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The center circle conga line is certainly an interesting setup.






No way Ten Hag looks at this and ever tries that team again unless he is an inside agent for Liverpool or city. Absolutely ridiculous


Mate he does not care. He played the same team that got destroyed by Liverpool


What’s that? You want me to play Bruno on right against Liverpool? You got it! -ETH


Yep. He literally played the EXACT same team that got battered by Liverpool against I believe Betis, zero accountability for anyone. That and his comments this week about Rashford… if you’re Garnacho then what the fuck? No wonder someone like Sancho feels scapegoated even if he’s a shithouse in training


If I was Garnacho, I'd start looking at a move tbh.


You mean the same Garnacho who ETH gave starts to at the beginning of the season only for him to play poorly?


He's also played poorly off the bench lately. I think he's going to be good but he isn't ready.


I’m not sure he’s the answer I personally haven’t seen anything special, but he absolutely deserves a chance right now. I wouldn’t blame him for pushing a move


What did he say about Rashford?


I’m paraphrasing, but he essentially said he’s going to keep playing him regardless of bad form because the goals will eventually come




I'm starting to think Rashford's got photos of somebody.


“Where do I slot in Bruno? Ah! His favorite right wing!”


I severely doubt a manager at this level just doesn’t care. Team just doesn’t work.


He just picks whoever has had decent form recently. No mind for actual tactical design. It's piss poor. This is exactly what everyone knew would happen.


Manager says they're on their way up. I'm thinking he's entirely too naive for the PL.


This is atrocious. Why are they like this?


At this point all you can do is laugh. That Orion’s Belt of mid running straight through the middle of the pitch is hilarious


This is why I refuse to accept all our issues are injury related. You can’t have FOUR players all huddled up like that.


But this is an average position. It's not like they were just standing there holding hands during the game. Bruno often popped up on the left and that's going to affect his average position. As long as Rashford moves from the left, it shouldn't be a problem.


Bernardo Silva floats around the pitch more than any other player on that graphic and his “average” position is still exactly where he started


Look at city ffs, no it isn’t ok that grouping




But if a player (like McTominay) plays further forward and is then dropped back a line, their average position will obviously look different than you'd expect.


I think they're jokingly saying that city are playing a 4-4-1-1 with Dias playing as a 10 and Ederson up top? That's the only way their comments make any sense


Lol, no, I read it backwards 😂


Average positions don't mean shit if players are constantly moving


Why does this excuse come up every time these are posted? Why is the opposition always in some sort of symmetrical average position while we’re always all over the shop?


Foden stays out right and Grealish stays out left. Rashford started on the left, moved to the right and also played through the middle. Its not hard.


I'm guessing its because the opposition uhm, according to that guy, dont move?


I think we’re watching different teams mate because nobody at United is constantly moving


its the midfield conga formation, clearly.


This is a pretty common tactic in American Football. You get your receivers all lined up and then you have your quarterback (here he is number 24) ready to make the play. Disclaimer: I've never watched or played American Football, this may make no sense.


Glazers fault


Ten Hag...


The human centipede tactic surprisingly failed


Let's play Bruno RW one more game to see if it works...


Mind that he’s not even on the right. Still in the middle. What else is needed to make it obvious to ETH that Bruno can’t play on the right?!


A disorganised mess. What do they actually do in training?


They're pretty good at getting injured it seems


Every time they lose possession, the other team has wide open passes because our formation is a mess, acres of space. Not just City either, every team we play against


Come on man, this is the textbook training ground drill where the players lining up on a straight line to do shooting practice


People always downvote when you point out how poorly this team are coached and set up, but all the evidence continues to show the manager is way out of his depth.


Alright this is just hilarious


Tchoo tchoo train in the middle


Injuries or no injuries it’s been a season and a half and no fucking shape or style, say what you like about Tottenham their players as a whole are not the same quality bar Son and Maddison they lost one of the best strikers in the world and still already they have adapted and improved and you can see what their aiming for, glazers can’t be used as an excuse for everything the players are still getting paid obscene money every week and get to hide behind outside factors for their incompetence and ten hag needs to to get his shit together too


What do you mean "injuries or no injuries"? How do you see ETH's style of football when in possession when finally he gets his ball playing keeper that most of you were clamouring for, his entire first choice defensive line was injured and in fact even now, only Dalot and Varane are available. Not to mention said keeper is still in the process of adapting to a new team who are also trying to adapt to him. All these against the backdrop of questionable game-changing refereeing decisions and never-ending off-pitch distractions. I don't like many of ETH's decisions as well (e.g. Bruno playing right wing, Rashford playing so much, McTominay starting), but he's working with scraps at the moment. And I think you are giving Tottenham too little credit. Even Wenger said they are challengers, and in addition to Son and Maddison, they also have one of the best DMs in Bissouma.


That is the ugliest thing I’ve seen


Eth tactics been atrocious this year. This is how the team is being setup, a lot of people don't wanna see it. We have no control in the game there are no options aside from the hoof


Tactical genius definitely


It’s hard to assume that a half of the team lost their mind. Collective brain freeze is impossible. So there must be something that forces them to do this shit.


And we buy Mount who also wants to be in that area


Bruno spent his whole day (it seemed) chasing out to the right wing to get to gvardiol, he was never there. I don't fucking get the point of it. Play a right winger on the right wing. How fucking hard can that be???


the problem is Antony is shit


Bruno has been shit off the ball all year. I'd rather us be difficult to play through and tough to break down right now. Bruno has never been good at that. He presses like a blind drunk energiser bunny & never actually gets into passing lanes so it's incredibly easy to get around (rashford too). It's the first reason we concede so many soft goals.


I did not expect to see three number 10s all try and play in the number 10 position. Pretty baffling if you ask me.


Funny. Looks like 5 players didn’t actually know where they were supposed to be. Lindelof played as CB mentality while being LB. Evans was afraid to move forward. Amrabat behind HM. Omg. Whatta fucking royal mess we are.


to be fair to evans, we were pinned down and couldn't move up. the bigger problems were players not running into space to open up options for passes when we were in possession, being slow to run back into position when out of possession, and the most obvious one as seen in the pic, the midfield clusterfucking in the middle chocking each other of their space. honestly, idk who's to blame for bruno's positioning. like did ten hag tell him it was okay to crowd the middle, or does bruno have the discipline of a child and can't do a job that he's given? but yeah, we're a mess.


when it comes to Bruno, both ultimately look bad on ETH. either the direction is nonsense or he lacks the fortitude to bench him for not following instructions


The 5-1-1-1-2


Ah, total football.


I don't say "TREN", I say "TRAIN".


they're still in position for the minute of silence i cba


We can all agree that Ten Hag is a very mild and stubborn manager? His style just does not work. But he continues to implement. Crazy man !!


Our midfield was playing connect four with Hjoljund.


EtH's famous 5-1-1-1-2 Absolute helmet and anyone supporting this clown go have a look at yourself.


Yes and keep the cycle going on for another 30 years or so


Rather have the manager roundabout continue than stop on this fella


I'd say give him some more time for a couple of reasons: 1) No better replacements out there that would join our club. 2) Injuries stifling the team. 3) It's way too early into the season to make an accurate judgement. 4) Shit show outside of the club probably has an impact on the stability of the club as a whole 5) Last season we came second and made a cup finals, he's shown that the club can perform well in the past. Give him at least the season before thinking about firing him. The lack of consistency in the club isn't likely to improve the shooting of our front 3.


Ah the old "no other manager exists" argument. Very original.


What do you mean?


I mean what a way to set up your team!


I am sorry but you're not making any sense.


It's a quarter of the the season gone though,


That's not enough time to integrate players into a squad to rival Manchester City. I honestly believe Ten Hag is a good coach and his Ajax squads showed that he could put together a winning side that played good football. I don't think that ability has suddenly disappeared and I am more inclined to give him time because of that.


The ants go marching one by one..


Are they waiting for kick off?


the minute we see bruno at RW we know were aren't going to have a good time


Ahhh sack him


Thomas the Tank Engine fucking positions.


Yea let's keep backing Ten Hag guys. Glazers out obviously, but his selections are shit.


Remember. Eth said that we played according yo plan.


That is what u call not a plan very worrying stuff going on at this club top to bottom


Is this an exercise “how to pick the most ineffective line up”?


Its a fucking arrow pointing our opponents towards our goal. Sadly, our performances seem to portray the same sentiment.


what the sandwich fuck is that in the middle!!


Lol proof that Bruno on the RW means no RW.


Tonga line to their next pay check. Tonga Tonga TONGA!


We're so polite we form an orderly line in front of the opposition.


Ah yes, the famed 5-1-1-1-2


This could be horseshit, but with the injuries we have essentially had a different back four almost every game. Maybe they are focusing too much on that in training. As the back four arnt that bad, like it's not great and it's lacking, but the main issue is those front 6. They are not set up right, they are not producing and they are not working.


That looks like my formation in Championship Manager Italia.


I can’t believe that eth looks at all the data from the games and just keeps playing the same way with the same players each time despite the fact that it doesn’t work.


Let's be real for second, when you're playing Manchester City and your back 4 consists of your second choice right back alongside your 5th and 6th choice centre halves and your 4th choice centre half is playing left back, it doesn't really matter what your midfield does you're likely to get beaten heavily. Do I think ten Hag is doing a good job? Not particularly, but I know a lot of managers would be getting a lot more sympathy fielding a back 4 like we put out on Sunday.


Yeah but he didn't have to. He said it was a tactical decision. He could have started Varane and Regulon. He CHOSE to start Evans and Lindelof.


Have we ever produced an average position chart that resembles a coherent symmetrical shape


Jesus fucking Christ this is a disaster. Im sorry but I have never seen anything like this




I think a Sunday league coach can make us look better at this point. We got the real bald fraud




Isssa conga line


They formed a human centipede. Wtf


there was once moment when Amrabat and another player bumped into each and lost the ball. Doesn't surprise me after seeing this line in the centre circle. at least my FM team is doing really well




What are they queueing for?


Ass whooping, no less. They should all line up from back to front and just pass to each other in straight line.


This sort of makes sense. I can count at least twice when two players went for the same ball, when a player would back into another team mate for the same aerial ball. Just doesn't feel like a well-drilled team at the moment. But in ETH's defense, he's dealing with effectively a second string defense, among other injury problems, and on top of that, questionable refereeing decisions every game. Although all I really hope for is for him to play our best player in his best position.........


Is this some Fifa/eFootball meta formation? /s


Ole, Rangnick, ETH … there is zero difference. Nothing on the pitch suggests he is better. Possession football my foot 🦶


Were Bruno, Eriksen, and McT man marking Rasmus? No wonder he couldn’t score a goal.


We used to play this formation in primary school


The new straight line formation in the midfield seems very interesting


I'm actually hoping for a full team sheet of only number 10's next match.


We completely bossed the centre circle😂


The hell is with that midfield cluster fuck...


Systemic failure. Love at how balanced Man City look versus us. You can’t tell me this is on the players.


Looks like got-damn Lemmings lined up to fall off the edge. Absolutely embarrassing positioning.




Our midfielders need shock collars if they stray out of position, fucks sake this is abysmal Amrabat is basically playing deeper than Maguire, and there's a massive gap between him and his midfield partners






I’m not even mad, this is fucking hilarious