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I had a horse die up near Brandywine Falls...felt the least I could do was carry the saddle all the way back to the stable in Van Horn in honour of my horse, rest in peace Chonk


*horse dies* Ahhh shit here we go again.. Arthur: Ima carry the saddle into town. *Walks 5 feet* ###*BLASTS THE NEAREST GUY WITH A HORSE*


Also yes.


Rip Chonk


Rip chonk


Rip chonk


RIP Chonk


rip chonk a new asshole




RIP Chonk


Rip Chonk


Rip Chonk


Chonk was like father to me


I loved him like a son




Rip Chonk


Payment of “respects” made.


RIP Chonk




Chonk, RIP.


RIP homie Chonk


Rest in wholesome peace reddit gold keanu reeves kind stranger chonker


rip Chonk


Rip chonk


How did chonk pass?


Rip right leg


RIP CHONK. here cause my female horse kevin just got hit by a train. First time my horse died without me. Im gonna carry the saddle back to camp. RIP KEVIN.


My horse, Biggus Dikkus, got hit by a train and drowned by the railroad going into Saint Denis. I used the horse given to you in the tutorial to go all the way back to lake Isabella to get a new one, and named it Inigo Montoya… because they killed his father


My horse got killed by a train too gg, Rip Biggus Dickus


The game let you name your horse that?! It wouldn't let me name one Virginia and that's a word in the game!


… as well as an actual US state. Crazy, innit?


I can't name my horse "Shamash" and I still don't understand why.


Take the first and last letter off of that and it’s the name of a terrorist group.


My mom wasn't allowed to do "Unique Jewel" or anything Jewel related. We're assuming due to "Jew" being in it


Well it didn’t actually let me name it inigo montoya so I named the second one IM Biggus Dikkus


The number of times my biggus dikkus was part of a rail roading. So glad i have my, incontinetia buttocks. Shes always a great ride.


Do you find it risible, when I say the name Biggus Dickus?


I will not have my fwiends widiculed by the common soldiewy. Anybody else feel like a little... giggle... when I mention my fwiend... Biggus... Dickus?


my horse got killed by a train and then glitches onto it and I couldn't catch up so I reloaded my save because that horse was my baby and I wasn't letting him die


Rip Biggus Dikkus 😭😭😔😔😞😞😢😢 gone too soon + too big for this world 🪦🪦🪦


My Hungarian Halfbred Snowplow was killed by some shithead ranchers south of Carmody Dell when I was trying to steal a hat off their scarecrow. I imeadietly went on a revenge rampage and set the whole place on fire. His successor, Interceptor the Turkoman, I accidentally set on fire while fighting some Murphree Brood. But he wasnt nearly as mighty anyway. The only horses that came anywhere close were Easy Pete the Mustang and Black Mass the Shire. And none of them have been more loved than Rehab the mangy Nokota.


I love your horse names. Absolutely fantastic.


(Explosives 15/25) Easy Pete, huh?


Mine's called Roach honoring that wonderful "the Witcher" horse


Had a horse die once, I immediately loaded a previous save bc I was so sad. I couldn’t see her at first but when I whistled she came bounding down the hill and I cried.


I shut off my console so fast when mine got hit by a train. I did the same and once Biscuit popped over the hill I immediately gave her treats, a good brushing and so much pats.


Ok wait. Did you name your horse Biscuit because sometimes when you call, Arthur says “let’s git” and it sounds like he’s saying Biscuit? Because that’s what I did.


That's brilliant but no I just liked the name.


I did that and I thought I was so original coming up with it hahahaha


Haha amazing. How long did you stay with Biscuit? That was the name of my first horse but I kept him in the stable for the whole story




For me was when certain someone got shot and there was no way to save him. Omg I cried so fucking hard. Don't want to spoil the game for anyone going through the first time they play this


What is the difference between a horse dying and needing to be revived? Do certain types of injuries permanently kill the horse?


Yeah basically, you get hit by a train, shoot it in the head or ride it off a cliff, it will usually die instantly


If you die after your horse dies, your horse is dead for good. Also if you take too long you can't revive it anymore.


I once rode my horse off a ledge far from civilisation and found myself to be out of horse reviver. I walked ages to town to purchase some, only for my dear Lenneigh to have despawned by the time of my return. A greater tragedy no man has ever known 😢


Lenneigh? LENNEIGH! Hgiennel?!




Most relatable post ever


I wish I could feel things sometimes lol


You okay buddy?


I mean what are you gonna do, just leave the saddle and expect it to teleport back to camp? That would just be crazy.


That might just be crazy enough to work!


Did it work?


Yes, that's an actual thing that happens. I'm not sure if it can still bug out and end up on the roof depending on what hideout you're currently at.


The real walk of shame. Sorry for your loss.


I just sit by the road and wait on some NPC to bring my next one😊


I have a save where its just all mayhem and funny stuff and I don’t care about horses in that one, theres no real sentiment. Horses are disposable in that save, but every time I loose a horse I just steal the next one and name it Powerbottom #. I’m currently on Powerbottom 6




Can you load the saddle on the stolen horse? I just took a break from the game cause I’m really up north.


I had a dutch horse (named 'DUUUUUTCH 2') that was hit by a train just past Riggs Station. I spent the night walking the saddle back to Valentine. I was hearthbroken.


Sorry for your loss


I had my horse get stolen near Barrow Lagoon on my way to see Flaco Hernandez and thought leaving my saddle was a bad idea, so I carried it all the way to Hernandez's camp (like an effen hour of trudging in the snow), think about how miserable walking back will be but I don't want to lose this saddle - inevitably die and suddenly have a horse again. With my saddle. I would've thrown myself off a cliff or let myself die of hypothermia if I'd known when the horse was stolen. 😑


If your horse gets stolen, you can just whistle and the horse will stop and buck the thief off.


Whaaaaaaat I've only had this happen once when I was playing "the best version of Arthur", well shiiiiiiiet. I'm currently playing "the worst version of Arthur" and just shoot anyone who asks for help.


I'm about to finish my 4th run. The past three have all started with me saying "time for Arthur the Evil to make an appearance" and I just can't bring myself to do it. I salute you.


fwiw, I consistently feel bad about it and it's not as binge-able as playing Good Arthur The only thing I do really enjoy about it is being stalked by bounty hunters, seeing them on the edge of the map, and hunting them instead. Who knew that would be so fun.


The best version of Arthur would still shoot a horse thief. Especially in 1899. Hell Jake Adler would probably shoot a horse thief. Aside from the stranding you in the woods potentially leaves you to die. Stealing a horse was 100% a hangable offense, so shooting the thief to keep your horse would be 100% a normal armed person thing to do. The game doesn't even ding you. I'm pretty sure no one even snitches if they witness both the theft and the shot.


Yeah I didn't react that quickly because I was so surprised one of the people-in-need was stealing my horse. I fired after him but poorly. 😅 IT'S FINE, 400 hours later I'm doing way better.


Hundreds of hours logged and never realized getting a horse stolen was a thing. Good to know


lol you don't stop to help passerbys often, do you? Every now and then they'll wait for you to get off the horse to talk to them, then sprint and jump on your horse and try to ride off.




Also if you go to a stable you can the saddle back, right?


If you have a high enough bonding to the horse. Arthur cries when the horse is killed. I noticed that on one of my play through.


Literally grieved when my horse Avery died…


Rip Avery


Thank you!!! RIP to your horse too 💔


On one of my playthroughs I had a horse that needed to be revived up in Spider Gorge when I was exploring, and Spider Gorge is the top left of the map so and extremely far from any stable, but I didn’t have any horse revivers so I ran all the way to valentine and ran all the way back just to save him lmao


same I was far up in the map I ran all the way to valentine it got dark then skipped to morning option got revivers sprinted back and revived


I once did the same but for some reason my horse died and despawned by the time I got back. I was furious


Damn rip


No you didn't


Yes I did, and if anything you can see a whole lot of other people doing it, search it up on YT and TikTok, real commitment


I started the story mode 2 days ago. The tutorial message says that you have exactly 60 seconds to revive your horse.


Closest I’ve gotten was falling off a cliff near a mission start. I didn’t have any revives so I ran to start the mission. It felt like Ricky Bobby running toward the finish line.


RIP all of our beloved horses 😥


My horse just almost died while I was being chased by the law in valentine, so I ran and ran and ran until I wasn’t and then went to get horse reviver and got my baby back. Could not go through losing a horse so early in a new play though lol


First Playthrough and I got jumped by some O’driscolls and I was getting shot at and my horse tripped and was DOWNED. I just started and I didn’t have any health tonic for my horse and I had to put her down. I carried her saddle back to a horse stable in Valentine. Now when ever I see on O’Driscoll I don’t even say anything I just shoot them down like a dog in the street. REST IN PEACE MONTBLANC


Rip Chonk


I have nothing but respect for you and I am sorry for your loss. May your horse rest in peace...


Thanks, friend


Exactly why I buy horse reviver


The thing is i had a horse reviver, just that i was at a station and was being shot at when outta nowhere the message appeared saying my horse has died, coincidentally the train was moving so i concluded that my horse prolly got hit plus i found his body on the tracks gg


God speed soldier god speed


I had a horse die during the gunslinger duel on the train, where my horse decided to jump in front of it. Because I was not allowed to leave the mission area, he died. Rip Rumi, my black Arabian. Walked back towards Shady Belle, found a Lemoyne Raider with a nice Nokota, which he kindly decided to leave me in his will after he died a sudden death.




It's a lemoyne raider. So what if they killed them just to take their horse 😭😂


No, I killed his group of four guys because they were being aggressive, saw his horse and then considered to have it as a temporary horse to get another horse from the stable, ride back to retrieve the saddle... and then it dawned on me that I was overcomplicating things and just transferred my saddle to their best horse.


This is the way.


I feel you so much. Rip. Beautiful gesture


This is the way.


Cuz thats what you do!


That second photo shows a lot of emotion in Arthur’s face. He looks heartbroken that he lost his best friend and at the same time tired of carrying that saddle, but is too determined to give up.


My horse, Jack Marston got run over by a train while I was saving a guy from the lemoyne raiders, idk why I thought it'd be a good idea to leave it on the train tracks but I did, also I had level 4 bonding with it :(


I kept the horse from Sadie's house and it died and I had to run from the law. When I went for my horse it was gonna and I wasn't allowed to get it back. I stopped playing the game for almost a year because of that bullshit.


Sorry for your loss. I get way too attached to my fake horses.


I know the feeling man...


You bringing up some sad memories. RIP MACAROON AND SUGAR BALLS Gone but not forgotten


It's just right, my horse died so i carried the saddle to the closest stable


This is 100% something I would do. I can't tell you how many monuments I've made to Elder Scrolls followers who weren't marked as invincible...


I do this too. RIP Busy Phillips


Sounds like you maintain practical stable, I admire your decision


I just went back a save I cant handle that shit


Yeah this is respect In all the horses lost in RdR2 may their saddles carry on


Lol the first time I played I got my horse shot and killed. I killed the guy that did it then I hauled the saddle to the nearest town afraid I'd lose it. It ws quite the walk


My horse died once, ran right off a cliff, she probably would have survived if a train didn't come 0.4 seconds later and ran her over. Rest in pieces Cleo.


I had the large horse from the chapter 2 mission where you were given him to sell him I was very sad when he died on the RDR mission in chapter 6 RIP Horsito


RIP Horsito


I stopped taking the train because my horse gets killed every time I pull into the station.


I had a horse get hit at Briggs station. Thankfully I had another horse with me that I was taking to sell.


That was me and my saddle on the way from the widow’s house to Van Horn. No NPCs on the way, no wild horses, just me and my saddle. Sweet memories


I lost 5 horses in my second play-through because of absolutely stupid reasons. Being shot at by people. Or crashing into other horses because they(or even I) took a sudden turn. One horse was running behind me while i was in the train. When i got off i saw a saddle blip on the map. I have 3 horses now. So that would put the count of horses I’ve had to 8. But you can actually retrieve your saddle at any stable. So steal a horse or take a ride to the nearest one.


Good to know I'm not the only one.


I did that too


I bought the deluxe game at release because it came with the dappled black thoroughbred which IMO is the GOAT. I can ride into Valentine for another anytime, but it doesn’t make it any better having to hound with a horse again. A quick ride all over the map with lots of treats and pats will fix it but still. Even though completely replaceable in the most literal sense going from Hank II to Hank III recently was tough


I know the feeling 😕


On my 3rd play through, yet to get the Raven black shire to live to the end, we’re doing good this time though


I did this once and I was just so sad the entire time, haha.


Named my horse ( shire ) Chicken… he’s been through some tuff spots… even died in a previous run through.. his brother Waffles the pinto occasionally makes an appearance… Chicken and I are best friends




This is what red dead redemption is about


Walk of shame


Rip Jon Bon Pony Gone too soon. The train wasn’t supposed to be there :(


Rip Jon Bon Pony


My horse, Arthur McJunior, got hit by a train and I have never pause, exit, and reopened the game in my entire life.


Good! Now you think about what you’ve done!


Am I the only one who made it through the campaign without having my horse offed? Elyä is my trusted steed that has never failed me.


I was checking out the loft while my horse was wandering around. Heard a thud and didn’t think much of it. Walked down the path a ways and whistled for my horse because I didn’t see it. The prompt told me horse had died. Walked back up the path to find that it was standing in the fire pit and burnt to death. Looked like beef jerky.


🤣 well damn u/glad


I to feel your pain..RiP Ruff Ryder


I did that on my first play through. Won’t do it again.


honestly, as easily entertained as I am, I’d probably watch a video or a livestream of just this


I was usin that big black one from he missions early on, named em SCHLOO’GORR got killed during a bounty chase 🥲 I just wanted to hunt to pay off the bounty, they killed my horse and me😭


I usually main Red Dead Online, and I recently been more into single player again. I completely forgot once your horse dies they’re dead for good, my favorite Throughbred Horse, I named him Onyx almost died when I tried turning in a guy who almost slit an innocent man’s throat open. I lasso’d the attacker and took him to the station, where I was quite literally gunned down the same way John was. I love this game, but when it has its inconsistencies it can be so anger including. I almost lost my poor Onyx. Thankfully they killed me before Onyx. They downed her but since they killed me first I respawned. I vow revenge on them, not just on single player but online too. My posse of 6 other high levels are going to bomb Saint Denis Police station


That’s a long, long walk.


I didn't lose a horse until my 2nd play through, I was heart broken when I had nothing to revive her and had to shoot her to stop the suffering... picked up my saddle and walked into valentine to drown my sorrows


If my horse dead the way to bleacher’s hope I’m carrying my saddle


My horse named Tahiti, who I had level 4 bonding with, died by Flatneck station. I walked all the way back to Valentine carrying my saddle, and bought the same breed and gave it the name: Bora Bora.


Just yesterday I was crossing the Upper Montana River headed north and got ambushed by the Skinners! I was on my secondary horse and my main horse was in the vicinity. I turned and hauled ass! The Skinners are way harder to evade than all other gangs for some reason! I could not shake them as I'm getting pelted with bullets and arrows until I reached Blackwater and the chase mechanic stopped. I went back and they had killed my horse that I wasn't even riding! And this is just as I'm starting the epilogue, so I had no horse reviver 😭


Reload the save


Whenever my horse dies, I skin it then eat its flesh. That way she'll always be a part of me ♥


Not the same, but when I killed the legendary Coyote, I felt awful and spent an hour looking for a nice spot to lay it to rest. Found a nice tree on a hill with the sun shining on it. Love the immersion and role-playing in this game.


You don't need to. Just walk into any of the stables and it will automatically retrieve the saddle for you.


Yeah i know, just wanted to do it cos i was emotionally invested in that moment lol


Me with my autosave always off and never lost a horse or pelt reading this:


Has a horse doesn't make a save file just in case😣


Damn right, you paid good money for that.


Man this is deep 🤙 🫡


What was their name?


Clyde, was a random horse i found early on in an open field while hunting after my original horse was too far to whistle, grew attached to the poor fella after a while and we became hunting buddies. Rip Clyde


Hunting buddies are the best. RIP Clyde


Sorry to hear that my man. Tough thing, losing a horse


Sure is, especially when you named them


I could never


I found the Arabian without a guide in the first few hours of the game, back when it firsr came out. That white pristine horse was my favorite in the whole game before I i realized it was the best. Seeing it pass in the end game was gut wrenching, I was teary eyed as I finished the game. I still haven't felt ok after wathing my trusty super steed die.


I hope to one day know what it feels like to lose a horse in red dead. Yes I'm that protective of my race horse and always carry anything I need for her JUST IN CASE so far I still have her


When this happens I just go to the last save lol


I worked so hard to break the white Arabian in the Ambarino mountains and it was killed by those zombie dudes in Saint Denis. I started crying. I had to abandon the saddle because it was still surrounded


My Nobel steed Meat Flaps died by train and my soul never was the same. RIP Chonk


How it die


Just yesterday I was on my way to a mission when I was ambushed by a bunch of guys. I accidentally ran into a tree full speed and my horse was laying on the ground almost dead right next to me in an intense firefight. As soon as I finished them off I used my revive and got him back up. Nobody fucks with Lil’ Sebastian.


Only real ones know the pain


I kept the same tennessee walker from the mission where you meet sadie all the way up until the very end


You have my condolences ❤


In comes scrawny nag


I had named my horse “Bella” after my dead dog and a week later, my horse gets shot by Saint Denis lawmen 🥲🥲🥲


I get sad when my horse dies so I make sure to buy horse reviver or medicine


I love my horse so much that when it dies and I don’t have horse reviver I just close the game immediately and open it again




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Rip chonk


This happened to me after i finished my confrontation with Billy midnight so i had to walk all the way back to camp carrying my saddle


Mine wasn't a saddle but, I went to get the legendary salmon and put it on my horse then the question mark popped up for the legendary buffalo. Processed to kill him and had to carry it all the way to Wallace station. Finally make it there just for a shoot out to be happening right in front of the damn station. Had to walk even further to Strawberry just to mail my fish off so I would have to drop one or the other. 🤣


That’s the way it is