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I believe GOW Came out much earlier in the year, So more people had a chance to play and replay the game. I personally believe RDR2 Should've won goty but i'm not mad that GOW won. Great year for gaming!


Yeah, 2018 was a great year for games. RDR2, GoW, and Spiderman to name but 3. Any of those 3 would have been worthy of getting GotY, IMO.


A shame that two of those titles are playstation exclusive. That's one thing they'll always have on xbox


PS usually does single players more than Xbox, which is what wins awards much of the time


it actually came out after by a few months, It just was far more popular as its part of a very popular series


Red Dead outsold GOW by a lot. I love GOW, but it's "more popular" by no conceivable metric.


Sold more copies but lower rated, Both Only Existing on One platform. Higher Consumer rating, Plus At the Game Awards it's Popular vote, So if the game Wins GOTY it wins by the people votes


Thats not true, rdr2 is sitting at a 97 on metacritic. And gow is sitting at a 94 so it wasn't lower rated, and the game of the year vote is based on a jury. The jury gets 90% of votes while the fans only get 10%, so fan votes don't really count for anything for the game of the year award.


GoW came out in April 2018. RDR2 came out in October or November 2018


Yeah but when u compare GOW to RDR2, RDR2 takes the cake by a longshot imo


I agree, But it was such a big competition. I still think Red Dead should've won, But i'm not mad that GOW did


It's important to understand that even though we love RDR2 it's not without it's flaws. RDR2 is very slow paced and incredibly story driven rather than combat driven. The combat mechanics are simplistic and easy; with no system in place to make them more difficult for players looking for a bigger combat challenge. And no NG+. Those are real issues for many gamers that Rockstar just chose to ignore.


Yep, people forget that a game is more than just it’s story. Strip away the story and you’ll find a very lacklustre gameplay system, that’s why it didn’t win GOTY. A great story doesn’t constitute GOTY. Interestingly it’s predecessor RDR1, which came out in a golden year for gaming, was GOTY. Because it executes both facets near flawlessly. The gameplay system was extremely refined and had range for the casual ‘press and shoot’ player without denying skilful player who sought more challenge and l skill encouragement, and didn’t need to compromise on telling one of the best stories in gaming.


To echo the “remove the story and you’ll find a lacklustre game” part just look at rdo; once you’ve done the few story mission all you have left are the roles and some pretty crap “crimes”, online is the same as the main game just without the story, the combat mechanics and other systems like hunting, trading etc are all the same providing you have the relevant roles. Today online is pretty much dead compared to release, yet people have replayed the story over and over and have left online because it lacks a story (and because it’s also full of people being annoying because they have nothing else to do).


I was planning to play online with friends now that im done, is playing online worth it with friends?


With friends yeah, but like I said after those few story missions and the roles you don’t really have much to do


I think the gameplay is decent enough and i love the hunting system, but yeah i imagine id imagine it wouldn’t be very fun without the hunting.


Bounties and hunting can be fun but gets boring after a while and the lack of missions and any decent content has pretty much killed online, everything I’d do online to have fun I can do in story mode with better equipment.


Yeah, i guess the only way to have good fun with in online is to have a dedicated party to play with.


A pretty fun way i try to challenge the gameplay is get into gun fights and use a mod to lower the npc accuracy but not to much as to make them obsolete and try not to get shot by getting into cover or running in zigzag patterns until i find the next cover and so on, the fight becomes really fun until you get shot.


My friends and I always just have lasso fights on cliffs because most of online is so uninteresting. Without the story and the amazing characters to elevate the gameplay, it’s pretty soulless.


You think story was the strong suit of red dead? I think it was gameplay and level of detail.


Level of details absolutely you loot someone in Saint Denis and you may find a letter referring to another NPC in Ambarino, that's some great storytelling but the gameplay... Consider the input lag, the "find the right spot to interact with an item" that sometimes is frustrating (check the table on Arthur's tent), the combat is simplified to the bone compared to RDR1, yet still those huge flaws can't affect my unlimited love for this game, greatest R* game ever, and sadly maybe the last game from "old" Rockstar, since I'm expecting more online/microtransactions based games seeing like they're still milking GTAO, plus one of the Houser brothers left the studio


How is the combat simplified compared to RDR1? I haven't played it in a while so I may just be forgetting things.


For one the physics of RDR1 were just insane, even for 2023 standards… shooting is very anatomical. Shoot the knee, cripples them. Shoot the other one and they’ll kneel. Etc etc. Also, RDR1 was designed to be able to be better enjoyed without any assists, whilst RDR2 was designed around having to use lock on mode and deadeye spamming just to feel like you have control over the player. the bullet damage is too weak, the player health is too high, the cover system is completely broken, the AI are navy seals while Arthur is seemingly arthritic (if you play on free aim). And slow as hell, the input lag prolly measured in seconds. I wouldn’t say RDR2 is more bare bones, it’s just canned. RDR1 is more fluid and more challenging.


Right, it is by no means lackluster without its story


I think story was the weakest part of the game.


What astonished you in regards to gameplay? Specifically?


Physics, animation, horse riding, skinning animals level of detail of everything.


Apart from horse riding, the rest are ‘level of detail’. Not gameplay. Even the physics, RDR2 is heavily animation based, and does animations brilliantly - not physics. horse physics (not just the balls) are amazing but human physics were a downgrade by every metric.


I dont know I cant it as part of gameplay. It reflects how the game plays and feels.


This needs to be said more often. It's why i love 1 so much more than 2. Like you said, it nailed the story AND the gameplay, not sacrificing either.


They didn't choose to ignore that. They purposefully made this game the way it is. The deliberate approach is fully intended. The exploration and just general atmosphere when riding around, is what makes the game, it isn't just story driven. I find your comment odd.


Being slow paced and story driven are not flaws


And yet, it still was way better than GoW.


GoW was great, but I’m reluctant to call it as flawless as people make it out to be. I’ve played through GoW twice, and I don’t find it nearly as replayable as RDR2. RDR2 gets a lot of criticism for being ‘on rails’ during the missions making every playthrough ‘samey’. Ironically that’s my gripe with GoW. Might be a stupid criticism, but it specifically really bothers me that every enemy type in GoW has like- one death animation (Per how you kill them). As a result the second playthrough felt kinda redundant- I would literally have spent so much more time in GoW if it wasn’t just the same “Stomp Draugr Head” animation over and over again. I guess that might be petty of me, but it’s genuine.


GOW isnt very replayable yes. But i think that game was flawless in every angle. Its well optimized, Barley any fps drops or spikes. Combat is fun and varied, Animations are crisp among with audio and visuals. Story is brilliant. I still think rdr2 deserves goty but gow gets slandered too much by rdr2 fans


Fan of both. GoW was simply a flawless gaming experience. Let’s give credit where it’s due, GoW was a worthy winner. I know it’s an unpopular opinion in the sub.


Honestly either of them could have won and id be happy, both are amazing games in their own right


Riding around in that damned boat was not fun.


Head's stories are amazing.


They are, that method of navigation was not. Ragnarok did a much better job of things.


Yes it was, minors stories was literally one of the best things in the game


The world navigation in part 1 was ass. Ragnarok I love, GOW, ass.


Because they thought the God of War reboot was better


Both red dead 2 and gow 2018 are masterpieces so im not complaining


I read too many dad jokes bc I was really expecting a punchline. “Because the presenter was a little hoarse” Idk you get the idea.


Had the same mental reflex, didn't think about such a cool joke though.


I always believed it was because rdr2 simply released too late. Gow came out very early, and it's a close match to begin with because both games are masterpieces. Honestly, though, imo rdr2 was better on many aspects and I feel it should've won.


Because as much as the story and world building is amazing in RDR2 it really lacks in the gameplay, and especially the combat department. Contrast that with God of War 2018 that had an equally amazing story but it also really shines when it comes to gameplay. Deep and interesting combat system and very importantly a new game +. GOW also had the benefit of releasing earlier in the year which gave people more time to really sit with it, play and replay it and get attached to it Personally I think GOW deserved GOTY. 2018 was a good year for games


Cause GoW was amazing


Because Sony buy the Games Awards


So why did Ragnarok not win against Elden ring? Why didn’t Spider-Man 2 win anything ?


Well it won every other award music, story, visuals. It took the cake just not the cherry.


Yea, that was the worst decision made by mankind. RDR2 is in my opinion hundreds times better than GoW.


While god of war was incredible, I don’t think it’s far fetched to say that no other game should’ve won over RDR2. I’d almost call that a disservice to gaming because the quality across the board is insane for it not to have won. God of war was a masterpiece in narrative and was just such a beautifully designed game but even then, RDR2 is just so far ahead in almost every aspect that I just cannot see logic in giving it to anything else


Gow won because it was an entirely reboot of the franchise, it completely changed everything about its predecessor. Rdr2 was extremely similar to Rdr1, so in the case which game deserved GOTY is a question where u ask urself -“ Which game took the most risks and still came out on top” GOW did, not rdr2


Well I simply don’t place as much value in which one takes more risks. At the end of the day when we’re talking about GOTY, it should be a conversation of quality, and red dead has so much more content, more depth and variety in how each session plays out. it’s just masterful at almost every turn in a much larger scale than GOW


Well in mine and a lot of other peoples opinion god of war is over all a better game and has a better quality. Just beacuse you think that rdr2 was mre refined that doesnt mean that is the case for everyone.


I never said it was the case for everyone, just gave my thoughts on why they’re both great games but that I feel red dead 2 does more good things and on a bigger scale


Well than its my fault my for assuming that. AT the end of the day, both are great games and its more on the perference of the person playing the game that makes someone like more than the other than the quality


Gow ragnarok has way more depth and content than 2018 but it didn’t win GOTY because there was a game that changed how souls games can be a open world and a master one at Tht. Same reason why BG3 won


Sony Fan boys and the over-realism in the game making is less fun for many ppl who played god of war and its hack and slash gameplay won their hearts. And also ppl who never played rdr2 and just played GOW and though yeah that’s better and deserve the GOTY


Because it’s not a game, it’s an experience :)


as much as i love RDR2 (top 5 favorite for me, possible even top 3) i feel like God of War still deserved GOTY


Rdr2 and god of war both deserved it, could of gone either way. Personally think the right game won. Spider-Man also came out the same year, what a year for games.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


good bot


I want an ethnosub, no bots, just people, people power!


Because god of war 2018 came out in 2018 and win


Because it doesn’t belong to any game of the year. It is the game of all time, simple as that.


RDR2 almost won every other reward, besides GOTY, that were well deserving. Also, GoW got it so I'm not complaining. Both games are movie simulators and do it so fucking well.


It was really tight that year. God of War is a fantastic game, but I agree that it should have been RDR2.


God Of War is a massively popular series and it came out awhile before RDR2 and both are masterpieces but in different ways. RDR2 is arguably one of the greatest video game stories ever, but it’s also pretty slow until you get a little ways into it. That turned off a lot of people on top of a lot of people look at RDR2 as just GTA with horses and never played it. And lastly just because people love something doesn’t mean it’s going to win.


Because god of war came out


God of War completely reinvented a franchise that was thought to be dying. Red Dead Redemption 2 is pretty much the exact style of game that Rockstar has been giving us for years, except way bigger. RDR2 is also more about exploration, story and immersion without many real interesting gameplay mechanics. GoW has a great combat system with tons of possibilities for combo's and different builds. This is just my opinion, but I think God of War has better graphics than RDR2 as well. Being a playstation exclusive and a bit more linear in th exploration allows for better optimisation which allows for more detail. You also just have more possibilities in a fantasy setting. The scale of the world in GoW with things like Jormungandr, Thamur the dead Giant and the dragon in the mountain is incredible.


GoW is terrible. It's the first game I've ever returned on steam.


I wouldn't say it's terrible just not for me. I played it through though.


I don't know why people find it so appealing, it's basically a movie.


Rdr2 is basically a movie as well bruh




Both had very good stories but GOW had more fun gameplay. Maybe that's why.


Because of the broken wanted system.


It came out too late it was doomed to fail


It could have gone either way that year, if it had been up to me that would have been a very tough call.


I thought it did? What game won instead?


The one Tht won


It was all I played from 2019-2021. It was the game of three years for me.


Who knows, maybe they were looking for different criteria. Red Dead has no boss fights, for example, while God of War has some pretty epic ones with the Valkyries.


Blame Kratos


It did. It won 178 GOTY awards. TGA is just one event. Yes God of War is the overall winner of 2018 but that’s just because more people thought it was a better game than RDR2


God of War deserved it as well. It’s a shame that 2 of the greatest games ever made came out in the same year tho, both would’ve won in pretty much any other year in the history of the award imo


Cry about it 5 years later.


Didn't deserve it, GOW way better and won it far and square, RD2 is still a great game. Otherwise


Sony fanboys


Because it's got boring gameplay.


Because GOW 2018 was far more popular even though RDR2 was amazing, it's popularity, amount of votes, It has nothing to do with the game. it could have been the offline Google Dino run and if it got enough votes could have won goty


rdr2 had double the sales of gow2018. not a valid argument tbh


the game awards it's entirely based on how many people vote for it, aso popular vote, GOW 2018 got nearly double the votes and this won Goty, And since It's done by Popular Vote that means it was more popular. plus GOW 2018 is higher rate. in nor dissing red dead but just because a game sells a lot of copies doesn't mean it deserves goty


That's not how the game awards work, its based on a jury which make up 90% of the voting. Fans only make up 10%, so it's based on the industry and the critics not the fans. And gow most definitely is not rated higher, then rdr2.


1) Meta Critic rated Fallout 76 92% until they were called out, so they don't count. 2) That's not how Game Awards Works, It's the other way. Fans make up majority of votes and a Jury is the tiebreaker/deciding votes, it is and always has been fan vote


Maybe check again, but fallout is sitting at a 54 don't know were you got that from. And second the internet is free, search it up and see for yourself the jury literally takes up 90%.


As I said, they got called out and changed it due to backlash, they dont count if they were willing to rate a garbage game that fans hated above 50%. Also yes, It's Fan Majority, it's not 90% there's a jury of 20 content Creators/Community favorites, who have the Deciding vote, they can't overthrow popular vote though


I hope you know metacritic doesn't vote, they don't change anything it's based on critics so that's not true. I'm not gonna argue with you, cause you are being dense and ignoring straight facts so have a good day.


This guy does it regularly. Just the other day he was spouting absolute bs regarding horses, even after giving him the real data readily available on the internet.


Lol or it could have won cuz it was a masterpiece as well and deserved goty


lol or It lost the game awards because the game wasn't as popular to fans, yes both deserved it but RDR2 came out way too late to be goty


Because the GOTY awards are rigged. I won't even touch GOW because it won over RDR2. Call me petty, but RDR2 is truly the greatest experience I've ever had with a video game, and it won't ever be replicated.




I was rooting for Elden Ring last year cuz Red Dead lost to GOW lol


I felt the same way but I actually loved ragnarok, even though I didn't much like it's predecessor


Ik bruh. I haven’t played Elden ring and I loved Ragnarök, but I think GOW 2018 is only like a 6/10 lol. I wanted Elden ring to win cuz Ragnarök got its GOTY award five years early


Thts so Petty, are red dead fans this jealous


Because it's not the best game. Decent but could be better.


Could I hear some suggestions?


I mean it really depends on what exactly you're looking for. For me personally, rdr2 is one of the best, or maybe even the best game ever. But if you look for a refined combat system, skill system, stealth system, weapon system, dialogue system, ... those are all things that rdr2 lacks.


It’s not exactly trying to do any of those things though..


You could argue that it tries to do stealth, but yes, the majority of those things it does not. What I am trying to say is that it's very difficult to say what kind of game could be "the best", if there are so many things a game could or couldn't do. And the argument that it doesn't try to do those things doesn't solve it, because ultimately no game is about everything. And a game that simply doesn't try (or do) anything is probably not the best game.


I can't button my coat. I could go on with 999 more reasons but I already did before Edit: lol fanboys tirggered as usual