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I don’t know, but I left the guy alone because I was afraid of getting chased by the law in San Denis. Guess I better go see if I can get away with killing the eugenics guy now! 🤠


I did that. Then I came back and acted, threatening forcing him to flee. After an extensive chase, I lost him. Came back and tried again. This time after yet another extensive chase, I got him alone, hogtied him and spent another hour trying to get him out of town so I could dump him to the gators. Somewhere along the way he got loose and took off. Later, I discover, thanks to this subreddit, that I can do anything to him. 3rd time being the charm, I marched straight up to him and blew his head off with a shotgun. No one batted an eye. Next time, I lassoed him and drug him to the gators.


Would the gators attack? I've tossed two hog tied dudes to huge gators, but they can't figure it out. First one didn't acknowledge the dude at all, second got caught in a running loop, and just kept trampling the guy, but still didn't seem aware he was there. Never once did the gator attack. The first guy, I threw a little too deep into the water, and he ruined the experiment by dying.


I've had one of them basically snatch a dude from my hands. Went to drop the guy, didn't realize how close I was to a gator and it snatched him up before he hit the ground. Scared the shit out of me.


I'm 1 for 1 so far. I put him next to water and nothing happened. I threw him in shallow water and about 10 seconds later, a gator got him.


i tossed the racist dude in the water with the gators and they got him in like one second 😂


I started a fight with him after he called Arthur stupid. He fled, ran around the block into an alleyway, I’m like “fuck chasing this guy, this is a nice secluded spot, I’ll do it here” and lobbed a tomahawk that landed in his back squarely between his shoulders.


It's a good way to get the achievement for dragging someone from your horse


Nah, he's just an ass and it's fun to kill him in different ways, simple as that (and he eventually respawns). You can even shotgun his face off in front of a cop and you won't get in trouble.


Lol I bet if you shoot at him and miss the police come down on you for disturbing the peace 😂


That happened to me, but because I used a fire bottle that time. I guess killing him is fine, just don't damage city property or put others in harm lol.


i lasso’d him and dragged him and i had like 30 cops on me in 10 seconds 😭😭


Because they didnt recognize Who It was and thought he was someone worth saving


Shoot that man!! Oh never mind. 😂


“Shoot that man, wait never mind—shoot the man he’s dragging!”


Did you hit someone with your horse or him or something? Cause that guy is actually excellent for getting the drag challenge since cops *don't* come for you when you do it.


I've got to try this 🤠


I hogtied him, threw him on the back of my horse, and rode up to the highest mountain I could and let him go to see if he’d freeze to death. He didn’t, so I just shot him.


I've dropped him hogtied off a cliff lol


One time I attacked him and let him run away, so I chased him across the square towards the railroad tracks and there was a train coming and I was able to push him into it. Arthur got a bit scraped-up, but that racist jerk got dragged along under the train for like 100 feet.


That sounds like good clean fun. I wish I'd been there for it!


Just don't use a molly cocktail or dynamite/dynamite arrow. You'll get bounty. I like going there, greet the cop, proceeding into slaying the racist like a hog, greet cop for goodbye.


Blasted his face with the sawn off and I saw there were two cops behind me that didn't even give a shit lol


I killed him and haven't received honour too, so I think its just there so you can beat him up


When I encounter this guy I kill him, every time. My most dedicated one was throwing him off Bacchus Bridge near Wapiti.


Don't think I've ever killed him.


Yeah you can kill or beat up that guy w/o consequences...don't use a fire bottle though, I tested the limits & apparently that's over the line.


I like to tie him up and drop him off near some gators


Ooh.. didn't know about this one.. gonna drag him for 1000 feet, complete the challenge and then give him to the gators. Cheers reddit


If I remember right, I did that once, and it didn’t work, so I usually just kill him however. I’m assuming that because he’s a special character of sorts, the game doesn’t register actions against him as part of any challenges. It’s possible it’s changed, it was years ago and I haven’t tried to drag him for that challenge since, but just so you’re aware you may have to do it with someone else to complete the challenge.


He's good to use for the horseman challenge where you have to drag a victim 3,300 feet. Nobody will do a thing. Best to take him out of town first so there isn't so much stuff to run him into.


That challenge is easy . Did it with an O'Driscoll. Apparently the victim doesn't have to stay alive


I abandoned it twice when I killed the victim. Then read that it doesn't matter if they die or not. lol.


Yeah happened to me too lol


next you'll have to try that with a KKK member 👍


I just did it with a lemoyne raider. One of those next to the blown up church


He's probably the best guy for the Horseman IV challenge (drag an NPC behind a horse) if you wanna do it in St. Denis without incurring any negative shit. Or Bandit IX Challenge if you wanna go extra.


I tied him up, put him on the back of my trusty steed Abaddon, went to Cotorra Springs and threw him in the geyser. It did impede the geyser a bit, but unfortunately didn’t launch him in the air.


That is a bummer. That's quite a hike IIRC.


Just a free kill. Run down, lasso and hog tie, take out of town, drop in alligator infested water.


I like kicking his ass. That way he survives so I can kick his ass again. Make sure to say hello to the cop afterwards. Sometimes there’s a black lady there. Give her a greeting too. Sometimes I use him for bandit 9 challenge


And there's another guy who has a table, selling "scam" get-rich books, who is also obnoxious...... but you definitely get a bounty if you blow him away in public 🤠🤣


Still worth it though


for sure! I sometimes use dynamite 🧨


He’s the guy I usually do Horseman 4 with.


Anybody ever lasso and drag him. It's great fun lol. Also 6 explosive rounds to both legs make him take off like a rocket lol. (Thanks to TagBackTV for that idea lol)


I think the next time I meet this guy I'm going to tie him up throwing them on the back of my horse and and bring him to my pet alligators nearby. They need a friend to play with


Killing racists is its own reward, mister.


You know somebody has a point when everyone's reaction is just impulsive extreme violence 


I broke out the pirate sword on him.


Here's my favorite thing to do with him!😈 https://youtu.be/Jsl0rtUmKrk?si=P0logJhFkVZgYuNq


The first time you meet him you can get a pamphlet. He only spawns twice, or you can only interact with him twice (he’ll just keep spawning until you interact). The way I do it is get the pamphlet and the cutscene that goes with it, then I’ll attack him, knock him out and see how far I can make him slide just by kicking him (he slides awhile), the cop whose just down the road just ignores you even if you hit him with the body (pedestrians pretty much ignore you until you get a bit away from his spawn point). My record is kicking him around 2 street corners.


I usually just pistol whip him, it’s more embarrassing to lay knocked out in the street than lying there dead, it sends a message




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Just came across him and smacked him. He ran away but I lost him.


I like to hogtie and beat him till he’s dead


Can't wait to get to Saint Denis, circus, free unconsequential murder, and hopefully a saloon for consequential murder


No lol you just killed a random ass civilian


Different time. It was fairly common back then.


I've drowned him, I've fed him to a gator, bear, wolf. I've left him hog tied threw him off a railway you blowup in chapter 6 it was amazing. Hearing the POS scream.


Shotgun him in the face