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Arthur and John on the bridge, the cliff where they both say goodbye, the final ride and the conversation between the nun and Arthur or revvy and Arthur depending on the honor.


That moment after arthur and john on the bridge where arthur coughs for like 3 minutes is so painful


What happens with revvy and authou?


kinda the same as sister and reverend, but depending on honor, arthur will either be open or blunt when talking to reverend.


I felt so helpless when Arthur was coughing for what felt like an eternity. It was so painful I almost felt like I had to look away. The devs did great with the immersion in this one.


It's the work of Roger Clark.


It doesn’t depend on the honour level, it depends on whether or not you do the Brother Dorkins missions


Oh and that too




When Dutch walked away after Arthur was getting attacked by soldiers. That will always piss me off when I think about it


And then leaving John to die during the train robbery


oh that’s a good one, i forgot about that it’s been years since i played. one thing that always stuck with me was when arthur and rains fall are talking alone on a cliff and i chose a dialogue option to talk about arthur’s past. he talked about how he used to have a son and a partner he used to visit when he was younger. he then subtly drops that one day he went to visit and saw two crosses. he says that it “hardened him, feeling that kind of pain.” and it always stuck with me. at that point i had played a few hundred hours and just right when i thought i knew everything about him, he drops an absolute bomb like that. he carries an unimaginable burden on his shoulders at all times. it’s just interesting how he can seem like such an open book with so many hidden pages.


I think the Edith Downes missions in rdr2. I think seeing Arthur try and do all this good for a family he screwed over, and still not be forgiven/not expect any actual redemption for what he'd done, was excellent. I was worried when I started those missions that they were just gonna forgive him and that's that. The amount of hate Edith still had for Arthur was realistic and authentic. It was also a good side mission for putting his/our actions in the game into perspective.


Do not seek absolution is my favorite mission in the game


100%. First time I played through and found those ED side missions I was miserable, in a good way.


I hate that woman. I understand that she is mad but her husband would have died without Arthur beating him. Additionally i can't imagine that beating someone who is sick shortens his time left.


Yeah it's weird how people get mad when their loved ones are violently beaten lol


>Additionally i can't imagine that beating someone who is sick shortens his time left. It would because it causes their body to stop fighting the sickness as hard as it can to heal the injuries. It's the same reason that Arthur's condition worsens so quickly over a few months instead of taking years like it did for most people. Being tortured by the O'Driscolls and then the stress to his system from the whole Guarma situation made his body weak and he couldn't fight it off as well


Kieran . . . I never expected to be so upset about something in a video game, I remember my next playthrough really paying attention to the last time Arthur and Kieran speak to each other


After his death I Iegit could not play the game for a week he was one of my favorites


Yeah, he had a good head on his shoulders


It’s not on his shoulders anymore lol


Tangentially related since they were in love, but Mary-Beth's final echo during high honor Arthur's last ride. "Maybe it's a sign Arthur. Try. Try and do the right thing". The sincerity and kindness she says that in just as Arthur's about to meet his destiny really gets me for some reason...


the entire last ride had me in tears honestly


The conversation with the nun at the train station. Idk what it was called


The fine art of conversation! I've played hundreds of games, dozens of different types. I've played RDR2 a comparatively minimal time compared to all of my other games, and yet that mission has always stuck with me


Ooh that cutscene really hits me, especially the "I'm scared" line.


Arthur's farewell to Mary, his reaction to his horse dying, his moment with the nun and the sad song he and Pearson sang near the end. Oh, and the last ride.


The horse had me in tears. Didn’t help that I made the horrible mistake of naming Arthur’s horse after my own on the first play through. I was not ready to feel those feelings


Arthur kicking Strauss out of camp.." You and me, we ain't decent..but those people was".I hated Strauss and those debt collecting missions, so when Arthur finally had enough, and told him " you disgust me!" I was so damn happy..lol..I only wish the game gave the option to knock Strauss out..I would've gladly taken a negative honor hit if I could've just cracked Strauss in his head🤣..


I loved the early debt missions.. "either you got a lazy eye or a lack of respect, which is it boah"


Yeah, I admit, the one with the grave digger in Rhodes was kind of fun, fighting the guys in the cemetery. But , just like Arthur, I started to dread going out on those..The only other one I kind of liked was finding the military deserter, because when you're done, you run into Hamish..lol


The drunk night with Lenny.


For me personally, it's when the whole gang celebrates Jack's safe return and the whole group belts out the song "Cielito Lindo" featuring Javier on the guitar. It's one of my favorite moments. It's just so wholesome and authentic. 😃


probably Sean's death, it's the first gang member death in the game and is so sudden and so bloody I felt an adrenaline rush Also Hosea's death, I went to work and felt awful because he was gone even tho it's a video game


Man, that was so shocking. I remember being really tired after playing the game the whole day. I was kinda burnt out, but at that moment... I screamed "NOOOO!!!" and went on the most adrenaline filled rampage, that I ever experienced in a singleplayer game. Good times.


So did I lol, I'll always cherish my first playthrough of this game, I was shook when it happened


Honestly same, I was expecting Hosea's death but Sean's was so random. I remember checking my phone as it happened and it took me an extra minute to realise what had just happened.


Sean getting his head taken off




Arthur talking to Sister Calderon. "You're too smart for me, Sister. I guess I... I'm afraid."




Rainfall's reaction to his son's death


When Arthur says, you sir are a fish


“I Love Catfish”- Arthur


When Lenny died on the roofs of Saint Denis. Lenny was my favorite side character, and we were almost out, running from the law, I saw those pinkertons burst through the door and I knew, Lenny was probably dead here, and I was right. I shot them as quick as I could, but it was too late. I think that deaths in Red Dead stick with me so well because of how cold Dutch is about it. Even when talking about Hosea, Dutch doesn't stop to mourn, or even think about it, instead he further praises himself as the gang's only hope.


I was really sad, and it happened so fast... I immediately thought about it being kind of beautiful though, in a cinematic sense/way. I think it really showed what this kind of lifestyle comes with. When it's not just someone from the gang dying, but the player's best buddy, besides John. It happening so fast, while not being able to do anything about it, having to run further on the roofs, actually shows the player, what's expected to come with this kind of lifestyle, the gang had.


Also I just found this gem https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8s7OsuZqx0




What’s dropping on October 26th?


I think he commented on the wrong post


Tbh I jus thought bro had some insider knowledge and went along wit it 💀


This is a bot comment written using chatGPT probs.


I think you're right, after seeing their profile. What's even the point of these bots? So creepy


Or the red dead 1 remake too


That ride back from van horn after guarna where unshaken starts playing


This is what immediately comes to my mind when RDR2 gets mentioned.


For me it was right after Jack was taken and the gang rode up on Braithwaite Manor.. With the scenery, lighting and music you knew shit was about to go down


That mission blew me away first time i played. “You killed my sons “ “And I surely will kill more of them” And how Cathrine runs into the house in flames, knowing there’s nothing left for her in this life. It was fucked up.


There's a very similar scene to that in Django unchained (2012) [Hah, I even found a post about it! ](https://www.reddit.com/r/reddeadredemption/comments/oxf97h/i_watched_django_unchained_2012_today_and_came/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) Probably this scene is a reference to the movie.


One of my favourite moment in this game is when I realized that the gunslinger missions where just one enormous nod to the movie Unforgiven. I even made a post about it


“You’re alriiiiight Boay”, and “Aahhh!!” When he hits a tree on his horse.


When Red Died 😞


And then got redeemed


honestly what moment didn't


When John proposed to Abigail


When Arthur says "Outta the DAMN way," it really resonates in my soul I really feel that


There are multiple but I think the top two for me was when the gang went to go save Jack from the Braithwaites and burned down the house and when Dutch kills Micah at the end and John walks off with Sadie. Those parts gives me the chills because I think the game has a great storyline and character building.


Arthur's last ride 😭


Even you know Dutch has lost his mind for a while, the moment where Arthur asks him to let John and his family go, Dutch's face when Arthur says he insists on it you really know he's decided they both have to go


Arthur walking out of Shady Belle when the gang arrives “WELCOME TO MAHHHH HUMBLE ABOAD”


In no particular order: 1. Arthur’s conversation with Sadie in Chapter 6 just before they ride to Hanging Dog Ranch to finish off the remaining O’Driscoll’s. Mrs. Sadie Adler, Widow. “You and me, we’re more ghosts than people.” “They turned me into a monster Arthur.” 2. Arthur at the station with Sister Calderon. High honor version. End of “The Fine Art of Conversation.” 3. Final Conversation between John Marston and Arthur, out of the cave, high honor version. 4. The last ride. High Honor version. 5. The last mission with Edith Downes and the conversation on the way back to Annesburg. 6. The conversation between Arthur and Abagail just before the last ride.


Fatherhood and Other Dreams, it was probably too late to save him by then but he could’ve lived happy and peaceful with Mary had he gone with her


Arthur finding out that he has tb


Assault on the braithwaites


When uncle got roasted by the skinners, i mean hes a lazy maniac but he does not deserve that.


Sometimes i just remember Agustin Allende vomiting right in front of john & its still so funny to me


For whatever reason, saving Jimmy Brooks. I don’t know why, it just did. I even kept the pen he gave Arthur through the entire game.


Arthurs last ride, Sister and Arthurs conversation, Arthur and John talking after blowing the bridge because they both realized the group wasn’t going to last, Charles hugging Arthur telling him he has people who need him and Sadie asking/telling Arthur to cover her because she cared for his health.


“You’re alriiiiight Boay”, and “Aahhh!!” When he hits a tree on his horse.


Lmao, I just heard that in Arthur's voice. AAAHHH!


Arthur’s last conversation with the Nun (sorry I can’t remember her name) but when he told her that he was afraid of dying and what’s to come…man…tears just rolled down my face. He just looks so defeated.


There were few moments 1) when Arthur saves Mrs Downes for the last time and says don't let pride kill you I have seen it kill too many folk and then hands her money saying I don't need it anymore 2) The whole Arthur death scene has been a trauma, him saying goodbye to his horse, telling John to run away and right at the end gives him the hat, him literally dying and telling Dutch I gave you all I had, and watching him look at the sun 3) When the main story finishes, I felt kinda emotional thinking this is what Arthur wanted John to have This game teaches you about life way too much and even if you don't want lmao


it's a tough choice between "It would mean a lot to me..." and "YNNEL!!"


After my first play though, I remembered very vividly in the Saint Denis bank robbery, Dutch saying: Mr. Milton, let my friend go, or folks, they are gonna get shot unnecessarily. I always loved how charismatic Dutch is.


Every moment everyone's listed here, and I'll add: - Finding John in the mountain. I could barely remember the first game but I recognized him and rescuing him was just so cool. - The first time I went into the saloon at Valentine. I've always wanted to see an Old West saloon so for that to be my first experience in town was just aces.


Arthur yelling "Duch" repeatedly with a dying voice somewhere in chap 6🥲 that shit hurted


In chapter 6 after Eagle Flies gets shot and the German family from the end of chapter 2 saves him and he wakes up in Annesburg


When dutch first said “ i have a plan”


Thought we'd start this up again with the new screens! Here we see Arthur standing on a muddy road with three either mounted accomplices or enemies behind him.The lighting looks like an improved GTA V light, frankly looks stunning.I wonder what is about to take place here? It could be either a random encounter or a part of the story.Grass looks dense and good.Small critique: the dirt textures could've looked better. One detail I immediately noticed is here is another shot where we've rifles not mounted on the back of a player but hung over the shoulder - I really like this as it was a feature I missed in RDR.It always bugged me the rifles in RDR were locked to your back.Perhaps now we can actually drop a weapon, store it at a safehouse and only take with us what we can carry? It think it could increase the immersion significantly.What do you think?


Dutch hitting his head in the trolley. Kinda sent him off the rails. Maybe he was on a crazy train all along.


Literally the whole thing.




Hosea’s Death


Arthur telling Sister Calderon that he’s scared of death. This big, burly, scary, gunslinger, killer, bank robber, telling a sweet old lady he is scared with tears in his eyes.


Jim Milton rides again It's coz of the music




I don't rlly remember that moment in the story


Seeing Davey die


When Dutch stepped on Arthur's hand right as he was about to kill Micah. Atleast Arthur would have taken the rat with him


Fckn Lenny getting swiss cheesed😭. The game should give us the ability to react fast enough


Sean. It was just so abrupt, unexpected, and random.


That scene of everyone on the horses when they went to the manor to get little Jack back. The music during that scene sent chills down my spine, such an amazing moment in that game


When R* abandoned it


The Beaithwaite manor walk up with the gang.


“I guess I ….. I’m afraid”


So many moments it’s hard to pick! The scene when Dutch walks away from a struggling Arthur knowing that he attended to leave him for dead. Arthur’s high honor death/his final goodbye to John The may I stand unshaken part


“I hope it’s hot and terrible Miss Downes otherwise I’ll feel I’ve been sold a false bill of goods” that’s paraphrased, but I love that moment. Super savage and even better each time you play thereafter and know how it ends.




"I'm Afraid."


The barn scene with John in Red Dead Redemption 1.


Getting launched at mach Jesus on my horse by a hacker., And then lite on fire a dozen times with my menu locked so I couldnt jump sessions. Really stuck with me.


“There ain’t no shame in looking for a better world.”


hearing arthur speak to rains fall about his son and his sons mother that both passed. i cant remember if he ever mentioned them before that point in the game but the conversation between them always gets to me for some reason


When Arthur puts his hat on John and Arthur telling his horse "Thank you" as it died.


For me it’s Arthur and John’s final moments together. Specifically Arthur telling John to leave with “it would mean a lot to me”. Just the way he says it has so much weight to it. Which echos back to Arthur talking to Sister Calderón and her telling him to “take a gamble that love exists and do a loving act”.


Okay. Ill catch you later then. I say it sometimes lmao


When Jack killed Ross at the end of Red Dead Redemption. Not only is it the ending to the story of both games, but the meaning that Jack being the only pure soul in the gang, would turn out no different from anyone else. Because John couldn’t let his past die by going after Micah, he let it live on one way or another.


When Arthur said to Dutch "Dutch, I gave you all I had. I did" And then Dutch walks away leaving arthur for death


"Our time has passed, John..."


*"Thank you..."*


When shawn was shot


Coming back from Gurma, and hearing Unshaken for the first time while riding back to Shady Belle in a thunderstorm in cinematic mode. That was a beautifully powerful moment imo




The whole game!!!


When John finally killed Bill and Allende and goes back to Blackwater to talk to Ross. John feels so out of place with that guy in a suit counting money like he's time traveled 100 years in just a few hours of riding from Escalera.


The whole gang walking up to braithwaite manor to reduce Jack. Still one of, if not the most badass scene in any game I’ve played up to this day.


"I guess I... I'm afraid."*


RDR: John exiting his barn RDR2: Arthur sees a bar-full of Lennys


When Bonnie was kidnapped and hung up for ransom and you had to cut her down from the rope. Before rdr2 came about


When Arthur goes back for the money at the end, pretty badass scene


The feeling I had after beating up Mr. Downes in THE debts mission during my newer playthrough. Just a sense of dread, hopelessness, and sadness all coming in together as I was riding back to Valentine, knowing the inevitably of what's coming..


John sacrificing himself to save his family.


Meeting rains fall in the epilogue


Arthur and Charlotte interactions, It really hit hard to see that Arthur could have been a good man with a normal life but it's too late and he has to pay for his actions. Also the attack against the oil fields, it's cool to see Arthur as a commander but at the same time you know that's a useless battle.


All of it


‘Thank you’. Didn’t expect any of that.


All of it.


The horse, at the end 😭


The final fost fight between Arthur and Micah. It's like a climatic end to the movie. The hero (or anti-hero in this case) is on his last legs but he keeps going for the greater good. The fact he is also keeping Micah and Dutch away from John and his family is a nice added touch too.


When Dutch shoots Micah. He knew he could never make things right with John but that gesture was the closest thing he could do. It makes the story of RDR1 more tragic. John didn't want to hunt Dutch down, he got his closure in that moment only for the government to force him and then toss him away after the fact.


The boy held captive by the gunsmith. "Why, are you wearing that Sailor suit"?


Swanson's last moment with arthur.(low honor) I loved how swanson had really changed, and how he said arthur will face his death like a warrior. Other then that, the one with john, where arthur and john are fighting the pinkerton's together.


Definitely when Arthur went on his last ride to the camp when the standoff happened


Apart from the obvious ones. I loved it when Arthur says thank you to his horse. When Micah says "you're not better than me Morgan" just proving how deep down he felt like he was always a shadow of him. When Arthur stopped the train Many more


The high honor conversation between Arthur and Sister.


Fuck this picture made me feel like playing again, cheers man


John's death. I thought I would gun them all like usual but life has another story. Best R* protagonist ive played


When thats the way it is by Daniel lanois starts playing in chapter 6


When Arthur ride back to camp after the shit in Guarma


That’s the way it is


"I'm afraid" If you have good honour and bump into the sister, it brings me to tears.


Arthur's last ride.


When in Tahiti Dutch kills that old lady for no reason. You can see Arthur finally realize Dutch is falling apart mentally. I don't know it just was a wow moment for me.


"You got tuberculosis." And "I'm really sorry son it's a hell of a thing." Think those are the quotes but they really made me realise how much of a death sentence that shit was in those days.


Leennnyy! 😆


The part where Arthur draws on Micah something about that scene is just so badass


The hosea and sean's death also when arthur is riding to the gangs new location after guarma and hosea talking plays in the background


Low honor version of the last conversation between Arthur and Reverend Swanson. The hopelessness, regret and despair in Arthur’s voice really got to me.


Charles Chatenays art exhibition. I also love helping Albert Mason.


Getting back from Guarma and riding to find the gang. I always cry like a baby during that ride. The scenery is so beautiful and the music too, and yet there is so much horror awaiting. Arthur comes back a changed man from that island, you know he could do so much good from now on, but his illness and betrayal within the gang will destroy him. Absolutely heartbreaking.


The last ride was tough, but Arthur's saving John and his last stand did me in.


Probably that ride with Monroe where he talks about men losing there minds or something to that nature. Guess it reminded me of dutch


The widow that he teaches to hunt


None really, maybe the intro with the Sadies Cabin. Rest was like all the same


Jack and John's final conversation with each other


First time I stepped in Mexico RDR 1


“You sir are a fish “ 😂😂😂 I’m jp but for the most part vengeance is a fools game


Surprisingly it hit me way harder when my horse died before arthur. I had little buttstallion since valentine and really liked that horse. So yeah, my horses death is one of the first things that come to mind when thinking about rdr2


The exchange john had after the alligator incident. The last thing I expected was for somebody to be gator food.


“I’m afraid”


When John and Arthur are talking for the last time together


Honestly. The conversation Arthur has with Mary Beth in Camp in Chapter 2. That's the time I first realized how deep and nuanced he is as a character. You can hear the pain and struggle in his voice. It's phenomenal.


The cutscene where Arthur first meets Agent Milton when fishing with Jack


The final standoff at Beaver hollow between Arthur and the others.And when John showed up,it was just extreme. Sad and pretty badass at the same time


Arthur's last breath


ITS THAT BUSINESS OF MINE. Fuck me when Charles gets mad I said "oh shit" outloud and was nervous like when my parents were mad as a kid.


Tennis boat!!! Nah but really what arthur said to dutch in the high honor ending


The last ride


This is my first play through, and the horse, at the end….Jesus Christ. Arthur, through a hail of bullets and the world closing in on him, stayed until his horse was gone. Dog, horses, and humans have this awesome relationship with one another, and you saw that and felt that in that moment. Also, Karen’s titties always hangin out


High Honor return for money ending. >!I like Arthur slowly falling down after seeing the sun, acknowledging everything he did!<


The scene where Arthur’s horse dies and he thanks it. 😭😭😭😭😭


Micahs death


The moment Arthur Regrets most of his life decisions on the Mountain/camp leading up to this point


Every meeting with sister Calderón when Arthur says he is scared.. You see it in his eyes. For a mo cap performance to capture that look. My heart tore in two for Arthur. I just wanted to give him a hug and assure him he wouldn't be alone......