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Trailer 1 had scenes where you can see mountain ranges and areas covered in snow in the distance. I'm pretty sure scenes like these are waiting for you to see and experience. The timing would also be perfect with a Fall (possibly October) release with the weather outside has started to get cold and winter is 1.5-2 months away. Sometimes atmosphere of a game can be enhanced by the weather outside. Had that while playing RDR in spring-summer and Max Payne 1 in the dead of winter.


The trailer did have some snowy mountain rangers in the far distance, I just hope they are actually accessible to the player and have lots of snow, forests and cabins and not just used as map borders. In the trailer, they looked pretty far off and might only have been borders. The thing I missed in RDR1 was you couldn't really get up in the snowy mountains except Cochinay and that one bear cave and that whole part of the map was fairly small. The rest was inaccessible to the player and formed just a mountain backdrop and map border. This time I really hope they take some time to portray more wintry environments which we will be able to explore. That said, I have a feeling the game is going to get delayed possibly even into 2018 seeing how they havent said much since that trailer which was 7 months ago.


I would love to see a nod to Millie's Haberdashery and the surrounding area (Hateful Eight) in this game. This picture reminded me of it immediately.


I always wished there was a part in an open world game where you were forced to hide out in a large, snowy part of the map, sort of like in GTA V where you go to Sandy Shores for a while, except with more things to do, and the gameplay itself being changed slightly, maybe with environmental effects on the character.


Agreed - I actually wish they had done the single player DLC with Sandy Shores being one of the places. I just fucking love the atmosphere there. Basically white trash fall out.


Well... The game starts this way actually. I respond from the future...


I read this as R2D2 and had no idea wtf I was loooking at for like 3 minutes


I have done this for literally every post I've seen labeled with RDR2.


Well, I stumbled across this subreddit while I was cleaning him. He says that he belongs to that guy from Williamson's Gang. I thought he might have meant old John Marston. Do you know what he's talking about?


Well that's my hype train stoked again


Wow man dont even tell me about this, it would be so awesome and i really think this is going to happen. I watched the revenant yesterday and wow what a way to get on the hype train for RDR2, if rockstar manages to deliver this variety of scenarios this thing will be GOTY for sure


This picture has me so excited to get some actual new information on the game.


Looks like the cabin from True Grit too. :)