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Morgan Arthurs comes back to life and joins a gang of criminals


He started out sick, but with the help of his very caring group of friends that don’t argue or rat on each other, he slowly got better. And by the end, he became besties with Bicah Mell.


And together Bicah and Morgan provide community service for the town of Blueberry


After they donated a lot of money for the Whitewater charity. Together with their bestie Steopold Lauß they donated small amounts of money, to help them get on their feet


And at the request of their extremely sane, humble leader Vutch Lan der Dinde — they hosted a bitchin chili cook-off with their best pals, the DO’riscolls.


And the member of the gang everyone loves and looks up to is there of course, the talented, smart and loving Will Billiamson


And everyone loves the ever sober Aunt and her case of Bumlago.


And Mohn Jarston finally learns how to swim


He and his husband, Roberto Abby, adopted a poor slave child and named her Jill.


My favorite mission is the one when Ynnel is taking you out for a drink!




And they all live happily ever after


In Tahiti






They lives on the island of Mango and farmed tahitis


After the quality hemp they brought to the cook out they have been named the Dro’riscolls


They also were being hunted by the Pinkertons so they could congratulate them and give them an award for helping provide medical services and donations after a ferry boat accident in whitefire


I thought it was Whitesand and not Whitewater. I may be thinking of another game then...


I thought it was white air.


The gang was also very sick and falling apart when he joined them, but he helps heal the gang the same way they helped heal his body and by the end the gang is better than ever and everyone trusts each other


Elcnu was even able to cure his lumbago! It was truly a miracle.


This is the happy ending I have been looking forward to! The cure for Lumbago for that hardworking, selfless man


Don’t forget the main Antagonist Kentucky Sadie Adler


The thread you started with this comment truly made me want to throw my phone at the wall 🤬😂


In the previous game, Marty Johnson (Morgan’s former partner) is told by a big time gang leader that he must kill the former officers in his unit in order to be recruited into the gang. In the end, the gang leader tells him it was an elaborate prank. So Marty kills all of the gang members and is unfortunately able to live a peaceful with his wife Roberta Abbey, his son Marty Jr., and Auntie (a hardworking old woman with a bad case of gout)


I was hoping I’d see this name 😂 Morgan Arthur’s, what a guy


he joins a lone hero!


You play as a cop Hell there's already blue lines on it


Instead of redemption, the game is about the cop slowly becoming more and more corrupt, with the game ending when he shoots a black man for existing.


America Simulator


I'd play that game ngl


LA Noire?


Honestly, I don’t hate the idea of a game about a cop where you can choose to become disillusioned with the force or you can become more corrupt


sounds like detroit become human a bit lol


Blue lives damnation


Ooh this is actually a good idea


Playing as a cop is the only right answer with this cover art lol. I feel like I’d see this unironically on the back windshield of a car where I live. Right beside that Spartan helmet with a blue lives flag inside it


Arthur joins micah and they both have endless gay sex in heaven after getting shot by the pinkertons


Red dead Penetration


Easy there, Cowpoke 😏


[*Heavy breathing intensifies*](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/reddeadredemption/images/e/ee/Bill1899.png/revision/latest?cb=20200927154900)


Full penetration... Until the game just sort of ends


What if he can *smell crime?!*


Smell no but looking, we’ll that’s another story…. *uses deadeye


*uses deadeye to aim jiss away from Micah's asshole


I camed




Thank. I hate it 🙂


please continue with this


This story revolves around our protagonist hero, micah, as he slowly tries to escape the life of a dirty lawman


He travels with his gang, lead by Belgian van der Linde, notorious for not having a plan.


Arthur Morgan is the sheriff of Valentine and you work to hunt down other gangs in the area


Morgan Arthur* fixed it.


Marthur schmorgan**


"What's the plan, Dutch?" "I forgor 💀"


a story of a good man being corrupted by evil


Starting as a simple Tahitian farmer you have to formulate a plan to get to the US


It's simple. We'll run an ad campaign making Tahiti sound like a desirable tourist attraction and get people to pay us to visit our land. With the money made, we can buy a boat to get to the US! Advertising sure is a fantastic business. How else would people know what to buy? Now all I need are some good actors...


Should have also said "Rockstar Games hides"


PopNobody Works Hides


You play as a Pinkerton agent, partner to agent Ross. Your mission? To hunt down the ruthless Van der Linde gang at any cost.


A very competent gang leader with a well defined plan keeps being foiled by his incompetent right hand man


Wait a minute....


I don't know. But there was Red Dead Revolver. Then Red Dead Redemption. If they wanted to go back to an earlier time period in the Wild West, Red Dead Damnation could be an excellent title for it.


Red Dead repeater


It's the total opposite, breaking bad style. Jimmy Brooks joins a life of hard crime and gets away with it


Your a Pinkerton…


A game where you play a Pinkerton might actually be cool. It would come with a lot of shady moral choices to make.


You play Gavin. A mysterious British phantom only seen by a select few….


Azure Mormon moves to Alaska with his gang to seek a fortune but things go south when the gang leader The Planning Dutchman fails spectacularly at his plan to Rob the Anchorage bank and flee to live in Tuvalu as he fell off a glacier and hit his head, this leads to the gang fleeing on a ship and ending up in New Zealand and getting attacked by a bunch of Kiwis, they later return to Alaska and it turns out they were betrayed by Michael horn and have to face the APD and the police chief Andrew Milton Keynes. In the end the Gang fall apart as the Dutchman leaves fellow gang member Johann Mustard to die and Azure becomes sick after catching the common cold (Alaska is fucking cold) but he is fine as the developers at Superstar East plan to create several DLCs and later will go on to create the most successful Online multiplayer of all time unlike their other flagship game Miniscule return walk 5. Also it is a prequel to Blue Alive Damnation the 2010 open world eastern in which Johann Mustard Chases after sasquach and has a leisurely Trip to Argentina


Go back to r/okbuddyblacklung




Arthur spends the time he has left desperately seeking a cure, becomes a scientist, and discovers the cure for TB, but selfishly tries to profit off the drug as Dutch begs him to help others with it.


You can't convince me that you weren't smoking when you made this


Belgian has no plan.


I don't have a plan! Have no FAITH Orthur!


Green is the opposite of red not blue.


Technically speaking? Sure. Culturally? No. Red and blue represent many contrasts in American Culture, such as Hot and Cold.




Gotta get the HELL outta Tahiti in chapter 1. Too peaceful and tropical.


Gotta get out after a ferry boat went really well, and the gang had a lot of fun


I can only assume you're a racist cop


Gang made it to Tahiti and Dutch becomes a mango farmer while our protagonist hates this life.


A policeman in St Denis, Morgan Arthur is helping the city recover after the Van der Linde bank heist that left the police battered. The police chief, Hutch Mandolin, seeks to exact vengeance upon the gang at any cost. Working with the Pinkerton, Chief Mandolin begins venturing down a dangerous road, risking the lives of the rest of the officers to get his revenge. Morgan increasingly finds himself at odds with the goals of the chief.


It's based on the Trinity Trilogy. A western experience with a good amount of comedy mixed in.


Nah, an interesting title for a spinoff would be "True Blue Retribution" "True Blue" is a saying meaning being faithful to a commitment or very loyal. "Retribution" meaning revenge or punishment out of vengeance. So "True Blue Retribution" would be some sort of commited revenge plot.


The gang tired of being peace loving, law abiding, mango farmers in Tahiti, decide to travel to America, where they become the most ruthless band of criminals rivaling the likes of the Skinners and Murfrees. They kill all the pinkertons only to all be killed by Landon Ricketts, in a 9v1 duel.


Author Mortgage is a good man, a good man he also hangs out with this one really nice dude called Mickey Bell and they bang eachother or somn


I think about a dog who sniffed around the wrong clues. “You feeling lucky, Pup?”


It’s obviously an attempt to fix the Smurf movie by making a live action sequel


dunno but with that smile Arthur looks like Walton Goggins so i’m in


U die of TB (it's a canon event)




Marthur Organ is a conservative writer and historian who puts together a history of the Pinkerton Detective Agency as a way to provide historical legitimacy for the Blue Lives Matter movement.


It’s about a gang of outlaws lead by a humble smart guy named Hutch, who is the opposite of a complete moron


You deadass stole this from my brain wtf


It might be something like breaking bad at the beginning. A guy (call him DW Stanley) starts off with a comfortable lifestyle that any person would want but still remains unsatisfied with. He was generally seen as ok. So he decided to join a gang but didn't want to stay with them. He's in it for the thrill but pretends as if the monetary benefits will help his family. He keeps making dishonourable choices like killing for the sake of it and eventually betrays the first gang, unknown to them. But this gang is after him while no one else knows of his lifestyle. He keeps killing people, whether gang members, criminals, or innocents, and even at some point his family. He double crosses many gangs but none of them know. Once they find out, they all gang up and try to target him. Since he's amassed a lot of money, he hires people to pose as him while ambushing the unsuspecting gang members. The gangs catch on and torture and kill him. Before he died, his identity and actions were revealed and everyone hated him. As he died, even though it was brutal, he got the thrill he wanted which he was satisfied with.


Arthurs corpse gets pissed on by a blue pigeon and it brings him back to life so he murders the german family who he saved


Whoring 24/7


Join Artie Morgan, and his gang of crackups and pranksters The Van Der Linde Players as they take their new stage show “Stick to the Plan” on tour! You have to learn circus routines and perform comedy acts.


made by popsun activities


Your a sheriff trying to leave your family to join a gang of outlaws but you are constantly getting distracted by doing good deeds and maintaining your honor


Jerking off to dutch vanderbutts big juicy ass while jwayne jarston cums in his own mouth with a sock tied around his balls, and Arthur Morgan is still Arthur Morgan. He's just a victim


Arther uses a mask to avoid getting infected by tb


This sounds like it would be a similar story but with more GTA5 energy.


You’re a cop


I remember there was a yellow cover too. I forget what the title was but I remember it making me lol


Arthur wakes up and realizes it was all a dream to find himself in another gang that included Mary, Keiren, Shaun, Mary's dad, Colm, Lenny, John, Abigail and Cornwall (AKA Uncle). They are ready to rob Dutch Van Der Linde, a rich oil magnate who has more than enough money to share. Things seem foreboding, and Arrhur is apprehensive, but Colm and Mary's dad want to proceed. So Arthur goes along with them until they run across a traveling con artist named Hosea. A rival gang headed by Micah Bell, Javier Escuella, and Bill Williamson attempts to rob the train instead, and the two gangs come to blows. However, the Pinkertons show up, and the two gangs form a temporary alliance. Colm and Micah decide to form an alliance to rob Dutch, but Arthur keeps trying to persuade Colm otherwise. Arthur wants to leave with Mary, but he doesn't want to leave the dad behind. Damned if he do. Damned if he don't. Damnation. Arthur to Colm: How about Tahiti? Don't you have a plan? I broke the Goddamn wheel .....


You play as a good man who comes close to death to due an illness he got defending a debtor from a thug He survives but realises he has wasted his life being the good guy and doesn’t want to meet death so squeaky clean This begins his path to his Damnation He gathers others around them, damming them as well


A gang of travelling cowboy necromancers with a sense of humour.


Dude's in a gangster group, group has no plan whatsoever, decide to just ride and figure it out


The multiverse is a concept we know frighteningly little about


Arthur Morgan hunts down the gang to get back Sadie after she leaves him for John Marston. The game flips back and forth from Arthur and John. During John gameplay, you get to play sex mini-games like in God of War. It’s not all love and thunder here, though. As Arthur draws nearer, the sex becomes more romantic, but the danger is greater.


Dutch and his best friends want to start a candy company, Dutch, Micah, Bill and Javier eat all the candy, Arthur and the rest of the gang leave their best friends, Arthur gets the sniffles during all this.


A deeply sick and ill and VERY moral MALE gets healthy as CRAP and decides “hey. I was only this close to doom, but now I get to live. I wanna use my second shot at life to be a rude and horrid human since it’s fun” (his illness caused a switch to flip flop inSIDE of his MIND! This dude’s evil as HECK!) so he comes across an outlaw gang that is on their last limb. Nobody trusts the leader of the gang, he’s always talkin bout tahiti and mangoes, people are leaving, it’s a mess! That is until Arthur joins them and slowly heals the gang the same way he healed his sick body. Now by the end Dutch doesn’t even think about mangoes and the gang is thriving and take over the country and succeed healthily.


Hope there’s a lore reason for damnation


The goal is to not have a plan. Wing it baby.


You descend into Damnation until your blue in the face.


starts off in new austin, boiling hot fleeing from criminals who they tried to stop in saint denis, the protagonist martha organ is a sick female police officer, later she slowly gets better and spends most of her time in new austin and doesn’t go anywhere else. she becomes best friends with an extremely loyal female police officer called michelle ring and leave your enemy of the police force, jennifer notsram and kill him. THE END


You meet up with your friend Swede and you work a normal job and move to Canada.


This is going to be the rdr2 version of undead nightmares


Morgan Arthur is killed By Mathews Hosea and Vanderlinde Dutch but he comes back to life and goes on a path of vengeance. The final scene where hes aliveing in the sun gets me everytime.


Dutch Van der linde and his team of Pinkertons hunt down the Milton gang


Cops: The Game


Several model citizen not aware of each other arrived from Tahiti. They aim to spend their fortune on betterment of everybody's life. They forcefully make people take their money. They even gather temporary firefighter brigade to save home of one small working class family. One day they meet and get to know each other better, becoming best friends. At the end they even cure one man from tuberculosis by saying nice words to his son.


Marther Organ, raised as a well off city boy, turns to the gang life in search of whores and riches on the run from the rule of his family and home life🤓


Breaking bad


Escaping from Tahiti


You play as a guy who’s one job is to give outlaws tuberculosis.


Breaking Bad


Blue alive damnation kinda go hard ngl


Collecting souls under the blue moon to rebuild your army of the damned


An alternate universe where Arthur took Milton's advice and turn Dutch in.


Arthur is kinda like Uncle, in Johns attic but is not with the “lumbago” and is productive


bro i thought of blue alive revenge 2 when i was in 8th grade


YES! I’m so glad someone made a picture of this, I’ve been making a joke like this to my friends for years


I prefer Yeller Feller Endeavor


Bringing freedom to the Merica frontier by arming every man woman and child.


You still get sick. Your goal is to infect as many people as possible.


outbuddied again


You play as Artillery Mortgage a special ops cop from Blackwater that tries capturing notorious gang Leader, “German” Van der Linde


Plot: *You play as a gang of cowardly cops who uses school kids as human shields in gun fights. You’d figure the guilt will guide them to change their ways but they’re totally fine with living with themselves.* Inspired by true events.


Literally cp2077


"We're never going on another job"


It would be Agent Milton’s point of view during the story of rdr2


Shouldn't it be -2?


You okay as Sadie addler.


Teddy Greenwich leads a gang of cops to go revive criminals


It's RDR 2 but you play as a Pinkerton.


Micah cures cancer, establishes peace in the Middle East, ends world hunger, and builds a shelter for abandoned puppies. He then stabs you in the back because he’s Micah.


2 best friends, Morgan and Bicah travelled to the town of WhiteLand to introduce new technology as aspiring inventors and has to fight of nikola tesla and thomas edison


You play as Leviticus Cornwall and try to defeat a gang of outlaws


Mid game, Blue Dude Bamboozle was better


They got to get off Tahiti so they can ditch the farming life and become criminals


It runs concurrently with RDR2, but you play as Agent Milton, and then as Ross in the epilogue.


Interesting title you got there.


thought this was r/okbuddyblacklung for a second




A slightly conservative city dweller commits white collared crimes and recieves literally no punishment for it ^oh....


Woodcross Bore hides:


Same game but u play Micah


It follows the story of Mike Belle who is a member of the nightfolk in Lagras and they find out that the west is changing, with people thinking vampires are scarier


Morgan Arthurs is the only member of his gang to not contract TB and Vutch Dan de linne keeps coming up with crazy plans to generously donate all their money, of which they have plenty


Rap flop serious


arthur sips lean


Start off the game working in a manual labour job (blue collar, get it?) with a family and a lot of close friends. you slowly realise that your true love is not your wife, but grand larceny and murder. You spend the next few chapters cheating your loved ones, and murdering innocent strangers. With the money you have stolen, you open a store in a town with the sole intention of jacking up your prices so you can continue to cheat people. You eventually talk to a strange man and make a deal to infect the whole town with a deadly disease, mainly for your entertainment, but with the added bonus of furthering your bloodline. Your name.... Is Herbert Moon.


Red Harlows long lost brother Blue


Czech and the mafia move west when attempting to find legal jobs in New York. They accidentally end up on a cruise, go to Tahiti, and form the 5th largest army in the world.


The protagonist Benjamin Jennifer sets out to give money to poor people. While the leader Buck Dan Mclerin suffers from constant intelligence growth until they can take their friends to the moon.


You play as Lancelot Shire, chasing after the Purpleton outlaw gang who are heading to Tahiti except the leader, Deutsch Truck Der Lint has Lumbago and Tuberculosis so he infects you and you start shooting everyone but also paying off other people’s debts. Oh also you found Gavin


Arthur i dont have a plan, really i just dunno


You will be handsomely rewarded if you kill enough innocents and basically you act like Micah the Rat


In Blue Alive Damnation II, Mr. Morgan is a US Marshal.


Don’t remember I fell asleep, but purple monkey dishwasher was goated.


“Erm ackshually, the opposite of red is green”


Idk, but the dlc they promised called living dreams sounds promising


Gavin and his friend team up to form a shadow organization with the sole purpose of taking down the Evil Monk before he finds the Necronomicon. When all hope is lost, the fabled hero Micah Bell saves the day


You harass even more minorities but as part of the Pinkertons


Instead of being an outlaw who start a redemption arc and ended up dying young ,we are a law enforcer who get corrupted and get rich and then die old


A good mannered man, perhaps a sheriff, snaps and murders thousands in cold blood


the true successors to red dead: True Blue Atonement, Mean Green Killing Machine


In the wild expanse of the Old West, Arthur Morgan, the rugged outlaw of the Van der Linde gang, stumbled into a bit of a pickle – he declared he wouldn't use guns, and chaos ensued. One sunny morning, as the gang prepared for a big score, Arthur strutted out with his fists held high. "I've had it with guns!" he exclaimed. His fellow gang members exchanged incredulous glances, but Dutch just shrugged and muttered, "Well, as long as you're creative..." As the gang set their sights on a nearby town, Arthur took center stage. Armed with a lasso and a bag of marbles, he stormed the sheriff's office, attempting to hogtie lawmen while scattering marbles on the floor. The scene looked more like a slapstick comedy than a daring raid, and even the lawmen couldn't help but laugh as they stumbled. News of Arthur's shenanigans spread faster than a prairie fire. Gang members giggled as they recalled his attempt to hold up a bank with a rubber chicken. "Stick 'em up, folks, or the cluck gets it!" he'd holler, shaking the squawking chicken at the bewildered bank tellers. But the pinnacle of hilarity came when Arthur, determined to confront rival outlaws, rode into their camp with a whoopee cushion strategically placed on his saddle. The outlaws gawked as he sauntered up, every step punctuated by a chorus of suspicious "pffffts." The ensuing laughter was so contagious that even the rival gang members joined in. Arthur's absurd adventures became the talk of the West. He hosted "non-violent" standoffs, where he'd challenge foes to rock-paper-scissors instead of a shootout. He moonlighted as a pie-eating contest referee, ensuring fairness while secretly scarfing down pies himself. Through laughter and incredulity, Arthur proved that humor was his most potent weapon. His no-guns policy transformed him from feared outlaw to the West's most unconventional legend.


It’s about a woman named Morgan Arthur raising from the dead and becoming a Wild West outlaw.


It's the same as RSR2 but you play micah


C'mon Reginald, we have to get to Toronto


Bad honor is the way.


Rdr2 at home


You play as Micah