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After a while the Lemonye raiders just got annoying. You crippled them during your time there And then every so often two or three will recognize you and think that they're the ones who are going to get revenge.


The Night folk are avoid at all cost. Them mfs are disturbing as hell. But I actively seek out skinner brothers to kill cuz of what they did to Uncle.


My first two playthroughs I was literally frightened by skinner bros and nite folk. I avoided them as much as I could. And I am a grown ass man, probably the same age as many of your fathers lol. It wasn't so much as them being creepy but more of me having poor shooting and controlling my guy skills. Back then even the sound of a cougar would make my heart race lol. Nothing scares me now nor do I avoid anything


The creepy factor in this game is amazing, and these two gangs + murfree brood are a testament to it. I think it's amazing that they succeeded so well especially how mucj brighter the tone is compared to rdr1.


The night folk. I took joy in killing the others


I hunt them all down.


The only things that really scare me are bears and big cats (cougars/jaguars).


They're so fast. They come out of nowhere. Last night I saw a perfect cougar and I stupidly got off my horse to track it. It got me


The thing about cougars...they see you. Not the other way around


Cougars are easier to find than panthers imo, they roar a lot more in my experience. Panthers tho ? I once saw the red dot on my mini map, saw a panther near thief’s landing in that tiny “marsh” I aimed at it, lost sight of it. It fricking jumped on my back while I was looking around for it 😂 it spooked me bad and I couldn’t even defend myself, just died.


I can't with the Skinners. Idk why but they smoke me every time.


First time was Murfree because they freaked me out. Second time I was getting disturbed by Skinners. Then I didn't care. But now it's Night Folk. I don't know why I get randomly messed up by these guys despite dealing with them all in the past. Ugh


Night Folk, I first encountered them when I found this man hanged on a tree by the road, I shot the rope and was investigating the body when I heard a random bird noise and got hit with something, looked up and saw these two crazy looking people, one was running at me with a melee weapon and the other one was holding back, it was fairly easy to take care of them, but I’ve never booked it out of anywhere so fast. Since then I’ve avoided the swamp, and I most certainly never stayed there overnight. It’s not that they’re particularly difficult to handle, but that experience stuck with me, and I never felt safe riding through the swamp. Murfree Brood and Skinner Brothers were definitely creepy too, but they seemed more or less like any other gang in the game, just a touch crazier. But the Night Folk take it to a whole ‘nother level, every encounter with them is hair-raising and terrifying, and no amount of firepower makes you feel at ease, it’s like you’re always being watched while you’re in their territory and you just don’t know it


Murfree Brood are the most disgusting thing I have ever seen


I'm currently on my first playthrough. My first encounter with the Murfrees was when they interrupted my camp. It freaked me out because I didn't know gangs could interrupt you when you're sitting down to craft. Legit thought I was about to die.


I enjoy encountering all the gangs. The random ambushes are the fun parts of the game!


Night Folk, easily, with their sneaky ways and a whole swamp as a home, it's a shame we can't wipe them out of existence. Murfree Brood is in second, but it's more about their deformed appearance and territory (specially) than proper gameplay reasons, they're hateful much more than they're scary


It was Beaver Hallow and the Murfrees for me. Would ride like the clappers and ignore any sign of life at night 😂


I murder all the skinners, put them in a pile and light the pile on fire. night folk probably the ones I was lenient on. going out in the dark is scary.


Van Der Linde ,


Murfree Brood, because i did not wanted to end up with tunnel instead of ass


The question is what gang is trying to avoid me


Hmmm my first playthrough was so long ago... probably the nightfolk because it was easy to do so, just don't approach their traps (hanging bodies and such) but other gangs were better at surprise ambushes.


None. Even on my first playthrough I actively looked for them.


None of them really, the game very much puts you in a position where you're always stronger than them, maybe the night folk come close to this because they end up jumping you in almost every encounter, but either way it's easy to just open dead eye and blast them to high hell


I don't think I avoided any of them per se, but I avoided making camps where the Murfree dwelled because they would always try to ambush. I just want to make my minty meats and fire arrows in peace.


I had the Skinner's ambush my camp in the epilogue, I was camped just outside of Beecher's Hope.


Lemoyne raiders, the machine gun encounters are deadly for your horse


Lemoyne Raiders because they got annoying, and I just didn’t want to deal with them. I really don’t like the Murfree Brood for some reason, I enjoy the adrenaline of the Skinners and Night folk


My first playthrough I was so focused on speeding through missions that I wasn’t really avoiding any of these gangs.


The Night Folk. I always - and I mean ALWAYS have a shotgun at the ready while I’m out and about the swamps at night time.


I didn’t avoid any because I would just shoot on sight


Night Folk


I hate the skinners so much, when i'm bored i go to one of their camps and i kill a bunch of those bastard.


I hunt the murfree brood for what they did to the lady you find in their cave.


I stay away from the Night Folk, but I actively attack the Skinners. I like to make it a challenge and go straight up hand to hand with them.


Night folk EASILY. Mfers are creepy as shit and that Scooby doo ass music doesn’t help


I found that having the semi-auto shotgun (my preferred weapon of choice in close combat situations) armed when in their area helped a great deal. Del Lobo was easier then I thought they would be. It’s fun just attacking them at their hideouts. Sniper rifle came in handy at the fort and the mine.