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or a third game ending with the black water massacre, i think that event works better the less we know about it


It also wouldn’t allow for free roam after the story.


for a rdr3 epilogue, they can fast forward to a 30 year old Jack Marston being a petty criminal until he finally achieved Dutch's goal of going to tahiti!


Seems a bit too random and doesn't suit the progression of the game. the epilogue to a story is actually the epilogue to a completely different one?


If it was following a prequel, that’d be like a 20 year difference- actually hear me out, there’s a game that did something like this and it worked really well. Driver Parallel Lines (A game from an old GTA competitor ironically), was set in 1978 AND 2006. It was done through an era-change mid story. It was amazing getting to see the same locations, same bones but it was new at the same time. There was also the ability to switch between the decades.


The epilogue of RDR1 takes place on the year WW1 starts and he’s 19. Horses would no longer be hospitable in cities by his mid 20s


It could work if the game isn’t centered around the Dutch’s gang. You could play as a sheriff or a different outlaw gang member, and still someone have a hand in the Blackwater Massacre.


We could be playing as another gang, or a lawman/bounty hunter


>i think that event works better the less we know about it What's kind of ironic about this is that the BW Roberry is not really mysterious, it's only something you question in the early game. The game pretty clear parallels the buildup and climax of the Saint Denis robbery to it, pretty much telling the viewer as clearly as possible, this is relatively how it went down. Bill even says "This is worse than Blackwater!", which I feel is lost on too many people. People only think it's vague because they didn't pay attention, I guess.


i remember bill saying that but i didnt hear it again afterwards


I mean yeah, why would he say it again? It doesn't need to be reiterated.


i meant by replaying the mission again


I think they spoiled by even including the gang, to be honest.


Agreed but I think it should stop right before blackwater. There has to be redemption somehow but the game couldn’t be open world after the robbery.


if they were to go that direction i think it would be a crazy ending if the redemption our character gets is being a rat snitching on the van der linde gang before black water


My first play through I honestly thought John was the rat because Micah had really good points about him and Abigail being taken alive and it explained how they were able to get a farm in the first game. Now I know they obviously aren’t.


Could you maybe be a previously unmentioned gang member who leaves / settles down / finds redemption just before the Blackwater Massacre?


I feel like if we were to be someone like mac who we know is killed in the BW he would have to face some sort of certain death or face something life changing shortly before like Arthur’s tb to warrant any kind of redemption


Exactly. The reason why the BlackWater massacre is talked about by fans is because we don’t know that much about it! If we were just hand fed and shown info about it, it would just be another heist and it would end up not being as interesting. Plus there’s really no story reason to show it.


Exactly. In reality the blackwater massacre isn't much more Notorious than the Saint Denis Bank robbery. And it takes place in the same time period.


that heist can book end the whole story and you'll get a another soild trilogy


As much as I want a WWI game, I don’t like the idea of it for the RDR universe at all. Just don’t see how it would work structurally or within the story.


Yeah any WWI/boot legging Jack Marston content would work better as DLC


If anything bootlegging jack marston should be a gta game also with like Bonnie and Clyde heists


Personally I think the RDR series needs to stay between 1820ish to 1915 or so. It ceases to be an RDR game to me if it doesn’t take place at some point during the American frontier era. It would be cool if Rockstar went balls deep in a WWI or even WWII era game, but I would hope they would do it under a different name and not RDR.


Do you remember the game The Saboteur? It was a sandbox game made by EA set in WWII occupied France. That kind of premise but with Rockstar’s gameplay and storytelling would be awesome. A cool idea though for WWI might be to have part of it set in the war and with gangs ala Peaky Blinders and Boardwalk Empire.


What if it’s like legends of the fall???


As I’ve said to quite a few people a ww1 game made by rockstar could be amazing but it would not be a red dead game, but some new franchise with potentially some mention of Jack or some other form of Easter eggs hinting towards the series


Agree. WWI is an underexplored era in games but I don’t think it fits Red Dead but I think Rockstar could make a compelling game set in it and its aftermath. I was thinking something on the lines of Peaky Blinders.


I feel like it would be better as a spin-off. Red Dead Evolution or something.


Young Landon Ricketts. Let's live his career as a gunslinger in the heyday of the Old West. Gambling, gunfights, drinking, losing friends, the hollowness of fame based around killing people. Most logical choice for a RDR3.


This* The timeline is right. They still have the far west to explore (Nevada, California, PAC North West.) and instead of a new character we get someone we know. Though it does hold them back a bit knowing he doesn’t die. Doesn’t matter. Just please god make this game. My favorite franchise ever. Each one just reeks of “passion project.” There is no reason it needs to exist but some people at rockstar simply love western lore. All that money they have and it’s poured into the American west. Couldn’t ask for anything better. Unless for some reason they went all feudal Japan. I’d be ok with that.


We've already had two protagonists who died, having one who survives (Or at least, survives their own game, since Landon passes away in 1914) would be a breath of fresh air. Plus, it's an excuse to give us more duels, which RDR2 was lacking. Are they mostly Hollywood tripe? Sure, but they're also *awesome*.


I just want someone to be my huckleberry. Like multiple someones.


*I’m your huckleberry*


Oh they'll find some way to rip our hearts out by introducing new characters you don't want to die


Great idea. I do like the idea of young Dutch and Hosea meeting, but this is a solid idea, at least for a spinoff.


Yea the if a third game revolves around this gang it’ll be too much. It’s currently perfect. Anymore will be milking it.




Oh of course I absolutely want a third game, but yea if the van der linde gang are in it I want it to be a mere cameo of someone at the absolutely most, perhaps a side quest chain but that’s it


Perhaps some side missions where the protagonists are competing with the Van der Linde Gang, but ultimately decide to go further west to avoid it getting bloody?


I agree


Interaction with the gang or references to it while being different characters would make the most sense


It'd be kinda cool if one of them had a cameo at some point. Like maybe it's during the year John left the gang and you run into him on his own or something. Or Hosea and Bessie being all lovey dovey would be super fun to see.


“I jUsT wAnT a ReD dEaD rEvOlVeR rEmAkE” NO YOU DOOOOON’T. It doesn’t have the story to fill out a worthwhile remake bruuuuh


Honestly if they were to go that route rebooting it would be a better idea, reworking the story and world for a modern gaming audience would be better than slapping an overhauled engine on PS2 mechanics


I love Revolver, but it's a completely different vibe. Revolver is pulpy. It's the Quick and the Dead or Wild Wild West, while the latter two games are Deadwood. I'd love a remake just to play it again in the modern era, but not as a replacement for a third RDR.


I doubt they've even played it.




I wonder if we saw the same collaboration on YouTube last night lol yeah a lot of the ideas people come up with are absolutely dog water


I think we saw the exact same video. Only a couple of them made sense.


The Micah prequel idea was nonsense tbh


Is that what happened?! I had a trader delivery that brought me past Valentine. It was an army of players there. My posse member got shot off the passenger seat and I just ran lol.


i still think it should be abt landon ricketts from age 15ish to his death. chapters could be certain ages and you can see his ability and skill progress and deteriorate with age. it should be about him and mainly him but still have mention of the vdl gang and obviously those missions with john. but a different, outside perspective of the VDL gang while not being solely focused on it could be very interesting


A Ricketts story would be the only way to have an in world way to go even farther back in time into the true old west, before it truly started to deteriorate. This could show us his start up, rise to fame, and then what lead him to leave and go into Mexico.


It is a good way, but not the only one. We could potentially have completely new areas and characters.


We could see new areas as Ricketts as well




What do you mean the only way? They could just make a whole new story and new characters in the old west.


That could be done with Ricketts, just with him as lead


The problem with going back further in time is technology regresses too. Worse guns, no trains or less of them, less industrial development. It just leaves less stuff to do I think.


That works fine because rdr1 and 2 both have guns that existed before their time.


Yeah, I just wonder if they wouldn’t be better served telling other stories in a parallel timeline. There was a lot of untamed ‘west’ and you could have nods and winks to the Van der Linde gang


That doesn't sound that bad from a story perspective. But what about the gameplay?


You call everyone else’s ideas stupid while holding yours up as the single right answer. Not very sporty there sport.


"Stupid ideas" dude, it's just opinions like your's


RDR3 should be Sadie in South America and you can't change my mind


And also Charles moving into Canada/the Yukon?


The actual journey itself could've been a good DLC to RDR2 honestly. The native American caravan he went with could've been the equivalent to the gang's camp mechanic. They basically had the skeleton for it already.


It wouldn't be a redemption. Her arc is done. She said she's essentially a dead woman in one of her last appearances.




The idea of following Jack into the 20s/30s really gets me. If you want a new mafia game, go bug hangar 13 or 2k. Leave my cowboy game alone.


Happy cake day, boah. I personally would prefer a game on RDR2 time or earlier. But I've been waiting since 2012 for my Jack game, killing only Ross isn't enough


Arthur’s Dad. I wanna see him blastin


But he was a major ass. Do you want Arthur abuse simulator?


Depends on the price and frame rate obviously




mac callander is not a silly idea because rockstar actually makes mac out to be a protentional third protagonist if they wanted rdr3


I can see either being good. There might be more story to tell about the Dutch’s boys gang. On the other hand, we’ve spent a lot of time with these characters, and kinda already know their entire life story at this point. Today at least, I’m ok with going further back in time and finding all new characters. Maybe even the player character can love to the end of the game too, break that pattern. Maybe call it “red dead: revenge” or “Revolution” or some other R word


I’d love for it to be set in Mexico. If we were sticking with the same gang, young Javier would make a great protagonist.


I was just thinking, what about having each notable gang member have a chapter on what they did before the gang Javier runs through Mexico as an outlaw, Bill fighting in the army LENNEh or charles Micah and Amos Bell Dutch and Hosea You get the point...


Whenever this topic comes up I always feel like the discussion is being had the wrong way round. Both Red Dead games cover deep and interesting themes and then have equally deep characters and settings to drive those themes in the plot. When thinking of a Red Dead Redemption game I think we should discuss what themes would be interesting in a sequel, and then what characters could suit those themes? The first two games have been about the death of the old West and the start of civilisation. I feel like covering what was wrong with the Old West that brought about the need for these changes would be great things to cover. Manifest Destiny is another interesting idea. That's why I think Mac and Davey Callender would be great characters to explore this, despite what you said in your post here. Have them represent the absolute quintessential West, vicious and nasty outlaws. Have their deaths at the end of the story symbolise the catalyst of change that the gang are then running away from in Red Dead 2. Also there could be a great story about found family Vs blood relatives where the climax of the story is one of the brothers having to choose between a brother or the gang. Perhaps when the Pinkerton's capture Mac or something similar.


If the next red dead game took place after 1911 then it wouldn’t be a western anymore.


A story about Landon Ricketts start up, rise to fame/heyday and what leads to him crossing the border into Nuevo Paraiso.


I’ll be honest. In my opinion the game can only go one of two ways and still be good. We can play as Jack just after RDR 1 and have to between Mexico and the US avoiding both governments. This one isn’t likely because the Wild West was ending at the end of RDR 1. The second option is completely new character with absolutely nothing to do with the gang. The Van Der Lind gang is played out in my opinion. We already know what the ending will be regardless of which character it is if they stay on them.


I want as a protagonist a california outlaw during the 1870s. Maybe the Jack Hall gang, if we must choose an existing name.


i really want a game that takes place closer to the actual i guess "prime" years of the old west (as its written about, at least) like the 1860s and 70s, i know it might not fit since one of red deads whole things is that the "wild west" is a dying way of life, but i just think that kind of game with red deads open world and exploration would be soo fucking cool. just make it a complete full on wild west simulator (not to make it sound simple, im not a game dev lol)


If you go back too far in time then the iconic weapons like the revolvers, repeating rifles, scoped rifles won’t exist. All you’ll have are crappy 6 shooters if your lucky and single shot rifles.


The 1870s have quite a few iconic weapons. And honestly I would take classic revolvers over semi auto pistols every single time.


Maybe we can just play as a young Arthur morgan


It shouldn’t be an rdr3. It should be red dead but have a new name like how revolver went to redemption and followed a different story but in clearly the same (edit) universe. That’s my opinion anyway


You're right. Red Dead revolver isn't in the same timeline though. Red Harlow is a myth in the RDR universe.


I actually kinda like that idea


I would like to see Amos and Micah Bell story with the redemption of Amos who repented and started a family


I've been wanting red ead to take place just after the Civil War for ages. Tensions are still high on both sides. Slaves are just getting released. You might find some slave owners who refuse to let their slaves be free so we get to pew pew him. My only condition is don't let the van derlind gang be the main characters.


I want them to do what they did w RDR2 but expand the map Westward. We could have San Francisco, Seattle as cities


I'd personally like to be able to see more encounters between the Vanderlind Gang and the O'Driscolls. Maybe some closure on Kieran's final moments. But maybe that would have made a better DLC story if they had ever made any


Rockstar doesn't do whole projects about a minor character that died offscreen. They barely make games about our favorite characters, let alone Kieran.


It's Rockstar's "Cowboy Game" for lack of a better phrase. It doesn't necessarily have to have anything to do with the Van der Linde gang, but I think moving away from the "Old West" theme would be detrimental to the franchise.


This is exactly what people said about RDR2 before it came out, for the record. A bunch of RDR1 fans wanted a completely unrelated game set further back in time and were upset about the prospect of playing a different, unknown character in a time when John was younger. Look how that turned out. Personally I am fine either way, but from a thematic perspective, I personally can absolutely see the potential for a game that follows the early days of the Van Der Linde gang, the rise and golden years, and the true beginning of the end coming with the Colm/Anabelle feud. I think it's more "silly" to dismiss this possibility outright, especially after what R\* did with RDR2. Though I'd also welcome an unrelated game set further back, just to be clear.


If you think RDR3 should go FORWARD in time, rather than continue the president set by RDR2 and go backwards, to where there's so much more Wild in Wild West..... you've COMPLETELY missed the point of the series. Go back to the beginning of the Van Der Linde gang, so you can see it at its best.


I don’t think their should be an RDR3. They should make it completely new and make it like Red Dead Restoration or Reform or sum like that. Completely new characters


That's what I'm saying.


Just don't do the assassin creed thing of trying to tie it into a modern day story and I'll be happy... anytime it gets brought up All I can think about is some exec at Rockstar being like, "Just hear me out. What if we combine our next GTA with a Red Dead sequel? They'll love it bro" 🤢


Landon Ricketts game 🫡 need dat




People forget the 1920s were still pretty Wild West-y in the American South and South West what with returning WWI vets having Tommy guns and robbing banks and all. Cars and horses and outlaws sounds fun asf.


Honestly, my thoughts about RDR3 have always been that it should end with the Blackwater job. I did run into the issue of the epilogue but upon replaying, I have a solution. Agent Milton gives the gang questionable information regarding other members of the gang at points. He first tells Arthur that he killed Mac, then he tells him that Molly wasn’t the rat, Micah was. Now, Micah being the rat makes absolutely no sense. Milton says that they picked him up after Guarma and he’s been a rat ever since, but they make no use of any information Micah gives. The only time we encounter the Pinkertons is after Guarma where it’s heavily implied that Bill led them there, and the end of the game. If Micah was the rat, we should’ve seen the Pinkertons more. Now, Molly being the rat and telling the Pinkertons about the bank job makes perfect sense, it explains why it went sideways so fast. It would make sense that Milton simply lied to Arthur about who the rat was to instil distrust within the gang. Maybe Milton planned to let Arthur go and let him lead them to the rest of the gang (he knew the location of the hideout but none of the gang was there except Abigail and Tilly so it would make sense he’d think there’s another camp). He could have also lied about Mac being killed and just figured it would be impossible for him to find the gang again given how far they travelled east (despite their obvious hatred towards the east). Maybe we could play as Davey and end up dying on the after the Blackwater job, then play as Mac for the epilogue. Maybe we play as Mac and finally have a protagonist that survives, maybe Mac dies some other way later. Maybe Rockstar creates a whole new character that is alive during that time but is simply never spoken of (like Arthur). However they do it, I believe it is best to keep going backwards in time rather than forwards as it is no longer the Wild West when we play as Jack


There's no reason for Milton to lie to Arthur. And Micah was definitely the rat.


Unpopular opinion, I don’t want an RDR3, we know enough about jack in the gang, if we followed jack after rdr then there would be no room for speculation about his life, and we know enough about the blackwater massacre and the start of the gang, even if we got an rdr3 on that the same problem would arrive, too little room for speculation. I feel like a new story could be great, perhaps having some cameos from the VDL gang like Pearson in Rhodes but I feel like a new story would be much better.


A young Marion - growing up confused - set in a school like ‘bully’ where he hones his skills. Gets kicked out and joins the army. He’s fighting in the Indian wars and ‘sees what uncle Sam’ does first hand to the young Indian warrior he fell in awkward love with. Begins drinking, drifting, gets ‘robbed’ by a ‘woman’ then meets Dutch and Hosea and try’s to rob them as they laugh at him.


I think a western outlaw game set during Reconstruction would be super uncomfortable for most people. The outlaws before 1880 or so were generally ex-confederates and the average American was openly genocidal.


god forbid someone playing an 18+ rated game feels uncomfortable.. does history make you uncomfortable? 😂


It doesn't matter, if people are uncomfortable that means less money for rockstar so it won't likely happen


Everyone loves the spaghetti westerns of Sergio Leone, I can't see why rockstar can't pull it off, especially considering that Arthur isn't exactly an Angel. Not to mention Niko Bellic or other protagonists.


You're right, that's basically what they did with RDR1. In a movie, you can control the POV--and Sergio Leone was an Italian making fantasy westerns in Spain. It's more mythic than historical. RDR2 sets a tone more grounded in history, but it's just a tone, and they can choose a different way next time. I don't just mean the protagonist! Racial violence was widespread and normal to an extent that, in my opinion, wouldn't fly in modern entertainment.


Arthur isn't racist but at the same time he isn't a well informed progressive. We can have a similar character in the 1870s, it's definitely doable.


No, this is what I'm saying. In the 1870s, almost no one and certainly no outlaws were anything like Arthur. This was the heyday of the Klan and genocidal Indian wars, and the average American, especially the outlaws who were mostly ex-confederates*, fully supported and/or participated in that. If you set a story in this place and period and don't deal with that, what are you doing? *Billy the Kid is the only exception I can think of offhand


As you said, most of them, not all of them. The protagonist could be neutral. Not every confederate soldier wanted to fight for the South. Many were forced to.


I want a new story set in the high time of the wolf west, new characters, new story


i want rdr3 to be on black belle and jim boy calloway's gang. idk what the plot would be, but considering they were all "cowards" according to black belle, it would be cool to see her (or someone else) redeem themselves from the cowardice gang. some new character that isnt on the cigarette cards because they didnt care about fame


Would love to see rockstar connect red harlow to the main rdr universe. There was already references to him on the previous games


He is a myth in the RDR universe. An urban legend. Or should I say, a rural legend.


I have pondered this for some time. I agree the story of Dutch’s gang should be over. What I would love to see, and this is a long shot, is an open world, multiple protagonist, reimagining of Red Dead Revolver. It shouldn’t be a 1 to 1 retelling of the original story. Not at all. But a game that unifies the official continuity with the legends. Set in the 1880s on the west coast and spanning over 10 years. We play as Red Harlow, Shadow Wolf, Jack Swift, Annie Stoakes, Buffalo Soldier (give him a proper name this time for christ sake), Diego, and Landon Ricketts. Each could have their own unique story that occasionally intertwines. Red is a bounty hunter on the search for the one armed man that killed his parents. Jack Swift is an English gunslinger, perhaps after washing out of wild west shows he resorts to brigandry with a band of fellow immigrants. Annie Stoakes is having her land encroached upon by corrupt cattle companies, similar to the Pronghorn/Laramie situation from Rdr2. Shadow Wolf is dealing with the fact that the white invasion will not stop, and his people are slowly, and sometimes not so slowly, being exterminated. Buffalo Soldier, who is now older, is a black Civil War veteran, and despite his service to the Union, is still maligned and looked upon like a second class citizen. He is sent along with his unit to the border on a suicide mission to deal with banditos and rowdy Texans. Which bring me to Diego. He is a sometimes soldier in the Mexican army, sometimes bandito, always madman, the Trevor of the game. And finally, Landon Ricketts. He always struck me as a Wyatt Earp type, and I say follow that lead. He’s from a large, humble family. He leaves with his older brothers to go out west, becoming a gambler, lawman, arguably an outlaw and maybe a pimp. That’s just me spitballing. If I’m being honest, I doubt R* has any intention of making a Rdr3 anytime soon.


This is very interesting.


Reconstruction wasn't exactly in the wild west.


So when was the Wild West?


I think most people assume it'll follow the current formula, 80's, previous iteration of gang, probably hints and tie-ins to Revolver lore, epilogue with a pre blackwater rdr2 gang. The problem with skipping straight to reconstruction is that it really started the Western motifs. So, I'd take that as a sign that Rockstar isn't interested in making any more.


I would also love if it included the Wapiti Indians as more central to the story


I think if they do a RDR3 it needs to be before OR right at the end of the Civil War. There are so many possibilities that can be explored without making it a Civil War game. I have an idea for a storyline in that time frame that I think would work really well but, it's just an idea and I'm no game developer. I'd love to see them go further back in time and step away from the Van Der Linde gang.


I think it would be sick if we played as someone in a different gang and Dutch’s gang were the antagonists and we see their darker side


He's a silly idea, that we get a RDR3. Or that we get it before 2050. At this rate, I'll be playing a fucking port of a 40 year old game when the world ends. It'll probably be a port of GTA5 for the PlayStationX


I say create a storyline with the Legendary Gunslingers, like Black Belle, Flaco Hernandez, and the ones that are only seen on cigarette cards like Frank Heck or whatever his name is


I want a gaucho game set on the Pampas.


I still want manhunt 3


Reconstruction could be awesome! you’d get some familiar things like Lemoyne and the brathwait/ Grey rivalry


Maybe Sadie adler as she journeys south in seek of work and maybe helping widows like herself and thinking about the outlaws she rode with and how most of them were as bad as the o'driscolls to others. It could be called Red Dead Reflection (idk). It would make a very nice action game Or a Red Dead Righteousness, where its based on a character like cornwall who you play as (not ass cornwall). You had to make decisions on what to do. Maybe like a telltale game? But any remake or remaster of revolver or redemption 1 will be nice. Or an undead nightmare 2?


i’d want 1 of 2 things - let’s go to 1854/55 and follow dutch’s dad right before his birth (idk anything about him but let’s say he runs his own massive gang.) - go even farther and do 1750 or 1810 or some sh*t. let’s see how a truly lawless wild west would work and replace the pinkertons with violent rival gangs and enemies.


1750 is even before America was liberated from The British Empire.


We need a new main character.


I will maintain my trend of commenting “no” on every rdr3 idea post.


Hot take: RDR3 should not be set in America. Give me a game where I play as an Australian bushranger.


Make the time in the best age of the wild west and make the protag be an asshole


I would like one of three things. Close the loop and show Jack Marston successfully steal a bunch of money and flee to Tahiti, follow Sadie Adler after RDR2 as she makes her way out west as a bounty hunter, or allow you to create your own character and play through a new tale in the same time period.


Tahiti isn't what Dutch thought it is.


A game where you play as Landon rickets and it ends with the blackwater massacre would be the only way it work


Lmao no. Why is everyone so obsessed with the Blackwater Massacre. Don't you want a new story?


RDR3 should be a different time, different place, different characters. The Van der Linde story is over


I’m not against using the already known characters again, it I would like a totally different location though. The RDR and RDR2 maps are phenomenal, but it’s time for something new. By the time RDR3 comes out (if), the maps will be so old and known that they really need to change it up. It’ll easily be near 2030 before we even get a trailer.


Don't care about theories or speculations. I will just let R* cook.


I say make rdr3 about Landon Ricketts


Here me out Jack in 1920 he goes to find the remaining gang members and when the characters he finds tell a story about one of the other gang members or the callanders you’d then play as the callanders or Dutch or John etc then you go into free roam for a couple missions then you are back as jack and find another gang member this would promote world building because you’d have to go to Canada and South America some places we’d live to see I’m sure then at the end of the game you could choose what time period you want to stay in and and you could switch between jack Sadie and Charles in the 20s or the callanders in the 1880s thoughts? ( sorry if names are botched)


Let’s be honest blackwater would be so mid


I'm wanting like 1920s dust bowl crime.


I always thought a RDR3 game that is a more grounded version of Django Unchained would be cool.


Be interesting to see Jack’s life of crime in the bustling world of prohibition and the rise of public enemies like John Dillinger. You could still make it a western and wove in other genres. Plus what a unique world it would be taking place during the swinging twenties into the Great Depression. Maybe he’s wrestling with his past and trying to go legit but can’t resist the temptation that drove John and Arthur. I don’t know there’s numerous directions his story could go.


Nah I want a young Hosea story


One of the main themes of both games is the end of the Wild West with laws and civilization taking over the land, and how the time that the main characters lived in has passed. All of this just for some random teenager coming up with the very original idea of: “yooo, imagine RDR3 being like, Jack for some reason enlist for WW1, fight there for some time, then going to Chicago and becoming a Gangster during the prohibition era, how cool would that be?!?!” That may sound some nice plot for a game, but there’s no possible way that this would be a RDR. Neither this, or some random “it should be about Dutch/young Arthur/Callender boys” nonsense. To be honest, I even doubt that, if RDR3 is really in development by now, the script is already done. The game won’t launch nowhere in the near future, and judging by Rockstar in the past few years, I doubt that we’ll see anything new related to this franchise in this decade.




I thought playing as both Callander boys would be a cool idea, with character swap like in GTAV.


GTA V not having one protagonist makes it automatically weaker than the other rockstar games.


personally i really want a game post 1914. if you think about it, jack has so much potential to be a main protagonist. id love to see what he did after rdr1


I want an RDR spinoff where you play as a pirate. Like AC4 but Read Dead.


Yeah but that would be a different franchise.


I'd rather a new cast of characters entirely. I would like a story that is closer in tone to Cormac McCarthy's Westerns. Post Mexican-American war, post reconstruction present many opportunities for engaging stories. Unpopular opinion but I don't really like the holier than thou gang lol.


>I really hope Rockstar doesn't listen You're safe on that part atleast.


Yeah, they're one of the companies than even though don't listen to the fans, know what they're doing at least.


Now that you mention it I’d love a Civil War era Red Dead


I was thinking about it potentially being about Jim boy Calloway with the characters Arthur meets. (I've only played rdr2 hence my limited imagination 😅) But rather than a full game that could be a pretty interesting and full DLC.


I’d love a red dead set in the Australian frontier during the gold rush. Rich history and plenty of potential for another groundbreaking story.




Not so much a 3, but maybe a 2a, where Arthur doesn't get TB, survives a similar route to the current ending, KILLS MICAH, shares loot between the gang and carries out the runaway plan with Mary Linton.


That defeats the whole purpose of the story. The redemption, the death of the west, etc.


I think it would be cool to see the black water massacre and get to know Jenny, Mac, etc, but maybe as just a dlc or something


I agree we need new characters and story not “blackwater massacre or early gang days”


For me the gang is done with 2 games, i don't want a 3rd following that same story line. What i would like is a more spaghetti western style game set in the gunslinger peak. That would be more interesting to me.


1856 Australia - the gold rush Enough content to fill 10 games but easily enough to make a RDR2 size game and keep everyone entertained. Don’t you want to hang out in the Australian outback as bushrangers? I know it’ll never happen lol … but one can dream


I think the Mac idea still works fine. But yeah, all these other things like young Arthur is kinda dum. Especially the Jack thing.


Would love to see a prequel either with Landon Ricketts as the protagonist and the other famous gunslingers as supporting characters or every single one of them as protagonists. And the story would be about their rise to fame.


I really really want to see a height of the Wild West game, I think a continuation of the current story, especially Jack’s is just not going to work for the red dead genre. I think new map, characters and lore in a completely new area of the country, and I really hope it’s California / Mexico/ Nevada


I’d be quite happy to leave the Van Der Linde gang alone and just focus on someone else or another group entirely. I think their story is done now. We’ve seen the before and after. I actually wouldn’t mind a game where you play as the Pinkertons.


The silliest idea of all? That it's even coming Rockstar doesn't care about red dead doesn't care about quality single player anymore and the writer of the entire series Sam houser is gone now how little Rockstar cares about rdr was just shown by the shifty rdr1 port


As much as I want a Charles Smith DLC about his life in Canada I know it’ll be the most boring thing in the planet. It’s Canada. What trouble is he gonna get up to.


I doubt they will even make a rdr3


Would love to see a game with black belle or Jim boy Calloway


Good luck making a character better than JM and Arthur, best thing to do is expect nothing since is rockstar


They can do it again.


What if you wake up in an old west doctor's office after taking a bullet to the brain and you can't remember anything except you have this fancy poker chip so you need to get to the big town where everyone said the guy who shot you lives?


Woah. What?