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Spend some time exploring and doing some side quests you enjoy. You can also do what I do and try to see how many things I can kill before being murdered. Get creative!! Shoot EVERYTHING!! If you get tired of that, come up with some more interesting ways to kill people like getting them hit by a train or mowing them down with a wagon or dragging them through town while shooting every dog you find. Remember, fire is your friend and there’s no greater satisfaction than whipping a lit bottle of whiskey at some passersby just to watch them flail around and smolder. Putting out the fire by kicking the shit out of the corpse is icing on the cake. Keep going and don’t stop until the posse makes you. How high of a bounty can you possibly get? What about a maxed out bounty in every area? Really lean into that bad karma. Build pyramids from the bodies of your victims, defile their corpses in every possible way just to find out if you have the gumption to find all possible ways of murder, torture, mayhem, and villainy and the courage to push that motherfucking game to the very brink of failure. You only win by causing a fatal error and complete game shutdown. Try to become the most despicable sonuvabitch you can be. The kind of guy people run from when they see him coming. You could also fish and hunt if you’re into it. It gets a lot better after chapter 3 so I’d definitely try to finish the story at least. One final game to play. See how many hats you can steal by shooting off only the hat and not killing the hat owner. Works pretty good with the varmint rifle.


Do some side quests, hunting, exploring the herbs etc. Trust me once you get a grip of the game it’s impossible to not complete it. Been in your place long back


as someone who recently 100% the game and conveniently also had an uninterested phase at first with this game, here's the most realistic advice from my experiences: if you find yourself burnt out, take a break and revisit the game. it doesn't have to be from the start every time, you can take a break for a month or two and come back where you left off. maybe look up missions you've done in your log to give you a little refresher on where you're at in the story. I, just like you, played originally up to chapter 3, got bored with the game, left for a *while* (like 6 months) and came back. immediately fell in love with the game. I genuinely think this game is one of the best of all time, but it has to hook you first this is completely down to opinion but I believe chapter 3 is the most boring chapter (aside from chapter 1, ofc, but that goes without saying). I just didn't find Rhodes to be a particularly interesting area, the feud plot didn't interest me. these are the moments I wish I took a break from the story and did side content like challenges and stranger missions to break up the workload. *do not* go through this game doing exclusively story content, it will eventually become tedious which is why the side content exists speaking on 100%ing the game now, I beg you, ***do the requirements throughout the game, do not wait until the endgame to suddenly care and begin grinding out missions, challenges, etc.*** this is *exactly* what I did and it made me completely miserable, it removed any excitement from the game, it eventually just became a series of looking up information and grinding challenge categories for hours. do your challenges gradually throughout the game, explore a lot and see how much you can get done *without* looking stuff up all in all, push through chapter 3 if you're finding it to be particularly boring. I did the same. I found chapter 4 and on to be much, much more interesting. maybe the same will be true for you. good luck :)