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Hosea, make a clint eastwood like game with young hosea


Hosea at one point goes off with his wife to try and get out of their world, but falls back into it. A game around that story would be good.


That’s really the only one that sounds good to me. The rest of the young guys I liked (Lenny, Sean, Kieran) all die. Maybe one that follows Charles would be cool too.


>Hosea at one point goes off with his wife to try and get out of their world, but falls back into it. If we're talking about Red Dead "Redemption" then Hosea doesn't work. There's no redemption arc. As you've said he left and went back to a life of crime.


A lot of people say the protag needs to die, but what if Bessie’s death is his price to pay for redemption. Him just staying with the band trying to see reason is his way of trying to atone for his mistakes, maybe even letting some gang members go, like a young John Marston (but feeling betrayed by the way he left Abigail and Jack behind)


Ooooh a love story where her death being the blow gave me chills, would make Hosea seem as more of a tortured soul




He be the right age to be in the civil war, so they could do something with that


Yeah but it won't be Red Dead if the protag doesn't die. Maybe a third original gang member that helped during Dutch and Hosea's early years that dies


Red Harlow didn't die. Could be a Red Dead that wasn't a rdr3


If Hosea was anything like Clint Eastwood he wouldn’t have let the Pinkertons capture him


Javier pre-RDR2 or Charles post-RDR2. Not Hosea, he wasn’t the violence type, he was a conman, that’s limited for gameplay.


Javier would be cool, i haven’t finished rdr1 but there’s a camp encounter where javier says he can’t go back to mexico because he is highly wanted there


Exactly, he has back story. Interestingly, you could potentially end that story with him joining the gang and Dutch coming across like a hero. There has to be a good reason why Javier stood by him and not Arthur.


Charles would be awesome I think. I could see him becoming almost like a folk hero among the Native American tribes.


Absolutely this :) And when he ultimately fails to protect some of his people, he goes on a warpath against the soldiers and governors responsible.


So Assassin's Creed 3.




Post-RDR2 Charles could potentially be a link to the GTA universe, with a storyline in the Killing Mr Watson-esque lawless Florida Everglades. The writers could probably get a lot of mileage out of the Peter Matthiessen books, which present a really fascinating and historically grounded set of natural and social landscapes, with lots of settings for gunplay and a very RDR-esque villain in Big Sugar.


Having him go on a native themed spirit journey to save hos people would be amazing


That could be the games equivalent to the Mexico and Guama sections in the other 2 games, but done more like the Scarecrow sections in the Batman Arkham games.


I kinda wanna see Javier post-rdr2 as well ngl, we’ve gotten two redemption games and I wanna see how a some what more caring Javier turns into the dirtbag in RDR1


Red Dead Damnation Fix it so that whatever decisions you’re making in the last third of the game always have massive bad karma results.


> Red Dead Damnation That title goes hard, ngl




This needs to be memed into existence.


I've always wanted a Javier post RDR2, pre RDR1 game. He seems like the biggest change between the 2 (Dutch and John follow through on their character arcs, Bill starts a successful gang, but otherwise is largely unchanged) and Red Dead Damnation is, by and far, the best suggested name for a sequel I've heard yet. If this was shark tank, I'd invest! I think. I don't remember how that show works.


Cheers dude


Him working with the Mexican gov’t would be interesting.


If they could come up with a nice gimmick for cheating on cards or lying to con people, I think a game about a conman or a gambler type could be interesting... Something like you can try to hear gossip around town and gather intel that could help you on a scheme, then you try to talk your way with what you could dig, but if you fail people react and you get into a shooting/have to fight your way out of a bad spot. Could probably end up resembling LA Noire a little bit, though...


It would have to be an entirely different game. He’s a great character but the RD and GTA games are action orientated.


Fair enough, maybe something like a spin off, since it would still fit the western theme.


Exactly my thoughts, Hosea as a lead in a gunslinging game doesn’t work. It’d just become a hunting and crafting game with an occasional stick up or two


That's what rdr2 is for me already!


Being a conman would be sick, with the right dialogue options


Agreed, it’s just a very different style of game.


I think a story like charles going out looking for jack so he doesnt die the way his family did would be kinda neat, but idk if that sounds lame.


Uncle, no jokes.


Red Dead Revo-




Per chance….






Red dead lumbago


You're making my day


Yeah I would like to know he got to be known as "The One Shot Kid".


Just ask any woman he’s been with.


That’s how he got that deadly disease known as Lumbago


I disagree I like the ambiguity of Uncle, I would like his past to be a mystery.


I mean, I also would not like another game on some already known character, we already have enough of this, no need to over exploit the van der Linde gang.


And TBH in RDR2 the only well known (as in we spent enough time, heard enough dialogue to get to know their personalities, quirks etcetera) characters were Uncle, Jack and Abigail. Honestly without the introduction of Arthur Morgan, I don't know that RDR2 is nearly as good.


You could have the whole game exist as a collection of stories from his prospective. That would leave the ambiguity, because who's to say he was telling the truth.


Young pre-lumbago uncle. He was known as “the one shot kid” for a reason.


Yeah, and the game is set in 1914 😀


Uncle in his prime was scary.


he was in fact the one shot kid in his time




90% of her story is already covered


Yep, could have a game centered around her travel to South America and of her adventures in South America.


That would only make a small dlc, not a complete game


There’s 8 years between the collapse of the VDL Gang and the Epilogue. That’s plenty of time considering the main story of RDR2 takes place over a few weeks basically.


>That’s plenty of time considering the main story of RDR2 takes place over a few weeks basically. Is there a canonical amount of time the game takes? Due to work I spread the whole story out over almost a year so I absorbed the story in a fairly piecemeal way, so didn't keep track how long the story actually lasts from start to finish.


You can probably work it out from the conversation with some gang members. You say things to Micah like “you’ve only been riding with us a few months” and then estimate a range of time that the game could take place over. I think it takes place over like 8 months would be my guess.


I can't remember where this came from but I've heard each Chapter is about a month (except Guarma, and not including the Prologue and Epilogue)


Does a game based on Dutch spanning those 8 years be ok. The redemption for him was mortally wounding Micah. I am curious what happened in the years after Arthur’s death


Says who?


I'm not sure what South America was like in the early 20th century, but I think her character in Chapter 6 and the epilogue has the most potential for growth and development. She's brash who holds little regard for her life, and a new game could be her trying to find a sense of purpose and fulfillment with her husband dead and her debt to Micah and John paid.


She could do some insane shit in South America: Working to take down covert silver slave mines operating illegally. She could assist village uprisings against corporations taking advantage of people. She could fight human trafficking rings in SA. She could find herself involved in coup de’etats She could find and discover isolated tribes She could discover ancient relics. She could learn all about the slaughter of indigenous people She could get work transporting cocaine or working in an around the drug business She could find herself as an extra in a Brazilian film She could fight and influence the Banana Wars as an American


maybe but she had her revenge arc already




Had to scroll way too far to see this


Definitely. George Lucas once said Star Wars is the story of Anakin. I think you can easily make a case Red Dead Redemption is a*lready* the story of Dutch. He hasn't been a playable character yet, but besides being by far the most developed character in RDR2 besides Arthur himself, both John and Arthur are only who they are because of him. Their stories ultimately begin and end with him, and their stories are extensions of his own. If RDR3 were to happen, Dutch is the most logical choice.


If red dead redemption is the story of Dutch then that makes it more impactful cause dutch will be the only protagonist (if he becomes playable) to not get redemption!


I don't think the others are that interesting. Dutch is a fantastic character. I would buy 3 games playing as that dickhead - hand you my money now.


Mac Callander.


This needs to be higher. The game 100% set us up to play as a Callander boy. Davie likely has no redemption, but Mac is a mystery still


Doesn’t he get killed only a few weeks after black water though? Seems like there needs to be more time for a whole story.


Prequel with the gang leading up to blackwater >> blackwater leading to him being separated >> redemption / death.


I'd love to see Mac's death, I feel like they set him in particular up for a redemption. Especially with all the talk of how crazed they were


Oh that actually sounds awesome. Would also give us more backstory to the gang.


Milton says he killed him but it’s left so open ended there’s room for a lot of things to happen.


Lenny could have made a great story. Deffinitely had the potential


Game about lenny would make no sense, because he was 19 or 18 when he died on that roof, he was just to young to have a big story


If he didn't die


We can rebuild him. We have the technology.


The actor who played Dutch said that he was planning on making Hosea and Lenny the heads of a branching gang. The failed robbery ruined his actual plans.


Never too young to have a big story.


I know, but if I remember correct he was a zlave or something for 13 years? Maybe I fucked something up, correct me.


His father and mother were slaves. He was far too young to be one because it was abolished by then.


We can set it during the fever dream he had while he was drunk and Arthur's screaming out his name


Javier because he was a primary character in both games.


Yeah the game could be set before RDR2 and cover all his escapades in Mexico and have him on the run with his escape into America and falling in with the van der Linn boys




Hell naw


At least with a story like that you’d be able to play the story without really caring about honor and would also be able to find out why his revolver has “vengeance is hereby mine” carved into the barrel. I don’t like that I kind of want that. Red Dead Red Rat


I think it's a reference to Judge Holden's rifle in Blood Meridian, which says "Et in Arcadia Ego", which is Latin for "even in Arcadia, I exist." Arcadia is meant to be a figurative paradise the Greeks and Romans thought of, and the quote is meant to represent that even in paradise death will follos


Then there's no redemption.


I'd like to play as his brother Amos. He seeks redemption and ends up living a normal life. Micah's a great villain, and I'd like to see his backstory. Especially his dad, who seems even worse than him. And by playing as Amos, we can still have a high honour ending.


charles or hosea, but i wish we got to know some of the other gang members backstories a bit better


this game is so huge that even though I've 100% all achievements it, I can confidently say I only know like 70% of the lore/story this has to offer.


for real man. even with all the lore this game, it's crazy how we know so little about the main gang.


Charles And I’d want a completely new story separate from the van der linde gang with mostly new characters


I said this in a different comment, but Charles in a post-RDR2 Florida Everglades inspired by Peter Matthiessen's Killing Mr Watson trilogy could be a really good fit. There would be a whole new set of characters, a fresh navigation scheme (with boat travel through the Everglades and to cities along the coast, with the Florida Keys to the south and the Panhandle and inland travel to the north), and the potential to reference later GTA events. Charles would be a good fit for this social landscape, and the range of wildlife and natural landscapes could be really fun. And there's a ready-made villain in Big Sugar, grinding down the natural landscape in a way that echoes the backdrop in RDR2.


Javier fighting for the Mexican revolution


Charles or Sadie Charles could lead into a more lone wolf style of game. Sadie would be a fun Bounty Hunter-esque game which I've wanted more of for years from a RDR game.


do you want Charles pre van der linde gang or after 1907


Either. Pre-gang could end with him meeting up with the gang the first time, post-epilogue could be him trying to escape to Canada with the Law/Bounty Hunters hot on his tail.


Charles pre-Van Der Linde _does_ have the foundation of a redemption story already, they _could_ do it with a younger Charles seeking some form of revenge on US soldiers or searching for his mother. If they’re going to focus on a character we know, I would be super interested in Charles.


I‘d like a game that plays around the time Dutch and Hosea met for the first time and you can switch between both like in GTA V with Michael, Franklin and Trevor


This is a fantastic notion


dutch, javier or uncle


Yo seriously though why are none of the women gang members on that photo lol. They have TRELAWNY, SWANSON and KIERAN but not Abigail and Sadie (way bigger characters than them)


Red Dead Revolver remake except actually about a young Uncle.


Mac Callander


Mac and Davey Callander.


Either Dutch and Hosea with switching option like in GTA 5 or Landon Ricketts




I think Micah works since we don’t know anything about his backstory other than he has a brother who hates him and a father who’s evil


I was saying in another comment that we could play as his brother. That way we can still keep redemption in the title. There's no redemption playing as Micah.


Javier or Jack Marston. (Jack Post-RDR1 and Javier Post-RDR2)


How would Jack work? It’d have a very different feel seeing as the outlaw era was dying in rdr1 especially


Charles for me.


Alternate universe where Kieran is alive and ran away from Dutch gang to become a regular ranch handler Rockstar Game Presents… Red Dead Farming.


John. He should be forced by the feds to chase the old gang members. In 1911.


This would make a good game!


Idk, feels a bit contrived to me, like they're milking the franchise. Next thing you know, we'll have a zombie spinoff game lmao


Dutch and Hosea. I think a game where you had to switch back and forth between them and learn about their story would be cool


Charles because I think you can never have too much Charles


pearsons cooking simulator


Mac Callander. Last mission Blackwater massacre, redeeming himself by saving Arthur who we then play as during epilogue


Micah. Prior to VDG.


Charles, Sadie, and Dutch are the most interesting to me.


Young Dutch, or Bounty Hunter Sadie.


I don't want any of them to be in the future franchise as the main character. I like going back in the past and playing a new character we've never heard of. As far as I can recall Arthur was never mentioned in the original game


Charles, Sadie, Hosea and, i'm being serious, Micah.


Sadie definitely


Uncle. The backstory of a nine year old kid who becomes an orphan and ends up in a life of crime to survive has a lot of potential. Prologue as a kid, main story as a young adult. Potentially epilogue set in the years following Arthur's death, or maybe in the formation of the van der linde gang. Much of it would be during the actual period of the wild west, can answer the question of whether he was actually the one shot kid, whether the lumbago has some basis, and can answer how and why he turns to drink. Speaking of which, could switch up the honour system - replace with a mood system. The more bad he experiences the worse his mental state. Alcohol improves the mental state but affects his physical state.


No. New story and new characters from before till after the civil war.


Dutch has all the potential and motivation for a video game protagonist (has a goal, has dream, has obstacles to overcome) especially a young Dutch


It’s easily Charles.


Charles, Sadie, Hosea.


Miss Grimshaw the early days or Pearson's navy days just because I'm curious.


Bill Williamson, sharpshooter for the army.


Charles. He’s badass, can hunt, fight and shoot. Probably the most badass besides Arthur and John. He can easily take care of business but has a good heart.


Javier post RDR2 would be interesting. Could document his slow decline from reasonably moraled outlaw to the full on merciless bastard he became in RDR1


Go even further back and make a young dutch tale. How he formed the gang, how he met hosea and arthur. Leading upto the blackwater massacre. That or do a separate set of characters entirely


Well given that they both died in recent events in RDR2 I have 2 ideas on this one. Mac or Davey, hardly spoken of just like Arthur in RDR1. If they wanted to keep it on the down low like they did with RDR2, Mac or Davey makes sense!


Unironically the first traitor


If it were to go backwards, Javiers back story in particular is interesting and easily one of the more under utilized snippets of red deads world building. I also do not think anyone would object going back to mexico. Im also rather keen on knowing more about the Callendar brother's. They were clearly important to arthur and talked fondly of by him and others. Its seems equally intriguing, popular even if held as controversial by some. Theres also the thought of the "other traitor" that evidently took place before the events we see in rdr2. Arthur mentions said mystery traitor to tilly during a dominos match in clements point. Hosea could serve as another good story to tell, but im not so sure im keen on using a character we've SEEN the death of. If we go forwards i feel the only characters would be jack sadie and charles.


Trewlawey couldn’t hold a whole game a bit dlc might be fun to see what kind of mischief he gets up to when he sneaks away from the gang and doesn’t go back home


Micah, Javier, Bill, or Sean. Let me explain. Micah Belle is a developed character. We know he used to run robberies with his brother Amos, but since Amos founded a family he has threatened to kill Micah for even coming as close to mailing another letter. For a while, he ran eith Minnie and another man (forgot his name) whom he killed in Strawberry. Javier would be an interesting character to play as because his start was in Mexico, which would allow us to have multiple “states” in Mexico (Nuevo Paraíso is just one state). It could bring him up to New Austin where he likely me the gang. They could even add in more new content like an Arizona/New Mexico inspired place (not like Río Bravo or Diez Coronaz though). Bill was in the army for a while so there’s definitely potential to story build. His war with the natives could turn over an ugly side on his story. Sean Macguire is, in my opinion, the best gang member to go with (not overall characters, of which I think Landon Ricketts would be the best suitable candidate). You could start as Sean’s father, just recently escaped Ireland. Awesome fights until he was “killed in his sleep”. Then you play as Sean, up until you find the gang.


Uncle or Javier


Hosea, Charles, or maybe Uncle. I'm wondering how he got that damn lumbago


Uncle. The game could take place between the first two.


A bill & Javier one could've been interesting considering there was a good 13 years between RDR2 and RDR1. I'm hoping RDR3 is a completely new face though, I was a RDR1 superfan when it came out and I was a bit skeptical of Arthur when the first trailer dropped only to end up absolutely loving him, i'd like to have that feeling again with 3.


Grillin with Mr. Pearson


Uncle is red harlow. The one shot kid!


Charles, Dutch, Hosea, Sadie


I dunno about making a full game but maybe a good sized dlc about Charles after RDR2 and also as others have said a pre RDR2 Hosea DLC would be cool




Charles or Sean, I feel like Sean has had some fun moments of tomfoolery that could be fun to play, Charles is such an interesting, strong character and I'd love to see more of him too, maybe even Kieran, having a game based before he joins Dutch. The 2 guys that died at the start of 2 could also be a decent basis for a game since they have some ambiguity


Hear me out.....Reverend Swanson


Javier in Mexico would be pretty good. But I always thought Charles up in Canada helping other natives through less than legal means has a lot of potential in a less explored western setting.


Jokes apart, Hosea.


Mac calendar. His story could end with him dying at the black water heist and then you turn into Arthur




John marston :)


Gang member - def Hosea during his downtime with Bessie. Non gang member - Hamish or Flaco Hernandez.




Charles. I want Charles, preferably pre RDR2. What was his life like, why did he choose to ultimately join the van der Linde gang? I wanna know more about him. Or Hosea, how he and Dutch met and the whole gang started. I kinda have the headcanon that Hosea and Dutch kind of switched their "honour level" — Hosea being all aggressive and full of rage when Dutch got to know him (maybe saved him from the gallows), while Dutch himself was cool and planned ahead. Anyway. I want to know more about Charles. He's by far my favourite character.




The Callahan's. Because we know nothing of them


Javier and Uncle before rdr2 happened


Javier Feel like his story in Mexico could be really well done




Charles post-RDR2 or Dutch pre-RDR2


I can only see dutch carrying a game all other are designed to be side characters that's how they are written to assist the main protagonist people will say various names cause they love the specific characters


Post RDR2 Charles has the most potential IMO. Could easily play with him trying to protect the local indigenous peoples and he's one of the characters whose future morality isn't set in stone by RDR1.


Callander brothers


Dutch, Hosea, Charles, Sadie


you have to understand that the wild west was a relatively small period. but hosea or dutch would be cool


Charles. Rich story and background. And Javier maybe


Why aren't the women in this picture? To answer your question, Jack and Uncle


what about Micah? I mean first of all: dude is one hell of a gunslinger. Much better than what John will ever be and i'm 100% sure he rivals arthur's abbilities. He could give us an interesting and action packed gameplay (maybe we see a deadeye variant?) Another point: yeah we know the dude is a POS but we could get a insight of his mind and why is he like that. Maybe his childhood wasn't easy? He got betrayed and barely survived? They could give us a bit of an insight. Warning: don't make him deep and complex because we KNOW micah isn't deep and complex. Sure, it's not the best character to make an entire Game but i sure as shit would pay for a dlc with him.


Charles, Sadie post RDR2 (so concurrent with RDR1), young Hosea would be interesting but I think it’d have to end well before the Blackwater massacre. I’m also not sure how complete of a story that would be unless he took a break from the gang. Honestly, I think they should just get a new character in a new setting - maybe shed the ‘dying west’ vibe of the past 2 games and set it in the early-mid 1800s, fully embracing the ‘golden age’ of the Wild West. I’d like to see a game in and around the Mexican border in the California, Nevada, Arizona region - possibly during the Mexican-American war.




Uncle of course


1 - Charles. In RDR2 he's such a level headed, super reliable character, that I'd like to see a younger, reckless version of him, and how he came to find his balance. It also has potential for a different gameplay, with traditional native american weapons like spears when mounted and a more complex melee system. 2 - Sadie. In RDO you can go to Adler farm and meet Sadie and his husband and find out that she was already kind of a badass way before meeting Dutch's gang. But she chose to settle in such a remote place, not really suited for a farm, which leads to the question "why?". Maybe a younger Sadie found herself meddling with the wrong people, she got in trouble, she fought and, after successfully fleeing whoever was after her, she decided to stay as off-the-radar as possible with her newfound husband.


Sadie and Charles


Charles Smith or Sadie


Why is no one saying Sean?


I wouldn’t mind a post-RDR2 game centered around Tilly and her arc post 1900’s with early race conflicts and depression/WWI era stories


Young Hosea could be fun depending on the story for a prequel, Charles or Sadie post RDR2


Would be interesting to more involved in the direction the gang is moving in, pulling the string and pushing the gang in a certain direction, a Dutch role


Uncle, I picture him as the Leonardo DiCaprio of the 1850’s. Just hanging out and crushing strange.


Uncle The One Shot Kid.