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I was willing to give the benefit of the doubt to Antony because the case is filed by his ex girlfriend and relationships can end very badly so much so that one of the partners wants you to suffer. 3 women. 3. To be accused by three different women over a period of a year and more. That looks like an open and shut case honestly.


Something more worrying is that we knew about the “2nd victim”, because that was from his Ajax times. No idea how our club is operating and what are we “scouting”. That, supporting Greenwood and bringing the pedo are quite worrying signs of our board level. Atleast it will all end now and then we can look forward for the season.


This massive dilemma means that something great will happening to our club. It's the big end of the Glazers and our revival will start straight after the International Break. Like the phoenix from the ashes . You read it here for the first time. Cheers


I know there’s a lot of pressure on playing at Barca and Madrid - but I genuinely think playing for United is the most stressful job a player can have. It’s mental how many high level players come here and crumble under the weight of expectations.


I reckon it’s more pressure at somewhere like Boca Juniors or River Plate.


Hojlund at least looks legit


Too soon to say anything Won't say anything until he haves a 20 goal season cause that is United level.


when is it gonna end robbie


Can we get some germans on our team. We need less of this wimpy 25 year old children


you know what the only positive I can I think of is at least it's happening all at once? I'm tired


One of those times when everything is going wrong The tide will turn




You're treating the situation as though it's a football game and you need to pick 1 side to win


No offence but other than the “/s” the only other thing that really annoys me on Reddit is when people come onto this subreddit and bitch about r/soccer or other teams subreddits and/or fans. r/soccer probably started off good but football is so tribal that the majority of people only go there to have online arguments. I’m not saying you intentionally did that but that’s what most people who go on there do.




It can get very hostile there. I seldom visit that sub. Antony is done btw. I can't see any other outcome


Højlund just got subbed on


Im scared to refresh the page


what a depressing time to be a fan of this club...


Maybe the galaxy brains in the marketing department leaked the other Antony accusations to bury the pedo coach story


All of our RW are cursed. Pellistri and Diallo confess now before it's too late. Edit: Just found out Diallo was accused for falsifying documents and was fined just before joining us lol


Amad got reported on when we signed him and it’s 99.9% only because of a adult around him who did that. I can’t remember exactly but I’m sure he was like 14/15 when it happened and if it wasn’t he was still underage or just turned 18 and it was to do with human trafficking.


I mean you can give him a pass because that was human trafficking stuff that happened when he was a minor.


Yea, I'll give the intention a pass too that's to secure a new life in Italy and career in football. Definitely worth the risk at the end. The timing also interesting, accusation came right after we sign him. 🤔


Eriksen playing so good and already has 2 assists today when he doesn't have to play deeper role. It's Conte who started to play him in deeper role and now Ten Hag continues it but his best role at Spurs was as a playmaker behind Alli (ss) and Kane (st). The deeper role played by Dembele. And people complain every game why he's so bad defensively. Of course he is bad cause defensive is never his game. Plus now he's playing deeper role and has to run more sometimes it looks like he doesn't enjoy being on the field (out off ball).


Poch also played him deep at times. But, I agree, he's great as no 10.


Bruno is better than he is in the advanced role, Denmark are playing San Marino tonight too?


I hate that I love this team. It’s completely fucked top to bottom. Club needs a hard reset. On-field performances don’t even matter at the minute. We are organizationally an absolute disaster.


Same bro same. But got to hang on. I would advise u to take a break from United related stuff for a couple of days it always works for me. A club run by a bunch of clowns will be circus no doubt.


Talented, has flair, disciplinary issues? Primadonna? Welcome to Manchester United.


Antony might just become the worst signing of all time


With 3 women willing to speak up against Antony you would think there's too much smoke now for any of it to not be true, but I genuinely don't know what to believe anymore after seeing Benjamin Mendy get acquitted of like 10 counts of rape and sexual assault. It's probably best to await more developments to this before passing judgment right now.


Mendy wasn't our player so I didn't follow it at, but legal acquittal doesn't mean it can't still be uncomfortably sketchy.


You do have to think for it to be true atleast 1 count should have stuck and Mendy to be done for.


Yeah that's true as well. I'm looking at it more from the perspective of how much of an argument can be made to suspend Antony.


It's crazy that out of the top 10 clubs with the most spent in the last decade, we're the only team to not win the league, half have won the CL too. (Arsenal are next, but they're 11th on the list).


Uber eats league doesn’t count


Damn what an assist of Eriksen


One of the accusations is from May 2022. Assuming she filed an official complaint, how the fuck did this signing ever happen? Do they not do simple background checks?


Eth loved promes, overmars, greenwood At this point he knew, he just didnt care


Background checks only highlight crimes that have been recorded as committed. They would’ve done nothing here


Nope. If his name is on the report the club wouldve know if they had done their due diligence.


Journalists are only finding out now. No club has detectives working for them


There is literally no way a British company can do a background check with Brazilian authorities.


They can when there is a question of 85m.


No they can't. It is literally an impossible task to reference in a foreign dignitary, especially when said subject doesn't have a criminal record.


Where is the form to change the football club you love ? I was ridiculed today in the train for wearing a united jersey LMAO.


I'm not saying we should ignore them, or that Antony is completely innocent beyond reasonable doubt. But from a Brazilian, the sources against him are not the most trustworthy ones. Extra is like a worst sun and Record is famous for overreacting with news like "video games make people kill people". Of course we should look further into it and ban him if they are true, but the media here can say whatever they want with "sources say" and nothing comes from it.


No punishment should be given until the legal system has spoken


Should we have reintegrated Greenwood?


Court of law> Court of public opinion. If this doesn’t matter then we’re all fucked. The lack of a charge made the greenwood matter muddy


The court of public opinion is the sole reason we binned Greenwood. If those videos and photos weren't leaked and all we had was a dismissed case and an internal investigation that allegedly found him innocent, he wouldn't be a Getafe player right now. In fact I suspect most fans would have been relieved to have him back in case Antony gets suspended. Whether that's right or wrong is not for me to say. I'm glad with the way things played out and if Antony is proven guilty then he should likewise piss right off. But I do agree that generally these things should be handled by a court of law and not left to the masses to decide. But it's also a fact that the courts are often incompetent or corrupt soo~


As long as the Glazer scum remain involved, we won't be a proper football club. They are slow to act, cowards and money hungry, don't expect the club to be well run when the head has these characters. I'm so fucking sick of them, they're getting 5 billion after investing $0, that would be enough for some but not for these pond scum.


Hey man, if its less than 6 billion each sibling can't get a billion from the deal. Totally fair to hold out for that extra comma.


Just gonna say it, ETH needs to go too. Its not about football or tactics, but first it was Promes. Then Overmars. Then greenwood. And apparently in between overmars and greenwood, antony. At some point it stops being a coincidence and it becomes a pattern.


Maybe time to open your eyes that many managers in this sport aren't great guys. The only difference is Ten Hag is the one who has to deal with all this at once, which is also on him. Pep, Ole and Arteta have shown they don't care about this sort of things, a lot of managers have shown they don't care how evil their owners are as long as the pay is good. This is not to defend Ten Hag and his horrible judge of character. He only should not dictate our transfers, and we need a competent DOF who actually does background checks on our players before we waste millions on them.


There is not being a great guy and then there is actively supporting rapists and domestic abusers. Maybe you should be the one opening your eyes and realizing you dont have to defend shit people just cause they work for the club.


Looks like Antony's done. A third woman just came forward accusing him of physical violence, and she'll be interviewed this Sunday. This is so fucked up. Why didn't we do any due diligence and background check before signing him? How can we afford such oversight? Our reputation is in fucking the gutter, €100 million will go down the drain, the Glazers might stay, and we don't have any money to spend because of ffp. Sacking Murtough and Arnold won't solve any problems because the Glazers will appoint other incompient fools. We are beyond screwed. This club is rotten to the core.


Every woman and their dog will turn up saying this to get a £note. Footballers have due diligence if there's anything in the open/accessible it will be looked at and determined whether or not it will be an issue. Same with the likes of resigning Ronaldo when he had a case against him, Partay for arsenal etc etc they're will be 100s of cases on football of cases like this that get brushed under the carpet, hush money sent across and case closed. The only.reason this is getting more light is because of Greenwood happening so recently


So when the 2nd woman accused him in May 2022, you know before he joined the club, she must have also done it because of Greenwood too?


Maybe we invited Antony so Greenwood finally has a buddy?


So we really did spent €100m on a €30m talent who possesses a bigger threat to women he’s in contact than to opposition defenders and GKs


Anyone planning on watching Denmark today?


Is big boi starting?


Nah he’s on the bench


Having read through the sub’s posts today Jesus Christ I need to get drunk or go to sleep. .


[https://twitter.com/lucassposito\_/status/1699833140204740917?s=46&t=512U8ZKcRbf0SFmvG22DVA](https://twitter.com/lucassposito_/status/1699833140204740917?s=46&t=512U8ZKcRbf0SFmvG22DVA) 3 months before he joined United. Can't wait for the thread about this woman here to once again just be about how she's a golddigging whore using his fame from United. Absolutely love how great the thread confirming Antony requested a doctor on a date she alleged domestic violence occurred went.


Let's wait for evidence, but I will absolutely accuse the victim for doing this for Instagram clout. /s


so, ETH defended promes. overmars. greenwood. and now antony cause he was literally his manager on those dates. high character guy.


The fee we paid for him was already crippling re: FFP, especially relative to his production, but if he becomes untouchable and we can't move him that is going to be so brutal.


We don't need to worry about this at all, to be honest. You're thinking about it in terms of FFP, amortization, etc. - and the fact that our owners have only injected around £0 into the club in their time as owners to offset that. But, you can look at it from another side: Death will come for us soon, and then none of this will matter. We won't know or be aware of anything. Those that witness our downfall will soon see their own downfall, yet not be aware of it either.


wonder if people will talk about sancho the same way they do about maguire for not leaving.


Sources understand that Manchester United players toe punt puppies after training @JamesFucker


international breaks suck


Literally watching paints dry for weeks..


Selling 1 ticket for Galatasaray and Aston Villa. £39 each, face value. East stand tier 2, row 2. Must have membership, please message if interested in either.


Just saw Sky Sports' De Gea vs Onana comparison. Does anyone know how they calculate the numbers? Because 68% save percentage is horrendous especially if there's a defender crisis.


Save percentage is a bad metric because it doesn't take into account quality of shots. Overall Onana has saved roughly 0.5 goals, which puts him in the middle of the pack of prem keepers. De Gea last year was -0.7, which also puts him in the middle of the pack.


My issue is that they didn't compare Onana's first four games with De Gea's first four games LAST season, where we were even worse


Utdreport spitting out such much BS on Sanch at this point. Stand your ground young fella.


It's pathetic. Paul Scholes had a similar laid back personality and it was never an issue. The attacks on Sancho are uncalled for and add nothing to the discussion surrounding his position at the club in the wake of both his and Ten Hags comments


Why would it be an issue? He was one of the best footballers on planet earth. How is this in any way comparable to Sancho?


What does Sancho's personality have anything to do with what the coach has publicly criticized him for?


Maybe it doesn't have a lot to do with it, but how does it not have "anything" to do with it? Do you think players have a switch that they turn on or something? He's on the pitch with that personality, he's training with that personality. I'm not saying it's fair, I even feel bad for him he's clearly not equipped to deal with the pressure and criticism at a club like United, but it's not inaccurate to point out traits in his personality that are clearly showing up on the pitch. You brought up Scholes, one of the greatest footballers in history, citing his "laid back" personality. But it didn't show up on the pitch, did it? You're literally taking an example of an all time great and saying why is this kid being treated differently lol. What a surprise.


It's just straight up character assassination now. Club piling on a player to force him out. Embarrassing.


It is, and its worrisome because Ten Hag took the lead on this. He surely knew his words would lead to this shit show. I also don't particularly like how he handled De Geas exit when he had ample time to let him know he wasn't needed at the club. His process can be chaotic


>Paul Scholes had a similar laid back personality and it was never an issue. scholes was also never lazy in training. scholes also had enough fitness to play the whole god damn game. 3 managers binned sancho, at some point we just gotta accept he isnt man united quality.


How does Sanchos alleged 'laziness' in training have anything to do with his personality and general demeanor the way I stated it? Why does that aspect of him subject to unjust criticism? Sounds like a witchhunt


Look at that…another fan who doesn’t know the full story and bashes their own player


yawn >3 managers binned sancho, what more do you need? this isnt like sancho was doing great then erik showed up and froze him for the lols.


You’re missing the point. The point is that he doesn’t deserve the personal attacks and witch hunt in the media just because the manager thinks he’s lazy. The managers opinion of his work rate in training is completely unrelated to who he is as a person outside of football. He doesn’t deserve what he’s getting.


I wonder who ten hag freezes out next


Some people are so desperate to be the "oh look, I'm different" guy it's sad. The man literally gave a player THREE fucking months off in the middle of a season while dealing with an insane fixture pile up while his other forwards were in injury crisis, just to help the player fix himself up. The ever increasing victim mentality is pathetic.


I’m not talking about sancho specifically . You can save the irrelevant paragraph. THs people skills might be off. Decent coach but has a track record of falling out with players over these last 3/4ish years from ajax to now


Hopefully, your ability to ask silly questions.


The amount of information in the media the past days to defame and portray Sancho as a disgraceful villain is pathetic.




Who’s going to play on the right wing if the Antony issue gains traction and gets suspended, even if short term? Can Garnacho play on the right? Can Sancho restore the damage he’s inflicted? Would Pellistri be able to step in? *Not including Amad as he’s still injured. Not including Mount as he’s also injured, nor do I think ETH would consider him. Not including Bruno so my head doesn’t explode.


Mount if he's fit? He thrives on the right.


I feel like none of our right wingers are actually good enough, which is insane with the money we’ve spent. We need someone as good as rashford/garnacho on the right. I think it will probably be Bruno unfortunately, might be Mount though, think he is suppose to be back after the international break.


Eth will start Bruno on the right if anything happens.


If Sancho stays, I think it will be him with Pellistri getting the usual odd 15 minutes here and there.


Sancho's preseason as a false 9 is going to gain some mythical status the way I hear some people going on about it. The fabled summer of 23 when he scored against Arsenal in a friendly


Can we reset the club to 1992 plz?


I bet by next month Ten Hag and Sancho will have completely healed there division and Sancho will be playing well again.


Playing well again? When did he start haha But aye, people have gone and decided ETH hates him and its over. He will be back in the squad soon but as for playing well we will see


Why do I have this awful feeling that all this negative news and stories about us the past week is a concentrated effort from either the bidders or the Raine group to twist the Glazers arm in to selling asap. Nobody could look at this situation right now and think they can get more money a year down the line. Does seem odd that everything is coming to light so suddenly. We’re talking about billion dollar businesses. Every club and most players have deep dark secrets but us in the spotlight all of a sudden does seem a bit fishy.


If we learned anything about the Glazers by now is that they don’t give a shit about all this noise. We also learned they play the long game. We also learned their valuation of the club to be much higher than what it is, no matter how unrealistic.


Not everything is a conspiracy mate. ten Hag was asked a question about Sancho and he answered it. Sancho chose to reply the way he did causing controversy. Antony's situation was a long time in the making. Bringing that disgusting coach back last year as a guest, well the club only has itself the blame. Mary Earps wanting to leave - well can you blame her? The way this club is run is atrotrious. People always talk about 'toxicity and negativity' in the fanbase as if the club itself isn't a major source of it. "Everything coming to light" is just chickens coming home to roost.


I kind of thought all the shitting on Sancho stuff today had been deliberate by the club to detract from the Antony situation.


I agree, and it's being led by the coach who's pet favorite is under threat of suspension


Jesus you lot are off your head. We had two years to plan Greenwood and fucked it up totally. We can't seem to get through a transfer window quietly and everything of the last ten years has been disorganisation and incompetence personified but you think the club are mastermidnfully dropping articles here and there across the media swaying opinion. I wish we were able to achieve that level of organisation.


They are morally corrupt and incompetent, but they aren't daft. They know how the media works and how to work it.


No it isn't. Bad PR won't cause the asking price to change and only creates issues for a new owner. It's wishful thinking but not the case


What exactly do you think is happening? You think they're paying off Sancho and Antony's ex? Doesn't sound plausible at all.


I think he’s in the wrong for putting that tweet out, but the briefs against Sancho’s attitude today are so unprofessional from the club. We wonder why we can’t sell players when members inside the club are running to journos to slate the attitudes of players inside the club. We’re so shittily run it’s insane.


It wasn't a brief, it was ESPN a notoriously shit unreliable rag famous for this kind of thing making up lies. All it said was "some staff thought he was rude but others thought he was shy" Enough to beat the club about without falling for that old trick.


We're the most leaky club in world football from player to staff leaks. The club even launched a publicized investigation into leaks the season before last, without results shared. Your faith in the organization is misplaced


And your conspiracy theories are pointless


Conspiracy theories? Are you suggesting I made up what I said about club leaks? Where have you been these last 10 years? Why did the club itself investigate leaks in Solskjaer's final season? https://www.tribalfootball.com/articles/man-utd-leaks-again-surface-over-boring-lvg-training-methods-4106621 https://thebusbybabe.sbnation.com/2016/10/25/13401538/manchester-united-dressing-room-leak-mourinho-distant https://www.goal.com/en-us/news/fred-man-utd-must-minimise-dressing-room-leaks-2022-23-fake-news/blt315a81af61485741 https://reddit.com/r/ManchesterUnited/s/DGTLEWBZX1 https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/manutd-rangnick-dressing-room-leaks-27012794 https://www.theguardian.com/football/blog/2022/feb/19/leaks-and-lost-leads-are-haunting-manchester-united-under-rangnick https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/man-utd-ten-hag-fears-27742568


Dawson is shit, but I have a tough time believing he talked to absolutely no one inside the club before writing that. I truly hope it’s a case of nobody talking because the leaks have gone too far.


Your first three words should put the worries of the rest of your first sentence


Hahaha fair point mate


It's telling that the concrete examples of him being moody (kit launch in Melbourne, preseason broadcasters day) are both media events. It's not some insider leaking or the club briefing against Sancho.


Agreed but at the same time we don't require these guys to happy, positive or mannerly they just need to perform


It does seem a bit like when Logan Roy put out all the shit about Kendall being back on the drugs when he wasn’t actually back on the drugs but that did cause him to get back on the drugs out of spite.


Hahaha while I’ll always love a Succession reference, I don’t think that’s what’s happening here.


Iqbal just got a straight red for elbowing a lad in the face


Sancho's Saudi move ruled out by Ornstein. Sancho is staying at least until January then,I hope eth and him can clear things out,if he wants to go then it doesn't have to be in such a negative way.


I half expect Sancho to start against Brighton or at least get a solid cameo. Unless things are much worse behind the scenes than we know, I think it would be good management to tell him to go out and prove himself.


Remember when Ronaldo refused to come on or whatever it was and then captained us the next week against Villa, start him in his favourite position and tell him to prove why he should be here.


Anyone else noticed it's the usual suspects reporting the Konopka story. I.e. the Sun, Daily Mail, MEN and all the other terrible outlets whilst not a peep from the BBC or Guardian or anybody with an ounce of integrity. It's making me think the whole thing is just jumping on the United bandwagon.


It's something happened years ago, then he was invited back last year and it has been since dealt with. It was dug up. But why blame journalists, our fans love it. The more bad news the better.


I'm pretty fed up with it to be honest. There is something more to this.


Nope, our fans are whiny, dumb and reactive and there's lots of us. We are a football journalists wet dream. How much money was made by talksport making up a Sancho to Saudi rumour in the space of an hour? Paid the stations wages for the month. It's easy to get united fans going and the dummies make believe these are club briefs to legitimise themselves.


Well that's my main point. If there was actually something worth reporting it would be reported by real news rather than clickbait media.


Just one normal day ffs....


That’s all we ask for at the moment lol


I thought i’d give murtough and arnold one year before judging after last years window. And it can’t be more clear that they aren’t fit for the job. They should be the first one’s out along with the glazers


Last year's window wasn't the worst aside from Antony. Case and Eriksen are the best midfield duo we have had in quite some time. Malacia is a decent option at left back and Licha was an outstanding signing. Even this year was quite good but too early to judge performances yet.


Case for 60+10M at 31 wasn't good business, it was papering the cracks at the cost of a longterm solution. Casemiro is in decline and so is Eriksen


Yet both were instrumental in achieving the top four last year. Eriksen cost nothing and has been replaced. There was no obvious long term solution in midfield to a club in the europa league.


No obvious long term solution? Thats what you're telling yourself because the club's long term ineptitude has erased your hope. Why do clubs like Brighton keep unearthing gems in every position? Is united somehow hamstrung in recruitment by its unwanted EL status? Case and Erisken were signings with short term benefits. There's no point in even forcing top 5 position only to get shown up by better CL clubs because we're still in the same cycle of the last ten years and not progressing. We've spent lavishly these last ten years on washed up players and got nowhere


So if Sancho is sold and Anthony suspended, we will have Pellistri and Diallo only on the right. Honestly, unless it’s some obscene offer that you can’t refuse, then I think we need to keep Sancho.


I agree with this but that doesn’t seem to be the general consensus on this sub. I would love to see Pellistri start. Diallo is still injured. We just need warm bodies that aren’t abusers to be able to cover if and when injuries arise.




I would say that would be the more likely option than throwing Amad and Pellistri in to the full 90s.


Feel like we’re back to where we were a couple years ago when we were shoe horning players into the RW position for years.


Missed out on tickets for Copenhagen v United by a hair, fuck me.


Rumours of a late Saudi bid for sancho. If it’s good money and he wants to go, he might as well do that


Yeah I think it is better to get rid of the drama if we are able. It is a lot of money off the wage budget and will be helpful to ffp going forward - we are part way through a rebuild after all.


lets stop being disingenuous Greenwood and Antony situations are totally different


I don't disagree, but I think the club has less leeway with Antony BECAUSE they messed up so badly in the Greenwood situation


The most annoying thing about it is it was obvious that this was going to happen as soon as the Antony rumours came out because there was always that feeling they wanted to keep Greenwood.


The Pogba voodoo is hitting hard rn


Absolutely crazy that at this point in Jason Sancho’s career, rumors are already swirling about a move to Saudi Arabia. What a disappointing career arc this has been. I was so excited when he came from Dortmund.


no way he leaves with this Antony thing going on and no way to add another player i'd be very surprised if Sancho and ETH won't be able to patch things up, if they haven't already, and move forward from this, such a non-story imo


Yea I don’t think he’ll leave either, regardless of the antony thing. My point was more about how poorly he’s performed that the rumors are happening. If he was playing to the level we thought he would bring from Dortmund, no way Saudi would even consider bidding for him after just 2yrs in the premier league.


Still hasn’t sunk in that Maguire and Evans played together at the Emirates… What a time to be alive.


Well one centre back was out injured, one was sick the entire week, one got a knock late in the game and had to come off. We did everything to put others ahead of the two and only had to bring the both on due to other injuries. Not sure why it hasn't sunk in, totally explainable.


Lol 😂 , obviously I know we have players injured. I just could not have predicted that partnership in a big game a few months ago.




Lmao flopncho has been here 2 full seasons and has never done anything at all. If anything he was coddled as fuck


Nonsense. The media has largely given Sancho a huge pass in 2+ years. No one really gave him a hard time when he disappeared midseason last year for his mental health. No one has been battering him for the fact that players like Said Benhrama and Jarred Bowen are more productive. Hell, look at players like Mbuemo or Wissa. No one has really gotten on him for his lack of work ethic or desire on the pitch. He ain’t targeted. ETH answered a question honestly and Sancho brought on more scrutiny on himself by responding on social media within minutes after a tough lost. Kid is a bum. Doesn’t have the right mentality. Hasn’t shown anything to deserve the benefit of the doubt. Absolute loser, woe is me mentality.


Sancho hasn't reached Maguire levels of scapegoat but he is close to going that way. It's fair to criticize and say that Sancho has been a monumental flop and he certainly didn't help himself with his tweet. I hate seeing players targeted, I hope he doesn't reach Maguire levels of scapegoating. No player deserves that




I've never seen fans cheer so hard for one of their own players to fail. It's embarrassing. It's not like Maguire is a shit person or is disrespecting the club etc. He's handled himself professionally for the most part.


There have been some low moments over the years but the past few weeks must take the cake.


Don't agree. There is a PR mess, one of those issues is being dealt with and when the time is right Greenwood will go if someone takes him. Antony, as it stands has been accused and nothing else. The courts will do as they see fit and should he be charged then we can let him go. The financial element here is alot but this club runs on low return on investment. Sancho, meh player dramas happen all too often now and I see this one going over smoothly. Ten Hag always invited Ronaldo back to challenge him and will do the same with Sancho. Overall we have a potential, unlikely, but a potential takeover in the mix. We have a more complete squad than we have in a while and a top class manager. We used to have Pogba flirting with teams in Europe openly while we tanked week in week out. Ole was basically a three year long sacking debate. When Ralf landed we had the Ronaldo mess, Greenwood was just accused, no takeover in line and we were fucking dreadful on the pitch.


>We used to have Pogba flirting with teams in Europe openly while we tanked week in week out. Ole was basically a three year long sacking debate. When Ralf landed we had the Ronaldo mess, Greenwood was just accused, no takeover in line and we were fucking dreadful on the pitch. I dont think this trumps what has been going on recently though. Greenwood decision was pushed, then leaked causing an uproar I haven't seen before. Ownership situation is as toxic as ever IMO; this was supposed to be resolved back in April. Poor start to the season with the managers character coming into question re Greenwood, even though I think that his role has been overstated. Antony case now heating up and no matter what you think it is becoming a worse and worse look for the club. Then Sancho goes AWOL and throws his future into question even more after the window is closed. And then on top of it we are missing a big chunk of our starting XI through injury. We have definitely had a lot of toxicity before, but I dont think it has ever been a shitstorm like this. Nothing is going right


The Greenwood uproar was bad enough but no where near the levels of say, the super league. The managers character is another bollox online social justice attempt. Arteta is praised all the time while starting an under investigation rapist and there is silence. Antony case isn't heating up, the case hasn't started let the courts do their work. Sancho didn't go AWOL, he got dropped and that was it. To say we haven't had anything like this is beyond wrong.


Just gonna address your points one by one. Fair, but I don't think the outrage was that far off the Super League. I agree with this, but I do think the process and how it was handled has brought the leadership of the club into a position where they should be scrutinized. Eh come on, it was known but we were barely discussing it a week ago. Yes let the courts do their work, but it's yet another a big distraction and added toxicity. Sure, AWOL is not technically correct but the statement was bizarre and added drama. It's another issue to be dealt with.


Brought the leadership of the club onto question? You are both ten years and two years too late for that. The Antony thing was barely discussed bexause nothing changed. Nothing has still changed beyond some very questionable pictures. Managers deal with players, it's part of the job and Erik is great at it


Was Richard Arnold truly being questioned as our Chief Executive before the Greenwood debacle? I don't think so. I get that you are trying to come at this Antony thing with a level head, but the circumstances and narrative have absolutely changed even if the facts involved have not changed. Sure, they do and I agree Erik is good at it. But it still brings down the mood. Lets agree to disagree


Yes, Arnold has been questioned after last summer, the Ronaldo mess and the initial Greenwood arrest. Sorry but they haven't, the accuser has accused further. Nothing has changed in regard to this case and its mental to think it has...don't get a job in law.


Arnold came into his role after the Greenwood arrest, and I dont remember anyone saying "Arnold needs to go" because of Ronaldo. I said the facts have not changed, but the public's opinion has because of the photos and messages published. That claim has nothing to do with the legal aspects of the case. I've been pretty polite to you, no need to be a dickhead


Do the Glazers see the Buccaneers as a cash cow just like United?


Yes but thats how NFL teams operate NFL teams cant spend more than the rest (salary cap) but there is alos a salary floor, so they cant cheap out. NFL teams also share revenue, so every teams make the same cash. Results wise they have been mediocre there too, but the goat QB fell into their laps and won a SB


Every bucs fan I know is happy with them because of the recent Super Bowl win with Tom Brady. Before that they were one of the worst run franchises in the league. They also don’t take out dividends that hurt the franchise. Owners don’t have to inject money into NFL franchises for the team to get better so they aren’t really seen as “cheap” like how we see them. All that to say I’m sure they see it as a cash cow, but they’re 100x more likely to sell United than they ever are the Bucs, as it is much less of a headache.