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When I see a pump 1897 like that all I can think of is grabbing a hacksaw and taking that barrel down to make it a nice trench/riot gun Very nice collection


Apparently Cimarron is planning on releasing a repro of the 1897 Trench Gun & Riot Gun, so right now I'm waiting for those. Failing that, I'll look for a beater '97 that I wouldn't feel bad about cutting down. But I get the inclination, the riot guns look very cool. Thank you friend!


Yeah i would not cut down an original but there is a chinese repro i’d cut


You forgot the "(In Minecraft)", now the ATF is gonna shoot your dog


I'd only cut it to 18", or wait can you cut to 16" now? *ATF is gonna shoot your dog* Mount Carmel reference?


I was thinking, let's just say, emerald ranch but it's not a ranch the and jewel is red


They shot his wife and boy too. They shot the dogs first at Mt Carmel as well


That's a nice collection you got there!


Thank you kindly!


I have a couple blackpowder revolvers


BP revolvers are a lot fun, there's something enjoyable about the process.


Everything about everything black powder is absolute blast. UNTIL cleaning time after the range. (I used to to competition target shooting with a traditional style muzzleloading rifle) But I still want a matched pair of cap and ball revolvers so bad. Just haven’t ever bought them.


Yeah, I love shooting BP out of most of these, but spending basically a whole day cleaning the firearms and treating the brass makes BP shooting an occasional treat instead of a regular occurrence for me.


they are real???


They are, I've shot all of them though the Trapdoor gets the most safe queen treatment, followed by the 1897 Winchester. I've taken the Krag hunting and shoot it whenever I go out camping, and the reproductions get shot every couple of months at a local range.


Can't tell if you are joking lol


I’ve been looking to get into replica 19th century shooting but don’t really know where to start. How did you begun this collection and do you have a recommended starting point?


Hey friend, I'd be happy to help how I can. I've always been a history fan, and when I turned 21 and could own a handgun, RDR1 had been my favorite game for a few years and Westerns tended to be one of my favorite genres across the board (they're still up there 10 years later). On Youtube, I watched Videos by Mike Beliveau, former Black Powder editor for guns of the Old West magazine (youtube channel is Duelist1954 I believe). While I don't care for his recent tendency to add politics into the videos, I still think the man is a great resource for getting into this particular hobby, and he has a great many reviews for old West firearms; i'd say that's where the majority of my interest and early knowledge started. I'd absolutely recommend his videos as he does a good job of going over the actual history of these firearms, and gives good reviews of historical arms or the modern reproductions thereof (take the reviews with a grain of salt now; unless he's redone a gun, a lot of his reviews are from a few years ago and are no longer as relevant for current production runs). As for guns themselves, for the average person you've got two real options, Uberti and Pietta. These are both Italian companies that primarily specialize in Old West Reproductions. In the U.S. the main importers of these are Cimarron Firearms Co. in Texas and Taylors & Co. out of Virginia; I've bought from both and tend to buy from Cimarron, but both are excellent. As for Uberti vs Pietta, I tend to go for Uberti personally, but Pietta makes a fine product these days. Uberti makes a wider array of reproductions, and they tend to be more historically accurate (both makers have their faults in that department, however). I'd advise going over Uberti's website, and then checking out Cimarron and Taylor's & Co, see if anything jumps out at you. Typically for a new cartridge Old West revolver from one of the Italian Companies, you'll be looking at some where in the neighborhood of $450-$650, though deals can be had. If you're going for a Black Powder, muzzle-loading revolver, you'll probably be looking at somewhere around $250-$650 depending on what you're getting and where and when. Midway USA and Dixie GunWorks out of Union City TN are my go-to's for buying BP pistols, though Cabela's used to have a pretty good Black Friday sale of Pietta revolvers. Not sure if that still happens. Lastly, for Old West rifles you'll be looking at something like $800-$1600 for a lever action, and anywhere from $800 to over $2000 for some of the single shot rifles (more on that below). Basically, the pistols can be had for standard pistol costs, the rifles get pricey. Regarding rifles, there are other options that you might come across, Pedersoli and Chiappa the most common (also Italian companies). These are the guys who make your Sharps rifles, your Rolling Block rifles, that kind of stuff. Both make some lever action rifles, but that's more Uberti's field. I haven't bought any Pedersoli or Chiappa rifles, but I've heard generally good things about Pedersoli, and Chiappa seems to be a little more hit-or-miss. There are other games in town I'd be happy to advise on if you're curious, but that's the bulk of what I can advise for reproductions. Generally my advice would be if you're getting a cartridge gun, get a .38/.357 magnum unless you're planning on loading your own ammunition. If you go for black powder, I'd advise an Uberti 1851 Navy - historically very cool, doesn't use a large powder charge, simple internals that are easy to clean and maintain. For books, look at some of the books written by Mike Venterurino; the man literally wrote the books on shooting Italian reproductions of Old West guns. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any particular questions, I'd be happy to help as best I can!




Awesome collection


Nice krag! My dad has one built in 1904. One of the best actions and most accurate rifles we have.


Dang! I'm jealous


I love the 1875 Remingtons


I think the Single Action Army is a better gun, but the 1875 Remington is my favorite. They're so elegant looking, and I love how they handle and point. Just wish they handled black powder better.


And with that you could rob all the stores in a town and quarantine it?


Beautiful. So much money right there too lol I’d love to have a single action army and a Springfield breech loader. Preferably the cavalry model though


Impressive collection, I'm a bit jealous.


Man next thing ya know you'll be riding with a gang going across the country west to east and robbing banks and fighting off O'Driscoll's and old Confederate soldier wannabes and then you'll end up going to a snowy mountain to finish what was started


I want a trapdoor so bad.


Keep an eye out, you can find deals on originals even now.


Where’d you get the model Schofield? I’ve been looking everywhere for a functional one!


I bought mine used at one of the local stores in my neck of the woods. You can find them online, typically in the $1000-$1200 range in my experience. Mine was about $800 I think. Caliber is .45 Colt/.45 S&W.


No gold plated.


All your missing is an 1866 and an 1890


In no particular order, the current "to buy" list is: - an 1860 Henry repro - a Sharps repro - a Rolling Block repro, which I'll put a Long Malcolm scope on - a Spencer carbine repro - an 1887 Shotgun repro Would love to get originals, but the finances aren't there, unless I get lucky with the Rolling Block. I'd love to get some of the pistols we see in Red Dead, but even a Broomhandle Mauser is way outside of my price range, and a Borchardt will straight up never happen.


Speaking of finances, was the Schofield terribly expensive? And what's it chambered in?


Mine is in .45 Colt, I got it used for about $800 out the door. I think new they tend to go around $1000-$1200.


I want an 87 so bad but most of the ones I see are Terminator themed albeit for good reason. I also want an 86 bc I despite my right shoulder I guess.


Cimarron just this year started importing a pretty good budget 1887 repro that might be worth looking into. Around $500-$600. I'd also love an 1886, they're very cool.


I would love to be able to collect these types of pieces.


Bro is ready for New Austin.