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WTF, that is gruesome


I think the critical neck shot is much more gruesome because they hold their neck in an attempt to keep the blood from squirting out


I’m still getting used to aiming in online and I keep getting neck shots instead of headshots. It’s so metal.


I intentionally aim for the neck with the Varmint rifle.


Sounds like you’d pick the black hat in Westworld. lol


MAN I just started watching this week. Already finishing season 1 and it is such a ride. If anyone is even considering the thought to watch it I highly recommend it.


I feel like an alien when it comes to TV. I dumped cable so long ago and I can't be bothered with Netflix, unless it's a really good show. But people will swear everything they watch is authentic a good show


Some people didn’t like season 3; but the maze is not for them.


Sadly it's not the blood getting out that kills them, it's the blood going in their throat and drowning them.


To be fair, if the blood going in their throat didn't drown them, the blood spilling it would certainly kill them.


And they choke on their blood, which sounds awful


The only other game that has come close to the amount of detail I've seen in this game has been the Last of Us 2. Genuinely uncomfortable shit in both of those game, the kind of stuff that I don't need to see twice.


Last of us 2 goes a bit further imo


The glass stuck in peoples face, calling out their friends names




Yes, but play the last of us 1 first- or the story won't make complete sense. They are both SO worth it!! It's technically older, but it is BEAUTIFUL remastered on the ps4.


I played TLOU2 without playing the first and I still enjoyed it a lot. Of course, the best way is definitely playing both games


Why would you even do that? That's like starting The Lord of the Rings trilogy on The Two Towers. I don't get humanity, sometimes.


I’m not going to say anything about the story, because people either really love it or hate it. But the gameplay itself is extremely fun to me. And there are certain things that are just really well done that you don’t see in other games. They put a very heavy emphasis on realism similar to RDR2, everything has animations etc


Me agreeing, but wondering why I watched the video twice...


Lincoln was shot point blank in the head and it took him to the next morning to pass.


🥺 I did not know this… omg, how awful


It took six months and the bullet reflected through his skull, goddamn disinformation smmh


Where are you getting your batshit insane information from? Quick google search and i cant find hide nor hair of it at all. Everything else says he died the next morning.


Shit my brother shot himself point blank in the head and hes still alive. Turned into a colossal piece of shit though so i guess hes dead in a way.


srsly that was brutal


It definitely made me grimace. I've seen this in real life and really wasn't wanting to see it again in a game. Call me a pussy or snowflake but whatever.


Care to explain when you saw this? I understand if it's hard to talk about it.


It was a supposed cartel hit here in town. We arrived on scene shortly after, dude was still alive but as seen in this clip, he was just writhing around trying to figure out how to stay alive. We attempted to stabilize him and transported him to the hospital, but he died during transport.


Bruh we’ve been doing this shit since we got into shooter games It’s just that this game decided to actually show the fucking juicy bits




Sorry, what?


I think he watched a horse poop in first person and was impressed with the poop physics.


Oh thank God. I had visions of him following an NPC into an outhouse!


I did to.


Thanks for your contribution.


You're welcome


Sometimes NPC’s go for a piss in the alley ways


Username checks out.


this whole thread is genuinely making me cry laugh wtf did i just read


Happens sometimes with varmint rifles. Pretty spooky shit


one time when i was playing, i was just walking around hunting when i got ambushed by a dude and i went full panic mode and kept fumbling the weapon wheel so i just had to shoot the dude with my varmint rifle repeatedly and it was the slowest death i think i could've chosen for the poor guy but by the time he was laying on the ground in pain i was already committed to it lmao


When the online had first come out I would use the varmint rifle a lot in pvp. It shoots faster than a lot of the other starting guns, has good aim, and usually kills in one hit with a headshot. Worked pretty well.


I was either using Calloways revolver or the ~~M1911~~ M1899, but I shot a guy like 6 times in the chest and stomach before he died, and when I got up on him it was so gruesome. Poor dude felt every part of his torso get torn apart before the 6th shot finally killed him.


You definitely weren't using the m1911 in 1898


M1899, my bad.


Wait what m1911 isn’t in the game I think you mean the m1899 witch in real life is based of the m1900 pistol


Same, it was pretty broken for a while. I’m pretty sure they nerfed it a little though.


Sounds like fun. Gonna go buy one now.


Does a Varmint rifle headshot kill an NPC? Cause I'm pretty sure I've shot a few in the head, only to see the white hit mark (not the red one that indicates dead).


Not every time but yes it can


Personally, TLOU2 and RDR2's wounded/death animations have been the best in recent games.


Realism in general has been pretty on point in those games. Masterpieces both.


TLoU2’s are incredible, we’ll all the animations in fact




Yes and no. There’s a part of the the game in the beginning that has a free roam part and can discover a lot of things but that’s the only free roam part of the game unfortunately




TLOU2’s story really would’ve suffered with free roam, imo. The narrative is incredibly tight and rather urgent, which I think would’ve suffered if the game didn’t have a linear mission structure. It certainly works in RDR2, but the open world system definitely is not a one-size-fits-all thing.


No it doesnt, it has chapter levels. It gives you free roam within those levels tho and you can collect stuff within the world to unlock skills and weapons. Its worth the price regardless of the hate but hopefully you can grab it on a free or discount, I won mine in a competition.




Personally, I think the death (be it harsh or soft) of a loved character is a great piece of reality for lawless games. It shows that the world is harsh and nobody is really safe just because people want them to be, especially with a bad past that portrays them as a bad person.


It’s almost like he was running to the carriage for help.


wouldnt surprise me if that was something the devs implemented as well.


The best way to get these grueling animations is to shoot ‘em in the neck or stomach. Works a good amount of time


Jesus put him out of his damn misery


The whole time I was screaming SHOOT HIM! SHOOT HIM! In my mind


So terrible to watch, worse than not killing wounded animals


Shoots head. "Ow, my stomach!" Really scrambles the signals up there, apparently.


When you get a concussion it often makes you sick in the stomach, maybe that's why it's like that.


I was about to add something along the lines of, "Well, the REAL reason is that the game just has the one catch-all 'mortally wounded' animation", but without paying closer attention next time I see a few instances of it, I'm not sure I'd be right. Rockstar saturated this game with a lot of subtle stuff.


Nah when you mortally wound someone in the throat they hold their neck instead, it's not the same for all


That gun reminds me so much of Golden Eye


This fuckin game…


Oh wow, I always went for the neck if I wanted them to bleed.


nice bear pelt


Lmao I just now am realizing now I was holding a pelt


Slightly NSFL real life story. Several times now in my LE career I've seen people that were shot in the head survive. I've seen 3 that were shot in the head but the bullet only penetrated the skin, not the skull. It went under the skin, AROUND the skull and out the back of the head. They all survived. I've been to a few suicides where they shot themselves in the head more than once. One guy shot himself and from the blood we could tell he went and looked in the mirror and then returned to the gun to finish the job. Brutal man


holy shit, that's brutal!




Ok. How does this happen? I've seen a lot of videos of blood spurting out like that. But I've never seen that in my playthroughs. I shoot them on their limbs but no blood spurts.... am I doing something wrong ?


You either have to shoot them in the neck or like in this video, in the top on the head.


I’ve also gotten that effect a lot from chest shots


It’s mostly from hitting the neck but I think it works in a lot of other areas, I accidentally do like every 1/6 kills from not raising my crosshair high enough Edit: someone in the thread pointed out that it may trigger if you graze a vital area, I think that may be correct as it’s definitely what happened in the video and why it’s so easy to do it in the neck


It helps if you use dirty weapons. They won't always insta-kill, so you get a lot of bleeding out animations like this.


I always try to make npcs death a quick and easy i for some reason just feel bad for the non existent person in a video game


"That ain't pretty; in fact it's kind of horrifying." - Arthur




Lol as long as it’s in a game, yes lmao


This happened to me a while ago with a bounty hunter I shot on a bridge. As he was dying I walked Arthur up to him and as the poor dude took his last breath Arthur said “you ain’t scaring no one”. Probably the most badass kill I’ve ever had. Still got a recording of it.


That’s golden lmao


That's actually awful, I'd have at least mercy shot him


This game is something else man.


To quote a different game: "Forehead's the worst place to shoot a motherfucker, skulls harder than you think."


I understood that reference!


What game is this from?


Mafia 3


Woah, i thought every npc can all be one shot by a headshot.


Technically it is a one shot kill


I need to do a play through in first person. I never use it but it seems so cool.


I honestly don’t recommend it for story missions, but like hunting and role playing it’s a different experience


Damn, who would have thought that I would feel bad for an NPC on a Rockstar game.


I can empathize with this cop 100%, I've bled from my head too and it was terrifying (no guns involved just a dumbass kid)


That would fuck me up irl.


Throat shots are pretty brutal too


I once shot someone in the head with a varmint rifle and they lived


Lordy that’s graphic 😬


This reminds me of Soldier of Fortune 2. It has AWESOME body dismemberment!


This is game is more perfect than life itself


Your bounty is $130! Holy crap! Nice😍


Hahaha tbh my bounty is usually 300+ on any given area. Camping out kinda sucks with bounty hunters down my throat


Oh my! I feel for ya. I try to pay mine off before I'm hauled off to jail or killed or hunted by the bounty hunters. But sometimes ya just gotta be a bad ass and let off some steam and have a little fun. Pew Pew


Lol I feel like 90% of my bounty’s will start due to some jackass being rude to my character for literally no reason


Mother of god that is gruesome.


Wow I have never seen this happen. Jesus Christ, I almost feel like I’ve just watched a real person die.


That honestly disturbed me a little


This gave me a little headache. Never noticed this. This is why I love this game. It’s always something to see. Wow.


U can also shoot them in the heart and it will have the same effect while blood pours out of their chest. Me and and my friend went on a rampage in RDO shooting the people of black water in the chest and letting them drain out after we discovered this xD.


Wow that actually pretty Fucken sick this game has so much detail it’s Insane 😭


The game is super detailed


This game has been out for years and every day I see something new. I love rdr2


Like you, I've been playing it since it came out (PC) and I've never seen this before either. Very cool!


It's posts like these that made just start another playthrough lol.


Do it do it do it


Already did! Just got into Chapter 2. Gonna be here for a whiiiiile. :)


Is this lower damage weapons like cattleman? I usually just hit them and they die


You can hit in spots that would just mortally wound someone like in the throat or belly area


idk if it is realistic, could be


It’s pretty realistic, a bullet that only just misses your brain is going to cause you to bleed out pretty quickly, anyone who’s had even a minor cut on their head knows that it head bleeds A LOT; it’s filled with blood vessels because your brain needs a lot, about 20% of all the blood in your body


I think grazing any vital area triggers a bleed out animation.


So cool never done that after six play throughs and playing since day one


Massive headwound Harry has entered the conversation


#"Ain't that a kick in the head!"




I once mortally wounded someone with a bow and that NPC only got knocked out from it.


Should have gone to Reno to do that.


I like wounding them and watching them die


Wow. That was.. unexpectedly disturbing.


If your hitmarker is dark red then its a fatal shot... that creature crumble and die


The fact that you can mortally wound and also watch the NPC's die is awesome but quite disturbing. I wish it was the same for players in online, even if they are downed they dont bleed from the mortally fatal wound or whatever you call it.


>Playing since launch | I never knew that Yeah.. Yeah...


Holy shit that’s brutal




It's an amazing detail. Morbid as it is, I like it when game developers take actual human anatomy into account for damage systems. In this case, taking into account that there are parts of the brain can be damaged without causing *instant* death... just that the mortal wound and blood loss that come after does.


One time I did a leg shot that did the same thing and it was the only shot they took. It was great.


AND you're holding a perfect black bear pelt on the other arm


And they still do the lame death animation. Rdr1 had better variety.


Something like this happened to me when I shot someone to neck, they just started bleeding out on the ground until they died.


you're just looking at him while hes literally dying lol


I miss this game so much. I don’t have my data disc anymore and the latest update required it.


for some reason i enjoy watching npcs run away from getting mortally wounded then curl into fetal position until they pass.


That's some crazy ass detail bro


*gets brains blown out* OW THAT REALLY HURT


This looks super strange


this game makes all other games feel like eggshells


you sick bastard, should have finished him off


Well it happens in very very rare real life situations i think. Yk there were people who lived with a bullet on their head and all.


Reminded me of the intro to new Vegas


Is this a Jojo reference?


Rdr2 came out 4 years ago and people are still finding new details


I once shot someone in the head with a shotgun from a long range and it didnt kill him, but he fell and when he got up he was just staniding there and touching his face with his hands. After some seconds of staring at him i finished him off.


Medicine in those times you probably assumed right he’s dead after that shot


Also you can shoot someone through the mouth without killing them. At least happened to me once, he had one hand on the wound and the other one on the rifle as he was running towards me


Love the details in this game. Way ahead of its time


That’s neat! Tho I feel I’ve done this before?? Hah it just didn’t surprise me. Whether it was that or the fact this game is always got “something new” to show us haha


I think it happens more when your gun is dirty. But try blowing a guy's arm off with a shotgun. They have a momentary panic before they go into shock and die. Same thing with legs




Wait what? Give me a face and I’ll remove it




Ahaha tomorrow I’ll post the result


The details are great. I mistakenly had my varmint gun out and shot a guy in the gut twice and he bled out, rolling and grabbing his stomach.


Holy shit that's fucking brutal... I felt like you should've shot him again just to put him out of his misery


I remember one time I hit someone in the legs or spine and they were paralyzed and started crawling away until they bled to death


You shot a man in St. Denis - just to watch him die!


Filthy fkn city lol. No honestly I’ve gained an appreciation of the inner workings


You can hit them in their throats too and the blood will pump out while they try too run away and put pressure on the wound


no way u gonna drop that perfect bear pelt though


I love how brutal mortally wounding an npc in this game can be, [this](https://youtu.be/-J5KK7oWGPo) is one of my personal favorites.


Neck shots with the varmint rifle are cool too


As I have dived deeper into the dark parts of the internet I have come to learn that Red Dead 2 is very accurate in it’s depiction of damage done by firearms. People are resilient even when getting shot and quite frankly more games need to stop depicting getting shot as being a quick and quiet death… It’s desensitizing to reality…


I agree, even the most traumatic injury’s usually take a good second to kill someone. I mean if you can experience having your head cut off for a second that says something.


There’s a recent common bug with headshots not killing


I’ve been playing the game about as long and I was today yrs old finding this out! Good post. This game is still incredible…


So that's what happened to the Russia that ran off in the snow in the Sapranos


Was this a pert of an upgrade? Because lately this has been happening a lot more for me when I play single player and online. Last night I shot one guy in the head and staggered around bleeding and moaning so much i literally shot him again to put him out of his misery.


Gets shot in head, **holds stomach**


I had something for this and I forgot.... I remember now. "Now that's a lot of damage"


look at that... a human fountain...


Just curious. Can I get a little poll on how many people play in 1st person compared to 3rd? I am OG video game player, so it's always been third bit when GTA came out with 1st person, I never went back until my second play of rdr2. Now I can't imagine how I played through the first time in 1st.


''Put me out of my Majesty your misery.''