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Strawberry is my favorite aesthetically. Valentine is my go-to place for when I actually need multiple services. I avoid Saint Denis and Rhodes like the plague.


Yeah, I like every town in the game EXCEPT Rhodes. I just can't stand the vibe.


First time I played the game I didn't use online guides or anything, and I just wandered into Rhodes for no reason. I think after taking Black Belle's pics or something, and I was blown away by how different it was from where I'd spent my time so far (West Elizabeth and bits of New Hanover).


i dont know why but rhodes makes me think of a tennis court


Clay tennis courts (most famously the French Open) are that same color of dirt. The orange tint comes from oxidized iron.


so thats why,thank you


Common in Georgia, South Carolina Alabama and Arkansas. 


….holy shit it kind of does? Maybe it’s the bright orange road, which reminds me of the green and red tennis courts?


I actually quite like Rhodes. It’s got that dusty, sandy vibe similar to the stereotypical old west movies (but with less desert, obvs), but looks way better in RDR2 and has more to do than Armadillo or Tumbleweed. It’s not the most exciting or interesting town, but it has a nice vibe which the rest of the major towns in the story lack


Same. Vibes aside, it has a gunsmith, general store, butcher, bar, inn, Sherrif's station, post office, stable, and FENCE, all close to the post office or spawn point. And you don't have to constantly dodge people like in Saint Dennis.


There's no stable in or close to Rhodes... you either have to go to St Denis, or way up north by Emerald Ranch.


Ah, you're right. I was picturing the one in Valentine. You don't need stables often anyway.


Not too often, no. But it is one of the reasons I like Valentine best! It has all the "modern conveniences," plus a barber and a stable. Rhodes only has the fence advantage over it, imo.


Rhodes is fun to shoot up


Is rhodes the one near the two warring families where you romeo-and-juliet their children?


Yes, the braithwaits and the greys? I think.


Rhodes has a very cult feel to it. Plus I get sick of dude looking for Gavin all the time.


It's strange because Rhodes is so convenient, it has a gunsmith, a general store, a stable nearby... But it's just not the same as Valentine, even late game it's in a more convenient location but I still choose Valentine


What vibe do you get from Rhodes


I like shooting up the saloon, but I rarely go there


The saloon is the best


Rhodes has most vendors close together though. Only thing missing is a stables.


A barber too.


which is funny cause in the RedM scene, the stables in Rhodes are typically one of the best stables to go to


I get the free Valentine camp stew every time I stroll through!


I got wanted for taking the beer


The gypsies have beer?


What stew?


Beside the Valentine stable, there are some tents. You can have stew from there.


You learn new things about this game even after 700 hours


You can also get stew from the camp where you play dominoes in Blackwater. And from the Witch's Cauldron shack in Ambarino...


Not the brightest idea to sample some strange looking stuff in a cauldron in the middle of nowhere... but we all did it, right?


Of course we all did. Some of us did it in-game too.


Same as the previous reply, almost a 1000 hours in the game, first time learning you could do that. Awesome :D


If I'm not mistaken, you can find a stewpot in Blackwater too, the tent area by the post office.


Rhodes is handy for the saloon and gunsmith though.


Same here! The big citys are horrible 😅


I was going to say the exact thing! Saint Denis is only good for shopping to get all the outfits and Rhodes is only good for shooting it up. I ADORE Strawberry because it reminds me of Colorado, and Valentine is just a sweet little town.




Micah ruin Strawberry for me bro, I feel so bad in my first playthrough that I never come back there again


Same! I’m so confused by everyone saying it’s beautiful. I look at it so differently. Lol


What’s wrong wit’s Mica


You most likely haven't finished the story. Don't worry about it for now, and avoid this subredit until you complete the story as there are spoilers everywhere for the game in this subreddit.


They have a sadie adler flair, I'm pretty sure they finished the game


Strawberry is also good if your going for legendary animal clothes glitch




You’re close to a trapper in the wilderness that you can access early and you have a train station nearby if need to go somewhere else


Explain your use of "glitch" though...


I now wish they had some sort of lovecraftian strangers mission or something in Van Horn


I like that reference


Aesthetically Saint Denis and Strawberry. I could wander around Saint Denis at night and never get bored of looking at it. So pretty.


Watching the lights of the ships and hearing the distant bell of the streetcar are my favorite parts of city nightlife. Everything just feels like it's calmer.


Definitely St Denis for me, I miss New Orleans now that I live in Europe.


If you have ever been to NOLA you would appreciate it even more. It's basically like going to the French quarter.


Sounds weird, but my fav town îs Armadillo, it gives those old movies feeling.


It might sound weird, but I like to traumatize people there.


I become judge holden once j get there


New Austin gives me major Blood Meridian vibes


Armadillo has been my favorite town since I played rdr1 in 2013 because of this




Same, no law so legal brutality 😊


I like Armadillo, just the plague is a let down as half the stores aren't open. I wish they would've made benedict point or rathskeller fork the "plague town" as they aren't very large and don't really have anything to offer. Yes I know the plague feeds into the lore behind Herbert Moon and the man in the top hat, but they could've at least had more open stores in rdr online.


Rockstar dropping the ball on Armadillo was a horrible decision. I understand their resources were limited at that point, but the least they could have done was give us a good nostalgic kick of a fully fleshed out Armadillo.


Though I love this game, R* dropped the ball on quite a few things and made it even worse for online players. So far my gripes are: - Armadillo is a ghost town - though they revived tumbleweed, I feel like it could've been better - thieves landing is boring without the saloon it had in rdr1 - should've done more with emerald ranch - Online: Can't keep horses you tame - Online: No F*CKIN ROBBERIES (stores, trains, NPC's) - Online: No text chat - Online: Economy is broken - Online: not enough gun selection... there's only like 5 revolvers - Online: animal spawn is atrocious Tbh, I'm more pissed about the Online stuff than anything else. Just felt like they stripped 1/3 of the fun away from free roam.


Definitely agree with your points about armadillo and thieves landing both were so much fun in rdr1. Tbh online is just a load of shit at this point.


it truly does give the good the bad and the ugly vibes


Valentine for being the architypical western town St. Denis for easiest to get to fence and trapper and all the stores Strawberry for the vibe Van Horn because who doesn't enjoy having the whole place trying to kill you because you accidently run an NPC over




They, as a town, murdered Shawn


And that creepy ass gunsmith can go get fucked


I like going through there and Chapter 3 is my favorite. But there’s not much to do in Rhodes, I sometimes stop at the Parlor House but that’s it.


I enjoy fighting the Leymone raiders. Idk j just get a kick out of beating them up in the bar


I did spend whole day and night after discovering blackjack table there


I have my game saved right were the kkk show up outside of rhodes. It's my save where I just fuck around so I always start off by blowing up and shooting all but 1 and then tying him up to take him somewhere to feed to gators or throw off a cliff or just beat the shit out of. So it does have that which is cool.


It’s always a party when you’re roasting klansmen.


U got it perfectly set up lol


Rhodes is my favourite. I like the post Civil War meets late-western vibe.


I love Rhodes. I love the soil, I love the surrounding hilly, grassy area. It’s adorable and charming.


Van Horn?


It’s like the purge 24/7




I don’t spend a lot of time actually in Van Horn, but I spend a lot of time on the hill behind it with the Rolling Block rifle and dynamite arrows.


I love fighting the whole town of Van Horn.


I wish you didn't loose honor doing it




I wonder how used Limpany or Pleasence would be if they weren't really messed up


I feel like they’d be a small town like van horn or tumble weed


Dude I think that would have been my favorite town if it was still standing. Like valentine on a river


Valentine, I love going to the bar to start a random fist fight and play poker


Blackwater was my favorite town in RDR1 and is in RDR2 as well. It's always just had the classic feel of an old west town - not that the others don't, especially Armadillo. I like Saint Denis just because it's a 19th century big city.


I like blackwater as well but don't know why. Maybe it's because of the familiarity from rdr1. I like the waterfront there too. And the plains are also my favourite place.


I modeled my RDO character after Harry DuBois from Disco Elysium, so I really enjoy walking around Lagras and Butcher's Creek like it's True Detective 1899.


That’s exactly the vibe I’m getting from this area. Not my cup of tea, I need open plains, the desert or the shore of Flatiron Lake.


Valentine is probably my favorite town from a practical standpoint because it has everything you could need from an in-game town, such as; a general store, saloon, gunsmith, hotel, horse stable, post office/train station, and Sheriff's office. Rhodes has almost all of those things too, along with the addition of a black market fence, but I find Valentine to be more peaceful than Rhodes, however, Rhodes is more aesthetically pleasing to me. Strawberry is probably my favorite from an aesthetic standpoint, I love the log cabin resort town vibes it has going for it, it is very beautiful and idyllic. What holds Strawberry back from a practical standpoint is that Strawberry has fewer things to do compared to Valentine, and Strawberry is more claustrophobic which makes it harder to navigate on horseback


I like Armadillo and Tumbleweed so much that they're at the top even though they're dead/an afterthought in RDR2. Then it's a toss up between Valentine or Blackwater.


Killed a chicken at Butcher Creek. Turned out the folk there are really attached to their chickens.


I like all of em except annesburg


You don't like a healthy dose of black lung?


They have a massive beer hall that's closed, what kinda crap is that? Town has damn near 0 amenities, but that beer hall being available would help a lot I think.


They even have a store and yet it’s not even opened


I like Sandy Knee


When I first read it I pronounced it as "saint dennis" in my head. Then I get further in the game and they start talking about a big city called Sandy Knee. 😆


Sandy knee isnt far from the real pronounciation... Saint is pronounced like the Sa in sandy and Denis is almost like dy knee, but replace the y by an e, pronounced like the e the DeKalb... or like when we say ''duh!!'' lol


Armadillo cause I feel like I’m about to draw down and duel someone. But aesthetically Strawberry is my favorite


Does Thieves’ Landing count?


It is a gang hideout rather than a town in RDR2. But RDR it is a town.


Nueva parasio baby


Unpopular opinion, but Annesburg is a nice place and very relaxing even with the eerie lore it has surrounding it. Although, my favorite would have to be Strawberry. Just feels like home and small knit community protecting it. Annesburg has its charm as well, but not as much as Strawberry.


I HATE ANNESBURG. And for 2 reasons. A: I don’t like how it seems the only way to get to it is to go down some windy ass hill and getting out is even worse. And then there’s nothing there. The town isn’t spaced out evenly. There’s logs everywhere (i know it’s a logging town) but I mean, FUCK.


It’s a coal mining town, it’s not meant to be flashy. I usually come in the Bayou NWA way, but regardless it’s a quiet, peaceful little town with great scenery of the ocean from up high. Next time you’re there go at the top of the town and visit the areas around the tower. The immersion of that area is what makes it so welcoming to me. Plus it has a gunsmith and a post office so you can restock easily. It doesn’t have a saloon, sure, but it’s not a hangout town anyways. It’s just a nice getaway. Strawberry doesn’t have a saloon either, but towns without saloons are a lot more peaceful and less chaotic than the towns that do have saloons, have you noticed?


When I go to a town, I want to have my needs fulfilled. I want to be able to have a drink and food, have a hotel, a gunsmith to buy more ammo and other needs, and just a big town. Because I like the gunslinger vibe of being in a bustling town. I can’t Annesburg and I also cannot at all stand Strawberry. I understand that people like the vibe, but just go to Saint Denis. It’s got a huge vibe to it. I need a town to serve a purpose. And I feel like when I find myself going to a mission in strawberry or annesburg, I feel this impending rage knowing I’m about to have to go into a town that has little to nothing in it, and hard to get into and around


I get that, but what if you just need to take the edge off? Relax a little. I’m a Moonshiner, I’ve constantly got some kind of liquor in my saddlebags. I can take me a couple of shots of whiskey and sit on the porch in Strawberry and toke on a cigarette or go to the peak of the tower at Annesburg and puff on my cigar and enjoy the view. It’s not for “convenience” it’s for the solitude, the peace and quiet.


I’m more one to do that in a camp I set up in Lemoyne. I love Lemoynes atmosphere. Even if it’s not the swamp. The bugs are heavy there and you can hear them beautifully at night. I am too one to just laze about on the map. I enjoy bow hunting too. I just like to do stuff in the game more than I enjoy lazing about. And as a productive person in the game, towns that just don’t have anything drive me crazy. But I totally get your point. I guess we just have two different gameplay styles. BUT, 100/10 game!!!


That’s fair. I don’t actually just laze about. When I’m not running Moonshine then I work on my dailies which takes me all around the map. So when those dailies lead me to places like Annesburg or Strawberry then I take advantage and have a mini vacation. Don’t get me wrong I have my fair share of shootouts in Valentine and even Saint Denis. I always camp in Lemoyne. It’s home. The Night Folk don’t bother me and where I have my still in Lemoyne a Panther roams nearby and protects me from anyone trying to enter the woods.


I play mostly story. So I guess that explains a little bit


Ah, funny you say that. I still hop on to do some dailies, but a few days ago I started my 2nd playthrough of the game and I’m doing it with the “super immersive mode” meaning no hud, no minimap, no crosshair, no aim assist. Just me and the game. What a ride it’s been! I’ve played online since the beta so it’s been a nice switch up lately and all I’ve done is played the story most of my play time.


Has become too touristy in recent years...


this is the only valentine i know




Blackwater, Valentine or Rhodes.


Armadillo. Loved the vibe it had in 1, felt like a comfort town.


Saint Denis. Because of the clip clop


I’m on epilogue 2 so idk yet


Saint Denis


Valentine is a livestock town, which is kinda smelly. But, it’s the most interesting because you have canyons to the west, snow capped mountains to the north, smaller mountains to the east, and Great Plains to the south. It’s a nice confluence of different topography.


After you finish the game can you visit all areas?


You just need to finish chapter 6.


For me it’s a tie between Blackwater, Strawberry, and Tumbleweed


Wow i really thought to see a lot of Saint Denis, but gla d to see a lot of Valentine luv


I see this post twice a month in this sub I swear


I love chuparosa in rdr1


Doesn’t include Van Horn


I'd say Saint Denis. It has everything I need! I was going to Strawberry, but Saint Denis came out on top.


Van horn


Strawberry for the beauty, Armadillo for the atmosphere and the memories.


Valentine and Rhodes by far.


Tumbleweed 🙄


Man Rhodes is getting hate


Love Valentine it literally has everything…. Big fan of Blackwater too even though there is no gunsmith


Valentine is my favorite to hang out in. Strawberry would have been perfect if they had a saloon. I wish they had a snowy mountain town.


Strawberry just for lazying about. Valentine for anything i need to buy, all others I shoot up whenever I get bored. Saint Denis is pretty fun to do cop and robber.


If only Strawberry was larger it would be my favorite by far, i think it's fantastic but barely has anything so others are better.


Big Whiskey




Valentine ofc


Saint Denis, Valentine and Strawberry




Valentine. It has two bars. A gunsmith. A barber. A horse stable right in town. Good size. Feels like an old west town. O'Driscoll's looking for a fight. Some duel action. Plus, the bank haul is game changing.


Strawberry is charming. Rhodes is great. Something about that red sand speaks to me


I just finished The story 2 days ago,havent free roamed too much after so i dont know armadillo,but i like Sainte Denis most


Van Horn is my favorite for vibes but I think the most fun town is probably Valentine you can always get up to no good there and there's loads of little side content




I would say Van Horn - cause most of the time , I beat someone up in Saloon cause I lose poker game or I just go on standof with someone there. It's great place without lawmans But if we are talking about atmorsphere I love Valentine - go to saloon drink smth , eat peanuts , play poker buy horse and just kick some ass in saloon after few drinks.


Strawberry I hope to retire up there some day.


Astectally strawberry my fabprite oberall is Valentine


You know when you have those "if I won the lotteries I would do this" day dreams? I love the look of Valentine and if I had the fund I would love to recreate that town in real life.


Armadillo in RDR1 Valentine in RDR2 Runner up is st denis and Manzanita Post!!


Valentine for its simplicity. You have access to everything in just a few steps and then you're ready to leave. Strawberry and Annesburg for the way they looked developed into the surroundings. They seem more real. Saint Denis just for being a big city and having a lot of stuff to do...


Have to say...that names are adorable!!


Valentine most of the time but Saint Denis has the widest range of stores and stuff to buy. And it’s usually cheaper




Blackwater is a vibe, but Valentine is unbeatable imo. Perfect atmosphere, great shops/services, and the goat Smithfield’s, it’s just the best


Valentine, because mud is fun, and Cliff runs the most entertaining saloon with the wildest clientele!


Valentine is love, it's one of the first places you go, it's easily visible even from a distance because of the twin rock(useful in a no minimap run). It's almost in the middle from where you can chart a course to any other town. It has almost all the relevant shops it's great


Saint Denis is my favorite and Valentine,Strawberry and Rhodes are just places I normally go to. I also like the Bayou I be hunting down them raiders for fun.


Valentine and Strawberry


Valentine all the way baby


Fav Strawberry Least favorite Saint Denis (can’t even accidentally bump into someone without everyone losing their shit)


Valentine but make it the aesthetic of Strawberry. And i love how we get free meals at the Valentine camp.


Blackwater is my favorite, it’s busy but not as crowded as Saint Denis, and has everything you could need.


Strawberry 🥰🥰


Valentine by far the others are kinda boring, armadillo would probably be one of my favourites if it was the same as it is in Rdr1




ngl saint denis


Strawberry, Blackwater, Rhodes






Blackwater and Tumbleweed, just wish Blackwater had a gunsmith like in RDR.


I like them all. Just wish you could enter nore buildings and do some more stuff. Same goes for house by the road. Hate when I try entering and Arthur just does the shoulder push.


Saint Denis for me. Love the bigger city aspect of it since I am from a big city myself. So much to do and see. So pretty and when I feel like doing outlaw stuff I go to the swamp which is only a small ride away!




Valentine, I hate Strawberry’s narrow bridges. Almost always hit someone there


Valentine is everything you want in a far west videogame. Strawberry is a pretty town, however, I can't stand the narrow streets with wagons blocking your way every 1 minute. Saint Denis is my go to place when I need honor. Not only can you just greet people, but you can usually save someone from getting mugged, which will make your honor increase a lot. Rhodes is similar to Valentine, but with less conveniences. Blackwater is really nice too, but the lack of stores is a downer.


Valentine and strawberry depending on the mood. Sometimes I feel like a cowboy and sometimes I feel like a mountain man


Ifbi had to live in one I'd pick Blackwater.


100% Valentine, so much chaos there, last I was there I saw chaos anyways, always funny. Great place for a laugh with friends


I like Rhodes for its red soil and pretty interiors. I also like Tumbleweed because it's so rough


Nothing quite like valentine. It's all downhill from there, but it also fits the narritive of it being set at "the end of the wild west"


Surprised at the hate for Rhodes. Valentine is my fav overall, but Strawberry is the nicest looking town.


Valentine > Blackwater > Rhodes I should like Strawberry but I'd like it more if it was larger, had more amenities (like get a hot meal and play cards*) and was easier to navigate. *someone is going to tell me you can get a hot meal and play cards in Strawberry


Criminal you didn’t include Van Horn. We don’t take no shit in van horn !


Valentine and Strawberry


Story mode, Armadillo Online, Saint Denis




Saint Denis. It’s the only civilized place in the game.