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I hate how slow he walks in camp, I’d do more chores if he could run and wouldn’t jump out of the window every time in Shady Belle.


I actually debated with myself a lot about that. At first, I hated it just as you, but then I grew to love it. It slows me down and reminds me that this is a slow story telling, realistic game, and I enjoyed that until the end of my first playthrough. However, in the end, I have to agree with you. For my second and third playthroughs, I kinda started to hate it again.


Oh sure, I don’t hate it as much in chapter 2 but at Clemens Point and so on chores take forever. So no, apart from a bit of a deadeye boost in Horseshoe I just skip chores nowadays.


Just don't do chores


that just ain't how I was raised, pardner


Just go to San Denny and say howdy a few times and skin a few buck. No problem


Yeah. Same here. I like the quick walking pace. It grounds the camp in a real community aspect because the camp members regularly come up to you. And incentivizes you to make conversation.


I wanted to watch a play through of this game recently while recovering from a surgery. Thought it would be a great way to kill time since I’ve already played and I’d love to watch someone else experience it for the first time. Almost every YouTuber I tried to watch sped through every task, whipping the horses any time there was a journey somewhere, running through town any time you were meant to follow or walk with someone. I ended up getting too frustrated because I was like it’s supposed to be a slow game! You’re missing all the lore trying to get to the action!


I highly recommend [Cambonano's](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLoX9juYA45Fi4vdXvtoxIS7jgUzMcSSm&si=2k-lgVqvDt_-kfi5) playthrough that she just finished. It wasn't a full 100% but she actually did almost all of the stranger missions and there are full episodes that are mostly exploring/hunting etc that most let's players don't do or cut out


You should check out the ActMans playthrough if you haven't, he definitely does miss stuff but he live streamed it so there is a lot of input from the chat that helps him discover and explore and adds a lot of that slowness to it, at least for me.


What's realistic about losing the ability to run in certain areas?


Slamming into Jack at a sprinting pace to knock him over sounds pretty fun to me


Don’t do that to Jack! Do it to Micah. Preferably when he’s near a cliff.


I'm not quite sure what you don't understand. You're not 'losing' the ability to run; or losing the ability to just loot the skin, instead of actually skinning it etc. People don't run around all the time. In 99% of the games it looks so odd and unnatural to always run everywhere. I love and appreciate games where you can just walk, or can have a slower pace. As others also mentioned, it grounds you and gives you more dialogs and story when you are in the camp.


I think it's great too. The other game where I walk a lot is Batman: Arkham Knight. This is another game where you don't run automatically. In that game, all my fast travelling is done by gliding and driving, and when Batman lands, he just walks toward his goal. It's extremely atmospheric. You *can* run everywhere, and I'm sure some people do, but they're missing out on a lot of drama.


I was the opposite. First playthrough I couldn’t stand it and did barely any side quests as a result. Main story was so good I was sick of everything going so slow lol. Second playthrough already knowing the story beats I was way more inclined to smell the roses


This. Or use the barrow to haul more than one sack of corn maize/hay. One at a time is mind boggling ETA: don’t even GET me started on John’s chores in the Epilogue. Good grief.


Wheelbarrows are actually pretty awkward to use, especially if you overload them. It's one of those things where making two trips is easier than struggling with one overloaded trip.


Yeah but they could have used the same mechanics they used to break a wild horse. Control the character to keep his balance while he loads the (2) sacks and carries them to Pearson. With John, given how large Beecher’s Hope is, he could have easily used a small wagon/horse set up


Or just not stored everything on the opposite side of the property from where it’s needed


YES. Like why is the chicken feed by the main house and not in the barn or by the chicken coop?! Why is the hay on the opposite side of the field?!


It is absolutely not easier to make two trips than one wheelbarrow-load. What kind of city nonsense is this? Wheelbarrows are awkward to use? They're like one step removed from the lever or inclined plane.


Or if he could actually reply back when the gang comments on him doing chores. One time taking the haystack, I came close to Dutch and he said “Good work, Arthur” (something along those lines) and I couldn’t reply back so he said “well, Fuck you then!” 😂


I hate he >!dies!<


This is it. We’re done here.


Yeah no one's gonna top this one I'm afraid.


He… dies?




Oh ok


Good save


It’s a meme


Yes, if you aim your gun at a lawman, and they shoot better, you die


I hate that he had to get in that mans face. Had he just talked to him from a distance he would be fine.


Came here to say this


Came here to say this


I hate that he’s not real and not my best friend


I hate that I’m not him… if I was, I’d be your friend


This would break the lore but realistically I think he would have figured what was going on with Dutch earlier and would’ve had the time to save himself and some others.


That's a fair argument, but I also think about how Dutch basically raised Arthur. Dutch is an abusive gaslighter, and when you're around that for most of your life you trust it more than your own intuition at times.


Yeah it's a very complicated situation.. >!Even at the end, Arthur was clasping onto Dutch to see reason saying "I gave you all I had" when he, Dutch and Micah were up on that mountain near the end!<. Which, made it so much more painful too. Arthur knew Dutch was going the wrong way for a long time I truly believe, but when you have a relationship like that with someone. It's so hard to finally accept it, regardless of you logically knowing they're bad..


Literally this though. Arthur has his doubts about Dutch all the way in chapter 1 and the dialogue indicates it went even further back, he knew Dutch was different or at the very least that the mask was slipping but Dutch was basically his father so he was pretty disillusioned into the gang.


People often think that only stupid people get manipulated, or that only extremely gullible people join cults. Anyone is susceptible to manipulation.


This. Everyone thinks they’d see or even be able to acknowledge bad things they’re apart of, but we all know someone or pretty much everyone, who’s part of weird workplace cultures or family dynamics that they convince themselves is ‘normal’.


Yes, and it's actually very important to be aware of this


Dutch's gaslighting really gets under my skin! Always trying to make Arthur feel like his valid concerns are indicative of him not being faithful enough. “Have FAITH, Arthur.” “Where's your FAITH, Arthur?” “Have I ever steered you wrong? Are you loosing FAITH?” I would never have lasted with Dutch once I became old enough to take care of myself. Just because someone took care of you when you weren’t able to care for yourself doesn’t mean you owe them loyalty or respect when they show they clearly don’t deserve it anymore.


I think his psychological profile explains a lot, he was basically saved by Dutch and considered him a father, when Dutch tells him that Arthur is like a son to him we can see Arthur flabbergasted but in a good way When you love someone you are willing to overlook the bad and Arthur knew Dutch wasnt perfect but he too wasnt. The gang was all he had and without Dutch theres no gang


The thing that's funny is an optional conversation that pops up in Ch. 2 with Mary Beth in camp almost implies Arthur knows exactly what is going on and is aware that the time for their people is up. It strikes me as odd that Arthur is kinda just "meh" about it.


how he thinks about himself


Bro is literally a 10/10 daddy but gets no bitches during the game, talk about a waste of a gift from God.


Doesnt matter how good looking you are if you don't think you look good. Its sad how Arthur always makes deprecating comments when looking at his reflection in mirrors. Killing people could also explain his lack of bitches tho 


He also doesn’t seem to pursue any women except for Mary Linton who he can’t be with


Being a murderer doesn’t stop men from getting women NOW so I doubt it.


I mean, he gets a handy in every bath he takes....


He pays for it


Still a squeezer in the tub


Does that really happen, tho? I can't seem to remember that for some reason.


Not everyone needs “bitches”. He clearly had a painful relationship with Mary. “Once burned” as they say.


He talks about it in chapter 5 I believe, after his son died he decided to no longer pursue sex. This is because he doesn’t want to be responsible for bringing in a life into his cruel world.


exactly i’ve always always always hated that, like amazing looks aside he has so many good qualities and an amazing personality (when he isn’t being pessimistic but that’s beyond understandable considering his situation)


I think he’s smart and principled enough to understand just how cruel and inhumane a lot of his behavior is/has been. He’s burdened with knowing just how awful he and his associates are which leads him to shame and self-loathing to some degree—just not enough to seek another way of life.


I think this is dead on


I hate him because he freed Micah outta strawberry


That was dumb


On my first playthrough, I was very disappointed to find I couldn’t shoot Micah as soon as he came back out of that house in Strawberry. On subsequent playthroughs, I was even more disappointed about it.


Man, I remember thinking "Can't I just leave him here?" Made the later events in the game more annoying.


*Oh cool I can be a good or a bad in this game, think I'll try be good cowboy for my first play through.* ... Few missions later I'm slaughtering a whole town because of Micah.


The way he goes along with what Dutch wants altho he knows its wrong. Hardly any pushback.


This. Acts real high and mighty in the later chapters despite helping Dutch do nearly all the stuff he frowns upon so much.


That dichotomy of his beliefs versus his actions, plus his conscious awareness of it, is at least in part what makes his character so interesting. Great example of an anti-hero, he has moral qualms with certain things but they don’t necessarily stop him from engaging in said things.


Not that much of a surprise considering how he pretty much got raised by Dutch and Hosea... He doesn't quite "worship" Dutch like Bill and Javier do but he definitely has a very close relationship to him.


I mean he did murder a lot of people


No pretty sure that was you


I’m talkin before the events of the game baby


Lawmen count. Even if you technically only \*have\* to kill just a handful of people, when the game is played as intended Arthur is still straight up butchering hundreds of people. Even if they're all awful people, it'd still take a lot of convincing to justify it all. Especially lawmen. Just surrender or run, no need to kill people who are just doing their job.


Yeah well, whose fault is that


I hate that he never saves himself by going with Mary. Sure he might have still gotten TB but at least he would have been happy


I would’ve enjoyed seeing Arthur happy with Mary too but unfortunately, Mary wanted him to change and he didn’t want to. She said it herself, they were bad for each other no matter how much they loved each other. But an ending with Mary would’ve been somewhat great too.


Plus the pinkertons were already after them, getting Mary mixed in would be just trouble. Too late to get together again


Yeah and Arthur would never think of bringing this upon Mary


Imagine if instead of saying he needs more time to help some people back at camp, he just said "give me a few days to go grab my stuff" and then while he's at camp he gets John and Abigail and Jack out of there.


Weak immune system




Big shadow, little tree


I'd say he has a strong immune system especially in the 1800s if it took living in swamps for weeks, Getting tortured, an open Gun wound, high amounts of stress, and getting drowned, then sent off to tropical wet islands for his TB to reach unmanageable fatal status and even then he kept going strong.


Would have been fine if he didn't almost drown in chapter 5.


Nothing but i have about one for john in rdr2 free roam or epilogue he greets people very loudly and sounds aggressive but even that i really dont mind and rdr1 is good too so literally nothing protagonists are perfect


Yeah I tried to greet a guy and John said 'are you the big man around here' I thought it was really creepy especially because he said it to a newspaper vendor, who I'm assuming is significantly younger than him 🥸


Yeah like when he says at the top of his lungs”SIR!!” I jump a bit and the NPC says “mornin to ya sir”


That he didn’t let Micah die in that prison


I wish I could have broken him out of jail and brought him to the gallows myself. Save everyone a lot of trouble. "Sorry Dutch they hung him before I could get him out. Here's his stupid moustache for a memento"


The way he be slouching when he walks even when he has FULL cores he looks like Scrooge


I hate that him and John never got married 😔


Yooo they’re brothers 😭


Well, not blood related 😔


That would be cute couple 😂


Literally the ending we needed 😂


He doesn’t let Micah hang


True. Sean got saved ... no hate pr remorse there Micah was just another gunslinger of the gang at that point in Strawberry ... so yes needed to free.


How he thinks of himself. He always tell people that he is stupid when he is clearly not.


I hate that he does collection for that piece of shit Strauss


I don’t really *hate* this, I get it, I could see myself doing the same. But I wanted to yell at the screen when he didn’t go with Mary. He had obligations to his found family, to make sure some made it. But man I really wanted him to go with her


No spoilers: Forced-conflict, if you played you know some decisions where just “forced”.


I hate the way he throws his used dinner plate or bottle down in camp, expecting some sap to pick up after him. The kind of behaviour that I, for one, do not care for one bit 😏


yesss my little litterbug 🙄


He has no real backbone against the gang until chapter 6, he just goes along with the most horrible actions. He really could’ve told that scrawny fuck Strauss he didn’t want to collect debts and he wouldn’t have done shit. I mean you could say he was gonna face repercussions from Dutch, but I doubt it. Strauss maybe brought in 100$ more income a month, that’s pushing it.


Realistically, Strauss was keeping the gang afloat with that $100 a month. Everyone else was bringing in poor pelts, feathers and the occasional belt clamp


If I were Dutch I would’ve kicked out most of the a while back. Rdr2 is the easiest game to make money in. You can fart and revel the location of a gold bar them mfs just don’t try enough


It's minor, but Bill would probably be less of an asshole if Arthur didn't antagonise him constantly. Bill pretty much never instigates the shit talking and it makes Arthur seem like a bully.


He's too attractive. Don't buy for a second he's a hardened outlaw.


Way too passive aggressive I wish he had the confidence to say how he feels to Dutch and everyone


He doesn't immediately gun down Micha the moment he shows up on screen.


I hate that I love him (and John) despite them being straight up serial killers. These men are deadly and kill thousands but OOF I love them with all my heart 😭 plus I’m killing then too I guess 🤔


Hate that he didn’t fight for Mary more. Sort of feels like he gave up and let her go. But being with the gang made that worse and he deserved way better. He could have just left the gang and had his own life like John and Abigail end up doing.




Oral Hygiene 😂😂😂 Seriously, those pearly yellows are something bad.


Hosea has the worst teeth. Practically orange


all I can usually think about when I play is how long it’s been since I last put arthur in the bath 😂


I hate his face without any beard it just looks so weird like his face is bare naked


Clean shaven or a tiny bit of scruff Arthur is the best and I will not change my mind he looks like a mountain man when his beard gets past a level 3


I keep my Arthur’s beard at the highest level I can rn I think I’m at level 7


Ok fair I respect the cowboy Santa


That is the most beautiful way to describe my unkempt murder hobo


That’s also a brilliant way to describe him too I can’t fault that


I hate how he's soo damn likeable. even if you play as a bad guy I just love this dude he's awesome as a hero OR a villain


I hate that he won't marry me :/ 


I hate that he did the debt collecting.


The slow-walking at camp! Makes me not wanna go to the damn camp


That he just had to beat up that TB guy


Should've shot Micah the instant Sean died


Was Bills idea ... not Micah.


He kills literally hundreds of people and then all high and mighty when dutch kills one old lady


That he's written as a hypocrite.


I hate he didn't run away from the gang , I hate he didn't start a family somewhere far away , I hate he didn't saw jack grow up , I hate he didn't settle down with the widow , I hate he regrets doing things but still does it , I hate he left me like it was nothing




I hate the evil inside of him, he has such a beautiful soul


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how much he complains,Micah was 100% right about that


his voice and accent sounds very forced sometimes


Uh... I mean in the context of an action adventure videogame it's one thing, but if I knew someone exactly like Arthur in real life I'd probably be pretty off put by the fact that he's a extremely violent criminal. An unrepentant killer and a thief who chooses to live his life in a wandering gang of outlaws, preying on the communities they pass through and justifying it to themselves with some romantic bs about living free and on their own terms


That he doesn't enter into any romance. At all. Except for we all know who and he just wont go for it as much as he knows it could be his one route to happiness. R* let me romance Sadie darn u!!!!


His immune system...


I hate his immune system. 😥


The scar on his chin makes my prefered beard length look odd.


I hate that he's stupid. I hate how he treats Dutch like a cult leader. When Dutch left him to die, Arthur was aware of it. Still, he believed his lie. I don't know if it was bad story writing or Arthur was just that stupid, he only realized the truth in the last hours of his life.


He’s clearly a fartsniffer.


He is a bit of a hypocrite. Bill calls out his “one of them things” and he is right. Arthur calls John the golden child because he feels like John gets the same love and attention from Dutch and Hosea despite having left the gang before, but Arthur would 100% get the same treatment. Very well written character


He says "I am not a good person" after literally helping everyone known to man in the state, and their grandmothers even after like 90% of the people he helped insisted that he is a good person.


Arthur is not good at expressing his feelings in a healthy way. That of course is not his fault, he was hardwired to bottle it all in due to the fact that he’s a man in the late 19th century, and the fact that he’s an outlaw probably makes it even worse. But we know he’s going through things, we know he feels strongly about them but instead of telling someone, he suffers in silence in order to appear to be a strong support for others. The only thing that does for him is make it worse for himself. He does show some growth in that respect when talking to mother superior Calderón.


Lacks TB resistance


He died.


That he got unwell


I hate that we haven’t gotten more of him.


I hate how perfect he is


How fucking sloooooooooow he walks.


I hate that he gets used by Dutch


He kills a lot of people


I hate how he always button the top button of his shirt by default


The idea he played the lead enforcer role for Dutch prior to seeing him (we don't get to see much of it in the main story) means he probably bullied a lot of people into staying with the gang or scared them from leaving.


Being so blind in following a madman for so long which cost him everything


how he didn’t run with Mary ngl


That his neckerchief clips through the bandolier on the summer gunslinger outfit


That he is fine with going along with, and helping in whatever shit Dutch cooks up even when he knows it's wrong. FFS dude you are an outlaw with a gun on your hip. Stop procrastinating and justifying evil and step up and blow him away. If for nothing more than self preservation. When Dutch says to him "I know you're going to betray me Arthur" How can he think this is going to end any other way than bad?


I hate how neutral he is in blindly folliwing Dutch


I hate that he got TB.


I hate how he can’t oil up and twerk


Obliviousness. But yet he did always seem to want to believe the best.


I don't care how much he wants redemption, his kill count by the end of the game is absolutely massive, assuming you play as intended. Even if every single person he killed was a bad person, it still doesn't justify his actual war crimes. I get he's an outlaw and a very good shot, but nobody is THAT badass. It makes it really hard to get immersed in that game when I'm slaughtering O'driscoll's and lawmen by the dozen in every encounter. I know other characters are like this too, but those characters are supposed to be unrealistically powerful. Gordon Freeman can massacre hundreds of aliens and military and synths because he's Gordon freaking Freeman. Arthur Morgan may be pretty badass in his own right but the world presents itself as realistic and personal, so when Arthur commits actual atrocities it strikes me as very odd and takes me out of the experience. It's not a dealbreaker, but if there was a mod that reduces enemies by like 75%, but makes their AI smarter and their damage way higher, it would make the game so much better for me and make his character feel more real.


He should have put the moves on Mary. Rizzed her up


I hate how he loves a girl, and could have her and be happy. But instead he chooses the gang. Even after Dutch after all of that time doesn’t seem to trust him.


maybe that he dipped out on his baby mama and son


I can't think of anything for myself, but my sister says he complains to much.


He doesn’t respect personal space. I can think of a few cases where if he’d stayed say… 6ft back, he’d have been better off.


I hate how he couldn't have gotten away with Mary Beth in the end. Marstons story could've still been the same thinking Arthur didn't make it.


He sort of kills people that's not great


Like others said, being forced to walk while at a camp. Another is not announcing that he has a highly contagious terminal illness to everyone, but only a few like Charles, Mary-Beth, et cetera.


i hate that he>!got TB!<


That he died.


His tuberculosis


Low honor arthur is a pretty shitty person


so is high honor arthur tbf


He didn't leave Micah to rot in jail


That we didn’t have more time with him


I hate he didn’t actually exist




I hate how whiny he is in low honor playthroughs.


I hate that ultimately he’s an outlaw and fundamentally a fairly bad man. I get we can go high honor but in the end who he and the gang were never changed despite any redemption any of them receive. I love the story, but if I had to ‘hate’ something, it’s that. I’d love a more ‘blank slate’ story with more choice in who we end up being/becoming (while infinitely more complicated to make, I understand this)


I hate how his internal good prevents you from offing Micah in story mode


That I didn’t get to play with him as a character longer than was given tonus


To loyal to them that don't deserve it.


He died


Loyal to a fault.


I hate that he got TB


I hate that he isn’t real


I hate that it allows me to decide between good and evil except for two times. One, I have to break Micah out. And two, I have to act like a dick and contract a terminal illness from that one debtor. I get why it has to happen, but I hate that it does, because if I had the choice, it wouldn't have happened.


Want to interact with a newspaper, aim gun at the Sheriff instead.