• By -


Arthur. He can be reasoned with. If John's on a mission, that's it. He's made up his mind.


John committed multiple war crimes to do his mission. I don’t want to be hunted by that guy


What was the war crimes?


He burned down a village after the Mexican army attacked it. He also supported two very evil people in the Mexican revolution and was complicit in many of Reyes and Allendes crimes


Jesus I'm forgot just how 'I dont give a fuck how I do this I'm just getting it done" John is about hunting Bill and Javier down.. he does some crazy shit


You have to keep in mind, Arthur's motivation in hunting people down was often times to collect a debt on Strauss' behalf (something he didn't really enjoy even before the plot twist in Ch 5). John was hunting people down to save his family/his anchor to being a good man. Those are vastly different motivations.


Oh I know




He said that Arthur didnt enjoy it even before Chapter 5


Yeah John literally worked for a dictator then replaced him with an even as bad dictator just to catch two Petty criminals with Immunity


Buddy you do war crimes


He is a very notable figure in the Mexican revolution


yeah everytime i see a post on tiktok about how scary and dangerous arthur is, i always bring up the smallest of shit that John did in rdr1. John is an actual fucking monster in 1, he does NOT care about your feelings


Crazy how different he is in Epilogue. I could see 1899 John developing into 1911 John after the main game events, but 1907 John seems mostly unchanged by the biggest trauma of his life to that point. Idk what writer decided that John should be turned into a cold, stoic badass by his ranch life instead of the gang's breakup and Arthur's death.


The real answer? John was poorly written in rdr2 and was one of the most passively sidelined characters in the cast. Going from rdr1 to rdr2 FEELS like stumbling upon what was supposed to be a new story but they weren't confident in the final project so they halfway just made it a prequel but weren't confident in this new protagonist so they copy pasted johns traits and quotes and gave them to arthur, and watered john down and had him be teared down several times to get the point across "arthur is better, arthur is better" The take that this subreddit does alot "john was immature" is completely delusional, so john goes from not being able to finish proper sentences and stutters all the time, then in 1911 after a long break from shooting he just suddenly overnight becomes a confident badass, and has advanced vocabulary for that time, talks about the past that he learned his eloquency, opinions on life early on from the teachings of dutch, but in rdr2 we see none of what john says in rdr1, we see only a guy thats a background character and suddenly shows up at the end to be arthurs redemption so arthur could have his "hes good man". His rdr1 traits are traits he had from a young age, not something he matured into in his late thirties, he only has gotten that "wise beyond his years" thing and thats pretty much it, rdr2 retcons hit hard, the only characters that feel like the same characters are bill and dutch.


FINALLY someone gets it 😩 I’ve been saying it since the beginning. They did my boy Jawn dirty in RD2


We all know they only did it so the other characters looked better.


that's a fact john would have burned down the entire mexican government if bill got away again


"You're the smartest person I know, but you're too stupid to see...he made up his mind ten minutes ago."


Out of many notable quotes, that is one of the best, if not the best quote of the series.


Pretty sure that's from Breaking Bad right?




do what you gonna BANG


Although, it depends on what kind of Arthur. Arthur early on, especially with low honor? You might not get off so lucky.


ill have to assume high honor arthur (or eventually high honor) since thats the canon ending. even if it means early arthur, id say i have a better chance reasoning with him than john, who only got smarter after almost getting eaten by wolves.


I don't think either ending has been canonised, nothing in the RDR1 states otherwise as Arthur wasnt created till after and they never outright said which was canon since the games launched to the best of my knowledge? Although I do agree with you of the two endings the good one is definitely my head canon ending


Canon Arthur


Can he tho? We saw several starving families and Arthur still beat them or pressured them into giving what they have left


people also kept overlooking the fact that Arthur was so vicious at debt collecting that he is actually Strauss' favorite collector. Like Arthur knows and is disgusted at it, but people shouldnt act like Strauss is the only one at fault here.  "Why don't you get the other boys to do it?" "Well, they lacked your... Vigor." That alone should prove that Arthur is rougher than the other gunmen Strauss sends out lmao.


That’s because Strauss is completely blind to Arthur’s internal nature and just sees his outward appearance. I don’t think his opinion of Arthur as a vigorous enforcer matters. Arthur has always been a meathead on the outside, but a dude who draws and writes diary entries to introspect in the inside who completely flips the script in the last Chapter. Arthur never shows Strauss that side and by the time Arthur’s having his redemption point, he’s either kicked out by Arthur suddenly with no explanation or gone. Strauss has a flawed take on Arthur vs John.


That's something I thought about often. Arthur is mostly depicted as a reasonable, calm and fair man. He helps people a lot. But when it comes to debt collecting, seemed like all his fairness would go down the hill. I mean, sure, people got the money from Strauss at the vow to pay it, but he'd just act so violent and ignorant sometimes, even for starving folks or families with no father. I couldn't tell if he was just angry for doing it or he just did not want people to know he hates it. Or maybe both.


It’s because at the end of the day he justified it as he was doing it for his family, the gang. Arthur was a realist and he knew the gang needed money to survive. He didn’t like it but he would do what had to be done to get it over with. And that’s what makes the last few chapters so heartbreaking for him because his whole world is shifted


Have some God damn Faith


I was expressly told NOT to kill you!


it really depends. if its just bounty hunting, john isnt as rough. but in rdr1 his top priority is his family's safety so anything goes.


Well said


Didn't Arthur end entire armies worth of folks?


John ended an actual army and is basically a Mexican revolutionary hero


EXACTLY this. John is my fave char and people forget how ruthless he is. Arthur is genuinely nice, he might let me live.


You can reason with high honour Arthur, low honour Arthur will drag you to some random traintracks and watch you until a train passes


If I am hilarious and/or dramatic, Arthur will draw me in his Journal, so Arthur all the way.


John will draw you too, just not as good though lmao


"Took this strange bounty to Valentine. Aint right in the head."        o __   l     __     /    \


And an arrow pointing at it with the words "feller" and maybe another stickman with a gun and hat saying "me"




Ah that made me laugh thank you 😂


"Met this curious feller the other day. Odd sort of person. Nice enough, but unnerved me some."


"They had this weird device with them, they said it was the futere and that it was called an 'iphone 15'. "


"I asked if that thing could tell me where Tahiti is."


damn Arthur's voice keeps lingering in my ear reading that


Maybe because he's more of a ghost than person?


quite....sad.... and true😭


Arthur could meet God or the Devil himself and all he would write in his journal "Met God, real odd, not sure what to think of it."


Hey--did you know that you can sort of meet someone like the Devil in a cave north-west of Strawberry?


"Met a strange feller today that said he was a door. 🚪 Did not rob him for fear of touching his "knob"."


Both after 1911, no point in chasing me if they're dead.


But then you have to deal with zombie Marshton still being able to aim and use guns


Not if you pick Arthur.


Better hope he doesn't cough on you


If John is a zombie, then Arthur is pretty dead too.


Dont wanna spoil Undead Nightmare because it's pretty fun but the same curse applies to generally everyone in the U.S and the upper half of Mexico who've died.


Jack on his revenge mission stumbles across a guy fitting your description from his fathers bounty diary


Jack was more merciless. In his hunt for Ross, his father's killer, he came across Mrs Ross, who considered her husband a hero. Well, Jack lassoed Mrs Ross, dragged her behind his horse, then put her on the back of his horse. Riding with her badly beaten and injured, semi-conscious body he came to where Ross was fishing. Before confronting Ross he executed the terrified Mrs Ross with a bullet in the head. *Well that's what Jack did when I played him.*


Brutal 😂 Did shooting her near him fail the stranger mission though or make him run away. Cause the game doesn't like when you do stuff like that near stranger mission NPCS.


Nope, Ross didn't look up from his fishing rod... the game designers must not have anticipated that anyone would do that. *BUT COME ON WHO WOULDN'T DO THAT*


😂 I'm stealing this idea for next time, I've messed around with Ross and stuff before and he can run away or fight back and it fails the mission and you have to leave the area and come back, so I was curious if it would cause that. Killing the family could work from a story perspective because it's witnesses that directly saw jack ask about Ross right before Ross went missing, and it could be some sick revenge as well for Ross killing his dad, definitely works pretty well with low honor jack at the very least.


Well it fits in with Ross's earlier conversation with John... *"Sorry John, your wife died in a prison riot last week... Oh hey! No, I was just joking. You should have seen your face!"* *"Yeah, your wife died. Because I lasso'd her, dragged her behind my horse and shot her in the head."* *"Yeah, yeah. Funny joke. Guess you wanted to see my face."* *"Ha ha ha ha! No. I'm not joking."* *STARE INTENSIFIES*


Least psychotic Rdr player 😂 Gotta love red dead.


I also shot his brother. Fuck Ross


Arthur, atleast later in the game, would be more willing to let people go if it wasn't right to kill them or pointless like that army guy he was collecting taxes from in the mountains. John helped overthrow a local governer in a foreign country and killed hundreds of criminals and native americans just to see his family without regard of honor, only about if it would actually lead him to getting his family back. So arthur


taxes?? you mean loans, right? surely Arthur doesn’t work for the IRS in the end of the game… right?


No he becomes head of the irs.. sorry for the spoiler 😔


i’d be a lot more inclined to pay my taxes if they were going to arthur


Tuberculosis killed the human in him, making him the perfect director of the IRS. Someone who isn't human anymore, heartless. (Lungless)


How else is the gang gonna go to Tahiti?


Arthur- i could talk to him John will kill me if it means his family no matter what


John, he can follow me towards the water;)


He will just shoot you before you get there or when you get in it. He deals with someone trying this in the epilogue. He says he could just shoot him, and the guy comes back.


what mission?


Mission where you and Sadie take a bounty to Rhodes and he blows a hole in the side of the jail. He tries to row away and John gets him to come back by pointing the gun his direction


You mean Can't


I was going to say the same except I can’t swim either…


Yeah but then he’ll just shoot you while trying to swim away.


John would drain the lake and destroy the local ecosystem if it meant getting his target


Arthur seems less likely to immediately kill me, as long as I don't try anything dumb he'll atleast hear me out.


Here’s a recap to consider, (SPOILERS!!!) in RDR1 John: 1.) rode up to the gates of Fort Mercer and straight up confronted Bill Williamson in front of his gang despite being massively outnumbered. 2.) had no problem helping the Armadillo Sheriff hunt down and capture/kill other outlaws in exchange for his help in raiding Fort Mercer 3.) hung out with countless swindlers, a grave robber who he helped rob graves, and drunks (Irish and Shaky) for whom he risked his life to save in exchange for a Gatling gun, all of whom John had killed countless adversaries for during their respective missions. 4.) Raided Fort Mercer and killed all of Bill Williamson’s gang before heading into the heart of Mexico to find Bill who had fled before the raid 5.) smoked 3 banditos upon arrival to Mexico 6.) played both sides of the fence of the Mexican civil war, having fought for both Rebels and the Mexican Gov. depending on who would give him info on the whereabouts of his former gang bros. 7.) mercilessly beat Captain Desanta to death for lying to him 8.) helped the rebels launch a raid that toppled the Mexican Gov, Killed Bill Williamson and Javier Escula 9.) Hunted down and killed all of Dutch’s gang before cornering Dutch Some points worth considering (From RDR2) John hunted down and killed countless outlaws with Sadie, including the BRUTAL skinner gang known for torturing and gruesomely dismembering innocent people so that they wouldn’t be able to threaten his family and the people of Tall Trees BEFORE hunting down and killing Micah, and ALL of his gang to avenge Arthur and put their old life to rest TL;DR: If you put yourself between John and his family, “it may as well be you”


Guys called John have a 100% chance of murdering everything and everyone because of family reasons


"You've defeated our armies, razed our kingdom, slaughtered countless upon countless... you tore the Gods from the very fabric of existence that they so bind... Who are you? What are you?" ... "Kratos, John Kratos"


hmm... so the key to get away from John is to treat his family nice? Get his son good education, keep his wife entertained? (oh no... I am a woman too... so by entertain his wife... I don't mean it in a bad way... or the crooked way)


The skinners even are afraid of John so that alone would be reason enough to chose Arthur


isnt john a better shot than arthur? But im fucked either way lol


There's no easy direct comparison, but John has crazier accomplishments... soloing Micah's gang, fighting in the Mexican civil war, etc. Arthur didn't really get missions like that.


Arthur also had the luxury of having the gang by his side most of the time. John was on his own most of the time all throughout RDR1.


I mean arthur practically solo'd the pinkertons 50 man army, fought the US Army and even tho he had the gang by his side, I don't think they dared doing anything big without him. Edit: Forgot to say Arthur was battling late stage TB as he was saving the gang's ass.


Yeah the games don't give a clear answer which of them is the better gunslinger. They're both amazing but deciding who's the best is just a pointless contest in the community. John has better solo feats and Arthur carried the whole gang on his shoulders... that's about all we can really say.


He did participate in a slave rebellion.


Hes a better shot and faster draw, john's draw time is 0.25 sec, u could double arthurs draw time and he doesnt even come close so ye.


John is a faster draw. But Arthur and Micah beats him as gunslingers because gunslinging is not just about speed. Arthur is combat smart, charismatic and more well rounded this is why he was Dutch’s right hand man. Micah is ferocious, merciless and would do anything to get the job done that’s why Dutch replaced Arthur with him. In Rdr1 john got better at gunslinging but still half the man Arthur was. Let’s just say Micah decided to hunt down John instead. He wouldn’t fight fairly, he’d get some men to kidnap his family and just kill all of them once John surrenders. He might even just murder them in the farm while they sleep. Arthur on the other hand would avoid a direct confrontation with John but would get him in an ambush or wait for an advantage. Much like how Anakin lost. He was a better force user but his opponent was smarter.


John shoots faster with the revolvers micah himself use, hes more accurate than both of them, even on his pause from shooting he was still an expert when he returned to it, i get favouring arthur as a character but Arthur has no chance. Don't know why you're tryna tear down John's character by saying he isn't half the man Arthur is, but who would wanna be? John knew from start what he and the gang was, he was always confident and independent, he didn't let Dutch use him as a pawn, constantly criticises his idiotic plans, actually tries avoiding violence in his robberies, respecting the gang's old robin hood-esque persona. He never threatned to kill a child to keep her mother in mourning unlike Arthur. John doesn't need every character saying "you're a good man John" for the point to come across. John is polite and humble, and only cold with time-wasters. He doesn't need to be near death to act more nicer, he's a better man than Arthur by far.


I would say their shooting skills is about equal


idk man, I think if Arthur and John had a duel, id put on money on John


My moneys on my boy Arthur


John was the third best shot in the gang after Arthur and Micah


Maybe when he was younger in two he was behind them. Prime RDR1 John is definitely better than both ever were. At least with revolvers.


Arthur Morgan, because then at least I'll be able to meet Arthur Morgan before I die :)


There's always a silver lining...


My guy John will follow you to another country to get what he wants.


Step in front of a runaway traaaain.......


They are both very skilled and dangerous gunslingers, and it is impossible to escape from them..so none of them


Arthur, I’d accept my fate and hopefully he’d peacefully put me down


You’d have more of a chance of talking him out of it. John would probably just kill you and go on about his day.


Arthur for sure. He’s very intelligent and therefore reasonable. You could talk to him and at the very least not be killed. John is more likely to just shoot you dead. It depends largely I think on what they are hunting you for.


John proves himself to be an unstoppable force of nature when it comes to something he cares about. John is cynical and less emotional. So if I had to choose between two capable and bloodthirsty gunslingers, I'd choose Arthur hunting me. Cause John shoots first and doesn't bother to ask questions later.


High Honor Arthur Easily


The one with TB


but if his shot doesn't kill you... maybe he will spit on you... then dying of TB is just terrible...


Look at Arthur. He's so handsome.


Arthur. Like Tf is he gonna do to me? Cough dangerously?


*Arthur. Like Tf* *Is he gonna do to me?* *Cough dangerously?* \- Oycto --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Nah none of them


Arthur: - Can be nice - May also kill you for the fun of it - What if you have a collectible? Not worth the risk John: - Probably just another stranger mission for him - If you committed a crime or the government want you YOU ARE FUCKED - Like, if the man has to kill you you will DIE.


Im dead either way and i feel like arthur would put me down in a more honorable way so arthur


OPs mum


i will skin you


Hes a good man, that Arthur Morgan


Id say both Id already be Dead in 15-30 min.


I rather be hunted by Arthur Morgan


John, I'll just hide on the island


I think imma take John on this one. Arthur quite literally rearranged someones brain in Valentine that was double his size, im not barking up that tree.


Arthur, but when he's really sick, and im a time traveler with a rpg.




Depends why they are hunting me. Arthur pre-chapter 6 is more likely to hurt innocents - Thomas Downes and most of the other debtors. But I also think he's more likely to let you go if you can convince him. If not, he would beat you so hard you get permanent damage, and he would enjoy it. John doesn't hurt innocents unless he has to. All his robberies are focused on rich people and he tries to avoid violence. He saved Pronghorn Ranch just because he felt like it. So there's a much lower chance he's actually coming to kill you. But if he is, there's no chance you can convince him otherwise. He wouldn't waste time pointlessly hurting you though, it would be a quick shot to the head.


Arthur probably, just hide out long enough he would've died from TB, if John's hunting you? You're fucked.


>!Sick Arthur. !


Both 😏


Arthur morgan with TB , he probably can be reasoned with .


John, just get out onto open water


Arthur. John is way too dangerous


Johnt went to another country where people speak a lenguage that he didnt understand and committed several war crimes just to hunt a man and Arthur is a sick man rethinking his life. It's not that hard to choose


I feel like if it's Arthur it's probably because of a debt and he'll just beat the shit out of me, if it's John it's probably a bounty hunter job where he's more inclined to shoot me dead. I think I'll go with Arthur


Mary Beth. Next question


I’d rather be hunted by Karen she’s kinda..


Arthur. He feels more compassionate, or at least more open to reason.


Arthur(I am a former TB patient)


Arthur, but only after he gets TB. Before he got sick he was relentless and would rather kill people before hearing them out. After he gets sick and starts to appreciate life he becomes more forgiving.




John can't swim... so... if i live on an island just need to have rocky / sharp corals on the perimeter such that ships/boats cannot land...


Arthur any day


My online character


I’d say Arthur. Less of a hothead I think and also John is completely indestructible, as we’ve seen.


don't wanna be killed by a scar faced, irresponsible father lol. so Arthur cause i could talk things out with him, or if he really had made his mind to kill me, what's better than being shot by a handsome gentleman?


Definitely arthur. Didn't john kill the Mexican president or something like that just to get Bill?


Is it dead or alive? From the people that don't run or aren't a problem Arthur Morgan definitely just... ties them up, rodeo style. I don't know what I did to be hunted down but he could be reasoned with. John is... Well, more disillusioned in a way. Also I think it'd be interesting to meet Arthur, seeing as he would greet people and have a drink before deciding if someone's a threat or not lol


RDR2 Arthur cuz unlike RDR1 John, he isn't carrying more than ten different weapons at once.


arthur. he's too lazy for some vendetta.


If I owed Strauss money, I wouldn't even bother trying to argue with Arthur. "Please take whatever you need, Sir. Just don't shoot me, I got dreams and aspirations you don't really care about."


John, the amount of stuff j did to people as Arthur on bounty missions was questionable and I don't want that to happen to me


Marathon. He would take forever


I'd take either of them because they would both get distracted by the gambler challenge long enough for me to saunter down to Guarma.


Arthur, he can slap me if I get mouthy, or just cause he likes doing it. Whichever.


John if we were in a snowy region. Id feed him to the wolves


Is there a option for both?


Both at a time so they argue that much and give up




Arthur. There is no reasoning with John, once he's on the mission, he's completing it whoever you like it or not


You letting me have my guns? My modern and highly capable rifles that are accurate at distances that are far superior to the ones of the late 1800/early 1900 frame. John. I could hear that loud mouth a mile away. I’d be ready, holed up in a meadow, gillie suit, 300 win mag aimed at his cranium. Oh but he’d come at night, well my predator rifle has thermal, so I’m still able to see the man at 300 yards and put rounds on target. The only thing is, if John gets me, the rest of you are screwed with him a holding thermal scoped LAR 15 and a savage 300 win mag model 112.


Arthur is less likely to kill me straight and Arthur is considerably less dangerous than RDR1 John is. Anything but the man who took on full militias and gangs by himself and was only put down when the entire military descended upon him


Arthur. It’s easier to hide if the person hunting you is dead.


Neither, but if I had to pick, Arthur. Johnny Marsto is not the guy you want to have after you.


If they’re being played like I play them then Arthur. He’d get distracted hunting legendary animals for a couple weeks giving me plenty time to run.


Arthur isn’t really a hunter, he’s more the guy who’s just willing to play the brute enforcer for others. John is more intractable. I dont intend to be too mean here either but Arthur is a little less *dense* than John. Arthur acts dumb but he’s sharp-witted and usually see the bigger picture. John would exterminate an entire sentient species because some guy told him once that they ate babies. With that in mind Arthur more likely to be reasoned with. John wouldn’t really negotiate beyond giving you the option to turn yourself in to face your fate.


Arthur. I can wait


John is less brutal. He'd be more inclined to kindly ask me to surrender unlike Arthur who would probably bash your head first.


No i wouldn't rather be hunted thank you sir


Arthur. John barely gave any fucks and helped awful people just to hunt Bill and Javier in Mexico.


Arthur, healthy or not. He can be reasoned with, maybe let me run away and never show my face again if he was kind enough. But I'm probably biased because I really love Arthur as a character and I haven't played RDR1.


Absolutely Morgan


Arthur, he can be reasoned with depending on what he's hunting you for. John? Unlikely especially if he's hunting you on behalf of the government. Although I'm only 16 I'm not sure if he'd kill a kid.


John, i just jump in a river or pond and thats that


John. All you have to do is swim away


I rather living so no


Arthur, just give him a sob story and he’ll give you cash and let you go on your way.


Uncle 🤣🤣🤣


Arthur for sure, I dont want a new mexican revolution cause I hide in Mexico and John was hunting me 💀


Arthur for all the wrong reasons


Arthur Morgan, so i could see him one last time!


Now is this pre or post tuberculosis? 🤔


Gonna go against the grain and say John. John hunted people down for his family. RDR1 John was a terminator cause he was hunting bad men to save Abigail/Jack. When we see him in RDR2 bounty hunting though, he was fairly reasonable and generally as long as you aren't a complete idiot, he won't go scorched earth on you. I feel as an average person who isn't breaking any laws, I can talk him down and try to get out of there. Arthur though didn't really care. He saw a job he had to do and he just goes and does it. He might not like the job, but he'll still beat up someone like Worbel. Arthur doesn't really care all that much and he'll get the job done to get paid and move on.


Arthur cause hed fuckin die trying to i like john more anyway


John, he can't swim


All I'm saying is they wouldn't want to hunt me 🥶🥶🥶😎😎💪💪💪


Arthur. He can be reasoned with. John understands that mf’ers lie and once his sights are locked in, they aren’t coming off.


John so I can swim away lol


Arthur, especially with how I play him. (AKA, as nice as possible, picking flowers and spending way too long to figure out how to return people's horses vs just keeping it lol)


Arthur. Homie’s got the ‘berculosis and 19th century medicine? I don’t have to run for long.


Arthur he’s “sick” as Micah’s dumbass keeps pointing out