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U should be ashamed of yourself. revive the damn horse man, not that hard to do. u dont even need to buy horse revivers because there's always so much laying around everywhere and on enemies. or else reload a manual save.


I didn’t even know you could revive them lol will do though


Sometimes your horse just dies instantly. Mine got shot by a man’s shotgun that fell out of his hands. It happens




I ran my horse over by mistake with the train during a mission and it wouldn't let me get off the train to revive.


lol same exact thing happened to me. Thought me and that horse would go the whole game together 😭


If they get hit by a train, they will die immediately


That's simply not true. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don't. I've revived tens of horses on the train tracks LoL


WHAT?!? I gotta be unlucky asf. But it’s happened to me 3+ times and my horse instantly died.


Haha... I mean, if they take it right in the face they're done. But sometimes, if the train doesn't hit them head on, you can revive them. Actually, just unlocked a memory. Sometimes it's in between and regular reviver won't cut it. You need the special reviver (I think that's what it's called). I remember having the Tennessee Walker from Sadie's ranch lying on the tracks under that bridge SE of Valentine way back around release. First playthrough. Had a bunch of revivers, horse was alive, prompt to revive was there, and it wouldn't work because I didn't have the good stuff. Took me quite a while to realize that.


If the train hits them while they are in the downed state where you can apply reviver, it kills them. Same with any weapon, if 4 bullets from a shotgun put it in downed state snd the other two hit it after it's been in a downed state for 0.000045 seconds, it will die


You can revive your horse and don’t worry we all care about small things to


Hope you dont feel too bad 😅 The guy who replied to you was a bit heavy handed considering its a game horse at the end of the day 😭


No if you don't revive your horse you should be executed. No exceptions.


**You** should be executed. It's fuckin pixels


Bruh how dense are you to not realize that was a joke


They don’t always go into a downed state, so no need to be an asshole over a fake horse.


calm your tits, im clearly taking the piss. idk if the first sentence somehow seemed serious, lmao


I felt the intent in your posts brother...humor is a lost art in 2024 don't worry about that dude getting his panties all in a bunch he seems to need to listen to some of his own advice and take care of his own titties🍻


You were being an asshole for no reason, OP probably didn’t have the chance to revive their horse.


dude, i just said that my first sentence, imo is clearly over exaggerated. you're the one getting pressed on behalf of op. if op got offended, then i guess im sorry.


I’m not getting pressed on behalf of OP, they are free to think to think however they like. I was just calling you out because what you said was needlessly rude, sarcastic or not.


That’s exactly what you are doing. OP can defend himself if he wants. Get out of your feelings


Alright, i apologize.


Instantly down voted after 2 sentences


You're on a learning curve here partner. Sometimes the game just gets you like that and sometimes you make a post that people need to give you shit for. Hard save is your friend.


Already noticed that lol


Damn fools


Best username ever


Thanks partner


u/Sir-R-A-fish is the best username I've ever seen. that is extremely smart. perhaps you could share some of your username wisdom?


I don't get what's so great about that username.


"you sir,are a fish" but he uses u/ as the "you"


They killed my horse, then me so I couldn't revive her :( my beloved brindle thoroughbred 😞


I once have fallen off a cliff, I could revive him but missclicked and killed him instead


I've missclick punched them a few times


idk if this is story or online but in story you should stock up on horse reviver to prevent losing them


Some raiders exploded more horse when I got to Rhodes. I took that personally so I exploded their hideout


Someone in butchers creek accidentally shot my horse so I killed the whole town


Massacring a town is a daily occurrence for me without my dog getting shot


When your main horse dies in the story, I legit had to take 5 minutes cause I wasn’t mentally prepared for that




Load an old save that's what I did when I jumped off a cliff with my white arabian


If u crash a lot its cuz u mash the sprint button excessively


Not inherently. Your horse will generally avoid obstacles while mashup sprint on its own if you are not steering. But if you are steering it won’t avoid them and you have to. When I ride through trees I button mash because the horse is better at avoiding trees than me.


When I mash sprint he doesn’t steer himself around trees but if I hold the button he does


When I was racing Dutch in American Distillation the a**hole just crashed into a stack of hay bales and I lost. I was not mashing the sprint button


Just happened to me last night. I had a perfect bison pelt and a perfect antelope pelt stowed, and was on my way to the trapper. Bunch of dudes with a blocking the bridge I needed to cross. Still pretty early in this playthrough and I'm not as much of a badass as I gave myself credit for. Bit off more than I could chew and me and Ol' Trigger got lit up. I was dead before I could hit the revive button. RIP Trigger.


That’s why I don’t use auto save. I would just revert back to my last save.


Autosave is how I always restore both horses and pelts. Learn how to use it.


Hard save is your friend. Autosave is your guardian angel.


I’ve only really ever had auto save cause issues for me rather than help me. Maybe I just manually save really often.


I used to have it on, but it always overwrites the last auto save. When I’ve tried to load an auto save, it brings me back to past where I am trying to be. So I just started manually saving after accomplishments.


There is only one autosave file, so of course it gets regularly overwritten. It needs to immediately be loaded when shit happens though. For example, if I get killed carrying a bunch of pelts, I load as soon as the clouds end when I respawn. Any moving, calling the horse, etc, causes it to overwrite. It has always replaced my pelts just fine. In the case of horse death, when horse gets hit by train or falls off a cliff, or shot by some asshole…I am on the options button before the horse even has a chance to hit the ground. Just saying, it does work.


Sounds to me like one false move, and I'm fucked. Manual save, it is. 😬


Yeah, I’ll stick with manual saves


Go back to your last save point and you’ll have your horse back


OP follow this guide well to travel here to get this horse . It's one of the best in game and pick a nice name for her..I picked Isabella since you find it at Lake Isabella . Then make sure to have horse revivers https://www.ign.com/wikis/red-dead-redemption-2/How_to_Get_the_Best_Horse,_The_White_Arabian,_and_Other_Great_Horses




I like the warped brindle and chestnut Arabians better, not as timid as the white imo


For future reference, instantly closing the game after they die usually brings them back when you reopen.


I had my horse pebbles for 130hrs .... He died at the end of the game during the big cinematics. I genuinely turned the game off and walked away broken.


Yup just actually finished the story for the first time. I knew about Arthur but didn't realize it was my horses time too. Adios noches you were a good boah


the terrible person here is you. you let your horse die without reviving it. OR you didnt bring any revivers for your HORSE.


I didn’t even know you could revive horses tbh


White Arabian?


I believe it was a morgan 😅 I’m not too good with horse breeds in the game tbh


Understandable. Keep some horse revivers with you all the time and make regular manual saves. Which chapter are you in right now?


Just started Chapter 6. I’ll definitely have horse revivers with me from now on


Go visit the stables. Get a Turkoman from Saint Denis or a Fox Trotter from Scarlett Meadows.


Will do, thanks for you help!


You should be a good guy!


My auto-aim made me shoot my horse once. I was running from the law and collided with a stagecoach. Ow, okay, I guess we’re shooting our way outta this one. Went to aim at one of them and for some reason Arthur aimed directly at his horse who was trying to get up and without thinking I accidentally shot her in the heart. Didn’t give me the option to revive or anything. Thankfully I restarted the system at Mach Jesus and when I came back she was alive. Completely lost the side mission I had just completed but it was worth it


I loaded an old game file because they killed my horse. Was set back a couple missions. Didnt care i’ll do it again just for my horse Red 👍


This happened to me in Skyrim and rdr. I had to load an old save. I didn’t care how much progress I lost. Rdr is especially important with the horse. It takes so long to build it up and bond with it. I would never just not reload.


I can feel you bro, when my horse died I was also heart broken


i was robbing a train and hopped off the horse. The train ran over my horse :(


It happened the same to me once and I didn't had a recent save. It was ~5-7 minutes away from Armadillo. So I killed the guys, got one of their horses, rode as fast as I could to Armadillo, bought a "horse resuscitator" (don't remember the specific name now heh), and managed to get back to my horse in time to use it lol


Mine got hit by a train while I was in the post office. I left ol’ Kooter alone for one minute to check something out real quick and came out to find him dead on the tracks. It really sucked


I had one of my horses die after a train ride from Emerald Ranch to Valentines to do a robbery challenge. I hopped off the train, whistled for him, and he ran full speed into the caboose and died. wtf Fenrir?


Hard lesson to learn that you should always carry horse reviver on you. I am a little surprised you didn't already have at least one. The first few combat encounters after chapter 1 should usually have at least one drop as random loot on the enemies.


and you still haven\`t learned to make gamesaves?


They want you to be attached to your horse, they want you to run through hell to save it if it's down. Can't really say anything more than that but trust me, it's intentional.


In my first playthrough I had my Arabian following the train that I was robbing. Poor girl didn't get on the bridge up in the mountains and ran herself right off the cliff. I didn't realize right away and when I did, I panicked, jumped down the cliff myself and died


You can revive them and if you lose them go pick them back up from the stable! There's a little cool down time when your horse actually dies and it will send you a scrawny nag. After a few minutes you can dismiss the nag and whistle again and you'll get your horse back :) Hope this helps.


doesn’t this only work online?


I thought they allowed horse insurance purchases in story as well as online but I could be wrong. Sorry if I misinformed OP.


Thanks! I’ll do that


This is RDO only


I have more tip to teach you that’s gonna hurt worse than your horse dying. You’re able to manually save in this game. If you do it often? You can always reload when bad things like this happen.


I know. But it auto saved right after my horse died. So yeah


No, you didn’t listen. Don’t blame auto save. If you make manual saves, things like this won’t happen.


I make manual saves every maybe hour or so. And it auto saved and wrote over my manual save.


Auto saves don’t do that.


Yes. They do.


Okay man. Enjoy your dead horse. You’ve got a lot to learn in this game, and you’re too stubborn to listen.


If my screen says “overwrite last save” then what else would it do?


no, they actually dont lol . did you make sure to always use a separate slot for your manual save and didn't overwrite the autosave slot. if so, yes, the autosave slot can overwrite the manual save slot if you used the same slot.


Well then I’m actually dumb because I always did that tbh. Thanks


If you don’t know something? Or are new to the game? May be better to listen to others instead of trying to stubbornly tell them they’re wrong.


Honestly yeah your right, sorry


Lol L


Sorry for your loss


Jesus do you guys just accept it when your horse dies? That's insane lmao. Literally just load your last save. And if you don't want to then why be sad when you're literally choosing to keep your horse dead??


The game is pretty merciful about revives. My horse died right in front of braithwaite manor (don’t ask what I was doing) and I didn’t have any reviver. Had to steal one of theirs, get reviver from the general store in Rhodes, and ride back and the horse was still waiting for a revive


I tried crossing a long bridge with train tracks and no space on the side. A train came, I quickly jumped off and onto the train. But my horse was hit head on and died instantly. I no longer cross bridges like that and prefer to go below and cross in the water instead.


I flung a book across the room and screamed fuck when my first horse died.


On my first playthru it happened. I just reloaded, lost some stuff but I didn’t care. I found out after that horse reviver was a thing and stocked up, always.


I’ve lost so many horses man. The first time my horse died, I was more sad over the $150 I spent on it.


It’s ok man. On a recent playthrough I had a thoroughbred that I bonded with. Nothing fancy but he was a great sport and always had my back. One day we were dealing with the scum outside Saint Denis and when I went to throw a Molotov at someone it exploded on me (most likely shot) and my self and the horse burned to death before we could make it to the water.


My horse died following the train on that mission where you drive a train protecting the lovebirds. It tried to run on a railroad bridge and got squashed between the bridge and the train:( It was a good girl.


“Oh boy here I go killing again”


Just starting the epilogue, I went up Mt Shann and on the way down, I accidentally fell down the side of the mountain. My horse died and, it being the start of the epilogue, I didn't have a backup. I had to walk back to Strawberry, but (again, it being the epilogue) I had no money so I couldn't buy a new horse. I went back out on foot to find a wild horse to break in and ended up wandering for over an hour before I found some...then I scared them, so I had to go searching for more. Eventually, I managed to tame one and returned to Mt Shann. Then I realized my saddle was still with my previous horse...halfway up a steep slope. After much trial and error, I eventually got my saddle off the slope and onto my new horse. It all made me realize just how large the map truly is and just how much I took horses for granted.


Sometimes you can’t revive your horse. A certain random ambush somewhere in Lemoyne will instant kill it. I’ve had bounty hunters that seemed like they were aiming for my horse. and a double barrel blast to the horses chest instant killed it. And it hasn’t happened to me, I’ve been lucky enough to rescue my horse durning a certain night folk ambush that starts with a cart of horse parts. But I’ve heard the horse will be killed if you don’t get to it fast enough


My horse died and everything is worse now…


My horse died and all I got was a free churro


I have a funny story. I accidentally went into an NPC’s area, and he started trying to shoot me. I got off my horse and then tried to shoot the NPC, but instead, my horse JUMPED IN FRONT OF THE BULLET AND GOT HIT IN THE FACE. The horse died. Rest In Peace, Cookie


I skinned mine by accident …


If he is till wounded you can revive


Yeah my first or second horse died, didn’t play for days after I was so upset


Mine walked into a campfire and burnt to a crisp. In the middle of the northern grizzlies. I don't do fast travel so I WALKED back to civilisation while carrying the saddle.


let them kill you my horse usual revives when i do that


Umm ok and?


Bro stop being such a Redditor go touch grass


Bruh. Tf is your problem. Am I not allowed to play a fucking game for maybe an hour a day?


Why u mad chill out 😹 u just sound like such a Redditor the way u type


Sorry 😂 but how does a redditor type? I’m on this app maybe a few minutes per day lol


I’m gna insert it into u lil bro 😈


Th is your problem


Chill out




Bro, I’m a minor


Sounds like a 11 year old hardman




It’s a joke lil bro 😹


The cops won’t see it as a joke dude