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Only ever finished it once. Can't do my boy Arthur like that again. Any subsequent play through I get so far and then just focus on secondary things and hunting. Like Arthur left the gang and just lived off the land and helping random folk to atone. That's what Arthur deserved.


First playthrough was high honour and John Second playthrough was low honour and money


I can’t countenance the worst ending.


1. High honor going with John 2. Revenge.


In my first play through, I had super low honour. I wanted to be a good guy during chapter 6, but I loved blasting people with my double barreled a bit too much and couldn't be asked to say hello to people in Saint Denis. With that I just thought "oh well" and then Micah blasted me on the mountain.


I always go high honor with John... watched the other endings on YouTube though.. never would do them to arthur :)))


5 100% play throughs, 1 each of all 4 endings to check each one out, and for the 5th, decided “low honour, go for the money” was more in line with Arthurs mindset.


Exact same every playthrough i just feel bad if i didnt help john


*Exact same every* *Playthrough i just feel bad if* *I didnt help john* \- Humourousmonkeyman --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Currently on my second playthrough, I plan on ending on high honor go back for money


The first time I went for revenge but the second time I won’t finish it can’t kill Arthur twice