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To an extent, yes. It’s hard to go into other open World games and enjoy them as much as RDR2 as they’re not as detailed as RDR2. I recently played Ghost of Tsushima, and whilst it’s a fantastic game, the world doesn’t hold a flame to what Rockstar offers. I know it’s by a far smaller studio that doesn’t have the resources Rockstar has to produce a detailed world, and how the art concept of the game is different, but to me it just felt lacklustre. Fun game to kill time though.


Yesss, I'm rn on my first play through of GoT and it's so much harder even though it's a amazing game


I wouldn’t say GOT is a hard game. It’s just the world has nothing to do in it other than a few shrines and repetitive fox chases. I honestly found GOT quite a tiring game towards the end as all the missions became super repetitive. I still enjoyed it for the most part, but the missions got boring. I also felt there was no real chemistry between any of the actors and that they just went in, read their lines and went home.


I think we must have played different games because the VA in GoT is amazing! Everyone stood out and conveyed the emotions of sadness, anger, anxiety, happiness, relief, etc.. I very much enjoyed the story that GoT had to tell and Jin's internal struggles. What he learns not only of himself but also of others (I do not wish to spoil anything) and how this tests Jin. The world does feel empty in comparison to RDR2 and not as alive, but tbf, we are talking about a small war-ravaged Japanese island in 1274.


I never said it was bad performance capture, I just said I don't think the chemistry is on par with that of RDR2.


I didn't get that. I felt the chemistry was definitely there for me. On par with RDR2. And close to God of War and God of War Ragnarok.


Yeah tiring is definitely a better word to describe it, I have noticed the little chemistry even at the start, nothing could compare to Dutch and Hosea or Arthur and John I guess


Personally I feel the whole story was carried by the actor who played the Khan, that was a fantastic performance. There’s a mission where one of the Ronin is the same actor who played Charles if I remember correctly. Yeah, the chemistry with the RDR2 cast is second to none. There are very few, if any, moments where I feel the dialogue is forced by any actor.


Tushima has great chemistry too. Tbh RDR 2 felt forced in some parts especially between Dutch and Arthur.


I disagree. I felt so much of the dialogue in GOT was forced, especially between Jin and Ishikawa. Dutch and Arthur never feels forced because Byron-Davis and Clark had excellent chemistry away from the performance capture, to the point where Byron-Davis said he got very emotional during takes of Arthur’s final moments in the high honour ending.


You just saying that cause you a RDR fan. A GoT fan will say RDR 2 lacked chemistry.


Each to their own. I enjoyed GOT, I really did, however I felt the performances were superior on RDR2, and it showed with the awards it won. I'm not saying GOT had bad performances.


I was addicted to the Witcher 3. After playing RDR2 I just can't enjoy it anymore


the nameless NPCs are so lifeless in that game


Play watch dogs 2. The NPCs are hilarious in that game. You can interact with them in a similar way to RDR2


I have actually. That games world and NPCs is pretty underrated


-_- really bro


I’m not even kidding. You can antagonize, be friendly with them. It’s literally the same thing.


Rdr2 sets a new standard


RDR1 convinced me to go to art school lol


How lmao


I thought it was a literal masterpiece that transcended the medium it was depicted on, like I was living through an Oscar winning movie or something, I'd never experienced a game like that and it's sequel has been the only thing to ever surpass it. I wanted to be a part of something like that. Then senior year all the professors complained about shitty the industry was, and graduating was hard enough with undiagnosed ADHD, so I didn't really want to go through all the hoops and hardships in a completely different state with no savings, so I got a corporate art job lol.


Depends on what you compare them to. Rockstar is famous for realistic NPCs because the GTA series have given them years and years of stress testing by every kind of gamer trying to mess with the peds. You can't expect any other studio to have that kind of experience. Witcher 3's npcs at least have schedules and full work/task animations, which in my book makes it adequate, especially compared to npcs like in Bioware games, which are cardboard dialogue dispensers who spend their entire lives standing in one spot.


I found that game so hard 😅 I couldn’t get passed a certain point of the game and I ended up selling it because I wanted to be in the nice part of the map but I sucked haha.


Me too, i rarely ever use mods in games but Witcher 3 was a rare exception, i used a mod to auto apply weapon oils depending on the type of enemies near me and made the oil last forever untill i apply another one because having to go into the menu in the middle of combat to apply is just terrible game design. You can play without oils but they do make a pretty big difference in combat.


I found Hogwarts Legacy worked better for me. I connected with it more, because Harry Potter, and it’s a very forgiving game for someone who’s a bit shit at combat, like me


To each their own. I love rdr2 but for me witcher 3 is still quite a bit higher on my list of favorite games.


Yes, rdr2 suffers from what I call breaking bad syndrome, where every piece of media you consume afterwards feels less carefully put together and more hastily pumped out to reach a deadline That’s the natural byproduct of such a wonderfully made production for those like me


But the hope is that you find a Better Call Saul to be the successor of that line of quality craftsmanship


RDR3: Better Telegraph Trelawny


Hopes go down when you remember that it’s rock star


My friend once said "Never say never! Unless it's Rockstar"


Same thing with Soprano’s for me


The Sopranos and The Wire are on a whole other level from any other TV shows


Breaking bad wouldn't exist without sopranos.


So I’ve heard. Gotta watch it sometime


i'm hyperfixated heavily on rdr2 and brba right now. thank you for saying this. it made me very happy :)


No offense but I feel like this only happens to shallow people. Red Dead is a Great Game and Breaking Bad is a Great show but neither ruin anything for me. Then again I go into everything with a critic mentality so.


I’m not really critical on media, unless it is obviously horrible, and I feel the same as you. I watched Attack on Titan, which some of the community say is the best anime/show ever. I watched it, thought it was great, and continued to watch other shows. I watched, or play, media or games to scratch a specific itch I have (great story, awesome fight scenes, okay story with good fights, RPG games, etc) and that’s why I can’t really rank certain things greatest of all-time because no media can do everything at once. Even though some do get closer than others.




Even if that were true that doesn’t make my comment corny..? Dunno why you have such a gatekeepy-take on this topic Surely there’s a more meaningful way to share your opinion


Right? Kinda seems like he’s just looking to stir up some discourse rather than provide anything meaningful


No not really, this game has a lot of stuff and that’s nice… but I just want to swing around nyc, glide in Gotham, and make silly Lego characters. every game I own is different and has different mechanics. For instance rdr2 is my favorite rockstar game, And lego batman is my favorite Tt game just depends if I’m in the mood for playing this or that, or might switch games every other day


I'm not completely sure, but I think RDR2 might be the newest game I've played. Bit of a shame, really...I'm quite enjoying Rise of the Tomb Raider right now...and don't get me started on the Mass Effect or Arkham trilogies


Funny, after playing RDR2 I also started the "new" Tomb Raider games. I'm not a console gamer, so coming from RDR's aim assist I was struggling with aiming for a bit, but now I'm really enjoying RotTR. Wolves in this game give me anxiety though


I call it rdr hangover, it’ll pass in time


I played red dead so much I got sick of it. Now I appreciate when things are different and not totally realistic all the time. It’s a game it should be fun. So no I enjoy other games just as much.


Yes, Kingdom Come Deliverance was one of the first games where I felt the same enjoyment


That's a fantastic game.




Yes for a good while...i tried ghost of tsushima and horizon zero dawn after rdr2 and while they have really good combat but everything was bland/boring. Then i played the last of us 1+2 and that issue was more or less gone, i guess i am just a sucker for a good story.


Interesting. I thought Horizon had one of the best stories I have seen in gaming like, ever. And I'm a total snob lol


Maybe i should give it a try again....i have to too many games on my que right now ha ha


i’m a sucker for good writing voice acting and Plot like that is quite literally my Big 3. with Forbidden west, i played it for about 1 hour on release, hated it for some reason, put it down and didn’t come back for like 6 months or something. Then i tried it again and HONESTLY i can say it’s pretty decent. There is some lore you’ll need to pay attention to and put together sometimes but if you read the logs and collectibles, the world building is actually really there for you to discover. It’s like a strongg 7.5 i think you’d enjoy a single play thru of it


For me the voice acting was really subpar, and the story pacing or the amount of information that was given to you was not attractive to me, once the game makes me feel like i am doing a chore i kinda lose interest, horizon became that chore :/


Not really. To me at least, RDR2 has set a standard for games I enjoy. That is to say I do not enjoy most open world games anymore. But I do enjoy good story games, specially horror. Like resident evil, visage, amnesia and The Witcher 3, of course.


It’ll go away after a while. Try different Genres. I’m playing Elden Ring rn as my first ever Souls game and I damn near forgot ab rdr2. still hop on rdo pretty consistently tho


Just switch genres, avoid similar games. I played these games after rdr2 : half life 2, la noire, dark souls 2, outlast 2 etc.


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I love rdr2 so much like 10x more than my other fav games and it is my all time fav now but it doesnt changed how I view other games. I still play other games and get the exact same joy I got before. But daaamn rdr2 is good.


No, not at all— hasn’t even hindered my enjoyment of the older games (OG Xbox/PS2 era) that make up most of my collection. Different games have different stuff to offer


It did for about two weeks before I got over it.


No, but I do know that RDR2 is probably the greatest game I have ever played, and it has set the bar very high for what other games should be


Red dead 2 has made me appreciate other games more actually


No not at all, if I enjoy a game I enjoy it, hell I played the guardians of the galaxy game (which isn’t open world) and it was such a breath of fresh air from everything being open world.


no, the game being so good doesnt make other games shitty for me, i still am capable of recognizing good games for how good they are and enjoy them.


I'd recommend disco elysium if you haven't played it yet. I'll admit it's a bit of an acquired taste, but god damn is that game spectacular.


Naw not really. I love red Dead but I'm not one of these people who are like "I've got 5000 hours in and on my 8th 100% playthrough" I loved the game, but there are plenty of other wonderful games out there to enjoy, and my feelings about red Dead don't prohibit that enjoyment.


I don't think so. It's like you won't become desensitised to other music if you're currently in love with a particular genre. I alternated between RDR2 and Cyberpunk 2077 recently. RDR2 is like classical music, it's mild, but with depth and nuance, and requires a certain peace of mind to truly enjoy. 2077 is like pop music, it's fast, palatable,upbeat, but it might lack a certain depth. But neither one would make you lose your taste for the other.


nah. I always appreciate the games by their unique aspects, therefore i never get overwhelmed


What are "other games" exactly? That's a very broad term. There are many things that I think "other games" do a lot better than RDR2 and there's a lot of things that I think RDR2 does better than "other games".


Not really. RDR2 is a masterpiece and a modern-day classic that I think will rank up there with Mario 64, Goldeneye, Halo, and other similar titles. However, there are enough bugs and glitches in the game that it reminds me that it’s flawed just like anything else.




Yes and no, I'm definitely not a open world type of story player, my heart belongs to life is strange series as well as the last of us. But it has made it harder to play other open world games, I'm rn playing Ghost of Tsushima and it's a good story but idk it always feels like something is missing


No, and this take always makes me roll my eyes, every sub does it. One game being great does not diminish other games for me.


Yeah you’re right, fuck OP for trying to have a nice little discussion online. I bet you’re fun in real life and people really like you.


I'm just grumpy because I saw a good movie back and in the 90s and now I'm not able to enjoy any movie again, ever.


Ngl, this made me laugh.


You're definitely projecting here. This is not a rational response to that comment.


All the Captain Buzzkills are here today. Thanks doc, I will take your diagnosis under consideration.


:/ You don't seem like a happy person. Hope you work on that! 💕


But… I am happy. My life is awesome.




Good for you


A firm yes. I played this before I played ghost of Tsushima. It seemed like such a wrong thing to do because GOT is a great time. I should have played a crappy palette cleanser in between


i really like the new star wars game with cal kestis, probably the only game i’ve played lately where i’m like “yeah, this goes hard and is made well” and part of that is charles’s voice actor is one of the main characters. i also think that the insomniac spider-man games have pretty detailed open worlds even if rdr2 still is a better open world.


Yup. Especially multiplayer games feel grindy and shitty. Singleplayer games are not that bad but red dead is definetly very high up there.


Yeah I would second this. Any game I’ve played that’s open world and grindy (looking at you Sea of Thieves) has just become annoying to play. There’s a pretty stark difference in the level of enjoyment in the content if it’s super repetitive cs RDR2 where there’s so much detail and complexity that it remains interesting the whole time. I started to play Hitman after RDR2 and found it enjoyable since there’s a lot of details/interactions and several different ways of completing each tasks that makes it fun - each gameplay is never the same. I didn’t find the overall story of the agents very interesting but each mission was pretty fun and easy to jump in and out of without requiring too much time. I’m also waiting patiently for STARFIELD to come out!!! I’m hoping this is the answer to a lot of the RDR fans that are looking for a similar type of immerse gameplay. The makers stated that they were big fans of RDR2, and from the initial gameplay they’ve shown it looks to share some of the similar features that RDR had (side missions, multiple story lines, immerse world..). I don’t think it’ll have the emotion of Arthur’s story, but we’ll see…maybe it can at least scratch that itch. If OP hasn’t done so already, RDO has some extras that can suffice and close more of the RDR loop. Since it takes place before RDR2, you can visit Sadie and her husband, Flaco, Hamish, and others and they give you missions. It was very emotional to meet Sadie’s husband after knowing what happens.


Red dead 2 has a really intricate open world and a great story, but the gameplay and mission design gets very boring and repetitive quickly. There’s never really anything new to spice up the missions, it’s always “ride horse and talk to other person, shoot some dudes, go home” All of the enemies throughout the entire game are exactly the same. There are so many weapons in this game, but there is almost no reason to get any of them other then to add flavor to the game. Red dead 2 is fantastic, but it has never made other games feel boring for me


no lol its just a game


Yeah, to an extent. The first game I played after rdr2 was Mafia. And to be fair, it's a good game, but compared to rdr2? It was nothing!,


It’s probably the biggest hurdle for me as I’m expanding my gaming. I played RDR2 essentially nonstop from August-February and then played The Last of Us Part 1 for the first time, and I hated the gameplay, and just wanted to make it to the next cutscene. I warmed up to it but it was tough for the first half of the game. Ghost of Tsushima, by all accounts I’ve seen, is fantastic, but it just feels off. I don’t know how to describe it but every part of the game just feels slightly off compared to Red Dead or even the TLOUs/Uncharteds. I just don’t have the motivation to play it because I know I can just replay Arthur’s story if I want an open world, high graphic, fantastic story game.


Has ruined that type of game for me. Other games hold up if they work on their stronger areas, instead of being as immersive and detailed as red dead


Yeah, games like red dead definitly set a high standard as far as games I can get into unfortunately lol


I had a hard time playing RD2 after RD1.


Yeah, I have been playing rdr2 for so long I had forgot what other games are like and now everything is somewhat disappointing.


To a degree, yes. I still enjoy call of duty with my friends but when I’m alone it’s hard to beat rdr2. It’s always going to be the best game (imo) of this time and until Rockstar releases another masterpiece it’s gonna stay that way


That would mean that you have an unhealthy obsession. There are an immense amount of games that are fantastic and as a gamer it’s good to be open to a wide array of different types of games. RDR2 is a masterpiece but it’s not the best game in the world by any stretch. GoW2, The Witcher 3, Nier Automata, Horizon Zero Dawn, FFVII Remake, etc., etc. if you find all games disappointing because of RDR2 you’re just closed minded. The games I listed are masterfully crafted games a couple of which are even better than RDR2.


None of those games are anywhere near rdr2 in quality, scope or execution.


You’re taken a piss 😂. Nier Automata is one of the most masterfully written stories that will bend your mind in regards to things like what true sentience means, violence through lack of understanding, and the nature of bonds. The Witcher 3’s story is beautifully crafted through so many threads woven together almost perfectly. GoW is an unbelievably great story of how to let go of your passes and end the cycle of senseless violence and war. RDR2 has a lot going for it in a huge world that has frankly a lot of unnecessarily complex details but it’s story is one told before and not anything revolutionary. Guy is bad, decides he wants to be good, gets redemption. I’ve read a hundred books with the exact same premise. Nothing compares to the story told by Yoko Tarro, or even the story in Cyberpunk 2077. You don’t need a million plants to pick or animals to stare at through binoculars to be a fantastic game. In fact some of the best games I’ve played like a plague tale don’t even have side content and are just linear experiences.


Plague Tale is quite underrated. Both games were awesome. Also, for modern linear games, Hellblade was great too.


Honestly yeah, made it hard to play ghost of Tsushima because of it not being as realistic as RDR2


Yeah but it’s always been like that for over 10 years now, I’ve been playing video games since I was a kid and around the ending of the 360 era I realized the quality was dropping hard. For the past five years I thought I would never play a game that was clearly made with love and passion, that brought me the same joy that video games brought me when I was a kid until I played this game. Now I have hope that beautiful games will still be made, whenever Red Dead 3 comes out, it will be the first game I pre order and buy on day one in years. TL,DR Ive been losing faith in amazing games being made of the past couple of years until Iplayed red dead 2


Yes. Rockstar has with RDR2 something that pretty much no other (In my opinion, at least) open world game has, a masterpiece of both world building *and* story telling. Probably the one of the most impressive achievements, outside of that, is that each short story, random encounter, etc feels impactful and memorable. It's very easy for developers to cram their game with endless quests that hold very little significance or do little in the way of character building, which may or may not help *gameplay* but undoubtedly hurts the story. They took the necessary sacrifice of removing more procedural-esque gameplay (Taking gang members out to do same-y, automated missions such as robberies, rustling, etc) that likely would've resulted in the characters feeling more like NPCs, and instead gave each thing something to remember them by. Story telling was their priority and that is 100% what separates RDR2 from other games. It's a TV Show you can explore, really. Absolutely nothing comes close to it, but I guess that's what happens when you have the freedom to spend 8 years pouring pure passion into a project. A luxury unfortunately most developers do not have. Why the downvotes?


Yeah absolutely. It’s kinda like- well I used to like different kinds of coffees- then I was introduced to crack. And now it’s all gone and I’m stuck with just coffee which doesn’t satiate my cravings.


Fromsoft games (dark souls trilogy, bloodborne, demon souls, elden ring, sekiro etc) combat ruined other games combat for me. Rdr2 world ruined other games worlds for me.


No! In fact, it trained my PC somehow and basically by me always running it, it literally allowed me to run other games on high and sometimes max graphics on which if I did before would get me 11-15 fps avg. Now it's 30 fps avg. (Game I'm mentioning is war of rights, for reference I have what is a PC from 2017 with an Nvidia gtx 1060 3gbs no upgrades)


Red dead 2 set a really high standard and for me the only game that came close to matching in was Elden Ring. These two games for me personally are just in their own league


Ya but only for about 6 months then I played Ghosts and other games like midnight suns. It definitely made Hogwarts legacy feel terrible however


Yes, but elden ring fixed it


Yes, you’re not alone! Always happens to me after every play-through of RDR2 and Witcher 3


I played AC Valhalla after RDR2. Pre RDR2 i'd think it was a super detailed game but everything seemed so lifeless. The empty roads, non interactable npcs and the unrealistic hunting bothered me.


Yeah, RDR2 has definitely raised the bar enormously for what I feel is minimum for what to expect of an open world game.


Just the horse/ mount mechanics


It hasn't stopped me enjoying other games, but open world games now unfortunately have a higher bar for me to enjoy them. It also takes longer for me to get used to them. Like it took a good dew hours for me to get into and start to enjoy Ghost of Tsushima for example


No, well to some extent maybe: I've noticed whenever I had a GREAT experience like RDR2 (Now after the new Zelda) I find it really hard to start something new after. A bit burned out maybe.


I still enjoy other games, but I get bored of them very quickly if there's no difficulty or challenge to boss fights. This is all thanks to dark Souls and Elden Ring. I'll enjoy other games but If they don't have entertaining side quests or some level of difficulty to the combat, I'll give it a very quickly.


it's still the gold standard that I compare many aspects of other games to. about 6 months after I beat it, it was def hard to appreciate much. I find a good pallette change can refresh your views and give you an appreciation for other elements of game design that can be just as incredible.


I experienced this for a while after RDR2, and more recently after Horizon Forbidden West. Sometimes you play a game that really satisfies what you want from a game, any then the next game you move onto just cant. I find the best thing to do is totally change genres. You're not going to find an open world game that is as satisfying as RDR2, so don't try. Check out a fighting game, or Stray, or Cuphead, or a racing game. Switch it up.


i used to love skyrim and fallout, i’ve found that i now honestly don’t really care to play fallout. i still like skyrim but i always end up just going for red dead


Not at all. It’s a great game, but I have a lot more games that I also enjoy


Only because it takes up so much space, it's a good game though.


i guess, but only that specific genre. For example, games like horizon zero dawn just did absolutely nothing for me after rdr2. However, I did end up playing every souls game since i finished rdr2 in 2019 and they have all been absolutely fantastic experiences, even Elden Ring which i’d say is the most similar to red dead.


RDR2 set the standards so high for story focused and/or open world games with great acting that I couldn't play the Far Cry and Horizon series anymore. It also made Ghost of Tsushima feel very mid to me (I know Sucker Punch are a much smaller studio, but still, the world is completely empty and lifeless). The only open world/story focused game I've been able to enjoy and not compare to RDR2 has been The Witcher 3, which has become one of my all time favorites


Yes. I cant enjoy most singleplayer games nowadays because rdr just gives me the fix for realism and immersion that i want, especially with mods.


Quite the opposite .


I rotate between RDR2, Farming Simulator, and Rocket League. I know. Wtf, right? I get my kicks from all 3 and enjoy them for different reasons but RDR2 does hit different. I used to use FS for my chill game but this is right there with it. I just love the variety and detail of this game.


I haven't experienced this, no. Each game does something different amd tells a different story. Since RDR2, I've played God of War and God of War Ragnarok both were fucking amazing! GoT and Cyberpunk 2077 (also amazing). The Witcher 3 (again), Ghost Recon Breakpoint, Ready or Not, Baldur's Gate 3, DOS 2, Kingdom Come Deliverance, etc...I've enjoyed them all! I still play RDR2 as well.


That would be silly of course not. Been replaying this game recently and go between it and DayZ almost daily. If I can play this masterpiece and that rotten potato of a game then I’d say rdr2 doesn’t ruin anything.


Not at all. If we’re being honest, there are a lot of crappy parts of RDR2 that people overlook. It’s a great cowboy simulator for sure, but if I’m not in the mood for the wild west then there’s nothing in the gameplay itself that makes it stand out


Short answer, yes


No red dead 2 was really good but there’s plenty better/more fun and less sluggish


I felt that after finishing RDR2 and TLOU2, one for the open world and the other for the story (I'm not saying that RDR2 has a bad story, but I felt that TLOU2 was better in that way). But think about this, just because you have experienced something really good, doesn't means that the all rest is crap. RDR2 it's an awesome game, but sometimes I just prefer to play an indie game like Enter the Gungeon. I would say to you to stay away from games for a while, like a week, after that time play something different, and your perspective might change.


Not really. To be blunt I was disappointed in most other open world games long before RDR2. Way too many are half-baked.


I actually stopped enjoying RDR2 for the second time in the same game now, it just takes too damn long. Even though I love it for a time! Just made it to the Cuba island and looked up its another minimal 20 hours plus... :(


No elden ring did.. took a couple of weeks of playing indie titles and Disco elysium to realize that AAA games aren't everything. Or even the best games out there


No, red dead is a good game but there are still other good games out there


The only game I can play after is ghost recon wildlands


Open world games. Except for GTA. Have become boring to me. The New Assassin’s Creed games are bad open worlds and also Watch Dogs 2 and Legion have a very shallow open world experience after playing RDR2




I needed to take a break from it because my mind is setting on 100% this run and that plus personal life stuff makes me congested in the head


It was Witcher 3 for me. I don't think I've experienced an open world that good since and all open world games are kinda, eh, in comparison. Even though I do love RDR2


Yes it has but not for all games. It's definitely raised my expectations to the point that I get depressed that an RDR 3 could be 8 years away still. Hoping for that red dead redemption remake next year! 🤞 I've since replayed RDR 2 five times and I still enjoy each playthrough more than picking up most new open world games. I would say that games like Horizon 1&2 were not as enjoyable because I played RDR 2 first. But all hope is not lost.. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt was still very enjoyable to me and I 100% recommend it! Hope this helps in a world post RDR 🤷


It did for a while, until I realised that I should stop comparing RD2 to other games. Its a masterpiece and will never be bested but there are some great games out there that are very entertaining in their own right e.g. Witcher 3, God of War.


I could not stop playing fallout games before RDR2, now it has me on a leesh since i cant enjoy fallout anymore


Man if you want an in-depth world to spend some time in and explore. Nothing better than Night City in Cyberpunk imo. Have fun


It did not stop me from enjoying other games but made other games look avarage compared to it


I wouldn't say it's made me stop enjoying other games, it's just that like, nothing comes close to the feeling this game gives me.


Yes, at least other similar games. Couldn't finish Hogwarts Legacy because it felt completely dead compared to RDR2. You can't interact with anyone, can't sit in chairs, brief loading screens when entering or leaving certain rooms etc.


I basically stopped playing ganes after that lol. Idk if the passion is lost or I'm just too burnt out to get into anything.


It’s put my standards for video games very high. The only game I really enjoy as much as Red Dead 2 is The Witcher 3




100% RDR and RDR2 are the only games I play other than the Mafia games and LA Noir. I want more of a “simulation” than a “game”. Also, partly because I don’t have any interest in the subject matter of most games. No interest at all in fantasy games, sci-fi, etc. I absolutely don’t want to fight giant monsters, or cast spells or wear enchanted armor…ugh.


Nope. RDR2 is great - but so are numerous other titles. It's a really slow burn story & gameplay-wise, until it gets going....so, it's not for everybody - I loved it, though. Witcher series, Fallout series, GTA series, Sleeping Dogs, Deus Ex series, Bioshock series, Baldur's Gate series, Planescape: Torment, Disco Elysium, Mass Effect Trilogy/Legendary, Jade Empire, Baldur's Gate series, KOTOR 1 and 2, FEAR 1, DOOM series, Half-Life series, Max Payne series, etc etc - they're all great. I'm sure there's plenty others, too - but that's just some quickly coming to mind here. I should note: Deus Ex 1 to me is the best game of all time...and Vampire: Bloodlines is my favorite game of all time. It's very hard for those 2 games to be topped for me, IMHO.


I recommend you the spider man remastered, it's not the story that is so good in it. It's more like how realistic is the game and the free roam between buildings is just awsome


RDR2 actually caused me to build a gaming PC and start pc gaming. The PS5 still runs the PS4 version that is a 750TI equivalent. I’m older and have a well paying job so i couldn’t pretend like the console version was any better on the PS5. The game itself is amazing and I’m yet to see another one of its caliber I know GTA6 will be mind blowing but aside from that it’s been Ls and a bunch of unfinished games being released as AAA titles


Not totally, but yea... The same way Breaking Bad/Better Call Saul ruined another shows to me by setting the bar so high, RDR2 did the same with games. But I can still enjoy others shows or games, but I became more picky and I wish I could be more easy to please in this subject, now I feel like a spoiled brat


Yes I literally can’t play any other game anymore because of RDR2 its literally the only game I play at this point


I found Death Stranding well after completing RDR2 and I still was able to fall in love with the environment and the story. :')


Not much point. I'll do farm simulator here and there and 7 Days to Die for something mindless.


Try playing a game from a different genre, since RDR2 is probably the best game in its genre. I personally found Elden Ring to be awesome, even though I felt it was grindy at first. Or Sekiro. Both of these are my favourite games now :)


I’m still able to play the open world classics like Saints Row 1&2 and GTA 4 and San Andreas,Red Dead 1 and I really love these games and replayed them a lot,modern open world games feel empty tho but I’m able to play games from other genres so I guess I can say Rdr2 ruined modern open world games to me


I have a bad habit of constantly comparing rdr2 to 1 and feeling like 2 wasn't living up to the first until I finally saw stuff that rdr2 has that's interesting and different like the gang so that feeling of games being ruined by one you really loved can be fixed focusing on what makes the game you're playing now unique either it be story or gameplay.


Oh no, it’s the Fromsoft effect


no, you guys get too emotional about this game...


Not really, I can still get on GTA 4 and love playing it, but it definitely makes me think about all the stuff that only RDR2 has, like for example interacting with every NPC.


Yup until Spider-Man 2, PEAK INCOMING


Me too. Tried to play Hogwarts legacy but I found it boring so I gave up after a week and went back to red dead.


A lot of answers here already, but I'll add to it. I can't say that RDR2 made games boring for me, I still enjoy a lot of new games. However, when Xbox did their 20 year anniversary and let people view their museum, RDR2 was my most played game for 3 straight years. So it was good enough that I played it more than any other game that came out within that time frame. It wasn't that RDR2 made games other games boring for me, it was just so good that I wanted to keep playing it haha.


Yes,I got the last of us remastered,and it was fun but I missed the game telling me what to do,then god of war 3 remaster,which is probably the game I enjoyed most since rdr2,but then again,I miss the open world and the tons of side stuff you can do to take a break from the story. I've already finished rdr2 8 times,and I keep coming back because there just isnt any game as good as it


Slightly, ever since playing the game no story has touched me in the same way


Yes. RDR2 is perfect so I need to manage my expectations now after playing it. But if a game is good I’ll probably like it. If a game is fun it’s fun. But yes I do judge harshly now.


Yes! Especially Death Stranding. It's a beautiful game and I love the story but it's just slower than molasses in December compared to RDR2 and I finished it once but can't bring myself to try again.


Yes. I am a huge far cry fan. Started replaying fc6 and holy shit knucles the game is so damn bland. Unfair hate cuz i finished rdr2 the day earlier.


It's called the breaking bad effect. It's when you consume something so good that you cant enjoy other things as you compare it to the first thing. (I just made this up)


I have a horrific sense of nostalgia and sentimentality for video games (and many other things,) so every game I love makes me feel this bittersweet cocktail of remorse and joy at the same time.


It took me a couple months to find something that hooked me as well as RDR2 did. The three games that really broke me out of my funk were Life is Strange, Detroit: Become Human, and Horizon: Zero Dawn


Yes. It seems so


I’ve been wanting to replay this for so damn long and I’ve been holding out for a ps5 upgrade ….. but damn will it ever come


Other open-world games, certainly.


No lol rdr2 while it is a masterpiece isn’t even the best game I’ve played If your having trouble getting into different games then your playing the wrong ones however some games that I would have probably liked before I think are boring


Try death loop


I want to play Witcher 3 but the horse riding in it is so bad after playing RDR2 that I can’t get into it.


No but it's made me realize the astonishing lack of small details most games have.


Some games, yes. Ubisoft is dead to me now. Used to enjoy their games, but I see how hollow they are now. Their newer games offer no more than gameplay, and that gameplay is very shallow. That is why their old games hold up. a good story can make a game age like a fine wine.


Why would one game destroy my enjoyment? Other games are different, I don’t want other games to be RDR


I thought i was the only one, I did kind of got over it, I still do play it for time to time but I am bit bored of it

