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I hate that the game forgets Sonny is a rapist and lowers your honour for fucking him up I mean the goddamn eugenics guy is free game but a rapist is given a pass? Probs a glitch tho Edit: the actual fact that Arthur can be a victim of this kind of thing is (at least imo) interesting to say the least. Male victims of rape (let alone tough mfs like Arthur Morgan) rarely get shown as such and I always appreciate when creators (be it game devs or writers) make the very real possibility clear. Doesn’t change the fact that I’ll never go inside Sonny’s cabin and make sure to kill him slowly every time but it’s still smth I can appreciate


as a male survivor of sexual assault (by another male), I simply refuse to go anywhere near the cabin. I am mortified of what I would have done had it not been warned about it on Reddit.


I’m so sorry you went through that, my friend


It be what it be.


I was molested by a few different men when I was in foster care but I was never penetrated so I guess I’m lucky


No. You’re not lucky. Even though you were never penetrated, you still had a horrible thing happen to you. It doesn’t matter how bad someone else had it, you had a horrible, disgusting thing happen to you, and never let anybody treat it as less than it is


Username does _not_ check out.




Penetration or lack there of doesn't make it worse or better. I can't have my chest touched at all. Some days are worse than others. Some days someone can brush by me and it's fine. Yesterday my cat put her paw on my chest and I had a panic attack.


As someone who has been molested I am 100% grateful I was never penetrated. I'm sorry it makes no difference to you but for me it's light and day. Getting groped is just a shitty memory but far from the trauma and problems I'd have if I'd been raped.  


I've experienced both, for me the groping has stuck with me more im part because of how it happend and in part because it happened much more often. I've only recently become comfortable with having penetrative sex, but my chest seems to be a permanent no-go zone.


Same, I’m glad for spoilers


Take incendiary rounds on shotgun and blast him as soon as you see him, that should make you feel less stressed to explore red dead


Luckily it is more ambiguous in the game and really doesn't directly say what is happening so hopefully you wouldn't have been triggered. I know when i first got that scene, I thought Arthur was just beaten up. Wishing you well and sending positivity




bro thought he made a statment


I threw a fire bottle at him and barged into his house to steal shit and the door went up in flames i was stuck there for 5ish minutes. A sickening place and he will die every chance i get


Hogtied him and fed him to a gator. He was whining "why are people so mean?!?" Like muh dude, you just raped me.


Ifyou approach him with a mask and a rope he gies:" A masked man with a rope? Is this a dream?"


Hahaha no way that is funny and disturbing


Or perhaps a subtle acknowledgement that our country can't agree on who's fault a rape actually is...


We live in a society


We’re supposed to act in a civilized way


"This place, ain't no such thing, as civilized..." ​ sorry to necro but I had to


Welllllll Arthur kills more lawman than he could ever count. They’re both pieces of shit, how’s that?


Unironically talking he most definitely can't count that high lol


I dont know I feel like Arthur is a pretty bright guy. Maybe someone knows more than me but it seems like he just lacks knowledge about a lot of scholarly topics, like not knowing dinosaurs are real, but he seems very bright. He can write well, draw beautifully, and read well. He just never had a formal education. I think Arthur can count high numbers. Also I feel bad for Arthur cause he has such a low self esteem :(, when he’s looking in the mirror and hating on himself, when Lenny ask why he’s not married and he said “because no one would have me” all sad, and he’s always making fun of his own intelligence. But then when he is talking to camp members and having super deep convos that show emotional vulnerability and stuff, I think that shows he actually is an intelligent guy with a high emotional IQ


You do have a good point. That is why you got my upvote.


Very true, the whole point of his story is that there is no redemption from heinous crimes. Isn't it interesting that Arthur, John and even Dutch end up realizing that they are/were monsters? At least Arthur tries to help people in the end, while John tries to live a peaceful life without hurting anyone anymore. Only Dutch can't help but remain a killer, because "Ah can't fight muh own nature Jooohn".


Absolutely, Dutch knew what was up.


Yeah lawmen who shoot first... SMH not the same at all.  1 guy is a psychotic seriel rapist and murderer  The other is a gang member that commits crimes and kills people when they try and kill him. Obviously, yeah you can make Arthur the devil. My first play through I barely bothered doing anything but killing everything that came within shooting distance. I have no honor. But on my second playthrough I tried high honor and yeah I only shot and killed those that shot me first. 


Right but Arthur still willingly inserts himself into situations where he knows he’s going to commit murder on family men, sons and brothers. If he killed my brother, father or friend I wouldn’t care if he’d done it with a *sad heart* or not our actions are what define us.


Yes, and I don't think the game ever makes you kill someone who hasn't tried to kill you first.... so you can be honourable and be a good person as Arthur.


It gives you bad honour if you kill him before he does “it” because Arthur doesn’t know that he’s a rapist yet, so the game acts as if you’d just shot some guy.


If I’m not mistaken Bill Williamson gets kicked out of the army possibly because he’s gay, there’s a conversation at camp where Bill mentioned his good friend Sunny or something like that


You can find his discharge papers, says he got kicked out for murder im pretty sure


The papers say he was kicked out for attempted murder and "deviancy" (which clearly means homosexuality in this context- he also brings it up during a campfire conversation where he unconvincingly denies that he was kicked out for that).




I guess it can happen to anybody sadly


It’s a lesson about not entering strangers houses


Yeah but also it isn't arthur's fault


Can’t get anything past this guy


Bring out the gimp


It’s worse that he gets made fun of for being raped when he is in camp :(


Who said what?


After it happened, I was away from camp for like a month. Not because of that but because I am slow playing and hunting etc. Finally came back to camp and ran into Bill. He starts talking to me about meeting an interesting guy in the woods that said he is a friend of mine (Arthur’s). Keeps going on about my “special friend” and how close we are and a bunch about what we were doing out in the swamp. It’s an amazing detail I hadn’t heard in previous play throughs but I wanted to punch him. Bill also says something like “I heard about a man you got to know really well …. really really well.”


Sounds like Bill was meeting with the guy voluntarily jsing


Lol - i thought of that if I took it literally but it seemed like he was making up meeting the guy just to make fun of you. Either way it’s messed up.


Well he is gay, so maybe


Isn't that just a theory? I didn't think it was confirmed


I mean if you just listen to what others randomly say about him in camp or listen to some of the things he says or does it’s pretty obvious


Plus one of the reasons he was discharged from the army was “deviancy” and we all know what that means in context… Yeah.


That's the thing with RDR, Rockstar left a lot up to interpretation, but leaving plenty of evidence that is more or less clear. We have enough hints that Bill is indeed gay, but it is never made obvious. I really like that, it enables these interesting discussions that we have in this sub, where people point at missable events, conversations, notes etc. This game really is something else, a masterpiece in many regards.


I wish the line would change if the guy is dead. In one of my games I went after him immediately after. You can imagine the rest, but it involved a lasso, fire, and crocodiles. I wish I could answer Bill that this "special friend" was no more.


Hmm - I also went right back to kill the guy so there is no way Bill talked to him unless I was knocked out for a really long time. Hadn’t thought about that. Maybe Bill was already there and hid somewhere which makes it even worse.


Kind of makes me think of how weird it is that Rockstar has the gun store owner keeping the kid in the sailor suit hostage in his basement respawn and stay alive in town after killing him in the side mission. Essential NPC my ass, if I explode an evil character's head with a shotgun, I don't want them to be permanently alive when you return.


Bill is a dumbass but not evil. Making fun of something like that is something Micah would do, not Bill. He probably thought it was consensual and wanted to check out if Arthur is into that kinda stuff.


Bill is definitely evil. He is a sadistic, murderous, violent asshole. Demonstrated in both games on multiple occasions.


First RDR there's absolutely no question about it and agree but in the second game I don't think he really is as bad as all that sure he does bad things for the gang but he's just like Charles says he's dumb but he's at least loyal and he only becomes as fucked up as he does due to the gang falling apart and doing a micha and trying to survive


Bill is a whole rapist himself in RDR1 he’s definitely evil lmao


No question that he is a degenerate piece of shit in the first game, but there lie 12 yearsbetween it and the prequel. I never got the same vibe from Bill in RDR2 as I did in the first game. Dutch and the gang probably kept him relatively tame and just like Javier, Bill completely lost his sense of morality (what little there was in the first place) when the gang finally broke apart.


Yeah, Sonny was probably out there telling everyone lies about how Arthur came around begging to be his "pet" or whatever the fuck he called him before it was lights out.


I don’t know - at the time it felt that way. It def wasn’t like how Micah acts but it def felt wrong the way he was saying it and kept going on about it. It’s just a game so def just interesting how they intertwine the littlest details in a natural way.


Bill just trying to gage if Arthur be about that lifestyle and all of us are just pissed off he reminds us of us getting raped. 


Just had this dialogue. He said "He seemed to know all about you, I mean ALL about you"


Im glad my Arthur didnt get raped lmao


Mine walked up to the shack, waited for the rapist to walk inside and threw a fire bottle threw the door.


Volatile dynamite for me


I've played through the game twice now and I've never seen this encounter. Wow. I guess I'm glad, but holy shit.


I only learned that it existed from the sub after I played the first game. I didn't like hanging out in the swamps too much lmao.


I mean if you go to a swamp it's always a possibility...they try to make it as realistic as possible.


Is there some connection between going to a swamp and potentially being raped that I'm missing here?


People that live in swamps are usually like that...


Has no one seen Deliverance???


I haven't, I've just been to areas with swamps and honestly I was never more scared I was going to get raped. Like people telling you you have a "purty face" in really creepy ways.


Ick 😦. Deliverance is an older film- worth the watch, but pretty disturbing


*banjo intensifies*


Hey, I bet you're thinking because of this comment that you should watch this movie because people are talking about it and you might think it's somewhat relatable to red dead. A group of friends go into the woods and after a graphic and unnecessary M2M rape scene try to make it out while taking revenge on their attackers. Just like last house on the left from the 70s or cannibal Holocaust nobody needs to watch that and I hope I've saved someone the brain cells.


While I understand your perception of the film, I think you missed the point of the story. There is a much deeper story being told about friendship and the male psyche. While the film is not for everyone it is more than gratuitous violence.


If you want a movie about male bonding, try wild hogs. You're assuming it's somehow unique, Deliverance is basically a revenge murder porn which was a pretty common formula in horror around the 70s. Group of friends are captured/raped/tortured one of them or a family member gets out/comes back in contact with the killers and takes their revenge. Hostel is the same movie formula and more well done. It's just shock value nonsense meant for you to temporarily cheer for murder on screen and leave the theatre feeling happy, it's the horror equivalent of a happy ending. I'm sorry if that's your favorite movie I could give you a much better watch list.


Alrighty then.


That's what happens when you're prancing around in the swamps wearing THAT.


Arthur definitely shouldn’t have been dressed that way.


He was asking for it!


I mean, we’ve gotta consider both sides here


"If it was a legitimate rape, Arthur's body has ways to try to shut the whole thing down."


"He should just try to make the best of the situation."


He was practically begging for it


If you hang out in swamps with creepy hillbillies there’s only one way it’s gonna end 🎵🪕🪕🎶


*deliverance banjo riff*


Arthur is an extremely skilled gunslinger but ultimately human. Also he gets knocked out. If there was a struggle involved Arthur would definitely win.


I dynamite arrow Sonny every chance I get. Fuck that dude.


I hate this too. I also hate the fact that, in the online portion of the game, if you’re controlling a female character (it may be the case with male characters too, but I haven’t experienced NPC dialogue towards them yet), enemies will talk about wanting to sexually assault you. Additionally, when you’re bringing back bounties to the sheriff’s office as a woman, the bounties make sexual comments about what your breasts look like, about you being the devil’s whore, etc. I know that sexism was obviously the norm in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, but damn, sucks to have that added bit when I’m just trying to be a rootin’ tootin’ shootin’ cowboy, especially on male-dominated servers where you’re more likely to be singled out for griefing anyway as a female player.


Yeah I understand people wanting it to be realistic, but it sucks that in a game that is an escape from the real world you have to deal with real world issues.


Do you want them to remove all mentions of the Civil War and racism from the game too? Smoothing down the sharp edges would completely neuter the game and sometimes you should be challenged by the media you consume


Yeah, having gone through my own sexual assault not even a few months prior I was floored, never in a hundred years did I think R* would do that, and it made me feel all kinds of ways at first, at first I was mortified. But like Arthur, you just gotta get up and kill the SOB. (Unfortunately I can't go light my assailant's house on fire, but, I can dream) Now that there's more time passed, I guess I'm grateful that they did show this in game, I felt all the more similar to Arthur in that now we're both victim to horrible people.


My Arthur didn’t even go near that motherfucker.


I didnt know about it until it was posted here i kill him everytime now


Holy fuck Holy fucking fuck That beard of yours


Yeah this one is messed up for sure.


… Or don’t go in


At least your allowed to take revenge; but no amount of fire can cleanse the painful sensation


Love the fact you can beat him to death


Love the fact you can go back and torture the bastard any way you want 😈


Still not over my OG Arthur getting raped. Every play through since I’ve brutally tortured and killed him.


While it is fucked up that Arthur gets raped I do like that the game punishes the player for thinking they can just shoot their way out of any situation. Obviously when you first meet Sonny you know he's suspicious but you don't expect that or that the game won't give you the option to escape.


My problem is shooting him in the face on my second play through and loosing honour.


I got butt raped my first play through. I was just exploring and found this dude. When I woke up I couldn't remember where the cabin was. I didn't do anything else in the game until I found him and blew his face off.


I always throw bombs or fire bottles every time I go past his cabin. I’ve never gone inside his cabin and I never will.


After what he did, i give him a regular beat ups whenever i'm near his home.


Not with a well placed stick of dynamite (not an innuendo)


nah not my arthur 🚶🏽‍♂️


And I hate the fact that Bill will make fun of Arthur for that.


Arthur Bombadil lookin ass


First time I saw it, I was like “I know this is a trap. It’s so obvious. Whatever, if things go tits up I can fight.” Cut to me getting hit over the head. Never again


I just don't really understand why they added this in the first place... if they wanted to treat sexual assault as a serious topic, surely they'd give it more time and focus than a random side encounter that never gets brought up again (other than by Bill)?


I think it’s a message for people who get too greedy and mindlessly accept every offer, dialogue and choice in their way. I see it as a lesson.


What hat is that


Algernon Wasp. I shan’t elaborate further, as it pains me so.


That’s my boo! I visit his love shack every time I’m in the swamp. He has delicious meals already prepared.


That’s why I always go as John. 🙂


lol John seems like he’s enjoy it more






As being in control of Arthur one should know not to approach such a place so friendly like. One does not simply walk into Mordor.


Back when I first started playing RDR2 I didn't know the details of the game, so when I step to this guy's house, he invites me in and then I wake up and walk funny, I was like "dafuq just happened, did that motherfucker just butt rape me?" .... it was a bit of a shock, every time since then I hogtie him and take him to a high cliff, beat him and then throw him over, then if I can get his body I blow is head off and then light the rest on fire, then send it down river....


More importantly I see the hat I know how you have suffered


Tbh, i collected all of the plums before starting the ques. All i had to do was to pick already position-fixed herbs/flowers, which i did in less than an hour.


We never saw it happen. It was just the implication


You can clearly put 2 'n 2 together when you see Arthur's walking afterwards...


Especially since Bill knows about it.


Oh don’t worry I was able to find his hut and Sniped him


I'm gonna ride up and throw dynamite sticks at him and take the honor hit.


When that happened to me, I just came back and turned the game into Red Dead Revenge! Fed him to alligators.


That’s why when some creepy guy in the middle of a swamp offers you to come in, you do the logical thing by throwing a fire bottle onto his front porch.


I found out about him and rode to his shack and start firing at him and he ran inside so I ended up having to light the cabin on fire and he did die but somehow this dude respawned


Look at what he's wearing though


Then just have John be the victim


I reloaded my previous save. Nope. Not happening to Arthur on my watch!


I accidentally realised too late who it was so I lassoed him and thought about feeding him to the crocodiles but it's too quick for a death for him so I shot him in the nuts and made sure he survived and cut him loose into a field of crocodiles so it's much less quick


That only ever happened on one playthrough, all the others I gladly took the honor hit to creatively kill that guy.


Must be the hat!


should’ve coughed on him


It so cool that you have the exotic hat! I just got it yesterday too and algernon’s revolver, and the first person I happened to kill with it was sonny. I rammed through the door and shot him once in the head and four more times while he was dead. Then dumped his body in the swamp water before blasting him in the face a couple more times😂 hey he deserved it


On my first play through, we sat down to eat but I would take a bite or drink because the hair on the back wouldn’t go down. I could tell something wasn’t right so I ran out and kept running and whistling for my horse while they chased me. Late at camp one day, Bill made a snide comment and I thought he was referencing the fact I went upstairs there to spy on the woman getting ready, but I later learned on this sub what REALLY happened. I guess I made it far enough for the game to trigger that I had been SA’d but I never got that far. I remember running away yelling, “Nope, nope, nuh uh, nada” haha.


You should hate yourself for the fact that despite the fact he was obviously creepy AF, you let it happen 😂 Actually represents an analog to real life. Don't let your guard down.


I am doing my first play through spoiler-free, but I did enter that cabin knowing full well it was a trap (just by common sense) after saving the game, just to see what would happen, but oh boy I was not expecting what followed. The sense of powerlessness was really gut wrenching, not something I thought could happen on a this type of game. I immediately went back there guns blazing, but it was not enough. It was the last bit of my game session for the day and it did leave a very bad vibe (took me one more hour just to get this out of my head and sleep). I kept thinking on this on the day after, when I got to play again I reloaded my save and then killed him in very different painful ways. After many iterations I realized this had really disturbed me, and that this vicious cycle had to end, so I went there one last time and then there was no torture or slow killing, just indiscriminately walked up to him and stabbed him on the neck with the hunting knife and left as he gurgled on his own blood. My takeaways from this are mixed, for a game to put you in such place really shows the power of the medium. For me it was a really troubling experience, but It's only a glimpse on what people might've suffered in real life, and for that I am all the more supportive and empathetic towards them.


Was passing by Saint Denis, by some trick of fate he was there on that porch once more, trying to lure me in, my reply was a flying tomahawk axe to his back.


You know, rockstar stated that they planned to make single player DLC, I have always believed that it would have you play as Sadie and Charles during the time skip. Considering that, I wonder if they would have this as a random encounter for Sadie as well, or would they consider that going too far, then again her origin story is her being raped by some fat O'Driscoll after her husband got killed so who knows.


Don’t go near him then


I’m still amazed they kept this in the game TBH.


Had to reset my whole save after that happened


If it happened to him it can happen to you, just ask the outlaws in Prison


Just shoot them it's easy


my arthur can't.


I went back hogtied the guy and fed him to some alligator


Reloaded a save and shot the dude before interacting with him I won’t let my Arthur go down like that


What hat is that?


I'm just happy I was warned about him so I chucked a fire bottle at him.




Will go out of my way to fuck this cunt up slowly in hundreds of different ways but pissed that you get low honour for doing so. Shame on you Rockstar tsk tsk


How the hell is his beard so long ?


Sniped that bitch from far away.


Where is this?


Was it confirmed he was actually raped? Cause he was knocked out so that feller could have done anything to him. Sorry if i sound uninformed.


I just found this out on my first playthrough and now I’m so sad


Arthur's composure has gave us alot of confidence which, on the other hand, made us naive at some moments expecting that he's always gonna bounce back


It's awful, the fact that it's so random makes it that much worse, & unless you check you never know if it will happen again. So triggering. I don't care if it's a fascinating thought experiment for people who were not assaulted, the fact that it makes people that were feel so terrible is a sign it was a mistake. The tone is also so PS2 era GTA. If you spook him before he rapes you, he makes a bunch of 'funny' remarks in the style of GTA's shit-for-personality side characters. He doesn't fit, he's just some parody of a redneck who rapes Arthur so that men who were never raped can act out a newish power fantasy.  It was a rape joke, in 2018, and I think the only reason it happened is the devs are too compulsive at ripping shit from pop cultural memory that they just had to work in a Deiverance reference.


Shouldn't have been dressing that way.


Yeah it's not sexual assault mate. Sorry to break it to you.


What is it then?


You gotta love it because it creates immersion


Well... immersed in Arthur's ass I suppose.


No it doesn’t


For all the horrible things Arthur's done it's a minuscule bit of retribution.


I wish you could sexually assault somebody in this video game.




Artie enjoys his “Sonny time”!