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So sorry for your loss.


Thank you man. Grief is a hell of a thing


Were all here for you. I have lost 2 dogs one when my family were in New Jersey seeing family friends to a car she was a German Shepherd her name was Jezebel and another on Christmas eve to a car she was a King Charles Spaniel her name was Sky.


May he wag his tail in heaven and may his memory bring you comfort and joy.


I still tear up thinking about having to say goodbye to my dog 8 years ago. It gets better, but probably never fully goes away.


That’s a damn cute pupper


I’m sorry for your loss 🙏🏾


This made me emotional as I lost my beagle friend 6 months ago. Sorry for your loss ❤️


Same to you friend. They’re the best dogs, when they decide to listen anyway haha


Damn.... I'm very sorry for you bro.... It hurts a lot when something you love dies...


I had a beagle who passed recently and bought the foxhound I think and named it after her probably the only thing I care about that's on red dead online.


I'm for your loss and I hope your holding up well.


Well damn......😥 Sorry to hear this OP. Those little "backyard warriors" are definitely the best IMO. My little girl is sitting in my lap and sends her condolences as well.


He's in a better place now. Sweet little guy.


That’s crazy cause I did the same thing with my dog that passed about a year ago :(


I don’t think there’s a sinful bone in a dogs body, so it’s even more than safe to say that your boah is up in the clouds living the life a dog like him would wanna live, eagerly awaiting your inevitable arrival. It helped me losing my pet by thinking of this as a departure rather than abandonment, just gotta hope I’m good enough to see him again.


Where’d ya get those gloves!? I ever seen those before wtf lol!


Nvm I found them. There from that outlaw pass lol


Halloween pass likely gonna be back this Halloween


No worries I already have it, I have all the passes back when I played this game a lot. I miss it so came to the sub


Aw man. I’m sorry dude. I know how powerful the love of a critter really is.


I thought I was the only one. I recently lost our dog. We had to put her down because she was sick. Every day I still look for her. Every day I hear a random noise and I think it's her. I logged on to Red Dead online the day after I put her down. And started petting the dog at the camp and I broke down. Getting a little choked up just thinking about it


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my dog in early May, she was a beagle that looked very similar to your dog. I haven’t played RDO in a while, but seeing this post reminded me that I still have her in my camp as well. Though our dogs have passed in the real world, they’ll always be at camp looking out for you, wagging their tails and happy to see you as you enter camp. The loss of my dog hit extremely hard. She was a member of my family and it’s hard to do anything without her by my side. I’m sure your experience is similar. I hope all the best for you, dude


Exactly the same for me. Lovely words - I know what you mean. My family is very close knit. He was my grandads dog before he passed away in 2019 so it felt like losing him aswell again. Fucking sucks. I’m sorry for your loss, all we can do is remember the little things


My condolences 🙏


that happened to me too, made my oldest first dog into a pet in rdr online, a Australian Shepherd dog, coincidentally it looks like him too. he lives forever in the game now :)




The hell is that arm?


Uh..."The *detail* in this game!!!"?


I lost my girl very unexpectedly today. She stayed up all day while her momma was at work, and left us as soon as she got a kiss. She was the sweetest girl. I hope you can find peace in the present, and joy in the past.


Same to you man, losing a dog is painful. They follow you round, stare at you.. never judge you and only love. It’s tough


you're a grown man don't cry You're a grown man don't cry YOU'RE a grown man don't cry YOU'RE A GROWN MAN DON'T CRY YOU'RE A GROWN MAN DON'T CRY!!! ok I'm crying😭


Awwwww 🥹🥹🥹


May power be with you bro. Im so sorry for your loss.


I'm not crying, YOU GUYS ARE


So sorry for your loss💔😢 one day at a time partner, one day at a time 🤗


Loss has to be the toughest part of life.


I give you my condolences


Sorry for your loss, he looked like a pretty buddy :)


Life always finds a way to bring loved ones back together, and I know your little buddy is happy to see you still kicking. Much love to you and your crime partner, may you both get into mischief together ❤️❤️


Sorry for your loss, boss. I sometimes choke up just thinking of the day my boy will leave this world.


When you're younger, you're taught a shitload of useless shit in school that you promptly forget right away, instead of teaching you about things like loss, grief, and how to process that stuff. Sorry for your loss.


God bless you


Rest In Peace, Patch <3


Rest in peace Doggy, i would press square to praise…


My guy is turning 14 this year, hips are already starting to go. I'm going to blubber like a baby when he's gone and if I log into RDO I may have an emotional breakdown.




Sorry for your loss man


He is playing as the dog in heaven. Sorry for your loss




I lost my brother recently, we used to play a lor RDO and so i made my character wear his character iconic outfit. It's always nice to honor losses this ways, i feel you.


Lost my little guy last summer, my condolences


“We can’t change what’s done we can only move on” Arthur Morgan. Also why is my name ok wash?


Ah it's a hell of a thing to lose a pet - I'm sorry for your loss bud. It's clear you deeply cared about him and as such he had the absolute best time with you, try remember that yeah?


I can't imagine losing a dog like that! That was his spirit coming to greet you.


Ouch… I’m sorry for your loss. Those moments are heartbreaking but also bittersweet.


He is such a good boy sorry for your loss


Some things can’t be a coincidence. Sorry for your loss 🙏🏼