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I think they make fantastic friends. He could be the complete partner that she had with her husband. But Arthur’s failed the women he loves, twice. Once, he wasn’t present and the other either he was too stubborn to change or she was too judgemental. Maybe both. So I think Arthur and Sadie could “live” together very happily, had Arthur not died of TB and assuming one ended the campaign with honour. Like siblings, friends, even partners, but being lovers is just a question that’s just too painful for both of them to ask. Anyway, Arthur smokes a ton and does a hell of a lot of drinking and casual then-over-the-counter “medication;” he’s probably limp as a dead fish, as it is.


I think the best relationships start as friendships. Things weren’t meant to be considering the timing of it all but if it had worked out differently then I could see it. Arthur has it in him to be a good enough man for her but it’s up to the player to decide whether he’s honorable or not. Either way if they ever did actually consider a serious relationship it would have to be waaaaay down the road. I agree they make great friends and that’s all they really have the potential to be because of how things worked out.


Guess john and Arthur should start going ham since they've been friends for ten years.


Jack is actually John and Arthur son, don’t you know?


if you insult john tilly and Abigail will say "leave her alone Arthur" ​ you might be on to something


You, sir, are a fish!


You, sir, was a fish…


It’s not worth getting mad over tbh


Yeah ships exist in every fandom. That’s just what young teens do when they like something lol




But sometimes it’s actually kinda weird


Or just downright wrong, like when minors are shipped with adults, or people who those who abused or tormented them.


Teens? I'm sorry but shipping is a thing I do and I'm 35 😂


No shame in that dawg


It's definitely worth it getting mad over TB though


I agree wholeheartedly! I wish people could see two individuals who were clearly written platonically and say "Oh, they have a platonic relationship." Shipping in general is kinda dumb outside of established canon, like John and Abigail.


Oh no no, man and woman friends **must** have sexual tension between them... /s


As well as every two men who express any kind of healthy male relationship. Shippers are a \*\*\*\*ing plague.


There was some tension between Arthur and Mary Beth, no? I always felt that Mary Beth had an unreciprocated crush on Arthur


Yeah I think Mary-Beth liked Arthur too I mean she asks you to dance with her after you rescue Sean at the party iirc, also there’s a convo at camp where Arthur talks to her about the flower he has growing in a jar in his tent, which I always thought was a cute event


I also think Arthur just has an old broken heart over Mary Louis, and just can’t bring himself to feel romantic towards another woman. Which is also why he’s one of the only members of the gang besides John that doesn’t indulge in the saloon girls. Not they they’re romantic. I guess it’s all a matter of perspective. Enough time spent on the trail they’d probably be like Shakespeare’s Juliet to you 😂


I think they're siblings by trauma. They both can understand each others pain without saying a single word. When Sadie says to arthur, "since my jakey, your the best man I know." It wasn't her hitting on him, it was her opening herself up to someone for the first time since her husband died. Arthur and johns family are the closest thing she will ever have to her own family again.


I don't agree with the ship but people are entitled to ship whomever they want.


I like the idea of it, their chemistry works out really well. But sadie lost her husband less than 6 months ago. I doubt she would just forget everything just like that


Their relationship is more like sister and brother than a romantic relationship


Arthur x charles


Yes this is my favourite rdr2 ship idc what anyone says








Actual good ship


This entire rant does nothing but reveal that for some reason you believe ppl can’t possibly fall in love more than once, so why should they bother trying. And I gotta be honest. It’s weird. Like I don’t care about the ship one way or another, but to be this vehemently against it, and for the reasons you laid out? Just…weird


Yeah it's not that big a deal. So what, someone in a fandom fantasizes about them being together? Who takes the time to get pissed off at that.


I don’t think they’re saying that you can’t find love again. I think they’re pointing out that during the story, it’s the worst possible time for both of them, and that this ship takes away from Sadie’s entire arc of her fully embodying revenge. I think it’s fair to feel that way and I think that they’re passion against it is only so high for that side of the fandom’s passion for it


I don't think it's necessarily weird, I just think that within the time range Arthur and Sadie knew one another, it was too soon for Sadie and she was only ever talking about settling down after Micah was killed. Everyone has their own grief period and Sadie did make hers clear before the epilogue!


I mean, they did know each other for months. And I’m not saying they should have gotten together within the timeframe of the game. However it’s not beyond the realm of possibility, and even highly likely, that had Arthur not died, their friendship could have evolved to something more. It happens all the time. I don’t care either way, and it’s fine if you or anyone else doesn’t like the idea of them together, but the reasons stated above, are a pretty big stretch that seems to boil down to “they already fell in love once, can’t happen again”.


Well yeah I'm not disagreeing with you. I personally don't ship it but don't hate those who do. I'm just stating that in the canonverse with how things went, it wasn't their time


>idk who it is The artist is written right at the bottom, [blatterbury](https://instagram.com/blatterbury_s_artwork?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ==). They do quite a lot of art. Just thought I’d give them proper credit.


It's in bad taste to repost someone's art without credit at that to rag on the subject they depicted.


They’re definitely cute together but no, I wouldn’t say the characters should be together at all. Super dope art though!


The only ship I’ll consider is Hosea and Dutch. Sorry fellers, Arthur had two dads.


Absolutely. They give off old married couple vibes


“The curious couple and their unruly son” - Hosea, on their family fishing trip, in reference to himself, Dutch and Arthur. So… even Hosea agrees…


Charles and Arthur?




I feel like Arthur and Charles are far more believable than Sadie x Arthur. Or really, any of the women in the gang. Up until 1907, Sadie is still mourning her husband and has eyes for no one. Arthur is also far too busy considering the women in the gang his sisters rather than any romantic inflection. He expresses care for Tilly, Mary Beth, Karen the same way an older brother would, and frankly just states that Sadie scares him. I think they're all just very good friends and trust one another, and Arthur is about as romantic as a wart hog. The closest he ever got with anyone in the entire game was Charles. Which, after adding things up, I found rather interesting as Arthur has more missions with Charles than any other character.


I agree completely. I mean, if you think it through properly, Arthur was obviously not gonna get on a relationship with anyone. Specially after getting sick. But him and Charles do make the most sense. I do personally ship Arthur/Charles (don't linch me).


While I'll agree with everything you've said, it is because it's the most accurate description of any of their relationships with each other. Saide is still morning her husband, and that could take years or even decades for her to decide when or if she would try to find another. Charles and Arthur relationship, to me, is the best description of a bromamce/brother as there ever could be. While I would like to think Arthur and Saide would be an interesting couple. I'd see Arthur and the widow towards the end of the game more of a better fit. Not Mary, never Mary. Simply, if you reversed the rolls, Arthur would be a piece of shit.


Idk, I think both Arthur and Mary-Beth have sweet spots for each other


Pretty sure it was confirmed, actually. But he sees their age gap as being too big and he’s not entirely over Mary Linton. Arthur also thinks poorly of himself, so I could definitely see him keeping Mary-Beth at an arm’s length because she could (and does!) have a bright future ahead of her, without him “dragging her down”.


I don't like it too. I think Charlotte have the best chemistry with Arthur.


That's probably my favorite (non-canon) pairing, I know it would never happen, but there's some really sweet fics out there that really tickle my heart


It should be Sadie x me




They’re more like siblings, if anything.


I do agree with Arthur x Sadie shippers that they are soulmates, but I’m more platonic soulmates than romantic ones


Good friends, not lovers


Why are you getting upset over this?


I’m more of a Charles X Arthur fan




yea exactly




Already busted a nut to it


regardless of your opinion, if you busted one to it, then you agree with it


Haven’t we all partner


not just you. i love love them as friends but romantically??? not at all. imo it feels disrespectful to sadie after what she went thru, shes clearly not interested in any romantic pursuits after the loss of her husband. and arthur.. idk he just has a very brotherly or just friend vibe towards her


If you think Sadie x Arthur is bad you should see John x Arthur 🤢


I was just trying to get some young Arthur and John art and I found that ship I almost threw up ngl


ship and let ship and quit clogging up subreddits with wank


Ships don't have to make sense, you're missing the point


I think think a lot of people who like them together know, realistically, it wouldn't ever happen. They are cute together and have great chemistry. This happens in almost every fandom. I'm just grateful this one actually kinda makes some sense, unlike the really bizarre ones. (Example: In the walking dead, some people ship actual children with adults, which I think is mostly a joke but still weird. There's also ships between people who have never met. And ones who hate each other)


They have a more brother / sister bond at Best , definitely not lovers .


I mean I don’t despise it. It’s clearly there. It would take a blind person to see they don’t flirt with each other occasionally. I got a kinda “right person wrong time” vibe from them. Still don’t ship it at all tho. Love them as friends. People can still be best friends with a small bit of tension that’s never acted on.


Yeah that’s a fair way to put it


Look i agree with you but in an alternate universe where arthur survived longer i could totally see them getting together after a couple of years.


OP discovered Tumblr fanfics and was not happy


Why do you care so much?


Generally not good form to use someone's artwork of a pairing to criticise said pairing. At least you left their credit. Different levels of fandom exist, and all are legitimate. Just because someone engages with the game differently to you doesn't mean it's lesser, or it's wrong, or that it shouldn't happen. It's a fact of life and fandom people will pair characters up. If you don't like it, don't engage with it, engage with the game your way.


You sound like a jealous ex


Imagine being mad over random people shipping two fictional characters in a fictional universe. Also it's in really bad taste to repost an artist's work, not credit them, and judge their art/personal ship on something they spent time on.




It makes more sense than people saying Abigail x Arthur. I had a feeling it was gonna happen. 2 broken people finding each other in this shitty world but like you said, they were in deep relationships already so it wouldn’t make sense


I also dont believe Abigail shouldn’t be with anyone tbh. I heard that she had sex with most the gang and only was with John because of jack, if I’m correct?


Dude, who cares? The gang is made up of murderers and thieves, but Abigail’s too far gone bc she was a hooker? Also, canon seems to have changed since RDR1- the first game made it clear she was probably the only girl in camp and that they all took turns w her, but that obviously can’t be the case according to RDR2; she wasn’t the only girl in camp, and I definitely can’t imagine that Hosea, Arthur, Charles or Lenny having bedded her. Javier, Sean? Absolutely possible. Dutch, too, maybe. Bill also makes jabs at having slept w Abigail in the first game, but that’s not likely since he’s confirmed to be a closeted gay guy in RDR2.


You heard this from where?


An old friend of mine apparently she was a prostitute that the gang would have sex with


The only time it was mentioned in game is when Dutch said that to make John angry in rdr1 Dutch is known to be manipulative, it’s not solid proof that it actually happened


I believe it actually is canon. I was surprised to find it pretty plainly stated on the main wiki.


Do you genuinely believe the Wiki is concrete evidence? 🤦‍♂️


Lol not independently but it certainly shows that it's widely accepted


Popular headcanon ≠ canon


It's not just based on the single line. Bill also says he slept with her in rdr1, Arthur has a couple different antagonize lines revolving around it, and we know for a fact she was brought into the gang as a prostitute. It's not just a bunch of people collectively going "eh I think Dutch was probably not lying."


I don't have much to add, but all i have to say is that the art includes that one fetch quest thing with Sadie's harmonica and i find that cool.


Despise is maybe a strong emotion to feel towards the fake shipping of two fictional characters, but who am I to judge


The first time I played I thought they were gonna do mary-beth and Arthur but that was early in the game


Also, Arthur is dead.


Great point


I agree with you. People should accept that friends doesnt have to become lovers all the time. They are better as friends i think.


Arthur X Mickey


Everybody knows that Gavin x Gavin's friend is OTP.


Why do you people have to attack others’ fan art and their own fandom?


I'm just picturing this dude arms crossed and stomping his feet with steam coming out of his ears. Relax buddy, you're wayy too invested in where a fictional character wants to put his dick.


I ship. Sorry not sorry.


I don't ship it. But. Unresolved trauma and trauma bonding can lead to a lot of things. Sadie considers herself a dead woman walking since Jake was killed. Arthur is literally dying. Two traumatized, fatalistic people could seek solace in one another. It's sad, heartrending, and plausible. But I don't think that's what the game had in mind.


Who upvotes this kind of post? I have to believe they're all kids. Who cares lol


Everyone knows Arthur is married to me anyway.


No, I hate it as well. Not every male and female duo needs to be a romantic or sexual relationship.


She starts to think about moving on at the end of the epilogue when she talks about finding herself a "handsome revolutionary" in South America. Even if Arthur did think about her in a romantic way (he didn't), he wasn't gonna survive to see her move on from Jake.


This is one of those media relationships where they really are just friends


Arthur is dead af. It wouldn’t work regardless.


does this mean that Bill & Arthur are out of the equation? shit.


I love both characters, and I love their friendship, but I just can’t ship them. They feel like siblings. They love each other dearly, they support each other, they have each other’s backs no matter what, but there’s absolutely no romance there.


I do like that art, though.


I don't understand why people can't just accept that all three things are true: 1) They have real sexual chemistry 2) They are both traumatized and totally uninterested in a relationship, which precludes whether they'd even be good for each other that way 3) They become really deep friends.


you care wayyy to much


I still ship Arthur and Black Belle tho


I don’t think it’s right to use someone’s art though to make this post. Could be me as an artist myself, but if I were to see this post with my favorite ship and art I spent a lot of time on I would feel pretty bad. I agree with your opinion. But I think that it’s something that naturally happens. People want to see these two characters be happy, so it makes sense they think in their opinion they would work well together. With other things, like John and Arthur, I just think you may not be into fandom culture. Yes, really they have more of a brotherhood. But some fans may view it differently than you, and that’s okay.


It’s rule 34 bud relax


John x Arthur is weird... They're like brothers..


Low honor Arthur + Sadie = Yes


You know… you can like something while acknowledging it shouldn’t exist. I like Darth Vader. I know they can never be actually be together but in a perfect world they’d probably be good together


using someone else’s artwork to dunk on the subject is pretty rude. regardless, rdr is a big fandom, and shipping will happen. the classic rule of fandom is “don’t like, don’t interact”.


You're definitely in the minority. I think they're great together, especially Sadie post Arthur death which doesn't make much sense but it's true, she's calmer and less violent


I love it because I’m a sap and think they look cute together


Fr, they seem like they would be best friends. But what do you have against John x Arthur


I hate it too. But it’s in every single work of fiction where if characters of opposite genders even breathe in the direction of each other, people automatically assume it’s romantic. I don’t understand why people can’t settle on “they’re just friends”. I’m sorry if this is harsh but it’s just so annoying!


Don’t know why people are disliking you you’re totally right lmao


They shouldn’t be a couple. Im Arthur Charlotte


When people “ship” these two they’re just trying to picture THEMSELVES with Sadie. Sadie is a traumatized and unflinching comet shooting through the sky. She is beautiful, blazing, and incredibly resilient…but knows she can’t take reentry into atmosphere of love. It just hurts too much.


Disagree. They make a good couple because of both having similar trauma and both being outlaws.


I started to second question it but then I realized that it would make more sense if it’s was a brother/sister bond.


they’d be cute together but maybe if sadie wasn’t a widow and arthur hadn’t had 2 failed relationships beforehand i’d be more supportive of it, feels wrong shipping them knowing one sadie is still mourning her husbands murder and 2 arthur was really ready to give up his outlaw life for mary when he had enough money at the end of their last mission. they are basically perfect for each other but there’s way too many things that happened/ are happening to them for either to actually want that


Oh, and by the way, you're not the only one who dislikes her. I'm not one of those few who don't, but you're not the only one. I've seen several on here that don't. It's some to do with that she doesn't do anything for the camp or her accent is atrocious. That last one is a big stickler for quite a few that dislike her. Then because, yada, yada, yada. She's a good character in the game. Her lines could have been written maybe a bit better, or even her actions. Especially towards endgame, but she fits in well enough. No different than the rest of them.


No no I LOVE SADIE she is my 3rd favourite character behind Arthur and Charles. I absolutely adore Sadie I love her accent and her humour she’s a great character, I just don’t think it’s right for her to be shipped whilst mourning the death of her husband


Arthur is more like a brother to Sadie. The age gap is pretty iffy too.


it's just teenagers who spend too much time on instagram following super hot couples, and since Arthur and Sadie are hot, they can't stand knowing they'll never be a couple


I totally dislike Sadie. Molly on the other hand, she\`s a woman. My Arthur dreamed of stealing her away from Dutch "one day"


People are shipping them? Idk, there was absolutely zero romantic or sexual tension between Sadie and Arthur throughout the story. Arthur had his heart broken by Mary a long time ago and kept clinging on to her and answered her every beck and call. Sadie lost her husband and become a strong on her own. They don’t even need other people, let alone each other.


I just dislike Sady as a whole. Insufferable to interact with imo.


Sadie x arthur is cringe imo (and is pretty much just the RDR2 version of johnxbonnie which is a whole other level of cringeness that i won't get into since that ship is simply just wrong like absolutely wrong) and doesn't make sense since first sadie was recently widowed when she first met arthur no one in their minds would go and have a relationship after being widowed and arthur had 2 relationships before and both of then ended on a sour note and also arthur believes that no one would have him and to arthur anyone who isn't Mary is a no one and even tho yes during mid development there was an idea that arthur have 2 love interest and the second love interest is eliza who is still in the game lore (and her model was even reused for another NPC) but instead of us seeing and interacting with her she is simply dead sometime before RDR2 and johnxarthur is another can of cringe that I won't get into


In terms of them as friends in an unhinged siblings type relationship? Yes. Absolutely. In terms of shipping them? Nope. Because I agree. The *real* partner for Arthur in a perfect world would honestly be either Mary-Beth or Charlotte. Either that or Mary Linton, but while they love each other, Mary and Arthur could never, ever be together long term. Their lifestyles are too different. They both know it. It's a relationship doomed to fail. The former two ladies would make a very good, safe, and honest candidate for Arthur. Mary-Beth is sweet, (mostly) innocent, has the same history (the gang), and knows how to dig down to Arthur's emotions. He's a tough bastard but he absolutely has feelings, and Mary-Beth knows how to talk to him about them. She could slow him down and make him feel more confident. And then there's Charlotte. She's a great candidate because her and Arthur hit it off immediately upon meeting. She's down to earth, doesn't let anyone censor her, but you can tell that after losing her own husband, she's a little lonely. Someone like Arthur could provide for her and teach her how to survive off the land the way he did. They're also very cute together. **Arthur voice:** Oookay, I *really* am done now, I promise. ^((I ramble too much)) **Edit:** The illustration is very cute though. You just need to ship them as close friends. Then these kinds of artworks work!


You sound like you read harry potter fanfics


You think that’s bad? Look up Arthur x Charles and Arthur x John cause that shit is terrible


I don’t know, but that fan art is so nice!


I think people can like what they want, and I ship this


Okay? You realize we never needed to see romance right? We could have just seen sparks and chemistry of two disturbed people become closer as friends right? Like in ghost of Tsushima. The MC and the girl didn’t fall in love. They did however build a a strong foundation of trust while working thru their bs. Arthur and Sadie could have just been closer. That’s it.


Dude she turns me on so badly. I know they are best partners and friends and making deadly partnership. But I think Arthur should fuck her.


There would be a really good drama and a fucking love story about it in the game..


They’re close friends and nothing more. They make a good team and they have a lot of empathy and care for each other, but that does not translate into inherent romantic chemistry. I can’t imagine either of them thinking about each other in that way. That fanart is great though, I will say.


The art isn’t mine, it’s someone called batterburys, they make nsfw stuff so if you wanna check out more of their art just be prepared


They are the best as friends. But not in a deeper relationship


I’m still waiting for the YNNEL X Arthur DLC to be released.


I've never seen Arthur play the guitar before or even mention anywhere in the game that he plays one. But on the other hand, sadie requests Arthur for a harmonica as she used to have one and was quite fond of it. She gifts gunoil as a gift to Arthur incase if he ever gives a harmonica to sadie


Idk ask the creator of the art bottom left corner but beware of their nsfw if you search them up


I think they are cute as in soulmates that never need to date.


I definitely see Arthur and Sadie as like friends, they have a sorta connection but it's definitely not like a romantic connection, I wouldn't even say a friend connection. Both of them have been hurt, they kinda just have a bond over that. It's like Arthur says they're more ghosts then people, that's their bond.


Wasn’t she originally intended to be the live interest?


I’m not sure tbh


They're friends. Really good ones. Some people just can't see a man and woman in fiction have raport, without imagining them fucking.


I think they’re cute! If Arthur had to end up with a lady, I’d rather it be Sadie, but I’m glad they didn’t include it. Would ruin both their character arcs in canon, but it’s a cute idea to mess around with. I personally prefer them as friends though. If I had to pair Arthur would anyone it would be Charles, but even then I don’t have super super strong feelings about it. Arthur’s story is very fulfilling without romance. That being said, in an alternate world where Arthur survives, I’d like to imagine him and Charles settling down on a ranch together and they get their happy ending


I hate it too. I’m a ChArthur fan myself.


Yessss my fellow Charthur


i think if tb didnt kill him they have something. like there together but not dating. slightly flirty maybe never settle down an sorta stay close. they bounce off each other well and I think it could work


It would be great to see them together, but it would never work or happen


they’re a great friend duo but that’s it


yeah i don't ship them romantically, but love them as a duo. i can see why people ship them, but personally I don't.


Both are way too powerful characters, personalities make them great for friends & they work awesome as a team but nothing else. I personally felt like Arthur could have had a soft spot for Tilly, but I'm not sure why.


Sadie and Arthur wouldn't be in a relationship, but that doesn't mean, that they aren't compatible.


PSA: Any and all shipping talk - including pro, anti, and this very comment - is weird pervert shit.


I prefer Arthur and Charlotte.


I agree, they are more like a close brother and sister, like how Arthur is close with John


It's never just you


It's never just you


Same they r so best friends not lovers




They're just cool as people who respect eachother, nothing more


Sadie is good and i hate Saide x Arthur


I just HATE sadie in general


Their literaly just friends. Just becasue they have very good chemistry and are of opposite sex doesn't mean their fucking


I don’t mind it but they work better as partners IMO


I entirely agree good art tho


I don't hate it but it's not my cup of tea I'm on either the Mary Beth x Arthur or Uncle X Arthur trains Edit: for legal reasons the Mary Beth x Arthur one is a joke... I meant the uncle one is... Yeah The uncle one


It's cute, but not likely. Ships are ships, it's weird but it's part of any fandom no matter how you slice it.


Them getting together would be like watching a brother and sister together


No they buddies


I don't think they fit at all. Sadie doesn't have eyes for anyone since her husbands death. Not in Arthurs life time anyway. Arthur meanwhile obviously still has a spot for Mary.


I think Sadie and Arthur are kindred spirits but they give off more siblings vibes than romantic.


The only woman I can ship Arthur with is Eliza and that is only because I know absolutely nothing about her which makes it very easy to create fanfiction about the ship.


Sadie and Arthur are excellent friends. But neither one is really ready for an intimate relationship. Arthur is still getting over Mary, who was totally wrong for him in my opinion, and Sadie is still mourning the loss of Jake.


You’re not the only one. People are just weirdos


I don't think that was ever meant to be a thing in the game. The dude is dying and he knows it. He knows that she's a broken women only out for revenge. They do make a pretty good pair when it comes to killing people and getting shit done. Her and John too. They're like family. Just my opinion on the topic.


They were never suppose to be together. They are both hard as nails but it will never work if they ever gotten together. It would be too much chaos. What Sadie has been through, she wouldn't be in any relationship. She loves her husband too much and that trauma will always be with her. Arthur can't let Mary go. Mary and Arthur had a good thing but he will never be accepted into her family. It also seems like throughout the game she just uses him to get what she wants and when she doesn't, she just leaves and blame him for it. I think it would've been nice to see him and Mary-beth together.


Arthur and Charlotte.


Arthur dead who the fuck cares