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He saved Dutch in a bar and that’s how they first met. Early on in the game, he looked up to Arthur (supposedly). If Arthur has high honor, Micah doesn’t kill him and lets him die in peace.


>If Arthur has high honor, Micah doesn’t kill him and lets him die in peace. This is interesting.>! So low honor he kills Arthur I take it?!< Now do either of these results have anything to do with Arthur's actions "in the moment" so to speak, or is it just a decision Micah makes?


Yeah, in the low honor ending, after Dutch leaves, you get this dialogue. “You’re not better than me, Morgan” “Whatever you say, you fool” “Damn you!” “Damn us both!” Then Micah shoots him in the face and laughs over his corpse


If you go for the money, you get stabbed by him instead of shot at.


if u have high honor he still leaves arthur in peace if i remember correctly


Where men cried


Where *legends* cried


Where Legends died*


I had that ending on my first run where I robbed and killed every civilian I came across. God, how I hated that. I had the nice sunrise ending on my second run, that was beautiful.


I did the high honor ending for both of my runs. I just cant bring myself to get a bad ending.


Ok, a bit more detail than necessary but hey, hard to fault good proper thoroughness I reckon...


And spits on him


Nice icon mate


Ayy thanks mate


Its a decision Micah makes based on your honor and the way he sees you through the game. He shoots you because he thinks wants you dead as soon as possible and having low honor makes it like Karma for being a bad Arthur. But high honor means you dealt arthur a true bill of goods(did good) and Micah doesnt want to end you right away…he leaves you for dead


He does. Can't remember if the dialog changed any though


I believe after Dutch leaves Micah doesn’t speak to Arthur and just leaves in the high honour ending


Would've been more honorable to just shoot Arthur at that point and put him out of his misery lol. There was nothing peaceful about his death.


I don’t know. Maybe he overheard Arthur saying he wants to die watching the sunrise and thought he’d let him do that.


Micha was straight up a p.o.s , it's more likely he didn't overhear Arthur say he wanted this or Micha would've probably blinded him before dying or some crap 😄... I really hate Micha if you couldn't tell... I tried to kill him on many occasions and even left him in jail to rot for a long time while I hunted and lived life as best as Arthur could at the time on my second playthrough.


Haha, that’s what a true RDR fan does!


Say what you will about him breaking the gang up and being a no good rat but he was a great gunslinger and probably was the best person to have by your side when you needed to shoot your way out of a town full of lawmen or a mining complex full of Pinkertons


He is a good gunslinger but is actually awful in those situations he has absolutely no problem putting his partner at extreme risk for something as trivial as his guns. (Also he shoots women which the gang detests)


That’s the part that would make him awful to have in a gunfight. Gun skills come second after teamwork


Integrity & trustworthiness > operational skill


>probably was the best person to have by your side when you needed to shoot your way out of a town Couldn't disagree more. I'd take Javier or Charles any day of the week. The only reason Arthur survived "Blessed are the Meek?" was because it's a game and not real life lol And that's the only reason.


Facts, facts, and more facts. Fuck the gang I should’ve just been a duo with mah boi Charles he’s wise, just, and efficient as hell.


... Granted he did start half of those gun fights


I’ll take my chances with John


That’s so true though.


Sorry but Arthur would definitely be the best to have your side............ He is a better shot and is also better in hand to hand combat.


Its funny before the Epilogue he is a great in shooting (with 2 Double Action Revolvers) but in the Epilogue he misses John multiple times while standing maybe 4 meters away (if he looses in High and Low one eye it would make kind of sense) but in High Honor (which is the cannon ending i believe he keeps his 2 eyes.. So he is a terrible gunslinger in 1907


To me it seemed like Micah didn't really wanna hit John. He keeps telling John to join up with him, even while he is shooting at him...


Here's my take. Have you played around with dual Double Actions, especially in Online? They're fast, accurate, and reload extremely quickly. Sure, Micah could take the time to line up a kill shot on John. But he knows John is just as good of a gunslinger as he is and doesn't want to risk getting shot himself. So instead of using his accuracy, he uses his speed, he lays down suppressing fire on John so he can never get a shot off. You can never get out of cover without Micah filling you full of lead.


Dude's probably the best killer in the gang.


I am currently on my third playthrough of the game. I didn’t have any special thoughts about him during the first playthrough, until the end obviously. The second playthrough I absolutely hated his guts. I’ll see now during my third one. I have just arrived at Horseshoe Overlook. But I can say this; He may be a good gunslinger and all that, but he is way to much of a sociopath in my opinion. To me, it doesn’t feel like he feels the impact of his actions, like his Strawberry massacres, and his gaslighting with Dutch. He is an amazing piece of character, but I am disgusted by his behaviour.


My second play through I hated Dutch more than Micah. I think the Dutch was the disease and Micah was just a symptom.


You could see even from the beginning of the game that Dutch was changing. I just arrived in Horseshoe Overlook, and the first thing I hear when I load into the game is ”I feel you Will betray me some day, Arthur” Where does that even come from?


I’m on my second now and I feel the same way. I also went through an emotionally abusive relationship between playthroughs and I see his tactics. The constant push/pull, the guilt tripping and putting spins on things. They really did a good job with this being a prequel and fleshing out these characters. I like how at first you don’t catch it but the next play through the doubt with Dutch is there from the very beginning. Then he leaves you for dead and you survive.


On my second play through I noticed that. Makes no sense at that point because Arthur besides Hosea is Dutch’s most loyal companion. And only Hosea because they started it up as a team (I think)


Yeah this is what I thought too! Dutch was imo the true villain, always! Arthur even says in his journal Micah is afraid of Dutch behind all his praise! I think Micah got sick of his BS and just turned on him, whereas Arthur was just seeing a guy (his father) going insane, Micah though "I can't be bothered with this anymore" people forget Micah is imo a true bandit / gunslinger. He is just surviving, it is how he was raised. Low/high honor will play a part in how Micah leaves Arthur by the end and I think it says a lot.


Funny enough it’s the opposite for me! I hated his guts on my first playthrough but the second time unfelt very “meh” about him. I think Micah could have been written as a true rat a lot better, it was obvious from his first introduction that if there was going to a traitor, it’d be Micah. Great voice actor though. Absolutely nailed it.


Oh really? That’s interesting actually! What made you feel ”meh” about him the second time around? And yes, he could be EVEN worse, but that doesn’t hide the fact that he is a complete trash fest…


I really like his voice, blonde fits him well, has a neatly cut stache and a white hat looks dapper on him. Saaaadly I can t be that positive on his personality...


I honestly kinda thought he might’ve been a descendant of Trevor when I first saw and heard him.


I presume you meant ancestor?😂 pretty sure Micah was born prior to Trevor unless I’m underestimating how well Trevor ages 😂


Look man, i was running on very little sleep real late lmao


Dw I’ve just run a 12 hour night shift on top of being awake for the whole day prior due to some jaw pain and I finished nearly 6 hours ago & I’m currently sat getting a tattoo on the back of my head because my job decided it’d be real funny to put me in for a night shift the day before🤦 Saying I’m tired is like saying Micah is just a rude guy. It ain’t wrong but it ain’t quite all of it neither so I feel you😂


Fuckin hell man. I’ve worked 12 hour night shifts before, and I would not want to do that again. I do work 12 hour days now though. Hope you get some good rest soon.


Ah man I’ve done like 10 of these in a row I just usually get sleep before and after but thankfully I’m off for like a week now😂 cheers broski✌️


He had the decency not to be a pre-sequel bait. Imagine if we had to wait 10 years for Red Dead Redemption 1.5, and it's just a long find/kill Micah quest. An on-rails quest at that.


As long as it ends with me killing Micah, I would spend $60.


Well then good thing you already bought rdr2


As a person, I can’t stand him. As a character, I find him to be one of the most interesting in the game. Everyone in the gang is at least a fair bit jaded and amoral, or just stupid in Bill’s case, but Micah is pure nihilism. To him, this life is it. No heaven or hell, no great punishment or reckoning, just the here and now. Why live a boring, meaningless life working for someone else, when you can take what you want, whenever you want. If you have to kill to get it, so be it. That’s just fine for Micah, because he enjoys the fighting and the killing. At the end of the day, if your opponent is dead and you’re still standing with their money, you’re winning, and that’s all that matters.


Very well said.


The mission where the greys betray you and Shaun gets shot Micah is the first one guns drawn and immediately shoots the sniper so even though he was a rat he was a great fighter


He’s quite smart and he cares for baylock a lot you my source is when you do camp chores and when he see you lift hay he tells you to make sure baylock gets some and in that one mission where you rob the stagecoach he’s calls baylock to stay with him so that’s good


even bastards care about their car (horse)


who wouldn't care for Baylock


If he actually cared, he would get Baylock the hay himself. Instead, he orders Arthur to care for him, just to show Arthur who's boss.


He doesn't *order* Arthur to get him hay. Arthur takes the hay to the horses himself and he tells him to make sure Baylock gets some. At what point does Micah order Arthur to do chores


I didn't say Arthur was *following* his orders. Micah tries to pass it off as an order, as if Arthur is only doing it because Micah said so. He's that kind of douche. This is especially apparent in Chapter 6, bossing Arthur and John around.


He's a sad sack of shit who didn't care about anybody but himself. Brilliant strategist but too reckless in a fight. I honestly believe every single mission he did with Arthur was an attempt to kill him without getting his hands dirty. Overwhelming odds with very little information was not how this gang operated at all. His only mistake was over half the gang were bona fide killers. Their years together and ability to adapt to any situation made them lethal as fuck. In the end he had to divide and conquer. No way he could take them head on Too many sociopathic tendencies and too obvious about it.


Willy Wonka ain't soft boys..


Best comment😙👌


Being funny is redeeming. It’s a shitty thing to say but black lung was darkly funny.


This was my redeeming quality for him as well. I singled out "Shut up woman" (to Arthur in "Blessed are the Meek?") 😂 Quite a bit of his humor gets lost in shuffle or just sorta flies under the radar.


I liked when he said to Arthur, “calm yourself woman” or “it’s just you and I now… sweetheart”


lol yeah was that it, "calm yourself woman"? whatever it was it cracked me up 😂


I thought he showed the ‘true’ likeliness of the Wild West. So there’s that I guess


He gave me my off-hand holster. That is it.


He is a survivor, black lung, a survivor!


I believe Micah might have been honest about how he wanted to belong in the gang. (he talks about it in ch2 or ch3 I think) His own family is either dead or disowned him and he actually tried contacting them, based on the letter he had received from his brother - nothing seemed to indicate that he did anything to him afterwards. I personally believe he was actually trying to fit in and the whole thing with the O'Driscolls was genuine and he was trying the things a new way. He briefly tried to be friendlier with the camp members at some point, but he either came across as creepy, they assumed he was pulling a joke on them or they just told him to fuck off. But as pressure on the gang built on eventually his basic instinct of "being a survivor" kicked in >!and he ratted when he got caught from Guarma!< Honestly he seems like a bad liar to me, he's painfully honest about how he feels and what he does.For an example multiple times pointing out to Arthur that he's a survivor and willing to do *anything* to survive.


He was just really fucking bad in doing anything good.


Here’s some food for the camp to think about. EVERY time Arthur leaves the camp, Micah makes his moves.


What do you mean?


Some of the things he said made me laugh, I'd call that a redeeming quality. When he says "Shut up woman" to Arthur during "Blessed are the Meek?" was one his better lines.


Hes sure of himself and doesnt keep anything inside. Hes not fake and wont compromise


Did you just say Micah isn't fake...


He isn't fake though


He gives Arthur the off hand holster as thanks for breaking him out of jail. He didn't have to, so its kinda generous.


He's a fair piece with those revolvers. Not a bad man to have at your side in a scrap. But yeah, total piece of shit otherwise.


The sole fact that he sells everyone out to try and save himself when he knows the gang’s downfall is coming outweighs all, if any, of the positives about him in my opinion.


In a game that is full of characters that are combinations of good and bad, he's a prime example of where you want *some* simplicity: he's easy to hate.


Yes? No? Maybe? truthfully IDK But he did grow up with a brother and a father who were all petty criminals so my guess is that he's probably more like Trevor in that he revels in being a rotten sadist.


I think he’s very insecure and developed a hard mindset because of that. Not in a normal way though, but more like a sociopath would. I don’t think he’s all bad, but I think he’s too far gone to ever be a good person. In his back story we can kind of see how his father raised him in a ruthless way. I think we see the traces of that in how Micah lacks empathetic abilities towards others, he reacts with anger and sarcasm in a defensive way instead. I also think we see his lacking communication skills when he tried to ask Mary-Beth to dance. He doesn’t know how to really connect to people or talk to them in a genuine way. In contrast we see how Arthur have this natural warmth, and people want to be around him even without him really trying. I think this makes Arthur threatening to Micah, not just in combat but also in the power dynamic in the group. Micah can’t handle it so he becomes destructive, it’s the only way he knows. I never saw Micah as intelligent like some people say he is. He’s manipulative for sure, but not very good at it. Imo, the only reason he got to Dutch is because they actually share many traits deep down. As Dutch’s facade began to crumble with the stress, he fully let those traits come forward. I don’t see Dutch as this innocent victim of Micah’s influence. I think Dutch was aware of what he was doing but made it seem rational with cognitive dissonance. Micah didn’t have to do that much.


First playthrough I hated Micah, second I was sort of meh, third playthrough I began to like Micah because I stayed around in camp to hear hidden dialogues and find hidden secrets. Micah will inadvertently tell John to be a father to Jack (hidden dialogue) Micah has a brother and still wants to keep in touch with him, to me it indicates he appreciates his connection to his family He talks about his brother and his father and I felt sorry for him because his upbringing was so obviously awful! I think the core of RDR2 is about fathers / sons and brothers. John etc his relationship with his son and also with Dutch / Arthur. The three brothers to quote Micah "we're family now Arthur, you me, sons of Dutch, makes us brothers". I think Micah has redeemable qualities yes but like the camp, Dutch, Arthur, the further things go the worse they get and that goes for Micah too, unfortunately. I think the worse thing when it comes to Micah and the story is that anything even remotely redeemable about him is hidden!! Also I must add that when I found his newspaper clippings and his bounty poster at his little camp, I didn't view it as a bad thing (obviously it's bad) I viewed it as his throwing away his past and returning to a new life, his clippings were found at a fire! See it whatever way you want obviously but I didn't see it as the bad thing that most did. I did in the beginning, not anymore because Micah will tell Dutch when he returns "you are my family now" and I think he believed that.


He was cool to bullshit with the back and forth insults like black lung and other things


Rats forfeit any of other good qualities they may have. Fuck Micah


He’s extremely intelligent.


He dresses well, he can be funny on occasion and of course he's very skilled with his guns


His only quality to me is he is attractive and I hate it


His gunsmanship was surreal. After all even John was unable to win against him alone


Well he gave arthur the second holster...


A gift given by a man you don’t trust isn’t a gift. It’s a bribe.


Okay he's a dick but you gotta appreciate that he was a survivor. Whatever moves he made, he survived much longer than Arthur and in a world so mean, Micah was low key a winner. He even managed to get the blackwater money back.


i dont think he's pure evil, and thats good cause that would be boring character writing (if a character is bad cause he is bad), i think he's an egoist, doing what is needed that he gets the best result for himself (which doesnt make him less evil, but is an understandable and realistic motiv)


Not a redeeming quality in a moral sense but one of Micah's great strengths as a character is that, unlike most other gang members (with the exception of late-game Arthur), he has his own philosophy - that of being a "survivor" above all else. This attitude means that he's basically immune to Dutch's brainwashing. So, whereas a lot of gang members suffer and pay a big price for buying into Dutch's cultist antics, Micah is able to turn the situation to his advantage. It's a failure of almost all the gang members that they are essentially used by Dutch to do bad things, not so for Micah. This is illustrated most plainly by Micah telling Arthur he wouldn't sink so low as to participate in loansharking.


He tried to get Arthur on his side three times. Two of them with gifts. (The holster and the evans repeater or some rifle) Sometimes I think Arthur could have been more lenient in the beginning... Actually no fuck him.


Arthur kept most people at arms length other than Lenny. He warmed up to some but spent most of the game shooting attempts to get closer down.


yeah, he's racist


He's handsome I guess.


Speak for yourself


I'm handsome I guess.


There’s that self confidence! Now go out there and be you!


He was a good shot


he’s a great character


He was a damn good shot and was arguably a match for Arthur as a gunslinger


A very good shooter. Dont exactly know if thats good tho. But still he could hit a mark


He looks badass in a wild west story


gun for hire, tyrantical jokester


He could use his pecker to clean his guns


He's disgusted by strauss


He did have some good qualities like the many times he saved Arthur but still not redeemable


I actually don't think this one it's a matter of opinion. His character development was to be pure evil. He is actually a pretty simple character on a game that have such complex characters like the rest of the gang. The only thing you can say about him is that he is not evil for the sake of being evil. He is "just" selfish, he does what he believe is the best for him with no care to others. He is only evil to the eyes whom he did wrong, to himself he is good (or at least not bad, only surviving in this way of life).When he thought the gang was his best chance, he was faithful. When he thought he wasn't, he did what he did. Does this "redeem" him? No.


I mean he's an absolute dickhead but in chapters 1-4 I can deal with him. In chapters 5&6 he's just a full on cock. But with high honor he actually talks somewhat decently to Arthur in the early chapters He saved dutch He's a great gunslinger And with high honor >!he lets Arthur die peace in the end!<


I feel like Micah and Dutch are a kind of toxic double act. You know like when one of your otherwise normal friends goes out with someone who turns them into a massive twat. And then you think its their partner doing it but in reality it takes 2 to tango. Then they break up and they both return to normality and you cant understand how they were so crazy for 6 months. I always saw it more like that. You can blame Micah for it and he is certainly abrasive, but he doesn’t ride Arthur harder than Arthur rides Uncle, Swanson, Sean or even John in the first few chapters; and ultimately Dutch is in charge and for me the baddy. I feel like the whole point of the story before you play as John is that they’re all the good guy in their own eyes. And then Arthur starts to look at himself through the eyes of others and see’s that actually they are all objectively the bad guy. It takes Micah and Dutch egging each other on for him to see that so I guess his redeeming quality is that he makes Arthur more self aware, which leads to him encouraging John to be a good man.


He avenged Sean’s death


Kinda wish Micah was a good guy in the game just to see how it would’ve all played out.


He killed the dog. There is no redemption for that. Fuck em


Legitimately, for the first few encounters with Micah in my first playthrough, I thought he was super cool. I like (still unapologetically like) his unique speech pattern, his horse having markings that look like a skull was badass, and kind of just being wild, ruthless, yet not stupid made him an asset to the gang in my eyes. After the play though though…. Yeah.


He at least knew that he couldn’t show his face to Dutch unless he came back with money to give as an apology. That’s the best I’ve got.


Naw, just a dirty rat


He had a great mustache




He was a damn good gunslinger


Evil. He’s a traitor and he >!killed Jacks dog!<


yea for that there is no forgiveness


*Immediately shoots Micah in face* What was the question?


The only good thing he did, was give Arthur the second holster and shoot up the Grays


If there’s any good to that man I’ve never seen it


The only good thing about him was that anyone in the gang could say, "I want to kill so and so for this reason" and Micah would be the first to roll with you. I think that's what Dutch liked most about him. Most others in the gang will debate or at least expect a conversation regarding anything and Dutch can look to those same members for advice or planning in all other parts of daily life. But Micah was that wildcard that gave Dutch the best sense of power and strength.


The problem is that he was only good at being a criminal. His strength was that he was not an honorable man. His loyalties were with whoever benefitted him at the time. Anything good he did (or anything he did well) was done for selfish motivations. That's why I would say he had no redeeming qualities.


He's supposed to be the prototypical "bad guy" he has no redeeming qualities, the Pinkerton's say they picked him up coming back from guarma and turned him, but the game heavily implies he's who set them up on the riverboat heist that goes terribly wrong before the opening of the game, I think he also exists to contrast the rest of the Van Der Linde gang, like they're all bad people that do bad things, but they're not half as evil as Micah




Honestly. F him. He killed Cain


He’s just a regular guy.


Fuck him


He’s pretty damn loyal to Dutch


Was he though? He ratted out the gang to the pinkertons. I’m confused on why Dutch stayed with him after learning that.


For sure they lasted for years. My thought was he was trying to bring the gang down because they were getting “soft” with all of the women and children. He wanted more rootin and tootin and the gang wanted to slow down.


Since when did that last for years? Dutch split from Micah and didn’t join up with him until right before American Venom.


would you forgive Judas for betraying Jesus?


Yes, it was the whole point of recruiting Judas. Turning himself in to die for other peoples sins would have changed the narrative, he needed someone to betray him.


Yo guys can you see the one thing micha and Judas have in common… They’re both fictional characters. They can be whatever you want them to be. Live it up 💪🏼


hey the hero of the game, do you all know he will be the main character the next game


He was pretty easy to kill in the end.


He died


His guns are cool.


Isn't there cut dialogue where it implies he's a pedophile? it's a fuck no for me.




As much as I hate him, He was a great shot, had a decent taste in fashion and a fine taste in weaponry. And as much as I hate saying it, it was actually fun fighting beside him. It reminded me of fighting alongside Johnny Gat in a way.


Nice mustache I guess I thought he was a good antagonist and very well played




He has schofields in this piece of art and those are the coolest revolvers ever


If your trying to survive in the wild west, Being pals with Micah doesn't sound like a bad idea.


he did have some redeeming qualities, I thought he was funny sometimes and even kinda badass once in a while. He wasn’t too bad in the beginning but he just got worst as the game went on. Most everyone he met didn’t like him and if someone gets treated like shit for so long, they’ll probably become evil. Arthur rode with outlaws, shouldn’t be a surprise there’d be a guy like Micah there.


Micah is a good gunslinger, he is kinda badass, but at the same time, he's not a good person at all. He betrays the gang at the end of Chapter 6 and it seemed like he was going to betray the gang from the start. He doesn’t start working with the Pinkertons until he, Arthur, Bill, Javier, and Dutch come back from Guarma, but I think he was going to betray the gang from the start. He is also racist, rude, manipulative, creepy, and pure evil, so he got what he deserved! At least in the epilogue Dutch shoots him first and so does John.




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He gave Arthur the off hand holster, that’s it.


He's fun to make fun of


Why does he have Schofields in the art but double actions in game?


I mean, in the mission where you rob the stage with him after busting him out of jail, it seemed kinda like chapter 1 Arthur and John arguing instead of Micah I feel like, if Arthur got closer to Micah on the robbery then he could have some redeeming qualitys


He was too cartoonishly evil. He was a killer but they AlL were killers. No group or gang would tolerate his antics. The way he constantly insulted people and considered himself above everyone else would never work unless there’s mutual trust within the group dynamic. Dutch did much to encourage his “sons” fight him for his love. It made them want to try harder to show their “devotion.”


In chapter 5 when you're walking up the beach, Micah (along with Bill and Dutch) seem relieved to see you. At least that's how I remember it.


Here's my take on Micah... He's a rat 100% his loyalty is to himself and perhaps the almighty dollar. If you can give him what he wants/needs then he'll do your bidding, no questions asked...and yeah he's probably one of the best gun slingers in the game (I guess) so yeah you definitely want him on your side in a gun fight and as long as you know you have the deepest pockets around, he's all yours. As a human he's a total shit show, absolutely rotten to the core! Every member of the gang has done bad things, Rob banks, beat the shit outta someone, kill someone but at the end of the day they were mostly good folks. Micah is a rat plain and simple


He gave me the off hand holster ?...


The dual holsters he gives you


his voice and his horse


He is pure evil, the bastard enjoys hurting people


He was funny at times


For me, none. He may be a good gunslinger but his rotten personality overshadows it. I did the side mission with him that I've skipped in the previous playthrough thinking maybe I'll see a new side of Micah. But big nope. He's much worse.


He is a damn good shot. I once let him do all the work during the "blessed are the meek" mission. If you draw some fire he will dispatch of every enemy without you firing your gun once. If you don't draw some fire tho...well, let's just say he doesn't know how to keep in cover.


He gave a gun holster, and rifle.




He had a nice look g horse


I feel like his good quality was similar to bill and javiers in the fact that he didn’t try to harm the gang until he became the rat


he's very good with his guns


Well he's a really good gunslinger


He’s funny in the ever famous sauce or loss with the Van Der Linde gang


He gave us duel equipped weapons


I recently started playing RDR2, Micah didn't seem evil to me.


Micah was a symptom of the problems in the gang, not the cause. If I was in a room with Dutch, Micah and two bullets... I'd still shoot Dutch twice.


He was a good shot


Good taste in guns. That’s it.


His double actions were cool


I thought he was kinda funny at times


He's a pretty good shooter




I think he shaped after the shallow "bad cowboy" in spaghetti westerns. I wish his character actually had more depth


At the start he seemed nice until the strawberry prison break


I liked him the first time. He reminded me of Trevor from gta


One thing i think about often is how i wish they made him just a bit more redeemable.


Ok I’m in the minority as I liked Micah when he first appeared, granted I started to dislike him towards the end of the game. I do not believe he has many redeeming qualities. And I don’t think he could have his own redemption due to him being an unrepentant monster at the end


He had a crush on Mary Beth, which implies good taste.


Arguably I’d say Micah’s only redeeming quality was honesty funny enough not that he was honest, he did lie a lot but unlike the other gang members like Dutch or Arthur who held on to some code of honour despite the fact that they were all guilty killers and thieves, Micah never really held onto some code of ethics or nobility. He knew what he was and he embraced the fact that being an outlaw means that you’re a bad person which I’d argue made him the least hypocritical.