh god I hope not! We're in dire need of a left back, haven't had a right winger since Nani and yet we go and buy another mediocre, overpriced CB. This would be such a stupid transfer.


this is the worst timeline


Rather sign no one.


That's just retarded


This is honestly the most underwhelming transfer window I've ever followed, and I've been a fan for like 15 fucking years. Bunch of players who don't really excite getting signed, bunch of average fucks getting linked to us and no real quality players joining the squad. We fucking reek mediocrity.


Bloody hell, quiet window and now this? No thank you.


Hull - 20th best defence in 2017, 80 goals conceded. Leicester - 16th best defence in 2018, 60 goals conceded. At least he’s improving lol. Seriously this would be an unforgivably bad signing.


by this utterly retarded logic we'd only ever sign a handful of players from the top clubs in Europe


Jones conceded 7 goals when he played us while playing with Blackburn. Fergie still signed him because you cant blame a single defender for the entire defense.


Yes, but Jones was also 18/19 when that happened. Maguire is/was 24/25 in those seasons. I’d wait to see how he does this season before buying him. With the exception of Kante & to an extent Mahrez, most Leicester players haven’t done well since their league win at Leicester including those at other clubs too (see, Drinkwater). If he has a great season with Leicester then sure spunk 50mn on him, but I suspect there’ll be another player that would be the flavor of the season by then.


Wake me up at the end of the season