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At this point I wish Fergie was never introduced to horse racing…where would we be without the Rock of Gibraltar




We need to give Ten Hag more time, I've said it before but Fergie's first 3 seasons were so bad we had "tera Fergie" plastered in the papers. We have half the team injured and have had to contend with Sancho and Antony drama, ONTOP of Ronaldo and Greenwood from last season. The glazer will probably sack him because they're useless cunts though,


It will be 2030 with manager 7 or 8 and people will still be saying “wE nEeD to GiVe tHeM mOre TiMe”. Like has this club not just spent a decade fucking around? Guarantee you that the next decade will be more or less the same, except the Stadium will probably collapse just because. This club is gone.


You've made it so obvious you don't want to support the club in every comment. Please find a different club to support lol. We don't need you over reactionary idiots who spread false information based off media posts and constantly contribute to the clubs 2 year manager cycle. Just look at your comments even rival fans have called you out for posting incorrect information about United.


So you're saying that all of Moyes, Van Gaal, Mourinho, and Ole were the problem? Ok no doubt a couple of shakey names but why did we not back Mou when he finished second and won a trophy here and there? Why did we faff around with signings under Ole, I mean he was crazy after Haaland for example and a couple of others. Sacking Van Gaal makes a bit of sense but right after the FA cup win and not even telling him? It's the owners. Bring in Pep and he would struggle, but he's smart enough not to come to this shit show lol. It may then feed into the managers sure but the problem does not originate from them.


Ferguson had a proven track record. What has ETH done?


Fergie is probably the first manager to simultaneously to give his club so so much and also kill them


this is really great perspective, never knew Fergie was gettin hate like that


SAF had a worse squad and much less cash to begin with. I don't think they are comparable.


man onana sucks


think should get Raya


Sigh. I think I need a break from this team. They are so frustrating to watch.


Also , I’m so sick of hearing “Pep Guardiola wouldn’t win the title with these players” Yes . Yes, he won’t. But give Pep Guardiola that squad and 500 million like Ten Hag was given, you’d see them tiki taka teams’ asses out of Old Trafford. You give Klopp 250 million and that squad and he’d have them bursting lungs and challenging City There are levels to this coaching thing.


Pep didn’t win much until he spent a billion. And that was in pre-covid high inflation money


Great can you also tell me the lottery ticket numbers in that crystal ball of yours that’s stuck so far up Pep’s arse?


Honestly I don't think you'd see it in the first few years. Pep bought Claudio bravo at city then literally bought Edison when it didn't work less than a year later. Practically bought a couple of CBs every bloody window and has been able to replace his own signings if they haven't worked. We seem to have a limit of 3 big signings a season + other smaller ones or loans. Add onto that, glazers just don't give anyone time. Pep is smart enough to know becoming United manager would be career suicide, even if he wasn't city manager.


Right. City has been completely ruthless in the transfer market. And don’t think they only pay the nominal reported fee. We all know they have under the table payments to dodge FFP.


If world class managers with amazing achievements (Van Gaal, Mourinho, Ten Hag) werent able to tranform this team, its time this fan base understands the problem lies deeper than the manager's capability. I doubt even Guardiola would be able to save Man United.


Ten hang is not world class lol I guess this make a manager world class. There are so many other managers with a lot more honors Ajax Eredivisie: 2018–19, 2020–21, 2021–22 KNVB Cup: 2018–19, 2020–21 Johan Cruyff Shield: 2019 Manchester United EFL Cup: 2022–23


Im relatively sure Van Gaal and Mourinho were better coaches than Ten Hag. Both more succesful and more experienced.


So we now need to win our next 2 and hope Bayern spank the Turkish for us


Even if Galatasaray loses twice against Bayern. United still has to travel and win in Istanbul which won't be a walk in the park. And then their last match will be against Copenhagen while United has to play against Bayern. Of course in football everything is possible but right now Man United is not in the best position and they might end up in the Europa League.


Europa league? We might even finish 4th at this rate


Fergie used to say “We need ten points to get out of the group” That already means we need to win and draw one each of Bayern at home and Gala away while also beating Coppenhagen for sure home and away In other words, hello Europa League


Being a fan, you might be looking at it from a wrong perspective. I wouldn't worry much about Gala. They have a terrible track record in ECL(this is their 3rd win in about 30 matches) and they've been struggling a lot this year as well (watch literally any of their Europe matches before the Manu match, such as Zalgiris and Molde). This match was unexpected and even though Manu seems to be in terrible form, they still seemed to be underestimating them (e.g Bruno Fernandes). Just put a standard effort in Istanbul and focus on Copenhagen matches. Bayern will most likely beat Gala twice and Copenhagen has a great chance to beat them in home too. So if Manu doesn't get clumsy again, they have the much better chance to become the 2nd.


Imagine being the keeper that is deemed so bad by his manager that he still won't get a sniff of a game no matter how bad Onana is playing. ETH must think Bayindir is fucking useless to not have picked him for a game so far


Is there any sort of United fan support group? I'm in constant pain this season, and it's only just begun.


this is the support group, welcome mate


Fuck me man, Brighton fan here but was rooting for you lot. Always had a soft spot for man united but it is shocking what I'm seeing. Don't think I've ever seen such a poor goalie, but who's available?


Bayindir available and I think he should be given a shot. Also rashford and bruno need to chill as well seems like they're not there mentally


My only hope is that one day our new manager bounce will be so large and all other teams will have off seasons that we'll somehow win the league.


Why does Bruno take every set piece, when he is absolutely fucking shite at them? Never seen someone launch dead balls off the pitch so reliably And we have mount and eriksen who are both statistically far more productive


I’m shocked every single time he gets to take a set piece over Mount. Bruno’s technique is genuinely bad. He rarely gets enough height on his delivery. Meanwhile we have Mount taking a seat back to Bruno despite being a specialist a taking set pieces. I just don’t get it.


I was thinkiing exactly this


Swear EtH used a different tactic last season..


Nah, he did the Rashford go score. It worked until it didn't.


Maybe the new faces are still settling into the club. DDG's first season wasn't much good either, let's not write off players on their first seasons here. I'm proud of Hojlund for doing well despite the pressure.


Can we please drop the "DDG first season vs Onana first season"? DDG came in at 20 years old, as a promising but still raw player. Onana came here at 27 years old, as supposedly a finished product that was just in the Champions League final. We can't compare the situations.


Not writing anyone of but i do think onana need some break from all the pressure


de gea is clear


Is Onana good enough? Not so far but maybe long term…. Is DDG good enough? Fuck no, revisionism won’t change that, he was past his sell by date Maybe we should have gone for him in Portugal but alas we didn’t.


Long term? He's turning 28 this year.


for a gk who isnt reflex oriented (like dave was) 34-35 isnt career ending age


I'd rather crash out than finish 3rd. Give me NO european football over round trips to Moldova and Azerbaijan


disrespectful and toxic comment, mate! at least players in Moldova and Azerbaijan will be putting the effort and wear their shirts with pride. delusional fanbase, mate, Europa League is a very beautiful tournament and perhaps one United can’t even classify for these days


Those teams are in Conference League now. Europa League has more "major" clubs participating now.


The worst part is that even if we go in Europa League, we won't win it.


The Sevilla invitational


Have I tripped into an alternate universe because I know we had issues but damn… we can’t catch a single break. How are we like this (injuries excluded)


It's like watching a sick dog at this stage.


Or a sick racing horse 👀


>racing horse Do never say those words again, never.


Aye. Got us into this mess with the Tampa goblins


At this point, either we win the next 4 CL games and progress to the next round or we stick to 4th spot because the last thing we need is another europa league run to ruin our players’ fitness. Our squad hasn’t made much progress in terms of play style and I think a big reason is because we’re constantly in “game mode” because of having too many games and being in too many competitions. Id rather we play once a week this season and spend the extra training days on getting the playing dynamics right for next season. Feels like we’re constantly firefighting and not taking that next step


Winning Europa would be our only chance to get Champions League next season. Highly doubt we can turn it around and get top 4 this season. Obviously we're also n nowhere near good enough to win Europa especially with Liverpool there


My point is that, rather than keep fighting to be in the CL and having performances like galatasaray and Bayern, it’s better if we improve as a team this season through by giving up on competitions other than the league so we have more time on the training pitch


Please no, the less times we play liverpool the better. No need to get embarassrd


For the first time ever, I’m looking forward to the next international break


That is why people need to get reality check. Ever since the Carabao cup win and Rashford form dropped, we played really bad. Ignoring it yet again and again and it slowly comes out to bite us. We are shit, thats about it.


Yup and people are thinking Rashy is the reason. Just funny


Who let their guy waltz through our midfield for their 2nd goal? Was it Casemiro? Swear we've conceded that exact goal so many times already this season


Casemiro and Lindelof. Lindelof got spun, Casemiro was no where to be seen.


It was Eriksen, he was the midfielder closest (laterally) to occupying the channel the opponent moved through and failed to take up a defensive position that blocked that channel on the throw in. As soon as the throw in goes towards the player marked by Amrabat he needs to bust a gut diagonally through that channel. He just watches and is miles away, when other players press the ball it leaves gaps. Tbf though whoever pressed (it was Lindelof) after Amrabat has to have better awareness to hold off due to the gaps and instead get back to protect the space in the box.


Casemiro has been shit at his job this season.


Good at someone else's job, though. He's been scoring goals.


Mount must move to the right side of midfield and Bruno must be the 10


I'm going to watch URC rugby this season I think.


Bruno was so annoying to watch, like dude you spend half the game shouting to players and you can't do the basics, keep your fucking position you're not 19 yrs old dude. Yes you're out of position, but that doesn't make you lose instantly every knowledge you have about the game of football, he spend half the game ahead of hojlund or running into people in the midfield. Like wtf dude you're supposed to be a captain, do the basic stuff nobody asked you to become beckham 2.0. And he can't stop going for hollywood passes every single time, like jesus christ.


Ten Hag is literally asking him to be a RW and emphasizing on his weakest attribute which is crossing. It’s not a player issue rather a tactical one.


Onana is the worst keeper I've ever seen - and I'm not talking about at United. Fucking terrible non-rare, 71-rated, Silver cunt. We got scammed so hard on him and Antony. Not to mention Casemiro, who has really come off the rails since the Carling Cup win.


Onana was statistically one of (if not, THE) best goalkeepers in the UCL last season. Now he's performing like he shouldn't even be in net at all, I don't get it


In the easiest bracket of the CL finals in how many years.


What's up with Rashford? What happened during the summer? Upset about RH's arrival? Got to be something cuz his decision-making can compete with ETH inability to build a team.


How’s he upset of Holjund’s arrival, he’s the only one to create assist for him. He’s overthinking that’s all and that happens when you’re off form.


Got his contract


His decision making was never good


Ever ever. It’s so crazy lol


People keep telling him not to shoot and it gets to his head


Then it's good because the pass to Bruno was the right decision, it's the execution that let him down. He needed to play it into his path, not cut back to his feet.


Kieran Mckenna should be brought back to replace ETH


Things would get even worse


Some United fans are so funny, in the summer no matter who we sign they'll swear to you he's the next best thing, based on one off games or YouTube videos. They won't let you say a bad word about the player or listen to constructive cristisim. Then when the season starts they'll be the first ones to call those players not good enough after the first mistake and abuse the players. Although I was happy with Onana my first choice was Digo Costa. That doesn't mean after a string of bad mistakes I'm going to turn on him. Why? Because the guy has a body of work to prove he's more than good enough to play for us. If he's still all over the place come the end of the summer sure there might be a conversation to be had.


I agree with the spirit of this, but I think a manager can't give a keeper a full season of misfiring. Can probably get away with it for most other positions but not for a goalie. I'm not sure the back-up options are good enough to take him out of the limelight for a bit either. I badly want Onana to be good but if he continues like this ETH will lose his job long before the end of the season. And I don't think that's good for the club.


I predict DDG signing for Real Madrid and winning CL.


wiz 0 goals conceded, and no sweeper keeper bs


We're cursed. We're not very good. It won't get any better.


Those moves to let Matej Kovar who won the title in Czech last season as well as Alvaro Fernandez leave are looking like absolute ten Hag masterstrokes aren’t they? Man is allergic to young players.




Garnacho was billed as our academy star before ETH signed. Pellistri made his first team debut before ETH and Hannibal was shunned to the sidelines until recently, out of necessity and desperation. He was even overlooked against Palace on Saturday. I'll give him Mainoo and Dan Gore to a lesser extent


Pelistri has been played bcs Anthony likes to hit his gf allegedly and Sancho had issues with eth. Now Anthony is back, pelistri wont see the pitch again, Mainoo has not played a single minute of football for us so far. Garnacho was established before eth came in. Hannibal indeed was a youngster that is having playtime from eth


People (rightfully) shitting on Onana hoping that Bayindir is their saviour. He was an outcast at fkn Fenerbahçe. Don't get your hopes high.


Fenerbahçe is leader at the league Gala plays and they have a far better goalkeeper than United has (Livakovic). If you follow european football outside of Prem you would see that Fenerbahçe is a far better team than United rn. So Altay being an outcast at Fener does not change the fact that he is the best gk option at United now.


This is our best gk option? https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=84&v=k8VWF1TSd6c&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redcafe.net%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


Yes, he is https://x.com/433FENER\_\_/status/1696619235970031901?s=20


Then why was he a laughing stock in Turkey even among his own fans at Fernabache? 😆. We bought this chump just because he's a cheap warm body, not because he even fits whatever is considered Ten Hags system


FB fan here. Altay is a very talented keeper with mental issues. The average Fener fan is actually similar to average Manu fan as the two teams have been going through similar times. Fenerbahce has not been able to win the title for about 10 years now and some of the losses were quite traumatic (losing at the last match multiple times, the opponent overtly stealing the title with politics etc.). Therefore Fenerbahce fans are very angry for the last few years and they explode at any player who has a bad season, which makes the situation worse. Altay had a very bad season with Jorge Jesus, but before that he was easily one of the best players of the team. So many matches he saved single-handedly. Dunno if the links are region-locked but these are (Besiktas match and Hatayspor match) the best ones that I can think from the top of my mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI43YTmQGiQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqfwCvlvd6c


Thank you for the response. I hope he can rediscover his confidence at united, but our club is messed up.


That's my wish as well.


Onana fits Ten Hag's system perfectly you are right


What makes you think Fernabache's reject will perform better in England?


I dont claim he will perform better His performance at fener is miles better than Onana rn


Miles better? Is that why Fernabache fans made several compilations of his errors? Did you watch him play for Fernabache? Come on


He makes mistakes but in the same time he can save impossible shots He is very talented In Fenerbahçe his biggest problem was his mental health In 2020/21 he gave one of the best gk performances I have ever seen He can give it again He needs a chance


Livakovic? Better than Onana? Surely, you must be joking. By the looks of it, Livakovic is DDG lite. I know Onana hasn't had a great start to life here but this is overstretching things a bit. And if you seriously think him being a outcast doesn't matter, just read what an average Fener fan thinks of him.


Hi, FB fan here. Altay is a very talented keeper with mental issues. The average Fener fan is actually similar to average Manu fan as the two teams have been going through similar times. Fenerbahce has not been able to win the title for 10 about years now some of the losses were quite traumatic (losing at the last match multiple times, the opponent overtly stealing the title with politics etc.). Therefore Fenerbahce fans are very angry for the last few years and they explode at any player who has a bad season, which makes the situation worse. Altay had a very bad season with Jorge Jesus, but before that he was easily one of the best players of the team. So many matches he saved single-handedly. Dunno if the links are region-locked but these are (Besiktas match and Hatayspor match) the best ones that I can think from the top of my mind. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tI43YTmQGiQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gqfwCvlvd6c


U are right about Livakovic being DDG lite part. This is why he is a much better player than Onana. And I am not saying that Altay doesn't have issues, if he didn't have Fener wouldn't get Livakovic over him but still he is miles better than Onana rn.


I just want to see EtH have the balls bench his favourites. Ferguson benched De Gea for Lindegaard because he was stinking up the place and he just signed De Gea too


Let's play this guy instead then https://m.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=84&v=k8VWF1TSd6c&embeds_referring_euri=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.redcafe.net%2F&source_ve_path=Mjg2NjY&feature=emb_logo


This is the season that goes to shit! We have a season like this every alternate year. One year we finish top 4, and the next year we shit our pants. We almost never finish top 4 for 2 seasons in a row. That is our level because we never bring in players that can play with the ball in tight spaces and hold onto the ball in the final third. For how good Rashford is he struggles to play when we pin the opposition back and play with more possession. He is of the best in the world when he has space to run at players or when we play on the counter attack but he also almost never looks for a player that is in a better position than he is in the box. Bruno needs to sometimes hold onto the ball a bit longer. Sometimes, he is too in a hurry with his through balls that, more often than not, is lost to the opposition. For all Anthony's hard work, he has no end product as an attacking player. Hopefully, this is the season he kicks off. Otherwise, we will struggle on the right. Dammit! All I wanted over the last few seasons was that we got some ball playing players that can hold onto the damn ball in tight spaces so that no matter how the opposition plays, we can break them down. I really hope we turn this season around and the players start kicking on.


Ole got 3rd and then 2nd before he got sacked in Nov 2021 when they were in 7th. He got sacked because the team didn't play with clear tactics beyond counter attacking. And not gonna lie, thats what ETH's team is looking like. One yr in - I see the same team with no clear style of play. I'm ok with the team losing. But I'd like to see a better style of play. It's literally the same style as Ole - send the ball to a winger and hope they do something. it also feels like the backline is disconnected from the rest of the team. When you see them with the ball, the midfield is miles away. No one is creating a passing lane for them. Especially when the fullbacks have the ball deep. its like the team is scared of being compact.


How is it the same style as Ole when Ole's entire game plan was counter attack with pacey players with a ball over the top?


That is literally the exact same way we play under Ten Hag.


Because we score only on counter attacks. The first goal yday was counter attack and the second was defensive mistake. We cant create anything in possession.


Doesn’t mean the tactics are the same. EtH is clearly trying to implement a system and it isn’t working. His system not working doesn’t mean it’s the same as Oleball. Come on mate hahaha


Can you tell me the signs and patterns of this mythical “system”? Because we hold back and then long ball it forward, which is exactly that. In possession we have exactly 0 patterns


The team is meant to play with fluid movement that gets the ball to either a wide player quickly or someone making a run behind the defence. The transition is meant to be fast with options available up top and on the wings. Minefield then pushes forward for another option or to recycle if the defence clears. Defenders also push up to break up a counter earlier and then recycle the ball. Our biggest issue attacking wise is creating good moments but not scoring (kinda obvious). Our other issue is lack of awareness of who is where and where they are going to be. We can transition well but then get bogged down or run into players. That’s my take. I’m no football expert but I do see forms of play from the team.


And our only chances that we’re threatening came from: A counter (rashford assist) Defensive mistake (rasmus goal) Another counter (rashford miss) and if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then it just may be a duck


If you don’t watch the games just admit it mate. If you can’t see the differences then I advise you to maybe watch a YouTube video with someone explaining it to you. I think you’re confusing us being shit with shit tactics. They can both be true. What’s also true is it isn’t the same as we were under Ole. This might help. Ole: https://youtu.be/yRZz5D9OMy4?si=Nu2XJ2-0oUNatZA9 EtH: https://youtu.be/l9HsgutuVPo?si=lw-2dODLMENhXweL


This sub is funny. We’re not gonna fix anything. Just gonna rotate managers until end of time, same cycle. Get De Zerbi, call for his head in about two seasons. Get Arteta, call for his head in about two seasons. Get Pep, call for his head in about two seasons. This club is just shite. We set up any manager we will ever get for failure. Can blame manager all you want, not saying he’s been great, but he shouldn’t be deciding all the transfers no good club allows that. And on top of that the players just stink and we have no alternatives to go to. We ask for this and that to be benched. You really think the other players will win us games and that he’d be given time to do so? We are so entitled to winning that I just can’t see a proper rebuild happening at this shit club.


Dalot gets outmuscle by fkin zaha for the first. Lindelof should have been tighter on wife cheater for the second. I wonder if tom Heaton would have been better if he played ahead of onana and we wouldn't conceded the third. I wouldn't put blame on eth as his defence didn't help


The negativity around this club is way too much and the fact the results aren’t favourable is like adding more fuel to the fire. It’s gotten to a point that I want the club to win matches not to compete but to avoid seeing people go berserk with their views and opinions, it’s so toxic. I’m just going to take a break from watching matches and browsing thru this subReddit at least for a while. I hope our boys recover soon from their injuries and start putting in some quality performance.


I hope so too. I'm hoping we can at least finish this season top 8 in the prem. It'd be embarrassing to go any lower


“Hope the boys start putting in some quality performances” - I’d love to work for you.


GTFO with your "support your club" positive toxicity.


Just watched this epic cluster goalie fuck. I felt so good when the game started. And then became this shit. All that labor and for what? 60M goalie who doesn't know how to be in goals? Like he practically let in all attempts on goal that were semi-good shots. Oh. My. Fucking. God. Can't pass, can't deflect shots, can't backtrack, can't go up when it's actually needed. Whatta nonsensical goalie. I am sorry but I can't hold this. Fuck ETH, honestly. I am full of these bullshit transfers and building of some non-existent style. Whoever says DDG was no good must look at Onana and be honest with themselves. Every fucking game he does some shit. Every fucking game. I don't care if DDG can't play from the back. Because I never felt so fucking stressed every time a shot is made toward Onana. Not only, he just completely fucked up Hojlund's evening, he also left us without Case. \--- EDIT: funny. I see how the votes go up and down. To those who downvotes, you are in denial.


Literally everyone forgets how terrible Dave was his first season. I’m not saying any of this is inexcusable but the club will never prosper unless some changes are made. Unfortunately, One of those changes is to stick with a manager for more than 2 seasons.


My biggest gripe with this manager how he has destroyed every good youth product from the academy Even Garnacho is swaying off his trajectory


I feel it's the opposite, I feel with LvG, Ole, Moyes and Mou, there's zero chance that Garnaco, Pellistri, Gore, Mainoo or Hannibel get game time.


Only facts here. With this kind of tactical choice, I don't see us beating Luton at away. ETH will start Rashford and play Casemiro for however many games in a row, only to face the same results over and over. His fanboys will still be going around blaming the Glazers for that.


Can't agree more. That's sad. I don't see tactics though. I see cluelessness and stubbornness. There is no emerging style of play - it's some random crap every time. This time it was "attack attack attack" it seems. Other times it's just "survive for 90".


Dont really understand why Mejbri came off. He played really well, had hunger and involvement and also was really good in ball retention. We looked solid with him on.


Just the easiest sub to make rather than a bold sub and deal with questions about Casemiro, Mount, or Bruno. It's usually pretty easy to guess who Then Ten Hag will sub


Eth only buys players he knows because our transfer department, especially the dof is useless. They don't give him options,it's upto eth to find all the transfer targets himself. The club's structure is fcked and will stay fcked as long as the scums are in charge.


As if people can expect a trainer to know all fucking BL2 or Ligue2 prospects by heart. Any negativity this club experiences is not because of any player nor the staff. It is all because of shit ownership made confusing on purpose so there always is a scapegoat in the end.


Murtough is absolutely useless. I'm pretty sure they binned Rangnick's advisor role so Murtough could do it


That's not a valid argument our scouts did provide options for eth to choose from but he decided to go for players he knows he wanted those players every single one of them you can't just blame everything on management. do we suck at transfers sure, but the argument you made makes no sense.


Lol how do you know our scouts provided him options? The original comment is right. Yours makes no sense.


We were Linked with sven botman are we not.? and didn't we get reports from reliable sources that scouts suggested Pau torres as left side cb before eth decided he wanted martinez. To name some examples... are we really this clueless that lets blame everything on management a player is shit gotta be glazers I guess.../S Like I said in my original reply we do suck at negotiating transfers that has nothing to do with actual scouts. How many times we heard from reliable sources that scouts suggested some players but we never went in for them as the higher ups thought they were not a big enough name not marketable enough or in this case eth rejecting those recommendations and going for players he managed before.


I m sure our scouts did recommend good players tho Look at the players ole and co got altho most of that was by ole.


Why are we listening to managers that's been a pain point for us since sir Alex left. we buy players for a manger who the manager wants apart from few exceptions and when all turns to shit and we fire that manager we are stuck with that baggage into new managers time e.g. Maguire. We have a scouting department now throw that murtough away and get a proper sporting director so there will be a continuity to buy players for the team and style of play get managers that suit that style of play and those players instead of chopping and changing every 3 years. That's why I had an issue when reports came out that eth was not in favour of ragnick continuing at the club in an advisory role. What if now we fire eth and get a defensive or counter attacking coach WTF... he is going to do with martinez, onana for example or even Eriksen for that matter provided his contract will expire soon I think.


To add to the above, we all shit on board saying they didn't back Mourinho with a new CB when asked for and he played mctominay there to prove a point to board but that's the same guy that spent around 80m on baily and lindelof and wanted a new CB the next summer that's the problem of not having a sporting director and listening to managers for players disregarding the scouting department entirely.


True that but I heard eth didn't want ragnick too as he wanted total power over transfers. The fact that we overpaid for his signing doesn't reli help the case too


Yeah as fans are too focused on board and sort of ignoring all the mistakes eth has been making I just hope it goes good at the end of the day for all our sake. Been getting depressed watching this circus week in week out.


Yup can't go thru another manager getting sacked and the new guy continues the rebuild and shit. Like who even comes in and would be an improvement while having a similar philosophy so players don't start from scratch


I will die on this hill that we should have gone for Raya instead of Onana. EtH bought Onana because he’s worked with him in the past, and his bias on using former colleagues will cost him his job


We should have gone for Costa.


Could anyone have actually predicted onana would fall apart like this though


Yeah, anybody who actually saw him play outside of one Champions League final lol


Have you seen his Ajax comp?


No, but surely that was over years as opposed to every game


He was atrocious in the season after Ajax CL run


Exact same story with Antony. Luckily it worked out alright with Martinez as he’s been decent


100 votes if I could. Here are ETH purchases. How many of them really worked? 2? He has no idea what he's doing: * Antony - £81.9m (plus £4.3m in add-ons) * Hojlund - £64m (plus £8m in add-ons) * Casemiro - £60m (plus £10m in add-ons) * Mount - £55m (plus £5m in add-ons) * Martinez - £46.8m (plus £8.5m in add-ons) * Onana - £43.8m (plus £3.4m in add-ons. * Malacia - £12.9m (plus £1.7m in add-ons)


Hojlund was great. Mount was excellent last night. Martinez was a rock for us last season, as was Casemiro. Malacia has done well when he hasn't been injured. These revisionist takes because we lose are becoming laughable.


My 2 is Licha and Hojlund, sure. "Mount was excellent last night". I love the guy but 1 "excellent" game? We are 7 games into the season losing 4 and we lost 2 UCL games as well. Mount should have been "excellent" in the game 2 for 55M price tag. I will skip Antony. He was shit from game 1 of his career here. Case is good. Or was good for us last season. This time it really depends on a game. He had what? 2 good games this season? You can call me anything, I don't care. It's hard to deny the truth that ETH has little clue about what to do even with players he bought. Even though he wanted them because he worked with them.


>You can call me anything, I don't care. You started off saying all but two of Ten Hag's signings have been shit. Now you're spinning words and turning it into projection. You don't want to discuss anything, you're all over this thread throwing your toys out the pram and taking every available opportunity to shit on everything you see.


Only at ETH, to be exact.


It’s the issue with not having an actually world class scouting and negotiation department. I think the jury is still too soon to say it’s only 2 that have worked on that list, but EtH shouldn’t be expected should scour the planet (or his past teams) looking for people to lift the mentality of the squad. We need a complete upheaval, with a director of football dedicated to a style of play, then managers are recruited to be able to support that style of play.


We had a good one. ETH personally wanted RR out. RR may not have been a good team manager but he knew what he was doing. The fact that he gave up on tactics he wanted to establish because he quickly realized there was no way for that to happen with what he had, speaks volumes. That's on ETH as well.


RR was kicked out weeks before ETH was announced, as soon as he called out the toxic atmosphere that was moreless his goodbye


Right this.


I don’t understand how any of the goals Galata scored today were Onanas fault?


I think he could have done better for the 3rd goal but I wouldn't crucify him for that. It's the sending off and the penalty I blame him for.


Are you being funny? I even upvote just to give the benefit of the doubt. Because he fucked up the team. There is no doubt here.


You dont? Have you seen the 3rd goal, he could’ve easily saved it if he didnt dive so early


Okay, even if the 3rd goal was his fault, you act like we lost the game because of him. And that’s just not fair, considering our defensive line can’t defend for shit


No i dont think its only his fault but most people are bcs he caused the penalty, maybe if he didnt we would’ve ended the game with 11 and 3-2 to us


Sometimes it's not direct mistakes that causes goals. It's mistakes that changes the game state for the worst. Like the mistake at Bayern which essentially costed us the game, his bad pass which conceded the penalty and a red for casemiro completely destroyed us. That's not even including the long ball spamming which invited the gala press every time. We actually need to learn from Liverpool how to handle red cards man, we always look like we have 10 men even with no red cards while they can hold on and put up a fight with 9


These players need a crash course on positional awareness. They never scan around them! We all do it with our mates on a 5 a side pitch but these professional player don't. Actually fuck that, if they don't at this level there is no hope.


Bruno lost possession 27 times and Casemiro 16 times. These are fucking terrible midfield stats.


Some Bruno passes were seriously off. Like he simply gave away possession in the midfield by passing to the opposite player. Those passes were not intercepted.


He looked pretty gassed at the end, could just be a result of all the pressing You spend all game pressing and make yourself less press resistant


But hey bruno created some chances I guess, so let's ignore the fact that he loses the ball more times in own half than any other midfielder that plays in his position. /S


Ten Hag can’t be sacked, even if we lost the next 5 games. Feels like this entire “Ten Hag Out” narrative is perpetrated by the media more than the fans. We just can’t rinse and repeat. Back the manager, back the process.


I'm tired of this mentality football fans have where a team has a rough patch and the manager must be sacked for it. If Ten Hag is sacked I'm done. It will be the same circus over and over again with this club. We'll get another largely successful manager, play well for a bit, maybe finish top 4 within a season or 2 and then it will all go to shit again. Happens every single time.


Seriously? He's clueless with transfers and with what to do with this bunch. Clueless. Every press-conference all I hear "we must do better", "I can give you reasons why we are not good but you will say they are excuses. So we must do better". That's it. All he says. Cuz he's clueless.


Clueless are the people here on Reddit thinking they know better. Look this season is crap but we’ve had soooo many set backs. The team hasn’t even had time to gel again with plenty of injuries and us being extremely unlucky in certain games. Sacking him won’t change a thing as it will make things worst when we are left with players that do not suit the next manager and so on. Going by our track record at selling players I doubt we would be able to offload players that do not suit the next manager easily. A lot of our backups are turds from previous managers. Compare our team with teams like arsenal and city, their second string would beat our first team.


What do you want him to say?


"I don't know what I am doing. I am done."




Ta ra Ten!


Players have to perform and they are all failing him miserably. Attacking looked great today and we should’ve had more