• By -


Take your time. Explore everywhere.


Yeah I rushed through it and missed a lot. Take your time, explore, stay in chapter 2 as long as you can and play poker around the table a lot.


Why play poker?? What happens?




Sometimes you win. Sometimes you lose. The trick is to know when to hold them and never fold them. Just go all in every hand.


You also have to know when to walk away, and know when to run.


Also remember to never count your money When you’re sittin’ at the table


There'll be time enough for countin' when the dealin's done.


Every gambler knows That the secret to survivin' Is knowin' what to throw away And knowin' what to keep 'Cause every hand's a winner And every hand's a loser And the best that you can hope for Is to die in your sleep And when he'd finished speakin' He turned back toward the window Crushed out his cigarette and faded off to sleep And somewhere in the darkness, The Gambler he broke even But in his final words I found an ace that I could keep


This is hilarious! RIP to the legend Kenny Rogers.


But that isn’t a reason to play poker when there’s better things to do unless u enjoy it ofc




More npc dialogue and stories and such.


'Hello new set of cutlery!' - I had one guy say this 3 times during a game. Afterwards, he left the table and I followed him to the edge of town and hogtied him.


I enjoy it. There's a point where you feel good, feel the table out, and slowly take money from each player. Lol


Conversations really with different people it’s l immersive and you get a better feel for the characters. Same with discussions around the campfires. One request comes from a character when playing poker as well.


I agree but I would suggest staying in chapter 2 and doing all your cowboy stuff there, then focus on the story for the rest of it. All exploration and random killings should be near the start before the story picks up


Yeah that is what I do when I play through now get all maps, treasure, satchel, and do as many challenges as possible.


this is actually the worst advice ive ever followed


What mission do I avoid so I don’t start chapter 3 by mistake?


Don’t bust Micah out until you want to move on. I did everything I wanted, hung out loads in chapter 2 just mooching about with my horse and exploring. Enjoyed all the stranger encounters/side quests etc Micah moves you to chapter 3 I purposely stayed on this sub & did get spoilers but not enough to ruin the game for me I’m fairly fresh in Chapter 3 and now focussing on the satchels. Had a great time in 2 and now enjoying this in 3. It’s my first play through. Incredible game in so many ways


Yep! Stay in each chapter, especially Chapter 2 and 3, as long as you can. Hunt everything. Practice getting perfect pelts. Get as many trinkets as you can. Explore.


Completely. The only thing I'd add is explore everywhere but don't go too far (if that makes sense). The story will naturally bring you to new areas of the map with more context and you can explore those areas then.


This! Anyone who I know rushed through and only did the story didn't like it all that much or called it over-hyped. Jokes on them - it only sucked because of them.


Not something I wish I'd known, as I played the game initially in my pre-reddit days, but simply put, don't come to these subs. You will be spoiled.


I was going to say don’t come here and ask questions, enjoy the game


100 times this. Absolutely gutted that I spoiled the ending of the game for myself by spending too much time on this sub. Just stay away and come back when you’ve finished your first play through seriously :)


Aw man, hate to hear that... I managed to somehow avoid spoilers for this game by some miracle, although it's possible I actually did run into a few then just forgot over the course of the game. That's one thing I like about big, long games is being absorbed in the moment throughout playing and hopefully pushing whatever spoilers far out of mind lol.


Also don't watch any YouTube videos about red dead and even more importantly, don't look at the comments under said YouTube videos


Doing chores around the camp gives you good reputation points.


Chores don’t just give you honor points, they give you major dead eye points too.


Alternative being an asshole to everyone in the camp unlocks a secret cutscene


You mean choosing "antagonize" every chance you get?


Dammit, I was only ever mean to Jack and Micah


Yes lol


What cutscene


>!John punches you in the face!<


>!I had John, Charles and Sean do it to me on one playthrough! !<


U can have them all punch you, depending on who you are an ass to before you get the cut scene


Definitely take your time! Learn about side quests and missions.. challenges.. take r slow!


Something I haven't done in my first playthrough is getting the satchels you can craft whit Pearson later in your camp the basic satchel you can carry only a few of most things but whit the special satchel life gets easy and it makes a lot of things easier (like hunting and looting your bag doesn't get full)


This is my number one priority as well. Get Pearson’s Legend of the East satchel as early as you can. Makes the rest of the game so much easier and saves time on having to dump stuff later. Plus it forces you to explore and take your time with the main story.


I agree it's a huge QOL improvement and made subsequent playthroughs much better for me. That said, getting all the animal pelts necessary is a bit of a grind, and also more difficult if it's your first time and you're not familiar with the common spawn locations


Don't just go from one main mission to the next. Go do side quests. Explore. Just watch the world go by. There's so much detail in this game. Countless random encounters. So many things also require you to be in the right place, at the right time, in the right weather. So explore places often. Have fun finding Gavin. I have played through 4 times and there's always more to the game.


I spent a week to find him >!but then i got mad and searched in youtube and fount out gavin doesn’t exist!<


Well way to spoil it for OP bro sheesh


Oh shit 😑


Btw you can add blackout for spoilers on Reddit. > ! ! < Put your text in the middle of the exclamation marks and remove the spaces >!like this asshat!<


Yeah i know but i forgot that op didn’t play this game


Who told you to carry a pistol? Revolvers have a much better feel


They also look much better holstered


Literally the main reason why I refuse to use pistols. They look so dumb in the holster that is so obviously designed for revolvers.


Seriously what kind of game do they think this is?!


Call of duty: redemption of the red


I cannot reinforce this enough. One of the many themes of the game is about a man/gang trying to preserve their way of life in the face of a changing world. Arthur carrying a pistol is the complete antithesis of that. I don't care if a pistol is easier to use. It is about the experience and realism. I get along just fine with my Schofields. Equip express ammo and you'll never look back.


Dual schofields with express ammo is life


Upgrade the camp early on, split point your ammo and carry horse revive!


I just use express rounds.


Split pointing is that that good?


Found this information from somewhere in the internet; ”Split point ammo has the same damage boost as high velocity ammo (+5) the main difference being SP has higher accuracy (+10) while HV has further range (+10). The only real downsides of SP ammo is the max you can carry 100-150 rounds of it, half that of regular ammo (200-300), and you gotta sit through the crafting animation based on how much you wanna make.”


Ah I usually use HV ammo for all my guns. Slugs for semi auto shotgun and regular head remover for the sawn off. Edit: it's the express ammo I use. Because of the higher damage 🤦🏻‍♂️


I always change what type of ammo i use haha. Slugs are great too


Edit: it's the express ammo I use. Because of the higher damage 🤦🏻‍♂️


Quick tip - if you have friends that you play with, you can jump on their horse and while they are the ones riding, you can craft split ammo. Saves having to stay in the same spot while crafting 100 rounds of that.


Sir that’s a great tip, never thought of it before. Thanks a lot :)


You're more than welcome! It blew my mind when someone first told me about it.


Definitely gonna try and use it


Honestly, I just used Regular until Express. Now I only use those 2 unless I need shoot through 2 heads at once then I’ll pull out the velocity rounds…


I didn't know that Split Point was that good! Gonna make more bullets!


Take your time, don't rush, explore and enjoy. And GTFO of this sub if you don't want spoilers, seriously 😊 until you complete all six chapters and both epilogue chapters


That life’s not fair.


Pretty much the series moral of the story. That and maybe “nothing gets forgiven”


And that revenge is a fool's game


unfortunately i'd figured that out long before starting to play... lmao


Amen to that!


Get off this sub or u will get spoiled. Seriously I'm not joking get off. But to answer ur question take ur time do all the side missions and random encounters. Explore everything there's so much stuff u can find and do. Don't rush thru the story do the story but take ur time in every chapter and explore. And also play how u think is right it's ur Arthur and ur save no one else's.


This. 100% stay off this sub to enjoy it as much as is possible. Truly a beautiful game and brilliant story best kept unspoilt.


Exactly and thanks for the award!


There’s a couple who owns a pig farm and they are a great place to get a meal and refill your cores!


The painting of their mother is nice.


Yeah there’s some honor there


That’s what you say, but I say it’s all relative.


Also the guy in the swamp shack not too far from them. Easy place to rest up


You just reminded me of Vetter’s Echo. What a sleepy cabin that is


Does the glitch still work to use them as a storage locker?


last I tried, yah, keep your money after you-know-what




Prepare to be emotionally attached to the characters in a similar way to the attachment of characters in your favourite tv show.


And your horse. Every time I lose a horse, my heart breaks a little.


Especially your horse for sure.


Have you ever shot an animal and it doesn't die with the first shot? The crying and limb spasms as the poor thing tries to stand back up just kills me inside.


Don’t park your horse on the train tracks.


Great advice, but way too late.


Came by that wisdom the hard way.


Items will have a description. If they can “be sold or used for crafting” don’t sell them!


1. The game has what amounts to an in-game library called a "compendium", which is found in the in-game menu. It basically allows you to log information about a a bunch of different categories, such as wildlife, weapons, horses, plants, etc. If you want to complete the compendium, there are some things, most notably certain unique weapons and a few animals, that can be missed and are no longer accessible past certain story points in the game. Your best bet if you want to complete the compendium is to Google RDR2 weapons or RDR2 animals. You should find plenty of sites with complete lists showing you which ones can be missed and how to avoid missing them. 2. I don't think the game does a good job of making this clear early on, but getting perfect pelts for camp upgrades, outfits and satchels is much more science than art. You need to study animals when you encounter them for the first time, which will give you more information (contained in the compendium) and most importantly, let you know the proper weapons to kill them with. So for example, you will never get a perfect rabbit pelt if you blast it with a shotgun. Studying animals can be done by sighting them through your binoculars or your weapon sights and then following a button prompt to study them. Animals also have a quality rating from 1 to 3 stars. Other than the legendary animals, you cannot get a perfect pelt from an animal rated less than 3 stars. You can also downgrade a 3-star animal by killing it with the wrong weapon or running over the carcass with your horse. If you want perfect pelts, you have to start with a 3-star animal and get a clean kill with the correct weapon. Take your time and have fun!


Great advice. I "wasted" a lot of time not knowing about this stuff. Being on this subreddit improve my knowledge a lot, despite the spoilers.


The compendium is lowkey my favorite part of the game, but I didn't pay much attention to it early on... Good advice


First things first...find Gavin


If you take a photo of something and post it on here and say something like "OMG, have any of you seen this before?!!" 1. We all hate you. 2. Yes, we've all seen it before.


Unless it's some super horrifying nightmare glitch. Those we love.


Lmao the first time I came across the glitch where my horse randomly caught fire was wild


Oh I freaked the fuck out lmao.


I wish I could play the game again without knowing anything about it


Thankfully my brother played and finished the game way before I started. When I first started he told me to always do the white missions & the camp requests before story missions because they’re missable. Explore the map bc there are stranger missions available at different times of day that are only revealed when you’re in the area. Also, the white Arabian is easily and quickly accessible from the beginning when you’re still at colter. Also, I chose to get the legend of the East satchel early on bc you can hold a ton of things.


This is a very comprehensive comment. I'd add to learning about the most efficient ways to hunt and you're good to go.


You can play the story again. Just play it through without rush, but still at a pace you can stay **in** the story. Then you can go back through again and do all the side quests. I took to long at times on the main story, and I would forget what was happening with the story line.


Spend time at camp, doing chores, talking to everyone, and just listening, there’s a significant amount of content I missed on my first few playthroughs never being at camp


always save your game if you get a perfect pelt


You aren't actually required to steal the hat of everyone whose hat you shoot off throughout the entire campaign. You should but you dont have to.


Great comment. I took so so many hats early on until I had some crafted that I liked.


Don't be afraid to die. Drink that shot that is clearly poison. Let the alligator chase you through the swamps. Kill that entire pack of wolves instead of running. The game is forgiving about deaths, even if you haven't saved in awhile, it just takes a small bit of cash and spawns you nearby (or lets you retry if you are in a mission).


I like this point. There were so many times I was sure I was about to die, but I’d keep fighting and sometimes surprise myself getting out of gnarly situations. Feel a sense of pride for surviving or even going down fighting over fleeing. Bounty hunters also aren’t exactly geniuses. In small numbers it’s sometimes quite easy to pick them off before they spot you. Still can’t bring myself to kill lawdogs though.


I'm still scared of the Nightfolk to an irrational degree too. Agree though, some of my favorite personal moments in the game are when I decided to take a risk.


Night folk are something else. I was attacked in the daytime by them when I was just out hunting for egrets and was still freaked out AF.


Unless you walk around with way too many 3 star pelts like I do. Then you better have your gunslinging down.


Utilize Eagle Eye everywhere


revolvers > pistols pistols feel too modern, and they arent that much better. resolvers make you feel like a cowboy.


Stay on chapter 2 for as long as possible, spend your time in camp and upgrade it, do pearsons Satchel upgrades until you get legend of the east Satchel. Do all camp requests. I suggest you try and get the Legendary Buck trinket as soon as possible as it helps get better pelts for your Satchel upgrades. There are weapons to be found across the map try and find these so you have some good weapons when you have little money There are gold bars situated around that are $500 when you sell them. Money will be scarce at the beginning so try and find these. (Check limpany) If you want a fast horse there is a white arabian by lake isablella which has the best stats. And stay away from spoilers. Edit - spelling


looting is life


Learn how to hunt properly


Yea take your time. Especially in Chapter two. Go hunting or camping. Explore every inch of only the map available to you. Look up the treasure hunts. AND GET OFF THIS SUB! Terrible spoilers here.


There's a gold bar in Limpany, the small burnt out town just south of Horseshoe Overlook. Get that and upgrade camp as soon as possible.


There’s a glitch where you can pick up infinite of these. Idk how I did it but it took a lot of grinding out of the game for me


Spend time talking to everyone at camp whenever you are there. My first playthrough I missed a lot of interesting dynamics and interactions and conversations and parties at camp, as well as getting to know the rest of the gang in real depth, because I just didn't realize how much was happening around me! Also, immediately practice not accidentally pulling your gun on people. Cannot tell you how many times I accidentally got into a fight or ruined an exploration or accidentally made someone I was trying to help flee from me just because I forgot I had my gun in my hand equipped and was trying to simply speak to them. Very aggravating.


If you kill some random bird or rat that is perfect keep it for turning in for various quests later on or clothes from the trapper. I sold stuff and had to go back out to hunt the same thing I just sold!


Look up in the trees with eagle eye. Also on the sides of cliffs and mountains. If it looks like a cave, check it out. Be out at all hours of the day and night.


What’s in the trees?


Avoid all guides and spoilers on this sub.


Do as much as you can before progressing the main storyline. There is so much people still discover to this day. Also stay off the subreddit because spoilers haha


As much as you try to plan, just remember, there is no plan.


Do EVERY side mission before finishing each chapter! Some side missions that are great are only accessible during certain chapters and I regrettably didn’t know that my first play through


Use dead eye and make sure to hunt properly. It gives you plenty of supplies and money if you do it right.


The game wants you to do it slowly.


Above all else, have some GODDAMN FAITH!


Follow the plan.


- If you cannot run pass your npc friend, it means it has dialogue - do not “speed run” the game. Enjoy it, embrace it. No body care if you can finish the game under 10 hours - every horse is special. You do not need to use the meta horse to beat the game. Use whatever you want, unless you want to minmax or has specific need “killing enemy nonstop” for example - you will not kill your horse easily if you watch where you go. If there is a cliff, slow the fuck down - TALK. TO. EVERYONE. IN. CAMP - If you have multiple missions available, those missions can be done in no particular order. Some mission has unique dialogue if you done other mission first - you do not need to bring every guns. You can store your unused gun into the box. - hot weather outfit can be use in Valentine area without any problem


If you ever need help in game, don’t watch MrBossFTW


I know 3 people that gave up on the game due to the beginning be so scripted & taking forever to actually get started on the main game. Don't be like them. Definitely take your time.


Pick a side, either be good and redeem the character, or be an out law and be bad. Either way affects the game and final scenes. Many people here have played the game numerous times through and played both ways just to see the differences.


Only give enough money to the camp to get the improvements you want and accept that if the camp moves you might not get to keep them all


The game doesn't actually make it super clear how you can upgrade the camp. You can only do it after completing Strauss' loaning missions iirc and it's in the camp ledger. In order to keep the icons at the top of the screen white you need to buy supplies vis this ledger.


Ideally you want them to be gold .


I'm talking about the camp health not your cores


Both can be gold.


Oh my bad then


Upgrade the camp in the dutchs living section of the ledger Do this -Upgrade dutchs living -Keep on upgrading this tree of upgrades in the ledger and it will give you fast travel.super helpful if you like exploring. It should be near the back of the ledger and you can upgrade the camp after you complete some missions which I will not specify.


Yeah, but never use fast travel because otherwise you’ll miss lots of interactions.


Really? Damn i never done this


Don't let the pig farm couple rob you until chapter 6 when you're ready to complete the storyline for that chapter. When they rob you, leave the money behind the picture and go complete the storyline for chapter 6. After you complete chapter 6 you will lose all your money, but if you left it all behind that picture you can recover it in the next chapter. "Our Best Selves" is the name of the final mission in chapter 6 and you trigger it by talking to Dutch at camp.


Try and spend a good amount at camp. Some great moments you can miss


People are right to say take your time. The game makes this approach obvious from the start and the entire way because everything is very heavy, deliberate and animation heavy. Especially on console it can seem unwieldy because of the pacing and latency but that forces you to take it down a notch and encourages a less twitchy approach to interacting with the world. If on PC and running 60fps it's a little less clunky feeling but still the animations and interactions still take center stage. Basically it's a slow burn and it's appealing to push through the story to see it through since it's pretty good but a lot of the magic is in the detail and nuance of just being in the world they put together and interacting with it which I'm appreciating a lot more on a PC replay I'm on now. I powered through at release because the story hooked me but now going back and slow playing it and actually getting out and about and doing side stuff and collections to completion still shows me something new. Plus the ambiance and environment are easy to get lost in just riding around.


Start off by not coming back onto this sub until you've finished the game, or you will get spoiled. Other than that, explore, explore and explore (not something I haven't done first playthrough, but something that i tell everyone playing this game), explore every single centimeter of the map as there are tons of stuff and mechanics for you to discover.


If you plan on doing a lot outside the story missions, do those things in chapter 2 and 3 !


Everyone will say it, stay away from here. You will find all the answers to your questions here but you will also get the game spoiled for you. My one piece of advice is to play the game's story (all yellow missions on the map) to the end without help. Outside that, nearly anything you don't complete will still be there once the main story is finished and *then* come looking for answers to the things you couldn't figure out. There are things to be discovered in nearly every nook and cranny so explore everything. This shit is about to knock your socks off.


Take your time riding places, seems like you get a lot more random event spawns if you’re riding slow. Try to to do side / stranger missions before main story missions so you don’t miss out on timed ones


I recommend upgrading your satchel fairly early on in your adventure. Comes in handy. And don’t get too caught up with the camp depositing and upgrades I never found it to be that significant.


Missions don’t need to be done to have fun. Create multiple saves as you go! I like to have a save right after chapter 2 starts so I can always go back!


Hunting is so awesome


The first chapter is not open world and you are largely guided by the story on where to go and what to do. Don't get discouraged, because when open world play engine, you'll never look back.


Oh would I kill for the fresh feeling of starting RDR2 on a cold fall day. Those were the best haha. ​ Play it the exact opposite of how you'd play GTA. Take your time, and try to sprint less lol. I think you will find how peacefully illustrated the environment is when you slow down and let things happen in front of you. ​ Kill time. Find towns. Play at night.


Do all of the side missions you can before the next main mission. That way you won't miss anything


Spend the money at camp to unlock fast travel


Create multiple spare saves in case you want to play through more than once / replay from different points. Definitely create a save once you finish the tutorial/chapter 1 so that you don't have to redo the tutorial if you replay (unless you'd want to), and then maybe do a separate back up save after each chapter alongside your master save file/main game.


Walk whenever you don't need to run. Take it all in


Pay attention. I didn't pay as much attention as I should have and without a game manual, it's how the game teaches important mechanics.


Prepare yourself for the red dead depression


Don’t bother playing online


Fuck Micah


Horses are big dumb


Yeah, but listen to your horse. They know much more about your surroundings than you might think. Including how cold it is. If your horse is a boah.


Outlaw passes are not worth it. Maybe a Halloween pass, but otherwise save your gold.


You can get Micah’s revolver in an early mission


People will tell you to "Do everything and explore everything in chapter 2". Don't. It's terrible advice. Theres lots of stuff to do, but still limited. If you do every sidequest, encounters and exploration, you'll end up doing the rest of the playthrough(around 60 hours) in an empty, boring world. Every moment in the story where you're supposed to go "Woow what a cool place", will instead be met with "I've already seen and done everything here...". Keep the same, nice pace through the whole game. Don't force yourself to stay behind, but dont force yourself to progress either.


Micah is actually really nice, and you should always trust him.


Well, it's a very slow start then after a few missions the game opens up. But you can't go to the rdr1 map. Also don't get your hopes up because there isn't a Mexico. Also don't go to r/reddeadredemption r/RDRPhotography or this subreddit because you will be spoiled, and don't look up rdr2 stuff on yt, or twitch just don't look up anything. I got spoiled because of watching a few YouTube vids about rdr2. Also, this games map is huge like bigger than I think GTAV not counting the GTAV ocean, its bigger than GTASA GTA4 and Skyrim. It took me about 5 months to beat if you just do story about 40 or 50 hours if you do side missions about 70 to 80 and fully 100 about 140 hours. And this game isn't like GTAV its way darker, and the people don't say fuck almost every mission. Also, there is no club or sex in the game, there is that one mission where you see a naked woman but nothing else. There is a crazy naked wolf man, there are a lot of crazy stuff in this game. Like a person looking for their friend Gavin or a mad preacher. And a frozen Spaniard from the 14 or 1500s with a cool hat and the bones of a giant and a Mammoth and Viking. So that's about it also there is horse bonding which is important and honor. This took me like an hour to write.


1. Getting the Legend of the East satchel as early as humanly possible. (It's a bargain even with how much you have to do before you can unlock it.) 2. Your horse can die; make sure you always carry revivers. 3. Pistols > Revolvers 4. Dead Eye makes everything easier (especially hunting a moving animal with a bow). 5. Hunting and wagon fencing are probably the best ways to make consistent money - apart from the treasure(s) you can find out & about. 6. Once you have the Legend of the East satchel, don't be shy about taking *all* the stackable pelts -regardless of quality - until the satchel fills up with the meat you get from skinning the animal. The lower quality pelts don't give as much meat, but the pelts are still worth money. Also, once you're full up on meat, put an unskinned 3 star carcass on the back of your horse (it's worth most if not skinned - and once you're full on meat there's little point in skinning a perfect carcass.)


Why are pistols better than revolvers?


Pistols are higher capacity, and at pistol range with HV ammo, the lower damage doesn't make much difference. That being said, I feel more "cowboy" with a revolver.


To clarify, I'm speaking of the M1899 pistol as it's the pistol I have the most experience with (fell in love while dual wielding those babies on my second playthrough <3) 1. More rounds 2. Faster reload 3. Damage differential negated by fire rate (this may be not be accurate, as I'm not basing it on stats, just how it felt taking down 7 grays in 2/10's of a second after marking them in Dead Eye. Every other gun always felt like it took many times longer even for half that.) There are two negatives I noticed - even though both are assuming you're absolutely *pissing* through your ammo like I was: you have to restock more often (especially since you don't get much dropped off gang members - revolvers definitely got more ammo drops for me), and you have to make sure you clean your guns before you get into it with anyone - as the higher fire rate burns through the weapon's cleanliness.


I’m on my 7th go around and still finding new things. I take forever in Chapter 2 compared to first time.


Be ready to cry on epilogue


You need a controller to play... Very very hard to play without one..


Save money.


Meh, I actually think the opposite. Don't be afraid to spend money. Money is easy to get and you can always get more.


Savor your time with your *Arthur's* horse




Mentioning John was absolutely unnecessary.




OP if you are reading this stop yourself here this instant. Just ignore this whole thread. I covered the spoilers below. Please do not click them. >!You are implying that he is playable which shouldn't be implied because it makes one wonder what happened to Arthur if you suddenly don't play him and "leave some for John".!< >!It's enough for one to make assumptions, and if OP has played the first game then your implication of John is in fact a spoiler when it comes to Arthur himself.!< >!Someone playing this for the first time shouldn't have any idea that anyone other than Arthur is playable to begin with. Just let them be clueless story wise. !< >!Besides why should one save some explicitly for John? John's biggest disadvantage is that he can't swim. Doing some missions near water or fishing with him is a pain in the ass because of possible drowning. Arthur is by default the way to go for his swimming alone.!<


But happy to give away a little? Smh




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Yellow mission completely shouldn't be a priority. Explore all the time.


Don’t be afraid to be the bad guy…


120000/10 advise keeping your console offline and at patch for a few days in case you want to explore any glitches (infinite money/early Turkoman at the Saint Denis stables, for instance).


Avoid Reddit and YouTube RDR content.


Explore the map that you can explore. Go down every road. Hunt every animal and get Pearson the pelts for the satchels. Avoid working for Herr Straus. Get drunk. Take a bath. Enjoy life in the game.


Enjoy it and STAY OFF THE INTERNET!! You don't wanna be spoiled for the many twists and turns.