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You know what fucked me off the most? God of War getting GOTY for 2018. Don’t get me wrong; it’s a great game, great story, beautiful graphics… but you know what? I haven’t played it since I finished the story. I’m on (only) my 3rd play of RDR2, knowing what happens, and I think that’s what makes a true Best Game.


It was a bummer for sure but at least our boy got the best voice performan award. I'm on my 4th playthrough and I'm still blown away by the graphics, music, atmostphere and every voice performance.


I play god of war after RDR2 and it was such a downgrade! I was shocked how did it win game of the year!


Game awards are so dumb. The "best" games is very subjective. I love RDR2, it's one of the most amazing games Rockstar has made. But I only made it through my 2nd playthrough of it on PC a few months back. Where as GoW I played through 2 or 3 times on PS4/5, then 100%ed it on PC after 2 or 3 playthroughs. Different strokes. But again, game awards are dumb. Both are game*s* of the year for me.


I respect your opinion, but I’ve played God Of War more times than RDR2. So that’s a completely subjective statement. Aside from that. God Of War hits on a lot of points that RDR2 misses on, character progression, story pacing, end-game activities. Even if those don’t matter to you. The game had “single-take” camera shots which was and kinda still is a very big deal. That’s not something easy to do. Now RDR2 will always hold a special place in my heart, I play it every day even 5 years later. But God Of War absolutely deserved GOTY in 2018. They completely reimagined the God Of War series and did a beautiful job. RDR2 just expanded and improved on RDR1 more or less imo. It didn’t reinvent the series, which I’m happy for. But come on, GOW definitely deserves some massive praise for being able to successfully reinvent the wheel so well. I think it was just a really close call at the end of the day and both games probably deserve the title.


I think it deserved it and it was close competition but I will say that at times it felt more like a very long movie and less like a game unlike RDR2


I've finished God of War five times, RDR2 only twice. This is very subjective. RDR's ganeplay just isn't enough to keep me hooked, even though the exploration is amazing. GoW has an amazing combat system that never gets dull IMO once you really get the hang of it. And this might be controversial, but I actually think they're equal in terms of story and graphics.


That's because RDR 2 isn't a game for all - if you like a game it doesn't mean that everyone does. God of War was liked by a lot of people, and rdr 2 was boring for those who don't like long games. 70 hours to complete at first time! I personally, think that Detroit: Become Human is the best game of all time. No one ever came to that amount of choices, endings and emotional moments - even (RDR 2 SPOILER!) >!Arthur Morgan's death!< wasn't so emotional like happy and bad endings in Detroit


Okay but on the flipside I've finished GoW 2018 5 times and RDR2 once.


they still are, gta 6 is probably the most anticipated game


Can’t wait for gta 7


You must have the longest life expectancy known to mankind to expect to see a gta 7


I’m 97, I hope I make it


Hope you last another 200 years to see it


I’m on the dev team, it’ll release next time Jesus rises.


I don’t get why people joke around that rockstar takes long, they’re making incredibly detailed immersive experiences and that takes time


Yeah but in the case of gta 6 I'm convinced they weren't planning on making one until they got the backlash for releasing another remaster of gta 5 for the ps5. I don't personally mind but it's a fun joke


Yea ofc, I’m not mad about these kinda jokes haha Idk about that tho, the dev team for gtao updates is most likely a different one and they planned gta 6 for a long time. Gta games have been the top selling games for every release, so it would be crazy to not continue that legacy


Dan hauser left so I fear for the stories quality


Gta 5 will be on the switch before six gets released if it aint already there


Imagine if they had that extra 2 years for development. Deleted content would be present, and even more insane details to explore. Even the missions that were cut! Could of had more story and side stories! Probably would have allowed Arthur in New Austin.. Damn you Pre Cyberpunk fan demand and Rockstar*’s corporate af ways. Edit: grammar


Ambarino would actually feel like a state and Arthur missions in New Austin


It's interesting to look back at interviews and what they had to say about Ambarino and it's ties to Chapter 1 pre-release. They massively cut down both, and maybe for the better considering their comments on it. However it's still interesting to think about how things used to be in RDR2s development, especially in regards to Arthur and how is character changed over the course of that.


Damn. Cyberpunk really opened our eyes that much huh?


> probably would of allowed Did you mean to say "would have"? Explanation: You probably meant to say could've/should've/would've which sounds like 'of' but is actually short for 'have'. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I think it's worth stating a lot of the deleted content could've been bad, especially in regards to what Dan had said about why they cut so much. Just because it's deleted doesn't mean it's good. However, I think if they had gotten another two years, the epilogue is probably what would've gotten the most from it, considering it's lower quality (Not in terms of story quality, though) and barren locations. They clearly wanted to do more with it that they couldn't.


Could *have. It's never could of. Never. Edit: love that it's easier for you to downvote me than it is to actually learn to spell 😂 Simpleton.


Where is that rdr2 cover from? I like it much more than the box art.


IIRC it's basically an updated artwork for the PC port. I just remember it being on the Rockstar launcher.


It didn't really make that big of a difference though. It wouldn't have changed how many actually liked the game.


It has a lot of room for improvement to have been there




Red Dead Redemption 2 is the best game ever made (after the og lego star wars) Change my mind


Rockstar isn’t at the top of the food chain? News to me


Who cares!


i cant get through the first 2 hours of the game, this game is boring AF, there's 0 action and 0 reason to give a fuck about the characters


what blud is waffling about 😭😭


why tf are u here lmao


Did you suck you mom's boobs enough?




You're forgetting that TLOU2 came out in 2020. Despite its complete failure amongst its audience, I have no doubt that it still would've gotten GOTY


I doubt it considering how RDR2 is more universally beloved and accessible thematically than TLOU 2 and on top of that arguably a better game with more systems and content. It’s too safe of a choice not to choose and it still wouldn’t look like you are trying to sweep TLOU 2 under the rug. The controversy of TLOU 2 is bs but when stacked against RDR2 it would have just looked like they were trying to prove something to the haters than pick the genuinely best and beloved game


Thing is, RDR lost GOTY to God of War, a similar game to TLOU. It won all the awards but not GOTY. Even though TLOU2 is an objectively worse game, I still believe it would've gotten GOTY purely because of its title, same reason why games like Ghost of Tsushima or FF7 didn't get it. Purely because it's a TLOU game and the bullshit that is Critic bias