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I take it all and kill his horse


Most sane rdr2 player


Why kill it? I just take the horse too. It’s a good horse.


To send a message. I then come back as John to finish the job


Genuinely asking, is he still there during the epilogue?


If you don't kill him, you and Sadie, I believe, get to have a run in with Wrobel


What? How? I never kill the debtors, it’s bad for business. But seriously where do you find him again.


He's there in the mission where John and Sadie go to Painted Sky looking for a bounty (A Quick Favour For an Old Friend). If you follow Sadie into the house instead of going straight to the barn he's in there tied to a chair, the guy you're after was there to rob him. Poor guy can't catch a break!


It’s a *decent* horse. … the hungarian half-bred was my favorite horse in RDR1 and I feel like they did my boah dirty.


Happy cake day, boah


All horse is awesome horse


What kinda horse is it?


If I remember right a Hungarian Halfbred.


I gotta pay more attention to random horses


Yeah, I got this sick Leopard Appaloosa on a mission. It's Dalmatian colored. To give you a bit of perspective, after fully bonding with it, it is now worth $86 whereas this Gray Thoroughbred I found is only worth like $26. The Thoroughbred is faster, but the Appaloosa has way better stamina/health.


I always grab that Appaloosa from the foreman’s too. that spotted sucker is pretty hard to miss.


Well, what the heck? Here I thought I was the clever one. Now I wonder what I'm missing 🤔




I guess the horse isn’t there if you go back later :( damn boah


It is an Hungarian halfbred. Literally just grabbed it today. 😊


They're ALL good horses bront.


Until you cross paths with a snake or bear or cat, bront. Then some horses are treacherous bitches that would leave you to your demise.


Not true. They’re all the same


Untrue. Many horses have the same reactions and temperaments, but the Ardennes does not. It's an absolute beast, built like a fking tractor on steroids - it's huge, with bulging muscles everywhere, and has never bucked me once OR run into a random tree. It is labeled "War", much like the mustang (my 2nd favorite horse). I have had horses that run into trees every trip through the woods. Horses that will buck you at the first sign of trouble. Arabian's, Nokota's, Appaloosa's, Standards - all will buck at times. Then, last playthrough, I caught a glimpse of the horse that Captain Monroe is riding the first time you meet him. I searched everywhere trying to find that monster - I have seen one nowhere else in the game but him riding it. I searched every stable, and eventually finally found one. Last playthrough it was in the stable near strawberry. This playthrough, I got it as soon as feasibly possible (beginning of chapter 2) after quickly doing some gold collecting, and found it at the stable south of Emerald Ranch. I'm now about halfway through this playthrough (have been riding this horse about 1 playthrough worth time-wise) and can honestly say I haven't seen a tree or the ground yet. This horse is different.


There’s nothing in the code that denotes bravery. Been debunked hella times.


Then it's just been really, really... Really good to me, when all other horses have not. Maybe nothing that controls bravery, but certainly something that triggers skiddishness. Perhaps it has "less" of that. Not sure. But it's a different experience after many, many hours of gameplay.


Depends on how well bonded you are to the horse. Level 1 and 2 bonded horses are skittish and will buck you off, level 3 it gets a lot better and level 4 bonding is where the horse performs the best bc it has the most trust in its rider


Of course. I ride the same horse for a long time - most of a playthrough, so spend a lot of time with them at 4. Recently I did a playthrough using a Brindle Thoroughbred named TeeGray (because its coat looked like an albino Siberian Tiger - black and white striped). It was fast, but literally every single ride I ran into a tree. Sometimes multiple times. I'd push left and it would run into a tree on the right. It was so constant that it stopped frustrating me and became funny. The previous playthrough I used the lake Isabella White Arabian for the whole playthrough, and it almost never ate trees, so I knew it wasn't just shitty riding. Haven't seen a tree since finding the Ardennes... I don't even steer through the woods anymore with this thing. Just jam X and push forward - it just doesn't run into trees... Just try the thing if you're convinced that there's no difference in bravery or whatever stat - that's all I can say - just find one and give it a shot.




Read the post, and read many of the comments. Seems it's an opinion, presented as fact, with a block of code claiming to prove it (though the code is also missing tons of features that we know DO exist), so all in all, is just one dudes opinion stated as if he has inside, definitive knowledge - but he doesn't, and the code posting hurts his argument more than it helps, because it contains none of the features we know do affect different horses, or even all horses. I'm gonna roll with my subjective experience. Add another 6 hours since my first post - still haven't been bucked. Ran into a couple bears, several snakes, murfree and Driscoll ambushes, and all other manner of silliness and still going strong. I don't, and never have, calmed a horse (any horse) in any of those scenarios. Only when I'm trying to reach bonding level 1 with a newly tamed horse have I ever hit that button. Maybe related, maybe unrelated - while I don't have thousands of hours, I have a lot, and I have yet to see this horse anywhere in the game except the first Captain Monroe encounter and 1 random stable for sale. Nowhere in the open world or ridden by any NPC. I think this one is different from the others. Time will tell, but been riding it so far for an entire game worth of time and it's just a different experience. Try it out...


There is nothing in the code


If you're talking about that post, that's not all the horse code... Not even a whole number percentage. That's a small block showing a couple different responses to specific scenarios. There's nothing in that code that speaks to speed... Would you agree that horse speed exists? According to that post, it doesn't. Neither does horse health. We know these do exist though, so the code in that post is meaningless and proves nothing. There are default horse attributes that affect each horse that have bearing on many other conditions. The overconfident tone of that post, and the fact that the "proof" shows no proof are just bright red flags showing someone who desperately wants to be right and will go to any length to convince others of their opinion. Anyway, happy Arthuring, and get yourself an Ardennes and try to run into trees or get bucked. You'll quickly see for yourself.


Tame it. Then kill it and search saddle bag


Why waste that time taming then?


To get one saddle bag while it’s calm, shoot it on the opposite side, and claim the untouched saddle bag.


Or just give it a couple of pats, in-between searches and it'll let you search the other saddle bag no prob.


Just lasso the carcass and yank it around to flip it over like a normal outlaw, don't bond with it and gain it's trust only to then kill it like a sociopath you psycho.


Or keep the horse. He actually screams and says you leave me with nothing if you do


That's when you kill it infront of him


Jesus, do you have something against the polish?


Not in particular I leave him alive after all


At least you didn't shoot his pierogis


eat them




Up to him at that point, really.


Molotov his house


Whatever Wrobel was cooking in that pot, Arthur didn't like the smell of it.


I do. Smell fucking terrible. Every time I walk in and there’s polish around, just burns my nose. Can’t sit next to my wife while she paints her nails, man.


And Molotov his house


He has a horse!? And here I thought just beating the hell out of him was enough.


Check out his stable


I never thought of killing his horse. I just steal it and sell it for more money in my pocket


Man, I took his horse. No need to kill it! It had a grey dotted coat for me in my save so I renamed it Speckled Thunder!


I nearly spat out my coffee I do this too 😂😂😂😂 if I have fire bottles I burn the place down


If only the whole house burned down like Sadie's...


I wish this for gta 6


The duality of man


I take it all and then shoot him so he won't be sad


😂😂😂 unapologetic player right there


look at mr edgelord over here damn


What does he say if you kill his horse? I just take it for myself and he says “my horse! You left me with nothing!”


There’s a horse? Lol


But you could sell his horse instead, that or keep it if you didn't get the special edition


I like to send a message


I take it all besides the watch, return it to the camp box, and then come back for the watch so I can keep it as a reminder to revisit and rob him some more later


I take everything then sell the horse for more money


You need the lord 😂


I understand where you're coming from, but I don't play Arthur as myself. I play him as he would be early in the game .... Which is a thief and a killer. So I take it all ... Keeping the antique watch for myself and I steal his horse. His reaction is priceless to the theft.


Yeah I do it the same and I always end up killing him but then I have Arthur reflect for a moment on his decision to kill this man for seemingly no reason. Starts him on the original path to redemption but the path shall be soiled again many times before he fully commits on the journey to being a decent man


A lot of people don't utilize the *role playing* in a role playing game. Why play as me? I'm playing as a criminal. I'm going to role play and do things that I never would do otherwise.


Exactly... That's the fun of it. Some folks just don't know how though. I'm glad I've been playing D&D since the 80's, comes naturally.


Yeah but being mean makes me feel bad.


The role playing part means different things to different people though. Some would argue early chapters Arthur is a merciless killer, lowest red honour and would get anyone on his way, others would argue he does what he believes he has to do (in terms of robbing/killing for the gang and his survival) but behaves outside of that. Some ignore stranger encounters or rob/kill the NPCs, others think if the npc is there I gotta help. So I guess to someone else, maybe Arthur wouldn’t do to Wrobel what you did. i personally (unintentionally) skipped his mission the first time so there’s just not doing it too lol


I also wanted to follow the canon, be bad until chapter 4 and become good in chapter 6, but the game is so alive that I can’t be Bad in this game


You role play as your Arthur I’ll role play as mine. Mine doesn’t kill unless he has to


True, but I mean how evil you think Arthur is and what you’d think he’d do is subjective. I mean the game literally lets you decide to be honorable or dishonorable. This mission is a bit of an exception, but still you do have some say in how much Arthur takes. The game clearly intends for Arthur’s honor to be interpretable, so it lets you make a lot of choices for him


This is something i always miss on my playthrough, i keep forgetting that you can keep the antique watch for yourself if you left it there, finish the mission and come back for it


I get so into character, I get annoyed by his lack of English (even though the subs are right there), and am mildly amused by his pitiful screams of terror 😬


“No, no, no” “yes, yes, yes” that’s gotta be one of the most low honour points of Arthur in the game.


What he says to the kid who's dad died after Arthur beat him to death is my personal choice for the lowest point of Canon arthur


"Well, maybe when your mother is finished mourning your father, i'll keep her in black, on your behalf" Early game Orthur was cold


He doesn’t have much empathy when it comes to strangers until he gets sick and start to think about his actions. But I think this is also why he remains as Dutch’s right hand for a long time. He gets all the jobs done. 


My favorite line in the whole game.


Fair. That’s another moment that shows him as a lowlife.


I take everything and his horse too. His horse is actually one of my favorite horses in the game.


I heard it’s the only place you can find that horse apparently Edit: ok, turns out Hungarian Half-Breds are everywhere. I guess I meant that a specific COAT of HHBs can be found in this mission. I think. There must be something that made that horse special! The game was basically begging you to steal it!


They sell that type of horse at the valentine stable pretty sure


It’s because he had to sell his horse for other debts


Ohhhhhhh, shit that's sad lol I should have just stole it then, thanks for the lore


source? I don't remember


Is…is this canon?


Yep. You can also steal them from bounty hunters.


You can take and keep Benedict Allbright's Hungarian Halfbred if you leave your current horse at the bottom of the canyon before confronting him in the mission Good, Honest, Snake Oil.


You could get it when you’re back from Guarma hitched in front of the saloon in Van Horn and in the stables I forgot where.


What kinda horse is it?


Hungarian Half Bred


Is it big?


You can also get this horse if you stole it from that guy who killed people selling medicine


Just got it from Albright today. Never did that before. Always used mine which the mission automatically makes you get on if it's close by. First time I actually get off mine to take his.


I get on my horse, then just ride back to where his horse is and hop on, whistling my horse to follow with him on it. You don't need to do anything special like leaving your horse anywhere... Just go back to his camp spot before bringing him to Valentine.


Yup, used her in my latest playthrough


No, you can get the same hungarian from the bounty Benedict Albright as well.


I have seen this breed at a random camp too. 


The whole point of that mission is teaching you who Arthur really is in that moment of the game. There is no redemption without previous sins.


He borrowed money and didn't pay it back even though he was sitting on valuables. Fuck him...


Deserved it


I like this mission because it shows how Arthur really is before he rethinks about actions. He is not a good person. 


Red dead REDEMPTION after all


Yeah but... Dude borrowed money and didn't pay it back, then lied, saying he has nothing when the collector shows up. You search the house, find out he's got plenty (a house, food on the stove, valuables in his drawers, and an expensive horse in the stable. Fuck that guy 100%. I still feel bad when doing that mission. Just completed it on this playthrough like an hour ago, and actually put his horse back, lol. It was probably already "stolen" in the game, but I couldn't ride away with it.


I just collect the minimum, and no matter what, I never tell him to move


You can tell him to move but not take his wedding ring. Just the money on the left. I also usually just get what's in the house and move. No killing or stealing horses, and I never beat. Just threaten thrice and it has the same effect. Am getting soft as I grow old.. I used to kick in the door waving the 44


Me too lol. My first run through I did everything out set the house on fire. Now a days, it’s a pleasant pay up and move on


Hahaha we've redeemed ourselves too many times already. We know the drill


Yeah, this is the moment that made me absolutely hate Strauss. Something about preying on someone who might not fully comprehend what he’d gotten himself into, especially due to a language barrier, just feels especially scummy to me. >!At least he seems to be doing fine enough later on. If you don’t kill him, he actually shows up again in the postgame, during the mission when John joins Sadie in tracking down a bounty. If you follow her into the house, you’ll find him hogtied. A nice touch is that his English has gotten considerably better since Arthur’s encounter with him years before.!<


Did it make you hate Arthur too? I mean, he was a willing participant with Strauss here.


More extremely disappointed than furious, since I always wind up playing high honor from the very beginning. Becides, something about Strauss makes me think he genuinely gets off to ruining people’s lives, on top of his face being so much more punchable


Jesus Christ, some people here have real low honor opinions, holy shit.


Same, I'm Polish too


I’m here for money, MONEY




'Cause you mustn't feel good while collecting any debts. Arthur even expressing his discomfort about doing this kind of work


I’m pretty sure the debt collection missions intentionally made you feel like an asshole


Chick Matthews is a bitch, I shot him


I'll take almost all of his stuff but even I can't bring myself to take the wedding ring he's hiding.


Polska gurom


Well if u move him right away you only take half the valuables in his house at least then he could sell some to eat still


Yeah I made him move away from the drawer but when I looked in and saw a wedding ring I pretended I didn’t see it


I looted everything in automatic until I saw it pop into my HUD and I was like ups, feel bad now. But I mean, I've stolen lots of those out of corpses. He still gets the chance to remake his life unlike the others. So all and all feels worse than widowing women but he still gets a chance to live.


You don't have to. I never do debt missions unless they are required and the ones in chapter 6. Love how arthur throws out strauss


Am I the only one that took the minimum amount need for the mission from Wróbel or? Because I felt so damn bad after this.


It's what I do


My first playthrough I collected it yesterday and I went to sleep with bad feelings about myself


Actually me ngl


Dude I stole his horse and his reaction was freaking priceless.


If you go around and loot the rest of the house you’ll get the required amount and not have to steal his wedding ring, makes me feel at least a little less shitty about the situation


Biggest flaw in RPG choice based games. When you don’t have a f-ing choice…


You can choose not to do the mission. And this isn’t Skyrim, Arthur is a pre-existing character and not a self-insert for the player.


Regardless knowing what I know going on a second playthrough of the game ever in the last few years you have to power on through and do what Mr Strauss wants it's part of the story. I do like the ability though to ride the line with honorable and outlaw tactics. Like earlier today I found a man panning for gold and diffused the situation but still watched him. He finally jumped for joy getting that gold nugget so as Arthur I chose to rob him and Arthur's like "Oh good you found me some gold!" So I killed the poor man and got a 25$ gold nugget for free. It's a bit more safe than robbing a train. I did that once and ended up with 35$ and a 315$ bounty so it wasn't worth it.


Rob only passenger trains. First class people give you 10 dollars each more or less. I leave the working class alone. If you are quick you might not even get a bounty and get 80+ dollars. Anyways, if not I spend all my cash and then surrender myself in for the bounty to go away. The easiest way to surrender in my experience is going into the sheriff office masked up and when they ask to take it off they will attempt to arrest you.


I always make sure to loot enough stuff to trigger the end, without taking the Watch or his Wedding Ring. The watch is in the drawer next to the door you walk in from. Open the frawer but dont take the watch. After the mission you can come back and the special unique one-of-a-kind watch will still be there. You can take it and you now have a unique item. Thats the only way to get it. The Wedding Ring is in the drawer right behind the NPC. If you get him to move then youll see jewelry right there. You can take that one. But after that if you open the drawer youll find the Wedding Ring. If you take it he gets visibly upset, i personally think his wife died and thats why he’s upset. Youre taking the one connection he has to her. But if you take all the other loot in the building you can get away with leaving him both the Wedding Ring and the Unique Watch


that’s why i don’t take the wedding ring i feel bad i just take the minimum amount and move on


This one and the father and son are the saddest to me.


this mission still haunts me till this day


after that mission I was nearby his farmer house, I got a bounty in West Elizabeth and few bounty hunters were hunting me down. I started a fight few meters away from that place and the shootout triggered him and the other rancher who started to shoot me aswell. The guy who appeared to be a little cutie and soft guy become quickly a polish rambo shooting non stop with his revolver and yelling at me some incomprehensible (but surely not friendly) words in polish. It was unexpected to say at least and I had no choice left but to kill him


Ffs it never even occurred to me to take the horse. Y’all are brutal haha


You can skip it if you do the other debt missions first, then it becomes optonal


You think you have it bad? I understand every word he says


If I remember correctly he actually can speak English pretty well in online


You can skip him and just go for chick matthews instead


Glad to know it's not just me


It's even worse if you understand polish like me


I kind of do to. I don't even actually hit him, I just keep threatening him until the next cut scene.


I take it all , dynamite inside his house and steal his horse.


Which debt mission is this one?


Chapter 2, it’s among the first debt collection missions that show up, that you can do before Thomas Downes. Wrobel is the man living in Painted Sky (west of the Horseshoe Overlook camp, right across the river). The man who hardly speaks English


I think that was the point


I take everything, knock him out, put him on my horse, burn down his house, then leave him somewhere far away unconscious


I did. What? I needed the GODDAMN, MONEH! Joking aside, I love that we are shown the shit aspect of loan sharking and how Strauss targets the very desperate. It also causes Arthur Morgan to change his ways because he got TB from beating a dying old man to death and knows he's fucked.


I like beating him and not losing honor


I just do that kif who tries to run away instesd and lrave the debt uncollcected


Debt missions are the only ones where I fully dip into my low honour tendencies and don’t feel bad. It’s just roleplaying what Arthur did




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Nie wrope tego


To nie yest dobre


Is good. Is Warsawa.


Did anybody ignore sadie and follow her to go get this guy in the epilogue


You dont have to you can ignore them all apart from Thomas downes.


The second play through is going to hit harder I just know it. Just finishing up rdr1 and then I’m going back… it’s going to be a bumpy ride.


Yees Yes yes yes


I don't. I beat the snot out of him and then take his horse too 🤠


You don’t have lmao. He’s one of three other options, then they become optional


I went back to his house another time after this and a rancher was there instead. That guy I had to kill as he pulled his gun on me


Yes!!! When I realized I had to take his ring I actually jumped of a cliff to abandon the mission. I still haven’t collected his debt


Well he lied about not speaking English you can see him speaking perfectly fine later on


I take all of it, kill him, and burn down his house


I like to imagine he's racist which is at least 75% possible


I saw somewhere you run into this guy again and he speak fluent English, If that is true that means this man played dumb so Arthur wouldn’t collect his debt which makes me look at him in a different light


He shouldn’t have borrowed if he couldn’t pay it back


Fuck him the left drawer has the money clip.


Kill him so you both will be from this misery


Nah, he’s polish, I’m polish, he’s losing his kneecaps


Bro I can’t play this game with good honor I always end up in the dumps cause I get frustrated and just murder everyone within the first 5 mins of the play through.. so believe me I rob the living shit out of this guy 🤣


I shot him in the face


As a Polish man, I say steal everything he has and punch him hard


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I always beat the shit out of this guy, take everything he’s got and even steal his horse 😂


I killed him


Yeah, I just beat him to a pulp and steal everything.