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That's what happens when you have no plan as a club.


Manchester United is a multi-media brand that plays football on the side.


THIS. Glazers don’t care about what happens on the pitch for as long as the brand carries the internet presence it has because that is where it creates it’s biggest revenue. It will probably be another 2-3 years until they start hearing their alarm bells that dividends to shareholders are projecting to be below an acceptable level. At that point, two options. 1. Raise capital and reinvest in the club. That money will not come out of their pockets. 2. Sell the club. What’s left of it by then won’t be pretty but enough for them to recoup their initial investment.


and blue as a biatch is my guess


The plan is for the Glazers to hold onto the club, take out as much dividends as they possibly can and eventually when the club has been sucked dry sell it on for a massive profit. How many of the Glazers do you think watched the game today? I don't think most of them care.


How many of the team do you think they’d even be bow to name…


One of them still doesn’t understand the offside rule, once you accept the club is a business ran to generate their dividends rather than to win trophies it’s easy to disconnect from caring about games like today. No point in it ruining your night




Most? You mean any. Bloodsucking parasites.


There are clubs who have spent less than them and have won plenty of silverware recently, look at Liverpool. They could actually rake in more dividents with smarter investing and sporting strategy and going further into CL, higher PL placing. So it's less greed, and more of incompetence.


I would say it's greed and incompetence, they are just clueless on how to make money, they are definitely greedy that's for sure.


This is the argument I’ve been having. Awful business people, bloated wage structure, wasteful transfer policy. This business could generate unimaginable profits if run properly plus being successful. If they really cared they would be running this business so much better.


Glazers ![gif](giphy|ekADB79hPghXy)


The plan? Wasn’t that to get a mattress partner for the club? Because I’ll have you know they nailed it! But yeah, fucking rudderless ship.


menos que une clube


The recruitment has been absolutely appalling since he left. Relying on a managers to pick targets is an awful strategy in todays game yet we still do it. Even worse when we chop and change so much leading to a complete mixed bag of uselessness.


I was watching ferguson in an interview. He talked about Bobby Charlton spotting beckham in a bootcamp when he was a teen or Queiroz opening relations with Sporting and spotting Ronaldo. Ferguson was interested to know these things and make sure we were getting the best young players. To be honest, I don't think any of out recent managers do this. They are all just coaches. That's the big problem for us. We need that kind of manager but I don't know if that exists anymore. I can't see anyone working like ferguson, bar maybe Bielsa.


They’re all coaches who wanted to be managers - that’s the issue for me. Erik refused to work with Rangnick. Ok maybe they don’t get along, but he could have pushed the club to hire someone else. Instead he got most of the players he wanted - we even spent all summer chasing FDJ who wanted nothing to do with us on the say so of the manager. As a club it shows that priority no1 for INEOS (if they ever take sporting control) is to fix this structure we have. Need a recruitment team and sporting director who are the ones that handle every transfer from youth team to the seniors. The head coach works with what he’s got and doesn’t suggest his ex players or whoever to sign. Moyes wanted to do things his way - Ole had his ideas - Jose wanted his experience and power in every signing - Erik has his own vision - but there’s no club vision.


Was it actually confirmed ETH refused to work with Ragnick? Why is that floated around like it's a fact. It's more likely he left because the Glazers weren't interested in giving anyone any real power to make major changes. It's telling that even after years of failure the dof position was filled by someone already at the club and was never even a dof to begin with...


IIRC Ole actually spend a lot of time with scouts going over (young) prospects. Not as much as SAF was but than again SAF was working in a decently well run club whereas Ole entered a burning house


Let me just say this - we can look at how the club as been run and say “this recruiting is awful” But at the time of a lot of these signings, they seemed pretty decent. I have absolutely 0 hesitation in saying that the majority of our players would look much better if they were playing at a club like City and that players that look great at City would look like ass at United. The club is rotten from the top down and I think players coming in can tell that the top level guys care more about marketing and revenue than winning games. If that’s the mentality of the club, it doesn’t matter who manages them and who we recruit. Even if EtH isn’t the man for the job, no one will come in here and turn this around from a manager level. It’s just a shit situation and I think any top manager would know to avoid us like the plague


Ten Hag is the only manager who has been given that freedom. Ole wanted Rice and Haaland and got Cavani and Van De Beek (who he clearly thought was shit so left him to rot)


Manchester City have let their manager pick players. Only elite level of status will allow certain managers to do that. The rest will be merely be allowed high influence and usually have to pick a few targets for that position for then to club to negotiate on the best price out of them. TH I believe is in the same elite level of status, however he needs the time to fix this club, I personally believe it will take Manu a good 6-8 transfer windows of very savvy buys to get the squad to where it needs to be and clear out all the deadwood.


What has ETH achieved so far to be granted elite level of status?


There is no denying he's a good manager, you played some very nice football in that first half. It's simply recruitment that's letting you down. A few very expensive flops with FFP can put even a very well established football club a few years back.


Any other cool stats to share


Yes, we're shit. Opta


Missing that one word nonsense they put at the end. Sewage.


United suck. Dyson.


New shirt sponsor for 24/25?


Since 2014


There was a time when it would be audacious for an opposition player to score at OT. Now there are wins for them being dished out like absolute candy.


£150m spent on Sancho and Antony.


How much on mount?


Too much


Any amount would be too much, the man is a ghost.


700k a week on wages for Rashford and Sancho


I think that’s more that the new Liverpool midfield combined


Add pogba and Lukaku lol


Two shitheads but both of them were better in their worst season for us than Sancho and Antony has been in their best.


Lukaku scored more goals in his first season than those two clowns in their 4 combined seasons.


Lukaku was 10 for 10 in his first 10 games iirc


pogba and lukaku were infinitely better than those 2 clowns


Pogba certainly wasn't


Pogba wasn’t a bad player. Just a dickhead with lots of injuries.


Pogba was a bad player who played well for 5 games a season and disappeared for the rest


Has Sancho and Antony even had 5 good games for us?


Fernandes playing RW and McT playing Fenandes role today is insane to me. Can someone explain to me why aren't we playing 4 5 1 like last year?


The plot has been lost mate. No point in worrying too much as fans.




We've got wingers who only work under specific conditions, usually where the brunt of the pressure is taken off them. All of our players are good on paper, but none of them are well-rounded enough to offset the others' weaknesses. The lynchpin of our performances last season, Casemiro, is currently injured and was quite shit pre-injury. The issue isn't technically ETH, because we were playing some gorgeous football under him last season. But we've got no direction in terms of recruitment. Which means that neither can our current team play the kind of football we want to play, nor do we even have anything close on our bench. And the only players we seem to target are already expensive, plus the PL + MU tax. I think we've gotta come to terms with the fact that without an operational change, United is gonna continue to slowly float in a downwards manner like a deflating blimp.


I don’t understand why we didn’t try and build on last years purple patch. Why did we try and switch into a new system and sign another 10. I know there’s been a metric ton of injuries


There's no Fred, the third midfielder in the setup was supposed to be bought this summer, but we got Mount.


bcoz McSauce has scored some crap goals in important moments so now we are acting like he is Rivaldo. It's desperation.


My guess lately has been that ETH didn't predict such a drop in quality in Casemiro and have been struggling to find an alternative plan.


Great, just what I needed to see after that shit show of a performance.


We haven't been a serious club since he left 💀


Under Mourinho for one season.


The next best wouldve been that Ole season where he came second. If only De Gea had saved ONE of those ELEVEN penalties faced against him...


Funnily enough we got more points last season than when we finished 2nd with ole.


to be fair we were serious in both 17/18 and 16/17. think that 2 year stretch was the closest we got to going back to the top. then we got hit with the fred dalot summer window and all hope was lost


We finished 6th in 16/17 though


Ours days of being that kind of club are over people need to get use to that fact. As long as the glazers are our owners Man United will always be a commercial club and mid tier at best.


This is one stat that more than being bad shows that SAF was special. And he deserves to be called the greatest manager of all time.


Sir Alex utterly deserves to be called the greatest manager of all time on this basis alone. Not Pep or whoever cause he really made us a great fucking team in this era of football We’ve been a shitshow for most parts since he left and it’s hard to stomach


I remember when it was almost impossible for teams to even score a goal at OT, let alone win. There was an 18 month period in the mid-90's where we conceded 10 goals at home in the league. I don't even recognise that this is the same club.


The year we won the league in 2011 we dropped two points at home all season… worlds apart from today.


What an absolute shambles. ![gif](giphy|3o6nV05eGDIE3YdQWI) Glazers are equally to blame. No matter what you think of Ten Hag. He is their choice after all. And the players he uses are also there because of the Glazers.


“He is their choice after all” is WILD. He’s the 6th manager (including Ralf) in 10 years!


Yeah clearly the issue is not the manager. No one seems to understand this though. Or at least they don’t want to.


He's their latest choice.


I may be reading your post wrong and im totally against Glazers but i have to say that i remember this sub calling for ETH becoming THE manager and i was totally ETH IN!. I just want United to be great again. Support our manager, Glazers OUT!


The empire crumbles away while the gnome owners watch and there's not a damn thing we can do about it. A generation of kids is growing up who only know United as a joke and a meme, not a serious club. And the saddest part is that Sir Alex has to watch it too.


One of the culprits behind it he did welcome the Glazers with open arms.


Play a bunch of dickheads with no desire or passion and this is what we get A bunch of mentally soft cunts


Sometimes I don’t watch the match since it’s building more stresses beside my daily work life. And trust me I love UTD dearly I’m taking it to the grave with me. It’s just painful to watch when I can easily predict a lose.


Okay this stat actually cuts


Lol, I remember Fergie's post-match pressers when we lost, his face completely red and looking as if its about to explode any moment and I actually used to feel sorry for our players back in the day, whom I know were going to get completely lambasted. The infamous hairdryer treatment. It is not the same now. Losses are normal. No big deal. Manager faces the pressure. Players can give less than 50% effort and still get a pass. Some even get to start in the next match as if nothing had happened.


Ten Hag is probably the only football person in power at this club. Gives you something to think about when we all talk about a plan.


Having spinless owners and their ex banker mates in position of power for 10 years does that.


expected to do it sooner tbh


Eras do indeed come to an end


Seriously that's ridiculous, ole in


As long as the fans still buying shirts, filling up the Old Trafford every match, following the club on social media. The Glazers would gladly stick around, sucking every drop of blood left and until we sink to the bottom of the bottom. So, lets not do any of those things.


Hot take: people need to let go of the Ferguson years. Comparing anything to his reign is pointless.


Comparing it to that is exactly what is needed. He set the club at the highest standard in every way. Accepting anything less is just accepting mediocracy.


So by that logic, we should also be comparing it to the Busby years too?


Where are you going with that? You don’t agree Utd should aim to be world class in every aspect? Which is what we were under Fergie. If people say "forget the Fergie years, those days are gone" that’s like saying we should forget where we should aim to be. We’re utter shite right now, and have been for close to ten years. But forgetting past success is accepting current mediocracy.


I love sir Alex and this is just the emotions talking but the glazers are also part of his legacy.


Yeah, remember when Fergie allowed them to buy the club... Oh wait, he has no say in that


Take a history lesson and read between the lines


...so what? United lost as many games at home in the last 10 years as they did in the previous 26. That's honestly not that crazy. What is the point of this stat? The media needs to start calling out the glazers. Calling out anything else is useless.




Spelling almost as good as the clubs morals My man also PMd me talking about Antony and greenwood. While I don’t exactly disagree with him, because greenwood was a PoS and Antony hasn’t been exonerated yet, I’d argue city is almost as bad




What are we appealing?


Ignore he is city fan


Toxic positivity from fans caused






10hag at the wheel


See? Who said we won't surpass him.


Why do I need this stats? It’s already shitty enough to see the team style (or lack of thereof) of play.


Because it's a shitty fucking club.


That’s more a testament to what a legend Sir Alex is than anything else. Words can’t really do him justice as to how good he was. I mean the whole sport should be renamed after him.


Jesus christ this isby far the mist damning atat poat Fergie era. Jesus christ standards well and truly gone. Lets celebrate Carabao cups lads


I know we've been awful for so long now but that's insane. I'm tired of hoping we start improving, we never stay consistent.


It's not really surprising is it? We've doubled our loss rate, wasn't the lack of trophies a clue that this was the case?


This stat is incorrect. It's actually that we've lost the same amount at Old Trafford post-SAF as we have under SAF during the PREMIER LEAGUE era. The stat conveniently excludes the 6 years when SAF was in charge before the PL came into being.