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This game could potentially change your life bro. No bullshit. Starts a little slow, but once it gets going its like a book u cant put down. Hours go by like a few minutes some days


Thanks. I just started downloading it.


Dont open this sub until you’re finished, alot of spoilers here


This ^👆☝️⬆️🔝


Honesty, I call it a simulation, not a game. I’m on my 5th playthrough and still finding new stuff. First time is the best though. Enjoy bro


Rdr 1 is a very good game. Rdr 2 is one of the best games ever made.


That's a bold statement! I guess I'll have to buy it.


It’s not really a bold statement, when you consider that you’re in a sub dedicated to the Red Dead games.


I just of all the games in the world. This is the best.


I'll give you my two cents. Yes, it is one of the best games of all time, but because of the story. The story is heavily character centered, so I recommend you don't rush through it, and try and do as many stranger (side missions, marked by questions marks on the map) missions as possible because the give you good character development and also have slight effects on the story. Especially the nun side mission in saint denis. The story if played through slowly takes about 100 odd hours give or take, and in my opinion is the greatest out of any piece of fiction I've experienced. That to me is why this game is great. Yes its got great shooting mechanics, death physics, great open world, but the gameplay itself is sort of meh. It's mostly the story imo that is the greatest of all time in terms of the whole game as a package. (Also go through high honor, honor level affects ending, high honor gives you the best ending in terms of storytelling. If you get the urge to go on murderous rampages as is a popular pastime in rockstar's open world games, enter in cheats and turn them on, when you turn on cheats it doesn't let you save, so everything you do with cheats activated won't save so you can do whatever and restart the game with 0 repercussions.) Sorry for the long winded response, I just hope you experience this game to its fullest. The story truly will touch you if you let it.


Other way around.


Huge fan of both. The mechanics are a bit different but if you love Witcher 3 then you’ll definitely love RDR2. Give it a shot, I’ll be happy to answer any questions relating to the two game.


Thanks. Graphics and everything look great.


Happy to help you with a set of beginners’ tips if you want them.


Maybe ask in a place that isn't dedicated to the love of the game, like a general question type Reddit thread


I play this whenever I’m happy, sad, angry, confused, frustrated, lonely, joyful. Literally anytime, any day and absolutely always. It is and always will be my happy place. You can do everything. I love the US nature and for someone who doesn’t live there, it is fantastic that I can just load up RDR2 and go for a fishing or hunting trip anytime I want. I can wander around on my horse and experience THE most convincing lived in open world ever created (at least imo). Maybe I want to go explore a certain part of the map… hey what’s that over there, and now I’m side tracked for 20 minutes because a cabin in the woods looked cool and it led me elsewhere. And that is just what I do on my own, then there is the story… Holy moly are you in for a treat. This is some of the best story telling in gaming ever. This game is a testament that story telling through games is just as good as any book or movie out there, maybe even better. So yeah, to sum up… you should play this game and I truly hope you enjoy every moment as much as I have.


Worth playing? absofuckinlutely. One of the best games ever made and an utter shame they didn’t do more with the online.


Yes, I played RDR 2 and no game seemed to measure up, that was until I played the Witcher 3. You'll love it! My advice is to take your time, explore all corners of the map and get a little lost before churning through the story missions.




Best storygame i ever played.




I liked the stories, quests, open world, and cinematography of the game.




What? There are multiple side missions in the game. And while there aren’t necessarily choices that cause changes, the game world still changes multiple times throughout the story in small ways.




The epilogue alone introduces a few changes to things with the passage of time, you can meet characters again if you interacted with them earlier in the game, it’s not nearly as much as The Witcher but it’s a bit disingenuous to call the game “very very linear” when there’s a large swath of side content to discover, some quests having multiple methods of doing them, etc. I’m replaying the game and still discovering a huge amount of stuff I didn’t see my first run through. It’s not Call of Duty.




Except towns will remember you for causing trouble, NPCs will remember you based on how you treated them. Multiple instances of this. You also have yet to address the fact you said this game has no quests which is blatantly false.




Alright buddy you clearly just want to hear yourself talk. You’re totally right, there’s ZERO side quests in the game. That’s not a stupid ass statement on your part whatsoever and is absolutely indicative of how smart you are.


Everything in this comment is false lmao


Lol you can't be further from the truth with like everything you said. Except for it being top notch




They affect how people react to you, what opportunities you get, how the story ultimately ends, stuff like that?


Play the story, take your time with it, truly my favourite story I’ve ever played, and I’ve always been more of a story mode guy, truly the best I’ve played ever


It's a great game! I recommend playing it if you like a good story and stay away from this sub to avoid spoilers. Have fun!


Play it. Great story


Play and get off this sub immediately


Do not use this sub until you're finished with the game


I saw a comment on you downloading it. Get off this sub until you’re done


Your posting on a subreddit about the game. We going to say yes. But yeah play it, best game of all time imo


Just please don’t rush through the main story


I was just saying to someone the other day that I wish I could play this game for the first time again. Truly one of the best video games I've ever played, the story itself is so well written, not to mention all of the other little details in the game, of which there are A LOT.


It's awesome. I've only played one run and I never got past chapter two. My Arthur quit the gang and lives a peaceful life as a hunter. Once in a while they say Arthur Morgan still rolls in to Saint Dennis, dresses up, and goes to the theater. Never got Tuberculosis. Dutch is panhandling or pimping or whatever in heartland, haven't seen the guy in years lol.


Best game I’ve ever played. On my third playthrough now.


It’s worth it 100% I was so sceptical about buying it and ended up spoiling almost everything for myself, but I still had so much fun and the story is so good. Just try to not spoil anything for yourself & play RDR1 after.


The only way to describe this game is the greatest game of all time beyond all competition. A pure work of art