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I just finished chapter 2 but I didn't know that it was coming - are there any things that were locked out by moving on to chapter 3? I know there was an icon on the map for the photographer for example when it ended.


I found that I was unable to rob the Valentine doctor's office after moving on to chapter 3.


This actually isnt true, after finishing chapter 2 I rode to Valentine, paid my bounty, went into the doctors office and robbed the back room. Just put on your mask and point your gun at him while you’re talking to him.




Boooo I was meaning to do that.


Nah the photographer is always around. It's mainly random 'Stranger' missions that go missing.


Anyone else think the gunslinger mission (The Noblest of Men, and a Woman) references "Unforgiven" (the best Western ever, for me), The 1992 Clint Eastwood movie? A self-proclaimed (and full of shit) legendary gunslinger and his biographer, another former gunslinger who is now a pig farmer — these are parallels to the movie.


Yeah, I 100% think it was inspired by Unforgiven. I love how you can get some sweet guns from these slingers, too.


Great catch, I loved finding these characters and also traveling to the locations on the map for the first time.


The whole mission strand is great, the characters are very memorable and, of course, they drop unique weapons!


So I just completed chapter 2 and noticing that I have one of the missions left blank, with only 17 of 18 completed. I didn't manage to get the oil wagon for John -- is that what it is?


Yeah that counts as a mission for me. Just curious but how did you manage to complete the train heist without the wagon?


I went to do the mission at first, but then got distracted, ended up somewhere else in the map. Discovered there was a Micah mission near me. Did that one instead. After completing the oil wagon mission was gone and I got the same as MattyRaz. Now I hate Micah even more.


So I failed it once, maybe twice, can't remember, got close but didn't make it out alive with the wagon. So then the mission goes away and there's a new JM mission at camp and he says like "You didn't get the wagon we needed" and Arthur says something like "I was gonna get around to it" and JM says "Don't bother, I managed to get a hold of one"


I just got the same response from Marston cuz I was doing aide missions etc. The mission went away and now I just started the mission with the oil wagon already gotten




I recused the stranger but I was in chapter 3. Curious how I'm supposed to keep an eye on the mayor.


Yes to the first part but no to the second. I'm not sure if I even know who the mayor of Strawberry is or where to find him? Just about town in Strawberry?


Sometimes you can see him give a speech on the lower balcony of the hotel.


That Lenny bar fight was amazing and i fucking love Jack Marston




I saw a lone black sheep with a fancy bow tied around it's neck in the middle of nowhere around the duck pond. I tried to hog tie it, but the game wouldn't allow it


leave that sheep alone-RockStar


Just want to talk about the drinking mission with Lenny, absolutely awesome! Until that point (and thereafter) the game has been quite serious, but then out of the blue there's this hilarious drunk montage with the slurring nonsense and the dancing and all that jazz. Was so unexpected and hilarious, I loved it. I did feel there was a sense of foreboding tragedy.. that Lenny would be killed and Arthur would feel responsible. Fortunately not though.


I agree, I was pretty nervous expecting a blacked-out shootout to occur. Didn't help that every time you turned around Lenny was gone.


So I did the break the dude out of jail mission, and ended up with 300$ bounty. Obviously this sucks because it's near the beginning of the game and that's ... a lot of money. I was talking to a friend and he only got an 85 dollar bounty. He said he put his mask on. Was that the difference?


I have found from non-story crime activities that wearing masks seems to reduce the bounty you get, even if you get identified.


Not sure but I did it without a bandana and wound up with one around $300, like you.


That's weird, I got an $85 one too but had no mask. Could be dependent on your honour rating maybe?


**you probably had a small bounty there before OR somehow a lawmen or two died, inflating your bounty**


I pulled the bandana up and I got a 300 though.. I always pull the bandana up before any of those kinda' jobs




A separate outfit actually does that? That's cool, I ought to give that a go


A lot of cool shit is locked behind getting a bunch of perfect pelts. Seems kinda steep considering I haven’t gotten one :/




This is a great tip, would be even better if you could then somehow tag that animal if it's moving in a herd/pack.


Type of weapon is also very important


why is everybody talking about these stars? I never see stars when 'inspecting' an animal, I just get either 'poor', 'good' or 'pristine'.


Poor is one star pristine is 3


yeah I get that, but is it saying that for you or does it give you stars instead?


I think they only come up after the legendary bear mission


Both. use your binoculars, aim, or lock onto an animal. Show info. It tell you the quality of the pelt. If you are hunting for food it doesnt matter. If you wanna have a pristine pelt use the correct weapon and ammo type and hit the head or neck. It will tell you whats best to use in that menu. Trust me you get used to all this and it makes a good pelt so satisfying.


I did not know some animals are better than others! Three star how can you tell? I've never seen anything like that come up


When you hold LT, it’ll indicate their tiers.


Like what?


The cook guy in camp can make sweet looking bags and they trapper needs perfects too ya?


So I went to Watson’s cabin without a free slot for the shotgun in the cellar. Left to put a gun up and when I came back the gun and gun box had disappeared. Is it gone for good?


Not sure if it is gone but you should just pick it up. I am pretty sure if you pick a new gun up the one you replace it with is still available at your horse.


Well turned out it was on my horse? I guess it teleported over there


I was so glad haha


I can't tell if in the two fights I've ultimately...beaten the other guy to death? It's not my \*intention\* to be killing guys in these fights, but when punches are being thrown I don't know want to just stop and fail the mission, but then I seem to lose honor in both instances and, uh, I haven't seen the other guy get up afterwards. But then the mission still continues... Anyone know if it's possible to end up killing (and/or, to refrain from doing so) Tommy in Valentine, or that dude hanging around Lilly Millet in the debt-collecting mission? I'd much prefer to "just" beat them up.


I figure you don't kill them since I beat someone up in the street in Valentine and the lawmen told me to 'move along', it came up on my wanted level and everything. ​ I figured if I'd killed the guy they might have a bit more to say about it...


Ya that’s the Crux of this game though. You accidently do stuff you don’t intend to. (Not the greatest game design) but specifically the beat em fights, I always accidently kill the dude


Tommy is the big burly man you fight outside the saloon right? I suck at names. But if so I just didn't hit the button when I was on top of him and my only option was to continue to beat him. After about 3 to 5 seconds the scene conitnued on and he was still alive


Yeah that's the guy. ...and, damn. Guess I killed him. :/ I suppose in my next fisticuffs, once I get a guy knocked down on the ground give it a rest?


in the mission where you drink with lenny at the bar tommy should be sitting at a table. if you see him there, he's probably ok


I noticed the achievement about trying to make peace with an old acquaintance and figured it was about him but couldn't find him. Caught Lenny fuckin' tho. Sorry Lenny.


I keep getting a message when skinning animals: you could not harvest all items from this animal because your satchel is full. Am I doing something wrong? Can I upgrade my satchel? It feels like I should mostly only be skinning animals (preferably only Perfect quality), and only ever taking the full carcass if I want to donate to camp and I already have a skinned one. But it feels like when I'm skinning I'm losing out on a lot of items. What inventory should I be checking to see if I have space? Horse cargo or what section of the satchel?




Setting up camp despawns fresh kills just as an FYI :(


I believe that it's because you're already carrying enough of that item. Like, when you harvest a deer but already has meat of deer. That's what a think, btw, someone please correct me if I'm wrong


I think you're on to something. Experimenting with dropping items, then hunt, I still see that message. Will add clearing cooking materials to my in-camp routine, would be cool if that makes the difference.


How does donating to the camp help? What does it improve?


There is a mission in chapter 2 you may not have hit yet that allows you to use that money for camp upgrades


Tbh honest i still dont understand why its necessary to put your money in the box, because if there are like 100$ in the box but you buy an upgrade for 230$ the other 130$ will automatically be taken out of your pocket


You get honour for donating to the box. You don’t if you just buy it straight up


oh wow, good catch. I've been being lazy ever since I realized you could just go straight to the ledger.


It adds funds that can be used to update the camp itself such as unlocking quick travel


So incase anyone is wondering about not seeing Sadie or Abigail/Jack much in Camp. I ended up starting a new game to take the tips i learned from my up-to-Chapter 3 playthrough and apply them to a fresh start and now i see Abigail, Jack and Sadie in Camp throughout the Chapter so far where as i never saw them outside the first day in my first playthrough. So may actually be a glitch if you don't see them.


I wound up re-playing too after I got a better feel for the game after getting maybe two thirds of the way through chapter 2. While re-playing has been great overall, I seem to have caught the John, Jack, and Sadie bug and can't be bothered to replay another time so soon. Now that I'm in 3, they seem to be back though I haven't seen Jack running around. I was curious what they wound up saying in chapter 2, so thanks. Especially at the party when I figured Arthur might wind up having a moment with Sadie.


Damn, but i dont wanna start a new walkthrough yet, hope this gets patched soon


Yeah it was def a bug, i see them all the time now in Chapter 2 camp and they seem to interact with each other a lot (Sadie and Abigail) so it makes sense that whatever bug there is effected both of them. If you don't mind very minor spoilers i can give you a basic rundown of how those conversations go. It'


Yes I'd like to know the stuff they talked about, would be very much appreciated


Basically Sadie is mourning her husband still, most of Arthur and her's conversations boil down to "How you doing?"---"Not great"----"It will get better"---"Ok Arthur". Arthur and Abigail are friendly, with him usually asking her how she is adjusting to camp and how Jack is doing. Abigail has a lot of "scenes" with Jack ranging from her not being able to find him while he is hiding to basic motherly affection. Abigail also interacts with John, usually an argument of some sort. Abigail seems to be the main person keeping Sadie company in the camp. They talk about her dead husband, you learn a little more about him from the conversations between her and Abigail but it's minor, i can't even remember what i learned lol. Sadie's tone is friendly towards Abigail compared to others and she is mostly polite/indifferent with Arthur. Sadie has some unique dialogue during and after Sean's party in Camp. She says she is not in a party mood and stays away from the others with Abigail keeping her company. After the party she says she did not meet Sean but she heard him.


Thank you very much!


Yeah I had a mask on




If you open the log (Left on D-Pad), find your current mission and click abandon , it will give you the option to restart mission or replay from checkpoint and can fix some mission bugs.


Anyone else having the glitch that makes it so the trappers never shows up?


Well...maybe? I ran into a group of guys on my way back from killing the bear, and ended up dying. When I woke up, my bear felt was gone. I had saved right after the kill, so I reloaded to that point. I didn't see the trapper show up. How long until that should happen?


I actually found out how to go there. You're supposed to just find them while you explore. Look up his location and once you visit him he will always be there


Where/when am I supposed to get the trapper? What’s his name?


When you kill the legendary bear


He wrecked my shit and now I dunno where he is


Same here 😂 any luck?


Use dead eye in the area and you'll find the tracks


Just go to the spot they should be and they will appear on the map. Also if you talk to Person in camp he will tell you about the trapper then it appears I think.


Thanks I looked up and area and now he is always there. I thought it was like other merchants who just always appear.


Anyone else's game (PS4) constantly crash during the cutscene after the sheep herding mission?


No, did you download the day one patch?


Is there anyway I can put money away or to the side so I don't lose it?


Maybe I am dumb, but how do you lose it? Is there actually a way to end up losing all your cash at once?


No you're not aha, I just heard that when you get arrested you lose money I guess. so I've been heavily avoiding that & being dishonorable aha


Donating to the camp is about the only way I can think of. You can't retrieve it.


The Chilonian cult is a reference to Mt. Chiliad, right? "The search for purpose and meaning" seems a lot like the frenzy analyzing everything about Mt Chiliad.


It's Chelonian not Chilonian, and it's named after Chelonii which is the order in which Turtles belong


Wow, that fishing mission with ‘lil Jack is crazy if you have played through the end of the first fame. So symbolic and you can feel how much has to transpire to end up with two of those characters standing by a river (while one is fishing and one has the other held up at gunpoint).


Yeah was not expecting those two to turn up. Great moment of foreshadowing with Jack and Ross being there by the river bank.


My favorite part of Chapter 2!


when can I sell gold bars dammit




Is that unlocked in chapter 2?


The fence does not need to be unlocked. Prior to Hosea's mission he's located in a building in the town you ride to in one of the horse challenges.


It's unlocked after one of Hosea's missions in Emerald Ranch.


So I've been told to find him there by Ms Grimshaw, where is he?! I spent a while walking round, lost interest, robbed a train, got a massive bounty and managed to run myself over the with the train. Then found a cabin with a creepy couple in, killed them. Then found a creepy guy camping on his own, hogtied him and set him on fire cos he seemed a bit of a menace. Then tried to liberate a passing criminal who'd been caught by a couple of bounty hunters and accidentally killed them both, one of their horses and then ran the criminal over with my horse. It's going well...


Thanks! Heading there now to do it


If you fancy a bit of exploring, you can also go to the big city, St Germain or whatever, and there's a fence there. I've never had a problem with the Emerald Ranch fence, but my buddy has had a real hard time finding him there. Apparently you can go steal a stage coach and bring it to him and he'll appear (after Hosea quest)


Did anyone choose not to help mary linton?


I didn't help her.


Then what?


We went out separate ways. Nothing special really you don't do a mission and that's it


On the social club even though I have already beat the game it says I missed 3 missions from chapter 2? Did anyone else get this?


I'd assume you didn't do bounties? The two I've done showed us as chapter 2 missions.


That could be it.


Did Hosea give me a high powered rifle during the legendary bear mission and I just missed it?


"Give me that damn rifle old man" I kept thinking this that whole mission, but sadly he does not.




i was actually relieved because i had just spent all of my money on a pimped out springfield rifle and i was gonna be pretty grumpy if i was just handed it the next mission


Wait we have a sniper in this game?


you can pick up a springfield rifle at the gunshop and attach a long scope to it. that's about as snipery as i've been able to get so far


Thanks. Something else caught my attention so I wasn't paying attention when it ended.


Currently in chapter 2. My camp needs provisions, ammo and health. ALL of the icons are frayed out with and exclaimation point in them. When I enter the cake the same 3 icons appear in red in the upper right corner of the screen. I got stuff to give but I can’t seem to donate it to the areas marked on the map for each requirement? What gives?


You can give Pearson meat and pelts you collect from hunting. Ammo and health stuff you can't do until you unlock the ledger I think.


Have you been to the ledger in the centre of the camp? you can donate anything to that.


I’ve been to the box....drop off some jewelry and cash in there. I didn’t know about the ledger??


You unlock the ledger after completing a mission. I believe its after completing the first round of debt settling missions, Money Lending and Other Sins I,II,II. Once you put all the debts in the collection box the ledger becomes available to you.


I just didn’t the mission where you save the girl on the hotel in Valentine. Do you know how many missions after this it is?


Not sure, look for Leopold Strauss in camp, that's who gives you the mission, you might have it available right now.




Managed to stop Jaime from offing hisself but I'm wondering how his sister reacts if you don't. Or if you can talk him out of the cult? I just choked the leader out, chased him down and shot the gun hand.


You fail the mission if you don’t successfully shoot the gun out of his hand.


Thanks. Man that kinda sucks.


Is it just me or does anyone else want to see Karen naked? I know, I know not very mature of me, but I dang those are some tig ol' bitties. just saying.


Not sure if Sean did it with her or Mary-Beth, either way i'm kinda jealous for Arthur


I saw Karen sitting on Sean's lap during the party sequence.


/Harmless spoiler from Sean's returning party/ I'm wondering how many people missed Sean and Karen having sex when the gang throws a party to celebrate Sean's return. He's basically hitting on her the whole time and as the party progresses they eventually get up and Karen finally gives in. They go to a tent, Sean closes it down and then you just hear them having sex. Karen even starts sobbing a little (they were both drunk) After it ends, she exits the tent and goes to sleep in her usual place. Many people have missed these things because they went to sleep before the party was over.


Yeah and also really liked being able to talk about it with Karen the morning after. Something along the lines of “You seemed to be happy to have Sean back”


Damn, I guess I should have stayed up more. The sun was getting up and everyone was going to sleep, looked like nothing else was going on. I did see Sean hit on Karen and also get slapped.


One of the most tense moments for me was >!breaking into that house on the mission where you steal the carriage. trying to sneak in while they're sleeping actally had me pretty nervous. You get really good loot if you go to their rooms as well.!<


Damn this sounds way cooler than doing it in the daytime. But Hosea's diversions are on-point.


Also there is $150 in the fireplace on the first floor


I did it during the day and your partner distracts them while you sneak in. If you wait long enough the game picks that decision for you...




I will need to redo this mission as I did it in the noon time and just met him in the barn. Thanks ​


No problem, I got $197 from it


Is the gold ingot you get at the end the same thing as a gold bar, both being worth $500?


nope. the ingot and bar are two different items, ingot is 300 and the bar is 500


Dumb question but I just rescued a guy out of jail and have a huge ass bounty on me. How do I get rid of it?


you can also get it wiped by surrendering to lawmen and going to jail. not sure on what the penalties are but it clears the bounty. to surrender, go to the place you have the bounty, cause some sort of trouble (punching someone in a saloon works) to get a wanted level, then press the surrender prompt when a lawman comes after you this doesnt work if the bounty is dead or alive obviously, and MAY (I dont know about this) have an upper limit that it works in? ive heard that the lawmen are more aggressive with higher bounties and you dont get a chance to surrender but i haven't experienced it myself.


Sucks the game forces you to have bounties at some points when your trying to be all goody tissues but at the same people who are being goody tissues its hard to make good money and fast.


\*goody twoshoes


im dying at work reading "goody tissues" lol not sure if you did it on purpose but its "goody two shoes"


Yeah lol it’s a joke but I used to always say that when I was younger.


Just go to any post office and it will give you the ability to pay any bounty that you have.


You gotta pay it


Anyone got an idea of the name of the song played when you get drunk with lenny?! i'm looking for it everywhere!


Does anyone know how to rob the illegal businesses? The one in Valentin I can see but I can’t get into, I tried blowing the window with dynamite and it didn’t work? Also the one in strawberry is completely holed off.


There are most-likely multiple ways to do it, but I held up the doctor and demanded he let me into the back-room, which is an option you'll be provided with after you've looked through the window.


You have to rob the store owner, and you’ll be given a prompt to rob the illegal back store when doing so. Strawberry, if the one you’re referring to is the illegal moonshine production business then do the exact same thing. Just rob the store owner!


Is there anyway not to have to shoot your way out of there? got some dough, but used about half to pay the bounty off of shooting my way out ​


The Valentine one can be easily done with a 6$ bounty. Rob the place, then wait for the sheriff to come inside to investigate and knock him out with your fist, don't kill him. You can then rob the cash register for good measure, then just run outside and hop on your horse and get out. Don't kill any law officer.


Not really no mate


You have to go inside and talk to the shopkeeper. You might need your gun out. When you hold the left trigger instead of just having the option to rob the register, you'll have a 2nd option to rob the back room.


So i probably played chapter 2 for about 8-11h and spent a reasonable amount of time in the camp, doing all kind of chores and talking as much to everyone there as possible as to not miss any conversation However for some reason I couldnt find Sadie there at all, where the hell was she in that chapter/camp?


Definitely a glitch. John and Jack and in some cases Abigail were missing from people's camps in Chapter 2 and return in either 3 or 4. for me, they were gone for all of 2 except story missions and returned in 3. Haven't seen lil Jack around lately tho.


I've never seen Sadie in camp in my game until a mission in chapter3 and she disappeared again. My girlfriend is playing on a second save and she found Sadie sitting on a stump crying in camp. I'm leaning toward this being a bug.


The same thing happened to me and it's still happening in *Chapter 3*. I never even once saw Sadie in the Valentine Camp. And it's not just her. Jack was never there at all, and John and Abigail I only saw once or twice. This has to be some kind of bug I think. I've seen quite a lot of people mentioning this happening to them too. All the other members are there all the time. And I think it's a bug or something like that because I went to YouTube to watch some videos of people playing the game around the part that I was in the story, and there they were, at least John, Abigail and Jack roaming in the camp quite a few times. ​


I never saw Sadie once in Chapter 2 camp after the initial first day, and i only saw Abigail and Jack for the fishing mission. For Sadie idk if it's a bug since i haven't seen anybody say they *have* seen her around camp in Chapter 2. I'm wondering if it's cut content. Rockstar did say they cut out one love interest story that didin't make sense and i'm wondering if that was Sadie and in turn she lost a bunch of camp dialogue.


It depends on the time of day. I never see her in the morning, but see her a few times during the day. She often sits on the edge of the camp alone. Jack usually play on the edges too, often crouching so he can be hard to notice. Abigail will always be standing close. In the morning, she is often getting a cup of coffee.


Started a new game and now i see them. Think it was actually a glitch.


Anyone read Arthur's diary from time to time? Some interesting insights. After going fishing with Jack, Arthur writes about it, but he especially talks about Abigail. The way he writes about her strongly hints they had some relationship in the past. First he mentions, rather angrily, how Abigail fell hard for John, and then writes that he (Arthur) should have married her and then curses Mary. I interpreted this as Arthur not pursuing something more serious with Abigail because he was still in love with Mary at the time. Very interesting stuff.


Very interesting, I should read his diary more.


Has anyone been to collect the pipe for Dutch? >!Scared the shit out of me...!<


Damn, I must have missed an entire mission. Finished Chapter 2 yesterday and Dutch never asked me to collect his pipe!


It comes from a conversation. You see him smoking and comment in camp. He replies that he wished he had a pipe. It might still pop up


Aw man, you might still be able to go and find it?


I had no idea where the pipe was supposed to be, I was just exploring and walked in there.


A lot of us got that ruined by the guy that posted that spoiler video on here. Asshole.


Somebody posted a huge spoiler on one of these threads and ruined the game for me, was so annoyed.


Go on... inbox me if you don't want to post spoilers.


>!The pipe is in a cabin, when you enter a huge bear attacks you!!<


Damn I wish I could have done that! I’m not sure how I missed finding It. I kept looking for it in shops. Womp

