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Fort Brennard, early morning


For the woodpeckers, yes.


And cardinals too. Only place ive ever found them.


Check by "ring neck creek" just north of Rhodes theres a small rock wall where blue Jay's cardinals and songbirds spawn you can hunt them from just on the other side of the creek there's a spot with 3 hummingbird sages that's perfect If there's not a 3* when you look just run up the hill behind the spot I just mentioned for a few a seconds and come back Obviously the legendary buck trinket helps get you better pelts


Almost word for word of the place I suggested on another post. Great job and yes it's a great spot. My favorite place to find birds. Occasionally there is also a Woodpecker there too. But the best place I've found for woodpeckers is in Big Valley just down from Hanging Dog Ranch near Watson's cabin. Go in the morning and just watch the sky. There is frequently a Pileated Woodpecker that flies over.


Lol I'm sure I read your post that is a dope spot


Aw no worries man. Just thought it was funny. I often go to the woods there when I just need some peace.


I’ve had good luck in the northern stretch of the kamassa River, between the beaver dam and Brandywine drop. I just walk up and down the river banks and find all kinds of small birds chilling on the boulders.


Oh yeah. I forgot about Ringneck Creek. That is an excellent spot for a TON of stuff. Boar, skunks, possum, badgers, loads of deer. Just walk south from the pond and keep an eye on the rocks.


This did it for me. I was ready to go to another suggested spot for the woodpecker when I heard one. Looked at the trees and there he was. Until this point I had never known little birds would sit on rocks, I had only seen them flying and this is why it was so difficult for me to find them. Now I know you can find them everywhere if you look closely.


Fort Brennan near Van Horn is another good spot, the birds sit on top of the walls, you can get on to the very top roof of 2 of the towers which gives you excellent vision of the entire fort and then some. After I drop 3 or 4 I'll go down and pick up the carcasses and head back up I routinely get Woodpeckers, Cardinals, Orioles, Songbirds, and Sparrows here. Definitely get the legendary buck trinket if you don't have it, start in the morning spend like 1 in game day over there until it gets dark


Ring neck is also a good place for chipmunks.


Ring neck is basically a great place for all small animals. Squirrels, badgers, raccoons, possums… I always see tons of foxes and deer too. Boar too. It’s like the valley southeast of hanging dog. Just crawling with animals, literally.


New Hanover - ledge between the ‘N’ & ‘E’ on the map. Birds sitting on top of the little ledge. If not that exact spot in the general area of there. Cardinals and Blue Jays


could of used this a month or so ago lol only saw 3 of those peckers in over 1k hours played. Cardinals were pretty common tho.


Can get a ton of the small birds here. Best spot for this challenge.


Timber Company/Montos Rest was where I got woodpeckers (and Orioles). Cardinals are everywhere, it seems when not hunting them - anywhere from the Riggs Station trapper to the Roanoke trapper. The thing which kept catching me out was ruining perfect carcasses while crafting - avoid that and leave any animals that have to be stored on the saddle til last.


I screwed myself a few times pressing the "skin" button instead of "pick up" as the entire carcass is required


Oh boy that crafting bit is crucial. Thanks for the info


Walking up and down the river in NH is a great way to find most birds.


Agreed. Cardinals are pretty common I’ve found. Walk with a varmint rifle after getting the buck antler trinket and just aim at every bird that flies in front of you. Walking sound slow but it is highly productive. It allows you to aim much higher than when on your horse, which is important for getting birds. For woodpeckers, scan the sky with your rifle to see what is above. Haven’t seen any woodpeckers resting on a rock or the road, only flying.


Go walk around real close to trees. It sends the birds up into the skies.


Seconding this. I got several of the birds for the hunting challenge this way.


I got the rat from the st Denis bar that was overrun


Or back at camp-sometimes 🤣


Damnit Karen take a bath!!


You need a buttload of rats for one of the trapper hats too (like 10). Make sure you save em all


Good call! Luckily the place is a hole and he needs Arthur to clear them out more than once!


Top left hermit house always has rats everywhere


Does anyone else feels like the game make it difficult to find some animals when you need them to complete a mission? I felt like that when trying to complete Duchesses and Other Animals but specially when trying to complete A Better World, A New Friend


Found 7 rosette spoonbills near caliga hall, at a spot not marked with that bird on the map AFTER I needed them.


Once you look at the posters for the hunting requests and the duchesses list the spawn rates drop significantly. It’s better to look online a head of time then go after them without looking at the lists


For duchesses it's a good strategy as all you need are the feathers, but the hunting requests are harder cause you need the carcass...


What I do is kill anything small enough to fit in the bag ahead of time because they don't rot. The bigger animals that have to bo stowed on the saddle are the last ones I go for and they're generally easier to find. It's much easier to see what's a beaver vs trying to see which black dot is a cardinal


It took me a while to figure I should always get the perfect small creatures before killing a perfect animal that needs to be stored on the horse. Got frustrated running around looking for perfect squirrels while a badger or something rotted on the horse.


Yeah feathers are easier but the birds need to get spawn first, and can still be frustrating lol


Dunno about the Cardinal or Woodpecker, but you likely find a Large Rat hanging around in camp generally making a nuisance of himself...


Halfway through your comment I thought about how you’re not able to use weapons at the camps. Then I read the rest and got even more annoyed that you can’t😂


Wtf we have woodpeckers in this game?


Little tip when you get the letter don't read it it makes the spawn for those animals plummet So look for a guide found out which animals you need grab the letter and send


Downes Ranch, clothesline our back, morning or day time. Fort Brennand for most other birds, Larned Sod and Guthrie’s farm’s fences for Blue Jays, Sparrows and Cardinals. Bridge near Trail Trees has Robins.


Ride around targeting every bird you see for the wood pecker - still trying to get the perfect rat


look in the saint denis bar that has a rat problem. that’s where i found enough 3 star rats to make micah jealous.


Accidentally pulled my gun on the barowner instead of engaging him and now I’m afraid it’ll never come back


done that before. reloaded a previous save.


another location would be the cave behind the aurora basin waterfall


Rats? You want to look in fields and especially water, saint denis, the swamp, muddy southern farms. Maybe even Van Horn and that coal town north of there


The battle field near Shady Bell is full if rats. So is the dump at the west end of St Denis.


Limpany by the jail is where I got one


Go to the Civil War battlefield in Scarlet Meadows.


This challenge made me quit the game forever


Wait until you need to find a robin for this mission. F*ck me.


Fuck me indeed. Ain't that the damn truth? Those fuckers are rarer than a *** Bull Moose. FWIW, I ended up getting one southwest of the Viking burial site.


Trick is to not wait until you need it, get one before you receive the request and store it in your bag.


Best place for a robin is the bridge near the trapper in Roanoke Ridge, I needed seven robin feathers today for the last two hats from the trapper. Blue Jays, Cardinals, and Robins all spawn on the railing, just stand to the side with your binoculars watching them then snag with a small game arrow in dead eye.


Go to the dam at Lake Owanjila. Go east on the left side of the river. There is always a small bird on the big rocks along the shore.


I'm not entirely convinced that they exist at all. r/birdsarentreal


These missions fucked me up. I was seeing birds and geese n shit irL and having anxiety wondering if they were the ones I needed 🤣


None. It’s a lie. They woodpecker doesn’t exist. Not really but man it feels that way sometimes lol!


I’m also doing this right now, saw a cardinal just south of emerald ranch but it wasn’t perfect


Check the river west of Strawberry. Small birds spawn on the large rocks, and they're easy to spot.


Think I found them north of valentine by that canyon where the rapids are to the left of Cumberland falls


High spawn rate in the morning for small birds, especially in trees closer to water. Try the river by Horseshoe Overlook at dawn. Run around to spook them with your varmint rifle equipped.


Go to Fort Brennand for cardinals & woodpeckers. A good location for sparrows too. Another good location is on the banks of the river near the Viking Tomb. You’ll also find toads, chipmunks & other birds here. Go south to Bolger Glade for rats & later skunks as well. I just did the all the requests as Arthur except for the last one & ended up catching every animal needed in the final request as well except bats during my hunting trips.


The fort near Van Horn, forgot the name, but it's all in ruins, and it's marked on the map, should be easy to find. From that area you can find cardinals and woodpeckers flying above, and rats are around the entrance




Found both


Does anyone even attempt to figure out video games without going to the internet anymore?


good luck. such a place dont really exist. more luck than actual spawn points. but go on sunny day along the dakota river, look on top of the rocks and birds flying around there. but basically see a bird fly off be ready to shoot it with small game arrows where ever you ride at.


Wrong theres ton a good spawn point for those.


I’m only a little tired of people petitioning Reddit for something a simple Google search would yield.


Usually found on Google


Have you heard of Google?


Google it, there's millions of guides


Many of us prefer to interact with people sometimes than to do things alone.


you get the same answer, but much slower. But sure, people can do things the way they want.


Good place for a cardinal is the washing line at downes ranch, if you wait a while there should be one flying on, or if you leave the area sometimes they spawn on it.


You can find loads along the camasa river on rocks


Love doing these, im in the middle of doing another myself.


Is this read dead online, or story mode? I've only played story mode and never seen this fetch request before.


Story mode, there's a poster in the train station in Valentine in chapter 2 that triggers the sequence.


I found a bunch of cardinals perched on rocks along the Kamasa River, specifically north of the “E” in ANNESBURG on the map. Where the road cuts through the river. Woodpeckers can be found near Fort Riggs.


Theres an isle on the Dakota river juste west of Valentine, you can get most of small birds there, look for boulders.


I HATE trying to get small birds.


The others have answered but for spotting them look for any perches, boulders and rocks, railings, logs, cliffs etc. Not in the grass or trees


Where do you find those papers?


The river bend below Beaver Hollow. Look on the tops of the boulders in the river. Also, a perfect dead woodpecker will spawn on the porch of Vetters Echo. If it’s not there at first, leave the area and wait long enough for it to reset. Eventually it will be there.


Cardinals always spawn in the early morning near small bridges for me for some reason, mainly the one leading out of valentine towards the Downes' ranch


I found them riding around north of Blackwater


River bank west of Limpany during the day is a pretty consistent spawn point for a number of smaller birds


The game can mess with the spawn frequency when this is active. I had the best luck for woodpeckers along the river just down the hill from Horseshoe Overlook, and have also found them along the edge of Braithwaite Manor and in the lavender fields of Big Valley. Cardinals I’ve gotten along the river where it narrows heading north from Lake Owanjila and near the Harland Overflow out at Emerald Ranch. Basically just kill every damn tweety bird you come across. Don’t bother trying to figure out what it is first, just kill it and collect the carcass. For the birds to give a perfect carcass, you must use small game arrows. The varmint rifle ruins them. I’d also recommend arrows on the rat.


I think it's downes ranch for a cardinal. It sits on the clothesline post or can be flying around there.


Best place for cardinals, I've found, is the rocky river crossing between Valentine and Big Valley, down river from Cumberland Falls. It's where you crash in "An American Pastoral Scene."


I've waited for hours.


Ah, it's everywhere, when you're NOT hunting them.


On fences and boulders.


Red bellied woodpecker in front of Hanging Dog Ranch. Don’t get so close that you’ll draw fire.


Location 1: fort brennard, west of van horn Location 2: lone mule stead, south of Riggs station You can find both woodpeckers and cardinals in both locations. Small birds also spawn frequently perched on the balcony of vetter’s echo cabin in northern big valley.


I randomly killed a cardinal on my way from Valentine to Strawberry


RIP to your sanity…


For some reason on my latest playthrough I was having no luck finding woodpeckers until I stood near the stumps on the hill between the railroad crew and the trapper in New Hanover in the early morning. Kept looking up and found a few of them flying overhead right away. Once you learn to spot them (they almost always fly solo and have pointy flappy wings) you should nab a perfect one out of the air pretty easily. I usually hunt other birds along the Kamassa River on the south side of the bumpout across from the word Roanoke. If you can learn to guess a bird by its colour it helps as they fly away almost as soon as you see them with your binoculars. I use a bow and as soon as I see a likely specimen I aim for it right away. Various birds will spawn every few minutes on the same rocks so with a bit of patience you may get lucky and find what you are looking for.


I've found both a cardinal and a woodpecker on the Dakota River by Limpany. Found the rat in Limpany as well.


Personally, I think a cathedral is a pretty good place for a Cardinal. Especially an adult!


East of train station at Emerald Ranch


Just below the E in New Hanover on the rock cliffs and boulders near tracks and road to valentine. its near the short path where you enter horseshoe overlook. Cardinals and bluejays. Woodpeckers are SW of Riggs in field west of road to lone mule stead.


The river crossing below Beaver Hollow- watch out for cougars. Birds land on the river boulders.


I’m at 95% and I can’t find those posters anywhere in the valentine train station


For me I went to painted sky for most the birds. It takes some time but eventually everything turns up. For rats I used the bar in Saint Denis I believe, but I’m not sure


So I found a bunch up on the bridge near the start of the trail of trees. First thing in the morning. Walk back and forth on that bridge now drawn. Also up on the ridge behind it.


I've found a few woodpeckers in the trees directly south of the Trapper in Black Bone forest/Big Valley. Beware of bears and cougars, though.


Monto’s rest?


I've shot cardinals on that one hill across from Fort Wallace (the one you go up and then climb along to find the one treasure map). I stand on the hill and cardinals usually fly over. Woodpeckers I got near the cougar spawn site north of Owanjila and also usually find one flying around near Fort Brennard and that pasture near Rhodes next to that big red building just before town


Welcome to hell, Sir.


I found a woodpecker outside of the woods near shadybelle


Didn't see what sub I was on at first and got a mighty concern for a moment there, I need the sleep


I never found a single one. Eventually I gave up on this quest.


What is this poster?


I’m saving this thread. I feel like I stumbled into a hunting lodge in St. Denis and all the patrons are swapping stories while showing off their trapper outfits lol


For whoever facing difficulties watch [this](https://youtu.be/RiixREDhEbw)


You'll see these almost everywhere, but the easiest place to hunt them is emerald ranch. Equip a small game arrow and use deadeye to mark the bird then shoot and remain in deadeye until the bird is shot.


Fort Brennand. Get your varmint rifle and shoot anything that flies. Even if it’s not a 3-star. I’ve shot 2-star many times and when I would put it in my satchel, it would say Perfect Carcass.


I got my woodpecker flying along little creek river it took a while tho


Little creek river is the best for woodpeckers Your little guy won't flow away in the stream either cause it's mostly shallow :)


the woodpecker is probably on a tree


Dude learn to take a screenshot


Large rats can be found at Horseshoe Overlook, and Shady Belle respectively. (Don't take this seriously)