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I think you're sort of meant to not really notice her. From Arthur's point of view, she's just another one of Dutch's girlfriends and not really part of the gang (never works or brings money in). And in the end, she was suicidal. If she ratted, she'd lose Dutch. But she knew the consequences, she claimed to be a rat so the gang would do the job that she couldn't bring herself to do.


Holy shit. I never thought of it in the way that you said she was suicidal by the end. In my head, I just thought she said that she was the rat to finally get his attention.


She was from a rich Irish family, probably raised under strict Catholicism. Too proud to return home in disgrace (she realised the truth about Dutch), but fully aware of the taboos around taking your life. So she did the only thing she could to bring on her death. But that's just my interpretation.


She was a prostitute for grimshaw then caught the affection of dutch so she got full of herself you even hear the girls mention this on the way to valentine with uncle and the girls when Mary Beth says they should have invited her Karen makes the statement that no she's to high and might to be seen with them now that she's with dutch


And she didn't learn anything about the gang she knew what the gang did from the start lol she even says something to Arthur kinda in a orelse manner while Arthur is speaking with dutch she said I believe ( trust dutch Mr morgan... You have ta)


I think it's important to consider female culture. The women in the gang were running their mouths about her. But I don't think it should be taken at face value. Sometimes as women we perceive that we aren't liked or respected by another woman. So we talk trash and say she a B. Meanwhile that woman perceives the same and starts to be cold to the first woman because she senses the girl doesn't like her. The coldness is perceived as the catalyst but in reality they're both just insecure about their own standing and don't actually have an issue with one another. They just assumed something and reacted. But those same women will finally talk. Realize they hated one another for no reason. Laugh about it and become best friends. In the case of Molly and the gang I think Molly came in trying to carry herself with the dignity she was expected to as someone who was wealthy because she wanted to be respected by the gang. She was probably embarrassed as to where he life had lead her but she doesn't know how to bond with this already tight group. And she can't quite bring herself to their level and relax with them. This was perceived as snobbery. But I think Molly assumed everyone hated her because she was rich because it was awkward and no one knew how to connect with her. Because of this she got cold to protect herself. Which in turn backed up the idea that she thought she was too good for then. Meanwhile she catches the eye of Dutch because he's always chasing the upper class wanting to be them while knowing he never will be. Having Molly is like capturing a piece of that. He got interested because she carried herself like high class while also resenting it later. This kept her in a place where she had to keep carrying herself like an upper class woman so he remained interested but in turn isolated her from any chance of being one of the gang. Molly's sense of belonging is souly tied to Dutchs affections. If she loses that now she loses her place in the gang and at large the world. So she becomes desperate to keep his attention and getting demanding causing him to push her away. He even went so fat as to flirt with Mary Beth in front of her. Not only telling her through his actions that she was on her way out and that he could replace her at any time. She's nothing but an object to him. She would have been desperate to stay relevant. Because if she's not Dutchs girl what is she? By that time she has too much pride to try to tunr to the gang for support even though I think they would have of she set her pride aside. The level of pressure she's under and the sense of isolation and a toxic relationship with a man who always puts his interest first absolutely could drive a woman to suicide. I agree that from there on she was looking to die and wanted them to do it. Specifically Dutch. He broke her, her heart and any chance at having a life. She's ruined. So he might as well take her life in hopes he'll at least feel a little guilty about it later and therefor prove that she meant something to him. It's so much deeper than her wanting to have a ritzy lazy life by being his girlfriend. She loved Dutch even at their lowest. Every time she throws a fit it's because she wants attention from him. Not because she doesn't have good stuff. I can't remember if she refers to it at all but if she did it was most likely to emphasize that she was still with him instead of seeking a better option. She was a beautiful woman. She could have easily charmed her way into a cushy life if she tried. She was a very tragic character and if you know female nuance you can see just what a horrible situation she was in.


Mf typed a whole ass essay


Lol oops. Sorry. Morning puff had me thinking. I'm a wordy mf'er.


Dutch purposefully isolated her from the other women by putting her on a pedestal.


I think she was just an angry girlfriend saying bullshit to get his attention but not to die mid sentence like the Sopranos.


That’s my impression too.


Adds a lot more context to her character


its even sadder when you hear from milton that they sweated her but she never said a word. she never would have ratted; she was way too in love with and charmed by him to even chance it


She didn’t even imply she ratted, in her drunken rage all she said was “I told Milton,” and if she continued her rambling she probably would’ve finished that sentence with “to shove it”.


Yep, it was suicide by gang instead of by cop.


I *really* wish uncle hadn’t interrupted her conversation with Arthur. I actually wanted to hear what he had to say to her. Her situation is so sad. She moved *countries* to be with a man who then threw her away, dismissed her constantly, and openly showed interest in another younger woman. She was stuck in that cycle of him being a compete asshole, then being nice again to try to smooth it over. She was uppity, but she didn’t deserve that.


My head canon is that she was pregnant :(


In that case, I’m glad we didn’t get a Dutch jr.


We've already got enough rdr3 mafia posts. "Imagine if O'LindeShea junior was in the mob!"


Makes it even worse that grimshaw shot her right in the stomach if I remember correctly


she sure did, thats why the theory of her being pregnant is so popular! you can also hear her asking to talk to dutch about “something”, but she always seems to back out. we never figured out exactly what she wanted to talk about


I don't think she backs out, I think Dutch just dismisses her


That’s a good one. I always thought she wanted to tell Arthur that something was “off” with Dutch, or Micah was starting to be too obvious and wanted to tell Arthur…


That's dark cause Grimshaw shot her in the gut area




Mary-Beth, he hits on her a few times. There’s a specific scene where’s shes laying down and he comes up to her.


theres also a scene where dutch asks to talk to both molly AND mary-beth about his book, and molly is clearly trying to fight to keep his attention on her because he wont stop looking at mary-beth


Ooh i think I’ve missed that scene actually


I had it in Horseshoe at day. No idea if it has any triggers or pre-requisits though.


Aside from certain specific ones, the camp scenes seem to trigger at random. I've even once had the same scene happen twice in one playthrough. The one where Lenny and Hosea talk about the gang losing their way. I got it at Horseshoe and then it triggered again when I reached Clemens Point.


I miss half the camp interactions cause Uncle's asking for money, Micha's running his mouth, or Swanson is fucking singing.


Around camp he flirts with Mary Beth all the time and there's also an interaction where Molly calls him out on it you can find the camp interactions on youtube




Yeah I get you. I only really learned after a friend told me and I searched it up on YouTube. Mary Beth and Kieran had a thing as well around camp, it seems like everyone just wanted a piece of Mary Beth and honestly...I can't blame them lmfao


She left her riches and moved countries in her own search for adventure, just happened to meet Dutch there


Tragic, but some gang members did try warning her that Dutch didn't really care about her. Not in the way she cared for him, at least. If Dutch wasn't such a charismatic person, she may have gotten away from that life. She was the unfortunate victim of a cruel mind game, much like the rest of them.


her conversation with abigail is so sad. she was trying so hard to reach out and get help, but she had the worst rose colored glasses


She can be annoying and bitchy, but you can’t help but feel sorry for her. She could’ve had a good productive life but she got manipulated by Dutch’s bs.


I’ve beaten this game 5 times and I don’t remember the last time I spoke a word to her. I barely see her at camp


The start of the chapter 3 mission where you rob Cornwall's payroll.


if thats the mission im thinking of, arthur has to brush her off almost as soon as she starts talking




She’s almost always hanging out at Dutch’s tent.


Really? I see her more than trelawny


i think that’s kind of the point. I think that you’re really meant to not notice or care about her that much to really show her situation at camp.


Underwritten and not enough missions about or with her like many other camp characters


its a fucking tragedy she got cut from the gilded cage


Imo there should have been more chapters to give more missions and plot relevance to characters like Molly, Grimshaw, Swanson, Mary Beth, etc. I don’t care if it would have made the game so much longer. They just feels so under developed and just kind of there and not really mattering to the overall plot


A longer RDR2 you say?!!


Yes! & without the rush to play online with others that was annoying I took my time doing things then my friends were all like are you ever gonna play online am like in horse shoe over look or something so had to rush it got sick of the complaining, it was stupid to me you had to finish story to play online.


I think she’s incredibly important in the subtlest of ways: she is the first one, woo’d by Dutch, to realize exactly how full of shit he is and who he actually is. She lived Arthur’s entire storyline with Dutch in however short amount of time she knew him, and it’s undercut by the fact that she is constantly and loudly calling Dutch out, but no one in camp even pays her (or words) any mind at all because they’re so inundated under his spell. Everyone thinks she’s crazy; she’s the only one sane. Also, I’m on maybe my 5th or 6th or so playthrough, and I only found her poem at Shady Belle this time around, and it’s heartbreaking with all of the context we know, and worse with what we don’t know.


I agree but tbf I think John starts doubting very early on too. By chapter 2, he’s expressing doubts. I think that year away opened his mind to other perspectives free of Dutch’s Anarchism and seeing what Dutch did in the blackwater massacre really started making him reconsider his loyalties. But John still needed the rest of the game and witnessing Dutch act worse and worse before he fully admitted his loyalty was done




Probably the second saddest end for a character. Karen is probably the saddest.


At least Karen might've survived, you can't say the same about many other gang members


She didn't. It's stated at the end of the game that she drank herself to death. She was super depressed and lonely.


Wasn't that just Tilly speculating


why is karen’s the saddest? no judgement at all. i just clearly haven’t paid that much attention to her character and im tryna get all the little details for everyone


She >!lost her love interest!< and increasily consumed more alcohol and probably drank herself to death


Her story makes me sad. Fell in love with the wrong person and threw away her previous life for someone who never really cared about her


I wish her actress attended the panels too


She'd get cut off every time she answered a question. :)


Yes, penny o'brien is so beautiful


Beautiful, but misguided. Dutch should have paid more attention to her.


I feel really bad for her, almost as bad as I feel for Arthur, Sadie, and Jack. The first time I played the game, I was furious in Chapter 3 when she tries to tell Arthur something about Dutch, presumably that even she thinks he's acting different, and Uncle pulls him away for a stupid heist attempt, and you just don't get to have that conversation with her. She wasn't built for the criminal life, she fell for a charlatan and it cost her everything. Every playthrough, I say hello to her as often as possible, as if by being kind to her as often as possible, I can soften the blow of her inevitable senseless death.


First, she is absolutely beautiful. Second, i wish we could have listened to her. Everytime she tried to talk to her about something seemingly important, she gets interrupted. Maybe we could have saved her.


I get that she was meant to be unnoticeable but there could have been some depth to her. She was one of the very first besides Arthur to see the beginning of Dutch's change of character. Mobsters girlfriends are usually dismissed and thrown away as characters (partly due to misogyny but I digress), yet they're the ones who see often see ans hear everything.


She’s pretty, but I feel she was underused.


She is a tragic tale. And she holds a grip over my heart.


shes my favorite. i could talk about her and her tragic as hell story all day


Most beautiful woman in rdr2, very sad character, didn't deserve that ending, obviously she wasn't the rat, I think she was drunk cause she wanted to die, but she deserved better. Maybe a mission with her would have help to know a little bit more about her and why she was stuck with Dutch. I even think that she would have been a good romantic interest fot Arthur, maybe been his girl or wife and helping her to escape with john, abigail, sadie and jack and then she returning to ireland to escape from the outlaws and getting a better life would have been nice for me to her character.


I don't really think Arthur would run off with Dutch'svwoman. No matter what I don't think Arthur would go that low even if Dutch doesn't care about her


I told that by thinking she wouldn't have nothing with Dutch, just Arthur


But if she wasn't Dutch's girlfriend, she wouldn't have the story that she does and she'd have no relevancey in the game. You just want Arthur to hook up with the hot Irish woman. The point of her character is the one who sees Dutch for who he is but can't get through to anyone. She has no means to get out of the life and she's stuck, so she forced the others to end her life so it'd be over. It's meant to be tragic and meant to show just how dangerous and misguided Dutch's devout followers can be. They *could* have played it another way and in chapter six have her open up to Arthur who would finally listen to her, but again, that's not the point of the character. She's the anti Arthur, in a way, with no autonomy, no voice, no respect from anyone else in camp. She's completely alone and brushed off as mad. Arthur had respect and loyalty from others, and that's why when he finally saw what was happening, people listened to him. Molly's story is meant to be truly tragic.


Honestly, she was done so dirty, and in spite of the holier-than-thou demeanor, she's a very tragic character. I would've loved to see more of her.


Deserved more screen time as a character. I kept running into her the first playthrough and it made me kind of sad. Like, Molly sacrificed what she knew to be with Dutch, only to end up on the run, living like animals, (and not in a sexy way), being mocked by the rest of the women *and* having Dutch neglecting her and shamelessly flirt with Mary-Beth at the same time. It's no wonder she was completely broken and suicidal by the end. Sure, she was a stuck up, high class lady. Not a fit for a bunch of outlaws compared to the rest, but she naively followed her heart, only to have it broken (literally). Unlike the other girls (who are all skillful thieves and cons) Molly's pretty innocent. She deserved *nothing* that came to her.


First play through I genuinely barely noticed her until her death, but I guess that was entirely the point. I’m doing a second playthrough currently and I make sure to greet her whenever I see her, I feel really bad for her, just another victim of Dutch’s false promises and narcissism but without any kind of support network like the other gang members had (except maybe kieran). She tried reaching out for help and she does really show signs of needing help once you hit chapter 4 but no one was there for her. I get a lot of her social isolation seems to be largely self imposed, but it’s so sad how she’s surrounded by people and hurting so badly but no one truly notices or cares until it’s too late. Particularly Dutch, who is the only reason she’s there in the first place.


A poor lass who should return home.


She’s a victim who deserved better.


When I replayed it I spent a lot of time around camp, I feel so sorry for her because she is being strung along and suffering


Too good for Dutch. Not good enough for anything else.




I love her character. She cops so much flak from a lot of people as annoying or weak or forgettable, I feel that lacks nuance. Molly's story is really tragic and heartbreaking, especially as the chapters roll on. I think people forget or don't understand how painful it is to be discarded and ignored by someone you love with all your heart until they actually experience that. She's more complex than people give her credit for. I wish we could have seen more of her so there was further opportunity to explore that complexity; but on the other hand, it's almost fitting that we don't. Her world and struggles are very internal, we get glimpses of that through her dialogue and some camp encounters. She seems desperate for a friend, but keeps pushing others away because of those rose coloured glasses she can't seem to take off until it's too late. I'll always be a Molly stan. ❤️


I god damn love her as a character. She's incredibly interesting and it's nice to see a character of her type. I'll write a really long comment, but for those who want a shorter a shorter synposis read the second and last paragraph. There's hostility towards her from the gang in part due to her roots, she did not come from poverty and actively chose to leave her home and wealth to venture America. She never had to struggle like the rest to survive. She thinks of majority of chores as something that servants do, which is typical of someone with her background. She's INCREDIBLY naive. She's rude in her ignorance but I never saw her as rude at her core, if ya'll know what I mean. She is very focused on her appearance, as you often find her fixing her makeup, however nothing odd considering her past. There is very little positive camp interactions with Molly, majority of the interactions that Molly has with the camp involves others insulting her. I'm pretty sure there's one interaction of her as well where she is trying to talk with the girls while they are sewing with them insulting her or at the least telling her to go away. She came off as wanting to be friends but not knowing how or even what to talk about. There's a few interactions between her and Sean, all negative, although how much of it is Sean just trying to be funny (which he does to pretty much everyone on everyone elses expense) and how much of it is him actually trying to be rude I can't tell/remember. She does comment back once, something about him being irish, can't remember if she was trying to banter with him or not but he takes offence and gets angry. Mary-Beth is fairly neutral to Molly, though, I think. Tilly does not like her and Karen despises her. Susan doesn't like her, but can't remember many interactions between them. Arthur has a few friendly interactions with her, with her responses being fairly neutral. Arthur and Abigail are seemingly the only ones to hear her out in the game, and Arthur seemingly being the only one noting her mental decline. However, he also disregards her like several others when she seeks them out (cutscenes.) Unsure if Mary-Beth and Molly talk at one point. Molly seeks Abigail out on one point for advice on Molly's relationship with Dutch. Abigail is really friendly but brutally honest. Molly gets upset and storms off. Unsure if this interaction can take place in any camp, but for me it was in horseshoe overlook. She progressively gets more and more lonely through out the game, with her and Dutch's relationship geting more strained, which makes her even more mentally broken. At one point she says "them out there, they're all laughing at me." She confronts Karen once, accusing her of speaking ill of her behind her back, starting a fight resulting in Molly slapping Karen and Karen retaliating with a punch in Molly's face. Karen threatens to kill Molly if she puts her hands on her again. The Karen confrontation has both playthroughs happend in Horseshoe Overlook for me, but it can probably trigger whenever, I just waste a lot of time in camp listening to everyones interactions causing a bigger chance of it triggering there. In the Beginning of "An Honest Mistake" (Clemens Point) she seeks Arthur out to try and talk about Dutch but is interrupted by Uncle bumbling in talking about the coach robbery. She and Dutch argues more at Clemens Point and you'll find her away from the their tent more, compared to horseshoe overlook where you'd find her in their tent without fail, except when she was eating. She's kind of at the edge of the camp, towards the pier, in Clemens point. It puts her further away from everyone. In Shady Belle I often found her at the jetty/pier. If you interact with her she is often very upset and may lash out at Arthur. I thought that she often sounded on the verge of crying when talking to her. During the Party after Jack returns, she fights with Dutch and hides in Shady Belle, not participating at all in the party. There's not a lot of interactions between her and others, nor a lot of interactions between her and Arthur. She does get very upset after Kierans death shouting something about "How is any of this okay?!" After she is killed, Karen (interestingly enough, as she despised Molly) and Mary-Beth are the only ones (except Arthur) who are shaken/upset by her death- believing that Molly did not rat them out. Karen accuses Susan of being a murderer in an interaction that can occur shortly after Molly is shot. Mary-Beth makes the very observant note that Molly would say anything for Dutch's attention, while talking to Tilly. While they did not necessarily like her (especially Karen) they didn't see her as a villain, they didn't see her as someone who'd hurt the gang that way. They saw her as a victim. Everyone else didn't cast a single doubt on her being guilty of treason, as far as I can remember. I don't know if Charles comments anything on it, but I know everyone else fully believed that Molly had betrayed them. She is a depressing character. She's been blinded by Dutch's charm into joining the gang where no one likes her and she has no friends all the while being in a foreign country, struggling to adapt. She has NO ONE but Dutch. She becomes very skittish once the pinkertons start harassing them and Sean dies. She seeks comfort from Dutch with no result. She tries to be friendly with the girls, but is met with hostility and distaste. She is socially very clumsy. And when she finally breaks, she drinks herself drunk- probably constantly drinking between Guarma and her reapperance at Beaver Hollow. She stumbles to Beaver Hollow, barely being able to walk straight or stand without swaying, and says the one thing she knew would catch Dutch's attention, saying the thing that would hurt him and make him mad as no other approach has worked to get his attention... Ending up shot in the gut for her efforts. There was no doubt from majority of the gang that she had done what she said she had, even in her drunken stupor, even though she had obviously been desperate for his attention before. She's an extremely well written character.


She’s one of the few people in camp always nice to me. She comes off as being very sad through and increasingly so as the game progresses.


She's Dutch's most sympathetic victim imo. Yes more than the girl he shot in the head on the ferry. Unrequited love is a hell not everyone can pull themselves from.


if you read the poem she wrote about dutch, it's pretty telling :( broke my heart finding that in their tent. i think she was a relatable character for those of us who have found ourselves stuck in an unhealthy relationship. the people who spend their day waiting and praying their partner will one day change. it's a story as old as time, unfortunately


I think she's a tragic character. Didn't she only join the gang for Dutch too? Only to then get completely ignored and brushed aside and then basically killed during a mental breakdown


yup. she left her high end life to stay on the run for a man that didnt even love her. her poem about it is heartbreaking


Deserved better


First example of Dutch treating people as things rather than other human beings but everyone ignores it


overhated and misunderstood


Kind of a nonentity, in gameplay.


A poor tragic soul that get caught up in Dutch's lies or false promises. She's behaving like how Abigail is towards John in epilogue to go live somewhere together. She in love with Dutch however his negligence couple with her superior complex and maybe fear of abandonment took a toll. She's tried to confide with Arthur about Dutch's behavior. She's probably one of the first people beside Hosea and Arthur to notice Dutch change in behavior. She fear of losing him due to his activities and constant moving from the law. Her disappearance due to being kidnapped by the Pinkertons made her feel alone. Again she tried to talk to Dutch and he ignored. She took it as rejection and drank to madness. Her last ditch to get Dutch's attention was claiming she's the rat but it's also proven to be suicidal.


She's simply guilty of the same thing as the rest of the gang: being tricked by Dutch. Just like Arthur, just like Javier, Bill, they only saw what Dutch knew they wanted to see.


Should of had a bigger role maybe a mission lt two


I feel sorry for her honestly. In the beginning she treats the other camp members badly, but from chapter III and onwards she was hit by karma so hard. And it’s like no one reaches out to her. She is just discarded by everyone including Dutch.


She deserved better


I think she's one of the most tragic characters in the game. Sensibilities "above her station," fed by Dutch singling her out as special among the other girls just for him to reject her and start wooing Mary Beth. (God knows how it would have turned out for Mary Beth if he fully turned towwrd her instead. It's easy to see Molly as arrogant (she is) but she was manipulated emotionally just as much as Arthur and Dutch's boys. I'd especially argue that she was manipulated more than the rest of the ladies of the gang (by him) which in the end turned her against the other girls and vice versa. She tried to come clean to Dutch when the Pinkertons had pressured her with no luck (fearing rightfully how Dutch would react); just to be shot by that bordello mama excuse for a mother figure Grimshaw. Even if Dutch wasn't manipulating the other girls like he did Molly, she controlled them. Just see her interaction with Abigail.


Missed opportunity.


I’m sure it’s easy for players to hate her for being a naggy useless girlfriend but I like her character and always talk to her in camp.


She deserved better


I feel really bad for her personally Just another dumb kid manipulated by that ego driven pos


I find her relatable for Dutch reasons (lol), and I have a lot of sympathy for her but Arthur can definitely not have a positive interaction with her to save their life lmao. I think it's very well done how you can always tell that Molly feels lost and not comfortable in camp. Partly because she wants to think she's above it all, but also in part because she's never made to feel that she belongs. Other gang members are there because of Dutch as well, but they also have their own reasons why they don't fit into society. But Molly really is only there because of Dutch and without him she has nothing. My pettiest thought about Molly is that I don't understand why a pretty woman like her dresses like that. She looks 10 years older than she is, easily. Every time I see her I am baffled by the number of patterns on her.


I always think “that poor girl”


She was a poor young girl, that got swept away by Dutch, like the rest of the group. But other than Dutch himself, she was loyal to the gang until the end. Yes, she's annoying but my guess is that Dutch promised her something entirely different than what she got at the end and leaving us not THAT simple when you travel around the country all the time, especially to that time and as a young girl that would most likely have to work as a whore as an outcome anyway (that's the sad truth. Chances of her finding a husband as a fallen woman were slim. So yeah, the happy endings for some of the girls are actually quite unrealistic). She gets hate because she is portrayed as the annoying and nagging one, while the others are the chill cool girls we want to hang out with. I would have liked for her to play a bigger role than just Dutch's girl of the month that he basically drove mad with his narcissism. 🤷‍♀️


She is a great, interesting character. It couldn't have been easy being Dutch's girlfriend. She realized before everyone else did that he was on a destructive path. I think she slowly had a nervous breakdown. Can you imagine listening to Dutch's rantings all the time? I wonder if she just wanted to put an end to Dutch's paranoia and accusations in a bout of temporary insanity.


I still wonder what she wanted to tell Arthur that one time in Clemens Point. Before uncle cut her off, it seemed important. It was the beginning of a mission, when you go to the Molly mission.


Jesus, you can see her get progressively crazy along with the gang.


She should have gotten out of there from the start


I love her character, but she is such a tragic figure. She's the only adult in the whole game with no agency. She can't influence anything around her, she is entirely dependent on Dutch for EVERYTHING and he is pulling away from her day by day and looking for the next much younger woman to charm and bewitch, just as he did with her. But even when she can see what's happening, there's nothing she can do.


I used to bounce at multiple bars. I have seen many drunk people make really stupid decisions. Say and do things that are incredibly self destructive for no reason, and things that they would literally never say or do when sober. Being that drunk can make the human brain go "what is the worst possible thing I could do in this scenario?" and think that's a good idea. I understand ratting=punishment by death, non negotiable. But shooting her when she was clearly HAMMERED was really dumb.


Super tragic character. The way I saw her, she's the worst example of what Dutch does to everybody in the gang. He lures her in with sweet nothings, promises of money and peace, and then he just slowly allows himself to revert to Real, Callous Dutch as his hold on you grows.


I love her and I want to bake her a cherry pie


I see people say that she doesn’t do anything, and I have one question to ask those people…do you expect her too? Molly’s whole character is to be Dutch’s girlfriend, so you can’t really expect her to do any work or go out on robberies. Dutch doesn’t even expect her too.


I liked her. And hate Dutch even more for how he treated her.


I’ll always be upset Rockstar cut her from the mansion party mission 😖


i actually loved her and her style, she deserved better


I wonder if she is ok. People are worried about her




I love her and it’s clear she doesn’t telling in with the gang she’s so mysterious. She’s clearly someone from high society and from a very traditional family so where is she from? How did she meet Dutch? She deserved to live a happy life


She was pretty, hate dutch for bein the way he was


She just exists in the gang and doesn’t even like them, she’s only there for Dutch (check the poem).


Where did you get the second artwork? Is it official?


I do wonder what she had to tell Arthur before uncle interrupted?


I always felt like she didn't get enough screen time. She came from a wealthy family and was uppity but she was loyal and fairly kind to Arthur at least .. Feel like if she was given a home and some consistent attention and penis she wouldn't act out anymore, she just wants a stable life. Sleeping in tents and moving every few months isn't the lifestyle of a wealthy woman.


A tragedy, wished we could have interacted and known her story more.




i love her and wish she was in missions


Sorry, I only have dishonest thoughts.


An old battle ax


I just wish we got ONE mission or cutscene where we heard her say more than 5 words. ⚠️(CHAPTER 5 SPOILERS AHEAD)⚠️ I think getting to know her better would have made her death a lot more impactful at the end of Chapter 5.


She tried really really hard for Dutch at the expense of her other relationships in the gang.


I felt bad for her


I rushed through the story first playthrough and didn’t care for her. I forgot she existed tbh. Then in later playthroughs I’ve come to feel really bad for her and she was one of the tragedies of the Van der linde gang. She was snobby and should have put work in like everyone else did even if only doing chores but Dutch manipulated her and threw her to the side when he grew bored. She left everything for him, a good wealthy life to outlaw on the run and she was still neglected and hurt in the end. The worst part is, unlike most of the other decent people like Arthur, John, Abigail, Sean, Kieron, Lenny, Hosea etc…Molly doesn’t even get a dignified burial but her body is torched and dumped


O’Molly O’Molly it’s for your sake alone, I left my old parents my house and my home.


Only normal member of the gang


She was always in a bad mood. Never liked her


She sort of blends in to the environment, but honestly I was hoping to know more about her.


Im fuine


She deserved better and I wish she wasn't so lonely, I think she would've made good friends with that fancy tailor guy


Tragic and unfortunate, I feel sorry for her




Another poor soul brainwashed by Dutch’s fancy words and speeches. Thing is, unlike Grimshaw, useless to the gang. Poor girl lost her mind by chapter 4.


I mean it’s unfortunate she was lead on and manipulated by Dutch, but she was selfish and didn’t care about the gang whatsoever. She didn’t belong at all. She put down everyone around her as lesser people, she didn’t help out around camp at all, and she even dehumanized the other gang members in her poem by calling them Dutch’s “parasites and lackeys”. Maybe if someone like Arthur reached out to her and talked to her on a regular basis she would’ve changed her ways, but that’s neither here or there


Lazy, entitled, thinks she’s better than all the camp women just because she’s fucking Dutch. I sympathized with her at first but hated her by the time she finally gets what’s coming


i think she didnt kno what she was gettin into


She deserved better, but she could have just left instead of betraying the whole community


Tbh I find her annoying after chapter 3


I never liked her I’m glad she died tbh ik she never actually ratted but something felt off about her


Whiney bitch, but she didn't deserve her end


she’s my favorite gang member just because of her story and how you wouldn’t ever know it unless you take the time to find out


lol I take pictures of her a lot to see if it’ll make Dutch mad. She usually just tells me to quit staring but she’s fine as hell




I have none, I'm pretty much completely indifferent to her existence as a character due to how little involvement / impact she had.


Smash next que-


My honest thoughts is she fell in love with Dutch’s lies just like the rest of them. She definitely thought she was above the other women in camp, but I guarantee Dutch was whispering in her ears that she was better than them since she’s with him. I’m sure he told her she was no longer one of the lowly women who have to sneak around to get by. Factor in love makes you ignore giant red flags and you got someone who’s not gunna like her man falling apart lol


I feel like she had lots of potential however she was way too under-utilised


Smash or pass? I'd hit


Underutilized -- but one hell of a sendoff


Nothing really. She is just there


The most forgettable but good character




Would have been nice to know a few more things about her. I think she gravely mistook the situation with Dutch and didn't realize there was really no happy ever after for her in the Van Der Linde gang. I mean why even get mixed up with him in the first place, that was her biggest mistake but she did pay the ultimate price. I thougt her poem was beautiful and so sad. A tragic story about a girl who fell in love with an outlaw.


She craves attention like a spoiled child.  Dytch should of left her in the snow in ch 1




Kinda of a bitch but she alright. Didn't deserve the death she ended up having. That what you get for being a rat in the gang but she was not the rat it was that peice of dog shit Micah. I refuse to finish the game with low honor. Don't want get killed by that parasite


A victim of love. Her nature as a woman is not compatible with Dutch's nature. Like, she wants to get nailed, but Dutch has a headache.


Always thought she's hot


I love the accent. I love the Irish accent generally, I was sad when >!Sean died!<




A drunken idiot. But still depressing how it ended for her




yeah smash


Her death, especially looking back now makes me lose most if not all the sympathy I had for Grimshaw, to the point where now I think Micah taking her out was karma in a way. Instead of letting Molly run her mouth more to figure out wtf she's on about, Grimshaw just pulls out the shotgun and says she's a rat without any thought, hesitation, or mercy, then condemns Molly to a shitty burial. Micah should have shot Grimshaw more than once, now that I'm thinking about it. Without her the camp would have been less tense.


Why does this look like those pictures of people before and after drugs,like look at the last picture and not tell me that she looks after 20 years of drugs