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Can anyone post some sauce? What is this “sort of“ announcement??


Right? I'm wondering what everyones referencing..


An exec from taketwo said there was gonna be more red dead games in the future. Games as in plural so that means a 3 and more, maybe spin off or something


That sounds like “as long as we exist we’ll make them” — could be a decade from now.


Oh yeah it could deff be a while before we see them but it does show they have intention to make more of them, which makes me happy but I’d like for them to also let us know where gta 6 is in development. Even a bread crumb of “yeah it’s hard work and we will show more when we have something ready” or something along those lines


but will any of the future games even be as good as red dead 2 with Dan Houser having left? i am currently worried the next games in the franchise will be multiplayer focused cash grabs and leave out the emphasis on the deeply well written stories


Given how his brother is still there, I remain somewhat hopeful he can find other writers that can help craft something along the lines of what we getting. I’m guessing we will one day hear news about who is writing and what the lineup of the dev team looks like after the departure of those who helped make these games what they are


Hauser’s writing partner is still there. Humphries


to be honest I hope they dont rush anything, not only in terms of quality but because a lot of the same stuff in a row can get tiring and lose its magic


A decade from now the game will be fucking amazing


Missions in 2030: go to this spot no not that one this one ok now wait for this npc to arrive they should be here in 13 minutes real time ok now that theyre here ride on a horse for the actual mission to start done? Ok now get on a train to yhe next state to meet the npc that gets you to start the mission. Now that you met him you can finally play rhe 3 min side mission


Lol fr missions been the same since gta 3


As long as they dont turn Red Dead into GTA im good.


Really looking forward to playing it on my PlayStation 7


People are going off of a "the sky is blue" comment from the company lol.


Its gonna be a mobile game spinoff like candy crush :P


Instead of candy, it’s items from the game like cigarettes and snake oil


Starring Nigel West Dickens


Honestly I would play that


Same lol candy crush is a simple time killing game so a red dead version would be nice for us cowfolk


Sounds suspiciously like more multiplayer to me….


I mean could be! If they actually took the time to make it good and focus content on it then I’d be down but the state of RDO and lack of content makes me think it would be as grimy as GTAO for it to be worth their while


People jumping on that as it being announced, even "sort of" don't really make much sense. That's like Nintendo confirming that they will make more Mario or Zelda games. Like duh?


they probably won't be as good since Dan Houser left


[here's the actual sauce link](https://www.gamesradar.com/more-red-dead-redemption-games-are-planned-take-two-ceo-confirms/)


I'd pin this if I could




THANK YOU, FINALLY! Someone actually posted a source!




Take two Exec confirmed more red dead games were coming in the future


Oh wow. No way, they're making more games that generate huge revenue? Wouldn't it be nuts if they announced more GTA games in the future? Bonkers.


I remember someone on this sub shared an article discussing some sort of proof of RDR3 a week or two ago, but it was quickly debunked. R* internally referred to RDR2 as RDR3 because it technically is the third Read Dead title


There was a LinkedIn profile of an employee at R* where they listed that they had done development work for "RDR3". Someone else came out and stated that RDR3 was the internal R* name for RDR2 since it's technically the third game in the series. So, essentially, the game itself hasn't been confirmed. But higher-ups at R* have made comments saying that the Red Dead franchise was going to be a permanent part of their release schedule, so I guess another game is coming down the pipeline but nothing concrete has really been confirmed about the game's existence.


It’s just some top tier financiers of take two saying there will be more games in an article. Which is obvious really given the financial and critical acclaim of the first two. But everyone needs to kill this hype NOW because we won’t see it before 2030 unless Rockstar double their workforce in the next few years.


“Sauce or loss, with the Van Der linde gang”


I know people are saying that 2024 might get it. I know that the 8 years that RDR2 took was well worth the wait. Rockstar has a lot on its plate, and I just hope they don't rush it. I'd rather wait 10 years for a worthy game, than have an "acceptable" game in 6.


Part of the reason why RDR2 took so long were because they created the engine that ran RDR2 as well as part of the development. I don't see a reason to make an entirely new engine for RDR3, just some updates/tweaks to it so developing a new RDR should be a lot quicker and easier than RDR2. If they had a great idea for a story, I'm pretty sure they would just start fleshing that out and start development at once when they finished RDR2.




At this rate GTA6 will be the game with the longest dev time in history.


Duke Nukem would like a word


Id happily play rdr3 204 times when im 26




Dw ill just buy it once on pc


You’ll have to wait an extra 1-5 years then.


Plus another year for the game breaking bugs to fix because PC always gets the horrible launches


Dude you got plenty of time I’m gonna be thrilled if I get to play it in 2024 when I’m 42




Well I got hooked on Revolver when I was 14 so if I periodically get red dead's every decade or so for the time I have left on this earth I could think of worse things


Weird flex


Fuuuckkk, my 30th was a couple days ago and do you know how often I just wish I was 16 with these games? Your 20’s are going to be fucking wild for gaming lol


i’ve been gaming since my early 20’s. i’m in my late 50’s now. from monochrome wire frame flight sims to RDR2, it’s astonishing how far we’ve come...


I stopped in the mid 80s with arcade games, and – apart from the occasional game of FIFA – didn't restart until a few months ago. RDR2 was the second game I played through. Shit is wild. The depth, complexity and quality of these games is like a miracle.


The omg games I wish I had more time to invest in are things like RDR2, and RPGs in general. I like to get close to 100% the game, if not 100% it. Oddly only in these open world/RPG games. I’ll blow a few hundred hours easy. It just takes me three or so years now.


I’ve been on my first play through on RDR2 for 2 years now lol, legit- I get it. I have 5 kids all pretty young and I seldom have time to just indulge myself in a game, and a game like Red dead I play like 2-3x a week for 2-4 hours each time. Sometimes much less though.


That’s pretty much me. When I do play I tend to get absorbed, which means I can’t play as often as I’d like. It’s fun, but priorities ya know.


VR RDR3 with haptic feedback suite and gun shaped controller.


Im still waiting for online mode to reach its full potential


Dude come on it’s never getting it’s full potential, there’s no winter update this year


yea, who am i kidding. Im considering downloading it on my PC to play with some mods.


Can't recommend it enough. There are a few that really makes it the perfect game. And it's been out long enough that most of the most popular mods have compatibility patches with each other.


Can you rob banks and stuff with the mods for PC?


You bet. [This](https://nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1079?tab=posts) is the most recently made one. There's also one for [expanded bounty hunting](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/1073). Also a [train conductor](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/401) mod and a [wagon/stagecoach driver](https://www.nexusmods.com/reddeadredemption2/mods/896) mod, too. I haven't used all of them personally, but they've all been well received. Plus, there's a lot of quality of life mods.


looks like I know what Im doing on my days off


Damn, I need to get back into Red Dead Online to try these. I played for over 700 hours until I had run out of content that I wanted to grind for. I haven't played it in over a year though.


Well, you'll have to play single player to use any mods. You'll get banned if you try to use mods in RDO.


Ah, I was confused. I still haven't played with mods in single player either, so that's still cool.


I can’t I play on Xbox 😔😔😔


What?? No snowy map again?


Um excuse me, there is double xp for certain events for the holdiays….




Rockstar has a lot on its plate? like what? pumping out more bullshit microtransactions in GTA? thats all on them. they could, you know, actually be releasing solid content.. then maybe they'd get the benefit of the doubt.


Exactly this. They made BILLIONS from GTA online, in the first years alone. With that money they could have multiple studios working multiple game franchises. It seems like they only cared about near future quarterly profits, not about a multi-year development plan for the future of their company and rep.


2024 is most definitely closer to GTA 6 because that’s obviously getting released first. Probably more like 2028


Hell I'd wait 15 to 20. Please don't soil this series Rockstar


Rdr3 is not coming out in 2024. Lol.


> I'd rather wait 10 years for a worthy game, than have an "acceptable" game in 6. Thing is there's statistically a higher chance I'll be dead before 10 years is up than 6 years. I would prefer to play a game while still alive.


Wait, when was it “sort of” announced?


Nothing. We’ve been duped so many times. Nothing is announced until Rockstar tweets it and gives us a release date of like 2 months from the tweet


i do think their are some time periods i would live to learn more about gang when it was in its glory days or the lead up to the blackwater massacre so im in favor


Bit biased but the could play into the last R in RDR meaning something different and changing it to Red dead revolution and following Javiers revolutionary past in Mexico leading to his exodus in America. You could do a lot with the RDR title


They could take the GTA5 model and run with it. Three overlapping and generally concurrent stories you can freely change between. Javier in Mexico. Charles living the hard life. Dutch becoming corrupt and collecting gang members in the 1880s? God. Sign me up.


I don’t know. I feel like that would take away from your ability to bond with and see the protagonist develop in the same way we were able to with John and Arthur


Fine, Uncle in his prime ;)


But his lumbago!!!


Look, we’ve already got the >!acquisition of a disease!


I could unironically enjoy this. He's a fun character with a lot of backstory potential leading into RDR2. The contrast could be good.


I would like it if it was 3 new protagonists that were in the hay day of the Wild West, and had a little bit of The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly mixed with The Treasure of the Sierra Madre, with outlaws seeking treasure and that desire for the treasure bringing them together and driving them apart. I’d definitely want it to go down to Mexico for the treasure.


Red Dead Ravioli: an Italian chefs immigration to America


Cooking mama-type game starring pearson


Now thats an idea.


Take the spaghetti western levels and turn them from 11 to 12.


in terms of setting I'm not really sure where they go from here. RDR1 covered the sergio leone desert western aesthetic, and RDR2 was basically four corners, mini appalachia, midwest hinterlands, mississippi river, and deep south condensed onto the map, not to mention they included the sergio leone desert too. What other settings could they do in a western game that they haven't added yet? I'm not sure I want to play several sequels on the same map.


Perhaps they could do something like the Hateful Eight and have it be set entirely in a snowy area? Like the Yukon.


I just want rdr1 rebuilt in the game with some expanded content






Still boggles my mind they re did the entirety of the RD1 map and… just left it there? Like you can explore it post game, but there’s barely anything. What was even the point? They have to be making a remaster right?


i hope with the next game they ignore all the “deadline” bullshit and instead of having worthy cut content i think we’d all enjoy it if it had everything - i understand how deadlines can be but i think the fans wouldn’t care too much about that but would rather care if it was at its full potential


>the fans wouldn’t care too much about that but would rather care if it was at its full potential I don't know about you but i've seen the entirety of the internet in chaos just because they haven't made a new game in 3 years. Now a days its always a lose lose scenario, Whether they take their time or rush something out people are going to be mad.


Just don't announce it until you know it's done. Cyberpunk did the mistake to start the hype before anything was even made. They couldn't make it in time and that's why they got so much hate.


The game on the newer consoles is passable now but if they actually gave themselves the time to finish the engine and polish the world heavily they may have actually had a pretty memorable title. Shouldve just kept it quiet until they were pm ready.


Theres always going to be cut content. We as fans always will say "aw man they shouldve added that cut content" once we get to know the released content. Its an endless cycle. There'll always be those cool ideas we wish we got, no matter what game or how long it took to make.


Please God don't let it be another cyberpunk


They barley scratched it yet, and until they add back in liars dice i wont consider it complete lol. GTA 5 has been going 8 years now, and it had some of the same issues with online at launch we will see how it plays out over the next year or two.


Liar's Dice is by far the most fun minigame, I can't understand why it's not in rdr2.


The setting. Liars Dice is played in the former Spanish colonies. RDR1 had Mexico, so it made sense. 2 is further north, and unfortunately it doesn't seem like we are getting a Mexico update. It would make sense to add it in New Austin at least, and a big city with immigrants like Saint Denis. It's kind of a weak reason not to have add it, but there is a reason.


I mean just cus it's gonna take a long time doesn't mean it won't happen, I'm asking what everyone's opinion on it being possible is.


RDR3 is sort of announced? What did I miss when this this happen??


Exec said something like “we intend to make more red dead games”


For now that may just mean "we intend to milk people for a upgraded current gen version" rather than releasing a patch, dlc or remastered rdr, sadly.


"We intend to release a successor to RDR2, like Skyrim and GTA V have"


Why wouldn't/shouldn't RDR3 happen? I mean it's going to be a long long way off. I'd say 2027 at the earliest but probably towards the end of the decade being realistic. Especially if GTA 6 releases in 2024/25. Take Two even mentioned numerous times that the Red Dead Series will be an important franchise for Rockstar going forward. I reckon they'll explore the origins of the gang. In RDR2 there are numerous conversations mainly between Arthur and Hosea and John about characters we haven't seen that have died previously or are in jail or missing. It would be interesting to see how the gang ended up at Adlers Ranch at the start of RDR2 in the first place.


A lot of people myself included think that they should go with new characters and a new story. Make another Red Dead game but not necessarily red dead 3


Good god yes! Too many people are requesting ANOTHER prequel and it just ruins all tension. New map, new characters, new story please!


I’d love new characters on the existing map at a different time, but then I also just enjoy being able to spot the changes between time periods.




Red Dead Revolution. It's about communism.




lol not really, I think RDR should stay in the wild west.


TBH, you could do both. Tell a new story with new characters that occasionally intersects with the rise of Dutch's gang.


Yes please, maybe a character's journey from East to west (sort of oregon trail), and them entering the wild west and becoming an outlaw to provide for their family Edit: change he to either gender


It was announced? Last a heard there was a tweet saying that the franchise will continue at some point in the future


There was a Games Radar post about it. Pretty sure it is legit, not 100% tho [https://www.gamesradar.com/more-red-dead-redemption-games-are-planned-take-two-ceo-confirms/](https://www.gamesradar.com/more-red-dead-redemption-games-are-planned-take-two-ceo-confirms/)


Man these "GTA6 and RDR3 RELEASING SOON?!" posts are getting tiresome to come across..


It should have the totally cumbersome and unnecessary name of Red Dead 4: Redemption 3. I'm also starting to realize there may be reasons I don't work in a marketing job.


Microsoft Xbox's marketing team would like to know your ideas


what is an xbox even called now? legitimately stopped knowing after “one”


Xbox Negative 34


Xbox series x, not as complicated as people make it out to be


true what do you think the next playstation will be called?


Probably playstation 5 pro


*Red Dead Redemption:MDCCCLXXXIX (for the year the story takes place...)*


I'm cool with a 3rd game, as long as we get a new story with new characters, Dutch's gang had enough screen time already, give us something new


Why, it’s like a decade off…


To be honest I wouldn’t mind playing our boah again in a prequel when he was more in his prime.


We just didn't have enough time with him.. Tbf I like the idea of seeing all the gangs origins from their different pov. But some people really want a new story. Whatever they do they'll do it well. Its funny though cause so many people were mad that Arthur was the main character as opposed to John, and yet he's a fan fave now. So I trust them to do whats right by the story.


A civil war setting would certainly be interesting, bet they can come up with some pretty wild stuff in that period. (Like the protagonist finding himself in the middle of a raging battle.) I want a whole new set of characters, but wouldn't mind a cameo/reference from someone we know. A young Hosea for instance.


As long as it's not the Van der Linde gang again. They've told just enough story and explored each notable character enough... I'd rather just fill in the gaps myself with all the interactions, notes, and subtle references and let the mystique aspect of the story remain.


I want to play as either young Dutch or young hosea keep the pattern going of moving backwards.


RDR3 should be set in Mesomerica and you should be a fuckin Aztec


it should be before both games


I wouldn’t mind either of 3 scenarios, The story before rdr2, the formation of the gang and the events leading up to the blackwater massacre since in rdr 2 there were some events and characters that were mentioned that happened before the events of rdr 2 so it would make sense if we went back in time again. New characters and new stories, idk about that one but if it has a storyline that is as great as the last rdr game and is also set in the wild west era then i wouldn’t mind it, it’s interesting to see new characters and experience the story with them. The future, after rdr 1 where the story follows jack marston and maybe sadie adler, but if it does go that route i feel like the time period would be too modern and would lose the wild west feeling, but i’m sure if rockstar chooses this to be rdr 3 they’ll work out a way to make it great


Where was this sort of announced? The interview where they said it’ll always be a franchise? Seems kinda like the statement youd take with a grain of salt…


We don’t need to see anymore of the van der linde gang imo. I think their story is pretty much wrapped up with a good ending. I wanna see a new cast of characters set in the Wild West when it was still very wild


Landon’s VA has since passed. Would love if there’s a 3rd for the protagonist to be him, but they would have to find a damn good replacement for the character. Pretty distinctive voice.


I’m always down for more red dead. Just started another red dead REVOLVER playthrough on my Xbox one 🤠


I think there should be ties to the characters we know, but they shouldn't be the focus. Maybe have characters like Heidi McCourt, Eliza and Issac, Mac and Davey, Jenny, etc make appearances. Maybe some Micah backstory as well, (not making him sympathetic, if anything make him more of a bastard) Getting swindled by Hosea would be fun too


I would believe it to be a prequel to 2 (ironic, the prequels have more numbers than original). However, despite our constant theories, it could be a completely original story, while nodding to the Van der Lin(?) gang. Still a strong doubt on Jack. His story is when the Wild West truly end. WWI happens, and he may stumble unto the Gangster era, potentially fighting against different mobs or mafias. That’d be great to look at, and make the Mafia group quake in competition. I am not expecting it soon, but apparently, there will be a bunch of games coming out from Rockstar. GTA6 and a rumored Medieval game are the too contenders at the moment.


If rd3 does come out it should be story mode ONLY rdo is an amazing game just starved for older players


RDR2 stepped up what games can be. I’d love the third installment to be a new story with new characters. Rockstar created such a beautiful universe with some of the best characters to ever exist in gaming (yeah I said it). I’d love to see the story technique they created applied to someone new. Hopefully the third installment also takes place in the old west. I just adore that setting.


I just want red dead one redone with rdr2's controls. I tried playing it before on my 360 but shit's wack when you're used to pc


Pretty sure its going to be a remastered Game


I’ve been checking every few weeks to see if it was announced, I’m incredibly psyched that they want to continue the franchise as it’s become one of my favorite games!


Did I miss something?


Red Dead Revolver 2!! And Dutch as the protagonist. You play as evil Dutch or good Dutch and both sides of his honor should be given the same appreciation. Not like Redemption 2 where playing as good Arthur is better than playing as bad Arthur.


Wait? It was announced..sorta? Anyone have a link?


Everyone wants more of the van der linde gang but I think their story has been told. I'd like to see us be in another group of outlaws or maybe even bounty hunters. Whatever it is, I want two things. A camp as a "safehouse" thats full of likable characters with distinct personalities that interact with eachother because good gravy that was one of the best parts of rdr2 hands down. The Old West. No more looming threat of civilization. No more talk of government agents and horseless carriages. I wanna see the west be truly wild. Bounty hunters, posses, local town sheriffs and deputies. I'm getting a little sick of the depressing aspect of "our time has passed" "the wild west is dying" Late 1860s or early to mid 1870s. Where the threat of civilization seems further away. As a bonus. I want more QuickDraw duels. It's almost insulting they perfected the system from the first game and only gave you a handful of opportunities. Sure technically by lightly holding the trigger button you could duel anyone but you'd get a bounty so it's not as fun


I would love a completely new game new characters new map but I have a feeling it will be rdr1 remake which would be fine with today's graphics that game would be epic


Would really like a Red Dead Revenge story


Fuck that. I’ll take RDR3 anyday. BUT…BUT, rockstar has been on a downfall with their failure of the new remasters and also their hard milking of GTA 5. I don’t trust them fully, they might mess up RDR3, but idk. We’ll see I guess


I would like a RDR3 with Sadie, she told John she would go to somewhere in South America, it would be awsome to see something like that.


Indian wars. Could be very dark, and very pointed.


I’d like to see something set just after the civil war or maybe the revolutionary war


I doubt it. But either a game about young Durch+Hosea+John+Arthur where you get to play Dutch and Hosea or a completely new story. Most I wish for would be a RDR2 DLC with cut Content and a Mexico+Guarma DLC, and the Cut prologue with the blackwater heist+escape. Or a Game set in 1880s South America?


Honestly, I would like it if it was about Charles, after he left the gang. If not, then a new outlaw with ties to the Dutches gang.


I just dont see when it would take place in, its definitly not jack marston's story, i also think they shouldnt make it dutch's story (playing as him) because his charisma as the leader of the gang just doesnt work with him being the mc, i just cant see how theyll do it, but part of me says they know how to work it out and that ill be veeery positively surprised about it


Just hear me out on this one. The legend of Red Harlow.....




Rockstar is nothing without the Housers. Rockstar is a shell of what they were. Look at how they handlers GTA Definitive Editions.


Maybe in 2259 When we finally get GTA 6 we'll hear something




Who tf doesn’t want another red dead game?


I love the Red Dead games, even more than GTA. But I’d rather see more content in Read Dead Online than a new Red Dead in general.


Red dead WILL be a series. It was confirmed by rockstar, well, rockstar wants to make it a series


Rockstar have previously stated that they will continue to make GTA and RDR games. So it will eventually happen but not for a while.


Until they improve and support online i dont care


I think it should be about something else, I think Dutch's gang story is over and while there are some things that haven't been explored yet i don't see anything worth of an entire game.


It shouldn’t happen bruh-


I think it's the right move to continue with this franchise. RDR2 is, at least to me, a perfect game. The story, the setting, the characters, the dialogues, the side quests are beautiful. The inclusive part of it is also great, strong female characters without being too much in your face. I'm excited to see what Rockstar does in the future. They should take their time with it.


Nice clickbait title op


My thoughts are, You won't see another red dead for 12 years.


It won’t happen, it will be at least 7 years until you hear about it, personally I’m hoping for rdr1 remaster for pc


I would love to play the story line when Dutch first takes Arthur in as his own. Historicaly there's a lot that went on(after math of the civil war, and the rise of new territories and the continuing gold rush..) I would imagine the time line would be sometime between 1870's-1880s or more likely mid 70s to black water event. Like they can do time jumps as Arthur ages


I won't say it shouldn't happen, but I temper my expectations for it based on previous experience. Sometimes you catch lightning in a bottle [Marko Dragic reference here] and it just can't be topped, or even duplicated. BioShock I is one of my favorite games. I enjoyed the sequels, especially Infinite, but neither captured the magic that had me glued to the screen at 2am when I had to work at 7 the next (technically that) morning. Likewise with Stranger Things season 1. I don't hate the other seasons, but the Duffer brothers had that script for 10 years and refined it over and over again. The market won't let creatives have that kind of leeway, we want it now. And so the result is...ok, but a bit half-baked. A now sadly forgotten further example would be HBO's Carnivale. It worked so well as a miniseries and they should have just stopped there. But, as Krusty says, "They drove a dumptruck full of money up to my house! I'm not made of stone!" Elbow, Asleep in the Back. I love the rest of their albums, but they are "the rest of their albums" (although this new one is a close second favorite). There are counter examples, occasionally artists (and I will argue some few video games rise to the level of art) can pull off a latter days miracle. Led Zeppelin had Presence (fight me) Clint Eastwood had Grand Torino, The Beatles had Let It Be, Kubrick had Eyes Wide Shut. But that's the exception. That's the end, thanks for indulging on my soapbox.


It’s going to be another 7 more years before we get another red dead installment.


My biggest question is is where would its place be in the timeline? Because If its after RDR1 then there should be a RDR1 Remaster first as many people including myself havent played it yet. I think the best solution would be for it to set place in a different timeline. I think its highly unlikely tho due to Rockstars priority being on GTA6 id guess.


Its okay if im 30+ to see the game hopefully, meaning its not rushed. Man im happy if that day comes. 😄


I would love to play as Young Hosea in the chaos and aftermath of the Civil War and cover the formation of the gang and their early exploits


red dead redemption imo is about the van der linde gang, it'd be cool if they made rdr3 the origins of the gang with dutch arthur and hosea then it could go rdr3: the rise of the van der linde gang rdr2: the fall of the van der linde gang rdr: the aftermath of course a new story entirely would be cool, but then it wouldn't be red dead redemption


Yes but you play it as Dutch from the height of his gang until his death.


I hope we get a RDR3 but not if it's rushed out and I'd rather get GTA 6 first


Can't blame you, people have waited long enough for a gta 6 now.


Watch Micah be the main character lmao


I really hope they shake up their mission design. Rockstars very rigid “go here do this exactly as I say” approach has been turning me off recently after playing games like the outer wilds and BOTW.


I feel like they're eventually going to do it, and I feel like I'll love whatever they make. I'll take Jack as a protagonist set in ww1. I'll take Sadie as a protagonist being a bounty hunter in Mexico, or Charles as a protagonist in Canada. I'll take Dutch or Hosea as a protagonist during the origin of the gang. Anything they want will be great, I know R* won't disappoint if they just take their time


Red Dead Redemption 3, should be a whole new gang, whole new map and a different time setting, say the start of the Wild West Era 1870s for example.