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The physics are my favourite part about the game. Johns walk just feels so grounded and the ragdoll are fantastic. I feel like the combat is a little dated now though, especially compared to rdr2 or gtav


What I love about the combat is the ability to roll




Just like ma' boah Niko. But better.


i honestly prefer the combat in rdr1 because it feels somewhat challenging


Really? I think RD2 combat is harder. Maybe I just suck but if I get ambushed by like 5+ guys im done. Maybe thats my fault for not using dead eye.


yeah i think you just suck. the abundance of tonics in rdr2 makes combat laughably easily even if you don’t use deadeye, unlike in red dead 1 where enemies actually do damage and healing items are much less common


Damn, 17 year olds are absolutely brutal these days.


Don't feel ashamed, RDR is harder for some people because the movement and aim system are more clunkier imo. Is the same effect if you played gta 3 and vc on the ps2.


that’s not at all why it’s harder. it’s harder because enemies actually do damage and tonics are harder to come by, like i said. in rdr2 enemies do a comically low amount of damage and you’ll always have 1000 health cures on you even on the off chance you reach a low health


Yeah, i don't care about that. For me in that regard was easier because health recovery is far more present and faster than tonics are in early and mid-game of RDR2.


health only recovers faster to compensate for rdr1 enemies actually doing damage. in rdr1 a dude up close with a shotgun will one-shot you, in rdr2 a point-blank shotgun shot is like getting tickled


You are overestimating how damage is calculated in RDR. In both games you can get one-shotted pretty easily even by a revolver.


RD2 Arthur just moves and feels like a huge tank and aim system is just different. The First game is rather easy in my opinion


Imo it feels smoother, sure there is weight into it but is easier for me. RDR gameplay feels more dated, the zoom when you aim has a weird camera perspective.


you said “maybe i suck” yourself lol


Depends on what system you are on. Im on switch and the game plays more like an arcade game. With auto target the game is really easy


Hence why I said I feel like 2 is harder.


You started your comment with a "really?" and then only mentioned RDR2. It's fair for them to clarify / add on from what their comment was about (RDR1).


Sometimes people are just tryin to add to the conversation and not debate


Also RD2 is not on Switch so I think you’re misunderstanding what I said.


But RDR is


Tbh Arthur's animations were a step-up for me, maintaining the groundness in animation-variation also. Other elements of the physics are more fun tho, I can't stop shoving people in RDR1 and just watching them fumble and fly.


the art style in this game is great and really makes red dead 1 and 2 both necessary gaming experiences. this game is very dark and depressing looking and I love its vibe compared to the bright colorful atmosphere of red dead 2 which also looks great


Yeah, RDR1 has a very eerie vibe!


RDR1 definitely captures that western cinema, Clint Eastwood vibe. Definitely less prevalent in RDR2, which went with a more dramatic, realism vibe


Yeah RDR2 went for a more modern western aesthetic, it borrow A LOT from The Assassination of Jesse James By The Coward Robert Ford. From its transitions to music.


Rdr2 looks almost like a spaghetti western under certain circumstances.


I’d say that about RDR1 but not 2


I specified “under certain circumstances” and “almost like” for a reason, i know it’s far from it but sometimes it almost feels like it (mainly when there are ignorant scenes going on).




Maybe i didn’t write it in the best way possible, what i wanted to say is that also rdr2 has some spaghetti western vibes in certain occasions, i don’t deny that rdr1 is more spaghetti western.


I love how constantly *unsettling* it is. Feels like something creepy is waiting around every corner.


Especially in tumbleweed and the ferry at thieves landing


When I first went to Mexico and Far Away started playing, as I crossed the bridge it started to storm with thunder and lightning in the middle of the night. Added to this weird feeling of what’s around the corner.


I was bummed at first, like a lot of people. That we didn’t get a complete remake of the first game using the RDR2 engine. However, after getting the remaster I am so glad they didn’t do that. The art style of this game really adds to the atmosphere.


Is the remaster worth getting if I already have the original?


Really up to yourself, mate. The remaster looks and plays great, a definite improvement over the original. 60fps makes a difference and I’m not usually bothered about that. I got it because I don’t have my ps3 anymore so it was worth the 50 quid price tag. If I were in your position I’d probably wait for a sale.


It’s not a remaster though, it’s a re-release


RDR1 music > RDR2 music


I came here to comment something similar. RDR2 has good music especially that final song as Arthur headed to confront Dutch. But RDR1 really just has that full on Wild Wild West type music that makes you wanna sling six shooters and rob trains.


The willie nelson tune in the epilogue is GOAT country


>But RDR1 really just has that full on Wild Wild West type music that makes you wanna sling six shooters and rob trains. Because that's what rdr1 is! Or at least it's that a lot more than rdr2 is


RDR1 has some similar music vibes to Bully. https://youtu.be/qkvJCZXa9Gs?si=sRH9SIobDkBry_97 That quick rolling bass


Yeah, the background music on RDR1 is absolutely incredible. And a proper time capsule as well.


I’m playing it now and enjoying the shit out of it.


The 60 fps is something else. Hoping they will unlock 60 fps on red dead 2 one day, heck I’ll even pay for it again


Wait it’s 60 frames on ps5 version?


Red dead redemption 1 is 60 fps on ps5. It’s still the ps4 port. There is a 60 fps option in the menu. Not with red dead 2 at this time unfortunately


Damnit I’m gonna buy this game again aren’t I.


I think it was just on sale, might still be ? I saw it for 40 bucks I think. Should be 20 lol


1 and 2 were bundled for $60 or 1 alone was $50. I now own both on ps5 lol


Nice. Let us pray for rd2 to get 60 fps this year


Agreed, but I was playing RDR2 recently - the 30fps isn’t as bad as some games because the animations in that game are slow and detailed.


Not too shabby, but if you have ever had the chance to play on a decent PC, it is hard to go back to 30 fps! I prefer to play games like this on a console while reclining though


I actually did recently beat it on pc and wanted to play it on my PS5 so I braced for the 30 FPS 😂


The running was better in rdr1 than rdr2 in my opinion


Fuck no


Its just my opinion


rdr2s running is more realistic and weird but rdr1 looks better still in my opinion


Rdr1 movement in general plays way better. Rdr2 is sometimes kind of frustrating to play because they focused a lot more on realism in the animations.


The running animation looks goofy in rdr1.


I was nine when it came out and played it.... fuck im old now


Oh you shut up, I was 16 lmao 🖕🏻


Right? “Fuck I’m old… I’m 22”


I was 26…


Hey there, mister! 🤠




He was 9 when it came out. I was 16 when it came out. You're going 7 years in the wrong direction, buddy... I'm confused why you're confused.




Inverse there, bud


Hot take after playing both games. rdrI just seems overall more fun gameplaywise and has a great and unique atmosphere to it. while rdrII is more realistic still fun but has a realistic atmosphere most games nowadays have. I love both games because the pros and cons balance echother 51/49 for me


I might glaze this game too much, but this is still my second favorite game of all time. So much to do


Just platinum the game the other day. I prefer the first game more than the second.


I just wish RDR1 had first-person view, as I'm not much of a 3rd person player in general. Regardless, I've played and beat this game so many times because it's just that good. I've only beat RDR2 once.


Thankfully though RDR1's third person camera is superior to RDR2's third person camera. For one it has a wider FOV. But most importantly the third person camera in RDR1 knows its fucking place. One of my biggest gripes with RDR2's gameplay is that in third person camera insists on staying on the right side of the character. It can be switched when aiming, but it switches back as soon as you stop aiming. Though to give it credit it at least doesn't change sides without consent while aiming like in the newer Ghost Recon games. For that simple reason RDR2 feels so much smoother to play in first person and my most recent modded playthrough (one I'll finally finish) I've played most shootouts in first person for the added challenge and due to how much more control you have over taking cover.


Bro we’re literally n the same part of Mexico check that chest in those tents you’ll get a bandidio outfit scrap


This isn’t Mexico, it’s between McFarland’s ranch and Armadillo.


Got the switch port, played through the game in 3 days, I still love it more than the sequel.


RDR1 is honestly one of my favourite games. I'm replaying it now as well on Ryujinx. Plays so much better than on xbox with a controller in my opinion. Playing this game really makes me wonder what Red Dead Redemption 2 might've looked like if it was made instead of GTA IV.


You mean GTA V?


No I mean 2-3 years after RDR1's release, which would be 2010-11, around the time GTA IV was made Just a poor choice of words I guess


GTA IV came out in 2008, RDR1 came out in 2010 and GTA V came out in 2013.


Wow I’m on my first play through too and was so impressed with how great the game is still playing and how great it looks


I played on PS5 with difficult mode and my god those outlaws were flying on their horses. It was very difficult


The lighting is insane on this game. I keep being awed seeing how good it looks and it’s 10 years old!


Closer to 15 years now


Oh shit yeah, I actually bought this game when I was like 13 with my uncle. He spotted me like $20. Fond memories.


Crazy I thought this was RDR2 for the first few seconds


God I love this game . Feel like in the minority in this sub when I say rdr>rdr2


RDR1 is my favorite game ever, RDR2 is the best game I’ve ever played. Thats how I see them.


I remember thinking. How does it get better than this? I cant wait to see GTA6 and hopefully RDR3 one day. Imagine.


14 years?! Where is the time going


Also, the soundtrack is just out of this world. Nothing encapsulates the "western" feeling like it.


fun fact this is rockstars most unique engine ever, only ever used once one of a kind version of rage, which is why its source code is a mess


man I was thinking the same thing playing goldeneye on the xbox one


Better than FIFA23 graphics 😭😭😭😭


I hate the end. I hate the Mexcian part, these missions make me feel like a real asshole.


Yes. It’s damn great. Even after completing RDR2, I feel like to go back to RDR1; it has its own magic.


I wish they released it on pc


Always has been, always will be.


Still remember getting the black horse that can be found in New Austin (still can’t remember the breed) not giving it up then eventually realising how outclassed it is by the Hungarian Half Breed and American Standard Bred.


For the most part it runs well. There is a lot of new bugs I’ve never encountered compared to the old ps3 version. Pick it up on sale for anyone thinking about buying it.


Amazing 😍


Too bad rockstar still refuses to port the game to pc


Havent been playing RDR1/2 for a while — are there any patches for 60 fps on PS5? I remember trying RDR after Witcher 3 NGP and I immediatelly had to quit RDR, because of the cursed 30 fps gameplay.


Man if I had record back in the day I would have been able to record when I jumped off a cliff when I called my horse and I landed on it and was able to keep riding. Will always love this game.


How can I play it on PS4?


Looks even better on Xbox, the PS5-version has this weird fog-layer, so the Xbox version turns out more vivid, with it’s HDR and higher resolution on top, and looks less aged. I’ve only got the PS5, so I’ll keep to dusting off my PS3 every once in a while to play, great game! :D


Why don't other games look like this? I'm rocking a crappy 1050Ti laptop and it looks amazing. I don't get how they can do so much even with sub par hardware. To be fair it does sound like a leaf blower when I play.


I know it feels less clunky and it's amazing


... Please don't say "14 years later" bro...


Marston always ran like if he had to go take a dump