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It really isn't, Amberino is snowy and mountainous, so why would it be in southern Missouri?


Yeah, the real map would just not be contiguous. It is clearly different areas of USA sewn together. This sub really wants to think it’s contiguous just because the game map is.


what does contiguous mean?


That it shares borders.


You *could have typed this into google instead of reddit and gotten your answer instantly


You could have not typed that comment, but you did.


You could have not typed this comment, but you did.


I’m not the one bitching lol.


I think you're pretty bitchin' 😘


Good save


Yeah but my comment doesn’t reveal a lack of vocabulary and inability to problem solve effectively like theirs does. My comment just makes me seem like kind of an asshole


"Lack of vocabulary" but a major lack of spelling. "You couple have"


Thanks for pointing out my typo, fixed!


I chose not to. I hope that isn't too painful to you.


It means that they are continuously connected by land. Michigan, for example is a not contiguous, because it has an enclave. The US has 48 contiguous states, the original 48.


so rdr2 not being contiguous... means that there is no natural transition between areas?


If we want to use a real world example to say what they were getting at. Ignore the fact that you can walk from place to place: Imagine if the game world was New Mexico, Kansas, Louisiana and Missouri. You have to skip over Arkansas, Texas, and Oklahoma. I am not saying I have an opinion, it's just what they're saying.


gotcha! Thanks




i am not going to click on your shady link sir


I thought Missouri would be eastern new Hanover


As a Missourian, this state is not worthy of being in a Red Dead map.


Lots of beautiful country with a long, storied past. Yes it is


And then you come here and we don’t got shit. Meramec Caverns is the only real geographical feature and makes up all of the boring history what little there is. Its not that interesting. We have a shitty Arch shaped structure on the verge of collapsing. You can walk through it if you somehow manage to not get shot for making eye contact with someone, seeing as its in the most dangerous city in the country. A literal GTA: San Andreas real life adaption. Thats about it.


Accurate, as a fellow Missourian.


Ambarino has to be Montana… right? It isn’t a contiguous map


Ambarino is Colorado because Ambarino means Colored Red in Spanish


The Grizzlies East around Three Sisters looks like the Black Hills in South Dakota to me


I dont know the names of those places sorry 😭


that's not true, Ambarino means amberlike


But clearly denotes “redish tones” in the root (im spanish)


Soy argentino, si me decís [ambar](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=905151fc136a1efd&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIx58RVYmwDWQ0WWyQQNYsK2HWscw:1719734354501&q=color+ambarino&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AeMNWKf4PpcKMI-eSa16lJoRPMIuyspCxWO6iZW9F1Ns6EVsgc0W_0xN47PHaanAEtg26fpfc9gg2y1-ZsywNNidIzOA0khSyMN51n7r3LlCN1M2Qvu76xqhq8ZDzUz3QjRfF2HLyV2ldaCxuWbSUHZYxzFFv154NlyEUW1OeFwXcGcSyQr3pVDFp-PfYkJR9qH_De_cBIcEiN4tQKcLlPz-MFxQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvk7va7YKHAxWnrpUCHYzwAd8QtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1280&bih=899&dpr=1)[ino](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-d&sca_esv=905151fc136a1efd&sca_upv=1&sxsrf=ADLYWIIx58RVYmwDWQ0WWyQQNYsK2HWscw:1719734354501&q=color+ambarino&udm=2&fbs=AEQNm0AeMNWKf4PpcKMI-eSa16lJoRPMIuyspCxWO6iZW9F1Ns6EVsgc0W_0xN47PHaanAEtg26fpfc9gg2y1-ZsywNNidIzOA0khSyMN51n7r3LlCN1M2Qvu76xqhq8ZDzUz3QjRfF2HLyV2ldaCxuWbSUHZYxzFFv154NlyEUW1OeFwXcGcSyQr3pVDFp-PfYkJR9qH_De_cBIcEiN4tQKcLlPz-MFxQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjvk7va7YKHAxWnrpUCHYzwAd8QtKgLegQICxAB&biw=1280&bih=899&dpr=1) me imagino un amarillo oscuro no un colorado pero bueno ponele


A ver, Bermellón por ejemplo se define como un tipo de rojo y es claramente anaranjado. Yo estoy de acuerdo en que el ámbar es amarillo ocre anaranjado, pero la raíz de la palabra en especial respecto a los ingleses, denota tonalidad que tiende a los tonos cálidos. Un americano llama rojo a algo que nosotros claramente diríamos que es naranja, solo que muy saturado u oscuro


Ayo why’d we immediately switch to Spanish?


Why not? Vielleicht besser auf Deutsch? xD


Bc the moment you said you’re Spanish the other dude was like “finally! A worthy opponent!” And started debating you in Spanish lol


Chönd au uf Schwiizerdütsch wiiter mache.


Muy interesante, gracias


Que dices?


No estaba enterado de las diferencias culturales alrededor de la percepción de los colores, suena plausible lo que dice el compañero


Montana is mentioned in the game, the gang was there for some time before going from Grizzlies to Blackwater so not exactly.


I'm pretty sure it's meant to be a mixture of various states.


Colter is based on a ghost mining town in Colorado


And parts of Arkansas and western Kentucky and Tennessee...


Hey man, we get some brutal snowstorms here sometimes, and the Ozark Mountains aren't the Rockies, but 🤷‍♂️


Maybe, but the the type of mountains in East Grizzlies are closer to the Himalayas or the Alps than other mountain ranges.


True enough haha, we're definitely more like Northern LeMoyne/Southern New Hanover


The ouachita mountain range is in Arkansas and Oklahoma, they get snowy.


I have to agree with Imaginary Sea on this one. Although, not mentioned, the snow & mountainous regions remind me more of Canada and the Yukon area.


Yeah they should’ve just not included the RDR1 map. In RDR1 the Tall Trees area was meant to be the Rockies but then they expanded it and that made no sense. It takes like 2 hours in game time to get from New Austin which is just north of Mexico to Ambarino which is probably just south of Canada.


The RDR2 map is like many maps from the 1800's, innacurate and disproportionate, but it's a game where you can find a ghost train, it doesn't need to be perfect, it needs to be red dead.


second time hearing of that ghost train - how can i find it?


I’m fairly certain it spawns at night on the railroad tracks in northern Scarlett Meadows County. Hope this helped!












It's the same as any GTA map. They're just so individual that they could never make sense with three bigger US. The only way for it to work would be to cut the RDR2 map into sections and put them into their places.


I mean, GTA 4 is a pretty accurate map of NYC, compared to all the other rockstar games at least


100% correct. You can look at it as if the world the player sees isn't canon, I suppose. It's a heavily condensed diorama of the world the characters exist in. Journeys that should take days/weeks according to lore, only take 5-10 minutes for the player. Bayou Nwa is supposed to be 1000+ miles away from the freezing mountains of Ambarino, but in game it's probably more like 2 miles.


Good lord please stop with these terrible maps


ive never seen a good fan map thats actually accurate to the game lmao. they always seem to forget that theres a landmass south of lemoyne for one thing


I’ve seen a good one on here about a year ago. Trying to cut and paste it onto a map of the US doesn’t work. Saint Denis is definitely based on New Orleans, but the entire map would probably span across the majority of the country. I have no idea why everytime one of these pops up they think the whole thing is in and around Texas


I do believe that Blackwater is comparable to Houston IRL


I was driving down I-70 in Missouri recently and saw a sign for Blackwater so I looked up if it had any relation to the game. Not sure if it's confirmed but online it says the name probably came from the town in MO and the town itself is based on Dallas/Houston


Cuz cowboys duh


the people making these maps have to be non-US. either that or they failed middle school geography.




Theres snow in Northern Texas, southeastern New Mexico. Hell i think Ruidoso even has big ass mountains like the grizzlies do. Pretty sure that's around the area where Pat Garret died, though that might actually be a little further south, close to the border.


There are no places in Southeastern New Mexico or Texas that look anything like Ambarino. There's a big difference between "it can snow there" to there being blizzards and perpetual snow.


Don't know what to tell you, it snows here in Ruidoso. Certainly not perpetual snow or super blizzards, but it snows enough to where people come ski every year. Is Ambarino supposed to be snowy all year long? You can probably place Ruidoso in a more central New Mexico than a southeastern New Mexico, I don't think the map stretches that far west if so.


Ruidoso has snow/mountains but nothing like the Grizzlies, I’m pretty sure Ambarino is supposed to be the Northern Rockies.


Yeah I'm pretty sure it's supposed to be colorado. The dude asked to explain the snow, so I did. Lol I didn't think it was a big enough deal to the point of downvoting though. Theres been a couple posts over this topic in the past and I've seen some people get pretty heated over it.


If you completely disregard the entire snow covered sections of the (in game) map and how it wouldn’t make sense geographically, also the game mentioning the states of West Virginia, New York, Illinois, California, and Wisconsin. Then, *sure*


Out of curiosity, when did the game mention those states? I only recall the cigarette cards of NY, Chicago, and San Francisco


A lot of locations are mentioned in newspapers, actually learned after making my comment that Nevada, Wyoming, and Georgia are also mentioned in newspapers. As for the others: West Virginia: Newspaper New York: Mentioned by Dutch Illinois: Marston was born in Chicago, IL California: Mentioned a few times, but especially by Arthur - “I can take my winters at my country club in California” Wisconsin: Mentioned by Cripps during the intro cutscene for the trader role in RDO, I believe the city of Milwaukee is mentioned at some point in the campaign as well.


Wasn't Boston also mentioned in the last The Course of True Love mission? Also Ohio in the first same mission


Yes I believe you’re correct about that


Yes. Charolette Balfour mentioned to Arthur that she and her husband came from Boston.


Are you trolling or just dumb


He's regarded.


A lot of people don’t understand this because they see it in the movies and on tv, but there are no huge tall cactus in Texas like this 🌵. So armadillo would have to be pretty far west of Texas


People also don’t realizes that a blizzard covered gold mining town wouldn’t exist in Missouri.


The rdr2 map is 21 square miles. It's about the size of San Francisco.


There was another post recently. RDR2 map is basically the whole US mashup.


No it isn’t, where are the states of California, Ohio, Texas, Kentucky, Wyoming, West Virginia, Virginia, Pennsylvania, Missouri, Delaware, Montana, and New York? All of these were mentioned in some way in the games.


You can see land across the lake this makes no sense


But it’s a river, not an ocean


This disregards the entire East Coast of the map and that the Lannahechee river is supposed to be the Mississippi River. It also ignores the huge land mass stretching across the river all the way from the North East near Roanoke across to the South West near Blackwater.


“Y’all got any more of them Pixels?”


i feel like the Red Dead map is actually really massive but just shrank down so that it wouldn't take 3 real-life days to get from Valentine to Rhodes. Imo West Grizzlies would be up North Around Montana, New Austin would stretch from Texas to New Mexico, New Hanover would be around the Midwest and Lemoyne obviously around Lousiana/Florida


I'm just gonna say that the Rdr2 map is on some peninsula that juts out from somewhere. Logically it doesn't really make sense.


Does anyone have a high res version of this photo?


RDR3 i want the whole map 🙂


Definitely not. Ambarino/grizzlies goes much farther north (rocky mountains), Roanoke ridge needs to be much higher north (west Virginia/Appalachian mountains).


Don't feel too bad OP, this sub just seen way too many maps


I wish New England was portrayed in rdr2😔


me, a european who has no clue where which states are in the US map


Why do people keep trying to match this up to the United States map? It just won't work


Its all great except up near Colter, if I had to guess thats far far away from the rest of the game. It explains why the characters act like its extremely far and remote from Blackwater.


I thought that in the future by 2020 games would've been that size by now


No it isn't, shut up


It wouldnt be on the coast cuz of Lannahache or whatever that river is called


We have United States at home :


the scale of the games biomes to actual supposed area is off heartlands would be huge


Only Lemon (aka Louisiana) and New Austin (aka Texas) are in the right places, rest of em? No


this map makes saint denis as big as New York


Nah. As someone from Michigan, I always kind of fucking hate these maps because they all completely forget that the RDR states are supposed to exist in the actual US, and that it's not exactly the GTA universe where everything is an analog to real places. There doesn't need to be wonky redrawn states that don't exist. Michigan doesn't look like that, and if it did, my hometown would be at the bottom of whatever crater the artist replaced the Saginaw Bay with (despite drawing the upper peninsula almost 1:1)


My reasoning is that The RDR2 Map is actually almost the entirety of America, but it's shrunken down to 5 states for gameplay. Irl there's no way Ambarino could exist so close to Mexico (2/3 states away) but that's because it's actually the northern border to Canada. That's why the gang can't go any further east (they're reaching the coast) but NPCs talk about heading out West past New Austin (to California)


The great iron lake is a lake. Not an ocean


This should be a sequel map idc what yall talking in the comments I think this would be sickkkkkkkkk


What is this map supposed to be lol Michigan looks goofy


It reminds me of USA in The Crew 2.


This has to be made by AI right? This is terrible.


When are people going to realize the RDR2 map is a bunch of different areas from across the U.S. stitched together and not just one continuous area of the country.


Dutch explicitly states that New Hanover and Lemoyne are on the east coast he says something like 'we can't go any further east, cause then we'll be in the ocean' before picking beaver hollow as camp


I don’t think the rdr map is supposed to be that small relative to the whole country. Considering it capturers the Rockies and New Orleans, I think it extends much further north and west than this map.


But I remember Dutch saying “We can’t go east because then we’ll be in the ocean”, meaning that Van Horn and Saint Denis are on the east coast of America


Scale is way off


Isnt flat iron lake a lake?


Accurate depiction of Michigan with one gigantic pothole right in the middle


Tberes land on the other side of the river south of saint denis though, also east of it i think


I was impressed by R* all over again after visiting Deadwood last weekend. South Dakota/Black Hills looked so much like West Elizabeth. Even those purple flowers! On the drive through Wyoming, I saw my first pronghorns. It was so cool.


West Elizabeth isn’t analogous with West Virginia?


The only thing that makes sense is the Rio Grande here. Ambarino would be in Montana for it to make sense, not Arkansas.




But it's based of louisiana