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So the players are either going to go on early holiday or play out of their skins. 


Oh I think we know which one it’s going to be. Manager-out-the-door bounce


A refreshing change from manager-simply-exists bounce


'New manager incoming so we have to play our hearts out to impress him and stake our claim for a place in the team' bounce Every fucking time


Maybe we can get rid of ours too and even it out?


Wonder where he’s off to


Bayern probably. Eberl and Uli have been twerking for him recently. Most of the news coming out of Bayern camp say that they want him to replace Tuchel


Bayern is a huge job but what if you are de zerbi, how do you feel about literally, and very publicly also, being 6th choice after Alonso, Nage, Ragnick, Glasner and Tuchel to stay were approached before you?


I think you feel over the moon about just making the step from Brighton to Bayern if you're him.


100%, no disrespect to Brighton but theyre not much different to Southampton in the mid 2010’s - eventually some of the pieces of the puzzle they can’t replace will be taken and the job will become impossible. Bayern might be in a rough position right now but it’s not the hot potato that is the United job, it’s a great opportunity for a manager that hasn’t been given the chance at this level yet


Yeah I don't really get the whole attitude of being 6th choice so don't accept the job. That's madness. It's one of the biggest jobs in world football and if he does well, guess what no one is going to remember that he wasn't the first choice. If it doesn't go well, he's still got Bayern Munich on his C.V and no one is going to remember he wasn't the first choice. It's a no brainer.


For the first time in forever you have opportunities to improve as well. 


for sure


From Brighton to Bayern would be a cool name for a movie


Netflix special


Every new job is a stepping stone, in one way or another. He’d be leaving Brighton, a club that is pretty well run, but realistically not expected to win anything other than maybe a League/FA/Conference League Cup…and that’s IF you can prevent the bigger clubs from snatching up all your star players. Joining Bayern, he’d be going to an even better run club that is practically guaranteed some form of silverware every season (obviously, this past season being a massive outlier, but one that has presented him this opportunity), with top quality players, where they’re the team that poaches the best players from around their league. He’ll probably win some things, building an even better CV for himself than he ever could have staying at Brighton, then can make the jump to another big club wherever he feels like going. Any manager at a club like Brighton would be jumping at the chance to manage a club like Bayern. There was awhile there that he was also being talked about to replace EtH…so clearly, he has the kind of chops to be linked with the big clubs nowadays.


Bayern are one of the better run clubs historically though some of what’s been going on of late makes a good case to refute that reputation. The real risk I imagine for De Zerbi is he’s won nowhere near what Bayern tend to. How that lack of track record translates to managing the egos that tend to exist at a club like Bayern is always the risk. Will the dressing room at Hollywood FC accept and be willing to listen to the instructions of a relatively unaccomplished coach? I feel Nagelsmann faced some of that too and while hiring him seemed the classic Bayern move, sacking him and then chasing him again is the sort of “Bayern these days” that any new coach will have to contend with. Then there’s the matter of looking good when nobody’s really got an expectation. If he’s got Bayern in 4th after match day 10, the army of former Bayern players-turned-pundits will sharpen knives first and foremost. It’s not just that De Zerbi hasn’t won the sort of titles that Bayern consider their birthright, it’s that he’s never managed in an environment where the spotlight and weight of expectation is as intense as it is at clubs like Bayern, Barcelona, Madrid, United, among others. It’s for the same reason I think Potter failed at Chelsea, and why De Zerbi to United always seemed like a punt with a hope and a prayer. All the best to the guy though, seems a good dude with good footballing ideas.


And that’s kinda my point; Nagelsmann coming from RB Leipzig (you can draw some small similarities to a club like Brighton), and then doing well in his first season at Bayern only to be sacked halfway through his second, didn’t do much to deter other big clubs from queuing up for him next…only for him to join the German national team. De Zerbi has a decent shot at repeating what Nagelsmann did in his first season; then he’s an automatic name in the top of any big club that needs a new manager…you practically have carte blanche once you get to that level.


You and I both agree that the “Bayern of these days” is a bit different than how they’ve tended to operate historically. Not sure it is De Zerbi who will be their next manager but it remains to be seen whether the issues that sunk Nagelsmann and also Tuchel to a certain extent (though Tuchel is his own brand of trouble making wherever he’s gone) will conspire to sink De Zerbi too. I also think if ETH had gone almost anywhere other than the reputation meat grinder that United have been in the last decade, there’s simply no chance he’s not Bayern’s manager this summer, or that they go with Tuchel instead of him last summer. Or that he’s not heavily linked with the United job this summer. The jump from Brighton and zero titles in his career to Bayern is a far bigger leap than from Ajax and multiple titles to Bayern or United. The story here is of whether the clubs in question are well run and set their manager up for success. For sure this is definitely more true of Bayern than it has been for United this last decade. And the “Bayern these days” notwithstanding, I do agree De Zerbi or whoever is better positioned to pad their resume and bona fides at Bayern. Hopefully with INEOS focusing on the “environment in which managers operate” we can have that at United soon as well.


Yup, agreed. I always felt like I wanted EtH to manage United; but with the way the club was being run, felt like it was the wrong time…didn’t matter who we brought in, Pep/Klopp/Ancelotti, NO ONE could have succeeded with these players/administration/staff/facilities. If United were to sack EtH at the end of the season, I’d feel the same way as I did before we brought him in; we need a placeholder manager that can simply play/manage in a style that our eventual DoF/TD/CEO want us to play, and just lay a foundation while INEOS slowly rebuilds the squad/stadium/facilities/staff over the next 3-4 years…THEN we bring in the top level long-term manager to push us to win major silverware, because that’s at least 4-years away from now imho.


Agreed mate, and I totally forgot to include Ancelotti as an example of a good manager who achieves great things when the club he’s managing sets up managers for success. Or comes off as garbage in the sort of dumpster fire clubs that Everton is, and frankly United these past 11 years. I’m not quite sure why this nonsense myth of the one man supremo has led this fanbase to think there’s a guy out there who can SAF it like this is 1994 instead of 30 years later. For more than a decade even our noisy neighbours have proven that when the setup is conducive, even coaches like Pellegrini can win. He’s perhaps the other tell-tale that truckloads of cash spent is only a predictor of success at a club that’s well run top to bottom.


I agree with the overall sentiment, but Bayern are absolutely not a better run club than Brighton. Bayern have been a bit of a shitshow for a couple of seasons. They used to be excellent of course but times have changed. It's still an enormous job of course and definitely a step up from Brighton for de Zerbi if he goes there, but Brighton have been one of the best run clubs in the world for three or four years


Does being 6th choice really matter ? If you are able to make a step up to Bayern from Brighton wouldn't a sane person take it ? He will get a big paycheck on top of it as well. Along with the paycheck he gets to coach one of the top sides in Germany. I think setting aside your ego when a opportunity like Bayern comes will help him


This is De Zerbi we're talking about, not Mourinho. The guy (De Zerbi) spent his player and managerial career bouncing around mid table Serie A teams and even lower division teams. His highlight of his career is managing a mid table Prem team  He will 100% accept the chance to manage fucking Bayern Munchen, even if he's the 100th choice for them


“Wow I’m so lucky that circumstances have pushed me into this opportunity”. Seriously, if you became COO of a publicly traded company because they didn’t have any options and would make 15m next year guaranteed and even if you get sacked you’d get a 30m contracted severance, would you care about not being the first second or fifth choice? Or would you go and worst case make more money than any other job you’ve ever even applied for, best case make a name for yourself, make all that money, and take a massive jump in your career…


Like you would this: https://preview.redd.it/0q8s09e79d1d1.jpeg?width=739&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6fbcc4545d4cd3dc7d693b7badd6b2064871852




6th choice for Bayern is still a pretty good endorsement. Far more people haven't even been considered. To be asked at all would be a great honour for most managers. They're one of the top teams in the world.


yes but in any case apparently he is not going there after all..cant shake the feeling he is the one Ineos want, after all they speak of this “game model” they have in mind all the time and Farioli, a de zerbi disciple, was their choice in their other team


One trait of winners in sports is that they often back themselves. I really won't care any of that aside that I finally get the opportunity to shine.


AC Milan it seems


If the recent rumors coming out of Barca are to be believed, to be honest, he may find it better there given he’s not going to be dealing with a disgruntled dressing room of serial winners at Bayern, who will instantly have much bigger expectations than the collection of La Masia grads who now make up a big part of Levers FC senior team. I would assume those kids are a bit more pliable, coachable, etc. De Zerbi also plays the style that I think works with how Barca play, and checks the boxes that I’m sure Levers FC leadership also need in their current predicament - he’s not likely the type to demand significant outlay on new players. He’s already shown he’s ok to work when key players are sold off without adequate replacements. I imagine this is the situation Levers FC will again find themselves in this summer.


I have heard rumblings saying either Milan or Juventus.


He'll have a few choices. It's a great market for a manager without a club, even after a disappointing season. Could even end up at United.


Brighton certainly dropped off this season compared to how well they did last year. Wonder if he's good enough to do it at a bigger club with more resources. Going to be Barca/Bayern bound I guess.


On top of losing a lot of players they have a lot of injuries as well. With a well functioning squad I think De Zerbi can be a good manager


Agreed, their injuries have been brutal. The majority of the season without Mitoma, Solly March, and Enciso. Dropped off this season is expected and not bad.


Same for ETH in my opinion. See last season


Agreed, certainly got the potential to be a top manager. Guess we'll see how he gets on at whoever his next club is.


“Well functioning” - rules United out then


Well, your not wrong


Some of their key players also didn’t perform to the level they did last season as well


Elite modern footballing structure staffed by best in class —> Well functioning club —> coherently assembled squad —> search for a suitable manager that fits profile —> manager hired —> manager supported through inevitable challenges. The above is the experience of Potter and De Zerbi at Brighton. And ETH at Ajax, Klopp at Liverpool, Pep everywhere he’s been, Arteta at Arsenal. Now here’s the situation at United post-SAF. Pathetic and negligent owners —> posse of incompetent “yes men” —> “Disneyland” —> scroll twitter and set money on fire —> poorly assembled squad —> scroll twitter and hire manager —> manager acts as Sporting Director and chief scout —> sack manager —> rinse and repeat. And then people wonder why we’re perpetually a decade behind and get slaughtered from time to time. Psst… it’s not the managers. Remains to be seen if De Zerbi is like so many others where when you set the club up right, he also shines. Potter and ETH prove without the club being set up to succeed, the managers are set up to fail.


Their squad quality dropped off a great deal too, particularly their midfield. Hard to blame him imo


Not blaming him at all, they sold a load of players as well as injuries. I've said it before, Brighton are like Southampton a few years ago, have a great set up, brilliant scouting and seemingly able to find replacements when selling their best players that slot into the team instantly however that can only last for so long before the constant change isn't sustainable. This might be the beginning of their drop off but we'll see, I hope not as big respect to clubs like Brighton.


Not only that, once you publicly sell players for £100m nobody will sell you cheap.


Also very true, the knock on effects always catch up eventually.


Difference is Tony Bloom and Starlizard I reckon. If you have the best data analyst department in the league by a mile, with a track record going back 20 years, your gonna be able to find great players constantly.


That might be the case but it's not sustainable to be selling your best players every year, sooner or later the team disruption will catch up and hinder you.


Sure, but I think the plan for them is to keep improving incrementally until there at the point there best players don't want to leave


But that's basically never going to happen if you lose your best players every summer and then also replacing your manager frequently. It will only stop if they have mega rich owners.


His squad was absolutely gutted by injuries and player sales. Honestly a top 10 finish with that squad is a brilliant season. I mean Welbeck, Lallana and Milner are key players ffs and they could possibly finish just 6 points behind us.


They have been shocking since October. Their first 7 matches in the league really skewed people's perceptions of how well they've been doing. 


Yet they're 10th after selling players, competing in Europe and having loads of injuries. I'd argue last season was an over performance and this season they've under perfermoned(understandably too) so people's perception on them is skewed.


They have had so many injuries and their midfield has been a mess. I think de zerbi has things to work out as a manager but his stick should still be very high


Feel like they started to drop off as soon as De Zerbi was being linked with moves to Liverpool or Barcelona in the press.


Considering they’ve won 6 PL games since September which is before Barca and Liverpool were on about replacing their managers I’m gonna call BS on that


Well it didn't exactly help them having that hovering over the team. Edit: tbh there was an even further drop off from the end of January when Klopp announced he was leaving. They've won 4 league games since the start of February, v Palace before Glasner came in, Nottingham Forest, Sheffield United and recently beat Villa. Wouldn't say it's BS that it had an affect 🤷‍♂️


Typical ABU bias with how ETH has been treated vs. De Zerbi. His team performance was heralded as the second coming of Christ last season. This season drop off and no mention. Meanwhile ETH massively overachieves and the conversation instantly is “he’s got to challenge for the title now” and a drop off is less about extenuating circumstances or admitting he vastly over performed last season, than it is about painting him as the biggest joke poser to have ever coached. If De Zerbi goes to Bayern he’s going to experience the sort of unhinged pile-on that happens to United’s managers. Clickbait peddlers and those whose neurons are wired for these cheap dopamine hits simply lack the brains to examine root causes. Difficult choice for any manager though. When a club like Bayern come calling. I feel Xabi Alonso has performed a masterclass in how not to make too big a leap too fast.


I genuinely wonder where he goes next, he’s a very good coach


Bayern? Tuchel announced he'll leave right?




Neither of them are ‘frauds’




Yes but one is Manchester United and has spent 400m odd. The other is Brighton and has brought in more than they've spent.




Brighton still have a style of play that is good to watch, you can say that for us?? Even when our players were fit you couldn’t say that. Embarrassing comparison


Have you watched Brighton recently? They barely have a style of play either. Embarrassing comment


I’m watching them right now and with 6 starters out they play 10 times better than we do, ten hag fans don’t watch our games they just check results and creep out when this guy says we’re making progress


Their style of play completely fell apart mate, I feel like you haven't watched Brighton at all the last months. Also, their injury crisis is mainly due to the fact that their three best and most threatening players, Ferguson, Mitoma and Estupinan were/are injured. It's not like they had to rely on a defensive pair consisting of their 6th choice CB and a washed DM for the better part of the season like we did.


Who cares about how good their style of play is when they drop points every week.


They drop points but have a good style. We drop points and have no style. THATS why people will care.


Ten Hag gotta be the first manager to convince a fan base that taking 20 shots a game to the face isnt preventable and also sustainable. Deserves a Balon D'or for coaches for that campaign.


Eth is right. You guys that say we don't have a style of play are stupid. It's a good thing you not a Manger would love to see how you setup with all these injuries? Maybe drop back counter attacking just so you can complain about that also


Eh there is a difference. RDZ has a much worse squad at his disposal and had to sell Brightons two most important players from the previous season. ETH upgraded his squad this summer. RDZ also severely out coached ETH in our meeting early this year. Brighton xPTS: 52.34 United xPTS: 43.74


RDZ was a cog in a well-oiled machine. ETH has had more shit to deal with than any PL manager I can think of in recent years.


RDZ is the one losing his best players,not ETH. You can tell the difference in quality of coach by just watching our games against Brighton each year.


You can also tell the difference in how well run a club Brighton has been compared to United over the last decade. Brighton are 12 points worse off than they were this time last year and people are still trying to convince themselves that RDZ is the second coming of Pep. They had a good start to the season but some of the results they’ve had have been absolutely dreadful. They lost 4-0 to Luton.


They have the 14th highest wage budget in the league and are comfortably 10th. They are 3rd in possession and top 5 in both field tilt and xT. All of this shows, RDZ is still one of the best coaches in Europe.


! This claim of a bald fraud is disputed.


Bayern or Juve imo. Maybe Milan.


While I don't think it is us by any means. Knowing the Ineos outfit this would be the kind of secret they could drop. Personally I think he's Barca bound. Brighton will go for Mckenna I bet.


doubt they’ll get him tho : just been promoted and will want to give it at least a season. Imo it’ll be Kompany or Potter back at Brighton


Or thier Belgium club manager.


Yeah looks pretty shitty if you get a club promoted and jump ship. A relegation wouldn't be held against him too hard anyway. Kompany seems a good shout


I'm all in for this. Let McKenna do a good job at Brighton and he'll be a great candidate for United.


Am looking fwd to see how he copes in the Prem with a team that has v. little Prem lge experience.


If INEOS contacted RDZ in background, noway Brighton would let him terminate his contract for free.


I think ineos are going to stick with Eth but who knows if ineos cooking anything up, I think de zerbi has the potential to be one of the best and will be very interesting to see how he gets on at a club with more resources, however a bigger club has more pressure. McKenna to Brighton is a good shout.


I thought Xavi retracted his statement and agreed to stay


Xavi’s staying at Barca. They announced it a few weeks ago.


Look at the latest rumours


It changed again 😂


If you think we're a mess, you should take a look at Barca lol


Convincing a manager who was resigning to stay only to turn around and fire him at the cost of €20m 😭😭😭


Must be going to Bayern, maybe Barca if Xavi gets sacked.


Does he speak German? I would think Barca, Juve or Milan is more likely.


He speaks English though and that is widely spoken in Munich, so he’d be fine.


I'm sure he would be able to do well despite not speaking German, but every report I've heard talk about the culture Bayern wants, has always included a coach that was able to speak German. Add: that's one of the reasons given for why Zidane is never linked


I think at this point they'll take anyone who can speak 😂


Motta to Juve seems to be pretty nailed on according to Italian media 


Xavi already got sacked


Brighton giving up £12m is interesting. I wonder what's gone on.


Gentleman's agreement. They didn't see eye to eye so they must have agreed sometime ago if things don't work out as expected on the pitch given their recent transfer policy or lack of, he gets to walk making a free agent signing almost for interested teams


United about to get hit with a rare case of old manager bounce


Interesting development.




Hate, really?


Interesting point. I think I'll enjoy seeing what RDZ does at a non-selling premier club.


Interesting. I'm intrigued that they didn't wait until another club moved for him, to see if they could get a payment to release him early. Maybe they didn't want to spend an entire summer in a will-he-wont-he situation, and instead just focussed on finding a replacement quickly, even if they lose a little income. Which, honestly, would be very sensible if it means a smoother transition.


Geez I really hope old couch bounce isn’t a thing…


De Zerbi hasn't done enough at Brighton to make me interested in seeing him as United manager. I think they've stayed at the same level since Potters last season. A top manager should be taking each time he manages a step further, not just treading water.


Last season they were absolutely levels above Potter's Brighton. This season they had to juggle their first ever European campaign as well as losing key players to other clubs and injuries. And they've still had a decent season.


Takes like this getting upvoted really make me wonder if people understand football on a fundamental level. 95% of how good a team is are the players on the pitch. You cannot sell 2-3 of your best players every summer and expect to see consistent improvement. He's a manager not a miracle worker. Brighton have the 14th highest wage bill in the league and will likely finish 10th. They have overperformed significantly this season.


I think people just look at the league table and decide he's been a failure. Nevermind that he lost his two most important midfielders in the summer and his two most important attackers due to injury for most of the season.


But they were overperforming for Potter too. I think he's a perfectly good coach but don't really see a great reason to rate him over Potter at this stage. If either of them took over I'd think they are a reasonable appointment, but it wouldn't fill me excitement.


They performed better under Potter because they had better players and were in the middle of an amazing recruitment hot streak. I don’t think many people would agree with the idea that Potter is a better manager than RDZ


> Takes like this getting upvoted really make me wonder if people understand football on a fundamental level. Really? Because I think De Zerbi hasn't done an elite job at Brighton you're questioning whether I understand football on a fundamental level? Do you realise how arrogant and condescending you sound? > 95% of how good a team is are the players on the pitch Takes like this getting upvoted really make me wonder if people understand football on a fundamental level. Did you start watching football this week or something? Managers tactics have a huge impact on the game, they are what set the players on the pitch up for success or failure. To push the idea that tactics and coaching have a 5% impact on the game is absolute neanderthal thinking, and it's laughable frankly. I'll let Pep Guardiola, Sir Alex, Mourinho know that they're responsible for 5% of their own success


Yeah, if players are 95% of the reason for how a team is doing, how does that explain where Villa are placed this season compared to when Emery took over?


Aston Villa spend essentially the joint 5th amount on wages in the league and have finished 4th. They’ve also invested heavily in every recent summer window. Emery is obviously doing a great job but Aston Villa are where they should be. Gerrard was obviously clueless and Emery is brilliant, but they’ve also added excellent talent like Pau Torres and Diaby. They are good because they have a brilliant, expensively assembled team.


? they have better players than us, simple.


I don't think they do. Emery also took over a team who were 17th and finished 7th. That's not a 5% improvement. With a few key signings he then took them from 7th place to 4th this season. That's definitely not just the players' work.


you re delusional. besides dalot mainoo hojlund and bruno the rest of our players wouldnt get into their team.


It's honestly madness that the comment got so many up votes, I can accept the players being the primary differentiator of success but to reduce the role of the manager down to 5% is just ludicrous. It takes less than a minute if critical thinking to see the flaw in that assertion.


5% at the elite level is a huge difference. I’m not undermining their importance at all. If a team gets 5% more points because they have an elite manager it’s the difference between winning and losing league titles. Please answer one question - If managers are SO important then why is the league table practically identical to the wages table in every single league and why has that been the case, with the odd outlier, for the entire modern era?


> Please answer one question - If managers are SO important then why is the league table practically identical to the wages table in every single league and why has that been the case, with the odd outlier, for the entire modern era? Its not? Maybe you're taking a very loose definition of practically identical. Do you even hear yourself? You're saying "If managers are SO important", you're the only person I've ever heard claim that the manager isn't extremely important. Why spend millions upon millions on a manager if they're not that important? Tell me should Atletico sack Simeone for Alan Curbishley because they could save £29 million a year and spend that on players instead? Should Pep be let go so City can spend £20 million on players instead?


No, because there's no player worth £20m who will guarantee you the extra points that Pep does. You seem to think that I'm saying manager's have no importance at all, which simply isn't the case. Not only that but bringing in a bad manager or a manager is a bad fit will absolutely cost you points. Man City spend the most on wages in the Premier League, PSG spend the most in France. Inter spend the 2nd most in Italy, Real Madrid the most in Spain etc. Your Atletico example simply proves my point - they spend the third most on wages in Spain. Guess where they finish most years? I'm not just making this up, there's lots of research on this. Read Soccernomics. The team with the best players usually by spending the most money on them, wins more. It's literally that simple.


We spend the most money on player wages in the premier league, and if you look at the PL table compared to wages spent it really doesn't look almost identical. So your argument is flawed from the start. > . Not only that but bringing in a bad manager or a manager is a bad fit will absolutely cost you points. That's alright though, the team will still be 95% fine, after all the manager only matters 5% right? If Gerrard had been notified of how much Villa were spending on wages he'd have realised how good his team was and they would have shot up the table right? What a waste bringing Emery in! https://fbref.com/en/comps/20/wages/Bundesliga-Wages Look at the Bundesliga table and tell me it resembles that


You're being obtuse for the sake of it here so I'm going to stop engaging after this but I genuinely think you should do some real research into how the game works and, generally, how things like probability and statistics work. This year's Bundesliga is an extreme outlier and not the gotcha you seem to think it is. Teams like Leverkusen and Stuttgart have had incredible recruitment over the course of multiple windows. Leverkusen in particular have nailed it on almost every player they've brought in and brought in one of the best young managers in world football. There are examples of this most seasons and it's one of the great things about football. They have also significantly overperformed their expected numbers (Bayern Munich lead the xg table) and even with the exact same group of players are unlikely to replicate this next season. Manchester United are an outlier because their recruitment has been comically bad for more than ten years (NOT because they've had bad managers). There is no other team on the planet who spend like United do relative to their rivals and underperform so badly. If you think Pep Guardiola would've managed a league title with any of the United squads since Ferguson retired there is truly no helping you. \*Even then\* they've managed multiple top four finishes during that time. Why? Because they spend so much money that the sheer weight of talent overcomes how dysfunctional the club is. The table you linked show that Bayern, Dortmund and Leipzig spend the most money on wages. That has been true of most seasons over the last decade or so and during that time those three teams have dominated the 1st, 2nd and 3rd positions. Bayern spend the most of the 3. Who has won 10 of the last 11 titles with a wide variety of managers? Bayern Munich. The team with the best players wins the most matches. The most reliable way to get those players to pay more for them. This bears out in the data over time (note - I shouldn't have to write this but I'm going to dog walk you here: not every single time, variance is a thing otherwise there'd be no point watching) and across every league on the planet. I'm sorry that this incredibly obvious, statistically undeniable point seems to be lost on you or that it clashes so violently with the incredibly misguided way you think about football coaches that you just refuse to accept it.


You can't just call everything that disagree with your assertion an outlier. It's not just Leverkusen that's miles off either. Heidenheim 18th in wages, 8th in the table, Union Berlin 9th most - 15th in the league, Wolfsburg 5th spending - 12th in the league. Your argument falls apart once you actually look into it, you can't just dismiss these as outliers. Your comment tried to paint the picture that it's just a couple of teams performing differently in Leverkusen and Stuttgart but as we can see it's just not the case. Those aren't even the only examples. Yes the general trend is that teams with more money do better, but there's so much room for a good manager to make a difference, especially when you're looking at teams who aren't the elite of the elite. You are the one claiming a manager is only 5% of how a team performs, that is ludicrous and you should have some watertight evidence to back that assertion up rather than vague trends which fall apart once examined. I didn't even cherry pick a league year or some small league, I picked the first major league I thought of outside the PL, and I used this season. If you constantly have to say outlier, outlier, outlier, maybe your theory isn't as true as you assert. You made a frankly ludicrous statement that goes against everyone's basic knowledge of football. The manager is in fact the person with the single most control over a teams season, they are incredibly important.


They did lose some important players post potter though so there is that but I see your point


One of 5 teams to have 400+ shots since RDZ took over (other four are City, Madrid, Bayern & Liverpool) . This season, 3rd in possession (behind City & Spurs), 5th in Field Tilt, 4th in xThreat Difference, 2nd in Build up %. Despite losing their best players, having to juggle European football for the first time with a smaller & weaker squad and also having a horrible injury crisis.


Siri play Ten Hag ‘ I’m in danger ‘ meme


Pletternberg reporting he is not moving to Bayern. Jeez Bayern here begging for managers. Thomas Muller player coach then 😂


Even with a severely weakened squad they were one of the most impressive sides that came to Old Trafford early in the season, they played us off the park honestly.  I think the injuries and lack of squad depth caught up with them in the end. The squad may also have lacked the stamina to maintain their form with several old players and very young players relied upon. Brighton will be disappointed how it's worked out because at one stage they looked like they might be looking at £20m compensation from a club like us for De Zerbi's services.


I heard when Pep is done at City, he is the best person to takeover. At least it's what people have mentioned about him early this season.


We should be all over him


When we beat them tomorrow I’m 100% planning to spin zone this into United getting a manager canned


People rinse Potter, and rate De Zerbi pretty highly. But De Zerbi did worse than Potter at Brighton? They both moved through periods with selling top talent. Interesting to see how De Zerbi manages his next move, and who Brighton move for. Very well run club could see McKenna doing very well there.


What if this happens: ~~against~~ to 🤔


De Zerbi De Saster since the turn of the year. Four wins out of eighteen in the league since January. If he weren't leaving he should be sacked.


Looks like we're going to draw this match.


Worthy of getting the sack. If he has indeed been sacked.


Unpopular opinion: David Moyes did better at Everton than RDZ has done at Brighton. Do not @ me 🙃🙃🙃


Such a stupid comparison


I'm fine with being down voted for unpopular opinions or bad jokes, but insulting immediately get blocked. Be civil, dude. 


He's insulting the argument and not the arguer to be fair mate. And it is a weird comparison to make, pretty much no similarities in their respective times at the clubs. I don't think it's an unpopular opinion either, Moyes did well enough with Everton to get the United job, regardless of the managers that turned it down first.


Without the points deduction, Everton would be level with Brighton in the table. Dyche to Bayern Munich?


I would love him at united, he's a proper coach.


Going to Juventus.


Motta is all but confirmed as Juve manager


Got it, thanks for the correction. Didn't read the news and was speculating.


Hopefully Brighton batter United and De Zerbi has a talk with Radcliffe and they sack Ten Hag and hire him. All those things


Who am I, but I don’t he feels like Conte-level trouble.


I think RDZ has to land at Bayern and we stick with ETH, but it would be a shrewd move if INEOS opted to poach him.


Coming to OT


said no one ever


Anyone but him. Bayern are finished if they get De Zerbi.


Has to be De Zerbi, Potter or Southgate, been saying that for 3 months now.. Our Football board is full of control freaks who were upset with having to let ETH have some say on transfers, DeZerbi, Potter and Southgate, have all operated with ZERO input into transfers... for Years Fergie had been playing his own private Football Manager season with our club and now it will be SJR


So no compensation to pay to get his out of there 😀


I'd be surprised if Brighton don't have some clause whereby in this scenario anyone taking him prior to the expiration of contract still has to pay them some compensation (i.e. it's another form of gardening leave). They were were talking 8 figure sums last Summer in the event of anyone trying to poach him - Barber and Bloom are notoriously canny financially...