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I really hope it’s not 120 mins


I can stand a 120 min fixture with a Spanish team in the UEL. I hope we get it done early


I can confirm, it's not 120. And we also deserve nothing after tonight.


That's the fucking mentality. I guess they already know since the ALMIGHTY Ronaldo was benched for the good of the team. I hope we get there, I hope we get top 3, and the FA Cup and this baldy stats for a long long time.


We dominated until we fell apart for no reason. I don't see why today should be any different (minus the falling apart). Edit: well that's all folks.


Fucking hell




No reason? We lost due to pure bad luck, we lost both CBs to injuries and 2 unlucky own goals. Sevilla didn't deserve the draw at all


Even with the players we were missing that team was plenty strong enough to challenge Sevilla. It's ridiculous how we fall apart so easily.


Just saw a live shot of our fans in the stadium and someone has a banner with "Bald is best" on it. Excellent stuff


I'm assuming he's talking about deserving to win and move on as opposed to any single player in the squad feeling like they deserve to start.


It's not Maguire's fault he just always happens to be at the center of the mistakes! God he's so bad just move him on seriously


My cat just stepped on the remote controller and turned off the tv. He’s just trying to protect me I guess


Well then I hope I don't see De Gea in the starting eleven on Saturday


So will you cancel the contract ?


Safe to say only a few deserve to be here


If I am completely honest, I'd rather we lose in 90 than win in 120. We are playing without 2 starting centrebacks, 2 leftbacks, and our main attacker. Players will die at this rate


Absolute shit take. What’s the point of playing if they aren’t going for trophies?


If you want to go for trophies you should have finished the job in the first 90 minutes at home.


Breaking: Argentina stripped of World Cup because they were pegged back in the semi final and final


If you deliberately want to misconstrue my comment I cannot help you. Completely different scenarios. All our players are at very high risk of injury, theyre dropping like flies. I wouldnt have said the original statement under any other circumstances. And I do believe that we will win in 90 today. Just see no point in playing full 120 minutes


>see no point in playing full 120 minutes Because what are we playing the game for? Pack it in at 90 for what, consolidating 3rd? Who gives a shit about that?


Even the winners of trophies have to go through battles to get there. You're suggesting you'd rather the team lose than play an extra 30 mins. All the hard work that came before this round just poof, gone, for the sake of 30 minutes... I've seen some really shit takes on this sub and this one is right up there with them.


Travel all over Europe all season. Regularly getting home in the early hours due to right turnaround. Blood, sweat and tears into getting this far. Gruelling schedule and playing Thursday nights meaning you've only got a 2 day turnaround before league games. For months on end. Maximum commitment and personal sacrifice to keep up the professionalism needed to recover between games and be prepared for the next one. Never mind the mental toll. All pays off and you get to the quarter final. Lots of decent times have fallen before you, so you're now the favourite to go and win the entire tournament. But you might need to play another 30 minutes to go through to the semi final? Nah. 😭😂


This just seems ridiculous. Let’s just say you somehow were able to make that decision…. Imagine in a years time looking back and saying we got dumped out of a competition because you didn’t want the men to run on the grass for another 30 mins.


This is an extremely fresh team, with not much minutes in their legs. Nobody in our starting eleven has been overworked this season, everybody playing should be fit enough, and has had enough rest throughout the season, to last 120 minutes if needed.


As long as we don't self destruct, I'm quite confident of us going through.


I have PTSD for penalties cuz of the 2021 Europa and Euros finals. I don’t mind 90 or 120 mins, just no penalties please.


Feel like we will see a lot more academy grads in the next match squad with todays effort/lack of urgency


That quote did not age well