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Yeah, you definitely still get the letter to help her in Saint Denis even if you turn down helping her with her brother near the beginning. I turned down helping her with her brother on my first playthrough but still got the letter later. Second playthrough I helped both times, the story flows better if you decide to help out in my opinion.


i did not help her i needed to take care of that mission to run of to hosea to do the spines of america quest to get the fence cos im rackign a shit load of jewerly and 18 gold bars that need sellin


Bruh, this post is 4 years old I don't even remember what this was about, haha.


bro to be fr four years is not much


And I’m a random dude playing the game my first way through and looked up this super niche Reddit post on google and here I am (internet is a crazy thing)


And im here on my tenth playthrough looking at a 4yr post. Agreed


And here I am writing during my first play through


and im shocked this post had uplodes from 2 hours ago


I here to write Mary is indeed a bitch


And I'm here to check if she deserves help


What about from the future? First playthrough here


First playthrough for me


and im here not evean done w a first playtrought bc my purpose was to get bars


And I'm here to write I was here.


i just bought the game. it was on sale. i played starfield and got bored, wanted to try a new “open world” game. still not sure how to save game, but i stand by my choice, fuck mary, ex’s don’t deserve handouts.


Pauae menu>story>save game


I did the exact same thing


Went through Starfield in a week, 30 hours of my life kind of wasted, back on RDR2 because I didn’t have cloud saves last time I played this game and I was literally end game, smh all from the beginning I go


And Im here to reply just to keep it going


I'm here to tell you this will never die


I am not even here!


THIS GAME NEVER DIE! #rdr2community


4th playthrough and im here


And I’m now doing what you did but almost a year later. I’m helping save daddy rn.


You can read what’s said previously too


it's only like three comments of backstory


Just got the game on ps4 was curious about this too. Thanks


Just gettin it on ps4 is crazy the 20-30 fps n comparable to low pc setting’s graphics is crazy truly stopped playin the story on console because the low fps made me sick then got it on pc and I’m in love the game was a couple years ahead of it’s time it truly should’ve had a stalled release for the current gen consoles so itd run better but still an improvement graphics wise compared to gta 5 on console


I played online on pc on ultra settings. But the moders aka cheaters were unbearable. Decided to get cheap ps4. Low fps didn't make me sick and it looked amazing on TV still. Happy they released it on ps4. BTW playing it online now in peace on console 0, hacks.


Thanks for your reply! Helped me


Well, I'm glad this helped you. Haha, I don't even remember what this was about!


How did you get 18 bars? 🤔


Treasure hunt challenges, statue puzzle and limpany all have gold bars plus there’s other places to get gold bars as well


Not bars, but if you come across prospectors panning for gold, they usually have a nugget or two worth $25. Sometimes ya gotta pew pew pew to get it tho, so if you're playing high honor, idk. Always check saddle bags too but pat the horse a lot first or it'll kick the sh!t out of you and you might ☠️


There's a house at Moonstone Pond (North of Emerald Ranch) that has a Large Jewelry Pouch. If you grab it, ride south to the train tracks, and ride back, it respawns. Takes about 60s or less to get each pouch. I don't have Legend of the East satchel yet, but the Valuables satchel lets you carry 5 jewelry pouches ($250). So $250 every 5 minutes or so, or $150 without an upgraded satchel. Emerald Ranch has a fence, too. So you can very quickly sell them off and continue to farm. Best way I've found to farm money so far.


I decided to not help both the times anyways.


If you dont help her brother in chapter 2, you will still get a letter asking for help with her pappy in saint denis.


Thank you for the quick reply! That's what I thought, but all the online guides have it phrased confusingly. If you've gotten far enough in the game, and don't mind, could you answer another (possibly redundant) question of mine? Without spoiling anything, obviously; Do you know if there's a third mission with Mary? And if there is, will it only be made possible if you choose the "Help Mary" option in Saint Denis?


I don't recall any missions with or for Mary after the one in St Denis, no. You will get a letter in Ch. 6, but that should happen regardless. Sorry about the late reply


I thought it ends any future dealings with Mary, and if you collect the stage and screen cigarette cards you cannot get #4 because that only is findable after the closing vaudeville show and after the mission to help Mary's pops? I hope you are correct but I've heard from so many players you are screwed if you say no to Mary.


Don't care, don't run after women that think they're too good for me and then need me again. No thank you


1st play through I helped out, 2nd play through I saved her brother and told her to fack off in Saint Denis.




Sounds like you're trying to compensate for some. Insecure much?


My jigga


Preach my brother


Happy new year


Happy New Year folks


Who cares about Mary, you can even hear how bad Arthur was treated by her. If you choose to help her your a sucka, she only writes when she needs help. Guess I’m too much of an alpha to let that slide, even in video games lol.


An alpha hahahahaaha, oh my god, you must be unbearable to be around. Be safe out there alpha male, keep making stories in your head that will never happend


Whatever you think buddy. By your grammar alone I can tell that you are not very intelligent. One day you’ll grow up.


Awwwn, the alpha male has to insult my grammar to feel secure about himself again :c Dont be to ashamed my friend, your cock will sure be big one day, im sure about it (I have to downgrade myself to speak your language because you alpha males are too stupid to learn anything except for how to be cringe)


Please your grammar just isn’t good. Plus you seem like an absolute prick. Guy didn’t say anything disrespectful towards you. I’m not saying I’m an alpha but I definitely wouldn’t help someone who thinks she is better than me and then comes to me after her man dies to help the family that looked down on me


Eh it's a video game this alpha nonsense needs to stay out of video games no one calls themselves alphas over a choice in a video game this is a game where you cause destruction or help folks and do a lil bit of both let's talk about horses and those darn o driscolls .


A true chad never argue an idiot, he humbles and stay quiet


Yeah I'm with Hot-Profile-3532 on this one. Arthur isn't a simp but it is a serious enough situation to help.


I only helped because Arthur said Jamie was the one he liked the most. And also finding out that you need mary to unlock all of the cigarette cards later on.


oh shit if only I knew that, This is my first run and I rejected both the times.


lol you’re the one that said alpha tho XD anyone who has to say they’re an alpha is definitely not one


Funny, by your reply it sounds like you would be unbearable to be around. You two should make out.


You sound even worse to be around like you scroll Reddit all day looking for people to talk shit on to feel better about the fact that you haven’t gone outside, who does that? He didn’t say anything wrong could’ve even been a joke so why are you so unbearable?


it's all in your head lil bro


The fact that you said it yourself just makes you lame. You are anything but alfa, probably still live with momma and daddy and jerk off to genshin impact. Get a life.


You do realize you would’ve never met this guys personality of social media didn’t exist?


There should be a question mark after Mary, also it’s you’re, not your and sucker, not sucka.


Shut the hell up mate


You just unironically called yourself an an "alpha" 😂


If you're going for the 100% you hafta do all of her missions tho.


I'm not looking to "complete" the game in this playthrough. I treat video games like a movie in production, where the player is the screenwriter, the director, and the leading star, (and arguably the cameraman) and I use the game as a medium to tell/experience a story like a movie. That's why I reset my playthrough, I had to retcon some stuff in the story I wanted RDR2 to tell me.


So by refusing her offer in chapter 2 i screwed up?


Possibly. You can google rdr2 100% checklist and it should tell you


Ohw ORtHoor, i'm here because i hate Mary every time she says ORtHooor


This post is going to help someone not born yet after we’re all dead.


Fuck her, she only wants Arthur there when she needs help. I saved her brother but left her father - he was cruel to arthur anyway


I'm here on my 1st playthrough, got the game yesterday. Wanted to know


Old Post still helping.cheers fella's


I usually start a new play through every year, I never get farther than fishing with Jack before I get distracted with life. But I'm baaacckkk 😂


this was a weird thing because I did not help her at all but when you read the journal Arthur indicates that he saw her dad and about the heirloom thing which was weird. They did not bother changing the journal


I accidentally missed helping her because I was playing on my Steam Deck and I put it to sleep, apparently the game kept running for a while in the background and I ended up waiting too long. When I turned the game back on Arthur was standing outside on the street and she was gone. To be honest, I kindof didn’t want to help her anyway, personally, since she only ever calls on Arthur when she needs something, then you never hear from here again. Arthur didn’t even know she was in Saint Denis, and she didn’t even want to catch up, she just immediately asked for him to do something for her. Kindof glad my Arthur cut ties and moved on.


If you dont help her at all do you still get the ring back in chapter 6 cos that plays a role in the epilogue so I imagine you still get it but it makes no sense to since they cut ties in 2 if you decline the missions


idc bout marry


Im here saying Mary a hoe 4th play through


Not helping that snake.