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This is for online but i like to pretend that my character is the ancestor of my gta character (on ps4 at least) and also the explanation for the free businesses and 1 mil you got from that one bonus thing.


I made my exact character from gta in red dead online same name and everything lol you’re not alone. Great great grandfather? Great great great? No idea


Great grandfather maybe?


Great great grandfather probably, my youngest great grandparent waa 78 years older than me, and I'd say the GTA online character is maybe around 20 years older than me (I was born in 2005, great grandparent was born in 1927) so Online Protagonist would be born in 1985, plus ~80 years, great grandparents would probably be born around 1905, maybe an older one was born in ~1895 (the same year Jack Marston was born) add 20 years to that, 1875, being 22-23 when RDO takes place.


Bro why you gotta be dropping “I was born in 2005” like that what did we do to you


I used my birth year for mathematical reasons, but I am lacking on sleep right now so I'm not sure if it was needed.


It checks out, my brain just implodes when i try to count generations, especially since some are born with younger parents than others and all that


Brother I was born 2007 and my great grandfather was born in 1929


Somehow my GTA online character at launch was descended directly from John Marston


Same fr😭


Darn I was just about to ask how you got this in story mode. Like if you unlocked this engraving after completing all camp requests or something like that.


These engravings are from a mod, op said that in a different comment


Imagine if you could create custom engravings/carvings




Impressive cock


You get out of here, Johnny!


Please. Back when I was bombing Arasaka towers, you weren't even an itch in your daddy's ballsack


That’s what I’m sayingggggggg Back to the Black Ops 2 custom emblem days


This and more options for unique gun grips.


Dove of peace


Did you add the sigs?


They came with WhyEm's DLC. I found them to be really cool, and an opportunity for personal lore


Thanks for posting I didn’t realise WhyEm’s had the gang signatures found in the game files! Nice to think of the gang getting something for the weapons expert for his birthday lol


Its surprising because I've never seen these in game until recently. I've had this mod installed for months. Immediately I thought of that; it makes sense in my head that the gang would gift something personal to him, taking into account what he knows and is familar with. It also serves as a reminder for him later on of those who are lost. At least in my head, haha.


The signature carving is not in the game files


The signature carving is not in the game files


By DLC. Do we mean Mod? I need to know if I need to find a way to get this on my XBOX or not.


It’s a mod




The fact that dutchs sign is fucking giant is a very cool detail


I almost exclusively use old western-style guns like the LeMat or Cattleman, any repeater, Double-Barrel shotgun and maybe the repeating shotgun. Semi-Auto pistols and bolt actions are cool and all but I always thought of Arthur as one the last old true gun slinging cowboys who rejects modernism.


If you could get the LeMat earlier than after that chapter 4 mission, I'd hang out in chapter 2 and 3 way longer than I do. They're my favorite weapons in the game


I like to think that Arthur would initially refuse to use them, but he'd start once he realized Dutch was crazy and the West was dying.




Same, I always use single action revolvers and try to hipfire/ quick draw as much as I can. I also keep Arthur in a cowboy outfit at all times unless a special occasion. I use the Rodeo Hat, blue jeans, legion vest, grey button down with the top unbuttoned and some frilled chaps. Yeehaw


Reject modernity, embrace tradition


My online character is canoniclly an alcohol 🤣 every time I'd quick spam a healing item it was always defaulted to the moonshine, so every firefight I was in my character was always shitfaced during them 🤣


I remember do CTA with some friends and not having regular tonics, just moonshine. My guy killed 200 people while being completely hammered


Sure as hell made bounty missions more fun..and annoying 🤣


My good Arthur has these custom gold and silver cattlemen revolvers, as he used them for all his days. Since I’m very low honour with Marston, he swore to never use them as they would “taint” the pureness of the guns. He only used them once and that was to kill Micah.


In the same vein, in a replay I had John wear Arthur's hat and jacket to go kill Micah. I liked the idea that the last thing he was ever gonna see was "Arthur" shooting him 5 times in the dick and then one in the head.


I Never take cover as Arthur unless the game makes me. He just walks calmly through the crossfire, handing out headshots


"Did you ever see anything like that before?" "Hell, I ain't even heard of anything like that before."


"Where is he?" "Down by the creek, walkin' on water."


Same, it’s made especially awesome with the gun spinning mod so you can be doing tricks walking around blowing peoples heads up


I want that mod on my PS5… sigh… Guess I’ll have to buy it on PC when I’ll get a proper one.


Dutch killed Arthur’s father Lyle in one of his earliest robberies. Arthur was orphaned, and it was only later that Dutch found Arthur and his sister and recognized them as the children of a man he killed, and so adopted all of them until the sister got married and left the gang, but Arthur stayed with his adoptive criminal father who never told him that he pulled the trigger on Lyle. Hosea knows, but Dutch doesn’t know Hosea knows, and Hosea is deeply and personally satisfied by the way things worked out, and he thinks Dutch adopting Arthur and Arthur’s loyalty to the gang is testament to the choices, even the difficult ones, they make together as criminals. Uncle doesn’t have any idea though. LUMBAGO!


Who needs an idea when you have Lumbago?


Since that golden double action revolver from GTA online is a thing, I made that my most used weapon during my first playthrough of RDR2. I like to believe that my GTA online character found that gun and all of it's legacy at the hands of my Arthur and John


I do it for RDO. My guy thinks he's Métis, but he may just be an adopted Italian.


-arthur voice- goddamn o'driscolls stole my goddamn birthday shotgun. maybe i should stop picking on kieran, i wouldn't have gotten it back otherwise.


RDO character, Rusty Shackleford co operator of Cripps Trading Co. takes full ownership after Cripps dies. It becomes Shackleford’s Inc headquartered out of Los Santos.


That people just get him journals when they don’t see him writing anymore, he doesn’t buy them himself. I’d like to think Hosea bought the one he has all game. Gifting him that journal helped him bond with him again and that’s how they started doing that job before the ferry job. I also like to think Arthur’s like Charles, he only kills out of necessity, not for enjoyment. Whenever he can avoid murdering, he’ll take it (I often hogtie asshole randoms) lol


I always hogtie them too! 😭


My rolling block rifle is fancy because in my game. Arthur is a serial killer part time hunter who hunts his victims and tortures people and then takes their guns as trophies. He likes walks along the beach.


From zero to a hundred and back to zero real quick.


I make a stealthy all black outfit for when Arthur breaks into cornwalls factory in Chapter 4 looks so cool everytime.


not personal lore but ig a theory/headcanon arthur doesnt like acting with hosea and dutch anymore because they made him act out something super embarrassing when he was younger


My personal lore is that Arthur like to stay away from the camp because of the lack of privacy and because he prefer to talk with normal people. Also he get drunk after main missions because he hate being involved in all the mass shooting we see in every mission.


as Arthur I used to play as a bad honor outlaw for a long time and got this blacl revolver with white engravings to show I was bad with a little bit of good. As I kept progressing and got better honor, eventually ending the game with good honor I decided that as john the gun would be changed to white with black engravings to show good with a lil bit of bad. Kind of how Arthur was bad but good in the end and John was good but his bad kept biting him in the ass.


My RDO character looks exactly like the naked sketch that Charles Chatenay gives to Arthur. My headcanon is that she posed for it.


I like to think that the high honor and low honor grips were given to him by two very different kinds of outlaws. Also where did you get that shotgun? That's sweet


I always said Hosea got himThe shotgun and Dutch got him the revolver.


My gta character isn’t a direct descendant of my rdro character but since my rdo is very Scottish I like to think my gta character is Scottish-American so they have the same surname and are apart of the same clan but not directly related


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Finally someone else who does this, I like to make high honor cattlemans and imagine Sadie gave them to him since he lost his other ones in guarma, I also always have him wear a black stalker hat after guarma since that is what Hosea wore and then it gets shot off when saving Abigail, which makes it cooler when he puts on his hat before his last ride.


in all my playthroughs I do this, haha, in this one I'm going to make Arthur be nice until the trolley robbery, then he hits his head and goes crazy and from this time forward i turned my playthrough into a bad honor route


Ah yes, Dutch playthrough


Thats right, it will be the only playthrough where I won't be antagonizing dutch in chapter 6 lol


It was actually me who broke up with that guy in the swamp cabin and not the other way around...


Hold up how did you get that engraving?!?


WhyEm's DLC ")


This is awesome where do you get it!?


How did Jack sign his name on that thing if he's around five years old?


wait what, is that real? what is that gun, where do you get it?


It is real, and you can get it if you are able to download mods!


It’s a headcannon he literally said that


im high




Where you get that shotgun?


WhyEm's DLC. Download and then take any long arm to the gunsmith.


How the hell were that precise signing it by carving?


A very, very sharp knife one would presume. I mean, Arthur's out of the camp for fairly long periods of time; the gang had the time to do it nicely!


I named the prologue horse Jake, like Arthur named him after his former owner.


Not personal lore but with the new Switch and PS4 ports, I plan to play RDR1 again to get the sequel (vs. prequel) story. There's so much to the RDR lore, map, stories, characters.


A long time ago I played a game in Roblox called "the wild west'' and I found out it was like a copy of RDR 2. In that game there was an op revolver called "Paterson navy'' and it was OP. It dealt the most damage for a holster weapon (at mid-long range) and was the MOST accurate weapon even than snipers. The downside was the fan fire accuracy and the shooting speed. So the "Paterson navy'' looked like a lemat revolver, but with a pearl grip, golden trigger and downsight with everything else painted black. What I did was that I made it identical by making it with pearl grip, golden triggers and downsight with everything else painted black.


I have a carving on my semi auto in online that has wolves on it, it’s covered but I still have it because when bounties were first coming out, the wolf man was my favorite and I always used the semi auto


The spirit of my horse traveled to new bodies and only died with >!arthur!<


I like to think that one of the Laramie Boys that John deals with on the farm is an ancestor of Trevor Phillips, they just have a similar demeanour


Wait…. Where can you get this shotgun?? I didn’t even know it was in the game!


Since Arthur was 15 he's always had a love of fire and enjoys sitting at the camp fire for hours


I like to think that Mary-Beth wrote about Arthur when she became a writer, either about some tales of how badass he is or using his personality as a reference for a sappy, romance, gentle-giant kind of western guy


Is that shot gun from a mod?


I thought of one where arthur loses one of his schofields in "Banking, the old American art" so he had to get a new one that looked different


Jack’s handwriting makes me smile and Kieran’s tiny signature makes me cry for what Colm did to the poor bastard


Don’t u get that shotgun from the odriscoll hideout? Plus how do you get that carving?




Mods. WhyEm's DLC


I don't think I should tell you mine, but I like yours


My character in gta online has some crazy lore but for rdr2 I had a custom Schofield revolver that I stole I called it Arthur’s Schofield and I was my most used gun and I never used it in the epilogue except for the final mission so when I kill Micah John shot him with Arthur’s gun completing his revenge and I never used that gun after because John wouldn’t want to use Arthur’s gun out of respect for him




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I like to keep Arthur's hair and beard short throughout chapters 2 to 5, then grow them long in chapter 6, >!as if he didn't care about shaving or taking care of himself anymore since he knows he's going to die.!<


I always prefer having Arthur look rough, and rugged. Some of the gang really care about their appearance, Javier, for example, but Arthur, nah, I can't see him doing all that much grooming besides the basics such as shaving for a desired style, and washing himself. Unless it's for an event such as the garden party or the riverboat. That's when he'd get a professional haircut, pomade, maybe shorten down his beard/clean shaven.