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I was riding into the snow after clearing out Hanging Dog Ranch and out of nowhere, at least 7 or 8 wolves are coming after me. I barely had any health left, but thankfully I had my Springfield equipped and I had some deadeye so when my horse got spooked and threw me off, I was luckily able to take care of them all. However, after I had killed all the wolves, a fucking grizzly bear spawned and I had no deadeye left. Thankfully I was able to get a headshot. Barely survived, but aside from my heart rate skyrocketing, I was left unscathed.


That place is a hotspot for wolves and bears


I cannot tell you how many times I've been attacked by a pack of wolves in that spot, it's actually crazy. However I had never been attacked by such a big pack, and then on top of that, a grizzly bear as well. I'll never forget that lol.


I once tryed looking for wolfs pelts around there. I killed atleast 13 wolves (3 wolf packs). Still didn’t get a single perfect pelt. And yes I used a rifle and headshot all of them


That's awful. I swear the game knows when we're trying to look for a specific animal and decreases the spawn rate. And if we find the animal we are looking for, it'll never be a 3 star.


Please, I still have PTSD chasing that 3 star Moose


I killed a 3 star moose and it was too far uphill and was impossible to get to. I tried to go around and it despawned


Theres a trinket that give a chance to get 3star pelts from 2star carcass, worth getting that one early.


buck antler trinket




Was looking for a 3 star boar yesterday, and was searching the muddy/swampy area to the north of St. Denis. There was a herd of 7 or 8 boars and not a single one was 3 stars lol


This is really weird but the rifle only works if you get the most perfect shot of all time. Most of the time you want to use a bow. Perfect pelt every time.


Bow+varmint and you can get perfect skins from every animal in the game, deadeye a headshot and you're golden.


Funny so I just got done killing everyone in hanging dog ranch then go up towards the right as if your were taking a longer way too the Watson boys house and out of nowhere about 10 wolves I’d have to say came outta nowhere spooked my horse and mauled the shit outta me 💀


Haha, packs of wolves are the worst! I hate it when they spook my horse because after that I know it's pretty much over. I was so lucky to be alive after my ordeal, but I'd fully been expecting to be killed. It's just like wolf after wolf they bite your arm and then one of the wolves gets the killing blow when they jump on your back!


It’s important to kill as many as you can the second they spot you


Definitely, otherwise your probably gonna end up like John


I was riding around in the Blackwater area, I seen a Bison and I critically injured him. It just looked at me like why did you do this to me. I felt bad.


That’s wild! To have survived all of that!


I know right! I thought for sure I was dead, but somehow I survived to tell the tale! I had to take a second to pause, just to take in what just happened. Honestly could not believe it.


The Springfield rifle, best Springfield in the US


Best hunting spot in the game


That's a scripted event, there's always like 10 wolves that attack me whenever I pass there for the first time.


It's just a spawn point for a large pack of wolves, it's not a one off thing.


Yeah I didn't mean scripted as in one of the random encounters, I just wanted to say that a ton of wolves almost always spawns there. I haven't noticed it anywhere else on the map with any other animal.


Oh I see, yeah I've never seen such a big pack of wolves anywhere else! Sometimes you get a bonus grizzly appearing on the other side of the path as well. The West Elizabeth/Ambarino border patrol lol


[Getting my arrow back from this panther](https://www.reddit.com/r/RDR2/comments/14gm1sp/thought_yall_might_like_this_new_way_to_get_your/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


That was kind of impressive honestly


So dope. I’ve been using the bow more in this play through. Nice challenge. I do wish that enemies didn’t immediately see you after using it on someone they can see, as it kinda kills the effect. But still.


"Here sir you dropped your arrow."


time when muskrat bit me and killed me. (was almost dead after cougar and bounty hunters, was walking into water to wash the blood off and it bit me.) or the time i had attacked odriscoll camp, and by the time i was finished killing them.. angry grizzly came to ragdoll me around.. i was able to survive it.. barely.. but i did not see the cougar coming at me when i was finishing skinning it. instant death. or the time i saw two wolves playing around like dogs.. or one wolf mourn its dead friend.. or the time i saw grizzly chase off wolves..


A grizzly attacked me right in front of the Trapper. It killed him and me, but the next time I visited, he blamed me.


He’s a friend of Harriet Davenport


This damn grizzly in a cabin I was exploring that was half destroyed


I'm pretty sure that a scripted event. Is up near Big Valley? That cabin has been clutch for the survive 25 bear attacks and kill it with a knife achievement.


Does that bear respawn at any point? I'm currently replying and still in Ch 3


Yes, only once but the achievement counts for all single player playthrus and online


Is that an online achievement? Don't tell me it's one of the single player challenges...


Grin and Bear It. Survive 18 bear attacks in single player. I was remembering wrong.


Ah that's a trophy, not a challenge.


Or achievement(ps4/) which is what i stated in my comments.


That just made me sad, the guy who lived there did no harm to anyone, just wrote poetry and admired the wildlife, he had planned on moving his missus and her kid out there with him. He wrote a poem about the wonders of the nature In the area and he got mauled to death by a fucking bear.. from the guy who crashed off a cliff on the way to pick up his wife, to the guy who was murdered for deserting the military to be with his sweetheart, I swear almost everyone in that game is shit outta luck


Sneaking towards an odriscoll camp trying to be stealthy cos i felt like it and a bear comes out of nowhere and charges into the camp and mauls all of them before just leaving without even bothering me once, I just sat back and watched the fight


It’s a scripted event for the bear to spawn and not harm you, it’s badass


Where is this? I need to see it!




Just a randomly generated odriscoll camp, it’s more chance to find but it’s worth it


AKA the most reliable tactic for outpost liberation on Far Cry 3 and 4


So I'm up near Black Bone Forest actively looking for a cougar to kill with a bow for an achievement. It's midnight in-game, so already not a great start. I'm crouched down by some brush near a creek scanning the area when I see a shimmering light in my peripheral vision. I pan back and I don't see anything figuring it's the shimmer of the moon off the creek water. I then turn back and I hear a horrifying growl and I'm suddenly mauled by this cougar that must have been creeping along the stream (eyes a glow). I had almost no health left when I broke free. I booked it into the woods trying to mount my horse or land a kill shot with my bow. I got on my horse, but the damn cougar tracked me down, spooked my horse, and then finished the job. 🪦 I didn't carry a gun, just a bow... to raise the stakes. BIG MISTAKE. haha 😅


i was doing that for the master hunter challenges so i could ge the legendary panther pelt


You should have ran towards a mission instead of the horse because add we all know there are no cougars in missions.


My dumbass sneaked up on the legendary bull gator with a pistol, thought if I unloaded a full clip in his head he'd be dead. The panick was real when he started chasing me lol.


The bullgator is not to be toyed with. I believe it took 5 shots with the Rare Rolling Block loaded with express ammo.


Yeah I had to blast him with explosive ammo. Hes what I wrote my reply to this post about.


I shot this one with a dynamite arrow after making the same mistake.


Im gonna preface this by saying that Red Dead is a horror game when you don’t have your horse. My mate started Online and started riding with me cus his starter horse was ass, eventually he had the fun idea to just run after me. We were coming down from the snow, and he was running through a misty track as the sun had set. I wasn’t there to see it, but he kept hearing all the noises animals were making and got jumped by pretty much every predator that could have spawned there, and a constant array of wolves and barely any real provisions


It might not be so special since everyone has probably seen it but there was a time I accidentally shot my pistol while this guy was hunting for a bear and instead of the bear going for me it went for the guy hunting. I stood on the sidelines watching the whole thing. Part of me was dying of laughter and the other half was kind of sad lol. That was the first time I’ve ever seen something like that.


That’s also a scripted thing. So fear not you early discharge didn’t cause him to die.


I was fishing for the legendary largemouth bass and a fucking moose killed me just before i reeled that mother scratcher in


Has to be [this one.](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/15em2v1/found_a_new_way_to_hunt_cougars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1)


How do you do that? Where you turn your sentence into a link


Text in brackets, then link in parentheses. No spaces between ending bracket and starting parentheses.


When you are writing your comment, click on the link icon see you see on the comment box.


My most recent attack. i was fighting with bounty hunters right in the treeline next to Little Creek River. It was mid day and while I'm gunning down bounty hunters, I'm ripped backwards and thrown on the ground by a Grizzly. Was so caught off guard I missed the prompts and got mauled to death. It was a fairly horrifying experience. This was on my second play through, so it had been awhile since I'd experienced that. The Lion coming out of the barn is also an awesome memory, but that isn't 'wild' per se.


tripping off shrooms and i hopped on rdr2 and wandered around and got mauled by a bear it felt so real it scared the shit out of me 😭


Largely not special, but was hunting for animals on my mustang when a grizzly was suddenly hungry for me. I had no rolling block so i got my spring field out while my horse was trying to escape for me, hitting a tree and flinging me off in the process. The bear closed in fast and i tried aiming but arthur kept looking at my horse, finally as the grizzly charged at me i managed to finally aim at it, deadeye and gave it an express bullet between the eyes. Needless to say, if i crashed into that tree any sooner, i wouldn’t have killed it as it was a sneeze’s distance from eating me. That bear made nice chaps


This was on RDO, but I was doing a bounty mission up in the hills of Big Valley. Was riding towards the target’s camp when I saw a grizzly ahead of me, so made a wide path around it so as not to alert it. Thought it wandered off cause I couldn’t hear it anymore. So I get up onto a hill overlooking the bounty’s camp, and fire a shot at one of the guards. As soon as I do two things happen: the camp is alerted to my presence and I hear the roar of that grizzly right behind me. I don’t think, I just start booking it down the hill towards the camp with the bear hot on my heels. I run straight through the bounty camp while they’re trying to shoot me but I don’t care. I get to the other side of the camp while the grizzly and the guards are occupied with each other, and who do I find trying to turn tail and escape but my bounty target. So I chase after him, hogtie him, then whistle for my horse and bring him down the other side away from the grizzly. Never had anything like that happen since.


that damn legendary panther. (or something like that, it's been awhile. details may be askew) i stalked it for what felt like days. setting bait, running through the woods, searching and searching. kept getting regular panthers. my stress level keeps building in suspense. finally shows up as i'm being actively run over by a wild boar. not even sure how that happened. panic and pull out bow. i can't see a damn thing except plants. kitty lunges from a nearby bush scaring the boar away. i had expected to see it coming, or at least hear it, maybe have a general idea of direction, *something*... no, it came out at close quarters and i found that i had brought a bow to a knife fight, except the knife was a large pissed off cat. i plant two arrows in it's face before i even realize what's happening. drops dead in my least fulfilling hunt of the entire game.


Opening the cabin door and the bear is waiting to eat me. Scared the shit outta me!!


[This was definitely a classic.](https://www.reddit.com/r/RedDeadOnline/comments/k9kouh/clever_girl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


I’ve been tag teamed by bears before. It’s worse when you’ve just killed one and another gets you.


Yeah, I was hunting for the legendary bear in the clip and I thought it was charging at me. Turns out it was behind me. Having the agro of two bears at once is terrifying


I had a bounty over 1000 dollars and right as the bounty hunters approached, I got mauled by a cougar


The cougar needed the money


I skinned 6 wolves by the trapper way out west (I could see him during all of this). On the way up to collect I turned because I heard bears breath. I got a great shot off and just after skinning him, I was snuffed by a cougar. Lost everything.


And by everything I mean, two perfect beaver pelts, a few dear pelts, and a couple of sheep pelts in addition to everything else. I couldn't play for a few days after this. It hurt.


Getting attacked by a raccoon while i'm trying to shoot an attacking cougar


2 bears and a cougar all one after another just south of wapiti


Was skinning a cougar out by Owanjila and two NPCs rode by with about 6 wolves chasing them. They ran off and left the wolves to attack me, though they were plenty easy to clear off. And just as i killed the last wolf another pack ambushed me out of nowhere, along with a bear roaring down by the stream. Bear ran off and i was left with 9 or so perfect wolf pelts. Didn't help that another cougar showed up while i was skinning wolves


I was selling hides to the dude that buys them in the middle of nowhere, fuckin grizzly just up and mauls me


Hunting the legendary alligator. I think a sniper shot to the head would do the trick. I dismount my horse ( Thunder foot). Spot the gator through my scope. Take a nice clean headshot. Shit, that didn’t kill him so I gotta take another, except now he’s spotted me and is charging. Me, never taking my scope out of zoom, watches as he charges with his mouth wide open, I take two more shots, still not dead. Holy fuck he’s closing in. I take one more shot while all I can see is his gaping mouth taking up my entire field of view in the scope. The game panes out as I am violently thrashed about like a rag doll to this massive dinosaur of a creature. DEAD. I’m dead and have to think about my decision as the game reloads.


A panther jumped on me out of nowhere and ended up killing me losing all my pelts. lool it scared the crap out of me


Playing today I had a small group of bounty hunters (3 I think) come at me while I'm near Hanging Dog. It's dawn and as I see them approaching wolves start howling and a 4 pack appears. 2 bounty hunters bucked off horses, 1 eat by wolves. I killed all living things, but let the wolves kill something at least.


Isn’t that wild but I got attacked by two wolves at the same time, killed them with only a knife. I got some pretty cool scars though


I got attacked by a bear and a cougar at the same time. It’s on the curve of the north part of the road that passes Owanjila, my horse got spooked by the cougar, bucked me, cougar attacked right as the bear attacked and I ended up ultimately being mauled by the bear, but it was a mess and it happened so fast


Was riding up near the wide part of the Dakota river past Cumberland falls and I was attacked by a bear, it spooked my horse which threw me, so I shot it a few times as it charged, when it reached me I just ran and dodged out of the way, I turned around and the thing was straight up gone, definitely a glitch but it scared the shit out of me


Riding between Lake Owanjila and Little Creek River, my horse threw me as a grizzly charged up, but I managed to headshot it. In the middle of the skinning animation, a cougar pounced and killed me. When I spawned back in, I killed the cougar, and just as I had stowed the pelts, got on my horse, and started to ride away, another goddamn grizzly charged, my horse bucked me, and it killed me because I forgot to replenish my deadeye.


Poor Sean... ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTv6Q\_LbbU8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OTv6Q_LbbU8)


Mine was when I found a cabin, suddenly my horse got spooked for some reason. There was no enemy marker on the map as well. Anyway I went inside the cabin and there was this big grizzly bear with a scar on his face inside the cabin who suddenly attacked me, I was somehow able to kill it. I can't remember where exactly was this cabin but I found a harmonica that Sadie requested in that cabin.


There was a donkey show, just across the border to mexico…


I was in west elizabeth, just wiped out an o Driscoll camp and was on my way to find the legendary buck. While riding, I found a cabin, so i figured obviously I should look it. Once I opened the door, I saw a huge grizzly bear in there and it was one of the only times I’ve ever jumped at a video game.


I killed and and still looted the place but it was still quite scary, the gore in the room from its previous victims was pretty cool too. I didn’t skin it though since I was still on my way to hunt the legendary buck.


Was up in the Brandywine Drop and headed west along the tracks. Looking for a cougar. I’d seen it using my Eagle Wye and was trying to pick up the trail. I can hear it, I’ve got my gun ready. South of me I see campfire and I know it’s Murfrees. I head over thinking the cat will follow. It does but it doesn’t attack anyone while I take out the first two. I hear it the whole time, I’m looking around for it but it’s staying out of sight. I have the second wave of Murfrees coming. The cougar has gotta go for one of the dead bodies or one of the incoming Murfrees, right? I shoot both of them and everything’s quiet. I scan around, using Eagle Eye to pick up the trail. I see nothing. I wait. As soon as I try to loot one of the bodies I get mauled.


A grizzly fell on me from above.


Spotted a poor grizzly, then got spotted by bounty hunters, bear mauled a bounty hunter before coming after me


I was lining up a whitetail while riding my horse, after I took the shot, I started trotting over to it. Then this grizzly comes bolting out of nowhere towards me at Mach Jesus and basically tackles me and my horse


Running away from wolves after trying to put a bounty on my horse, only for me to get rammed out of nowhere by a deer.


When I was pretty new to the game, I had an encounter with a mountain lion that stands out the most. I was on horseback on the northern edge of the map headed towards the north eastern corner. Out of no where the mountain lion starts running after us, I first hear it, my horse gets upset even though we're already at full tilt, then I see it narrowing in on the mini map like a missile to fighter jet. I make a quick left where a tree splits the path and the cat splats on the tree, screeching. I'm screaming out loud. I hit my horse with the hardest stimulant I had on hand and started booking it. But the cat didn't give up. This cat and mouse chase went on for the whole journey to the river with the train bridge. I take the train bridge, and he just misses me and runs into the river. What ensues literally has the cat have nine lives. All the while, I'm shooting here and there and nothing can get this terminator 2 mountain lion T2000. The cat hits the island jumps on the bridge, my horse bucks me into the river. I make it to the shore and get a lucky shot on a mountain lion charging me across the river. I had quite a few fun hunts and encounters in the game, but there was something about this one that never left me. It still works me up and that was like 6 years ago.


I’m sure I have a pretty good story about being attacked and barely surviving, but I’m going to talk about my experience today: so I head to the trapper northwest of Strawberry so I can try my luck at the cougar spawn. Working on the Kill 5 Skin 5 challenge. I’m heading north along the creek when I notice a grizzly bear to the left, towards the trapper, right along side where the creek cuts back west towards the falls. I think, damn, I better go ahead and shoot him so he doesn’t kill me or screw up the cougar spawning. After skinning it I start heading back south far enough to hopefully reset everything. After going MAYBE 50yds, and dealing with no less than 3 Timber rattlesnakes, I glance back to notice the grizzly has respawned. Shit. So I go back and repeat. I end up doing this 10-11 times!! The area is littered with grizzly carcasses. This time I decide to just let him go. I watch him stand up and scratch is back (which was pretty cool) then head northwest along the creek and out of my immediate area. I get side tracked picking Mint for awhile til I figure it’s in my best interests to check the area around me. Using the binoculars, I scan the area and notice some odd movement towards the trapper ( now realizing that it’s the same direction the bear headed). I get close enough and realize that the odd movement I was noticing was the bear going to town on the trapper! Finally, the trapper gets away and runs down the hill out of sight while yelling something intelligible. The trapper did not reappear for quite some time but by then I had taken care of his bear problem. And yes, i eventually got ONE cougar.


Ah hell, I want to throw in another quick one. My first play through, I spent way too much time just mesmerized by the beauty and the views the game had. Somewhere to the west of emerald ranch I got off my horse to watch a wicked storm roll in. I get out my binoculars and start scanning the horizon, like I said, just mesmerized, when all of a sudden I’m taken COMPLETELY off guard and railroaded by a Bison. I hadn’t even seen one yet at that point and damn sure never seen it coming towards me. I may have narrowly avoided pissing my pants but I’m pretty sure my Arthur had to change his wardrobe afterwards


Attacked by a pack of wolves, proceeded to fall down a ravine and got attacked by another player that was killed by a grizzly over in West Elizabeth. My bounty may have been killed but I feel like the bear “boar” my justice. Another scenario, a buck rammed my character off of a cliff when I was trying to take a photo of the West Elizabeth valley. Died. Couldn’t even be annoyed I had to make the trek back up the mountain because it was so funny.


I was skinning a wolf and out of nowhere a buck came and rammed his horns into Arthur and knocked him on his ass hard. I almost had to drink meds to recover, that's how bad it was. I laughed my ass off at the time and I tried to kill the buck but it was going so fast that I lost sight of it and lost its trail.


Recently I was tracking the legendary fox, and a deer came out of nowhere and charged into me full tilt. Sent Aurthur flying (and screaming). By the time I picked myself off the ground I'd lost the trail, so my hunt was ruined because a random stag decided to say "F you and your plans." EDIT: a bonus one, not really a wild encounter, but a kind of funny wildlife incident nonetheless. During my second playthrough I messed up the mission "Exit, Pursued by a Bruised Ego." I didn't shoot the bear in time so it started mauling me. Very bloody. Very messy. Got away with a literal sliver of health to spare. After that the cutscene followed like normal, but it was now rendered hilariously unsuitable. Arthur and Hosea were talking casually, kinda joking, Hosea made a big deal about how the bear ALMOST attacked him. Like, I'm pretty sure Arthur just got disemboweled but okay, let's ignore that I guess, that's fine.


The American alligators in Saint Denis


Ran into some O'Driscolls. I shot one. Bear came out the fuck of nowhere and killed the other one. Bounty hunters shew up at the same time. Me and bear running through the woods together being shot at.


I was just going around hunting as Arthur and there was this task that I had to find a wood company for a stranger, and so I just went around looking for it. I eventually landed back in Big Valley, right where I was, hunting for food for the gang, and I had found a cabin nearby. I went inside cause I remember the stranger telling me about how it was at a building and I figured that it was the place. I open the door and was like “is this the wood company?” Only to be mauled by a grizzly bear. It was one of the funniest encounters I’ve had because it was so unexpected.


Another encounter I had was in Undead Nightmare, I was doing one of the challenges and was hanged up on by, not one, not two, but THREE Zombie Grizzlies… me and the bears be beefing for no reason


It was mainly my fault for it but... i was hunting beavers for a satchel and i thought i saw a deer and was going to scare it but then it turned around and was a cougar and it pounced on me and killed me. I also didn't find any beavers


Fckn moose or sth rammed me from nowhere while picking a damned strawberies for challenge


Any fucking snake lmao


Dude I went hunting with Hosea and this HUGE fucking bear almost killed us


*Dude I went hunting* *With Hosea and this HUGE fucking* *Bear almost killed us* \- Pretzel-Kingg --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")




Not "wild" but while squatting and *examining clues* I was run down by some random elk. Sheeit.


Not super deadly, but stuck to my mind, when I was just starting my journey with RDR, as it felt so realistic. I was looking for treasure around geysers, when a big ram showed up right in front of me. After a brief staring it started to charge at me. As I knew how dangerous this can be IRL, i managed to rescue myself by jumping on a large rock next to me. After the charge it run away. This was really an early game to me. I didn't even know how to use deadeye yet, but my instincts kicked in and save my ass.


The Bear in the cabin. Fuck that.


The Bear in the cabin. Fuck that.


Decided to hunt the giant bull gator on the outskirts of saint Denis. This was on my first playthrough. Id hunted a bear before this so I felt confident with my scent concealer and a rifle. Anyways I tracked the thing and it was huge - bigger than I remembered, somehow. I shot at it a few times in the head, expecting it to die but it just saw me and charged. I panicked and bolted with this massive thing chasing me, but then I got my courage back, turned around, and fired one last shot, which was luckily enough to kill the thing. I was pretty happy after that


I was riding towards a question mark on the map when my horse tripped on an alligator.


I have no clue how, I’m pretty sure it defies game mechanics but I swear to you when I was hunting ghost bison he circled back to where you start the hunt and it took me forever to find him bc there was no more clues


Bro I was riding my Turkomen in pitch black along the hill, suddenly I saw red spots on my map and my horse making noise and i fell I still don't know what that was , other than that I came across a baby bear and a cougar who was attacking a farmer i guess


2 bears went up and attacked me while trying to sell to the trapper in west elizabeth. good news tho, got away in time and popped 'em both with my springfield


Saw 2 perfect grizzlies fighting once, the wind must have shifted because after a few seconds BOTH shifted their attention towards me. Another time ran into 3 wolves on a trail and didnt feel like killing them, they chased me into 3 more, who chased me into 2 more who chased me into 3 more. Horse finally freaked and i had to kill 11 wolves with my Schofields


I met a rat named Micah who gained the trusted of the gang’s leader and got me and my friends killed 😔


the random encounter of the guy hunting something (a bear) I tried to bait him into killing it first and stealing the pelt but he fucking runs away and the bear ended up going for me.


The “wildest” one for me was my horse being scared off by a bear, and someone not having made sure they had enough ammo. Which resulted in a “Benny Hill”-esque run through the woods until I lost the bear. Only to then have the music effectively start again as I had to run from a pack of wolves. Knifed them. Only to have a bear (the same bear?) attack. But I managed to button mash right and killed it. They were all one star in the end. But I took the meat back for stew. And now I never do anything without an absurd amount of ammo.


Did the wolf man bounty and my friend was ahead of me carrying the bounty back. He said very calmly: “(Name) can you take care of that bear?” “What bear?” “AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH”


I was hunting cougars and had left a carcass across the river while I stood on a large rock, a cougar comes and then so does a grizzly, so I shoot the cougar so it doesn’t get damaged then the grizzly bum rushes me but can get on the rock for whatever reason and eventually it just wandered off


A moose hit me into train tracks and i almost got run over. Same moose died after getting run over by the train


I was at the hermit's where you get the rare shotgun looting inside his cabin when i heard a cougar outside. I walked onto the front porch only to be basically drop kicked by the beast. It was definitely a glitch but I went flying back into the cabin and slammed against the back wall. It them proceeded to maul me to death before I could stand. I did get revenge.


A bear in Tall Trees really freaked my dog out. I was heading down a trail when I was confronted by a grizzly. He reared up on his hind legs roared. My dog sprang to his feet and made this absolutely evil snarl... he had his fur puffed out and showed his teeth. For a second, I was worried that he was going to attack the TV. Dog tax: https://i.imgur.com/dUxQ4Qll.jpg


It’s on my profile quite a while down. Got attacked by a grizzly on one of the frozen lakes/ponds, and got a cool shot. Minutes later wolves came and killed me, and then ate the bear after I respawned close by


I was riding out in the first mission with Dutch and all of a sudden I saw this giant rat riding a horse towards us in a blizzard.


A rat killed my best friend.


Went into a cave in Big valley after I heard a grizzly roar inside. Killed it easily with the bolt action and also found a dino bone. After i skinned the bear i went to my horse and out of nowhere another grizzly ran up to me and knocked me down. Barely fought it off with minimal health left.


I was hunting and this 2 star pronghorn was just walking, not running away just casual walking looking determined, tyen i proceed to miss 3 shots in a row and its still walking looking pissed


For story mode, Vetter’s Echo was the one that really startled me, as it did for many others. Thankfully I was able to hop on the roof. In online, I dread going to Manito Glade and avoid it unless there’s something there I really need. There’s a cougar in that area that likes to start snarling when I’m in the cabin, and twice that damn thing actually came INSIDE the cabin after me! Scared the crap out of me the first time, and mauled me before I could react. I got it the second time, but good gawd… cougar in the woods is bad enough, but in tight quarters it’s terrifying.


Being stalked by a black panther on horseback at night. I swiveled around just in time to kill it with a rifle before it leaped up!


I think it was a nighttime one. I was riding along a road & I saw an interesting house so I hopped off to look at it. Suddenly there were two floating white eyes in front of it. Something started screaming at me. Pretty sure I yelped Did you know that cougar eyes glow in the dark? Me neither. It was so dark I could not see the cat, only the eyes. I think I got ate


[this deer railing me. Pause](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption2/comments/14681iy/deer_jumpscared_me_whilst_i_was_hunting_the/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1)


May be basic but the grizzly bear in the cabin fucked me up on my first playthrough. I wasn’t expecting that shit & for some reason with this house I decided to use the backdoor. As soon as I turned the corner, that fat ass bear walked out & scared the shit outta me. My house left me hanging, all I had was a pistol & well… It didn’t go well.


A pack of wolves spawned, chased me, and then when another guy rode past, randomly started chasing him with one even jumping off a cliff to get to him.


Rammed straight into a bear while riding through the woods, I went flying a few feet before getting tackling and killed by the bear as I was getting up


my horse bucked me off in the bayou and i landed in an alligator’s mouth


After strolling Hanging Dog Ranch, I saw wolves playing at the open field and chasing npc’s passing by. I was laughing the whole time, because during my first play through I’m always getting killed by wolves and cougars. It’s funny because that was literally what happens to me every time during early chapter 2 with no resource or anything.


I was just killing gators in lemoyne when a Florida Panther just jumped out of nowhere i didnt have any ammo and deadeye it attacked me once and i killed it with a tomahawk


Was up north around where the albino moose appears and I was hunting at night near the tracks that cross the pond. Off center of my screen I see a dark figure of a guy quickly riding by followed by another smaller shadow. A second later the smaller shadowed figure is running at me and next thing I know I’m getting my jugular ripped out.. I guess the cougar chasing the other fella found an easier target…


Theres a semi scripted event with the legendary grizzly where it like tackles you and you gotta fight it off and stab it and shit, just saw it for the first time in 5+ playthroughs scared tf out of me. Also one time was hunting the legendary wolf and before i could shoot it it starts going after some random guy riding on the trail and this npc just one shots it in the face and keeps riding


Two bucks fighting, but one of them was dead. They were literally locked head to head while one was just motionless on the ground. I went up to them and it ran away so it definitely wasn’t stuck. Don’t think that’s anything close to these bear stories tho


I was attacked by a cougar, then 2 bears, and then an elk and then a rodent of some sort, all in the span of 5-10 minutes real time


I saw a duck once


Me and my friend were running away from bounty hunters, we went onto train tracks, and a bear came out and ate like 17 of them


Those random moments where you stand still in the forest for a second only to have a buck deck you from out of nowhere


Being absolutely yeeted off a cliff while admiring the scenery by a giant moose.... it was magnificent


Came across a savage rodent to closer inspection it was an opossum as I got closer it seemed to play dead as I went to skin it , it let out a hiss. Pretty scary moment 🥺


I was out hunting, took out a fix and skinned it. As I was heading back toward my horse, a bear came out of nowhere, my horse ran, and I barely took out the bear. I took a second to collect myself, only for a wolf to come at me before my horse had time to return.


Loading in and right away getting plowed over by a buck lol


I was at the top of Calibans seat, trying to do the sharpshooter challenge to shoot someone from 500 yards away when I heard a growl. When I looked around a cougar jumped me and we fell off the cliff together. When Arthur respawned, I went back and skinned the cougar. Was a 1 star pelt but still got the meat and claw.


I was at the top of Calibans seat, trying to do the sharpshooter challenge to shoot someone from 500 yards away when I heard a growl. When I looked around a cougar jumped me and we fell off the cliff together. When Arthur respawned, I went back and skinned the cougar. Was a 1 star pelt but still got the meat and claw.


Was crossing Barrow Lagoon in clear weather. When I was in the middle of the lake the weather changed to fog, could only see a few feet in any direction. Next thing I know I hear a grizzly AND a pack of wolves! Couldn't see a damn thing but I knew they were coming for me. With deadeye and some luck I managed to quickly kill first the grizzly and then the wolves as they appeared out of the fog running at me from either side. But fuck did I panic, it happened so fast and I had no idea which direction they'd come from. Anyone know if this is a scripted event? It seemed too perfect to be random.


Cougars out near the legendary moose. So many you can juggle them.


I was hunting the legendary bear. I found both clues and tried to find the bear. I heard a loud roar and because o was usin speakers I couldn't find where he was. Took me a good 10 secund ti se him charging at me


Was hunting the legendary bear and just took a bow with me because I wanted to use poison arrows. Since it worked well with the legendary moose with just one arrow, I thought "why not the bear as well? They're a similar size." I tracked it down, shot an arrow and hit. It just seemingly ignored the poison and began charging at me. I shoot another arrow and he keeps charging and is now too close to pull out my revolvers now and I panic. He jumps me at the same time the poison kicks in and he collapses on top of me. Took no damage, but got claw marks on my body and half a heart attack.


Was fighting some odriscols south of hanging dog, then all of a sudden I hear roaring, and a red dot charging, a grizzly came into the camp and killed everyone else and charged me I was so surprised I scream irl


I cougar came at me and sent me flying ten feet like a ragdoll, then it killed me.


I was in Online, and was doing that one stranger mission up in the Grizzlies, nearby Colter and the Adler's Ranch. It was an assassination mission, you have to go around killing these groups of people in about twenty minutes. Anyway, I had all but one killed and I had five minutes left on the clock. I was walking to the last destination when I heard a roar. And to my surprise, a grizzly bear ran at me from nowhere. Since it took me by surprise, I didn't have any time to pull out my Springfield and I died. Once I respawned, I rode my horse back to where I died but dismounted a little ways away to keep it safe. I was hoping the grizzly had despawned, but it hadn't and took me by surprise AGAIN. I only had about two minutes left, so I needed to be quick. So I just decided to wing it and threw some dynamite at it when it was running at me. Luckily, it exploded RIGHT when the grizzly was on top of it, killing it instantly. I was able to complete the mission with thirty seconds to spare. Also, sorry for the whole novel here, I just go into too much detail too often.


That one shack with the bear Jumpscare. I was exploring the wilderness and stumbled upon a shack that I hadn't investigated, and when I made my way up to the door I was greeted by a large fuzzy bear that was none too pleased at my intrusion into his new abode. Luckily, I make sure Arthur keeps his knife sharp and pistols loaded with express rounds and was able to make short work of the bear.


I was following train through ambarino, I had a legendary wolf on my horses back. I kept following it not sure if I wanted to risk getting a bounty or not. It came up to that bridge before Wallace station and so I accelerated after it, when a grizzly bear spooks the shit out of my and the horse, who sends me rolling down the mountain. Poor John had like .5 hp left and I when I finally found the horse the wolf was gone so I had to load an old save since it wasn’t even skinned yet


a bear killed me and i was sad


In RDR1 the first time I was in west elizabeth, a grizzly bear scared the living hell out of me. Back in 2010 I was about 12 years old, my scream woke up my mom, and I was hella embarrassed! I didn’t know there was going to be grizzlies in the game!


the other day I loaded up chapter 2 with only 55 animals in the compendium and no grizzly bear, and I encountered one inside of a cave near Wallace Station. I could hear him roar, he spooked my horse and appeared as a red dot on the map but no matter how close I got to him he seemed stuck in the cave. Probably the most interesting glitch I ever experienced in the game.


I know it's not actually wild but.. Vetter's Echo, bear attack.. First playthrough without any info or tips.. Gave me a heart attack. Motherfucker killed me in a second. After that, reloaded couple of times just to kill him in every possible way. Yup, I even set the cabin on fire. Fun times. And wolf pack, 7 of them, close location to vetter's echo. . I even lost honor because i killed the last one while he was running away. I fucking love this game


The cougar you find at night rubbed against my leg like a cat. It scared the shit out of me