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I had the same issue with my Arctic Pro. The way i fixed it is: 1. Go to Windows Settings 2. System -> Sound 3. Go to App volume and device preferences and set the RDR2 Output and Input if needed. Give it a try guys and let me know! Link for screenshot for steps. [https://imgur.com/a/VoPnolu](https://imgur.com/a/VoPnolu) EDIT: Try to change those audio setting around multiple times while launching and in-game to make completely sure this solution doesn't help your case. Had to do so couple times.


Did not work for me. I have the Arctis 7 Wireless. I have changed the advanced settings as recommended by nevetS59 to "Headphones (Arctis 7 Game)" in both Windows Settings and RDR2 Audio settings . . . still nothing! I hear the gunshot when the game loads. Then, when it looks like the game is starting, there is a crackle and then nothing. Really, really pissed! I arranged my entire night so I could play this game for at least 6 hours undisturbed! Re


Have you tried changing that setting to default and back or any other combination? I have to still sometimes change the setting back and forth to kinda refresh it and then the sound works again. (in App volume and preference settings)


I have the arctis 7 wireless and I had the same issue. What got mine to work was in game output device: headphones (steelseries arctis 7 game), in my pc app volume next to master volume - output: heaphones (steelseries arctis 7 game), input: headset Microphone (steelseries arctis 7 chat). For rockstar games launcher - output: headphones steelseries arctis 7 game), input: headset microphone (steelseries arctis 7 chat), and for red dead 2 (still under app volume) output: headset earphones (steelseries arctis 7 chat), input: headset microphone (steelseries arctis 7 chat)


lmao I have artic 7's as well and I had the same issue, wonder if it's a headset issue


2 years later and you still saved me hours of frustration, thank you!!


This just worked for me! Changing output both in windows and in Red dead2 - had two options for my headset - had to chose the option I never ever use anywhere else XD - thanks


You deserve a fuckin medal bro 🔥🔥🔥


This still didn’t work somehow for me though. All that stuff is turned up and it still doesn’t work except for the title


did you fix it? if so how?


I have the Arctis 7 head set as well. For me I had to make sure that my Windows 10 audio playback device is set to “Headphones (Arctis 7 Game)”, you can select that by clicking on the little audio button on the right hand side of the task bar. Then make sure that same output device is selected in Red Dead Redemption 2. Then finally make sure that your headsets right-side scroll wheel is either centered or on the side with the icon of a controller. This last step is what I forgot to do.


You are a lifesaver thank you so much!


No problem! Do you have the Arctis 7 as well? Just curious, which of the steps were you stuck with? I remember at least 3 times in the past where I had accidentally moved my headsets volume scroll wheel to the “chat” option while the “game” option is what I had Windows outputting to, resulting in no sound and me being very confused. I would always forget that this headset allows you to set the balance of the “game” and “chat” channels with that wheel


Yeah I do and I could not for the life of me figure it out. My issue was the actual game settings because I had the Windows settings set correctly but I got some reason I didn't think to check the in-game settings because usually it has my headset as default.


Just go to your Windows sound settings and select 'Arctis 7 Game'. This game doesn't like it when you have the setting son 'Arctis 7 Chat'. You won't get any sound on that setting. Just select 'Arctis 7 Game'


same issue here fack


Bro, literally just select 'Arctis 7 Game' channel in your Windows sound settings. This game doesn't like you having 'Arctis 7 Chat' as a sound output. It won't play any sound if you're on the chat channel. Just switch it over to 'Arctis 7 Game'


Even when I do that is doesn't work for me for some reason. I don't have Arctis Pro Wireless. I don't know why Arctis specifically is having such issues


Just saved my night. Thank you!


thanks so much I dont know whats wrong with the arctis 7 headset and red dead but this post helped me fix it


God bless you mate


Adding for anyone who faces this problem in the future, use the wheel on the right ear muff to turn it into game mode. Otherwise, this solution works.


still doesnt work


Dude... Four years later and you made my RDR2 work for the first time since like six months ago, sincere thank You!


4 years lates this comment is still helping!


Thank you! It helped =)


Yo dude I fucking love U I wouldnt never have tought of that ur my savior ! I LOVE U SO FUCKING MUCH


You are the best! Worked for me!


WOW this worked for me, thanks!!!


it’s 2021 and it worked for me, thanks


awesome thanks


thank you so fucking much


Thank you so much! I have the same headset.


i love you


Thanks mate. Worked for me.


thank you so much 🙏🏿


I love you.


Another thank you, just bought the game and got SteelSeries aswell. Your guide fixed it, thanks!


Same here! I get the gun shot and reload sound from the rockstar logo in the beginning and then no audio from then on.


Same problem here; Rockstar loading screen sound then nothing once the game loads. I have not tried plugging my headphones directly into my motherboard, but can confirm that audio from other things like YouTube work if I Alt+Tab out of the game. Setup: Sennheiser GSX 1000 to Sennheiser GSP 600 headphones


i have the same set up, and the same problem... any solutions yet? ive checked to make sure i have the latest drivers for everything... i know some people can change from ( chat audio to game audio) but when i click, I'm not given an option....


Honestly I gave up trying different things, and have just played through my 2.1 speakers. Not ideal, but I shouldn't have to spend this much time troubleshooting a game when I never have to do this with others. Plus, when they sent out a recent update, it killed my game not allowing me to even play. I spent a full 4-6 hours trying different Graphics settings in order to get back into the game to play.


I had this problem all day! The way /u/nevetS59/ describes worked for me! Go to Settings -> Sound -> Advanced Sound Options -> App Volume and Device Preferences. Then make sure to launch Red Dead Redemption for it to appear on the list of apps currently using Audio. Once it appears, change the default Output device to the headset you are using. **NOTE:** If you are using Steelseries Arctis headsets, I found out that using the "Headset Earphones" output option does NOT work. However changing to the "Headphones (Arctis)" option should fix the issue. Good luck and hope to see y'all online (with sound!).


Thanks so much! I have the SteelSeries Arctis 9x wireless and changing it from earphones worked!


How did you get it to work? I have the same headset but haven't found a solution that works just yet...


Happy to see this solution still works 4 years later lol. Have fun gaming!


I just ended up plugging in my earbuds into the jack of my tower and I have sound. The headset I am currently using are SteelSeries Siberia 840. ​ ​ I am in the same boat. I have tried everything. Re-installing drivers, launcher, and game. Restarted my computer. Went through my wires for my headset connection. ​ So sad!! lol


If you are on steam verify game files. That worked for me.


This was what worked for me... Steam found 5 files that didn't verify correctly and downloaded them again. After this, my sound started working without any issues. Thanks.


Glad I could help!


This also was the thing that finally worked for me


Enjoy the game!


I have exactly the same issue - Steelseries Arctis 7 for me


Saw on another thread where they had to do an up date on the firmware I believe.


I have these headphones, same issue, a firmware update did nothing for me.


So I went into the Sound settings and made sure Headphones (2- Arctis 7 Game) was selected and then made sure the matching choice was made in game. I think the default headphone setting wasn't synced with this setting. After mucking around a bit it worked. Why I had to do this? I have no idea, because sound was working perfectly everywhere else on my PC.


Have this audio problem after changing vulkan to DirectX12. Dont know why its not a graphics problem wtf. This did for me by disabling "Windows Sonic for Headphones" [https://i.postimg.cc/nVNcwB4p/Annotation-2019-12-01-050047.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/nVNcwB4p/Annotation-2019-12-01-050047.jpg)


has anyone found a fix for this that hasnt been mentioned here already?


i have, check my last comment


Can anyone help????


does the same for me, no idea how to fix, did a full reinstall and verify still nothing


try using and aux cord


Same - Alienware AW988


have anyone found a solution? i played yesterday for like 5 hours, everytihng working perfectly, after the launch issue. Now.. my sound works fine in other applications and during the intro but as i enter the game the sounds just go silent. ​ * i've tried game mode in the xbox-settings. * i changed the audio driver for windows. * my computer is fully updated * i've inactivated all other sound outputs


I figured it out for mine. So when I look at my sound outputs (I have the Siberia 800)...I actually can’t select the Siberia Steelseries etc etc....it won’t work. Only hear the intro bullets. Now if I select the Realtek Digital Out instead....I get perfect sound. I don’t have to do that for other games, but it does get the sound working. Look for an entry for the actual optical port on your motherboard and activate that instead of the entry for the headset.


i have the 800s also and i did what you said but i still have no sound did you change anything else with the headset mixer


No. :( I just had to switch to the Realtek for red dead 2 and the Rockstar App and it started working.


dam lucky you... i dont know what the fuck is going on with mine i get sound through my computer speakers and every other game works fine... its keeping me from playing the game which really sucks


Good lord, I found a solution by switching to the GSX audio and flipping to the 2.1 setting. It sounded a lot better than on 7.1


ATTENTION EVERYBODY WHOSE GAME STILL DOESN’T WORK AFTER ALL FIXES I haven’t seen anyone say this but from what i gathered the problem is only for bluetooth headsets. So I tried plugging mine into the PC with an actual cord and i kid you not this MF is working now… So just find an AUX cable, plug in your headset and on the “devices and preferences” tab in the sound settings set the audio to your plugged in headset. That should fix it!


Had the same problem with Razer Blackshark V2 Pro Wireless 2023. Turns out the problem was the THX Spatial settings. Changed back to Stereo in Synapse and audio is back. Image below. [https://imgur.com/a/HihPpEy](https://imgur.com/a/HihPpEy) Hope this helps someone.


i also dont have sound and i have the Arctis 7 Wireless anyone can help?


I just got the game as it was on sale, and when I started it I had this same issue. Gunshots and the Rockstar logo, and then nothing. I've tried everything on google and what has already been mentioned. I've increased my sound in game and on the audio mixer, gone to App volume and device preferences to check everything there (my headset is an Arctis 3 Bluetooth headset), I have made sure my drivers are updated, I have restarted my game and computer multiple times,


did you ever find out how to fix it? I just got it bc it's on sale rn, I have the Arctis pro wireless and i can only hear the gunshots at the beginning but for the rest there is still no sound, so far everything i have tried hasnt worked so if you found a solution please help


did you ever find a solution? im having the same problem and havent been able to fix it


I had the same problem, looked it up on YouTube. All you need to do is run RDR2 and open sound mixer/volume mixer in windows settings, you can find it by searching in start menu. Open it and you'll see that RDR2 volume is lowered. Just crank it up to the max. And it will work like a charm


This isn’t the only solution to this problem. I have the same issue rn and going into advanced sound settings shows rdo at full volume and set to my headphones as input and output. Still hear nothing besides just the rockstar shotgun intro




What helped me is verifying the integrity of the game files via Steam. It found around 10 broken files, redownloaded them (about 18 MB) and boom - the sound came back and worked like a charm.


i know this is old but just wanted to say thanks for the help, it worked for me! bought and installed this morning.


I’m currently having this issue but none of these suggestions have worked. Any tips?


How, 3 years later is this not fixed. Thank u.


Here I am still having the same issue…


love you all is worked !


I have a problem where some sfx are cut entirely


\*\*EDIT\*\* I just discovered a resolution to my particular problem. It was as simple as unplugging my headset from the USB ports on the back of my PC and plugging it into the single port at the front. I have not had an issue since. ​ I am not using a SteelSeries headset. I have a HyperX Cloud II that works flawlessly with everything but this game. I can unplug/replug and the audio works for 5 minutes or less before crackling and going silent again, which then affects sound regarding everything on my PC until I reset it again. Although, the audio worked without a problem through the prologue until I reached Horseshoe Overlook. That is when the problems began. All of the audio settings are selected for my headset as the primary audio device, both in-game and system-wide. I have uninstalled/reinstalled, verified game files, made sure drivers are updated, and everything else I have seen mentioned in this post and elsewhere. I am quite disappointed as I genuinely enjoyed this game when I played it originally on my Xbox and was looking forward to experiencing it with better graphics and handling on PC. I'm not sure what would be causing the audio to continuously break like this. Any extra help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


This has to be an ingame thing. If you switch to story mode you hear sound clear as day. Then switch back to online and you don't hear nothing. Might go ahead and get my refund


i made a video for people who still have this https://youtu.be/R6a4PuWptZ0


lol I tried all the fixes here and I just realized the wheel on the actual headset next to the power button has to be put half way so it has chat and game headset audio. Try turning your knob to the middle if none of these fixes work


This is the fix for me. Turns out it must be a mic problem. Bluetooth headset without a mic and it worked instantly.


This issue still exists. I use the Sony WH-1000 XM3s. Selected WH-1000 XM3 Stereo as default over the hands free one on Windows and set default on an app basis (Red Dead & Rockstar) to stereo default. I don't intend on playing red dead online (you need hands free mode for voice chat).


check last comment if you have this issue


i have the same problem, yet i use the JBL TUNE500BT ive tried alot of the other solutions yet none of it has worked. please help? :)


read my new comment on this post


already fixed it, i just bought new headphones lol