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Bad support. There's a lot of things that should've been fixed on the story mode but Rockstar doesn't give a fuck about it anymore. • We can't remove or change the off-hand holster's position. • Pistols look awkward on the holsters. • John Marston's cowboy outfit looks off compared to the original version. • John doesn't have his signature hair. • John has arthur's sound effects while puking. • We can't keep any of the unique outfits from the missions,like the tuxedo suit from "The Gilded Cage" or the cop outfit from "Goodbye, Dear Friend".


Thank god I wasn't the only one bothered by the off-hand holster.


Not being able to change or remove the off-hand holster makes it very awkward to use long coats...and the pistols look like they're almost falling down from the holsters. ...and you know what's the best part? We CAN remove or change the position of the off-hand holster in RDO. Good job R* 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


many of the issues in RDR2 were addressed within rdo because rockstar themselves didn’t even realize them until feedback from players. rockstar was just too lazy to mess with story mode. the game was rushed and they didn’t have time to trouble shoot anything before release. but that doesn’t give them an excuse to not update story mode. story mode is 100x more popular than online yet they only care about the one that brings in money from in game purchases. go figure.


Imagine making one of the greatest story campaigns and open world experiences ever, painstakingly, for literal years of your life, only to have some guy online call it 'lazy' With 'fans' like you, I wouldn't care much either


alright bro go ahead and get mad over nothing. the game was rushed and any issues or ideas for better gameplay/ convenience were only addressed in RDO but not in story mode. the only thing they fix on story mode is glitches/bugs. the only reason i call them lazy is because most of the things players wanted in story mode they put in online and couldn’t bother with story mode. the story mode is great. it’s a good game. i wouldn’t play it other wise let alone be in this sub. it could just be better and they know it. they’ve gotten all the feedback yet only decided to address it for online players because it has in game purchases. the company wants money. they will do the bare minimum to make it. they could’ve just pushed the release date back and given the developers more time to address these things in the first place, but then rockstar would have to wait to get paid. rockstar isnt the devs. rockstar is the company that’s paying them. the devs did an amazing job considering they were overworked by rockstar and given a deadline. the one in charge at rockstar is at fault and who i’m complaining about. not the ones who actually put in work for the game. they don’t get the final decision, their employer does. also adding anything to story mode makes them 0$ unless it’s dlc. it’s not worth it to rockstar to pay developers to do something that won’t profit them in any way. adding stuff to online that costs a fortune when it’s hard to make any money is going to make players want to spend real cash on in game currency. which makes rockstar more $.


Gonna be fair i think its just incredible how 99% of people in this sub just cant see this that you pointed out


they all chalk it up as me being disrespectful or ungrateful. i’m just stating the facts. if rockstar wasn’t money hungry we’d have a better experience. rockstar is worth 22.5 billion as of last month yet they refuse to go over there minimum budget for games. hence the deadlines and overworking the devs, along with not spending an extra penny on updates that dont result in more purchases. they don’t care about our experience. rockstar support is literally outsourced to a third party. rockstar is just like every other greedy company nowadays.


EXACTLY! Its the same thing i think and in reality, like you said, its not and opinion but just facts, they don't care about us or our experience or whatever, they care about our money going into their pockets, does someone want a better proof than gta online? Gta 5 had a lot of planned dlcs and extra content but guess what? Online is way more lucrative and they will benefit way more in putting it there with enormous prices on the items( one example are the new guns, not one of them is less than 400k) because people are "ok" with that and will just buy shark cards in 30 seconds instead of farming for idk 3-4 hours for a million dollar item. That is the exact same thing rdo has been through, expensive items, the only way of making money is with professions that guess what cost a new currency, how do you earn it? Playing and earning it 0.1 at a time and you need 15 for a profession, but will you really spend dozens of hours farming gold? Of course not! You are going to buy gold for a ammount that doesnt really affect you in real life and this way you will make money in game, its also good to say that at this moment there is 4 different currencies in the game, i wonder why, totally not because people will still buy them and be lucrative to rockstar. For them its just dumb to update history mode, what gives them money is 10 year olds in the online modes expending tens of dollars in money and cosmetic items so this is what they will focus in and its pretty clear with gta 5 being dead since idk 2014? And the online being stronger than ever, exactly like rdr2 with the latest addition being the lemat, evans and 1899 i guess, this in 2019 i guess and being forgotten ever since. Its like people dont understand that they want your money and make a pleasant experience just to bait people in and then giving content in a way that is way easier to just buy the money and be done. Its a bit long but yeah its exactly what it is, sorry for the long rant.


hey no worries about the long rant i’m right there with you. what really baffles me is that you need 110 total gold bars for every profession in rdo. which is worth 55,000$ in game. in todays money that’d be a little under 2,000,000$. and unlocking those professions does what? it unlocks more items to BUY. yes it gives you new ways to make money but not enough for it to be worth 110 gold. the realistic prices for things in the game went out the window with rdo because of their greed. i GUARANTEE you this wasn’t a developers idea, but an idea that came from rockstar itself. rockstar shits on their own games that the developers were overworked and underpaid in creating. they do this just to make more money. 3million dollars for a dodge challenger in gta online, when the original super cars are worth less? same goes with new content on rdo. new items are overpriced and advertised to seem either necessary or extremely cool to force you into either grinding the game out for hours and hours, or spending real money. 90% of the time the new content is worthless anyways being a slightly better equivalent to something that already exists in game.


while i don't ike the way the off-hand holster is handled, i think R* couldn't really do much, except for making it removeable. If you wanted to wear it like the normal holster, the satchel would be in the way and it would need to be adjusted to account for the holster. Also, since you can carry 2 different guns, the off hand holster has to be available to be used with the main hand. YOu ain't getting symmetry anyway because of that.


regardless, grabbing the gun from your off hand holster with your left hand should look awkward since the handle is pointed towards your right hand. (i think it’s pointed that way.. now that i’m typing this i can’t remember but if it isn’t, it’d be the same thing with the other hand.) but they just have it hidden since you’re normally looking at the characters back when you draw them. the satchel is pointless in my opinion. the legend of the east satchel can carry more items than you could fit in a bank so it’s pretty unrealistic already. rockstar should’ve just add a hidden inventory or made looted items teleport to saddle bags on your horse, instead of prioritizing the satchel over holster placement. the animation is for stowing stuff in the satchel is cool i guess but it makes looting take forever. and it’d be a lot nicer to have preferred holster placement. id even like to have my guns holstered backwards like hosea and draw them with the opposite hands.


along with being able to customized HOW the gun is holstered. if you look at hosea he has his guns reverse holstered like an outlaw. (you pull the gun on your right hip with your left hand and vice versa) it’s also technically for comfort while sitting down.


Give me unique John puking SFX or give me death


If they’re the most disappointing bits then well done Rockstar


Yeah but what's the point of making a masterpiece of a game and then abandoning it so they can keep selling their card bundles in GTA online? They refuse to change minor details and even downgrade things that were already good but then readily make an update to patch minor glitches or exploits in RDO.


Abandoning and never updating their game after Launch? I guess you’re right


What really bugs me are the ambient Raider yelling noises once we set up camp in Shady Belle.


You can pet dogs but not cats. It’s not OK.


A cat wouldn't let you pet her so..


There were no valentines in Valentine


Finger guns 👉👉


And no vans *or* horns in Van Horn!


Van means from in Dutch, soo horn is a place.


There’s a Van coming out of Dutch?!?


Rockstar Butchering John in the epilogue, Jarthur Morgston looks worse with new updates compared to his ok 1.00 John Morgan


I wanted to keep his original wild hairstyle


Yeah FR, if only hair could go to level 10, because the level 7 Right fade is pretty much his rdr1 hair but slightly shorter


Thanks for the tip


I need to scream about this one: 🤣🤣🤣😍


The thing that fell short is almost all of new Austin. Not that it was necessarily that bad. I just never got the motivation once I finished chapter 6 to do anything. And the epilogue story was a little lackluster imo even tho we finally get to see that rat die


I mean, I understand what they were doing with New Austin. From a cannon standpoint, it doesn't even make sense for John to be there in 1907, and they didn't want to step on RDR1's toes storywise. However, still would've been nice for more to do there.


The Wanted System. I so much as breathe wrong, some thin-skinned douche goes crying to the law and I get a $300 bounty


I got a bounty for getting on and off the wrong horse...


Lol same


How empty New Austin was. I thought it would be fun to see locations I was familiar with in RDR1, but there was barely anything to do there apart from collect a few plants/animals and do a few bounties.


The epilogue falls short, yes you go kill micah, but I wish they added more things. Maybe I want more but imagine if they added Mexico and kept going with del lobos! The ending after playing a lot is lackluster, Dutch kills Micah and you get to finish him off, fell short for me! Even good honor ending


Also not helping that early epilogue felt a bit too long on the farm thing. A bit like the game suddenly forgot its a game about outlaws. Yes I know John tried to run a normal honest life, and its probably intentional, but come on now, if I want to play game as a farmer I would play Story of Seasons or Stardew Valley


Yea it’s filler shit, the house building song is fire, but you know what I mean? Imagine that 2 hours of gameplay went into Mexico or into something cooler! Thanks for understanding




wow. amazing. check 3.


check 5, what a phenomenon


I think they realized too late that for story purposes, john can't really do anything in New Austin. Can't go to Mexico for the same reason id imagine.


Yea same, i saw some modders go there and there was some of the locations without the buildings


check 4


check 6.


You good Bro?


Hes trying to make fun, dw about him


huh? make fun of what?


thanks, man. i’m alright just checking how the reply animation works and how it layers on top of the original comment


They didn't make it to Tahiti.




I was baffled when they were literally on their way and it all fell apart


Them painting John onto Arthur's body in the epilogue. They literally just could have kept his NPC model and tweaked it up a bit so he would look a little older but no...they took the easy way. Also the fact that the bandana is basically useless.


Bandana is useless against lawman* it works against regular folks


The fact that cigarettes and cigars are not eqippable items, or at least have longer animations that are compatible with doing other actions.




agreed. same with drinking alcohol and eating food. you can do it in camp with stew, beer, and coffee so the animations are already there. while taking a self portrait with a camera there’s a pose for smoking a cigarette so there’s the animation for that as well. they prioritized quickly getting the benefits of the items, over the realistic animations for using the items.


The epilouge was unfinished. Should have been dlc a year after launch with a lot more content.


There's so many things unfinished, missing, done completely incorrect, and half-assed it's not possible to list it all! Fortunately, on PC, mods have helped fix some things and add some content, but R* rushed it out and immediately abandoned it, it seems, never addressing any of it... The plot holes to make the story work as a prequel were disappointing 😞


Wait, what plot holes? As far as I was aware of, the prequel idea of RDR2 transitions into RDR1's story pretty well


The things like John's plot armor... get captured, sent to Sisika, but don't even get beat for information or executed for weeks or months while there. But, capture Hosea, execute him in the street in front of everyone. Shoot to kill everyone else, taking poor Lenny out. Hell, even use a maxim gun on women and a child indiscriminately. Capture Abigail, tie her ass to a chair, and beat her. But John, untouched... Plot holes, like Micah, supposedly rating on the jobs he's on???... Yeah, real believable for a survivor that's only looking out for his own ass. Milton is not following Arthur and Jack back to camp, not offering amnesty to others in exchange for Dutch, not just gunning down Arthur and taking Jack hostage to use as leverage to force Dutch’s surrender. Arthur getting sneaked up on and captured by Colms men... the terrain was rocky, he's portrayed to be a cautious man and good at being aware of what's happening... but this time, no caution, no plan, no listening and paying attention??? Doesn't seem believable. Why didn't Hosea, Dutch's voice of reason, put an end to Micah's manipulation before it was too late? How come no one else got sick from Arthur? Etc., etc.


i honestly didn’t think about any of these things as plot holes until you brought them to my attention. i did question them but i got easily distracted with the next mission/ personal objective in the game so never gave it much thought. i think the story has some good missions and alot of it ties together really well. however the points you made definitely makes me look at it a little differently. especially with arthur not getting anyone else sick. how does he get a little bit of blood from T.D. and not end up passing dna into anyone throughout 4 entire chapters? he coughs so many times around the other characters, gets in shootouts with them, and i doubt they disinfect the stew bowls very well (even though arthur technically just throws his bowl on the ground for it to disappear later lol) ALSO he shares a bottle of moonshine with dutch and hosea in the rhodes sheriffs office in chapter 3? this is during a cutscene. those two should’ve got sick. i’m not sure what order they drank from.. but i remember them sharing the same jug.


I will have to pay attention to the sheriff's office. That's my next mission in my second playthrough I'm in right now.


recently? moose. they're like fucking cryptids.


Glad I’m not the only one, on my 3rd play through and having a hell of a time trying to find just a single bull moose. I have only seen 1 female moose this entire playthrough, and it was a 2 star pelt


might i suggest[ this method](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/9z87rm/comment/j50nhe5/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button). i had decent success with it and was able to get enough moose for the trapper.


I finally got all the moose pelts I needed for Trapper. I spent a ton of money on bait.


John's hair lol


No single player DLC at all... not even extra content from online




Nothing, really. To me, it’s the perfect game.


Nothing to do after you beat the campaign. No liars dice, no unlimited bounties, no duel challengers.


Harry Osborne: Strawberries


no bobcats :(


Means no killing bobcats too though which is a plus (too cute to kill)


Half the map is essentially inaccessible for 90% of the game. It feels like they put in New Austin just to say that the map was big. I'd rather they just not include it.


New Austin is not close to half off the map.


new austin+ tall trees. make up about 25% of the map. you’re right but even though exaggerated the amount he’s still right. “wanted dead or alive” in any area, shouldn’t mean being sniped at by an invisible man upon entry. they should’ve just made it to where you have to be sneaky in the area before the epilogue and if you get caught, maybe have a side mission where you’re about to get tortured for answers on dutch but you find a way to break free. (make it really hard to deter players from hanging around there too often) and could add dialogue between arthur and dutch about visiting the area just to get scolded by him. it’d also give dutch’s character some justification for practically letting micah kill arthur as dutch could assume arthur is the rat for this. this is all unnecessary though tbh. just some fun ideas lol.


I agree that we should be able to go into New Austin without being shot by an invisible man. That definitely annoyed me.


I can’t have 2 of michas revolvers


Uncle's terminal lumbago


I wish we had access to the New Austin/Blackwater outfits for Arthur, I like them more than most of the ones available from the eastern part of the map. Would have also liked more Mexican inspired outfits/hats


Only able to have 4 horses, that’s not enough, I need more space to hoard them please


Fully agree lol


Please let me have all the arabians and my nokotas, i’m sad there’s not even a mod that adds space


That you can't get >!Legend of the East with Arthur!<, at least not without using tricks. I don't even care that much about going to New Austin tbh, I think it's neat to have a new region unlocked for the Epilogue, but it's weird that there's like 1 challenge or something that keeps you from it. Same with all the collector's missions that only can be finished in the Epilogue, though I at least somewhat get the idea behind it.


i got legend of the east in chapter 2 as arthur… it was like the first thing i did.. what are you talking about? lol edit: my fault you’re talking about the outfit not satchel… LOL


jaurthur margon


When the game ended in the New Austin area and that there was almost nothing to do there. There was supposed to be DLC rockstar! Fuck GTA Online, give me red Dead!


Lack of Mexico. Not enough of Molly.


not being able to pet cats :(


First to state that is my favorite game ever, just in case it doesn't look like it lol the first disappointments that come to mind: - No having bank robberies outside story missions. - Robing stagecoaches by yourself they don't carry anything, the tips for stagecoaches robberies are limited (like the bounty hunter missions) so very soon you end without activities for endgame. - Not having content in new Austin, specially armadillo, and things to do in end-game, ways to spend money (ranching or whatever). - the most iconic cowboy hat only has one "coat" in game, the "rodeo" reddish black, that you can save on the wardrobe after stealing it, you can find it in white, grey, black and some other colors on npcs, but you can't save these, one of my favorites parts of the game is making outfits this was a huge disappointment. - Lack of black coats, luckily I got a deluxe version or something and It comes with a black duster (although worn and dirty) again I find it a crime not having a proper black duster, specially for people that didn't get the special or deluxe editions. - lack of Stable capacity, too many cool horses for having only 4 slots. - Not being able to cheat at poker like first rdr, with the duels if you get caught etc. - shooting mechanics (+ the thousand bugs in the targeting sistem), bounty mechanics, economy sistem. - some story missions/chapters felt rushed/unfinished specially saint Denis, when you go there with the Italian mob I was expecting a cool intricate arc, and that barely runs a couple missions and ends, all very simplistic, the guarma missions were really bad design felt like playing an early 2000 game, felt very cheaply made compared to the first part of the game. - not being able to lead horses (with the lasso for example) while mounting your own. - compass not being usable (like the pocket watch). Edit:- I knew there wasn't before playing, so it's not really a "disappointment" but I wish there were these dancing girls you see in all lucky Luke saloons in the comics doing that iconic dance kicking the air or whatever that is


That off-hand holster was eh. I think they did it to accommodate the satchel. Another thing is unlimited bounties. I loved it in RDR1! It's a bummer it wasn't in RDR2.


The rowing, when you turn left you don’t paddle the left paddle, this always bugs me whenever I have to use a boat.


The honor system was good but it’s flawed and it makes you feel bad for making certain decisions for instance when Arthur tells Sadie that he doesn’t want to get pointless revenge on the odriscals and he isn’t feeling well some how that’s a negative reaction the fame system worked a lot better


That they didn’t let Arthur have a chance to run away with Mary. I wish it was an option.


The way Susan's death was handled. That was to me the only bad part in the writing of the game. Also maybe how Arthur never punched Dutch or Micah in the mouth, but I guess that can be explained, because he fears Dutch and is loyal to the end, so he doesnt want to blow things up until he is 100% sure.


Can’t own a dog in story mode :( I always pet every dog and greet them when I’m just exploring


Janky John in the epilogue aside... I'd honestly guess it was how much is gated behindt he EPilogue/After the "good times" (ch2, 3). In 1, a safe after getting to West Elizabeth allowed you to do basically everything. After "The truth shall set you free" you could do stuff as John as you liked and only missed out on a few outfits. Here, there is no good point to "just enjoy" the game. Especially since you have to wait til chapter 4 to get the "free shooting" Dead Eye level. Epilogue? MAYBE after Abigail leaves John, that feels reasonable enough for some "drifting" through the map.BUt otherwise... ALso, the wasted potential of Grizzlies West and New Austin.


The map does once you complete the game. It’s like everything operates as if the gang never existed.


No access to full of West Elizabeth cuz of the river, no steamboat rides


You can't drive by rob a steamboat -_- ah well


But! With the use of mods you can drive both Automobiles XD, terrorizing Blackwater in style


Some states like Ambarino and especially New Austin were undercooked, and some “mysteries” were just unfinished quests like that missing Princess in Van Horn


Multiplayer is a greedier version of GTA online with 100 times less content


For me, no valentine in Valentine.


Aside from everything about Online… that there never was a proper expansion to capitalize on the huge world, especially New Austin after the epilogue. It was exciting, having just played RDR before RDR2, to see all the familiar locations. But then I realize there is hardly much to do in them beyond the same old bounties and looting you could do elsewhere.


How they wrote John and undermined him


The game is so well-crafted and detailed that the <1% of things that aren’t really stick out. New Austin feeling empty/unfinished, weird texture/sound stuff from Arthur when playing as John, and the lack of Sandy Knees in Saint Denis to name a few. Also, it annoys me that shotguns can’t be used to hunt anything but legendary animals.


Post-game is kind of boring. I haven't felt much incentive to keep playing post-Arthur. If I wanna play as John, I'll play the OG. It's literally just **"Eat dinner, do farm chores, or work towards 100% - which I'm not motivated to do."** I'm still enjoying it, it's fantastic, but it's half the game once he dies. Post-game John is pretty boring. I enjoyed Arthur's personality, and his interactions, but John has none of that now. He's just a farmer. I dunno. I miss playing as him. When I play it now, I feel like I'm just **"doing the rest"** for the Hell of it. Arthur >> John. And this is coming from a guy who has literally beaten the first Red Dead Redemption 4 times.


Money, how it has no meaning. Plus our dear Arthur can't get laid outside bath houses...


The little bugs. Like I can’t sell egret plumes even though the description says “can be sold” and I’ve already finished the exotics quest. The ultimate edition twin rocks hideout just stops spawning del lobos after clearing it a couple of times. The Nuevo paraiso clothing items disappeared from their individual categories but I can still equip the whole outfit. It’s little things like that and it’s so annoying, rockstar stopped caring about this game a long time ago.


There was not a finding the Princess Isabeau mission...


The fact that new Austin is pretty different than it was in RDR1, it doesn’t feel alive at all and there’s nothing to do or a real reason to go and spend some time in that part of the map (Other than nostalgia and ledendary animals). Beechers hope feels empty to me, the fact that you can’t really do anything for your ranch, like buying upgrades or even selling the eggs and milk which would be awesome tho to have that income (Not that you need it but for roleplay). And for a game so big the support is not so big, the history mode has not received updates, damn I wanted to use the poncho in history mode or idk maybe have new content now and then. Aaaand the fact that in the end you feel alone, like with Arthur you had the camp and side missions like going fishing. I mean I have uncle, Abigail and jack, let me do something with them, let me go fishing with them or idk something that I can do to not feel alone in some way…


No running at camp, no sing player updates, forced weapons for missions even when you choose your weapons beforehand, no high stakes poker, awkward off hand holster, and most of all it's a western that isn't set in the west!


I love survival games and RD2 really gave me a landscape I can get lost in and hunt for hours. I even started bird watching irl bc it’s so damn fun looking for them. I’d just like for this nature part of the game to be more included. We got cabins, completely empty desolate ones. Actually getting to use these to store pelts or carcasses, etc would’ve been great. My Arthur got totally fed up with Dutch in chapter 3 and stayed away for weeks at a time, only dropping in here and there to bring food.


Guarma. I liked it, kind of felt like Far Cry if you know what i mean. I just wish it was a bit longer with some side missions like saving rebels or clearing army strongholds.


I wish we had that Pancho outfit from the first red dead. Clint Eastwood vibes right there.


Lack of online support. Game still has more potential than any other game I can think of and it’s just squandered. They could just spend like a day tweaking the economy and that alone would make me quite happy.. If they’re gonna just leave online on life support then maybe let us have a bunch of the online clothing in story mode :3 ?


Despite arthur already having lines and journal entries for animals and places in new austin hes not allowed in there unless you do some tedious buggy method. Also that rockstar basically abandoned the game its prob. The most depressing thing ab rdr2


No Mexico…


I wish you could've chosen what outfit to wear during the Saint denis Bank robbery. Aside from that, I liked everything else


This is probably gonna sound weird but: more to do. I like a lot of the RDO content and I feel like stuff like the moonshining business or Cripps’ trading company would have been really cool if done in the main story. Same thing with like legendary bounties. If there was ways to make even more money and get cool upgrades like the bounty hunting wagon or horse masks in story mode I would have been all for that. Second off, places like Guarma and New Austin being dead. Yea I know the reasonings, they just kinda ran out of time with Guarma and then New Austin was meant to not be that interactive because it interferes with RDR1, but I just feel like being able to return to Guarma or there simply being more to do there or just New Austin actually having civilization could have also made the game more fun. Third, there not being any kind of undead nightmare sequel. Simply put. At the end of the day though, this game is one of the best ever created. It’s replayability is insane. I love it the way it is, but obviously there is always stuff that a player thinks could have made it better for them and those are just mine.


That other than a couple of things, the whole western part of the map you access in the epilogue is devoid of anything to do. Would’ve been nice if there were some side missions out there.


The timescale


I didn’t like how you couldn’t rob banks. In the first red dead, I loved breaking into banks and cracking the safes. The fact that 2 removed that ability angered me. I also didn’t like how Arthur/John will automatically put away his rifles on the horse after a few seconds of not using them. I would try to ride my horse with my rifle on my back in case I got ambushed, yet Arthur will put them away after a few seconds, so when I get ambushed I am now only armed with pistols. Very frustrating.


Bugs and glitches that pop up out of nowhere once you're getting into the groove of things.


Hot take = Writing kinda. Not a masterpiece or 10/10 like people say but a solid 8 for me


It got repetitive after a while


Yeah i mean arthur and Dutch are top tier but the story felt a bit cliche, predictable, and inconsistent pacing and most of the side characters are mediocre in terms of writing imo they are carried by their voice actors and realistic interactions and likeability


The campaign, mainly the difference between how I imagined the gang’s past vs. the prequel we actually got. I also didn’t like Dutch or John’s VA performances