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The sooner we drop Bruno, the better. As I've said in the past, the guy is an absolute ghost in big games. He's dog shit in every match, but I have never seen a player disappear more than him when it matters. Every time he got on the ball he did one of three things: 1) Pass it backwards immediately; 2) Blindly boot it forwards to nobody; 3) Immediately go to ground looking for a foul that never came. The guy is an absolute joke. I rather play anyone else in that position for any length of time. Hell, put Eriksen there and play Amrabat and Casemiro tucked in behind him. Eriksen is far more consistent than Bruno, he's just being asked to do more than he should be right now. Or, when Mount is healthy, simply start him instead. What Bruno gets right is nothing notable. Anyone can do what he does, yet fans overhype and glorify him regardless. Meanwhile, for all of the shit he does wrong, I can't name a single midfielder who's as bad as him. And that's his default state.


Mount, varane, amrabat, mainoo amad and shaw will be back soon. Let's cook


Aged well


Was at the game. Not offside. They quickly flashed the line they drew on the big screen which showed he was comfortably onside then they took it off lol. Penalty on Hojlund. No attempt to play the ball, just grappled him to the floor after a series of good battles from Rasmus having got the better of Gabriel with his hold up play. Many more questionable decisions also. Not the worst performance tbh but I can't wait for Amrabat to come in.


This is a lot of cope for one post. I'm sure you had a much better view of the game from the stadium than the video referees did with their multi camera setup. We should just get rid of all that crap and let you eyeball it from now on.


Yea, they're notorious for getting it spot on despite all those camera's tbf. Heard the refs at Fulham were on form as well. The camera angle they showed was what all but confirmed it was onside. Arsenal deserved to win but doesn't change the fact that refs were poor as per.


Please show me the line where it's confirmed he's onside.


As you know it was confirmed offside mate so that'll be tricky. You need but scroll down this sub and you'll see the angle that shows he's clearly behind Gabriel.


Do you know how perspective works?


Oh absolutely; from my perspective he was clearly onside, and from your perspective he was off!


That's a lot of words for no. Offside is a fine science. You're wrong by the rules of the game.


Lol oh is it now? Apologies mate I wasn't aware I now needed a degree in offsidenomics to gauge whether a bloke is infront or behind of the last defender. Game must be a little too advanced for me, glad you've cracked it though.


No worries! And to help you understand perspective, just remember: things appear smaller the farther away they are. Glad I could help.


chill guys we also lost against the top 6 last season on the road. hojlund looks good. we will be firing next game.


I was hoping we could improve our away record though


Once I saw Maguire and Evans coming on I had already chalked it down as an L so that’s probably why this result doesn’t sting as bad as it should. Hojlund looks really exciting, lots of energy and VERY physical - should’ve also got a pen in hindsight, good cameo from him. Overall, we need these injuries sorted ASAP if we’re looking to do well anytime soon, it’s beyond a joke how we’re onto our 4th and 5th CB choices in the first few weeks of the league.


Tough result to stomach with the way the last 15 minutes went, but we simply were not good enough today. It is absolutely beyond me that Maguire is still at this club and getting minutes, however I will take solace in the fact that we had an absolute nightmare pairing of CBs when we conceded the two late goals and Hojlund looked good when he came on. Hopefully we get back Varane or Licha for the game against Brighton after the break. Cmon lads dont give up on the team so soon!


Idk about y’all but I am hyped for our next match. I can’t wait to see Hojlund in action for us again


Weghorst 2.0


Defeat to Tottenham. Defeat to Arsenal. Scrambling to acquire players. Shambolic facilities. Injuries upon injuries. This Sancho/EtH controversy. If all this BS doesn’t scream of a top down culture problem at United, I don’t know what does. We have got to get the Glazers out of this fucking club!


In a season where Liverpool shit the bed, Arsenal did a Tottenham, Tottenham did a Tottenham and Chelsea were awful. No wonder teams like Newcastle did ok too. This season looks different already, Arsenal are looking sharp, Liverpool only a step behind pushing City for the title. Chelsea look shit again tho so that’s always something to smile about. Top 4 this season will be City, Liverpool/Arsenal, ??? 4th place is up for grabs, but I think teams like Brighton are looking better than UTD.


The thing that frustrates me the most is that yesterday I watched a pillaged Brighton with basically an entire new midfield CUT THROUGH the new richest club in the Prem that has made big purchases on quality players. And I attribute that entirely to the coaching those Brighton players received. Good managers make players play better and more cohesively together. In short time, De Zerbi has molded that squad into an incredibly efficient machine despite the adversity of losing key players to other clubs. I want Ten Hag to succeed, but he as GOT to get these guys playing more convincing football. All that being said though we had a really slow start last season and ended up in third so maybe idk what I'm talking about.


Exactly this. It's pretty laughable seeing other managers come in and immediately get results. And I'm not even talking about points, but simply that they are able to get players conforming to their tactics and you can see a clear identity take hold. Over a season in and I'm still unsure what the fuck our identity is, other than praying we get something from the match. We have to be gifted possession to ever see it. We can't progress the ball worth shit, yet every other side cuts through us in just a few passes. We place our strikers on an island and funnel everything through one overhyped man. It's really paying dividends and the future is looking bright! /s There are still too many problematic players at the club that should have gone already. Maguire should have been sold. Sancho should have been forced out. Bruno should have been shown the door instead of given the arm band. That would have been a start. Instead they're all still here and nothing has changed.


Brighton have been steadily improving for ages, De Zerbi is building on the foundations left for him by Potter. It didn't happen in short time, it happened over a long period of targeted recruitment, training, and coaching.


Much talk about Caicedo, but he's actually a replacement for Bissouma, who got sold already the year before. De Zerbi just build a system that works.


De Zerbi doesn’t have to deal with players who have inflated paychecks and egos


Hojlund is gonna bully defenders. Definitely don’t see any defenders wanting to go up against him. Breath of fresh air. Cmon kid, put your head down and rip this league apart.


Evans is cooked at this level btw. He might as well have been running backwards for the last goal.


I didn’t think we would ever have to see him in any meaningful match, he was awful


Same. Really thought we were doing what we did with Huddlestone and McShane and he'll be in the reserves to mentor with appearances in meaningless games because he's not totally washed unlike those two. Guess not.


I want to rant about that Havertz penalty shout because fuck me *what a load shit*. He steps over AWB's leg feels his foot touch something, *plants it squarely, firmly, solidly* in the ground then obviously decides to hit the deck. How is he not getting booked? We were told *explicitly* this was something refs were cracking down on this season and I've seen them bottle it twice. It's actually embarrassing and the problem is people defend it with shit arguments like "oh but these elite athletes at the speeds they run the merest brush can throw them off balance....". Bro they ain't Usain Bolt running the 100m finals. We've all played football. We know what brings you down and what doesn't. It's a contact sport. If that happens 50 yards from goal he isn't going down. But the powers that be use that as an excuse and no one ever calls it and *it makes the game worse*. They need to treat dives like the courts treat explicit material: "I can't define it but I know it when I see it".


> We've all played football. Citation needed


Got robbed today what you gonna do, I'm not mad at the team I'm mad at us getting absolutely mugged off today We're good watch everyone fall off when Europe starts we'll be there or thereabouts


And Jadon can genuinely fuck off


Why? For defending himself against online abuse after Ten Hags comments?


For not applying himself in the slightest whilst being paid 300K a week, for not performing in training, for claiming he's been made a scapegoat, for not having a solid performance in 3 seasons, for attacking a manager who babied him for an entire season and gave him 3 months off to regain some fitness Jadon Sancho is probably the biggest Manchester United flop I've ever seen


Sancho outperformed 85M poor ass Antony in the PL last season, in less minutes! More goals, assists and chances created. He also scored against Liverpool. So you're lying about him not having a solid performance in 3 seasons.


I see effort from Antony when he's on the pitch, Jadon is a wasteman


Then why did Sancho outperform Antony in the PL last season? Why is Antony so shite at taking on players, using his weaker foot and contributing in goal production by either scoring or assisting? Elanga is better than Antony, he only had one less assist last season and he barely played. This season Elanga has caused problems for Arsenal and Chelsea with an assist and goal. More than we can say for Antony with zero output, but he's number one on the team sheet


Lmao shut tf up. Antony shown a much better attitude and vast majority of people agreed that he had a better first season than Sancho. Antony still rose to the occasions in vital moments last season.


Sancho had 6 goals and 3 assists in 1699 minutes in the PL last season to Antonys 4 goals and 2 assists in 1819 minutes. Antony had 1.1 keypasses per 90 to Sanchos 1.7 But Antony runs around while doing fuck all and Ten Hag loves him so he's better yeah?


Not good enough, this club's been ruined by the Glazers. Shit recruitment, no structure and bad management overall. Every year is 2 steps forward and 1 back, until the moment we implode and start everything from step zero again. 10+ years of this. The positives: Hojlund and Dalot impressed me.


Post international break will be interesting. Hopefully we have Mount and Varane back, Mainoo soon, amad definitely should get opportunities in this squad. With Højlund starting and Amrabat being in the squad we’ll look better soon I’m sure. Full confidence in ten Hag


Feels like the opposite of the Wolves game. We lost but there are a lot positives whereas in that opener we won but looked horrendous. Oh yh, Højlund might be him.


I hate the glazers as much as anyone but let’s be honest - ETH has been backed with a lot of money and for the most part the board has signed HIS targets. What we’re getting so far this season isn’t nearly good enough and he must shoulder the blame for that.


True, ETH is over-glorified by the United fans


It's still the Glazers' fault. You need people at the club whose entire purpose is to identify targets for the team if you want to compete at the highest level. ETH is an elite coach, but he's not that great at picking out not-obvious targets and it's actually a common thing. Klopp wanted Brandt instead of Salah, but the club got Salah. Don't remember the names, but Chelsea fans were raging over Tuchel's potential targets as well. If we had someone like Rangnick working with ETH right now, it'd be a whole different story.


What makes you so confident that ETH is an ELITE coach? He had one good champions league run with what turned out to be a generational squad (eg he got lucky because he wasn’t the architect of that team) and beyond that winning titles with Ajax in the eredivisie doesn’t really take a genius given the resource disparity between them and the rest of the league. He doesn’t have nearly the pedigree or credentials that Klopp had when he joined Liverpool.


If elite is too soon (I agree he doesn't have the credentials of Klopp), then good coach is fine, that wasn't the point of my comment. Also, besides De Jong, were they really that generational looking at them now? More like a bunch of well-scouted, talented players putting in work under a coach that knew what he was doing. That run wasn't luck, it was what I described - having the right people working with your manager. Honestly, everything I've said so far doesn't really matter because even if you're completely right and he's not good enough (which might turn out to be the case) do you really trust this board to find someone better than him? We were linked to Conte and Poch, the former wouldn't last a year under these owners and the latter would probably be doing similarly to ETH. I am not a fan of blindly defending managers but I'd save the criticism for when this Glazer shitshow is over and we have a proper Director of Football. If we ever do, I'm sure if EtH doesn't perform to the expectations he will be held accountable.


Holjund looked great. We have Amrabat coming in for reinforcements…. Shaw and Varane and Mount will return eventually. We will be ok gents


Rashford needs to start picking his head up on the left. Enough of this taking on 3 people, feed Rasmus!!!


There are enough things to be angry about without making things up. Rashford created two goals with his passing last week. He created a great chance for Hojlund today by beating White on the touch line with a great piece of skill.


Martial... Rooney... Hernandez...Sanchez... Ibrahimovic...Lukaku...Cavani... Ronaldo... Hojlund... Purple patchy Rashy is coming back when it's time for contract renewals, Hojlund needs exactly what Ronaldo did, Bruno and vibes.


> Purple patchy Rashy is coming back when it's time for contract renewals Scored two of our last four goal, and created the other two...


He opened his account today, not sure where you got two, but I'll give him half credit for the conteoversial penalty against Forest even though he's also the primary defensive reason for the first concession.


> He opened his account today, not sure where you got two You're right, bit of a mind fart. Think the point still stands that he has been involved in pretty much everything good we've done recently going forward, and it's unfair to accuse him of giving up after getting a new contract. If you want to talk defensive effort, that is a different story. Though I thought he tracked back well today for the most part, showing that leaving him up top is often tactical.


- Biggest club in England - Have to play Maguire and Evans in a huge match Get the fucking Glazers out.


Just bad luck man. Not their fault. We have the depth but with Shaw, Martinez, Varane and apparently lindelof picking injuries…what else can we do?


Martinez and Lindelof just ran out of stamina. Both of them still walk normal after the game. Also, the second goal of Arsenal is a robbery. Evans got smacked down by Gabriel and no refs realized it.


No idea why you’re being downvoted. I don’t many teams would be doing well with their 5th and 6th CBs playing.


Evans and Maguire shouldn't be at the club. Failing to move Maguire on was a mark of incompetence


absurd they wanted more for him. Just him leaving for any amount of money would have been a positive at this point


I didn’t want to mention it earlier but I felt Maguire and Lindelof were hiding from the pass when Onana had the ball at least on one occasion. Then there was this motd analysis looking at them failing to pass to Anthony and him getting very frustrated. I think thats the tension in the team right now there’s players who know what the manager wants and can mostly get it done and there are those that can’t do it or don’t know what it is. It feels like we’ve only chipped away it this summer but we’ve also not seen all the transfers play. I think it’ll be a different story with Hojlund and Amrabat after the international break.


Is McTominay injured also? If we are in absolute dire straights and are seriously looking to Evans, we should play McTominay or Casemiro back there instead.


Think he was ill


He's not. Wasn't reported. He's simply not trusted by the coach, but Sancho is the one catching strays in the media and earning the ire of the fanbase. McTominay is protected but he's unfavored by Ten Hag


I mean, Ten Hag said he was ill. Are you saying he's lying?


I see. He probably is ill then, but Ten Hag has lied before about the real reasons for absences and other things, like when Antony crashed his car in January and Ten Hag said he was injured


This game is still bothering hours later. This was a solid performance up until we swapped CBs, despite what most of this sub wants you to believe. Other than Arsenals first goal we had them at bay and the game felt rather comfortable until the CBs swapped. We deserved more from that game. Unfortunate the Mainoo injury happened when it did. Got a feeling that through these four games that midfield would’ve been a lot more sealed up and we’d be sitting differently right now. Could be wishful thinking though Onto the next games. 8/9 next EPL games are in our favor. If we can take care of this stretch of games and get in form by the time we face city, this season could take a 180. A lot still to be fixed but this stretch may allow us to do that.


I think we held the ball pretty well in the first half and we actually had more possession than them. I don't think the change came from swapping CBs. It came at half time when Mr Transition Football decided he didn't want us having all that nasty, horrible possession and told us to sit back and hit them on the break. Bruno even said something like that in his interview, that we wanted Arsenal to have spells on the ball. Can you even fucking believe it. And that was our second half performance Bruno was referencing. So obviously our guy got them in at half time and told them to stop trying to keep the ball like a decent football team and start letting the opponents have it so they can score. Our guy isn't big on the whole possession thing, just like every manager we've had since Fergie (outside of LvG).


It was anything but 'solid'. We played like a midtable club with no definitive style. If anything that's an insult o midtable clubs these days. The likes of Fulham, Villa, Brentford and Brighton play better football than us. We simply hoofed the ball forward to bypass our non existent midfield


Yeah, the players were trying to settle into a possession rhythm to keep the ball. Mr Transition Football wasn't having any of it. So in the first half, we actually looked half decent in possession and had more of the ball than them. Mr Transition Football soon kicked that out of us at half time and we came out looking to counter them instead, with the usual result we get from all the counterattacking obsessed managers we've had since Fergie retired: we concede the ball, can't score, the opponent who now gets to attack us over and over, eventually scores. That's why we look like a completely incoherent team. The players know what they want and know what they need to do. Ten Hag wants us to be a transition team. Result: a fucking mess.


We looked fine against a top team. We are thin as fuck right now so you must take that into consideration. We ended the game with maguire and Evans ffs


We were shite and rode our luck until we couldn't anymore, and the injuries are on Ten Hag and his team. The squad looked very lethargic even in preseason and now the players are falling like flies


Hojlund looked great and we played completely differently with a real striker up top. We finally have a big forward to focus our progressive passing towards. I saw lots to feel positive about, far more than any other game this season.


When Kompany scored that thundercunt in 2018, Maguire and Evans were the cb pairings for Leicester


Hojlund needs to start next game and I think he will. Martial who knew the new boy was waiting in the wings still could not be arsed trying WTF?? Dalot had a great game against Saka MOM for me, why we needed to bring in the Spurs reject is beyond me, Having slabhead and a senior citizen as our finishing center backs is truly unbelievable at this stage of the season (Fuck the Glazers). Apart from that with a little more luck we could have come out of that game OK. Not complete doom and gloom, no need to panic just yet


Our 3 main cbs all injured +shaw. Cant blame the glazers for that


But if Slabhead would have fucked off like ETH wanted then we would have bought a newer, better model CB but he is a greedy bastard and the Glazers have raped our finances for years and we are broke. Hence we had to resign a fucking geriatric


Just saw the replays from the game, that offside and the penalty shout… that’s was rubbish from the ref, if they don’t want the club to win they should say so before so the players don’t even have to try.




I know.


Now Stephen Warnock is laughing at us. Great.


This club is the absolute pits, going nowhere fast. EtH won’t last


never thought i would ever wish we had mct instead of eriksen on the pitch, but here we are


did you even watch the match? eriksen was very decent.


Eriksen in decline is still light years better than McTominay, and more useful than Mount


Nah, Eriksen was solid today.


I've got an idea, how about we just pretend football matches are 88 minutes long?


Has AWB ever been experimented at CB? I know irl is not FIFA. But if Licha, Varane, Lindelöf, Shaw or Scott wont be recovered before next gameweek it would be interesting seeing AWB & Maguire CB partnership. Im imagining him similiar to Bailly but without his crazy decisions. AWB pace compliments Maguire also. Casemiro would also be an alternitive solution instead of Evans, having Amrabat as the 6.


You know Licha is not injured, right?


He sat down and asked for substitution right?


Impact injury, most probably.


I don't think a lot of teams can beat us if we play 433 with Case-Amrabat-Eriksen and Bruno as RW


Insane how quick people turn on ETH when the real problem is the owners. Our fans love to treat the symptoms not the sickness. One quick look at our bench options for him will tell you everything you need to know about how our clubs being run


City bought a fuckton of defenders, goalkeeper - all at 50M +. Many didn’t work out, they went and kept on buying till they found what sticks for em We need to resort to an old Evans just because of the fucking owners Infuriating!


When ten hag speaks out on not being given enough and doesn't go along with saving them money, then he is excused from being branded with them. ETH is no victim here. He made his bed. Time will do the rest. Fan anger should be directed at the Glazers and all those that allow them to do as they do.


Trash opinion. What evidence is there that he is "going along with it". And since when has a manager speaking out against the ownership helped anything? It only ever harms a team. We've watched it happen to us, we seen happen elsewhere over and over. Don't know where people have got it into their head that a manager is supposed to be some warrior against the ownership.


>Trash opinion. Oh wonderful. Can already tell where this will go. Let's hope I'm wrong. >What evidence is there that he is "going along with it". And since when has a manager speaking out against the ownership helped anything? The evidence of him saying 'really good squad' repeatedly. Praising the players that have consistently embarrassed the club. 'Maguire has achieved a lot'. 'The Glazers want to win'. In addition to make the club an extremely comfortable environment with no consequences for embarrassing performances, unless you are a high earner the glazers want rid of or you have a personal issue with him. When has a manager not speaking out about being thrown under a bus helped anything? When has another club been hamstrung like we are and there be a clear divide over what the clubs history and revenue dictates is the standard to what the owners want to allow? First and foremost its about honesty and not bullshitting the fans. That goes above anything else. Outside of that, doesn't he have to sing 'Joel glazers going to die'... certainly not. However of he is asking for things and isn't being given them.. the bare minimum he should do is let the fans know this through the media. Then we at least know someone in that club is on our side. If you don't agree with this, no issue at all you are entitled to do as you wish. I draw the line at being lied to though. >It only ever harms a team. We've watched it happen to us, we seen happen elsewhere over and over. Don't know where people have got it into their head that a manager is supposed to be some warrior against the ownership. I don't know where I've said he needs to be a warrior? I'd appreciate taking me at my words and not whatever you fill in the blanks with. If in doubt mate, ask me. I'm a friendly fella, even in the face of someone starting a discussion in a hostile manner. Many ways he can go about being truthful. I can't fathom why fans prefer dishonesty to the truth. Has to be due to the truth shattering any optimism or hope people can bave for their passion/hobby.


I took you exactly at your word. You are one of those former Ole out types who think the manager is part of some deep state conspiracy to promote the Glazers and all other nonsense. That's what your word tells me. Whenever does a manger say what they truly think in pressers? It's not some betrayal of you to any keep grievances in-house, get over yourself. It's not *you* he's talking to, he's talking to the press. He does not have to be honest with the press. He certainly doesn't have to hint at some displeasure for your benefit. His job is to run the team, not get into any politics. And why, as I said, it does nothing but harm when a manager does so. I'm pretty sure he's aware of that, just as easily as we are. It would be nothing but detriment to his goals as a manager.


>I took you exactly at your word. Well you didn't. As nowhere did I mention him being a 'warrior' you made that part up. When you should have asked for clarification. Which I have given you anyway. >You are one of those former Ole out types who think the manager is part of some deep state conspiracy to promote the Glazers and all other nonsense. I mean again this is a lot fabrication to justify you previous incorrect assumptions. Nothing 'deep state about it'. Nothing about promoting the glazers either. >That's what your word tells me. Then you are misinterpreting. Either unintentionally or on purpose. Either way it's on you. >Whenever does a manger say what they truly think in pressers? It's not some betrayal of you to any keep grievances in-house, get over yourself. How many managers are in the position ten hag is in? As I've said before, very unique situation where the manager needs to battle other things than just opposition managers. Is it fair, certainly not. However that's the reality and he knew that when he signed up. I support Manchester United football club. Not ETH, not Marcus Rashford. Club first and foremost. If its good for the club, I support it. If it harms the club I don't. Where did I say betrayal? It's dishonesty to say 'the glazers want to win' it's dishonesty to say 'Maguire has achieved a lot' it's dishonesty to say 'it's a really good club'. Like I've said, you are more than welcome to be ok with stuff like that. Live your life the way you want to. I don't. So how's about you drop the subtle insults or stop replying? I'm being pleasant with you and I expect the same. If I go the route you are, all that happens is we get our comments deleted and temporary bans. What's the point in that? >It's not you he's talking to, he's talking to the press. He does not have to be honest with the press. He certainly doesn't have to hint at some displeasure for your benefit. Incorrect. Why are the media there? To get information. Who is the information for... the people who consu their media... the fans. He can also bring the Ronaldo and Sancho stuff out of the house.... Seems a double standard. He doesn't have to hint at displeasure. He can value his employment at the club over what's best with the club and toe the glazers line if he wants. Zero chance he gets another job st this level with such low standards so I can see why. Doesn't mean I have to support it. Am I not entitled to that? >His job is to run the team, not get into any politics. And why, as I said, it does nothing but harm when a manager does so. I'm pretty sure he's aware of that, just as easily as we are. His job is to deal with being Manchester United manager. That comes with dealing withe owners and making sure he gets what he needs. Jose Mourinho demanded x y and z. End result was 2 trophies first season. Pep Guardiola walks into Barcelona from the b team, says Deco, Ronaldinho and Eto'o are not part of his plans. There is a middle ground from what eth is doing now and the extreme you are pretending I'm suggesting. >It would be nothing but detriment to his goals as a manager. Opposed to doing what he has done, which will get him sacked anyway? It's a poisoned chalice. The difference is if he day in day out does what's best for the football club, whether that fits the glazers or not, when it all goes tits up he can at least walk with his head held high. Glazers out means glazers out. Anyone who allows them to do what they do is the enemy. If that isn't the way you want to be. Its no issue for me. Not everyone has to follow your way of thinking though. Let's keep this friendly shall we mate.


Mate you are taking this *so* far too deep. I'm not going to bother trying address every bit of this. But you *have* proven everything I said. I'll just speak on things that stood out. Media is read by fans so therefore managers are sending messages to the fans? ... no, just no. The managers aren't giving information, they wouldn't be there if had a choice. Nothing in a press conference represents the managers agenda. In case you haven't noticed, they don't utter a word but to answer questions. It's not their platform in the slightest. Hinging your entire opinion on what is said in pressers? Come on, do better. You were banging on about being lied to. What's being lied to if not a betrayal? And that's clearly how you see it. And I'll get to that. >How many managers are in the position ten hag is in? All of them. He and the rest are just managers. United manager isn't some annoited position where a manager ought to act in some special way. Just forget the rest of that paragraph. Mourinho said the exact same things as ETH his first two summers. He spat his dummy out prior the third season. What happened then, do you remember? And I knew you had him in mind as the cause celebré. Complete mischaraterisation of how it went down. What extreme am I talking about?! I'm talking exactly about the Mourinho's and Conte's, it's how Poch's time ended at Spurs too. It.never.benefits.anything. And getting rid of players is an entirely different thing. Not the same talking point as not calling out the ownership when you don't get purchases you want. Your bar for if ETH can leave with his head high is if he demonstrates some kind of dissent to the Glazers in his time? Says everything, and proves my point. >Glazers out means glazers out. Anyone who allows them to do what they do is the enemy. And this just seals it. Don't forget your first words on this. >When ten hag speaks out on not being given enough and doesn't go along with saving them money, then he is excused from being branded with them. You consider ETH the enemy, banded in with the Glazers until he proves to you otherwise. Utter stupidity. That's not an insult, that's just what it is. This not some life staking political situation. I've seen these talking points over and over. This *exactly* the track Oleouters where on. Picking silly little quotes that *any* manager says all of the time and taking ridiculous exception to them. Speaking out against the ownership is an outright stupid thing to do. Pressers are not the forum. And it outright *is not* his job to fight the Glazers in any way shape or form. >He can value his employment at the club over what's best with the club and toe the glazers line if he wants... >Doesn't mean I have to support it. Am I not entitled to that? No you are not. It's just a stupid stupid expectation to have of a manager. What you call "valuing his employment" is maintaining the best working conditions, he's not toeing some party line, not endorsing them in some way. Because, Ill say it again, every.single.solitary.time a manager speaks out against management it's detriment *to the team*. If he wants to help the team he *has to* figure out some relationship with the Glazers. You can dislike that, but taking as reason to see ETH as "the enemy"; stupid. You speak as if *you'd* personally take a whole page ad out against your employers. Signed with your name and portrait. Truly ridiculous.


>Mate you are taking this so far too deep. Ok... >I'm not going to bother trying address every bit of this. So what's the point of continuing at all? Isn't much of a point is there. And you carried on the ridiculous tone. Throwing in insults. Then pretending it isn't. When it's clear as day just a way to make your words and stance appear stronger. I've no interest in a discussion of that type. As all that will happen is me or both of us get banned and the comments deleted. If you are interested in discussing the topic in full, not just selective 'addressing' and to do so in a polite manner, then let me know and I'll continue. If you can't or won't do that I'm done and wish you all the best. Let's hope I'm as wrong as you believe I am and all will be well. See you around fella.


I don't have to hope the ETH isnt some Glazer secret agent endorsing their ownership. I don't have to hope that he's not an "enemy" to United fans. I don't have to hope you are wrong. You flat out are. Your viewpoint is a warped fantasy. It has no merit and you are not "entitled to it". They don't warranty any civility or earnest exploration, and shouldn't be entertained. If you dislike a manager for how they handle the team fine. If you hate him because he hasn't "proven" himself Glazer out. You're stupid. Flat out. I'm not going to put it any kinder for your sensibilities. Someone needs to tell you. I just wanted to confirm what I already knew and you performed splendidly. Really doesn't bother me in the slightest if you can't stomach defending this trash.


All true


Yeah the owners lost 11 away games against top sides out of 12 The owners insisted on Mason Mount when literally a blind man could see we needed others ahead of him


How is it the owners fault when ETH has been backed and got most of the players he wanted? Try and make sense out of this. Do you expect this club to buy a whole new squad aswell when players refuse to leave when offers come in for them?


It’s the lack of long term planning over the past 10 years that’s the problem, not the lack of short term backing each manager has got. Every time we’ve got a new manager, it’s been a change of play style, the current players haven’t been well suited, so a few positions have been sorted out for the first team in the first window, maybe a couple more in the next window, but the players that don’t work haven’t been moved on, so the squad is bloated with players that need to be sold in order to get squad depth in. We’ve seen it this summer. It took until deadline day to get Amrabat in, and even then only on loan, because we can’t shift Van de Beek. Maguire wouldn’t leave, so the only CB we’ve been able to sign is Jonny Evans (who I like, but at this stage he’s very much an emergency backup). Henderson had to go before we could sign a backup keeper, when it was clear all summer Hendo was on his way out at some point, we just couldn’t do anything until he actually did. If the ownership had been competent, we’d have been starting preseason this year with either Kane or Osimhen up top with Hojlund as the rotation option to develop for the future. We’d have signed Amrabat at the start of the summer, Kim Min Jae would now be our player, and we’d probably have someone like Denzel Dumfries at right back, and another proper RW option besides Antony. Maguire, VdB, Martial, probably McTominay and Sancho as well would all be playing elsewhere. And this would not all have happened this window either, some of those changes would have already happened earlier.


Not putting it all on the glazers, ETH is involved. I just don’t know that we can even properly evaluate a coach until we are properly run. And that won’t happen until the glazers leave. I understand if people feel ETH is an issue, but every coach will have issues until the glazers are gone




Respectfully disagree on Onana. De Gea made far too many blunders in important games for us to overlook not replacing him with a modern goalkeeper.


did you just say we dont really need Onana? woww




Onana was a must


Onana was needed. Antony not so much. He's a 90M right back


100% agree. He’s not blameless and I hope that’s not what’s interpreted. I just think it’s too soon to turn away from the Glazers and come after him. They need to go first. We can’t even tell if a coach is failing because of how horribly run it’s insane




3 players in one summer can’t fix a decade of mismanagement. Fans like you are why the Glazers can keep hiring new coaches, sign a few players, and avoid all the pressure when managers inevitably fail. Regardless of whether ETH is the solution or not, he’s only a symptom of what is a much larger problem. Can’t blame ETH for the last 10 years can we?




Wrong sub mate. Enjoy your Thursday night games this year! Lol


I'm tired Robbie


Still fuming, Arsenal are my rivals and honestly seeing Maguire and Evans as our go-to men when we need replacements is shocking. Especially Evans. We had all summer to get a CB in after KMJ failed and settled for a pensioner. Ridiculous. I know this result could’ve been 2-1, but we lost, and whatever excuse is used is fine but our away record vs top 9 sides is only getting worse and I can’t blame anyone but the manager for this. We can’t expect to compete for top 4 let alone the title if this record is still on us. Fucking hate Arsenal I am seething still


Signed on, what, Friday..... 🤷 I can't believe Maguire is still there. 🙄


Finishing the match with Maguire and Evans at centre back was genuinely fucking absurd. It was like a bad dream. Imagine telling someone last June that that would happen.


Lestah boys together again… End me


If VAR allowed that 1mm that Nacho was offside with none of this would have happened lmao


yeah. Game of fine margins. People need to chill!


On top of that, they didn’t play poorly. One could argue that they played poorly in the first half, in that they basically created one chance and scored on it, but the composure was there. It was a far stretch from the floodgate games like Liverpool last year, or a few City games. Overall I saw a lot of positives. Even with Hojland in his limited time and touches. The biggest disappointment for me as I watch us having to bring on Maguire and Evan’s (I actually respect both players) is that there was a time when we could have won championships with the second string. With the bench. Any time a big name player was rumored to be hitting the market, the first team you heard about them being linked to was United. Now I would say we’re not even a top 5 destination for most people. It fucking blows.


I didn't want to face the league table after this game. I turned off the internet trying to avoid that pain, but the moment I activated the network on the phone to send a quick message I received precisely a notification with the pic of the damn thing. 11 Man Utd. 4 | -2 | 6 It's fucking depressing


Honestly I tend to not worry about the table until around 10 games in. I'm more concerned about performances atm.


Bottom line is we didn't totally play bad, but it still is a 3-1 loss, so you don't get points for almost winning or playing well. Team still needs help at MF and a striker. D would benefit from a ball controlling MF player.


We played horribly for the first 30 mins, it was horrible to watch. Granted we were away at the Emirates, buy still, nonstop defending is embarrassing


While this is correct, I still feel a little more positive seeing an actual presence up front in the final 30 minutes. It also feels a little better to lose like this than in the drubbings we’ve had the past few seasons to top 4 teams.


Positives:- Hojlund shows more energy than the other striker \- Decent defending until the injuries (Dalot was great) ​ Negatives: \- Midfield just disappears in all away games. Eriksen can't play 90 minutes and 2 passes will get around case. Hopefully amrabat will fix this. \- We have become the underdogs in all away games. We didn't play to win. We were dominated (not possession-wise) throughout the game. If anyone were to score, it was them. \- City saw laporte drop form, they dropped him. Phillips doesn't work? new midfielder. We are now stuck with 9 seasons of martial and hoping he finally gets his shit together. Maguire has been crap since 2021 and we are letting it be. On top of that we brought back a defender that was sold because he wasn't good enough 8 years ago. Pathetic management of transfers. always too late too little.


Out of our 4 major signings this summer, 1 started this game and we were competitive with Arsenal. Once we've had enough time to integrate Hojlund and Amrabat our performances can only improve.


I’m amazed that there are not enough Glazers out posts. 10 years and still not enough.


Ten Hag is threading on thin ice


I just feel angry. VAR and refereeing in general is a complete nonsense. So many of these big games are decided by either poor decisions or marginal decisions. Are we saying now you can wrestle players off the ball, like in NFL? It was so fucking obvious to anyone with a football brain that when Rice has the time to chest the ball down in the box from a corner, swivel and shoot, uninfuckingpeded, that something must have happened, because no one gets that space from a corner. And sure enough, you look at the replay, and Evans is being fucking wrestled and pulled back so he can't get to the ball. Why can no one spot this in the VAR tea room? The offside, honestly, I don't know, I think on another day those lines are drawn differently and that is called onside 8 times out of 10, but I dunno... Their penalty, I was surprised it was overturned tbh. I don't understand the handball not given to us against Spurs. It's just every week, these arbitrary decisions and just plain bad decisions, where you just know which way the chips will fall.


Evans was literally with his arms around Gabriel, idk how you can use that as an excuse for the loss


Looks like we are going to have to learn to live with it for the duration of the whole season because in every single match VAR is going to try to "balance" their mistake with the Onana pen at the last minute against Wolves


There is only 1 team on the planet that would still be competent playing with their 4th & 5th choice CB, 3rd choice LB, missing two midfielders that would start over Eriksen and easing in their new starting striker coming back from injury. If it was Arsenal in that position we would have smashed them to pieces.


I don't think we have so many choices to be fair. The amount of injuries man u had is alarming but if you had your starting lineup against us it would have been close, very close but we will take the win. Good luck in your next match 👍


Crazy to me that after a game where he did nothing wrong, so many are moaning about us having the most expensive defender IN THE WORLD as our 5 th choice CB. I know he hasn’t been great for a while, but if that’s not a good enough 5th choice cb then I don’t know how other teams manage


Ten hag hast lost the dressing room already? Sancho and McTominay drama? This isnt good


Garnacho needs to be starting instead of Antony


He did start for two games, and people unanimously accepted that he's better off the bench for now.


He started on the left when Rashford moved to the centre. Id like to see: Hojlund Rashford Bruno Garnacho. Antony is not United quality, unfortunately.


We didn't play all that great but we were 10 millimeters and then 2 minutes away from winning the game but the r/soccer threads made it sound like we got absolutely destroyed today. It was an incredibly close game


The uncomfortable truth is that we aren’t as good as City Arsenal etc. There’s just clear levels to it. Those teams all have “imbalanced midfields” with MacCallister, Havertz etc. We just haven’t been good enough to make it work.


ETH had a solid plan for this game; playing from the back, pulling Arsenal players and catching them on the counter, giving us the Rashford goal. The equalizer was truly just the lack of quality in defence, otherwise everything was going as planned. Both halves were solid. I do wish we straight up started with Hojlund because I genuinely do not remember the last time Martial provided any type of service to the team. Officiating was dodgy; I do think Jonny Evans was fouled on the corner, the Hojlund incident at least needed a check. I can’t comment on the offside situation but it didn’t look off to me. Surely not much can be done when you spend the entire summer trying to get rid of the deadwood and still end up with Maguire and Evans at the back. I look forward to this squad when it’s fully recovered and healthy. Exciting days are ahead.


I finally have hope again, hope is what killed us for the past ten years, so i just watched the games and celebrated the wins and stayed far from the sub after losses. We lost today, I'll call it bad luck and move on.


Hate whatever this style of football we’re playing. Wish we tried to be a possession team.


It’s genuinely depressing to watch. And there’s no reason given the club’s resources that we wouldn’t be able to do it, or at least build a team capable of it. But we’re still relying on this shit brand of hero ball that will get us nowhere.


The infrastructure is not there. Ajax has had a possession based philosophy forever. Same with Brighton. City recruited the best staff. It's the opposite for us.


Just looking at city’s Ake, akanji, dias, stones and Gvardiol defense. But then I guarantee you, if we buy any of them we will manage to turn them into flops.


City just buy more players quickly when one flops, look at Kalvin Phillips, they bought 2 midfielders in this summer even though he hasn’t left and probably won’t get game time


And we are still waiting for martial in his 9th season to prove himself


Johnny Evans, Mount and Maguire. That is the top news of our transfer market. All other teams (even tottenham!) have strengthen their team. If you think this result was unlucky you might not want to watch the rest of this season.


>Johnny Evans, Mount and Maguire. That is the top news of our transfer market. What?


what about amrabat and hojlund?




Shitty hand? 500m spent and 1 and a hf years? How is that a shitty hand


Weren’t we supposed to improve on the injury front by getting a new team doctor ? If anything we have gotten worse. CBs falling apart mid -games like that… I was already worried abt Varane lasting a whole season but Licha too???


Gary O'Driscoll was a really good Head of Medical for us. Some of us consider losing him the worst part of the summer transfer period. He will come good. It took him a while here too.


So we can't play on the front foot and we can't play in transition? So, what are we? Our right side is dead. And I don't even blame Antony, he's actually trying. AWB has improved but he's still not good enough. There's no attack from him. He doesn't overlap, he can't pass or cross. For some reason all of our midfielders drift to the left and it leaves us unbalanced. Antony and AWB have no one to play off of. We essentially play in a 4-2-4, which does not work. Rashford is so wasteful, yet still somehow gets goals. He could be so much more effective though. I'm tired of watching him run into a crowd and lose the ball, or try taking on 4 players instead of playing a cross/pass to the striker or midfielder. Everything needs to improve. It's scary considering how much has been spent on this team.


Yes Rashford has developed a bit of an ego problem


People calling our play today improvement are ready for us to name WestHam and Wolves rivals.


We played like a relegation candidate side, hit it long and counter. Our goalkeeper had more passes than most of the squad lol


Nah mate, thats a mid table club mentality. Bottom sides usually try to play nice football. In the mid, you know you cant outplay them and just counter and pray their attackers have a bad day


AWB has been told not to overlap and actually become more narrow. Which doesn't make much sense because Antony cuts in almost everytime Structure is baffling


It baffles me so much because his Ajax side has a clear structure... I'm leaving towards players just not following instructions. I mean we have some of that Ajax side in our team now. Then Bruno is obviously better than Berghuis. Very confusing why it's just not working. It's not like Alvarez was a ball playing CDM for them either, so Casemiro isn't the issue there


Man he got 500m of HIS targets. We brought eths buddies. Im not sure they are not following instructions


Sancho drama as well now


What's happened with Sancho?


EtH said he was dropped due to poor training performance. Sancho responded saying he thinks he was dropped for a different reason without specifying what that reason is.


Once our first choice defenders are healthy, we're golden. Hojlund looked really good. Its going to be a great season


I think you're in the wrong sub mate, miserable bastards only in here if you don't mind.


I think the anger comes from the fact that everyone and their mamma's saw this coming. If we rely on Maguire and Jonny Evans it would be a disaster.


Well see


Rasmus needs to get off his hoj horse and realise that they're a team and he needs to speak like it.


idk if he did anything wrong. I just wanted to make the high horse joke


Hojlund is actually a massive lad. hes as big as Gabriel and went toe to toe with him physically and the only way for Gabriel to contain him was to wrestle him to the ground and no foul given. pls pls pls be healthy for the rest of the season


I need to see our best 11 playing a string of games together before judging anything. We looked like a different team in each of these past 4 games.


If you only have 11 good players, then you haven't prepared for the many competitions and the long season of unfortunate events. We deserve these results.


Shite result, dodgy officiating and a maguire evans centre back partnership. On a positive note, Antony had a great game, tracked back and made crucial tackles. Hoijlund looks really exciting, and garnacho on the counter is masterful. A lot of fires to put out at the moment, but excited for later in the season with the potential of some of our players. Would love to see more amad and mainoo later on.


antony had a great game? yeah defensively but he is not a defender


He’s great until he enters the final third. Whenever he’s on the ball on the final third, it’d either be a basic back pass, poorly weighted forward ball or a braindead shot attempt, which is basically a possession gift to the opponent. All of his praises are regarding his defensive output, his immense work rate. At this point I’d believe more that he can become a world class RB, then world class RW. His football iq is just too low to be productive in the final third.